#seeing all of his family accusing him of being disloyal just because he had enough love for all of them......
nezhanetwork · 9 months
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the most soul-crushing 12 hours of my life 👍
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weakforarwen · 2 years
The Secret Sharer
Contained within this great kingdom is a rich variety of people with a range of different beliefs. I'm not the only one seeking to protect you. There are many more who believe in the world you are trying to create. One day you will learn, Arthur. One day you will understand... just how much they've done for you.
The tragedy of this scene made me cry. One day Arthur will learn... when he dies... And even then he never learns the whole truth, and never gets to build the world so many gave their lives for. In fact, what world was Arthur trying to build? Maybe a more compassionate and fair Camelot, but not one where magic is legal. Merlin, Gaius, the Catha, all believed in a world that was beyond Arthur’s imagination, one Arthur was far from ready to embrace.
If anything, this episode proved, once again, that Arthur’s still like Uther in so many ways. In the Witchfinder, Aredian interrogated, tortured, and tricked Gaius into confessing to practice magic as a way to protect Merlin. Gaius was Uther’s loyal advisor, like he is Arthur’s, and Arthur himself tried to stand up to Uther and argue they didn’t have enough facts to sentence Gaius. Yet, seeing as Arthur still watched Gaius be taken to pyre and, if not for Gwen, would’ve let him die, I guess the events of this episode are not that surprising after all.
History repeats itself. Arthur never learns his lesson. He lets Agravaine question Gaius even though he feels it is wrong. When Arthur suspected Agravaine of being a traitor, he went to his uncle and allowed him to defend himself; but he didn’t allow Gaius the same courtesy. He was cowardly. He let Agravaine do the dirty work while he watched. He couldn’t even look Gaius in the eye. I commend Gaius for trying not to flat out condemn magic in the beginning.
I guess it’s a good thing that Arthur let Gaius “flee”- But he also told Merlin to watch his words when he accused Agravaine. “I don’t want to lose another friend”, he said. He really values Merlin that little? I guess Gaius’s lifetime of loyalty, or the many times Merlin almost died for Arthur, mean nothing, because they’re not family. 
Sadly, Arthur gets away with his cowardly and disloyal behavior so easily, as always. All he had to do was apologize and look contrite, which he was. Merlin will never stay mad at Arthur for long. He can’t, when he needs to believe in Arthur; otherwise, his work, his destiny, mean nothing. But maybe Arthur would think twice in the future about accusing his friends of betrayal if he had to suffer the consequences, like Gaius had to. 
I was surprised that Gwen was in the episode. I couldn’t remember her. She visited Merlin because Arthur told her about Gaius and about Merlin accusing Agravaine of framing him. He really does tell her everything. She agrees with Merlin that Agravaine’s shady, but thinks she can’t do anything because Arthur trusts him “more than anyone”. That may be true about matters of the state, and I believe that Arthur would pass off any accusation toward Agravaine as Gwen simply defending Gaius and trying to help Merlin, but the only person Arthur trusted more than Agravaine was Gwen.
In all honestly, it feels like Arthur doesn’t truly trust anyone and is capable of turning on anyone. He’s on edge, thinking he must rule alone and never give anyone his full trust, while also feeling strongly that he’s wrong to do so. But Agravaine knows this, and as such is able to manipulate Arthur easily. Unlike his friends, who care for him, Agravaine doesn’t mind playing Arthur like a fiddle and exploring his insecurities. He tells Arthur exactly what he wants to hear - that he’s weak and needs to be cautious at all times. 
Arthur doesn’t want to trust anyone. Sometimes I’m not even sure he truly trusts Gwen or Merlin. But I have to believe he does, as much as this Arthur almost feels like a stranger. But, regardless of trust, Gwen has always had the power to make Arthur listen to her. Even if it’s hard for Arthur to trust anyone at the moment, Arthur needs Gwen more than he needs Agravaine, so he’ll always choose her in the end. If Gwen hadn’t been doing her best to be neither seen nor heard (blame the writers), perhaps she would’ve talked to Arthur. The writers never capitalized on Gwen’s influence over Arthur; she never tried to influence him in any matter, she only encouraged him, which I find a pity. They knew she was too influential. She had the power to manipulate Arthur very easily. 
I noticed that when Arthur is alone with Agravaine in the throne room, waiting for Gaius to be escorted in for questioning, he’s fiddling with the ring in his hands - the same ring Arthur intended for Merlin to give to Gwen in case he died in His Father’s Son. After Gaius is questioned, Arthur remains alone in the room, seated at head of the table; in the next episode, Lamia, he decides to propose to Gwen (imo), and in the one after that, Lancelot Du Lac, he proposes. Arthur wishes to share the burdens of the crown with someone, which means he trusts Gwen with his life and Camelot. 
Anyway, poor Merlin. Apart from Gwen, Gwaine also checked in on Merlin. I’m always happy when the writers remember that Gwaine was loyal to Merlin first, before he became Arthur’s knight. Merlin didn’t want Gwaine’s help initially, but, unlike Arthur, he knows when to ask for it. Gwaine helped Merlin find Gaius, and he even caught Agravaine with a knife to Gaius’s throat. Somehow, though, Agravaine weaseled his way out of it. I guess no one would want to assume Agravaine was the traitor, right? Gwaine’s concern for Merlin was cute though. He wanted to go look for him, but Agravaine convinced him he was okay.
Also, how is it that no one ever finds it suspicious when the person they are fighting suddenly flies across the air or trips for no reason?
I don’t quite understand why the Catha saved Merlin. Just from Gaius’s words alone he believed in Merlin’s destiny and pledged his allegiance to him? He must’ve been tired of people like Morgana. He wanted hope, not hatred. I liked his character, though, and I felt for pain. His story deeply touched Merlin.
I understand the burden you carry. I have lived with it all my life. I have been shunned, persecuted, and sometimes even hunted in every corner of the five kingdoms. I understand what that feels like. You're not alone. From what Gaius told me, I do not have your great powers, Merlin, but I share your hopes. For I, and others like me, have dreamt of the world you seek to build. And we would gladly give our lives to help you do it.
I liked that scene a lot. 
Merlin’s facial expressions were so good. He looked so angry and disgusted by Agravaine. He must’ve felt such a sense of injustice that Arthur would do that to him. It’s hard to understand why Merlin puts his life and the lives of his kind in the hands of someone who doesn’t value him. What did Arthur tell Merlin? That “Gaius condemned himself”. Right. Actually, Gaius did condemn himself, when he decided to serve and protect those who would hurt people like him, thinking he was the exception to their rules. 
Poor Gaius, though. It devastated him to think he had betrayed Merlin, but there was nothing he could’ve done. His bond with Merlin is so beautiful and touching.
M: He would not leave without saying goodbye to me.
G: I worry that one day I'll let you down.
Play on my emotions, will you.
This episode made me rethink every nice thing I’ve ever said about Arthur. It was also painfully dull at first, but improved considerably after Gaius was kidnapped. I really did cry in that last scene. Arthur and Gaius’s conversation was truly touching. 
I've looked after you since you were a nurseling, Arthur. You should've known I love you far too much ever to betray you.
Arthur looked ready to cry at Gaius’s forgiveness and easy admission of love. He isn’t used to people loving him so openly. 
Gaius also told Arthur the truth about Dragoon, which sadly had no effect whatsoever on Arthur. Far be it for Arthur to grow as a person. It’s much funner to make him Uther 2.0 but with a good dose of guilt. 
Anyway... it was still a good episode. But I have a final question: if Merlin is a thorn on Agravaine and Morgana’s side, why not just kill him? It’s not that hard. I think Merlin would actually die before revealing he has magic. 
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goodproofingwater · 4 years
Okay but tommy finally admitting he likes to be choked to his girl and she does it for him and he can’t believe his luck 👌🏼
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Words: 2548
Warnings: NSFW content, dom content, arguments etc
The arguments had started small. They had been petty little digs about stupid things, about him being late or her being too flirty with his cousin, but gradually they increased in severity. 
She had never seen him as pissed off as he was when he came home that night with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, a cigarette stuck to his bottom lip as he kicked the door shut and strutted through the house to where she sat smoking in the garden. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re playin’ at?” He spoke, her eyes rolling as she turned toward him, taking a deep drag before she answered, knowing full well that the silence would frustrate him more than anything else. 
“Am I not allowed to smoke in the garden now? Is that another thing that you want to take away from me?”
“John fucking told me you’d been out with Michael today. He told me you’d been to the pictures with him, went for a fucking drink in The Garrison. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”
“I haven’t done anything wrong, Thomas.” She spat, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray which sat on the table before she moved inside, not wanting more of the staff to hear them fighting yet again, “I went to the pictures with Michael because it was the last time they were playing the film I wanted to see, and yet again you were too fucking busy to take me. We went for a drink in The Garrison because I was hoping to run into you, but of course, you were still at the office. Probably fucking Lizzie weren’t you?”
Anger coursed through every inch of them, his nose and his eyes flaring simultaneously at the accusation, one which she had presented him with each time he had done the same with her and Michael.
“I was still at the office working my fucking arse off so that we can afford this fucking house, the nice things that you can buy, even the fucking dress you’re wearing is worth more than a days work but you don’t seem to understand that do you?” His voice was strained, weeks of arguing coming to a head and he was exhausted, they both were. 
“What you don’t understand is that I would rather be in rags and get to spend time with you. I don’t give a fuck about the money Tom, all I care about is that my husband hasn’t fucking touched me in months. Hasn’t even kissed me. Hasn’t even told me he loved me in weeks.”
He faltered at that. Surely he hadn’t been that bad? Surely he hadn’t let work take over his life so much that he had forgotten to have sex with his wife? 
“Can you really blame me for thinking that you’re fucking Lizzie when you spend all the time at work with her? And when I do get to see you, when I spend any second of time with you, you fucking control everything I do. You tell me who I can see, what I can do, I’m just a fucking plaything to you and I’m not even getting to pretend any other way because you won’t fucking touch me–” 
Her voice is cut off as he presses his lips to hers, both hands cupping her face as her shaking breath met his own, the feeling of being so close to each other almost foreign now. Although society would allow it, Tommy was not one to be with other women when he was involved with someone special. He had never been disloyal, hadn’t touched Lizzie or anyone else since he had gotten involved with the love of his life, and although working to create a better life for him and his family was important, he could barely believe he had allowed himself and his wife to go so long without intimacy.
And the fact that she felt so strongly that he was controlling her was alarming. He had fallen in love with her because she had been a free spirit. Because she never took no for an answer, never did anything she didn’t want to do, stood up for herself in a world which was so stacked against her. And in the space of six months, he had reduced her to someone who felt she was not allowed to smoke in the back garden without him enforcing something which would force her to stop. 
And so he kissed her, deeply and passionately, the whiskey already in his blood impairing his senses but not enough for him to be anything but completely consumed by her, and before long he was undressing her, placing soft kisses on each newly exposed inch of skin. 
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to be one of those obedient housewives..” He whispered against her lips as she fervently unbuttoned his shirt and pulled his undershirt over his head.
“You have to trust me Tom..” She spoke, fumbling with his belt as he nodded, and he swallowed as he sunk to his knees, looking up at her with innocent eyes. 
“Wh–what are you doing?” Her breath was shaking, his hands moving to press her own around his neck, 
“Anything you want me to..” He swallowed thickly and looked up at her, eyes full of trust and love and she let out a small sigh as she realised that this was Tommy’s way of showing how much he loved and trusted her. He had craved power at every moment of his life, demanded it even with his body language regardless of who he was speaking to, had managed to hold his own against Winston fucking Churchill, and here he was kneeling before her.
For Tommy, giving up his power was the most intimate act of all. 
“Ch-choke me..” He whispered, eyes darting away from her for only a second before he looked up at her again, lust swimming through them. 
Her hands tightened around his neck and he moaned softly, the constriction hardening him even more than he already was at the sight of his wife in her underwear in front of him. 
“Y-you’re going to do as I say, you understand me?” She spoke, testing the waters, and he nodded, lips parting in awe of her, “And if you don’t, you won’t get what you want..” 
“Yes ma’am,” He swallowed, her hands tightening around his neck as he got used to being in control, and he moaned at the constriction once again. 
“You fucking love this don’t you?” She smirked, and he nodded, licking his lips as he began to kiss up her thighs,
She allowed him to lick her softly, his deliberate strokes pushing her close to an orgasm that she hadn’t felt for a long time. And when she rode him, hands still around his neck she felt closer to him than she ever had, a mindblowing mutual orgasm powering through them both like a shock. 
She collapsed next to him, his hands finding her waist and pulling her close as he kissed gently along her neck, his legs moving so he held her body as close as possible. 
As she fell softly into a doze, he watched her, waiting until he was sure she was asleep before he made his admission.
“I love you” He whispered, so quietly that she could barely hear him, “I love you so much. I have never told anyone I like that… I have never trusted anyone enough. And I want you to know that I will be better for you. I need you. I love you”
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OC Facts ft. Yuo Lavellan
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                                                            art by @meat-mill​
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Living a nomadic life comes with certain trials; there are lean times, depending on the whims of nature and human tolerance. Still, Yuo’s never felt that he wanted for anything. Clan Lavellan has been around a long time, and they know how to provide for their own. No doubt those who live comfortably in cities look down on their lifestyle, but the Dalish have different values. Just because they do not measure their lives by the weight of a coin purse does not make them poorer for it.
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
Yuo is very physically fit, with excellent endurance and stamina. He trains frequently and eats well and has a lean, well-toned figure. That being said, his method of fighting and chosen specializations are hard on his body. He has to take care with his many scars so they don’t tighten up or cause him pain. Even so, old wounds have a tendency to flare up, especially when the weather turns. Recurring pain is a reality of his life that Yuo has had to account for. (And, of course, the loss of his preferred hand post-Trespasser is an adjustment.)
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
Being Dalish puts Yuo at a certain remove from the classes of human society. Life among the Dalish requires hard work, but the people are not split into arbitrary groups based on the perceived virtue of that work. Of course, he is considered lower class by most humans, although becoming Inquisitor has changed that. It chafes Yuo that he is considered a peer to the nobility he has so long disdained.
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
Yuo has an intense curiosity and desire to learn. Any place he sleeps always ends up surrounded by scattered piles of books. He keeps a journal to make notes of his travels, the things he encounters and experiences. He investigates every ancient ruin or mysterious magic artifact he finds. He has a broad scope of knowledge thanks to his clan’s travels, and life experience has granted him wisdom. He enjoys debating magic with his mage companions (even Solas), and has no qualms about going to someone more educated on a matter than he is.
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
Yuo and Dorian had a very long road before ending up together, and even when they did, things were rocky. They are deeply in love, but their respective hang-ups and conflicting worldviews do not make things easy. That said, they are devoted and ultimately make it out the other side still committed. Following Trespasser, they are married among Yuo’s people before Dorian’s return to Tevinter. It’s initially a long-distance affair, what with their respective duties, but eventually they are able to settle down together.
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
Yuo adores children and he loves mentoring them. In his late 20′s, a single mother in the clan died, and he and his sister took her three children into their care: the clan’s first Mahanon, his twin sister Danae, and their elder sibling Ephraim. Yuo doesn’t consider himself a father to them, more of an uncle/older brother type guardian, but he has put infinite care into raising them.
Some years after being married, once the issue of Solas is dealt with, Yuo adopts a half-elf boy with Dorian named Invictus. They raise him together, between Tevinter and Yuo’s clan, and ultimately he succeeds Dorian in the Magisterium.
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
Yuo has one sibling, an older sister, Anavi. They have always been close and understand each other intuitively. As children, they were very competitive; as adults, this dynamic developed into a playfully teasing one. Their personalities are complete opposites, but their core ideals are the same, and they would give anything for each other.
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / it’s complicated
Yuo’s mother died when he was 19, just before he received his vallaslin, and his father when he was 22. He was close with both his parents and took their deaths hard; though he has learned to live with the pain, he never really recovered from it. His parents were attentive and loving to both him and his sister and raised them with strict values. Yuo inherited his looks from his mother, much of his personality from his father, and from both his unwavering sense of responsibility to the People.
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
From the outside, Yuo definitely seems disorganized. His personal space is messy and his belongings are often in disarray. However, Yuo knows exactly where everything is, and so does not consider himself disorganized.
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
Yuo has strong ideals and is definitely biased against certain factions which have proven themselves harmful (such as the Chantry, templars, and general nobility). That said, Yuo is willing to be proven wrong and to admit it. Aside from that, Yuo has no judgement for one’s race, identity, or lifestyle. Yuo has a firm sense of justice and no tolerance for prejudice.
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
Yuo is confident, but not arrogant; careful, but not inhibited. He enjoys the adrenaline rush of battle and is not against spontaneity in his daily life. He knows when to be cautious--he would not have lived this long otherwise--but he indulges in moments of impulsivity when he can get away with it. He is wary with people, a free-spirit tempered with age, but not opposed to seeking pleasure when the opportunity presents.
✖ patient / impatient / in between
Yuo is.. not patient. He can be, when the situation calls for it, but he is not inclined toward waiting. If there are things to do, then they should be done. There is so much to wait on as Inquisitor; politics are infuriatingly time-consuming. Yuo’s patience is reserved for children, animals, and students. Everyone else must deal with Yuo’s restless hands and huffy breaths and pinched brows.
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
Yuo’s voice has always been loud, and he’s never been one to keep his thoughts to himself. He might be reserved on personal matters, but when he has something to say, he will not hold his tongue. If one has offended him, he will not hesitate to let them know; when he is joyful, he shares it with all. Yuo’s voice has always carried, whether in anger or exuberance, and as Inquisitor, Yuo’s voice is well-recognized by his followers.
✖ leader / follower / in between
Yuo can be a good follower. He listens to his Keeper, follows her advice. He knows when to defer to the authority of someone with more experience. That said, his assertive and confident nature means he can easily slip into the position of leader. He is not comfortable with the scope of his role as Inquisitor, but he would bear the responsibility before putting it on anyone else. He can make hard decisions and deal with the consequences. He is content to follow one who has earned his respect, but if Yuo can take control, he is not inclined to leave the handling of a problem to others.
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
Yuo is often uncompromising when it comes to his ideals, and he may seem callous and harsh to those he disagrees with, but underneath is a heart easily bruised with compassion. Yuo is incapable of seeing suffering without doing something to right it. The gentleness he displays with children, with the wounded and downtrodden, always surprises people. Yuo never developed the skill for healing, but he took Sylaise’s vallaslin because he wished to emulate her care and protection. Yuo may seem harsh, but he possesses the skill to understand even his most despised enemies.
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
Yuo was optimistic, once. He’s lived through too much loss to retain it. Yuo is definitely on the more pessimistic side of realistic. He considers loss and hardship an inevitability; when it happens is simply a whim of fate. It is not so debilitating as to keep him from fighting, but hope, for Yuo, is something he has in short supply.
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
Yuo is a person defined by duty, perpetually burdened by responsibility. He does not know how to live selfishly. His parents raised him to value community above all else, and his life has been largely spent in service to the clan. He could not shirk his duties any more than he is capable of living without breathing. He would work himself into the ground if his companions let him.
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
Another thing the Dalish have different values regarding. Yuo fits in among his people, but he’s certainly.. rougher around the edges than most. He takes care of his things, but has no interest in putting on airs. He has a vast scope of knowledge and follows the etiquette of his people, but has no patience for meaningless niceties. No one has ever accused him of being a gentleman. No doubt humans view him as uncouth, and he’s fine with that. Or he would be, if his role as Inquisitor didn’t require him to rub elbows with nobility.
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
Once Yuo’s trust has been earned, he will be loyal almost to a fault. There are lines--betrayals harsh enough to sever his loyalty--but unless that line is met, Yuo is the zealous type, willing to lay down his life for a loved one. His clan and family have his utmost devotion. Yuo’s loyalty can a frightening thing.
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
While Yuo is comfortable with non-monogamous arrangements and has been more inclined to them in the past, he does not cheat. Such arrangements only work with the consent and understanding of those involved. And Yuo is far from unwilling to be monogamous. He may never fully close off the possibility of inviting guests to a shared bed, but he is a devoted lover, and whatever his partner needs from him, he will do his utmost to provide.
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual / queer
Sexuality for Yuo is a bit complicated as he is genderfluid. In modern parlance, he would consider himself gay and queer, as he is masc-leaning and has a sole preference for men.
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
Yuo is a very sexual person. He very much enjoys sex and uses it as both a means of connection and stress relief. His clan always had a relaxed, open-minded attitude regarding sex and relationships, and Yuo grew up with a group of friends he often engaged in casual sex with. He’s had far more casual partners than he has romances and that suits him just fine.
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
Throughout his life, Yuo has been more inclined towards casual relationships than committed, intimate ones, but that’s mostly by happenstance than a strong preference. When he was young, Yuo viewed such relationships as a means of enjoyment; if he didn’t enjoy himself, he did not stay. He’s had only a few serious romances in his life, but not because he has anything against romance specifically. After putting his trust in someone who ultimately betrayed him, he’s been cautious whom he gives his heart to. Sex is easier than romance for him, but when he falls, it’s with his whole heart. Falling for Dorian was a particular combination of trials, but ultimately he followed his heart and never lets anyone doubt his feelings.
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
Yuo has been around the block more than a few times when it comes to sex. There’s not a lot he hasn’t tried, and he’s usually willing to try anything once. He knows what he likes, and there isn’t much he doesn’t. Yuo enjoys tender love-making, but his craving for adrenaline definitely shows up in some of his sexual tastes. Sex is one of the few things Yuo doesn’t have any hang-ups over; he’s confident in his abilities and enjoys exploring various pleasures with his partner. Dorian had some exciting escapades in Tevinter and was rather surprised that Yuo was the one teaching him things when they finally fell into bed together.
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Yuo is extremely skilled as a mage and in combat, but he never lets himself be complacent. There is always more to learn, and Yuo learns eagerly. He’s been in a lot of conflict throughout his life and met many different peoples, and he’s learned something from all of them. Yuo was granted a lot of raw power with his magic, and while he’s not a natural prodigy, he works hard to learn, to hone his skills. He never takes his abilities for granted or treats them lightly. Yuo’s experience, knowledge, and innate power make him a formidable enemy on the battlefield
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Yuo is a largely self-taught polygot, taking every opportunity he can to learn and practices languages. He can read and write Trade, as well as Elvish. He can speak Antivan and Qunlat, and knows bits of Rivaini and Tevene, as well. Yuo craves knowledge and reads everything he can get his hands on. He journals extensively for matters of record-keeping and research. Dalish history is filled with so much loss, Yuo understands the value of information, of knowledge, of making sure things are passed down for future generations.
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Yuo can make sketches of various plants and monuments for journaling purposes, but other than that, he has little artistic ability. He enjoys music, but cannot sing, and resigns himself to humming at the behest of his companions. He learned carving from his father, and often whittles to keep his hands busy, and it’s the only thing close to art he does. Still, his carvings often have little embellishment and detail. They are blunt representations, and while Yuo would not consider them art, his companions find them charming for their rusticity.
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
If “being good at learning things” is a skill, Yuo has it. He is good with his hands and generally only has to do something a couple times to get a grasp of it. He’s good at following instructions and has a logical thought process (which surprises people); this does mean he struggles with things that require creativity, like art and cooking. But Yuo learned young how to maintain his armor and equipment, and Dalish life required knowing various tasks and being able to pitch in when necessary with jobs that weren’t necessarily your own.
tagging @prplhawke​, @embajadora-montilyet​, @marcothehobbit​, @1orweth​, @sweetheartmerrill​, and anyone else who wants to do!!
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royalpains-roleplay · 4 years
Initiate Program Females - Unavailable
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» ; ♛ ❮CLOSED❯
Character quote: ❝Turned her tears to diamonds in her crown.❞
✗ — Name: Ivy Caballero. ✗ — Age: 21. ✗ — Kingdom: Spain. ✗ — Sexuality: Heterosexual.
— Personality; Ivy was never known to be the sweet child, and it was probably because of the neglecting nature of her parents. She was just about left alone to look after herself and ended up being responsible for her own raising. She didn’t have the same compassionate nature as her sister, but had a devious and manipulate side, one that was even notable as a child. She may not have been as bad with Kyle, but she still had a dark side, one that led her to be incredibly dishonest, disloyal and hateful. Ivy is very cocky, narcissistic, bitchy and also incredibly quick witted and sarcastic. She can be somewhat superficial, but does have a few things that run deeper than her exterior.
— Biography; Ivy and Cora were never equals. Not in the eyes of her parents, of the Kingdom’s, even of the other royals. She was never considered, never put in the spotlight. She was always on the back burner, nobody had faith in the fact she might make a good Queen. She was neglected, yelled at, constantly told she would never accomplish anything by her parents. Magazines frequented bad press about her to make her sister look good. Compared her sister, she wasn’t as outgoing, had a devious and manipulative side even as a child. Her parents already were sure they had their golden child, and so the attention always fell on Cora. It left Ivy to her own devices, forced to raise herself. At some point, something good happened, and she met Kyle. She ended up with him. He believed her to be better, for once she’d been chosen. But his faith that she could be great only made her hide her more devious side and try to cover who she was. The only real thing that brought out her kinder side was Eliza, her childhood friend who’d grown up in the Spanish castle with Ivy. She was the only one who treated Cora and Ivy equally, sometimes Ivy even a bit better. Even though she cared for Kyle, she still ended up betraying their relationship. The pressure of being who he thought she was became too much for her. And she cheated on him. With his brother Dylan. And she ended up becoming pregnant from it. Of course, she pretended it was Kyle’s, though a short few months in, she lost the baby. This dried up her last bit of soft side. While she still was fond of Eliza, no one else, she even broke up with Kyle. It was always the quick witted, cocky, bitchy remarks from her. She broke off everything with Kyle’s as brother as well. When her sister grew ill, and it became apparent she may become Queen, she was sent to Royal Pains to learn some grace and manners she just wasn’t taught because of her parent’s favoritism.
✗ Secret; Ivy was never pregnant with Kyle's kid, but with his brother.
「 Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev. 」
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Character quote: ❝Do you ever wonder what your life looks like through someone else’s eyes?❞
✗ — Name: Lena Marek. ✗ — Age: 19. ✗ — Kingdom: Poland. ✗ — Sexuality: Heterosexual.
— Personality; Most of the time Lena is a lovely person and wouldn’t harm a fly. She can be shy at times, but tries her hardest to break out of her comfort zone to make people feel welcomed. A certain air of elegance follows Lena around, and she tries to break away from it when she’s around others her ages. Sometimes she just wants to be a normal teenage and have fun but she’s always worried to disappoint those around her and knows that her parents would never approve of her having any form of fun if it didn’t fit into their idea of ‘the perfect daughter.’ Lena is capable of so much but often limits herself because she’s too afraid of judgement. During her blackouts, Lena is often known to act the complete opposite of how she usually is and can sometimes turn rather violent if she feels threatened. However, once she’s aware of her surroundings, she forgets about what she’s done and it angers her because she knows that she has done something.
— Biography; The pressure was almost always on Lena from her parents. They wanted her to be the picture of perfection. The power had been in their family’s hands through nearly every year that the monarchy had been established, and they had every intention of keeping the power within their family. However, there was a problem. A daughter of the Slyvinsky family, around the same age as Lena threatened their power. She had all the charm and love from the people. Whereas for Lena, no matter how hard she tried, how much effort she put into being perfect, things never seemed to come quite so easily to her. Her mother and father were always quick to judge Lena over any little mistake she ever made, and it was almost torturous. It was in her teens when Lena began to experience strange happenings. Chucks of her memory would go missing and she couldn’t understand why or what was happening. She was more then aware that she was doing something, various people had seen her in the time space she couldn’t remember. At first she thought it was just a one-time thing, but when it continued to happen Lena started to become concerned, especially when she was told she had been doing things very out of character. Lena had no choice but to tell her parents and once they were informed, they didn’t hesitate to send her away to get some help. They didn’t want to tarnish their perfect reputation. When Lena returned months later, her parents were hoisting the Laiton family. They were the current ruling royals and had decided to visit Poland since her mother got on well with the American queen. However, her parents were very judgemental when it came to the Laiton’s adopted son. He wasn’t as regal as they had hoped and forbid Lena from talking to him unless it was absolutely necessary. Not wanting to anger her parents, she did her best to keep away from Caine but it was hard when all he did was peak her interest. Just when Lena thought her black outs were a thing of the past, she started to realise that something was seriously wrong with her when a few months ago when two men attempted to rob her. One of her blackouts began to happen when two men attempted to rob her while she walked through town. However, before she could seriously harm one of them, Caine Laiton came to her aid. He managed to scare the men off and soothed Lena until she came back round. From that moment on Lena only trusted Caine and after he went back to America with his parents, she would often phone him after one of her blackouts and he would calm her down. She was doing well to keep her blackouts a secret from her parents but one night at dinner she had one and with no control of her own, she hit one of the guards serving them their food. Her father was furious and immediately packed her bags, telling Lena that she was to stay at royal pains until she could manage her blackouts but she’s not sure that can be done.
✗ Secret; Lena has temporary blackouts which affects her recollection of her time and memory, while she is aware she is doing things during these blackouts she doesn’t know what.
「 Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart 」
— Admin L.
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Character quote: ❝I’m tired of being careful, gentle, trying to keep the water warm, let me under your skin.❞
✗ — Name: Ariella Vierira. ✗ — Age: 21. ✗ — Kingdom: Brazil. ✗ — Sexuality: Bisexual.
— Personality; Ariella is exactly what you’d expect royalty to be. She’s the picture of elegance, grace and poise, knowing exactly what manners to use. She’s confident, outgoing, charming and has a natural sort of way that draws people in. For the longest time, she was also cold, manipulative, and even cruel. She would use her power to do horrible things, to party and bully others. She thought it was simply the way most royals were and remained mostly influenced by that. She got a wake-up call when her life changed. Her father’s death and her mother’s marriage to a commoner ended up being what drove her to change. She became humbler, down to earth and less spoiled. She often will try to still freeze out some emotions out of fear for the unknown feelings, but she’s more compassionate, friendly and open now. She’s done her best to become someone trustworthy.
— Biography; Ariella was the eldest daughter of the royalty in Brazil. They were one of the few families who’d married the other royal family of the country, so both had rights to the throne in Brazil. They were something of a power couple in Brazil. When Ariella was born, she was spoiled rotten by her father, and she never really knew well enough to second guess either of their behaviors or what they did. She always assumed they were good people, and the constant things she was showered with was enough to make her not see past it. She grew up to be completely entitled. She was a terror in school, to her little sister and the only person she ever truly would bow down to was her father. When she was sixteen, her father’s illegal dealings was exposed. He’d been funding multiple drug operations in Brazil, and had links to a nasty ring of criminals. There were all sorts of charges racked up. No amount of his money could get him out, and Ariella was left in complete confusion of what her life had been. She’d always assumed it was one thing when it turned out to be a complete other. She tried to stay loyal to her father, to be faithful to the family name. But more accusations painting him as a monster came forward, and she finally realized they were true. Only a few months later her father was murdered in prison, and while she had no blinders on to who he was, she cared about him still and mourned his death. It changed her, affected her in more ways than she was ready to admit. It wasn’t until her mother married the commoner that she decided to really make a change in her life. She started to work on becoming a better person, inspired by both her new step-father and by her growing attraction to her step-brother Quinn. She knew it was wrong, but seeing how good and moral he was, she too wanted to be like that. She wanted to be at least worthy of his love, even if she could never happened. She worked on turning her life around. It was hard, but she did her best. Shifting from the selfish, bullying, party girl to something kinder, better. It became too hard to resist Quinn, and they shared a night together. But after that he was distant, as if he was once more trying to separate from her. And then she found out he was going to Royal Pains. She tried to stay away, knowing it was better for them both. But only a few months after he left, she went to a party, purposely completely overdoing it so her mother had no choice but to send her away.
✗ Secret; Ariella has developed feelings for her step-brother Quinn.
「 Faceclaim: Camila Mendes. 」
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Character quote: ❝You're dripping like a saturated sunrise, you're spilling like an overflowing sink.❞
✗ — Name: Camila Delucia. ✗ — Age: 21. ✗ — Kingdom: Italy. ✗ — Sexuality: Heterosexual.
— Personality; Camila is very attuned with her emotional side. Unlike most people, she does her best to face her feelings, accept them at face value and try to understand and deal with them. Even though some feelings, like the question as to if she wanted to kill herself or not, triggers quite a bit of inner suffering. Sometimes she’s prone to suffer from random breakdowns, or even sudden random bouts of happiness or anger. She has a bad habit of overreacting and thinking the worse of a situation. It takes a lot to bring out her angry side, as she is simply a passive being. She believes in piece and gentle nature, of loving everyone for what they are and giving everything she can to be friendly and kind to all. Out of all things, Camila is one of the few people that could be trusted with someone’s life. She is known to be very trustworthy and keeps the secrets she’s asked to, respecting people’s privacy and personal lives.
— Biography; Camila's father had always been hard on her. He never really gave her a break even when she was little. She was always a decent student, but she never did extremely well or got top grades possible. This was what her father wanted from her, but the more he pushed, the less capable she became of giving him this. So this just meant he got harder he got on her, and it only diminished her confidence, which in turn made her drop far below average in academic ability and sports ability. Her mother, however, was the biggest influence and support in her life. Her mother was beautiful and gentle and kind. If Camila was ever upset or stressed, her mother would be the comfort in her life, her support and she was the only person in the world who made Camila feel as though she wasn't a complete failure. So, when Camila realised her mother had cancer, it devastated her. Her mother became very sick, very quick but rather than leaving her to deal with it alone, Camila refused to leave her mothers side. She slept in the same bed as her to make sure she was still there and when she died, Camila was the one there to hold her hand. It completely broke her heart witnessing her mothers death, but she refused to let her mother leave the world believing she as alone. Her father was to heart broken to witness the woman he loved grow weaker, but when she died, the King had no choice but to re marry so he could keep Italy together and his people satisfied. Camila's new step mother was cruel and blunt, so she didn't care about the girl's sadness over the death of her mother, she simply saw Camila’s mother as competition for the King’s affections, who clearly grieved for his wife. Between the harshness of her father, which had seemingly increased over the months since the death of Cam’s mother and the terrible nature of her step mother, Camila soon came to develop an eating disorder known as bulimia, one she hid well from others. She didn't want to be a problem to anyone, so she kept all of her negative feelings inside though she felt absolutely broken. One night, a few months after her mother's death Camila had a terrible head ache and took Advil to cure it. It was later revealed that she had taken far too much because she woke up in a hospital bed after her overdose. Her step mother was convinced that she tried to kill herself, and when the doctors confirmed that she was also struggling with bulimia, it only made it more believable to her father. Camila couldn't convince anyone that the overdose was an accident, so her father took away her rights to the throne and sent her to the Royal Pains house.
✗ Secret; She isn't sure if she took too many advil on purpose or on accident so she doesn't talk about it, despite the impending feeling's she kept inside about her dead mother.
「 Faceclaim: Selena Gomez. 」
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Character quote: ❝I will go to war in a red dress, trample your ashes in high heels, look for my lipstick stain on your collar when I lean forwards not to kiss you, but to whisper ‘I win’. ❞
✗ — Name: Calliope Arrilynn. ✗ — Age: 19. ✗ — Kingdom: Germany. ✗ — Sexuality: Bisexual.
— Personality; Calliope is damaged to say the least. After the woman who she’d been raised to think was her mother had tried to bring about her death twice, she’d learned to ice out most of her emotions and feelings towards other people to prevent anyone else from hurting her. The only true times she was ever known to show emotions was when she was really overwhelmed or when her parents were involved in a situation, as they were known to intimidate and scare her. Calliope always maintains a rather kept exterior, not a hair out of place. Even though she keeps this maintained way about her, often inside that’s where the real damage. Even if both emotionally and physically she seems stable she often relives the traumas of her life. She has deep seated trust issues that can only be born of a life of lies. Even with the icy walls put up she has rooted insecurities about not being good enough, which she hides by appearing to be shallow, vain and conceited. Calliope has a mischievous wild-side though and likes to get into trouble, something that’s grown stronger since she’s discovered she’s royalty. She doesn’t shy away from a good party, and is no stranger to charm, seduction and sex. Rarely, she’ll show her compassionate and kind side, but this is reserved to very few others. Mostly it takes a long time to crack into her rough exterior. Calliope can be controlling and neurotic, liking things planned to the very last detail. She’s manipulative, harsh, cold and cruel on many circumstances, and doesn’t shy away from being unkind to people. She’s very witty as well.
— Biography; Calliope had a complicated childhood. She was born in a hospital in Switzerland, one that was intended to specialize in particularly difficult births of wealthy families. Two families were there that day. One being a wealthy, but peasant born family, the Laity’s, and one being a family of royalty, one of the two main ruling families of Germany, the Arrilynn’s. They were due at the same time, in that same hospital. And while only one death happened, tragedy struck both families that day. Both the mother and child of the wealthy family were in critical condition so they had to operate immediately. The child, a daughter was on the very cusp of death. The royal family’s child was born in rough shape too, but not quite so bad. Both were moved to be held in intensive care however. The father of the small Laity child stayed in the hospital while the mother went back to America to try and get things ready for the baby’s transfer to the hospital there. It was there he witnessed the last few moments of his daughters life. He barely knew what he was doing, but he ended up switching the girl’s bracelets and tags on the incubators, as if the infant that had died was belonging to the Arrilynn’s. In a hurry, with tired overworked nurses, it worked. And sure enough, he took home the princess Calliope to his wife, and while the Arrilynn’s were crushed, the mother didn’t quite believe that the one who died was hers, not entirely. It was only when the autopsy came back and the blood type was wrong that they realized that somehow their daughter had been switched. Due to scrambles of files and the confusion of the nurses, nobody could find where their daughter could go. Calliope’s kidnapper, the man she called father, didn’t inform the woman played the role of her mother about what had happened and led her to believe Calliope was hers. And so she was raised by them. Things were okay for the first few years. Her mother always seemed to be distant, always having “headaches.” It was almost like she was avoiding Calliope. Her dad spoiled her though, taking as much care of her as he could in every way he could. Her mother became more abrasive and finally when Calliope eleven, her mother broke. She tried to kill her, stabbing her in the stomach, claiming that Calliope wasn’t hers. Calliope survived but not without a painful scarring that ran deeper than physically. Her mother was institutionalized and she was raised mostly by her father who took care of her. But he couldn’t undo the damage done. She had already begun hardening herself to the world. She made the conversion to a Queen Bee, school dominating type who partied and had fun, but also managed to seem like the perfect girl. When she was twenty, she was getting home late from a party only to find her father knocked out and her mother sitting in the living room. Once more, her life was attempted on and once more she barely made it out. The only miracle was that her mother fell after stabbing her and hit her head. During her surgery, they ran into problems because of her massive blood loss and discovered she couldn’t possibly be a child of the Laity’s after trying to type her father to donate. They found her DNA match while she was unconscious and recovering, only to find out that she was actually the Princess of Germany. When she woke up a week later after the event, she was in a hospital in Germany. The situation was explained to her by a police officer. She didn’t believe it, she couldn’t. But the DNA didn’t lie. Finally, she was forced to return to the house of the Arrilynn’s. She became Calliope Arrilynn, and she didn’t handle the transition well. Her mother, her real mother was even worse than her original mother, at least she’d had a cause. The woman was cold and harsh and had ridiculous expectations of Callie, constantly trying to sculpt her into what she believed the perfect royal to be. As for her father, he was creepy to say the least. Most times he almost reminded her of a man trying to woo a woman he was interested in. Callie rebelled but held onto her natural domineering attitude, while constantly trying to grapple for some control over her mother. That was when she found files explaining exactly why she’d ended up with the Arrilynn’s. It showed photos of her as early as sixteen, displaying that they did know she’d been out there the entire time. Upon more research and some manipulation, she found out the real reason for their bringing her back was because her mother could no longer get pregnant and they were desperate for an heir to the throne. They had no intention of making Callie this heir, but instead breeding Callie out to make one. She confronted her father first, as she figured he might break. That was when he made a move to bed her, telling her it was not unusual because he hadn’t raised her. She was disgusted, not having known the depths and lengths her parents had planned on going to with their breeding program they intended on. When a struggle ensued, Callie’s mother interrupted and had her briefly institutionalized in order to brainwash her. When she refused to give and broke out. Her mother thought the best place for her was the Royal Pains Estate.
✗ Secret; While the whole world knows of her being kidnapped, she often keeps the near murder attempts a secret as they are the root of a lot of her trauma. And even deeper than that, the true plans her birth parents had for her are something she buries deeper than anything, out of fear for what her mother will do.
「 Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch. 」
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Character quote: ❝ So hold me fast, hold me fast, 'cause I'm a hopeless wanderer. ❞
✗ — Name: Breanna Chadwick. ✗ — Age: 20. ✗ — Kingdom: Spain. ✗ — Sexuality: Heterosexual.
— Personality; Breanna has a very innocent based personality. She’s got a childlike innocence about her that allows her to see the world in a way that most others don’t get too. She is very adventurous and carefree, she likes to draw the best that she possibly can out of life, trying to make up from all that was taken from her. Breanna has a habit of coming off as blunt and sometimes even rude, although it’s only because she really doesn’t know the difference, simply because she was never taught otherwise. She has a high protective instinct and looks after the few friends she has. Breanna regrets the death of her family and wants to avenge them somehow. She gets very sensitive and secretive about her time in the woods and refrains to talk about it to those around her.
— Biography; Breanna was born to a very loving family, both of her parents were considered a good royal family and she was possibly going to be the up and coming queen. However, any hope of that was shattered when it became very apparent that the Caballero’s had a full intention of taking over the throne once again. Their daughter Cora was much loved by the public. In an attempt to strike out the competition, assassins in favour of Cora becoming queen killed Breanna’s parents when she was eight, leaving her stranded in the woods. She was forced to survive off the land for those years, leaving her somewhat underdeveloped. This didn’t entirely slow down her mental growth, however it did leave her somewhat behind in several things which really started to bother her as she grew older. When she was eighteen, she was finally found. The people of Spain thought she had died along with her parents, and her body had never been found, so when she was brought back to her kingdom it was a shock for everyone who loved the Caballero family. She was taught the ways of life by royal advisors who tried to treat her lack of upbringing in royal or even normal society, yet she remained blunt, somewhat innocent to the ways of the world and could sometimes be mistaken for rude for those who didn’t know her story because she didn't really know how to act around others any more. Ten years being completely alone really effected Breanna's way of life. It was astonishing to everyone who heard the story, that the girl had managed survived ten years in the woods, especially since she was just a little girl when it happened. She was retaught as much as she could be, encouraged to be a princess in the classic way but it didn’t seem to go as smoothly as everyone hoped. Breanna didn't feel like a princess; she was a free spirit and didn't want to do what everyone was telling her. Not long after, the people who spear-headed the tragedy in her life, better known as the plane crash, were arrested as the plot was revealed. No one had suspected the story to unfold the way it did. Breanna was supposed to have been the one to die that night, and her parents would live, and that was meant to erase all chance of another ruler taking over. The vice versa happened and Breanna was left to deal with the consequences. Though she couldn't hardly remember them, she felt guilt for her parents death and since it has been revealed they were supposed to live, she blames herself. Though she could still be in the running for the future ruler of Spain, she didn't have a very strong chance, with her lack of royal experience so, in order to strengthen her claim to the throne, she was put in a forced engagement and sent to Royal Pains.
✗ Secret; Because of the knowledge revealed to her regarding the plot of her parents, she believes she is the reason they were murdered and blames herself.
「 Faceclaim: Shelley Hennig. 」
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Character quote: ❝Way down we go.❞
✗ — Name: Aerie Witta. ✗ — Age: 28. ✗ — Kingdom: England. ✗ — Sexuality: Bisexual.
— Personality; Aerie is unpredictable, reckless and free-spirited. She’s not the type to be controlled and backed into corners. Most of this has come from the fact her childhood itself was very tightly managed, and she had little to no freedom to do things. Aerie has a deep compassion for her siblings, but hates the parents who abandoned her. She has a temper that is a great deal like that of Christian’s, and often loses control on it, lashing out at the people around her. Though until one of her temper flares up close, it’s hard to even recognize in her because of how rational, reasonable and logical she is in making most decisions. She’s very independent, something she learned in a life where the only one who truly looked out for her was herself. She’s curious and relentless in that curiosity, always wanting to know everything about a situation. She is a very compassionate individual in many ways, but often hides the truth of this, so she doesn’t get hurt. Aerie still suffers nightmares and severe post-traumatic stress disorder from her childhood.
— Biography; Aerie was born into the royal Levinson family of England. At first, she was much loved by her two parents to a degree, as much as she could be loved. Though it was all too clear her mother was always the one who loved her more. Her life started to go right to Hell when she was four. Her family had gone to Ireland, to visit her father’s sister and Aerie’s Aunt. It had been a fun trip so far, she barely even noticed how her Aunt appeared to be stressed. During the evening, she had woken early from her bed and had sought out to find her father or mother. She hadn’t had much luck finding her mother, but sure enough she found her father. Only when she did, it was on top of her Aunt, assaulting her. She did not understand what it meant at the time, she didn’t know why her Aunt was crying or what her father was doing, but she never forgot, as this one event changed her entire life. At first it seemed almost normal, for the week after that; her father showered her in gifts, even though he was clearly strained and nervous. But he kept asking her if she remembered. When she mentioned she did each time, he asked, she did not know how much trouble it would bring. Four weeks after the incident, she awoke to screaming, only in time to watch one of her guards being murdered. She tried to hide away, but she couldn’t. The last thing she fully remembered was sharp pain in her stomach. When she awoke, she was in a hospital, but she was not in England. She wasn’t sure where she was, but they kept calling her a strange name. Finally, when a woman came to take her home it was all explained to some degree. Her father had wanted her gone, so he’d pretended she’d went away to some other place, when really she was there. Those were the terms she’d gotten. At first the woman tried to be nice, but as Aerie insisted on going back to her family, the woman made it clear that would not happen. Rules only got stricter as she grew, and though she took the new name, she could not reject her history and the scar on her side from where she’d been stabbed reflected the truth in her memories. The more she insisted on being free, or remembering, the harsher the woman raising her got. She was beaten and abused, rarely ever allowed to leave the house and when she was it was while she was watched. It wasn’t until she was in her twenties that she finally got free from her constraints. She fought to get used to the world, eventually achieving what she wanted. Once she’d adjusted, she sought out all and any information she could on her family. She finally put together what it all meant, and why she did more research on her Aunt. It had taken almost every drop of money she had managed to steal or earn, but she learned that her father had been doing this to her aunt since they were teenagers and that the last assault had resulted in something dark, a pregnancy. The pregnancy of her aunt who was married to Ireland royalty had been revealed only two days before her attack, and though it had been revealed as her husband’s child, she knew the difference. She’d been attacked by her father to keep quiet, and the baby her aunt had delivered, Tomas, was her brother and cousin. It took almost another year to find a way to get to her siblings, but eventually found her in by getting a job as a cook in the Royal Pains Estate.
✗ Secret; Aerie is the secret sibling of Christian and Grayson. Her death was faked by her father when she was only a small child because she saw him assaulting her Aunt, the same assault that led to her Aunt’s pregnancy with Tomas.
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Character quote: ❝Happiness is a fragile thing.❞
✗ — Name: Selina Caspari. ✗ — Age: 21 ✗ — Kingdom: Switzerland. ✗ — Sexuality: Bisexual.
— Personality; Selina is a sweet, outspoken, funny girl. She often says things before she thinks them over in her mind but it usually just adds to her charm. Even though she had seen the worst in humanity, she remains optimistic and open. At times she can come across as dumb when in reality she’s very smart, with an IQ that was able to get her into any school she wanted. It doesn’t seem likely, but she is capable of giving tough love to people she cares about because she only wants what is best for everyone around her. Selina is an innocent soul and often tries to see the best in most people. Her friends are lucky because she is viciously loyal and would do anything she could to protect those she cares for.
— Biography; Selina was always a disappointment to her family. The black sheep that her parents just couldn’t get to abide by their rules. Her parents were very harsh and often restricted Selina from doing things other children were able to do. She wasn’t like most royals. She has always believed that everyone was an equal and never discriminated against someone simply because they were poor compared to her. Because of this she was friends with a lot of people her parents didn’t approve of and one of these friends went by the name Sebastian Munteanu. They only ever met once every couple of years since their families were rulers of different kingdoms. Her parents were always critical of his claiming that they weren’t fit enough for the royal crown because they acted like regular people and sent Sebastian to a public school. When they realized that Selina had become close to the boy they cut off contact with him until he turned eighteen and arrived back in Switzerland in hopes of joining their kingdoms together. The meeting with her parents didn’t go to plan but when Selina saw him again there was an instant attraction. After spending some time together behind her parent back, the couple started a secret relationship that ran for over a year without anyone finding out. Their relationship was later exposed by one of her maids after Selina accidentally left a pregnancy test in the bathroom. Since Selina’s parents never really got along well with the Munteanu family, her dad became infuriated when it was announced, at a gathering for his forty second birthday, that his only child had not only been having a secret relationship with the prince of Moldova, but she had actually fallen pregnant with Sebastian’s child. He made such a huge scene about it in the restaurant that all huge media outlets in Switzerland were alerted of the princess’s pregnancy. However, her father was determined to keep it a secret. Once they arrived back at home that night, he beat her so viciously that she miscarried. The next morning Selina woke up in bed and was informed by the news, a paper was sent out informing the kingdom that Selina had never even met Sebastian, and later on when she went to see him he had left. She had never felt so hurt or betrayed before so when he tried to make contact with her, Selina declined his calls and later blocked his number, hoping things would go back to the way they were before. That wasn’t the case. A few months later Selina noticed something different was happening to her body. She wasn’t getting her period at all. At first she demanded to see a new doctor claiming that she couldn’t have possibly lost the baby, but when another doctor was provided it was later determined that Selina was infertile and wouldn’t be able to carry any children of her own. Realizing it was the damage her dad had caused the night he found out of her pregnancy that caused her to be infertile she threatened to expose him. Threatened by his daughters behavior, the king soon sent Selina to royal pains under the false pretense that she had started to believe scenarios that weren’t real, Selina didn’t put up any arguments and was just happy to get away from her parents.
✗ Secret; After a recent check-up Selina was informed that she is infertile.
「 Faceclaim: Ashley Benson. 」
—Admin L.
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Character quote: ❝I’m so powerful I don’t need batteries to play.❞
✗ — Name: Piper Mykonos. ✗ — Age: 23. ✗ — Kingdom: Greece. ✗ — Sexuality: Heterosexual.
— Personality; Piper was the rebellious child of the Mykonos family. Her sister paled in comparison to her. Piper carried all traits everyone hated in a royal. And she didn’t care that they didn’t want her either, the idea of committing to ruling a kingdom frightened her, unlike anything else. She was ill mannered, blunt, without social graces, fierce, reckless, disobedient and resilient. She was one of the fires people just couldn’t put out or manage to tame. And while most people held her as reckless and everything dark about the royal lifestyle, she had a deeper substance than that. A protective nature and a deep loyalty that once earned could not be broken.
— Biography; Piper was the disgrace of her family. Her sister was known to be a little rebellious, but she had nothing on Piper. Piper was wild and reckless. She didn’t shy away from the tabloids and certainly didn’t quietly meet her mother’s high standards. The pressure she’d been put under from an early age had led to her rebelling in whatever way she possibly could. Whether it was drinking or using drugs, or sleeping around and making sure every wild acquisition was published in a magazine, she was her mother’s worse nightmare. Her mother decided there was one way to tame her and restore any sort of hope she had of gaining a good reputation, and that was through a marriage alliance. Without her consent, she had it arranged and shipped Piper off to Ireland to live with her husband to be. Perhaps it might have been different if the man had been nice, but no. Tomas was abusive and horrible. He was stuck in the old ways, believing women had no place but to serve men. And Piper’s disobedience infuriated him. It was just grabbing at first. But then it got a bit worse. It got to the point where she was covering up bruises daily. She ended up losing the will to fight back, until the night before the wedding. It hit her that they would be married for the rest of her life, that she’d be stuck with him. And so, she decided she had to get away. She plotted her escape, and ended up nearly getting out without being caught. Tomas found her though, he was furious. And so, to punish her he raped her. After that, she managed to knock him out and get away. She legally broke ties with him and tried to return to her mother. Her mother didn’t believe her when she told her what had happened. As revenge, she became more wild and reckless than ever, every little thing she did to spite her mother. Her mother had had enough and decided to send Piper away. She was brought to the Estate, where she learned she was pregnant, as a result of what Tomas had done to her no less.
✗ Secret; Her ex-fiancé sexually assaulted their before the wedding.
「 Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin. 」
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Character quote: ❝ You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys. ❞
✗ — Name: Elena Bryne. ✗ — Age: 20. ✗ — Kingdom: Ireland. ✗ — Sexuality: Bisexual.
— Personality; Elena had started out as compassionate and loving. She was a protective, honourable sister and a perfect royal. She has always had a big heart and would do anything so see someone smile. It all changed after the assault. Her personality completely changed. She started by shutting everyone out, including her sister. She became irritable, cold and downright bitchy. Deep down Elena wanted ensure no one would ever be able to hurt her again, so she pushed them all away. She became jealous of her sister’s innocence and started to take everything out on her. Elena has learnt how to be manipulative to get her own way and finds it hard to trust anyone.
— Biography; Elena has always been known as the more outgoing one out of the Bryne siblings. She was even extremely friendly as a child and loving as she grew up. Starting out, her and her sister were very friendly with each other, they were never the best of friends, though, but they were friendly enough for the sake of the kingdom. Over time the girls quickly let their differences go and became friends for real, there was no pretending and they were close. Things soon started to change after Elena was sexually assaulted by a King, the King who later turned out to be the father of Ellie’s betrothed. Elena never imagined that he would do that to her, he was always friendly towards her but she just assumed that was because their two kingdoms would be coming together. She was misled by his actions and wished she had realised what his true intentions were at the start. After the assault, Elena's bubbly personality completely changed. She wasn't the same girl any more, she became irritable, bitchy, and colder towards everyone around her. She decided to ice everyone out, so she’d never be hurt again by anyone. She was too scared to let anyone close in fear of the same things happening to her. She lost a lot of people, but she tried not to let it effect her. The easiest way to not get her was to let no one love her. She started to bully her sister, jealous of the innocent demeanour she managed to keep while she was stuck dying on the inside. No one realised what had happened as Elena refused to talk about the assault. She feared no one would believe her or they would assume she was asking for it. She was only a teenager, and he took advantage of her but Elena's mind played tricks on her and wouldn't allow her to see that she was the victim. Besides, if she told anyone then she would have to relive it and all she wanted to do was forget. As she got older, her stress relief, her unhealthy stress relief started. She got depressed, not that she’d ever let anyone know, instead she just pretended as if she was still the Queen bee and the perfect royal to be. For a while, it was believable, no one questioned it at all. That was until her parents caught her self-harming once and since she hadn't told them what was wrong, they decided she might not be able to handle the stress of being Queen. They made it seem as if her sister would take over. To teach her how to deal with being royal, they sent her to Royal Pains, along with her sister.
✗ Secret; Elena was assaulted by a King and the father of the son Ellie was arranged to be married to, this caused her to start to self-harm.
「 Faceclaim: Crystal Reed. 」
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ashleyfanfic · 5 years
Y'all done made me get my laptop out so I can type this and not on my phone. That’s how damn tired I am of it.
I am a Dany fan(Stan). But let me be clear in saying that I am also a Jon Snow fan(Stan). You people out here spewing your hate on one or the other are getting on my last fucking nerve because you’re all missing the fucking point of Jon and Dany’s entire arc! 
Dany’s Arc since coming to the North She’s having to contend with a people who didn’t sign up to be her people. Their king, the man they named king, named her his queen. Now, not one of them have asked why he did this, but you can tell they’re looking at him and her and made assumptions that it’s just because they’re together. But like Jon had to do when he was at Dragonstone, maybe it would make a little too much sense for them to ask why he’s so devoted to her. So, her arc is first coming to a place she doesn’t necessarily want to be, fighting a war she hadn’t intended on fighting, beside the man she loves. That’s all hard going for her. I think ep 3 will add some more layers onto this. Jon’s Arc since coming to the North Trying to logically reason with illogical people about bending the knee. Even his own sisters have doubts about why he did what he did and don’t actually ask as much as accuse him of being disloyal to his family or forgetting who he was. Then Sam drops the truth on him, not in a way that would have softened the blow for his best friend, the man who had always protected him but drops it in such a way it’s a gut punch and meant to drive a wedge between Jon and Daenerys. 
I know people take issue with Dany’s reaction to what Jon said to her, but wouldn’t you? I mean, you just got told that the man you love is a long lost relative and people will say he has a better claim simply because he’s a man? And then these same people turn around and chastise the fact that Jon will tell her he doesn’t want it and that makes him a bad person because he’s stepping away from it because of her? He loves her, you dope. He also doesn’t want to be a king, has never wanted to be a king, and if you don’t understand that, then you don’t fucking understand Jon Snow. He took positions of power because they named him or he was the best person. If he steps aside it’s because he believes in Daenerys. 
I don’t give a shit about your “A man steps in front of a woman to take her place even though she’s been working for it her whole life”. Correction, she’s been working for it since she decided she wasn’t just going to be a pet for Drogo and actively started taking on the role of Khaleesi. Jon didn’t know the opportunity was even out there.
But even if he did, what are you implying? That Jon has done nothing? Jon joined the Night’s Watch and became a steward to the Lord Commander and saved his fucking life from a wight. That’s how he got Longclaw. Then he goes beyond the wall with his brothers and gets captured by Wildlings and kills one of his own men in order to ingratiate himself with those people. In doing so, he learns that they aren’t as horrible as he thought. They were people who had the misfortune of being born on the wrong side of the wall and were trying to survive. Some are bloodthirsty cannibals, but your more rational Wildlings, like Ygritte and Tormund, don’t like that group. He still gets back to the Wall and helps his brothers fortify Castle Black and fights against them. It’s because of Jon that they win that battle. He executes Janos Slynt for not following order (and good thing Janos didn’t have any family that would have made him sympathetic to the group). Then we have him go save the Wildlings, fight the Army of the Dead, and watch in horror as all those killed were resurrected as dead. He was killed for this. Those people he saved, the Wildlings, came to fight and protect Jon even in death. He fought to win back Winterfell even knowing that the odds were against them. And he went south to meet with a potential enemy/ally because he saw they needed help. Jon didn’t know he was a prince. No one thought to tell him that before he went to the Wall, but I wouldn’t say he’s done nothing to deserve the crown.
And then there’s Dany, and the ole girl had a shit time of it as well. Her own family member sold her to a warlord for his army. Said family member was abusive and her husband raped her repeatedly. Even to the point where sitting in the saddle was painful. Her husband died, her baby died, all because of decisions she made. Those events made her even less trusting in others than she was previously. But she hatched Dragons in the fire. She made it through the Red Waste, the exact opposite environment that Jon Snow was living in. Her people were slaughtered so the dragons could be taken. She survived that and managed, through her own wits and not informing any of her advisors as to her plan, to acquire the Unsullied army who chose to follow her after she freed them. She takes Yunkai and Meereen and even marries a man she despises and reopens the fighting pits because she’s looking to make the people happy. She didn’t sail to Westeros when she was able. She stayed to try to make the lives of the freed slaves better. She learned the pitfalls of ruling and how hard it was. You know what she did learn? You can’t make everybody happy. She took the Dothraki, not with her dragons, but with her own plans. Everyone proclaims she’s nothing without her dragons, yet she managed to kill all the khals and took the Khalasar with fire and a well-placed lock on the door. She finally settles the issue with the Masters (by showing her ultimate power). She sails to Westeros and because she abandons her plans in favor of Tyrion’s plan, clever men, she loses all of her allies. She’s spitting mad when she learns about Highgarden but turns to someone who isn’t in her counsel and asks what he would do. Because Dany has proven that she will listen. She defeated the Lannister army coming back from Highgarden. 
But the same can be said for Jon which is why I don’t think EITHER of them will take it. Love is the death of duty. Jon and Dany love one another. Yes, fam, she loves him. He loves her. They have been beating us over the head with it over two years. They love one another. Yeah, they’re adding in drama, but they kind of have to. People would bitch, moan, and complain if there wasn’t some drama around this revelation.  But let’s go back to how he tells hers: They’re alone. He’s been avoiding her and she’s finally had enough and seeks him out. She finds him in the crypts and doesn’t approach him any further until he smiles at her and nods. She wraps her arms around him, he holds her hands as he stares at Lyanna’s statue. She asks who they’re looking at and he only says “Lyanna Stark”. She then starts speaking about her brother Rhaegar and how he was good and decent, loved to sing and gave money to orphans, and he raped her. She couldn’t wrap her mind around that. Jon tells her that he didn’t. They were in love. It’s not meant to hurt her, but I believe he was hoping that by telling her that, it was meant to soften some of what she believed about her brother, a brother she clearly loves even though she never met him. The look on her face is heartbreak and disbelief. She knows this changes everything. Because it’s not what either of them thinks their claim is, it’s what other people will think. They’ll push her aside for the male heir. And speaking of a male heir, Jon is the last of the Targaryens. The only one who can carry on the line. Dany has a habit of thinking of the long term, and she sees what’s going to happen. He’ll have to marry someone else, he’ll have to for their house to survive. And then people will really support his claim for the Iron Throne. 
But here’s how I think this plays out. I said above that I don’t think either of them will sit the throne, and I don’t. I think the world is going to change with this battle in ep3 and possibly ep5. I don’t really think there will be a throne to sit. Davos has already offered up the easiest solution: marry them. But Dany will be against this because she doesn’t believe she’ll be able to have children. She’ll make him go away because of this belief. I don’t believe Jon will ever do this willingly. He loves her. The throne means nothing to him, but belonging to a family does, and right now, Dany is his family. Sansa and Arya have already put themselves at odds against him because of how he feels for her. So he’s possibly going to fight Dany on this. I think we’ll get some trickery that will make them both realize how stupid they are for each other. Dany will have Jon’s baby, and I think this goes back to Emilia’s comment about how the end fucked her up. Think of it from her perspective. What has been Dany’s goal for the entire series, almost? To take the Iron Throne. She might have even expected Dany to die. But does anyone expect her to give up the throne to live out a peaceful life with the man she loves and her child(ren)? No. Dany wants to break the wheel that her ancestor Aegon built. What better way than to dissolve the monarchy? So, let’s say the last vision we see of Dany is that of a mother to an actual child, Jon at her side, with their dragons, living somewhere far away from Westeros. That would cause some people to be irate, but others to go, yeah, that’s what’s best for these two people who have done nothing but suffer. 
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Rated: M Wordcount: 1900 Summary: [Set after TWK] Much time has passed since Jude Duarte was exiled in the mortal world. But now she's back to Elfhame and Cardan will not like to discover her reasons for coming back. Is Jude still the Queen of Nothing? Other parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, (To be added) This is a The Folk of the Air’s Fanfic. The original work belongs to Holly Black.
A son. She said nothing more. It seemed the kind of news people need time to absorb. Fairies could not be so different.
Cardan froze. They stayed there for a moment, leaned against the other, too close - intimately close - to what was about for happen. His face was empty. But this time was not because he was hiding something. Her husband was in some kind of shock.
“I did not-” understand you? heard you? Lies that he could not tell.
There not much, between what she had done, that she would like to apologise. Neither, much fairies to whom she would like to apologise. It was not like she had not done many things that hurt others. It was more like she did not feel like she should carry the blame on her back for the most of that.
But their son was Cardan's first and - she knew - only kid. Fairy children were rare and he had lost all their son childhood. The guilt had being hitting her in the stomach ever since she discovery the pregnancy, because, even at that moment, she knew she would not come back to him.
She also felt fear. She was alone - no husband, no father, no sisters, no family at all - and in unsafe places having a unsafe job. And, at the same time, it was like knew about Madoc before open the door and see him for first time. Not that she thought Cardan was like Madoc or she was like Eva. They were not. Not at all. They had their own special way of messing up things between them. And they were very good at it, champions.
A thunderstorm began in the same moment Cardan backed off her. Even the noise of falling drops outside were high enough to wake those who were sleeping in Elfhame. The High King was not looking to his wife anymore. His gaze is lost in some place beyond his windows.
His Queen sited up and let him have his time.
“You are lying to me?” His question had not accusation. It was indifferent and confused. Yet, she felt a sting.
“He is clever and charming like you.”
She had bring photos - because one gaze to his son was enough to prove she was telling the true - and was about to give to him when he said, as if he had just understood one of the great life’s mysteries, “You left me because you was pregnant.”
The photographs almost slipped between her fingers.
“No.” She tried to be emphatic, but it did not seem enough. “I didn’t know when I left.” She could not even imagine how he'd come to that conclusion. As if he could think she wouldn’t want them get to know each other, as if she had not wanted help from Cardan to understand their son. His thoughts, desires and afflictions, which she had not been fairy enough to relate.
“If you knew, it would change anything?” She hadn’t an answer to that question because she had always refused to think of any hypothesis of discovering the pregnancy before leaving him. She did not know if she would still have the same courage, the same willpower. But she would like to have.
“We will not have a chance to find out.”
“And now you can be evasive like a fairy.” Cardan’s voice showed his disgust. What was ironic. She could lie with truthful words because every time she did, she thought how Cardan would say it? In some way, had been he who taught her.
He turned to her again, but he had not been able to recover his poker face. His pain and resentment were as obvious as an open wound. “Why you left me?”
“Cardan.” She tried warn him.
“No.” He grabbed her by the arms. His grip strong enough to hurt her. “You will responde me.” She did wrong, but she would not let him treats her poorly. With a simple movement learned when she was still young, before even meet him, she got rid of his grip.
“I didn’t want that life, Cardan.” For three years their relationship had been like this: he'd go to her when he could - because he was the High King and had appointments - and she had to decide between dropping everything that she was doing - sometimes delaying weeks of work - or losing the chance to see him without knowing when they would have another opportunity. She had taken the two options several times, every time she regretted it, no matter which she chose. “I wanted power and I always worked hard to have any, you know it. You really expected that I would sit there and wait for you?” That was no life for her. “You know me better than that.”
And he grinned like he had listen the best joke ever. “So fool of me think I would be enough.”
He was bitter. And bitterness showed something that she was too busy kissing him to realize before. The High King of Elfhame looked like a monster more than ever. His presence was in the air around them, spreading and taking up space. Absolute and domineering. Very similar to his father, but much more intensity. It was the same thing that make her feel happy about Eldred’s hand in her head when she bowed to him.
But she wouldn’t bow to Cardan.
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Please, Jude. We two know exactly why you married me. I let you think you would be Elphame's Queen.” But not for too long. She thought with tepid resentment. “And I did not let you have what you really wanted.”
‘True power isn't granted. True power can't be taken away’. Madoc had said the words, but it was Cardan who taught that lesson. And she had learned.
“I am a Queen.”
“In name, and in name only.” He mocked.
She realised this was not a conversation anymore, they were fighting again.
She putted the photos in the table hoping he looked in that direction.
He didn’t.
"And how did you create our son, dear wife? Is he as hungrypower, bloodthirsty and disloyal as you?” She could forgave him for said this much, but not for what he suggested next. “It must have been a difficult childhood with a mother like you."
Jude was a mortal mother raising a Faerie child alone in the midst of fairies. Nobody thought she was good enough for the task. That she deserved the honor of raise her own baby. Some tried to take him away from her. They had said “You will die in the  dawn of his life, why make him suffer like that?”
“You'll never insult me again by saying something like that. Our son was breastfeed by me. He was never barefoot or dressed in rags.” His eyes opened like plates. It was a surprise to him that she knew. “He was never neglected. He was protect and loved and cared. I was not perfect, but his childhood was as good as me and you will ever know.”
“You loves him.” That wasn’t a question and that was no need for an answer.
“I raised him well.” Her hands were in his shirt - clenched fists, tissue between fingers - and she had no idea how they end up there. She let him go. “Cardan you are curious about my motives to be here or you just want piss me off? I have more important things to spend my time on.” She tried a threat.
Cardan let his body lean against the back of the sofa as if he were relaxed. But she had already seen snakes about to strike more relaxed than him. But he gave her what she wanted.
"Tell me, how had a son lead us to divorce? According to human customs, is not it quite the opposite?" It was a waste explaining to any fairy that just being a human does not attribute knowledge about mortal world. So she didn’t lost her time and patience trying.
“I have reasons to believe that he has been held hostage by Diarmuid.” A sharp gaze was the only sign of recognition that Cardan gave. There was no way he could not recognize it. The King Underground was one of his worst enemies. Their armies were facing each other on battlefields not so far from Elfhame. And the result of that war was uncertain.
“I assume you were not bragging about being the mother of a prince of Elfhame. So how he found that the boy is mine? And why are you thinking the ‘divorce’ can solve anything? Because that make no sense. According to the laws of the fairies the boy will continue to be my heir.”
His heir, which was exactly the problem.
“He did not find out yet. But Diarmuid will kill our son when he finds out.” It was not a question of 'if', that would happen sooner or later.
“If it is not because of me, what you have done to anger him?”
“Nothing.” He laughed theatrically.
“Jude,” He grinned “I know you better than that.”
And just because he was been rude, she responded without mercy. She spoke slowly, savoring the words and expression of shock on his face. “He proposed to me.”
A sequence of thunders filled what could have been a long silence.
“I need wine.”
That was her sign. She stood up. “And I need go back.” She was worried, Cardan did not seem very worried about their son. Not about kidnapping or about anything else. The only question that the father asked about his son had been just out of spite. Her family history was not the best, his was simply tenebrous.
“Why the rush? Late for your wedding?” He laughed without joy.
“I have to pretend to him that I didn’t discover it yet.”
“To him?” He pulled her gently until she looked at him. He was worried about her. “You are going to meet Diarmuid?”
“Not immediately, but yes. We have a meeting.”
“Jude, if he find out about us-”
“He would send my head in a pretty box to you with a nice letter.” She was not guessing. She knew better then him. “And because it seemed like he was losing focus, she said “And then  he would do the same with our son. But he will not find out. Not today or tomorrow.”
“How many time before he find out?”
She did not know. “I will be back tomorrow in sunrises. Do you prefer that I meet you here or in Shadow Court?”
“You will let me choose?”His eyebrows went up. “How nice of you.”
“I’m being nice.” He sighed deeply and all condescension vanished from his face.
He pulled her to him “So be nice to me one more time.” then kissed her again. It seemed like it's going to be a slow and careful kiss, but, before she could lost herself in it, he moved away leaving a feeling of something unfinished. Her legs trembled.
He was trying playing her.
“You cannot trust this to anyone besides Bomb and Roach. You have a leaking.”
“And how you know that?” An honest answer to that would take a lot more questions, so she simply ignored it.
And there is one much more important question that he had not asked. “Your son’s name is Bran.”
Thank you!
I need to make chapters shorter. From the next chapter, I'm just going to check who's on my tag lists because it's difficult and time-consuming to get all the names that appear in the notes.
If I may ask you, what is the best and the worst part of SECRETS & BETRAYS?
You can also read: Sinking and Fox Hunting Season.
TAG LISTS TFOTA: @lazyperfectionistteen, @afexiss, @thequeenofeveything, @nitrot150, @fangirling101, @thejiminsjamsowner​ S&B: @ashlightgrayson, @saea​
@ohh-idontcare​, @queenaelinash​, @scoutmedic66​, @just2809​, @shadowfeyartist, @agape12345​, @taryaofstars @izzroro​, @you-are-the-first-dream​, @gamer670​, @ysitsohardtofindaname​, @artemis1802​ @itsgabsposts-blog​, @t8astr8ng, @lexia3​, @ultra-youngsimmer​, @impossiblyglitterydreamland, @darkfriendheroduck​, @sanfranciscroc​, @cardansbishh​, @athousandlivesread​
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Pride: Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Tommy hates to be in the dark and hates to be wrong. Lila goes along with Polly’s plan and Tommy is a right bastard about it.
Polly’s plan worked a charm. Grace was gone. Aunt Pol had a perfect view of Grace’s face when John and Arthur strolled up to the betting windows. She was decked out in red, as Tommy had directed, and was frankly making a fool of herself on his arm. Her cloyingly sweet expression twisted into one of disbelief and panic as the other two Shelby brothers approached Tommy to be briefed on the plan for the day. She excused herself and disappeared, leaving Pol to clue Tommy in as to what was happening right under his nose. He didn’t take it well. Tommy went into a tailspin. He called off the meeting with Kimber. He railed at Polly, John, and Arthur, and accused them of disloyalty. “Brother,” Arthur growled, “I don’t know what kind of a spell she’s got you under, but let me disabuse you of any fantasies you may have of Grace Burgess being on your side because she ain’t.”
Tommy paced frantically, back and forth, back and forth, just outside the stables. He lit a cigarette, took a few drags and flung it away into a fresh pile of straw. John raced to stamp it out. “For Christ’s sake, Tommy! Don’t burn the bleedin’ stables down.”
Tommy squared up to John, “You knew too, then? What about Lila?”
John looked down at his feet.
“Oi!” Tommy wheeled around to Polly and Arthur. “Did she fucking know?”
Polly snapped on him, “Yes, Thomas! She knew. And she knew well enough to keep her mouth shut. Now get in the fucking car. You’ve drawn enough attention to yourself.” They raced back to Small Heath with Tommy’s knuckles white on the steering wheel. He had the engine wound flat out, recklessly taking every curve at high speeds. Polly admonished him, like a naughty child, “She was never on our side. You wouldn’t listen, so we had to bring you proof. It’s your own damn fault, so don’t you dare accuse us of disloyalty, Thomas. If anything it’s you who has been disloyal.” The proof was all over the docks. As predicted, Campbell showed up at the BSA warehouses with a full complement of officers, guns drawn, ready to bring the Peaky Blinders to heel. The rage and embarrassment he felt upon discovering that he had been tricked was only heightened by his suspicions that Grace had intentionally fed him false intelligence. Who knows what kind of scene transpired between them later that night at the train station, but Grace was gone and Campbell took a bullet. Problem solved. Now, they had to deal with the aftermath, and what was left behind was an angry man who felt betrayed by the people closest to him: his family and his girl. Lila heard the car roar up at number 6 and ran to the doorway of the flat that she and Tommy shared. She could hear them fighting before she opened the door. She stood in the shadows and watched Polly, John, and Arthur spill out amongst swearing and threats. As soon as they were clear the car sped away, and the headlights caught Lila’s pallid face and tear-filled eyes. If Tommy spotted her, he never slowed down. She could feel the breeze off of Tommy’s coupe as he tore down the lane.
John kicked the wall and swore a blue streak aimed at his vain, controlling brother. Polly grabbed Arthur’s wrist as he stormed toward the door to number 6. “Arthur, go see about Lila while I deal with John. I can’t have him going home like this. He’ll wake the whole house and there’ll be hell to pay with Esme.” Arthur slicked his hair back and pulled his flat cap from his pocket, placing it on his head. He grunted in the affirmative. “…and see if you can talk her into staying here. God knows she doesn’t need to face Tommy alone with the mood he’s in. If he comes home tonight at all.”
Arthur did his best to convince Lila to come next door. “You can’t do anything with ‘im when he gets in a temper.” He tried to talk sense to her, but love is blind and deaf. She refused to wait the night out with him and Polly and insisted that things would go better if she was waiting for him when he returned.
“I should be here when he gets home. He might not want to admit it, but he needs me— especially if he feels betrayed.” She sent Arthur on his way with a promise that if things got too rough she would go to Polly’s.
Alone, with nothing but the steady tick of the mantle clock to keep her company, her thoughts began to race. She wondered where he could have gone. The Garrison was closed at this hour. He had sped off in the direction of Chinatown, and there were two things on offer down there at this time of night: opium and whores. She shook the thought from her head and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. Drank straight from the bottle with no ice or water, the liquor burned her throat and took her breath away. She needed enough of it to take her thoughts away. Soon enough, she began to feel warm all over and a bit sleepy. With a shrug, she shed her sweater and draped it over the arm of Tommy’s favorite chair. For a moment she leaned on the chair back and laid her cheek against the antimacassar. The faint smell of Tommy’s pomade made her sigh. He must have been angry with her too, otherwise, he would have stopped. He would have come back by now. She pushed those thoughts from her mind and took another swig of whiskey. Taking the bottle and a pillow with her, she set up camp on the couch. When Tommy came home, he would see that she had waited for him.
She dozed off in minutes but soon awoke to see the red tip of a cigarette glowing in the corner of the room. It was Tommy. The fog of sleep was still lifting from her, and she realized that Tommy had been speaking to her. His voice was thick and slow as if his words were swimming through molasses to reach her ears. “Answer me, Lila. What else have you kept from me?”
She drowsily started, “Baby…I waited, I wasn’t sure you’d be home tonight…”
He repeated himself, his voice slurred and his anger apparent, “What else have you kept from me?” “I can’t believe you’d ask me that. You know that I’ve no reason to keep secrets,” she answered, her voice pitched higher than usual. Then more quietly, “Something you could never say.” She stared into the darkness at his silhouette, her eyes drawn to the burning end of his cigarette. She could hear the ice rattling in his glass as he brought it to his lips. “Why couldn’t you tell me then, eh?” he growled. She couldn’t stand this intimidation game he was playing and turned to cut on the lamp that stood beside the couch. Squinting as her eyes got used to the light, she looked up at him through half raised lids. His eyes were glassy and his jaw was set. He was speaking to her through gritted teeth. She gave a resigned answer, “Would it have mattered? I mean, any other time that I, or Polly, or Esme, or your brothers said anything about our suspicions you ignored us.”
Every word she said was true and if anything he should appreciate that the truth had been revealed. But he wasn’t. His ego was bruised and he felt like a fool. He pointed a finger at her, the rest of his hand gripping a half gone glass of whiskey. “You had no business getting mixed up in this matter.” Lila took in the contempt in Tommy’s expression. He was turning on her. She had seen this look before, the cold progression of turning everything off from his brain to his heart. He was mentally preparing to leave her. “If you want to hate me for staying quiet, then go ahead. But your family did this for you. You may be able to go against the rest of the Shelbys, but I can’t. Nor did I want to. She was a copper, let’s not forget that minor detail. A copper who was willing to lie to you and steal you from me.” Lila was becoming angrier and braver with every word. If this was the end for her and Tommy, she would go out swinging. “A spy that you were more than happy to cozy up to when the mood suited you.” She stood and began walking toward him. “You don’t even seem to be concerned with what she did to you. She sold you and your brothers out lock, stock, and barrel to Campbell.” Lila crossed the room to where he was sitting. She was so close that her knees were touching his, and she leaned down so that her face was closer to his. “And instead of being grateful to those who love you, you play the part of the selfish bastard.”
His mouth was slightly open, and his tongue ran across his bottom lip. She studied his lips, the angular planes of his face, and finally his pale blue eyes. He was wasted. His pride was hurt and he was drunk or worse. She considered whether or not this was the right time to have it out with him, but her pride got the better of her. “Did you hear me, Tommy? Don’t you even care that she was a spy, sent to sell you out?” Tommy swallowed thickly and dropped his eyelids before slowly turning his head from side to side. “No. I don’t care so much that she lied.” His lashes fluttered against his pale cheeks, then he fixed his gaze on Lila. “I didn’t love her.”
Lila brought her hand under Tommy’s chin to lift his face to hers, and, quick as a shot, he grabbed her wrist. She winced in pain and hissed, “Don’t you dare try to make me feel guilty for this. Mine was a sin of omission, at best.”
His fingers dug into the tender underside of her arm and he brought his face closer to hers as he spoke, “But a sin, nonetheless.”
An odd smile crept over his face. His whiskey slid from his grip and crashed to the floor, and he brought his hand up to cup Lila’s chin. The condensation from the chilled glass lingered on his fingertips, and the cool, wet sensation sent shivers through her. His eyes darted between hers and his breathing quickened. She had seen contempt from him, she had seen anger and indifference in his face before a breakup, but this was something different. He was furious with her, but along with his fury, there was passion.    
Lila squirmed and his hold on her tightened. “I held my peace because I love you, Tommy.”
He drew his lips into a smirk, “You were jealous. You wanted to be rid of her.”
“I wanted to keep you from being hanged.”
Lila was growing limp in his grasp. He raked her hair back from her face and pulled her down into a kiss. He was rough with her, like a drowning man gasping for air. His hands were on either side of her face, and his fingers were tangled in her hair. She maneuvered herself onto his lap, knees on either side of his hips, and he pulled her down farther still using her hair for leverage. Her hands slid across his shoulders and down his chest, undoing buttons as they went.
He shifted her down onto his lap and pulled her head backward while biting her bottom lip. “You are mine, Lila, and from now on you will do what I say.”
She moaned in protest, but ground herself into his hardness. He pulled her skirt up around her waist and ran his fingers under the edge of her panties over the curve of her ass.
“Who do you belong to?”
Lila trailed kisses along his razor-sharp jawline and lightly nibbled his earlobe. He grabbed a handful of her hair and bent her head back until her eyes were level with his. They were frighteningly intense, and he asked again, “Who do you belong to, Lila?” He wound her hair more tightly in his fist and bent her head back to expose her throat.
“You…Oh, God…You, Tommy…” He sucked and mouthed at the pale skin of her throat, marking his territory, while she wrapped her legs more tightly around his back.
He breathed words onto her wet skin, “So from now on, you will do what I say.”
Once again, Lila willingly swallowed her pride.
I have to say, I can totally see why Lila keeps coming back for more. Tommy is such a bad boy, but  I’d still belly crawl through broken glass for him. Comments are welcome.
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brightestwitch333 · 7 years
you are a black
he heard it all the time, it was drilled into his head since birth, along with the rest of his parent’s venom. it meant so many things, it was used as a reminder, a threat, a guideline. they used it to justify and condemn, to build and to break. they fed him poison and it expected him to gargle it back up on demand. but he could not and would not. those simple four words defined, trapped, hurt, imprisoned, and finally broke sirius orion black. because in the end of it all they were true - he was a black.
you are a black his parents preached to him for as long as he could remember. they told him it meant that he was more important, better, above everyone else. he was worthy. blacks are superior to lesser beings.
you are a black his mother scolded, when he was four and tried to befriend a muggle he met on the street. blacks do not associate with such filth.
you are a black the old family house elf responded simply when sirius asked why he was so eager to serve him, why the house elf was forced to clean up sirius’ messes, it just didn’t seem fair. blacks deserve the very best from inferiors.
you are a black his father growled at him, when he was ten, after he’d expressed his doubts about slytherin. blacks are always sorted into slytherin.
you are a black his cousin bellatrix taunted him after his sorting. she knew exactly what that meant for him and she relished in his fearful anticipation. he’d simply glared daggers at her, unwilling to concede. blacks accept the consequences of their actions
you are a black his mother roared, her howler shaking the great hall in its unchecked fury, her rage apparent for all to hear. sirius, his face a white mask, refused to let his terror show. blacks do not diverge from where they belong, especially not black heirs, and they certainly do not get sorted into gryffindor.
you are a black? his new friend, james, questioned confusedly. his parents had warned him about that family but sirius didn’t fit their descriptions. blacks were not so good and kind
you are a black his brother reminded him quietly and fearfully, worried their parents would overhear, after sirius had suggested that, perhaps, some of their parents’ beliefs were wrong. blacks don’t question the set order of things.
you are a black his mother reprimanded him with a slap to the face after he’d misbehaved at an important dinner party. blacks do not conduct themselves inappropriately in public
you are a black his father told him sternly, his fingers digging into sirius’ shoulders and elbow in his throat, seemingly unconcerned by the shop keeper’s flabbergasted and horrified face. blacks don’t make mistakes, even ones as simple as forgetting their booklist at home.
you are a black his mother corrected him maliciously when he called himself a gryffindor. blood triumphs house. it was his birthright not his choices that defined him. blacks know where their loyalties lie
you are a black his mother shrieked in anger, her voice magnified tenfold by the howler, heard all throughout the great hall, intending to humiliate him as he did her. blacks do not risk shaming their noble name by engaging in petty misdemeanors and nonsense such as pranks and mischief
you are a black his father insisted softly, when sirius talked back. his low, calm voice a hundred times more terrifying than any wrathful scream could be, and his controlled anger indicative of the chaos and pain that was to come. blacks raise their children to handle pain.
you are a black his mother snarled at him as he lay on the floor cradling his broken arm and still shaking from the crucius curse she’d inflicted moments before. blacks think before they speak.
you are a black his mother threatened him as he stood at the fireplace, wand in hand and blood streaking his face. unsure of whether he should stay or go. he opted to stay for the moment, for his brother. that was a mistake. blacks do not doubt themselves.
you are a black his brother recited back dutifully, spewing the lessons of their parents to sirius with perfect obedience after sirius had remarked that blood status didn’t much matter, only the briefest flicker of fear in regulus’ eyes betrayed his doubts about his words. blacks always say what they are supposed to, regardless of what is true
you are a black his mother warned softly, curses ready upon her lips, hexes heavy on her tongue. she was watching for any misstep or mistake. no error was too small to avoid punishment. blacks always receive what they deserve.
you are a black his mother hissed to him in french after he ran away the first time, so the potters couldn’t understand. veiling her hints and threats across the language barrier, reminding him that he could not escape his heritage, forcing him to return. blacks must always return to their roots.
you are a black his father disciplined him in the middle of diagon alley, punching him to the ground quick and hard, after sirius corrected him for calling lily evans, his fellow gryffindor and classmate, a foul name. nobody batted an eye. blacks do what they want.
you are a black his brother whispered to him wide-eyed and warningly, pulling him aside in the corridor before class. silently begging him not to do something he’d regret lest they both pay the price. but sirius had no intention of hiding his love for his best friend, for a half blood, for a boy. blacks fight for what they want.
you are a black! his mother screeched at him angrily, during a heated argument, brandishing her wand like a sword and firing furious hexes at him like she was sole prosecutor of justice. blacks do not argue with authority. blacks do not hesitate to seek justice
you are a black! he choked out in response to his father’s promptings, struggling against the arm crushing his windpipe, desperately trying to breathe. his father had told him to recite the lesson he’d been given since birth and he just needed to breathe. blacks always give the expected answer.
you are a black! his parents repeated again and again as they struck him, each blow hard and precise, each curse decisive and powerful. blood, bruises and broken bones were his payment for loving an unworthy boy, for loving remus. blacks should never lower themselves to such standards.
you are a black his mother spat at him one last time, her gaze hard and unforgiving as she glared down at her former son. she knew that no matter how undeserving he was, no matter what anyone else said or did, he would never truly shed that title, not really. but she would impress upon him what it actually meant to be a black, one last time. crucius. blacks like to accentuate their point.
you are a black his father rumbled into his ear as sirius laid on the ground, panting and groaning, unable to conceal his pain any longer. but not for long. & with that he carved blood traitor into sirius’ arm, his new label. blacks must prune their family tree, weeding out the weak and unworthy.
you are a black his brother pleaded, when sirius cornered him in the hallway after spotting the mark on his arm. you understand why I had to. you left. sirius wordlessly let him go, guilt and regret burning through him. blacks do what needs to be done.
you are a black the second-year girl trembled fearfully, terror on her face when he stopped her in the hallway to ask if she knew the date. the blanant suspicion in her eyes felt like a slap in the face, two years after he’d been disowned the title still followed him. he wanted to correct her, to prove to her that he wasn’t like them but instead he walked away without even asking. blacks are always respected and feared.
you are a black his brother insisted on the train home, after sirius’ last year at hogwarts. they both knew that once they reached the platform their paths would diverge and they might never see each other again. they might’ve disowned you but I didn’t. you’re still my brother. sirius ached for those words to be true, but that was the last time he and regulus ever spoke. blacks can’t always keep their promises.
you are a black mad eye stated definitively, disgust and hate evident in his tone, as if that statement alone was enough for him to know him. he eyed him distrustfully, perhaps searching for some sign of evil in his youthful haughty face. he didn’t want him to join and it was easy to see why. blacks know only darkness, they are not to be trusted
you are a black! his boyfriend shouted, the implication clear in his tone. he was upset and angry that sirius would dare accuse him of being the spy after everything they’d been through together, and sirius couldn’t quite believe that he had either. but remus’ statement hurt sirius like nothing else, although he clearly didn’t mean it. anyone that knew sirius knew how deeply he despised the dark side. blacks are many things but disloyal is not one of them.
you are a black peter whispered, after sirius confronted him on the street, shaking and sobbing, white with horror and needing to understand. laughing madly with hysteria, and insensible with grief. nobody will believe you over me. he was right. blacks do not have a good reputation
you are a black the judge explained, hatred burning in his eyes, as sirius was carted off to azkaban, sentenced to life imprisonment and pyschological torture without a trial, and that simple statement was enough to justify it all. no other explanation needed. the black reputation preceded all else. blacks are known for their affiliation with the dark arts and they deserve what they get
nobody bothered to set the record straight, nobody tried to investigate further. they didn’t need to. nobody thought about how sirius was disowned by his family for his passionate hatred and opposition to the dark arts. nobody considered the fact that sirius was the very last person anyone would expect of going to the dark side. nobody remembered his vement opposition to all it stood for, his history of standing up for what he believed in. they didn’t take into account everything he had suffered fighting against the very thing he was jailed for. how he announced his opposition every chance he got. how he stood against his own family from the age of eleven and made no secret of his views. how he joined an organization straight out of school that was dedicated to destroying the dark lord. no one thought about how james potter was sirius’ best friend and brother. how they were inseparable, and how sirius would fight to his dying breath to protect that man. nobody looked into how things weren’t adding up, how something was off. they just let it happen, no one cared. well almost no one.
& sirus, the only one that knew the truth, the only one who was absolutely sure of his own innocence, didn’t even try to defend himself. he wasn’t given a chance to a trial, a chance to let the truth come out. & even if he was given a chance to defend himself, he wouldn’t, because in his mind this atrocitious miscarriage of justice was well deserved. in his mind he deserved this punishment, he deserved to suffer, to live in pain, to wallow in misery. in his mind this was justice, for this was the only type of justice he’d ever known. his whole life he had been been punished and battered for every mistake and this was the biggest mistake he’d ever made. although it wasn’t his fault, although there was nothing he could’ve done, he blamed himself. & so he punished himself because he thought he deserved it. he didn’t say a word to defend himself and so nobody else did either.
you are a black. you cannot escape the truth. his parents used to tell him that when he defied them, to remind him that he would always be one of them. & in the end it was true, he was a black and that made society turn against him. blacks know of nothing but darkness. they don’t deserve trials or fairness. they have no right to judgement. they get what they deserve, sirius was no exception to that.
you are a black. & he was, sirius was a black. try as he might, he never quite managed to shake that title, he carried it to his dying breath. he died a black, accused of and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. not until after his death was his name cleared. all he wanted in his life was to prove himself different than his family, to prove he wasn’t one of them. but in the end he was. he may have been better, more honorable, more moral, more good. but his name imprisoned and trapped him, in more ways than one. & he was a black.
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Tips To Find The Perfect Baby Presents
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You may unquestionably be a mysterious person but specialists . make your personal destiny. Jupiter will be accused of occupation of center position. You may interest in religion, discipline, spirituality, astrology and tantra-mantra.
It's likely true that most women make many or most in the own problems. This isn't the intentional need for women, but is usually the result of this society's pressures on women overall.
In Virgo ascendant ketu is not friendly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo may be known a low sign of Ketu. Thus ketu can establish more harm in Virgo ascendant. You might have more Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. You may have to suffer for higher education and for every son. Along with the help of religious worship and reciting mantra maybe you have the happiness of education and youngster.
Mars in Virgo ascendant is not fruitful owing to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives negative vigour. You may be very dominating person and then your children is quite talented and governing. Might have rise through female near friends. You may go to foreign land and may get global recognition. You may have joy of brothers and massive bang outstanding and loyal friends.
Mars in Virgo ascendant is not fruitful thanks to tritiyesh and ashtmesh. It gives negative gasoline. Due to the formation of Vimal named Rajyoga and prakram bhang yoga might find destroy your enemies and may be blessed with longevity. You can have the tremendous chance do function more correctly. You may gain a regarding popularity. Mainly because of ManglikKundali you may have problems with your married life and you may have some trouble in getting children.
In Virgo ascendant ketu is not friendly with Lagnesh Mercury. Virgo represents a low sign of Ketu. Thus ketu will create more harm in virgo ascendant. This location of ketu is an interruption within your business and work. Your servants can be disloyal and may to help suffer defeats in tennis courts. You may have be careful of your enemies.
In Virgo ascendant Jupiter will not be fruitful due to saptmesh and chaturthyesh catalyst and in order to inauspicious area. Jupiter will be accused of occupation of center position. You may have very religious views and that can be a philosopher. Maybe you have many brothers and gets higher information. You may get all the happiness of parents, home and property. You'll be courageous and may not lose your confidence and patiences in difficult situation.
Day frocks and swing top sets with sun-hats to protect baby from the sun can be to about the perfect thing to include touch of fashion. As the grows a little more than six months old, the clothing may not be typical from rompers, overalls, hoodies, tank dress to skirts and t-shirts. Remember this is exactly the starting out. There are an array of trendy outfits for growing young ladies.
After may a couple picked out online you can go towards store in addition the child look the actual sheets to discover whether they meet their approval. Lots of great might think that a little thing it does go a prolonged way to earning sure their comfort.
Searching in a present for elderly people seems turn out to be tough, even so, if you are asked pick from an item for a baby, when possible find it much challenging than hunting for a piece for the elder ones. Babies are themselves the gift from God. A person be a gift for or even a gift on its own? Clothes, accessories, a lot of. are all common items tend to be opted for that babies. However, when it comes down to just baby clothing gifts, there is no ban. In fact, there are wide ranges of trendy attires which may opt from. These kinds of the larger can work as perfect methods any occasion, whether as Christening gifts or birthday presents.
Sexual intercourse is ignorant sex for children, yet religions condemn masturbation, which is the safe and satisfying substitute. Religions condemn condom use, thus endangering females with possible diseases and pregnancies. Religions condemn birth control pill or family planning, thus burdening many females with undesired children and large families. This burdens females to the extent that they may not enjoy free some fun as males may.
In Virgo ascendant Moon is not fruitful and auspicious due to the fact labhesh. Moon is a new upset in lagnesh of Mercury. Because Mercury is the ultimate enemy of his father Moon but Moon is not malice with Mercury. Terrible may deteriorate in kid hood. You're able depress as soon as possible it could lose your self-confidence. You may get profits in foreign travel and will go for more travel. It's possible you'll feel happiness while serving your couples with children. But due to your expensive nature you might have some financial crises.
For a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana of virtually any age the hula hoop a great inexpensive and entertaining gift that will probably be enjoyed for hours. This is a fun holiday gift for any family on a tight budget. Every little girl has had a hula hoop in the old days or another so make this Christmas time more memorable with giving your litttle lady a timeless gift. Wine beverage they don't hula hoop too about the Christmas bonsai tree.
But need to remember that Islam isn't confined to the Islamic nations and strategies large minorities in India, Lanka and the USA. Actually India includes second largest Moslem population in earth.
The holiday period is just round the corner and if you come to mind about selecting great gift for a male child then consider Mario plush toys and Pokemon plush toys. Buying these toys is simple because these kinds of sold by multiple online stores. What you will achieve by gifting probably these toys is great happiness for that child and saving which.
In my view are usually are that are fortunate enough to get such a friend, please hold in order to him/her. Provides you much needed refreshment within your day to day each day. I can hardly see farther in the life any definitions of your relationships and also the need for brand spanking new one will be; however i have understood one thing and that is, regarded as ever changing phenomenon. Can certainly not find the number of people around and also your spend away from the conversations of your lives thinking those relationships are likely to last lifelong and is actually sufficient. Don't be fooled through the temporary comfort of you way of life. Meet new people showcase good beneficial friends.
In Virgo ascendant Sun will end fruitful as being a result being vyayaesh. Your children may not be respectful or may be rebellious. 100 % possible be the protector of your friends and family.
Despite getting the who owns Triangle, Saturn cannot crush fault of shashtesh. Virgo ascendant is thought of as the self-ascendant of Rahu. The second strongest desire all humans have is designed for sexual golden technologies.
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Camelia is what's written on my birth certificate although it's not the name on my birth cert. The thing he adores most is horse riding but he can't make it his discipline. Pennsylvania is the only place he's been keeping. Her job is an office maid of honor.
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oldmangrant · 7 years
       I guess I should tell this wonderful place about myself. My name is Grant, 24 and I was in the navy for five wonderful years. The navy made me grow up in ways that I never could have imagined. It made me change from a immature child, to a semi-adult. I still have my childish ways, but I’ve grown up a lot. I’ve seen the world, places I only dreamed of. I went on three deployments out of the five years I was in, and those memories will never go away. I’ve seen the worlds tallest building in Dubai, I’ve been inside of Vatican City, I’ve been insanely drunk with my closest friends in Bahrain. But that story had to come to an end, and I honestly wish it hadn’t.
       I was married for two years, but all together I was with her for three years. Was I loyal that entire time, no. I was an idiot for most of the marriage, and I regret everything that I did to her. I stopped being disloyal September of 15, but that doesn’t erase everything I did. The guilt drove me to a bad place, somewhere I didn’t want to be in. I felt so bad about what I had done, that I put a gun to my head but I talked myself out of it when I realized what it would do to everyone, that was attempt number 1(number 2 comes later). So when June came around of 16, I left for a seven month deployment. Things were rocky between her and I, the sex life was non-existent and we were fighting constantly, but we tried to keep the marriage alive. When I left she told me that she was afraid of meeting someone else, and or that she would fall out of love with me..silly me for not listening.
       The day that I left I was put on night shift, 7pm-7am, and it was my time to run my own shift of 15 people without anyone watching over me. I immersed myself into work, and I put everything else on the back burner, including my marriage. I made excuses as to why I couldn’t call, I would ignore emails, or I would respond with a few words and get back to work. Now don’t get me wrong, we were busy for all 12 hours, but I could have made time to talk to her, and I didn’t. We would stop in a port, and I would hangout with friends and not talk to her, and if I did talk to her I was distant or distracted. This went on until September, and that’s when everything changed. Originally when I left, we talked about starting a family and she was going off of birth control, but then I get an email saying she was going back on it, and I didn’t think anything of it at the time. A week or so before that I get an email asking me if I ever thought anyone I worked with was cute, of course I said no. The signs were all there, I was just too wrapped up in work to notice that someone else had slipped into the picture. She met this guy at work and he told her all of the right things, and bumped me out of the picture. When I noticed things were going wrong, I started to step it up, emailing her more, calling her more..but it was too late..she wanted a break. Now you don’t take a break in a marriage, you just don’t, but she insisted on it, and me being like anyone else knew that she wanted to go on a break to see other people. I protested it, fought it tooth and nail, but I finally gave in and agreed to it.
       We hit a port sometime October time frame and that’s when everything went wrong. We fought the entire time, she accused me of cheating(which remember I did) and all I did was deny deny deny. She became a very vindictive person, she wasn’t the same person that I married. She would put me down constantly, bring this other guy up all of the time, it was a shit show. Well I finally admitted that I cheated on her, and that’s when she admitted that her and the guy had been sleeping together. I lost it, I couldn’t hold myself together. I explained how long ago it was that I cheated on her, but she didn’t care. She started putting me down even worse, saying I’m going to die alone, I’m white trash, started talking bad about my family..the people that were nice to her the entire time everything was going down. I went to marriage classes, talked to the chaplain, I did everything in my power to fix things. I would call her three time a day, I would find work to do on the computer just so I could stay on and email her, but it was useless. She was “in love” with this guy she met at work, and she was done with me. About that time, my mental state wasn’t the best. I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t eating, I lost ten pounds just from depression alone. I had to pull myself off of the flight deck because I was afraid I would do something stupid. Anxiety started to kick my ass, and she would just make fun of me for it. So I went and got prescribed sleeping pills since I couldn’t sleep. One day she just went off on me, talking about their sex life, how much better he is than me, started talking about getting rid of my dog, and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. So I locked myself in the bathroom at work and took about ten sleeping pills and gave up. When I was starting to feel everything, I kind of had an ‘oh shit what are you doing moment’ and ended up throwing everything up. At that moment I knew that I needed to get my shit together.
       So I call her and we talk, and she tells me ‘either you get out of the navy, or I’m gone’. I had orders to an amazing squadron in Florida, I finally made E-5, and I pulled my enlistment and said I’m done. I left the greatest job I’ve ever had for a flimsy maybe, but I didn’t care I was dead set on making it work. So as time went on, things were always an up and down slope. Around Thanksgiving time we were the best we had ever been. We talked normal, we started to fix things, she said she was going to leave the other guy to focus on our marriage, and I was so convinced that she was telling the truth. Well she didn’t cut things off, and I was left there trying to put the pieces back together myself with duct tape and glue. December came around and things were still up in the air, we talked about moving to Ohio and living with her mom to get back on our feet, and things were starting to look up yet again..silly me for getting my hopes up. I was supposed to fly off the boat about beginning of December, that changed. Then I was supposed to fly off mid December, that changed too, and she was convinced that I had been lying to her about flying off, there was no convincing her otherwise. So we hit France mid December and things are shit, fighting constantly, keeps bringing up the other guy and I was on my last leg of trying. She calls me while I’m in port, and it’s the other guy. He starts trying to talk to me, convince me he’s better for her and blah blah blah. I loose my shit on him, threaten his life a few times, it was just an all around bad idea for him to call me. So when I pull back out to sea, she tells me she’s done and filing for divorce.
       At that moment, I realized I fucked my whole life up for that flimsy maybe. She moves off with this dude, leaves me with every bill known to man, and expensive apartment and doesn’t have a care in the world that. I continued to try to fix it, but there was no use. Anxiety was kicking my ass, depression kept me away from my friends, I just was not in a good place. She would continue to toy with my emotions why she was with this other guy and I let it happen. Then the say came when she got her stuff from the apartment, and that was the day I couldn’t handle. She took everything, and left me with a dining room table and my office full of stuff, that’s it. I had the worst mental breakdown of all time that day, and I just sat in the middle of an empty apartment bawling my eyes out because I lost everything in my life, and I had to start over from scratch. After that day, I wouldn’t hear from her as often, so I started to get back on my feet again and feeling normal. I immersed myself in the gym and focused on that every single day. Then I get a text from her freaking out on me about insurance. She accuses me of taking her off of the insurance that neither of us have anymore because of the divorce. At this point in time my feelings for her are non-existent and I was pretty annoyed by the whole thing. She starts attacking me again, saying I’m being heartless about why am I being so mean when she doesn’t deserve this. Then she brings up the tax return I’m getting(which being deployed means I get bubkis back this year), and says she needs some of it because we are both “starting over”. Let me remind everyone that she has a trust fund she can dip into anytime she wants, I have a jar full of coins I have to use to make ends meet. So I calmly explain to her that we both don’t have insurance and that she isn’t getting my tax return that I need. She doesn’t like that answer and gets her mom involved. I have to explain to both of these women that when I separated form the navy we both lost insurance, but that wasn’t good enough.
       Where I’m at now in life is a shit show, but I’m on the road to being a better person. She is completely out of my life, I’m moving home to be with people that I know care about me, and I’m finally getting a house. My past will forever haunt me, and will always bring me down. My mental state still isn’t stop notch, but that takes time. The gym is the only thing that helps me anymore, even if people don’t understand why, but that isn’t something they need to understand. I know this may seem like a lot of rambling, but it’s my life and it is what brought me to this point.  
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Kevin Hart & Tyrese Defend Ellen DeGeneres Amid ‘Toxic Workplace’ Accusations + Former ‘ELLEN’ DJ Tony Okungbowa Admits He Felt ‘Toxicity’ On Set
Kevin Hart and Tyrese are speaking out to defend his friend Ellen DeGeneres after she was accused of creating a toxic work environment by several former employees. Just recently, former “ELLEN” show DJ Tony Okungbowa went on the record to say he felt the “toxicity” on the set. Oh wow. More inside…
Famed talk show host Ellen DeGeneres has been accused of creating a “toxic work environment,” which has launched a storm of controversy.
Over the years, Ellen has seemingly been unproblematic. However, several people who have worked with the daytime talk show host claim she’s nothing like the bubbly personality she portrays on television. Apparently, it’s a totally different Ellen behind-the-scenes at the EMMY winning series.
One current and ten former employees of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” have anonymously come forward to expose what’s been going down on the set of the “ELLEN” show. The individuals spoke to Buzzfeed News last month on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.
The former employees claim they were subjected to favoritism by executive producers, faced microaggressions and were fired after taking medical leave or bereavement days.
One former employee – a black woman – said she experienced racist comments from senior level producers.
A Black woman who used to work on The Ellen DeGeneres Show told BuzzFeed News she experienced racist comments, actions, and “microaggressions” during her year and a half as an employee. She said when she was hired, a senior-level producer told her and another Black employee, “Oh wow, you both have box braids; I hope we don’t get you confused.” And at a work party, she said, one of the main writers told her, “I’m sorry, I only know the names of the white people who work here,” and other coworkers “awkwardly laughed it off” instead of coming to her defense.
Another former employee said after taking a one-month medical leave following a suicide attempt, they returned to work and were told their position was being eliminated.
After working on The Ellen DeGeneres Show for nearly a year, one former employee said they took medical leave for one month to check into a mental health facility for a suicide attempt. But the week they returned to work, they were told their position was being eliminated.
“You'd think that if someone just tried to kill themselves, you don’t want to add any more stress to their lives,” the employee, whose story was corroborated by four other employees and medical records, told BuzzFeed News. “Some of the producers talk openly in public about addiction and mental health awareness, but they’re the reason there’s a stigma,” they said. “They definitely don’t practice what they preach with the ‘be kind’ mantra."
Some of the other employees said they were instructed by their direct managers to NOT speak to Ellen if they saw her around the office. No specific claims were made against Ellen – mainly these three executive producers who are in charge.
“People focus on rumors about how Ellen is mean and everything like that, but that's not the problem. The issue is these three executive producers running the show who are in charge of all these people [and] who make the culture and are putting out this feeling of bullying and being mean,” another former employee claimed. “They feel that everybody who works at The Ellen Show is lucky to work there — ‘So if you have a problem, you should leave because we’ll hire someone else because everybody wants to work here.’”
Executive producers Ed Glavin, Mary Connelly and Andy Lassner released a statement to E! News addressing the allegations, claiming they are taking them “very seriously.”
”We are truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience. It's not who we are and not who we strive to be, and not the mission Ellen has set for us,” the statement reads.
"For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us," the statement read. "We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better." 
The show is undergoing an internal investigation by WarnerMedia.
Several of Ellen’s celeb friends have come to her defense, including Katy Perry and Ashton Kutcher. Now, comedian Kevin Hart is coming to Ellen’s defense.
”It’s crazy to see my friend go thru what she’s going thru publicly. I have known Ellen for years and I can honestly say that she’s one of the dopest people on the f*cking planet,” Kevin wrote in an Instagram caption along with a picture of himself and Ellen on her show.
The Night School star said Ellen has always treated him and his family with love and kindness.
”She has treated my family and my team with love and respect from day 1,” he wrote.
Kev said he’s tired of how it seems the Internet preys on people’s downfall.
”The internet has become a crazy world of negativity....we are falling in love with peoples down fall. It’s honestly sad...When did we get here? I stand by the ones that I know and that I love,” he continued.
He concluded his message saying the post was not put up to disregard the feelings of others and their experiences. But, he felt it was important to share what his experiences with Ellen have been like.
”This post is not meant to disregard the feelings of others and their experiences....It’s simply to show what my experiences have been with my friend. Love you for life Ellen,” he wrote.
Check it:
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                  It’s crazy to see my friend go thru what she’s going thru publicly. I have known Ellen for years and I can honestly say that she’s one of the dopest people on the fucking planet. She has treated my family and my team with love and respect from day 1. The internet has become a crazy world of negativity....we are falling in love with peoples down fall. It’s honestly sad...When did we get here? I stand by the ones that I know and that I love. Looking forward to the future where we get back to loving one another....this hate shit has to stop. Hopefully it goes out of style soon....This post is not meant to disregard the feelings of others and their experiences....It’s simply to show what my experiences have been with my friend. Love you for life Ellen...
A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on Aug 4, 2020 at 9:48am PDT
Kev also posted this: 
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                  Kevin Hart addressed the critics who claim he’s publicly supporting Ellen during her career drama but was silent about his friend Nick Cannon’s recent career drama.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Aug 5, 2020 at 7:17am PDT
  Around the same time Kevin put up his post in defense of Ellen, one of the show’s former DJs shared what he experienced on the “ELLEN” show set.
Tony Okungbowa, the actor/DJ known as DJ Tony, is the first person to go on record about the alleged toxic work environment. He admitted he "did experience and feel the toxicity of the environment" during his tenure as the show's resident DJ.
"I have been getting calls asking me about the Ellen Degeneres Show and I would like to address the time I spent there. I was on air talent from 2003-2006 and from 2007 -2013," the “Bob Hearts Abishola” actor wrote. "While I am grateful for the opportunity it afforded me, I did experience and feel the toxicity of the environment and I stand with my former colleagues in their quest to create a healthier and more inclusive workplace as the show moves forward."
Peep the post below:
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                  Hey Guys, I hope you are all keeping safe out there during these trying times. I have been getting calls asking me about the Ellen Degeneres Show and I would like to address the time I spent there. I was on air talent from 2003-2006 and from 2007 -2013. While I am grateful for the opportunity it afforded me, I did experience and feel the toxicity of the environment and I stand with my former colleagues in their quest to create a healthier and more inclusive workplace as the show moves forward.
A post shared by Tony okungbowa (@tokungbowa) on Aug 4, 2020 at 9:53am PDT
Today, singer/actor Tyrese took to his Insagram page to defend Ellen with a super lengthy post: 
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                  Someone get this message to Ellen! Thanks! If I could call her on the phone I would say the words.. Elephants don’t swap flies.. They just keep walking... God made the feathers on a ducks back to somehow have the water to roll off and not penetrate... People in this town and fans will build you UP.... As they watch you climb ALL the way UP the ladder they will stand at the bottom of that same ladder and pull out there biggest GUN and shoot you in the ass over and over and over until you fall... You are MADE FOR THIS..... This too shall pass..... I’ve learned over the years that when things get uncomfortable it’s because GOD is preparing you for the NEW SEASON of your life.... He wants disloyal people to REVEAL THEMSELVES.... He wants people who have went above and beyond for over the YEARS who have no integrity to revel themselves... Ellen was JUST honored and praised for giving and giving and giving [ cause this is what she does constantly on her show and in real life ] and now this? Ellen if you see this message..... You are a GEM of a women and wife..... I am not one of the lucky ones who have hung with you 40 to 50 times over the years... But I know a kind hearted and giving person when I see one and you fit the bill....... Last time I seen you.. You were at the Soho house rooftop in Beverly Hills and I literally sat there and said “There is NO WAY I’m not gonna speak to and hug the great Ellen on the way out”.... And sure enough you stood up and hugged me and smiled and did that usual beautiful Ellen thing.... You will be just fine.... Every set back is a set UP for even more greater things to come..... You can call me anytime I’m not kind at all..... You stay kind, I will be your BAD GUY and fight your battles...... lol [ before y’all even attempt to come for me? Just know I don’t GAF for 1.... and 2? I’m just speaking facts about Ellen based on my own personal experiences and more importantly how I feel about her in general....... Ellen there’s not enough bad articles and or rumors and or bloggers in the WORLD that can undo the beauty that you’ve brought into our world........ Stay strong sis I’m here... #ForeverFan
A post shared by TYRESE (@tyrese) on Aug 5, 2020 at 8:05am PDT
  As of now, Ellen has yet to respond to the accusations publicly. It’s reported she apologized to her staff last week in a letter addressing workplace complaints. Ellen’s wife, Portia de Rossi, showed support of her wife on Instagram.
"To all our fans....we see you. Thank you for your support. #stopbotattacks,” she wrote.
It’s unclear what the #stopbotattacks hashtag is about.
Peep her post below:
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                  To all our fans....we see you. Thank you for your support. #stopbotattacks . #IStandWithEllenDeGeneres #IStandByEllen ‪#IstandByEllenDeGeneres ‬ . . #ellendegeneres #ellen #theellenshow #ellenshow #bekindtooneanother
A post shared by Portia de Rossi (@portiaderossi) on Aug 3, 2020 at 10:03am PDT
"Ellen’s nice to guests and fans, but with her staff and employees, she has extremely high standards,” a source told US Weekly.
“They know that Ellen can be tough but accept that about her and know that it takes a lot of work to run a tight ship like her show,” another insider said. “They get it.”
  Photo: Tinseltown/ s_bukley/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/08/05/kevin-hart-defends-ellen-degeneres-amid-%E2%80%98toxic-workplace%E2%80%99-accusations-former-%E2%80%98ellen%E2%80%99-dj-t
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