Arthur: Be myself? Leon, I have one night to win over Hunith. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Lancelot: Couple weeks.
Elyan: Six months.
Gwaine: Jury’s still out.
Arthur: See, Leon? ‘Be myself’ what kind of garbage advice is that? First impressions are everything and I’m not Merlin!
Bonus! Meanwhile, riding back to Camelot from Ealdor:
Merlin: I know you’re already planning on asking him to call you mum, but give it at least an hour after dinner. Just so it’s not too rushed or anything.
Hunith: Merlin, I’ve already met him. I knew you’d be wonderful together ten years before you did. And when it took you this long to confess, I don’t think rushing is something you’ll ever have to worry about.
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lexplosion · 1 day
I’ve never had an issue separating Canon from Fanon but I repeatedly forget Gwaine isn’t canonically bi/pan.
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gwaine calling merlin "old friend" when they've known each other for less than a full series and it's like their third time meeting
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quinnoliver · 2 days
Arthur: Merlin's such a girl.
Gwaine: that doesn't make you straight-
Arthur: shut up
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myths0f01d · 6 hours
Why does nobody talk about Morgana and Merlin in the episode 'The Castle of Fyrien' even just the whole entire episode. It's gold. And I mean we meet Elyan for the first time. I love Elyan 🤭
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dryadalisliv · 6 months
I think it would be insanely funny if after Arthur’s death everyone returns back in time to the place they were the day Merlin arrived in Camelot. But like, everyone thinks they are the only ones who has returned. We see it all from Merlin’s pov, who’s traumatised and wondering why the fuck Arthur is so much sweeter to him this time around and keeps saying ‘thank you’. He wonders why Lancelot shows up earlier, why all of a sudden Gwaine is there three years too early, saying he got hurt in a tavern bawl and needs a physician. He wonders why Leon keeps pretending like he didn’t just accidentally see Merlin do magic. Why Gwen keeps giving him these knowing looks. And why Morgana doesn’t seem as afraid as she used to when she was figuring out that she had magic. Everyone is trying their best to change history for the better, thinking they are alone with this duty... and then one day when uther is dead and they are sitting around the round table, merlin steps forward and is like: ‘I need to confess that I have magic, but also that I have returned from the future.’ And everyone just whips around and is like ‘YOU TOO??!’ And then they realise that they’ve all returned and wasted their time thinking they were alone.
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maxie-fallon · 24 days
Arthur sends Merlin on some job and wants him to take a knightly escort to keep him out of trouble. Merlin: I'll take Gwaine with me Arthur: I said "keep you out of trouble" not "guarantee you'll get into it". Take Lancelot with you, he's the least likely to commit treason with you Merlin: You say that like he's never committed treason with me
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theroundbartable · 3 months
Magical orb that puts a crime count on everyone's head (while Arthur is king), counting the crimes based on the established laws. (Crime count in brackets)
Gwaine (127): this is an outrage
Arthur(3): I am as distraught as you
Gwaine (127): no, no. You don't get to say that! I've worked my whole life on this crime count and I've got less than THEM?
Merlin (847): *crosses arms* protecting Arthur comes with a cost. What I don't get.... Is THIS!!!!
Lancelot (1084): I can explain
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shoutout to devotion so deep it borders on heresy/treason, has to be one of my favorite types of relationship
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nynevefromthelake · 5 months
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Merlin and his ghosts
Last year work for a zine that I can finally post
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wavesechoes · 6 days
hello merlin fandom, today im here to humbly offer you this, tomorrow who knows
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zikkou-san · 1 month
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now cry
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morphedphase · 1 month
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Gone too soon...
You would have loved going over the speed limit on a motorcycle
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Merlin: ARE YOU-
Gwaine: Fucking
Gwaine: Fucking
Merlin: IDIOT!
Arthur: *looks between Merlin and Gwaine*
Arthur: No. Just no. *walks away*
Merlin: *follows, yelling about Arthur being reckless*
Lancelot: ... What was that?
Gwaine: Princess banned Merlin from swearing, so I'm helping him out.
Leon: Shouldn't you be the one banned from swearing?
Gwaine: Yeah, but princess lost all hope in curing me of that a long time ago. He just wanted Merlin’s rants to be less intimidating.
Merlin, in the distance: Were you born without any self preservation or did you lose it somewhere in that big empty space between your ears?!
Leon: …
Lancelot: I wish him luck. Hell hath no fury like a scorned Merlin.
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quinnoliver · 3 days
Crashed after work and woke up an hour ago lol
Gwaine: princess!
Arthur: ......what
Gwaine: tell me, how do you read stew?
Gwaine: Leon, he hit me!
Arthur: Gwaine started it!
Leon: *sigh* behave or I'll ground you both
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noodles-and-tea · 25 days
I just discovered your Merlin fanart and I would like to say I love the way you perfectly capture the expressions and uniqueness of each character! Have you ever drawn Gwaine or any of the other knights other than Arthur? (I love the way you draw Arthur btw cause Bradley has such an expressive face and you capture it perfectly)
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Thank you!! Here is some Gwaines ;)))
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