#sending u sm love uvu
triona-tribblescore · 27 days
Thou hast returned!! Hope you’re doing well :)
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HIII ARTTTT!! Im doing well ahh tysm! :D
Hope ur doing amazing!!!
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phoelipop · 4 years
leo and libra uvu
Ah! Those are yours and Soul’s signs aren’t they? 💕
Leo: Name something your f/o loves about you.
Well… he always said he loves that I try to see the good in everything, and in everyone… especially in him. He likes that I’m so positive but doesn’t expect me to be all the time ;; Physically he says he really likes my red hair, lol. Also my butt >> apparently
Libra: Describe you f/o (you can gushing over them!!!)
My Love is the ex-leader of a street gang! So he sorta seems very mean and angry most of the time… Most people are intimidated by him or even scared of him, even now when he’s not a big bad leader of a gang, but I guess I never see the bad side everyone is afraid of. But! He is s so strong! AND TALL!! So I guess I could kinda see what they mean… but also I kind of love that he is so intimidating to others, being around him makes me feel so safe, haha… and his voice is so deep and manly!!!!!!!! He sounds so tough but so smooth at the same time lol. He has a way of talking to me that always just makes me melt… and despite his rugged reputation, he can be pretty goofy too! He’s really good at dancing and rapping/singing and taking selfies, lol, he sends me a lot of selfies throughout the day when we’re away from each other. He’s got a big sweet-tooth; he loooves his sweets, especially chocolate (+ Tapu Cocoa!) and even likes baking things! (BEST HUSBAND) Also not many people know this but he also has a soft and gentle side… probably cuz he only shows this side to me u///w///u …and to his Pokemon! Just by seeing how he interacts with his Pokemon, you can tell he really is good person…he cares for the grunts, everyone is TS is like family to him and its thanks to him they had found a home in TS, and he still cares for them now that they’re disbanded. He has had… a very rough life and does not deserve the things he’s been through.. I hope he understands that Iand so many others really care about him and look up to him (he is very hard on himself and stubborn when it comes to taking compliments ((I mean same ;;)) but I think deep down he knows…) I’m typing this first in a word document so I don’t lose it and already it looks pretty long, but I’m really bad at describing things cuz I’m just rambling lol… How do I just say he is a very good boi ToT He is the best boi… he my husband and I love him so much, my lack of ability to write doesn’t do my love justice ;;; ❤️
Thank you sm Erin ❤️❤️❤️
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catnippackets · 5 years
wow ur singing is so lovely!!!! i loved that song sm!!!! did u make it about any particular character/person?? also could u send us the lyrics/chords? (if u want to! it'd be cool to learn it) 💕
ALSO it sounds super like something straight out of some fantasy game??? i love it sm... its so lovely to listen to the tune of it is just (chef's kis) 💕💕💕
I’ll add the lyrics/chords later if I can remember haha
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loyal--sparrow-blog · 7 years
im very /uvu\ about u all sending me nice replies abt heishi.... thank u sm i love u
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