myfandomrealitea · 17 days
I am actually begging some people to just let some spaces exist untouched by real-world issues and horrors.
Like I've lost count of the amount of times peaceful game or fandom servers have been ruined by people stampeding in with political rants, bitching about world issues, demanding internal activism, demanding vent channels so they can whine about their shitty parents, ect.
Like. Respectfully. Not every single space has to be inclusive of and welcoming of outside topics. The real world sucks. We don't needed to be reminded of that absolutely everywhere.
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reality-detective · 8 months
Carrying Beers During the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.💫
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 months
It's my headcanon that there's not a galactic-wide holonet. That infrastructure just isn't there. Individual planets like coruscant probably have a holonet, sure, and some core worlds are connected to each other, but for a lot of the galaxy, most of the galaxy even, the average person just doesn't have access to a galactic equivalent of Earth's internet.
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nixcraft · 4 months
who made this one? Lmao.
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bloodlegacies · 3 months
About Discord servers.
A while ago I asked if you all wanted a server before or after the new demo, you all voted for after the release of the new demo.
So I created a server for discord. But I'm unsure whether to make a single server, for all Wips (New Era and Blood Legacies) with different chats for Wips and such, or two servers. one for new era and one for Blood Legacies. What do you think there?
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myfandomrealitea · 5 months
By the way if you're creating a space like a private group chat or a Discord server it is absolutely your responsibility to make sure that space is safe.
It is your responsibility to moderate it. To regulate the behavior displayed within it. To take action when people create harm. You cannot just create this space then wash your hands of any responsibility for what happens within it.
I keep seeing so many teens making servers and chats and groups and then whining that they're getting bullied for not doing anything when people use them to cause harm and upset and I cannot stress this enough.
You are responsible for shutting that down. Or for sourcing someone to do it on your behalf. You have control of that space. You are not just an innocent bystander.
"Anything goes here, if you're offended just leave" is absolutely not an excuse for blatantly allowing things like harassment, bullying, racism, homophobia and other targeted hate.
Discord in particular is incredible for available resources for preventing things like this. There are literally hundreds of server bots you can deploy to auto-moderate and manual moderation is as easy as two little clicks.
If you feel you're responsible enough to be in the position of power of creating a space, you are responsible enough to ensure it is not used for harm.
And if you're not?
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splatoonusna · 9 months
[Servers Down]
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A major NPLN server outage has been ongoing for 2+ hours so far, affecting games like Splatoon 3 and Pokémon Scarlet / Violet. Games using NEX servers (nearly everything else) are not affected.
Nintendo has apologized and said that they are working on the issue.
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fully-automatic-ass · 21 days
i wholeheartedly believe that every karen shitting on servers in restaurants ought to play Dead Plate.
Seriously, the panic of meeting orders? Unmatched.
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nietleuk · 1 month
How do I use your templates?
depending on the things i post, layouts for bios is just copy and pasting and layouts for in discord : you copy and paste each uh text and type in what you need to type and done .'3 might take a bit to do this
heres an explanation
1) copy one of my stuff
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2) make/rename a discord channel
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3) paste it
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4) rename it !! i personally remove the “-“ since i dislike it
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hope this helped 🙏
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nixcraft · 7 months
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mandalorian-chiara · 2 months
“Can Brad be my husband”
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mayalaen · 9 months
my server vs netflix
Long post for a few mutuals who asked about this 🏴‍☠️
Netflix (according to the geeks on server forums -- so this could be off a bit) has individual servers that hold about 100TB of data each, and Netflix claims they have around 18,000 servers worldwide.
Netflix has about 3000 movies and 1800 TV shows available in the United States at any given time. It varies in other countries, but is similar.
This is my server below (pen for size comparison and purple sticky note covering the super bright blue light that bores into my brain)
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It's got 5 drive bays, and right now I have 60TB of storage space in it (meaning it's just a little smaller than one of Netflix's servers), and only 37TB of which is currently used. I can easily expand with add-on bays once I fill up the 60TB.
I currently have 4470 movies and 862 TV series, all with closed captioning that I've curated and about 100 of the TV shows have bonus scenes and specials included.
My server cost me about $2700: $1200 for the 5-bay box and the rest was spent on hard drives over the course of 2 years -- 5 inside the server and 6 backup drives. I bought good drives when they were on sale.
I spent another $300 on a range extender for my house so mom and dad could watch in their bedrooms without interruption.
My home internet costs $50 a month and I'm able to serve friends and family in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. It's not always accessible (sorry Australia and your shitty internet), but it's up most of the time.
I never take movies/TV shows off of my server, and all the TV shows have their original DVD soundtracks, so nobody has to worry I'm going to remove their faves or ruin soundtracks.
I take requests from anyone, adding it when I find it with no judgement on content.
I don't charge anyone for using my server, and yet I'm paying less than I used to for internet and streaming services.
My payments for internet and streaming for my business and two family houses (Charlie's house and my house) used to be $900 A MONTH ($450 of it was the business internet because ISPs gouge businesses even though the internet usage at the shop is less than home).
Just before I quit Cox Internet, they were about to raise the cost and my new total would've been $1000 per month.
My monthly payments are now $220 for internet service and streaming services. So within just a few months, the server paid for itself.
I still have YouTube TV, Netflix x2 (one for each house), Hulu, and Discovery+.
I'm not saying the average person can set this up, but I want to make it clear that streaming services aren't the mysterious, unknowable magic that people think they are.
They're just servers (hard drives) with data on them and a good internet connection.
Anyone can set up a home server. You don't need a $1200 box like mine. Even an old computer/laptop or single hard drive will work.
A brand new 2TB good-quality hard drive that could hold about 1000 movies or 60-80 TV series would only cost $60 plus another $29 for a basic enclosure/case. (I bought mine from NewEgg for backups)
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I use Plex as my media server program. It has a free version and a paid version. I bought the lifetime pass on sale for $90. It goes on sale 2-3 times a year. There are other programs out there too, including Kodi, which has a Netflix skin so it looks like you're using Netflix.
Plex and other programs like it already have a huge library of metadata, so I didn't have to create my own cover art or fill in any other information other than title & year for movies or title + season + episode number for TV shows.
Careful naming of files and sorting in properly-named folders is all you need to have this:
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It took me about 3 months to download and organize most of the movies and TV shows in between working and taking care of my home/family. Now I update the server once a week and it takes about 2 hours a week to download/update new TV shows and movies.
I wasn't able to torrent when I had Cox Internet, but the new $50/month ISP doesn't give a shit. Even so, I use a VPN, which is $9 a month just in case they ever decide to get touchy about torrenting.
The server does regular maintenance on itself, and I have backups of everything.
I realize not everyone has the tech skills to set something like this up, but even if one tech person in the family or circle of friends has the ability, they could serve around 60 people.
The most I've had streaming at one time was 10 separate people watching different things, and my server handled it with no problem.
Others on the server forum claim they've maxed out around 25 people simultaneously watching, but 60 people is the number suggested because not everybody will watch at the same time.
Streaming, as it currently works, does NOT support anyone related to the creation of TV shows and movies.
Hopefully this will change, but even if it does, that doesn't change the fact that I can easily support creators myself by buying their DVDs, merch, going to cons, and donating to them or their projects directly.
Right now, pirating movies and TV shows doesn't hurt creators because streaming services and big studios are the main villains, and if all you did was donate $5 to your favorite TV show/movie, you'd be giving them more than if you streamed their content as many times as you wanted each month on a big streaming service.
I have movies and TV shows on my server that aren't even available from content creators anymore due to greedy CEOs and execs who dump their content for tax breaks.
If more people switched to using their own servers, MAYBE it would scare the greedy assholes into paying content creators what they deserve, but in the meantime it's a great way to enjoy content that was created to be shared and to support the creators.
EDIT: I need to add that streaming a TV show/movie as much as possible in the first few weeks of the release date DOES help the show get renewed and the movie execs are more likely to buy future movies, so please stream as much as possible then to help content creators. After that time is up and the streaming service moves on, then it's totally fine to pirate.
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myfandomrealitea · 16 days
I'm not asking out of some kind of contrarianism, it's just that it seems like a good idea to get this spelled out, because I'm not seeing it, and I'd imagine others are not as well: Why specifically is it dangerous to go incognito into an anti-ship space or a pro-ship space if one is the opposite?
Because deceiving people and inserting yourself into spaces wherein you are overtly unwelcome has no positive or beneficial outcome. And there are batshit insane people on both sides who are known to go as far as doxxing, stalking, getting people fired, creating revenge pornography and so forth.
Absolutely nothing is worth that. No amount of fake friends or "gleaning information" or whatever other excuse you have is worth risking the sanctity of your life for.
For example, the anon who started this conversation is "incognito" in a server full of people supposedly their "friends," and yet they are constantly making it overtly aware that they think the kind of person anon (secretly) is is disgusting and immoral. How do you think they're going to react if they find out the person they're supposed to be friends with is actually the very thing they hate?
Even if their reactions aren't inherently dangerous they are certainly not going to be pleasant. It is simply not worth the risk at all.
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splatoonusna · 9 months
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The problems affecting the servers for "Network Services" have been resolved and they are now back up.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 3 months
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