secular-jew · 2 days
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theres this specific brand of judaism thats """all-accepting""" (of women, lgbt ppl, mentaly ill/disabled ppl, etc) and 'fight with gd behind a dennys' and uwu cute and scrunkly and non-threatening that was bred in captivity by secular americans thats somehow treated as the "real", widespread version of judaism by people on social media and its so so funny and annoying at the same time. and often coexists in gentiles alongside antisemitic beliefs, talking points and ideas. anyways. it drives me insane.
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the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
due to a certain asshole spewing bullshit in spacelazarwolf's notes, I wanna emphasize something:
the only thing you need to be Jewish is to be Jewish. a Jew is a Jew.
(this message does not include messianic jews)
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slyandthefamilybook · 5 months
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me when I'm the dumbest motherfucker alive
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It is a genocide.
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bijoumikhawal · 3 months
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Hm. I have dealt with antisemitic star trek fans, but given the times we live in and the recency of this post, as well as me not hearing of any recent major events about antisemitism in Trek fandom, let me check OPs blog real quick
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Anyway- DS9 intentionally paralleled the Occupation of Bajor with both the Holocaust and the Nakba, among other things, and one of the cast members who remarked on the similarity of Bajorans to Palestinians was Armin Shimerman, who is himself Jewish.
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grendelsmilf · 6 months
there’s something so fascinating to me about mormonism insofar as it’s less legitimate than christianity but more legitimate than scientology. like as far as cults go, there’s something to be said for how not everyone would immediately identify it as a cult. that’s pretty impressive pr considering how batshit insane their prophet is. and then there are people who act like mormonism is a cult but christianity obviously isn’t. even though mormonism also uses preexisting religious texts and interprets them in bizarre ways to invent a new prophet who is actually the specialest little guy. they were certainly not the first people to interpret the mark of cain shit in explicitly antiblack ways; to have really antisemitic views on the teleological, biological destiny of the jews; to use their religious doctrines to justify their colonialism and proselytizing. to a christian classic, a mormon is a frightening aberration, bastardizing the beliefs of their church. to a jew (or any non-christian, really, but especially to jews), a mormon is just the logical extension of the marriage between christian and american fundamentalist ideology. we’ve seen this shit all before. and in the immortal words of mark twain’s wife, that don’t impress me much.
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torahtot · 6 months
ok ive had enough of queering judaism. can we start judaizing queerness now. or something
#like. it feels like so much of this queering judaism shtus just layers an american/secular queer identity over judaism#which i guess is fine for certain communities. but it's only going to push you away from orthodoxy#and if as queer jews we already feel like our queerness makes us into secularized outsiders in our own communities#how does this help? is trying to get our communities to embrace an essentially secular american iteration of queer identity supposed to mak#us feel LESS like outsiders? it's not quite doing it for me#we need a queerness that comes from within judaism that is essentially jewish#ive seen a couple of articles recently from ppl talking abt how word/concept of butch doesnt exist in their language & culture#but they use it anyway#& like. i love being butch. it's important to me ill never give it up#& i am american too. but my whole identity as a butch he/him lesbian is exclusively secular american it came from the outsifr#which is definitely due in large part to the fact that my Gender Problems were really tied up w orthodox jewish gender roles#so naturally to get out of that i'd pull on something not jewish. but i wish there was another option? idk if that's possible#or how it would look#maybe that's why im obsessed w the idea of a butch w long curly payos.... 😦#i forgot where i was going w this but yeah it's frustrating#this is a large part of why im wary of starting a queer Jewish club on campus bc the people who would wanna start it w mr#well no offense but they are insufferable about this#(incidentally they're also insufferable about chanukah. no surprises there)#nachi speaks#jew blogging#others have Actually written abt all this tho
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thepomegranatewitch · 5 months
blessing after meals
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Image description. Screenshot of blessing after meals in English with a leaf green background. Text is lower in post. Bottom left has handle in black, bottom right has red chop, and right side has a budding almond branch.
this is in my tu bshvat haggadah post, but deserves to have its own separate post to shine. I wrote this today to focus on human connections and natural wonders as our blessing after the meal.
Blessed is all Being, for sustenance and nourishment, the vine and the tree and their fruits, the fruits of the field, the land we live on. May we remember and be remembered by Mercy, and guided by Justice to restore our love for each other. May Compassion rebuild our human family speedily and in our days, so we see each other as holy, and rejoice in each other. Let us eat together at one table of abundance, where we bless each other, all beings, and the earth, the waters, the sky. Let us always remember and give thanks for the wonders of the cosmos, for the stardust above and within our shared blood, the flowers before us and within us all. Let us be one interconnected family. May it be so.
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koheletgirl · 6 months
ok so i don't personally believe in the 2 states solution (for a myriad of reasons i won't get into now), but why does it seem like everyone who supports it these days is labeled as a zionist? i know why i might think that, but i doubt it's for the same reasons so i'm genuinely asking here
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secular-jew · 1 day
Finally found the historical map of Palestine!
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worstloki · 6 months
Zionists will go “even Saudi Arabia and the UAE don’t support Hamas!” As if that is not telling on yourself. You are admitting you know nothing about the entire region. Your racist generalisations are not your downfall, the lies you are trying to support with no understanding of the genocide are.
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autisticdoomslayer · 10 days
Good news: my family is taking me on a cruise to celebrate my college graduation. I have no idea how they afforded this, but our bank accounts show no sign of money being a problem even after theyve paid for everything. Its super cool here.
bad news: were touring Europe and im not allowed to even bring my magen david because my parents dont want me to get lynched.
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
i think one of the lingering aspects of antisemitism in media is the whole idea of jewish culture as something not only so specific that goysiche audiences aren’t interested but outright lurkingly suspicious so that jewish culture can’t be shown. the range of possible cinematic jewishnesses is narrow - a menorah, maybe, or someone saying I’m jewish but maybe in response to a joke. no prayers in hebrew, no davening or brachot, no non-joke casual uses of yiddish or ladino or arabic or hebrew in spoken dialogue, nothing that uses yisrael or yerushalayim or tzion because What if the audience took thousand-year old concepts far older than modern nationalisms and punched it through that lens and it was Suspicous? no casual references to the ways in which jewish people and communities might organise their lives in ways that might be different. no mezuzot, havdallah, kiddush cups, jewish cultural and social and political organisations, kabbalat shabbat, scenes with tallises and kippot, nothing that might inconvenience the narrative, no passover cleaning or sitting shiva. just... a lot of the aspects of culture and communal organisation are to specific, too in-group, to lingeringly not normal to show. but too outright sus, y’know? 
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unopenablebox · 4 months
also. what would authors even do if they couldn't have jewish characters alert other characters about how they don't eat pork
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prussiasqueen · 2 months
The amount of anti Jewish people on Hetalia is unreal, especially the ones who want the country of Israel to stop existing…
Y’all are in a fandom where every fucking country is problematic. And some STILL ARE.
Also, to say Israel needs to die and be destroyed is fucking Nazi behavior and very fucked up. And if you’re a Hetalia fan and you are antisemitic and against Israel, stay the fuck away from me. Because the people of Israel deserve to live and exist. I’m so sick and tired of y’all’s lies and nonsense. Y’all keep getting misled to misinformation and I ain’t about dealing with some new age Nazis.
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