#sharing clothes
Sharing Clothes
Prompts about fictional people sharing their clothes.
enveloped in their warm jacket, with a soft blush
always stealing their cap and putting it on their own head
wearing their jersey, proudly displaying their name
sharing gloves, so both of them don't freeze
wearing their worn shirt to have a better sleep
wrapping their scarf around their neck, breathing in their smell
no one knows who the piece of clothing belongs to, because they're both wearing it
drowning in the other's clothes, because they are way too big, but loving it
loving to see their partner drowning so cutely in their clothes
having the same size, so strangers couldn't tell that they are sharing clothes, but they know and feel warm thinking about it
finding their own clothes in the other person's appartment
using the other's clothes as a pillow
wrapping the other person in the hoodie or jacket they are still wearing, so both of them can stay warm
dressing the other up in their own clothes, feeling a tiny bit possessive, but both loving it
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batty4steddie · 3 months
The first night Steve stayed over, Eddie gave him a Corroded Coffin t-shirt to sleep in. It was meant to be a temporary solution, just something to throw on to sleep, but it quickly became his shirt. It was the most comfortable piece of fabric to ever grace his skin. No matter how much he wore it, it still smelled like Eddie. After Steve cropped it during a brutally hot summer, he felt tawdry whenever he wore it in front of Wayne. It was worth the slight embarrassment whenever Eddie wrapped his arms around him from behind. Eddie’s hands would rest on Steve’s midriff and squeeze him so tenderly that every inch of him felt loved.
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steddielations · 1 year
Steve doesn’t know if he should say something.
He knows, he obviously knows that Eddie’s been taking his clothes.
It’s like a routine at this point. They’ll be hanging around Steve’s pool or up on his roof getting high, Eddie will say he’s cold no matter what he’s wearing or how warm it is. And if Steve’s not wearing a jacket to give him, Eddie will go ruffle through Steve’s closet and at the end of the night, he always “forgets” to give it back before he leaves.
Steve’s not sure if Eddie’s just doing it to fuck with him or if it’s an actual reason. Like Eddie doesn’t have clothes, or his washer is broken and he can’t afford to fix it, or he doesn’t have money for the laundromat or something serious that Steve does not want to be insensitive about, but he’s seriously running out of clothes.
For fuck’s sake, he’s wearing his Christmas sweater from two years ago, he literally had nothing else in his closet.
He’s starting to think that’s the endgame here, that Eddie’s just waiting until Steve shows up bare ass naked so he can laugh in his face.
Finally, Steve decides to get some answers while they’re hanging out in Eddie’s room, wearing his too-small Christmas sweater that Eddie’s already teased him about.
“Eddie, is… is everything like… okay?”
Steve asks carefully, picking at threads on Eddie’s comforter.
Eddie’s fingers pause on his guitar strings, joint hanging out of his mouth as he gives Steve a curious look.
“You mean just in general or…? Because I’m far from what someone like yourself would consider “okay” but that’s normal for me.”
Steve looks around the room, noting the usual piles of Eddie’s clothes, recognizing a lot of his own. Doesn’t seem like Eddie’s in any shortage of things to wear, and his laundry always piles up. Nothing looks out of sorts, maybe he just hasn’t felt like doing it lately, and Steve doesn’t want to be insensitive if that’s the case either.
He minds his words, “I mean like, are things okay for you? Like around the house, your refrigerator’s working, your washing machine isn’t broken or anything?”
Eddie smirks, “What if they’re not? Is Handyman Harrington gonna put on his little toolbelt and fix it all up?” He always makes light when he senses something uneasy coming.
“Real funny. I’m serious, Eddie. Is there a reason you haven’t done laundry? If you’re not feeling up to it or something, I don’t mind helping.”
Eddie sobers a little then, putting his guitar down and dabbing out the joint in the ashtray on the bedside table, “Yes my washing machine works. Yes I can do my laundry, I’m just lazy as shit and letting it pile up. What’s this about, Steve?”
“Because you—” Steve runs his fingers through his hair, pulling it, flustered, “I’m literally wearing my Christmas sweater in goddamn October because you have all my clothes, dude.”
Something registers in Eddie’s gaze but he quickly deflects, laughing, “Oh is that why? I thought you just pulled out that little number ‘cause it's skin tight, you minx.”
“Is everything okay?” Steve doesn’t let him change the subject, offering gently, “If you need to borrow some money or use my washer or something then—”
“No, no that’s not it,” Eddie shakes his head, smile gone, seeming kind of nervous now, “I don’t need anything like that, Stevie.”
Steve sighs, at a loss, “So why do you keep taking my clothes, Eddie?”
Eddie lets out a small laugh, almost sad, a little bitter, “You’re really gonna make me say it, Harrington?”
“Say what? You can tell me,” Steve scoots closer to him on the bed. He tries to meet Eddie’s gaze, to make sure he knows he can tell Steve. Fuck, they saved the world together, they almost died together, he knows he can tell Steve anything.
So it sort of hurts when Eddie won’t look at him, or answer him, but Steve tries to be understanding.
“Okay,” he sighs, resigned, “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me, but I’m just gonna need some of them back if that’s alright—”
“God, you really are something,” Eddie gives that same bitter laugh. It hurts, mostly because Steve knows there’s something deeper here, something’s hurting Eddie and he won’t tell Steve. “Of course, it’s alright. They’re your clothes, it’s not even… Fuck, it’s not even about the clothes.”
“So you were just fucking with me then?”
Eddie shakes his head, hands tugging his own hair, the way he does when he’s anxious, “No, it wasn’t a prank Steve.”
“You’re trying out a different style?”
“Definitely not.”
“Dustin dared you, or something?”
“No, it’s not like that—”
“So then why did you do it? I don’t—”
“Shit, Steve, I’m— I took them because they smell like you, alright?”
Steve’s mouth opens and closes several times.
“I… You… What?”
Eddie won’t look him in the eyes, sighing sharply down at the bed, “Don’t make me say it again.”
Steve blinks, asking slowly, “You… like the way that I smell?”
Eddie finally looks up at him, a heavy cloud behind his dark eyes as he admits, “Yes I do and not in a friend sort of way. In a way that I’m literally stealing all your clothes like a fucking weirdo just to feel like I’m hugging you at night, or something— I dunno, Steve. It helps with the nightmares.”
Steve’s heart is sort of doing flips in his chest.
That’s another reason why he waited so long to say anything. He doesn’t mind Eddie taking some of his clothes. He likes the idea of Eddie wearing everything that’s his, and not just as a friend helping out another friend. In a deeper way, in a way that he’s been suppressing because he didn’t want to ruin things with Eddie.
“That could still be a friend thing,” Steve says carefully, hoping that Eddie disagrees.
“It’s not a friend thing,” Eddie shakes his head, starting to move away from the bed and Steve’s stomach drops, “I don’t have ‘friend’ feelings for you, Steve. So I get it if you wanna walk out that door and never talk to me again. I’ll give all your clothes back, I shouldn’t have—”
Steve’s hand shoots out to Eddie’s knee, stopping him, rushing to say, “I don’t like you as a friend either.”
Eddie quickly looks up, expression careful, confused, “You— huh?”
“Fuck, that came out wrong, I just…” Steve sighs, bolsters himself up and rubs Eddie’s knee softly but with intent as he asks, “Eddie, can I hug you in a not-friend way?”
Eddie’s eyes flick up and down between Steve’s hand and his face about ten different times, gaze utterly wild, “Are you saying you have feelings for—”
“Just get over here and find out.”
Eddie’s grin mirrors Steve’s as he crawls across the bed. He’s tentative still, careful, so Steve just goes in, wrapping his arms around Eddie and pulling him against his chest. Eddie goes willingly, sliding his palms across Steve’s stupid Christmas sweater, his nose at Steve’s collar, breathing in deep.
Steve chuckles as Eddie burrows in, mumbling something about how good he smells.
Steve loves the way Eddie smells too, nuzzling into his hair, breathing in a hint of shampoo, smoke and something earthy, something Eddie. Steve loves the way he feels too, wants him impossibly closer.
“So why did you need so many of my clothes?” He asks softly after a while.
Eddie doesn’t lift his head when he replies, “Works best when the Steve smell is still strong. Had to get more when I sniffed it all up.”
Steve rolls his eyes, something like fondness tugging at his lips.
“You said it helps with nightmares?”
Eddie nods against him, admitting quietly, “On nights when my uncle works, it gets kinda creepy being alone here. Just having something that smells like you makes it feel like— I dunno, like you’re here with me. It’s weird.”
“It’s not. I wish I would’ve thought of that when my nightmares were bad,” instead of just not sleeping, or calling Robin all hours of the night. “Your uncle works tonight, right?”
“Yeah, he… yeah.”
Steve feels like he should be more nervous than he is, but Eddie hasn’t let up since the second Steve pulled him in, so he feels like he’s on the right track here.
“What if I stayed over? I have a feeling you’ll like hugging my sweater even more when I’m inside it.”
That makes Eddie burrow further into his neck, pressing a smile there.
“Already trying to get into my bed, Harrington? Should wait until at least the third hug for that,” playfully, Steve gives his side a little pinch, both of them chuckling, “Yeah, I’d like it if you stayed.”
Satisfied with that answer, Steve takes a risk, carefully wraps his hand around the back of Eddie’s legs, tugging a little to pull Eddie into his lap. Thankfully, Eddie wants it too. He sits atop Steve’s thighs and just melts into him, both of them sighing against each other.
Steve rubs broad circles across Eddie’s back, soothing the fabric of his yellow sweater that seems to be Eddie’s favorite to steal. He smiles into Eddie’s hair, feeling so warm and buzzing pleasantly all over.
It could’ve been hours gone by, Steve basking in Eddie’s body heat, in the weight of him, condensation forming against his neck where Eddie’s breathing him in. He pulls back a little, studies the blissed out look on Eddie’s face.
He blinks slowly at Steve, “Hey.”
Steve shakes his head, chuckling softly, “Hey, dummy.”
“Dummy?” Eddie parrots, grinning.
“Yeah. You’d rather steal my entire wardrobe than just give me a hug?” Steve squeezes him a little, “What if you wanted to kiss me, hm? Would you steal my chapstick?”
He lets his eyes linger on Eddie’s lips, hoping he gets the hint, takes the subtle offer.
Eddie’s finger toys with his collar, brushing the bone there as he murmurs back, “If you’d just kiss me I wouldn’t have to steal your chapstick to know how you taste.”
Steve tips his head back with a soft laugh before cupping Eddie’s face, “God, c’mere, you idiot,” then leans in and presses their smiling lips together.
It’s sweet at first, just gently pecking each other. Then the kisses last longer, grow deeper, tasting each other. Steve’s mouth falls open in a sigh, letting Eddie lick inside, sucking lightly on his lip.
Kissing Eddie is everything, a deep warmth simmering in Steve’s bones that he can’t get enough of. He wants it all over him, wants to clothe himself in it, burrow inside Eddie and never come out.
He leans back against the pillows, taking Eddie with him in his lap. The movement makes them rub together in a way that has Steve humming against Eddie’s lips, gripping his hips as a new kind of pleasure lights inside him.
Eddie pulls back then, laughing breathlessly.
“Okay,” he nuzzles their noses together, grinning as he mumbles, “We gotta relax or I’m gonna have to steal another pair of your underwear too.”
Steve playfully rolls his eyes as he moves his hands elsewhere, wrapping them around Eddie’s back.
Then, a beat later, it clicks and his brows furrow.
“Wait, what do you mean another pair, Munson?”
Eddie laughs and quickly dives back in for another kiss, silencing any more questions from Steve.
Ao3 Link
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italiansteebie · 11 months
eddie loves that he and steve are the same size
because when he buys himself big tshirts, he gets to see steve in big t-shirt's.
and he likes the way his vest hugs steve's shoulders just a tad tighter than his own.
and steve loves to see eddie warming up in the sweaters that are worn with love and tears of use. and he likes how they can trade clothes, and how when eddie leaves to play with his band, he can wear eddie's clothes and make it feel like he's still there. (and they share underwear too. because sometimes eddie likes the feeling of steve's briefs hugging his thighs, and steve likes the worn in softness of eddie's boxers).
steve loves that he and eddie are the same size
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hitmewithsomebooks · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic Feb 20 - Shiver
497 words
James and Regulus were walking through the courtyard, having happened to have run into each other on the way to lunch. The younger boy had begun sitting with them, as he and Sirius grew closer.
Suddenly, Regulus was wracked with a violent shiver, scrunching his shoulders up and rubbing his arms. James chuckled.
"Told ya it was gonna be cold." He grinned, and Regulus sent him a glare.
"Sorry if I don't put all that much faith in your meteorology skills, given that you said that quidditch match last month would be warm, and we nearly all froze to death."
"Hey, I had a bad source, alright! Now I know not to get weather reports from Mary."
"Indeed you do." Regulus replied, before another shiver shook him. James sighed, before taking off his sweatshirt, his shirt riding up as he did. Regulus felt a little warmer just looking at his exposed skin. Then the shirt dropped again, and Regulus frowned as the cold miraculously hit again.
"Here." James said, thrusting the sweatshirt into Regulus's arms. The boy frowned at him, looking at the sweatshirt and then up at James.
"Why are you giving me your sweatshirt? Now you're going to be cold." He stated, clearly not understanding the gesture as he handed it back.
"Yes, but you won't be. I'm being nice." James said cheerily, giving Regulus the sweatshirt again. The boy blinked at him, grey eyes a blank stare, before he frowned at the sweatshirt again.
"Okay..." he muttered, but pulled it over his head. What James didn’t see was the smile he hid under the shirt as it covered him. No one had done a nice, selfless gesture for him before. Once he got himself together, he pulled it fully over his head, straightening it.
James had to bite his lips to refrain from either grinning or whimpering. He wasn't sure which. All he knew was Regulus looked unfairly good wearing his hoodie.
It was at least two sizes too big for him, slipping off his shoulders, the sleeves covering his hands. He looked adorable, and James couldn't hold back the smile as the boy nuzzled his face into the collar, clearly appreciating the warmth despite having tried to turn down the offer. His cheeks were pink from the cold (or so James assumed), and there was a smile kissing the edges of his eyes as he looked up at the older boy.
“Thanks.” He whispered, and James nearly melted.
"Reggie, why are you wearing James's sweatshirt?" Sirius questioned, cocking his head.
"Er- I was cold." Regulus replied blandly, and Sirius' brows furrowed.
"Yes, but why James's?"
"Well, he didn't have a sweater, and I figured I couldn't let your little brother freeze to death." James explained, smiling awkwardly. Sirius shrugged, brushing it off, but Remus was still looking at them, calculating. James avoided his gaze, and Regulus simply nuzzled into the jumper.
Remus pretended not to catch the dopey, besotted smile on James’s face.
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pollyna · 3 months
It's an accident, the first time that happens. Mav knocks because he needs sugar and stays over because Ice is watching a new movie he didn't get to catch on the big screen. It's two in the afternoon, and Ice is pleasantly warm against his shoulder.
Slider wakes them up four hours later and laughs because "I only woke you up because I was hungry and Tom promised dinner".
And so the saga of them falling asleep on the couch starts just to end on the bed because four weeks in Ice's back is protesting and he promises Mav is bed is way more comfortable and there are pillows.
(Mav ends up using Ice's chest as a pillow instead. Doesn't matter where they are sleeping.)
((They kiss, just as accidentally, one morning almost seven months in their arrangement when Ice turns around and Mav gives him a pec on his nose, eyes still close and humming satisfied before hiding his face against Ice's necks. Ice kisses his forehead and gets back to sleep. It opens a door to whole other accidents made over a shared cups of coffee and Mav wearing Ice's shirt as pj's.)
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ohithappens · 29 days
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kinn + porsche + sharing clothes
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coffees4sleepy · 3 months
Hiiii, Happy Jasico Bingo everyone. Guess who has had the busiest month ever. That’s right, me. Anyways, I’m here with prompt 1/4 for today 🤡🤡🤡
Sharing clothes!
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Horrible color choice on my part but, anyway, my card so far!
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I want to eat the bingo card so bad, I can’t explain this you guys
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vikersund · 10 months
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Find yourself a hater who will share clothes with you <3 /j
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atths--twice · 7 months
Breakfast and Bed
Lazy Sunday mornings are meant for breakfast in bed... or breakfast and THEN bed...
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She watched Mulder darting back and forth in his kitchen, mumbling under his breath as he attempted to make scrambled eggs and toast. 
“Sure you don’t need any help?” she asked, biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling. 
“As I previously stated, no thank you. I’ve got it covered, Scully.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, but he did not hear as a pan slammed onto the stove top and she cleared her throat to cover her laughter. 
Crossing her bare legs, she lifted the collar of Mulder’s t-shirt to her nose and closed her eyes as she breathed in the combination of laundry soap, fabric softener, his cologne that no matter how many times the shirt was washed still continued to linger, and the scent that was simply him. 
“Hmm,” she hummed again, opening her eyes and smiling as she heard him swearing quietly. 
It was Sunday morning and he had promised her breakfast last night as they had fallen asleep, their naked bodies nestled together. 
“You have food here?” she had asked skeptically and his low rumbling chuckle had caused her to grin. 
“I’ve started stocking the fridge more now that I have a lady friend sleeping over.” 
“You have a lady friend? When do I get to meet her?” she had teased him and he chuckled again, his fingers running so lightly across her stomach, she had quivered with a moan. 
“It’s you,” he had whispered and she smiled, his lips on her neck drawing out another moan. “How does eggs and toast sound?” 
“Better than nothing. Or expired ketchup.” 
“Watch it, or that’s what you’ll be getting.” 
“No, I don’t think so. You wouldn’t do that to your lady friend,” she had said and he had laughed through his nose, kissing her hair as his arms tightened around her. 
So now he was making the breakfast he had promised as she waited patiently, listening to him and smelling his shirt, so achingly happy it was borderline disgusting. 
“So, uh,” Mulder said, walking into the room in a pair of black pajama pants and a gray t-shirt and carrying two cups of steaming coffee. “The toaster is being a little temperamental. I’m remaking the toast.” 
“No rush,” she said, taking the coffee he offered as he set his own cup down onto the table. 
She saw his eyes glance at her legs and she raised her eyebrows at him. He shook his head and started to walk back to the kitchen, but she grabbed his arm and stopped him. 
“The toast…” he said and she shook her head and tilted it back for a kiss, not caring about the toast. He bent his head and met her lips, kissing her quickly. “It’s just that it’s the last of the bread if this burns too.” Kissing her once more, he hurried out of the room as she watched him with a smile. 
God, she loved him so much. 
“Well,” he called it out, as she heard the toaster popping. “It’s not burnt per se, but also not exactly as I would have wanted it.” 
“I’m sure it’s fine however it is,” she said and he scoffed as he walked back into the room carrying a cooking sheet that held their plates of food, butter, jelly, and utensils. 
“I know you, Scully. I know how you like your toast.” 
“And how’s that?” she asked with a smile, leaning back as he set her plate in front of her. 
“Lightly toasted for most breads, but slightly more for sourdough as you like the crunch of it,” he replied, sitting down and grinning at her as she raised an eyebrow. “My toaster seems to think heavily toasted to burnt is the only preference today. But… I managed to catch it before it reached its goal.” 
“It’s appreciated,” she said, her smile growing as she looked down at the toasted bread, which was only slightly too dark. Realizing he was very quiet, she looked up and saw he was staring at her. She tilted her head, silently asking if everything was alright. 
“I just…” he said softly. “I wanted it to be better. I had an image in my head of how it should be and…” 
She rose out of her seat and placed a hand on his cheek as she kissed him, hoping to convey how much she loved both the meal and him for trying so hard. He wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her close as she kissed him again. 
“It’s perfect,” she whispered, kissing him gently one more time before stepping back with a smile and sitting down. 
“Hmm,” he hummed, nodding and letting out a deep breath. 
“Could you pass me the utensils?” she asked and he nodded again as he gave her a fork and knife. 
They ate their meal and she made sure to eat every bit of the toast, meeting his eyes as she sucked jelly from the tip of her finger. He smiled and nodded as he picked up his coffee cup and took a drink. 
She placed her empty dishes onto the tray and picked up her own coffee cup as he set his own down and scooted his chair a little closer to her. She smiled as his hand covered her knee, his fingers circling around lightly. 
“What’s this from?” he asked and she glanced down, watching his thumb run across a scar on her knee. 
“The playground. Third grade. Tommy Sinclair,” she said, setting her cup down. “He was in my grade, but a year older as he’d been held back in first grade. He was a lot bigger than most of us, me included. And he had a bad temper.” 
“He hit you with something?” Mulder asked, his forehead creasing in concern as he looked at the scar, his thumb halting in its movement. 
“No,” she said, turning slightly in her chair and touching the scar, her fingers grazing his hand. “He was a bully and everyone was afraid of him.” 
“But not you?” he asked, looking up at her with a smile. 
“Not exactly,” she chuckled. “I mean I was, but I also wasn’t. You grow up with an older brother… it toughens you up a bit.” 
“Especially one like Bill,” he murmured and she laughed, squeezing his hand. 
“True,” she agreed. “Tommy had been “claiming” a swing every recess for about three days. He would run out and say it was his and wouldn’t let anyone use it. Sometimes even he wouldn’t use it to swing, but just to sit on and glare at us. He yelled at anyone who came close to him or tried to get him to move. And sometimes he got physical as well.” 
“So what happened?” he asked, his thumb running gently over the scar again. 
“Well,” she said, remembering the day in question. “He was bigger, like I said, but I was faster. When we were sent out for lunch and recess, I didn’t eat, but ran straight to the swing and refused to get off of it when he came out to take it.” 
“Why does that not surprise me?” Mulder asked, shaking his head and smiling. 
“He was so angry. Got in my face and yelled. Called me mean names. Made fun of my hair-”
“Oh… man was playing with fire. Literally,” he said, nodding to her hair and she smiled. 
“I didn’t care what he said,” she continued. “Until one of my friends yelled at him and he started to stalk toward her. I knew he would push her or something worse and so I left the swing and ran up to stand between them. He was surprised to see me there so suddenly and he quickly went to run back to the swing, but someone else was already on it. He shouted and then turned to me again and said he hated me and it was all my fault. He shoved me hard and I stumbled back. I stayed upright for a second or two, but then I twisted and I tripped over my own feet. As I fell, I hit a small rock and since I was wearing a skirt and had nothing to buffer it, it ripped my knee open. Blood started running down my leg and everyone stood frozen as they looked at it. My friend started to cry and scream while I couldn’t stop staring at the cut and wondering what had happened. I looked up and saw that Tommy was standing closer to me with his mouth open as he stared at the blood. A teacher came running over and yelled at Tommy to help her get me up and to be careful, all as the blood was still running down my leg and staining my white knee sock.”
“Jesus,” Mulder whispered and she nodded. 
“I had to leave school early and get two stitches in my knee, which hurt like a bitch over the next couple of weeks. It was itchy, hurt when I bent it, and didn't allow me to play and climb like I was used to doing.” 
“And Tommy?” Mulder asked, his thumb ceasing as he looked at her. She smiled and glanced down at the scar on her knee. 
“It’s funny,” she said quietly. “When we were waiting to get the stitches, I was so angry at him. I wanted him to be in trouble, hoped he would be in fact. I imagined the way he might be reprimanded in front of everyone. But then, my mom told me about a boy she went to school with who was similar to Tommy. His name was James and he was the biggest kid there, always picking on the others. He stole their lunches or took toys they may have brought from home, whatever he wanted really. She said that they all hated him, but one day when he was harassing kids for their lunches, she willingly gave him some cookies her mom had made the day before. He took it without saying anything and walked away. Later though, when she was walking home, he caught up to her and thanked her. She said when she first saw him, she was ready to either run or hit him, whichever it came down to.” 
“I would’ve liked to have seen that,” Mulder laughed and she smiled with a nod, his thumb moving over her scar once again. 
“James told her that his mom was sick and he hadn’t had cookies like that in a long time. She said he started to cry and again she wasn’t sure what to do, but she asked if he wanted to come home with her for a little while and have more of the cookies. So he did and after an afternoon spent around people who made an effort to care about his well being, he was different to people. Not completely a changed man, but different.” 
“Maggie Scully, wielding her magic. Well, not Scully yet, I suppose, but you know what I mean,” he said and she laughed softly.
“I do.” 
“So you did the same then?” he asked and she shook her head. 
“Not exactly,” she said. “I missed the next day of school, but then when I did come back, Tommy wasn’t by the swings at recess. I saw him out by the hill by himself and I hobbled over to talk to him. When he saw me, I saw him consider running and it made me think about my mother’s story. I kept walking and I stood in front of him, looking up and not backing down. He looked at the bandage on my knee and shook his head. He mumbled that he didn’t mean it and that he was sorry. I asked if he would push me on the swings and he stared at me in surprise, no doubt thinking I was teasing him. But I wasn’t and I even offered to push him if he would like it. He agreed to push me and we walked over there slowly and waited our turn. He did push me, hesitantly at first, but we didn’t say anything else about it after that. And when the principal of the school talked to me and my mom, as my dad was deployed at the time, I told him it had been an accident and not Tommy’s fault.” 
“Huh,” Mulder said quietly. 
“He moved away about a month later. His father was in the navy too and he got stationed somewhere else and they had to leave. He came over to our house to say goodbye and I never saw him again. I hope he changed and dealt with whatever demons he had been fighting.” She smiled at him and he shook his head slightly as he stared at her. “What?” 
“You know the stories or movies where a person is born with abilities?” he asked, a small smile slowly spreading across his face. “Or you read and you can tell what their future will be because of their personality and how they approach situations? As though it’s destiny being foretold and all that?”
“Yeah,” she said, tilting her head as she continued to smile. 
“If we were reading or watching the story of your life, whether the choice was placed upon you or it was simply fated to happen at some point, in every life I believe you would be some form of healer,” he said and she drew in a breath. “You would be someone who finds the broken and heals them in a big way, or something so minuscule, they may not even know it happened. But it did and their lives are irrevocably changed as a result,” he said and she let out the breath she had taken as she leaned forward to kiss him. 
His hand moved from her knee to where the bottom of his shirt hit her at mid-thigh. Their kiss deepened and his hand moved higher, slipping further under the hem of the shirt before suddenly pulling back as he broke from their kiss. 
“Did you find another scar you wanted to question me about?” she asked breathlessly, knowing full well why he had reacted the way he did. 
“You’re… you’re not wearing any underwear,” he whispered and she frowned in mock concern. 
“Am I not?” she asked and he stared at her, his fingers slowly inching up her bare hip once again. 
“You’ve been… been sitting here all this time without underwear,” he stated in a low voice and she suppressed a shiver as her breath increased. 
“I have,” she confirmed. 
“I had no idea.” 
“Your shirts are long on me. It was easy to disguise.” 
“Apparently,” he whispered, his hand opening and closing as his fingers scratched gently against her skin.
And this time she did shiver as she let out a breathy moan and her eyes closed.  
“Should I have told you?” she asked, opening her eyes and licking her lips. 
“Hell no. I never would have made it through breakfast if I had known,” he said and she laughed softly. 
“True,” she agreed, shifting slightly as she leaned closer. “But you know now, so what are you going to do about it?” He squeezed her hip and she gasped, desire immediately shooting through her. 
“Seeing as how the norm is usually breakfast shared while in bed and yet we’re out here, I’d say it’s time to move this back to bed. Do you agree?” 
“Wholeheartedly,” she said and they both quickly stood to their feet, pushing one another toward the bedroom. 
She laughed as he caught her and pressed her against the doorframe of his room, kissing her slowly and ramping up her desire for him. 
Pulling back, he took her hand and led her into the room where their clothes fell together to the floor. 
She gasped, moaned, and whimpered as he brought her to climax twice, her heart racing and body shaking each time. 
“You do have more scars I’d love to hear about,” he said later as she lay with her head on his chest, her eyes heavy with sleep. “You distracted me, in the very best way possible I might add, or I would have asked about more.” 
“Ask me later,” she said, cuddling closer to him. “After you’ve made me my next meal.” 
“Will you repeat your outfit choice?” 
“Maybe. You’ll have to wait and see.” 
“Hmm,” he hummed, his fingers running through her hair. 
“Mmm, or maybe I’ll reverse it,” she said, smiling when his fingers froze in their movements. 
“Scully,” he whispered and she let out a breathy laugh, already imagining his face if she sat down topless at the table. 
Maybe, she thought, kissing his chest as he began to massage her scalp. 
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beatlepaul4ever · 9 months
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Have we spotted this one before? I can’t remember.
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v0id000 · 1 year
Headcanon (they are at the start of dating)
Soap slowly starting to sneak ghost clothes for himself because he likes that they so much bigger on him. He feels save in them and lays in them snuggle up in ghost bed when he is on a mission without him and just hoped he comes back save.
Soap thinks ghost doesn't know he is stealing his clothes.
Ghost is fully aware of Jonny stealing his clothes but he find it so sweet and so domestic that it makes his heart beating faster and a pink blush is showing on his face.
Once he came back in the middle of the night from a solo mission and sees Jonny curled up in his bed like a cat and just stands there for 5 minutes just smile loving at Jonny
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mlink64 · 1 year
Sharing Clothes/Accessories
WC ~1200
-Sharing crop tops and accessories
-OFC he’s gonna borrow your clothes since he likes androgynous looks
-You always roll your eyes when you see him wearing your clothes but you secretly think he looks really hot
-Usually, he borrows your crop tops because they don't usually sell them “for men”
-(Not that it stops him from buying them tho) 
-Tbh that’s pretty much all he can fit in of yours clothing-wise
-Buuuuut he also borrows your jewelry a lot
-Like a lot a lot
-The type to buy a piece of jewelry and say it’s for you but it’s secretly for him too
-The two of you love to go to antique stores and thrift shops when you have free time and look for unique jewelry and accessories
-Though he wears your clothes every once in a while, you wear his too and it does make him soft and gooey
-Especially when you wear his t-shirts and no pants because he thinks it’s cute and sexy
-He loves lending you his beanies because they’re really big on you and fall over your eyes and ears so that sometimes only your nose peeks out
-Button-ups and cardigans
-You love layering his button-up tops over t-shirts
-Or just wearing the button-up as is
-If you’re just relaxing you like to just lounge around in his tops w/o bottoms
-You’re always cute and comfy but he finds it really sexy and kind of provocative
-You love that they’re light and loose and smell like him
-Depending on how many buttons you have undone you can get him really flustered if you’re in a teasing mood
-When you do wear his button-ups in public it makes him feel really happy and low-key cocky/manly because it shows that you’re taken
-When you just randomly throw them on its one thing but when you purposely style an outfit with one of his shirts he thinks it’s the cutest and most mind-blowing thing
-Many of the same things apply to you when borrowing his cardigans
-They’re the epitome of the boyfriend cardigan on you
-Really long and cozy
-You probably steal his cardigans the most tbh because of the whole vibe
-You always wind up with sweater paws and it makes this man weak I tell you
-Sometimes when you miss him you sleep with one of the soft, cozy cardigans 
-Tee shirts
-This mans has a lot of tee shirts
-He finds you ridiculously cute in his tees
-Since he tends to wear baggy shirts they’re massive on you
-Especially the sleeves 
-He also finds it kind of sexy when the neckline is really big and slips off/down your collarbones and shoulders
-He often asks you to wear his clothes, saying you look so cute in them
-He always gets hella soft when he sees you in his clothes and he can’t keep his hands off of you but in a chaste, innocent way
-Always giving you back hugs, holding your hand, rubbing your legs, literally whatever part of you he can reach he’s touching
-Playful pecks anywhere on your bare skin
-He especially loves it when you relax around the house/dorm in one of his tees and a pair of spanx/workout shorts
-When the other boys are around you always pull the shirt up and tuck it in so you can see that you are indeed wearing pants
-Which often leads to the little shit pulling the shirt out again to hang about your thighs
-If you protest, mentioning something about the other members he’ll roll his eyes and smirk
- “Well they shouldn’t be looking at my baby like that in the first place” 
-Jackets and scarves
-Always giving you his jackets when you’re out because you get cold really easily
-He’s kind of extra when it comes to keeping you warm, as he sees it as a really easy, basic thing he can do for you
-When you two are out and it’s chilly he will hold your hands between his own to keep them warm or he’ll cup your cheeks if they’re all wind-bitten
-He also will hold your hand(s) in your/his jacket pockets
-He acts like it’s a ‘burden’ or ‘chore’ to take care that you stay warm but he’s actually soft af for it because you just make him feel melty and happy all the time
-He thinks you look super cute and even smaller than usual in his coats, they’re usually big on him so they’re massive on you 
-If you’re both cold, he will pull you into his chest so that he can wrap his coat around you as well 
-He just kind of does it without saying anything and lowkey ignores you because he’s actually super mushy and flustered
-But you can always tell because you can feel his heartbeat as you press your cheek against his chest to get as close together as possible 
-If anyone says anything he says it’s to share body heat or he just glares at them
-But if you watch a little bit longer you’ll see him try (and fail) to hide his soft, loving smile 
-Hoodies all day every day
-He has so many hoodies that if you steal one, chances are he won’t even notice
-This boy will literally beg you to wear his hoodies tho
-He just finds you ridiculously adorable in them
-Especially when you have sweater paws
-He will probably squeeze his hands into the armhole and grab and hold your hands while in the sleeves
-Sometimes if you’re in a particularly silly/giggly mood you’ll pull your arms up so he can’t grab your hands 
-Which results in him winding up wearing the sleeves and squishing you into a hug
-Like Beomgyu, he also can’t help but be very touchy and affectionate with you when you’re all tiny in his clothes
-All he wants to do is snuggle with you because you look so cozy
-He loves it when you do the thing where you bring up the hood and kiss him behind it all sneaky-like even though anyone who sees you two will know that you’re kissing 
-Whenever you’re sad he always wraps you up in one of his hoodies and cuddles with you
-Sometimes if you’re really sad you’ll pull the hood up and pull the string so that you’re entirely cocooned in the sweater
-If he sees you like this he knows that something is wrong
-If he’s wearing a hoodie and puts his hands in the pocket you often wiggle your own into the pocket as well and hold his hands
-He will definitely do the same to you
-He sometimes puts  his hands into the hoodie, not in a sexual way but just to touch your skin
-Will 100% do the thing where you’re both wearing hoodies and you tie the strings together and pull so that you’re both all squished into the hoods
-The pair of you will also play fight with the sleeves, swinging them around like nunchucks
-If he bops you in the face you always pretend that it hurt and he falls for it every time
-He’ll stop immediately and come over to check on you and apologize, then when he gets close you strike, tackling him in a huge hug
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whump-about-it · 1 year
Smoke/Shared Clothing/ Bloodstains
@whumpril day23 (a little late)
CW: blood, smoking, conditioned whumpee, aggressive caretaking, clueless caretaker, hidden injuries, mentions of vomiting (no details).
When Friend walked into Caretaker’s apartment they were neither surprised to see Whumpee there, nor that they were wearing Caretaker’s clothing.
Whumpee had been oscillating between Friend and Caretaker’s couches since Whumper had finally agreed to leave them alone. Considering Whumpee had not been at Friend's that morning they were honestly relieved to find them at Caretaker’s. As for the clothing, Whumpee had recently taken up the habit of wearing Caretaker’s sweaters and t-shirts. They probably would have worn Friend’s too, except Friend hadn’t been fond of the clothes sharing the one time Whumpee had tried it. Caretaker apparently didn’t mind because these days Whumpee seemed to be wearing their clothes more than their own. Caretaker was closer to Whumpee’s size anyway, so though Whumpee was swimming in their clothing, they weren’t drowning in them like they had been with Friend's.
What did surprise Friend was that Whumpee was smoking.
They were leaning out the open kitchen window, one of Caretaker’s sweatshirts rolled up to their elbows, with a small tendril of smoke rising from the half spent cigarette between their fingers. They turned to look at Friend when they walked in the door. Their face was pale with dark circles under there eyes and they gave Friend a half smile in way of a welcome before turning back to the view out the window. Taking another drag from their cigarette.
“I thought you quit.” Friend tried not to make the statement sound accusatory. They’d been the one who got Whumpee hooked on smoking in the first place after all. Years ago, before any of them could imagine what the future would bring. Caretaker had hounded them both for the smoking until it eventually got the better of Friend. Whumpee had taken longer though. It had only been in the last couple of months, again since Whumper agreed to leave them alone, that they’d given the habit up.
“It’s been a long night” Whumpee shrugged and stubbed out the cigarette on the windowsill.
Friend nodded and went to join them at the window. They had been tipped off that something was wrong when Caretaker had called in sick to work the day before. The one time Caretaker had answered their texts they had said they thought they might have food poisoning and not to worry. That morning though, when Caretaker had called in sick to work again, and Whumpee wasn't around like Friend would have expected them to be if Caretaker was ill, they figured they should probably check in.
"How is Caretaker?"
"They've been better" The statement didn't mean much coming from Whumpee. They had always been the monarch of understatements. Friend could distinctly remember a time when they had described a cut that had required stitches and a blood transfusion as nothing more than a 'scratch'. They had also tried convincing Caretaker and Friend that it had come from falling in the shower, but that was a whole different issue.
"They're sleeping now," Whumpee explained "But they were up half the night vomiting and the other half hallucinating. They thought I was their uncle at one point, which I didn't even know they had any."
"That doesn't sound like food poisoning"
Whumpee shook their head.
"I think its the flu, but if there's no blood involved I'm really at a loss with medical stuff."
Friend swallowed and tried not to think about those years when they and Caretaker had been out of contact with Whumpee. All those injuries Whumpee had had to treat on their own in the dark closet of a room Whumper had kept them in. Caretaker knew more of the details than Friend did. And though Friend would have been there to listen if Whumpee wanted to tell them, they didn't envy Caretaker being the one Whumpee had turned too with that information.
"You should call me next time" Friend didn't know anything about treating the flu either, but they and Whumpee could have at least muddled through together. Whumpee shook there head though, stiffling a yawn as they did.
"You have a job. Anyway, I figure it's pay back for all the times the two of you were there for me when I couldn't get up off the floor."
Friend sighed and put a reassuring hand on Whumpee’s back. Despite the light touch Whumpee’s whole body tensed and Friend remembered a second to late that they didn’t like being touched anymore.
“Sorry” They removed their hand and Whumpee leaned more heavily on the windowsill, working to even out their breathing. It was a more dramatic reaction than they’d had in a while, but they also looked ready to collapse with how tired they were, so Friend didn’t think much of it.
“I was going to say that you don’t owe us anything, Whumpee.”
Caretaker had always done more peeling Whumpee off the floor than Friend had. But Friend was sure they felt the same way. Caretaker was the kind of person who would give you the shirt off their back (clearly, as Whumpee was already wearing it).
Whumpee pursed their lips and nodded in a way that Friend knew meant they didn’t believe them. That could be a conversation for another time though. Whumpee really did look awful and now that Friend was thinking about it, if Caretaker had come down with something contagious, Whumpee could very well be catching it.
“Why don’t you get some rest” Friend nodded towards the couch behind them in the living room. “I’m gonna go check on Caretaker.”
“Sure” Whumpee murmured. “Just want another smoke first.”
Friend knew they probably should have said something about that. But they really had no ground to stand on so they let it go and turned away from Whumpee towards the hall where Caretaker’s bedroom was. A split second later though they turned back.
Something had caught their eye.
The spot on Caretaker’s sweatshirt where Friend had accidentally touched Whumpee was sticking to their back in almost a perfect outline of their hand. Not only that but the spot where the heel of their hand would have been now had an odd brown stain against the green of the fabric.
Friend swallowed thickly, a familiar panic and confusion curling in their stomach.
“Whumpee?” They asked “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
Whumpee turned to look at them. Pasting an expression of confusion on their face as they did. Looking at them directly for the first time Friend could see that Whumpee wasn’t just pale. They were colorless. And their dark eyes were blood shot and red rimmed from crying.
Friend could feel bile rising in their throat. Without much thinking they stepped forward and grabbed Whumpee by their elbow, forcing them to turn back towards the window. Caretaker would have been gentler. They would have had Whumpee sit down and coaxed the truth out of them with calm words and reassurances. But Friend wasn't Caretaker.
Their ears were ringing as they pulled up the hem of Caretaker's sweatshirt. Whumpee was wearing a black t-shirt underneath it, but Friend could see dark red, still moist stains at the waist band of their grey sweatpants.
Whumpee let out a yelp of protest, but didn't resist as Friend grabbed at the t-shirt. They only pulled it up as far as they needed to confirm what they were fearing. The few inches of visible skin on Whumpee's lower back were covered with bruises, welts, and weeping cuts, overlapping the already intricate map of healed scars.
"Whumpee. What did you do?" Friend at the very least managed to keep their voice a stern calm. Whumpee was beginning to shake under Friend's grasp. They were leaning heavily on the windowsill, gripping it with white knuckles. Friend suddenly felt the need to hold onto Whumpee and let go of their clothing, instead grabbing them by their elbows again.
"Caretaker had a fever of 104" Whumpee answered. Their voice was shaking as much as their body. "They needed medicine. I didn't know where else to go."
Friend had the ware-with-all to pull Whumpee's weight towards themselves, right before their knees buckled and the two of them collapsed to the floor, gripping each other as Whumpee let out a sudden sob of pain.
"You call me, Whumpee" Friend insisted, gathering Whumpee against them trying to avoid aggravating God knows what injuries they had. "You should have called me. Not Whumper. You never have to see them again."
Whumpee began to sob harder.
"I just wanted to help" they moaned "I wanted to be useful for once. You guys were never supposed to find out."
Friend's heart broke. They pulled Whumpee's head into their chest and began to stroke their hair. They suddenly regret their anger and how aggressive they had been.
"You were helping. You are useful. You didn't have to go to Whumper for that. Being here for Caretaker is enough. They appreciate it, I promise you. They'll tell you when they're feeling better."
Whumpee began to sob even harder at Friend's words. Friend kissed them on the top of their head and continued to stroke their hair until they had calmed a little. It didn't take long. Even at their worst, Whumpee had never been much of a crier.
"Was this the first time you've contacted them?" Friend asked when they thought Whumpee was able to answer.
"Yea" Whumpee nodded against Friend's chest. Friend breathed a sigh of relief.
"Okay, you didn't make any deals with them did you?"
"Just for the medicine."
"And all they wanted was to hurt you one last time?"
Whumpee let out a single sob as a response and Friend kissed them on the head again.
"Have you cleaned yourself up yet?"
Whumpee shook their head against Friend's chest.
"Tried," They mumbled. "Can't reach"
"Alright. Do you think you can stand? If you can get to the table I can clean you up. You'll probably have to talk me through it though."
Whumpee lifted their head from Friend's chest and looked at them with watery eyes.
"I think I'll need help getting up" They admit sheepishly. "Someone should check on Caretaker. It's almost time for them to take the medicine again."
"Don't worry. I'll check up on Caretaker." Friend reassured them as they helped Whumpee up off the ground. "I'll grab you a change of clothing too. There's too much blood on these."
Whumpee nodded and let Friend lead them to the kitchen table.
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