#sharna and val
chmerkovskiyvalentin · 6 months
(IG Stories) dancingwiththestars | harryjowsey | morgannimal: 12.05.23
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p21blackandgold · 9 months
who are your favorite and least favorite dwts pros
Favorite guys: Val, Artem, Derek
Favorite girls: Sharna, Jenna, Kym, Julianne, Emma
And special shout out to Lindsay because I think she is exceptional at her job of being a pro - I.e., making the celeb look good/highlighting their strengths, and making sure they have fun
Least favorite: Sasha, Gleb and I’m sorry if this offends anyone but Cheryl 🫣🫣
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entireoranges · 2 years
Fictional DWTS All Star (week 9)
Theme: A Night At The Movies. Concept: Couples dance to iconic songs from movies. Done in chronological order.
Refresher just in case.
Here we go!
Couple: Johnny Weir with Daniella. Style: Contemporary.  Song: Over The Rainbow. Judy Garland. Score: 40. Total: 10-10-10-10.
Couple: Milo Manheim with Emma. Style: Foxtrot. Song: Singin’ In The Rain. Gene Kelly. Score: 38. Total: 10-9-10-9.
Couple: Jodie Sweetin with Val. Style: Jazz. Song: Pure Imagination. Gene Wilder. Score: 39. Total: 10-10-9-10.
Couple: James Hinchcliffe with Lindsay. Style: Cha Cha. Song: The Power Of Love. Huey Lewis And The News. Score: 38. Total: 10-8-10-10.
Couple: Carlos PenaVega with Jenna. Style: Rumba. Song: My Heart Will Go On. Celine Dion. Score: 36. Total: 9-9-9-9.
Couple: Jojo Siwa with Sharna. Style: Hip Hop. Song: Lose Yourself. Eminem. Score: 39. Total: 10-9-10-10.
Couple: Mirai Nagasu with Mark. Style: Viennese Waltz.  Song: Shallow. Lady Gaga. Bradley Cooper. Score: 37. Total: 10-9-8-10.
Dance Off.
The couple with the highest score at the end of Round 1 received 5 points and immunity from the dance off which was Johnny Weir and Daniella. Note if had been a tie the couple with the highest average overall would have received it.
Remaining couples compete in a dance off with the winner receiving 5 points. The couples had to learn and prepare for all three styles because they didn’t know until a few minutes before the dance off which style or their competition would be. 
Dance Off 1.
Teams: Milo vs. JoJo. Style: Salsa. Song: I’ve Had The Time Of My Life. Bill Medley. Jennifer Warnes. Winner: JoJo Siwa.
Dance Off 2.
Teams: Jodie vs. James. Style: Rumba. Song: I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing. Aerosmith. Winner: Jodie Sweetin.
Dance Off 3.
Teams: Mirai vs. Carlos. Style: Cha Cha. Song: 9 To 5. Dolly Parton. Winner: Carlos PenaVega.
Top Of The Leaderboard. Johnny Weir with Daniella. 45. Jodie Sweetin with Val. 44. JoJo Siwa with Sharna. 44.
Bottom Three. Mirai Nagasu with Mark. Carlos PenaVega with Jenna. James Hinchcliffe with Lindsay. Judge’s Saves. Carrie Anne saved James. Derek saved James. Bruno saved Carlos. Len saved Carlos.
Eliminated  Mirai Nagasu with Mark (automtically) and James Hinchcliffe with Lindsay.
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dwtsfun · 4 months
Switch up week is usually very forgettable if not straight up bad but there are some times where we get really amazing routines out of it that almost make me think the celeb would do better if that was their regular partner
Carlos and Lindsay’s quickstep or Meryl and Val’s Argentine tango (it was at least better than the one she performed with Maks later) come to mind
Or even if not dramatically better, still pretty good like Sadie and Derek’s Charleston
As many of you know, I despised switch up week. The fans got nasty and the actual dances themselves were usually anywhere from blah to a mess. It was a nightmare for the celebs because they’ve never done ballroom before and now they have to get used to an entirely new person, adjust to their body, teaching style, choreography, etc, all within a week and perform like they haven’t missed a step. Then you have your celebs with special circumstances like Amy and Nyle, that are put at a clear disadvantage (luckily they were put with the besties of their original partners). You have personalities that don’t mesh. You have heights that don’t work out well. And then you had all the fallout that came from the performance night. Pros were mad at other pros. Some pros clearly didn’t do their best work with their new partner. Certain celebs were always ripped to shreds by the judges on a week that should’ve just been a freebie (Witney and Keo when he made it that far).
That being said, I agree that there were a lot of good performances that came from those weeks. Meryl never measured up to that Argentine tango. Nene was able to have a breakthrough by having a different set of eyes on her. Same with Carlos and Alexa (there was also just some weird energy that season between those two and their respective pros). Sharna got to flex her choreographic muscles a little bit with Nyle. Outside of those and Sadie’s dance (which was just fun) none of the other dances were memorable. That idea was the worst the show ever came up with and I’m so glad that it’s gone. All it did was cause pain and misfortune.
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******DWTS AU cast members*******
Hosts: Julianne Hough and Alfonso Ribeiro
Judges: Carrie Anne Inaba Derek Hough Pete Mitchell and Bruno Tonioli
Pros and celebrities
Aricka Mitchell and Bradley Bradshaw
Rylee Arnold and Mickey Garcia
Val Chmerkovskiy and Natasha Trace
Emma Slater and Reuben Fitch
Sharna Burgess and Javy Machado
Sasha Farber and Callie Bassett
Witney Carson and Bob Floyd
Koko Iwasaki and Jake Seresin
Jenna Johnson and Brigham Lennox
Daniella Karagach and Billy Avalone
Peta Murgatroyd and Logan Lee
Brit Stewart and Neil Vikander
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ashleynicolee426 · 2 years
I just think it’s funny that it’s been 2 years and a baby, and some people still insist on saying Sharna is still a rebound. 😂
They will be like Jenna/val people and still be saying that when they are married
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sarahjane0886 · 6 years
And Then There Were Three
"And then there were three."
“How do I do this? How do I tell him?” Sharna wondered as she paced back and forth in the bathroom. The positive pregnancy test glaring at her from its position on the sink counter. She and Val had been trying for months to get pregnant but the universe hadn’t seemed to be on their side. She had been to the doctors who told her and him that nothing was wrong. It was just not happening. The couple went through weeks of tears, fights, and drama until they gave up. They had decided that they wouldn’t focus on it anymore and if it happened it happened, if it didn’t, they’d figure out what to do next.
“I could call P. No, I kind of want this to be ours right now.” She said out loud. Duke and Daisy were watching her pacing with careful eyes. They seemed to understand that something was up and they were intent on protecting their mother. Val was out with Maks as they were prepping for another Our Way tour so Sharna was home alone. She had been feeling off lately and realized she had missed her period. Initially she brushed it off and pinned the feelings and period skipping to the recent amount of work she was doing for her clothing line. However something in her gut told her this was different. So she headed to the closet and dug out the box of buried tests from before and tried one.
“What do I do you two?” She said finally stopping and looking at the dogs for a minute. She had ended up retrieving the two puppies while she was waiting for the results of the test. When she saw the lines come up confirming she was pregnant, she felt her eyes well up with tears. And that’s how she had gotten to this moment because after her excitement peaked, she realized that her husband needed to be told and suddenly it all became so much real.
“You’re both going to be a big brother and a big sister. You’re going to have to be very protective of this little nugget and keep him or her safe, you know that.” Duke yipped in response while Daisy ran between Sharna’s legs.
“You both just think I’m going to let you out. Come on, let’s go outside. You two can run around like crazy puppies and I’ll figure out how to tell Daddy that’s he’s going to be a human dad as well.” Sharna said as her eyes misted over at the statement. She knew this had to be big because of how long they were trying and the disappointment they had shared. She let the puppies out and settled in one of the armchairs on the back deck as they ran around and enjoyed the summer air.
She began to look for different ideas. A lot of them included the pregnancy test however she wasn’t really comfortable with that. She just kind of thought it was gross on some level. She’d be keeping it but she wasn’t putting it in the oven or in a gift bag for Val to open. It took some time but she eventually decided she wanted to include the dogs in the surprise for him. She found cute bandanas that said “Big Sister” & “Big Brother”. After researching, she found a shop near their house that made the bandanas and she could have them customized as well. And they would do it on the spot.
“Alright you two. I’ll be back soon.” She said after she had gotten ready and headed out to the store. She found the two bandana collars quickly and purchased them. She was going to head home but decided to spend some time just browsing to kill time until Val was home. She wondered through a few shops on the street the collar shop was on before heading into a home goods store.
“Ahh!” She said as she wondered into the picture frame aisle. There was a black frame with silver lettering on it. The lettering read “And then, there were three.” She knew she needed it immediately figuring it would be a perfect additional to telling Val. She held tight to the frame and headed to the counter.
“Will this be all?” The cashier asked as she rung up the purchase and wrapped the frame in some protective wrap.
“Yes that’s all.” Sharna said happily.
“Is this….sorry, that’s not my business, that’ll be $11.42.”
“Thank you, you can ask however. And it is. I actually just found out a few hours ago. I’m going to use it to tell my husband.” Sharna said handing her the payment.
“Aww, you have a glow about you, that’s why I started to ask. Will this be your first?”
“Yes, we’ve been trying for a while.” Sharna said accepting the bag from the lady.
“Well Congratulations, it’s definitely one of life’s best blessings.”
“Thank you, so much. It definitely is.” Sharna said before taking the bag and heading out of the store. She realized she had a text from Val who asked if she wanted him to bring home an early dinner. She replied with a yes and then headed home to prep the house and puppies. She got the dogs in both their collars before trying to figure out where to put the picture frame. She knew he’d see the dogs pretty quickly so she wanted it to be near. She fixed the frame on the hall right where he normally laid his keys. She had taken the generic fake picture out and put a slip of paper in that said picture coming soon. She settled on the couch and tried to distract herself from being antsy but it wasn’t working. She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard his keys in the lock.
“I’m here! Hey you two. I missed you. Ohh did mommy get you two new collars? You both look so cute. Oh Daisy, be nice to your brother. Did you have a good day with mommy? Come here miss. Let’s get a better look at your……” Sharna heard his voice trail off and she decided to move to the hallway to see his reaction herself.
“Babe.” She said softly as he continued to look at Daisy’s collar before leaning down to check Duke’s as well. As he started to stand back up, the picture frame caught his eye.
“Princess…are you? Are we?” He asked as he sat Daisy down gently and looked at his wife.
“According to the test this morning we are. We’ll need to go to a doctor’s to confirm but….” Her rambling was halted as he crossed the hallway in two steps before grabbing her up and kissing her quickly.
“We’re pregnant.” He whispered as his forehead rested on hers. She nodded slightly as a few tears snuck out of her eyes and slipped down her cheeks.
“We are.” She said finding her voice. Val leaned forward and kissed her softly again before moving to rest his hand on her belly.
“Hi Peanut.” He said as he ran a thumb back and forth gently. Sharna tipped and leaned into his body, her head nestling into the crook of his neck as the two stood there. Her eyes caught sight of the picture frame, the words resonating even more than before.
“And then there were three.” She murmured as her hand landed over Val’s.
**That's a wrap on this little gem! I hope you guys love it! I'm hoping to be able to stockpile a little more of these shorties this week/weekend. Also traveling to Chattanooga next week which means I could either be writing extra or writing less. Let's hope for extra! Anyways, let me know what you think of this one, like it up, comment. Love you guys!
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chmergess4ever · 6 years
The Chmerkovskiy’s (Part 6)
Hi Guys! Sorry it’s been a while i’ve just been super busy. However, I’m starting to get back into the swing of things so more stories should start coming. Here is the next part of The Chmerkovskiy’s. Unfortunately, there is no chmergatroyd in this chapter, because I just didn’t see it fitting but they will be in the next chapter. The next part of Helium will come next! Hopefully tomorrow. I hope you enjoy this. Please let me know what you think of this part! Thanks for the support. 
“5 minutes, people. 5 minutes.” The executive producer of the show was making rounds counting down until the show.
“Ok, V. I got to go.” Sharna was facetiming with him before the show.
He sighed, “Nooooo. Stay.”
“I can’t!! But I’ll see you really soon. You’re still coming this weekend right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Sharna smiled, “Love you, babe.”
“Love you too.”
She blew him a kiss and ended the call before putting her phone in her bag and making her way to get in place.
It had been three weeks since she’d seen him and you could easily tell of both sides. They talked more and more often each passing day, showing that they really couldn’t stand to be apart from each other. Val was coming to the tour this weekend as they were finally going to be in Radio City. For tonight they were at the Mohegan Sun in connecticut. They always loved the audience there, they were always so energetic and really seemed to love the show.
It went great, the audience was awesome as usual, and the meet and greet was great as well. They all made their way back to their dressing rooms to get changed and gather their stuff before heading out to the buses. They never waited for each other, just did their things, talked to the fans and then all met on the bus.
One by one they dwindled out, but Sharna was still in the room opening her gifts and taking her makeup off. Soon, she was the only one left in the room.
Artem and Alan made their way out to the buses together and as soon as they opened the doors from the buildings people started screaming. They began making their way down the line.
Sharna heard someone approach in the doorway behind her but didn’t think anything of it as they always came in and out multiple times.
Alan and Artem started taking photos with fans and signing autographs. Everyone was freaking out so the energy wanted to make them stay outside.
“Hey Shar.” He leaned in the doorway with a sly grin on his face.
Sharna turned around sharply when she recognized his voice. “Paul.” She gasped.
He closed in on her, but not normally, he was being shady and she felt her pulse raise. “How have you been doing?”
“What are you doing?” He kept walking towards her, “Just checking in, ya know, to see how you are?”
“I’m ok.” She whispered, scared what would come if she didn’t answer.
At this point, he was inches away from her and still getting closer, “And Val?” “He’s fine.”
“Treating you ok?” Paul brushed a loose.
“Stop it.” She swatted is hand away.
“Oh being frisky.” He put his hand on her cheek and stroked it with his thumb, closing in the gap between him. “I’m so much better for you than him, Shar. In every regard. I’m better.”
“Paul, you’re scaring me.” She tried to push away his hand again but this time, he resisted.
Alan and Artem continued making their way down the line. They approached one girl and her friends who took pictures with them and then she asked them, “Do you guys know where Sharna is? She still didn’t come out.”
“Um.” Alan paused and looked at Artem. “Actually I don’t.”
“She should be out by now. It never takes us this long.” Artem whispered to Alan.
“Come on.” The two guys started walking back to the doors.
“Alan?” The girl called.
“We’re going to check!” He called behind him.
“Come on Sharna, what does he have that I don’t?”
“I love him.”
“But you should love me. Love me, Sharna. I swear you’ll forget about him in two seconds.” He started closing in the gap between them, there was nothing she could do. His lips were millimeters apart from hers when he was stripped from her. Sharna sighed heavily. Artem pushed him up against the wall and held him by his collar, showing him into the wall further. He punched him straight across his face. “That’s for Sharna. Asshole.” Artem let him go as he went to grab Sharna. But Alan had him right up against the wall and punched him across the same face, “And that’s for Val.” He then moved to stand by Sharna and Artem.
“Fuck Val. Fuck Sharna. Fuck you.”
“Fuck you, Paul. Get the fuck out of here.” Artem yelled at him.
“You’ll regret this, Sharna.” He spoke aloud as he walked out the room.
Sharna began crying and leaned into Artem sobbing, he brushed down her hair repeatedly, “It’s over. He’s gone. He gone.” Artem hugged her and swayed back and forth. “He’s not going to hurt you.” Alan moved closer to her and rubbed her back. “We got you. No one is going to hurt you.”
The rest of the night seemed like a blur, the fans had gotten tired of waiting and were cleared out by the time they took her to get on the bus. She plopped down on the couch and as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep. Everyone on the bus had gotten word of what happened and they were ready to comfort her in whatever capacity she needed. She woke up an hour later to the phone ringing and felt immediate relief seeing who it was.
“Hi, my love.”
“I miss you.” Sharna felt a tear roll down her face.
“I miss you too. What happened tonight? I saw on twitter that you didn’t meet people by the buses.”
“Yea, I just wasn’t in the mood tonight.”
“You’re never not in the mood.”
“Yea, I don’t know. Just wasn’t feeling it.”
“Ok, whatever you say.” “This weekend can’t come fast enough, Val.”
“I know, baby. I know.”
“Listen, the girls are about to watch a movie and I’m going to join them. So I’ll text you later, ok?” She needed any excuse to get off the phone with him because she knew she was about to start hysterical crying.
“Ok. Love you.”
“You too.”
She didn’t really know why she hadn’t told him. She supposed it was just because she didn’t want to start trouble. But she felt guilty. Really guilty. She’d find a way to tell him, it just needed to be the right time.
The days went slowly, way slower than she wanted. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened and what could have happened if Artem and Alan hadn’t come back to find her but thank goodness it was finally friday and she was going to see Val that night. She literally couldn’t wait. To kiss him, to hug him, to hold him. Sharna had asked Lindsay to go into the meet and greet booth that night so she could see him when he arrived. About 45 minutes till the show there was a knock on the dressing room door. Artem opened it and everyone yelled and gave him hugs as he walked in. Sharna stood in the back of the room and waited for him to make his way to her. She could feel her heartbeat rise as he got closer. After he was done with everyone else he slowly started walking towards her. “Hi.” “Hi.” He reached her and grasped the side of her face angling in up so he could kiss her. People cheered and one of the girls aw-ed. After the kiss, he pulled her into him hugging her as they swayed back and forth. Sharna started crying and his held her closer to him, “Don’t cry, babe. I’m here. We’re together again.”
The show few by, she couldn’t wait to the spend the weekend with them and the next two days that they had off. He walked out of the venue with her and they greeted fans together, who were super excited to see them together. When they were done he wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked on the bus together. They sat down on the couch together and everyone found their own respective spaces around them. The group had agreed upon going out to dinner at the hotel before separating for the night.
When they arrived, they all walked into the restaurant and requested a table that could seat all of them. They all go drinks and Artem raised a toast, “To a successful rest of your, great times with great people and to Val. So glad you could join us, buddy.” They all clinked glasses.
“I’m happy I’m here too.” He rested his hand on Sharna’s thigh under the table.
The dinner was pleasant. They told Val all about tours and the guys even shared stories that he would find funny but the girls definitely wouldn’t.
Val laughed in response to one of the stories, “I swear. I sometimes don’t understand how they have such good security that no one gets in.”
“Yea, it’s incredible. Only the one time but from there it’s been A+”
Sharna dropped her fork and started shaking her head “no” at Gleb who was talking.
Val put down his glass, “What do you mean, “Just the one.”?”
Sharna continued shaking her head but Val couldn’t take the signal, “Ya know? With Shar?” He said as if Val was acting clueless.
Val turned to Sharna, “Babe, what is he talking about?”
“Um” Sharna brushed her hair behind her ear. “Can we just talk about it later?”
“No. I want to talk about it now.” Everyone went silent and Val looked around, “Guys. Does someone want to tell me what’s going on?”
Everyone was silent, “Alan?” Val asked.
Alan looked at Sharna who looked broken, and then he looked at Val who looked concerned, “Paul made a visit to Sharna the other day.”
Val faced turned red and he turned back to his girlfriend, “What?”
“I’m sorry.”
Val threw his napkin down on the table and got up pushing his chair in behind him.
“Val.” She called after him. She got up and followed him.
“Whoops.” Gleb said as he set down his glass.
“Val, stop. Where are you going?” She followed him into their hotel room. “Val!”
“What? What do you want me to say?”
“I just want you to talk to me, babe.”
“How could you not tell me? Everyone down there knows, and I don’t even know what happened. You didn’t tell me anything.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you, Val.” She was yelling back at him now. “What was I supposed to say, “Hey Babe. My ex just tried to assault me after the show tonight” How the hell would you have taken that?”
“He tried to assault you?” Val lowered his voice.
“I don’t even want to know what would have happened if Artem and Alan hadn’t found me. He was drunk and he was telling me to love him, and I would forget all about you.”
“Fuck!!!” Val hit the wall. “Shit.” He sharply turned around and looked at her, “I don’t mean to yell at you Sharna. I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to protect you if you don’t tell me things.”  
“I just didn’t want to hurt you.”
“So you hurt yourself instead? I can’t imagine how you have been feeling.”
“I’ve been dealing.”
“I don’t want you to deal. I want you to be happy. All the time. I fucking love you so much, Sharna. Nothing can happen to you.”
“I love you too, Val. More than anything in the world. I wouldn’t not tell you to keep something from you. Just out fear of you getting hurt.”
“I’m sorry. I have never felt this kind of love before. And it scares me. It scares the fuck out of me.”
“It scares me too. But we’re in this together for the long haul.”
“For the long haul.” He repeated as he walked over to her and hugged her. He looked down at her. “That guy has it coming to him. No one lays a hand on you and gets away with it. I wanna know the whole story.” 
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errarose98 · 7 years
Your invited...PART 2!
By popular demand, here's part two of your invited. This starts three months from part one. It follows Val's first time seeing Sharna since the wedding to James and meeting her new baby girl. Hope you enjoy! Make sure you comment your thoughts! ________________________________________________________ It's been three months since Val got the birth announcement in the mail. Three months since Val had tried, and failed to move on. He compared everyone to Sharna and he couldn't stop. He still missed her even though it been over six years and she's now married with a baby. A baby. A baby he was gonna meet in a few short hours. It was two days before Thanksgiving and Val was headed to Maks and Petas, New York home to spend the holiday with them. He knew his parents where going to be in attendance, and he knew Sharna would be there as well. Maks told him a week ago that Peta had invited Sharna and James and apparently after some convincing they had agreed to come. Maks told him the hesitation had nothing to do with Val and had everything to do with flying with a almost four month old baby. After hearing that the happy family where going to be in attendance, Val told them he couldn't come. But after a heated discussion with his father, Val had no choice but to attend the family holiday. So here Val was standing on the front steps of his brothers home, dreading the next three days. When he rang the door bell, Maks and Shai answered the door and both where very happy to see him. They invited him in, took his coat, and lead him to the family room next to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. Shai was talking a mile a minute until he reached the family room. Shai, who was in Val's arms, immediately stopped talking and made motions of wanting down. When a confused Val set the little boy down, he immediately went to his grandmas side, upon looking at his mother, Val saw a small infant wrapped in a light purple blanket. Maks came up behind him. "Shai is obsessed. Barley leaves her side unless she's sleeping. Sharna went to get her right as the door bell rang. Shai has been waiting almost an hour for her to walk up from her nap." Val felt light headed. Everyone in the room was so engrossed in the baby and Shai that they hadn't notice him yet. But when Maks walked past him and sat next to Peta every head turned towards him. "My son!" Dad stood up and made his way to me, wrapping me in a large hug. Peta hugged me next saying a whispered hello in my ear. I had a genuine smile on my face with got a bit smaller as my mom walked up to me still holding the baby, with Shai following after her, wanting to be close to his cousin. "Hello my boy" mom said softly while giving me a one armed hug, until Maks gently took the baby from her so she could give me a proper hello. When mom pulled away, her and dad started taking to me as Peta and Maks talked softly next to me. Than everyone stopped talking. Val looked up when everyone stopped taking, and saw Sharna standing in the doorway from the main entrance. She had a smile on her face and was glowing. Val couldn't breath seeing her for the first time in so long. Than James came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her every small waist. That's when everything hit Val again, she married to someone else, with someone else baby. "Long time, no see!" Sharna walked towards him and gave him a hug. Val didn't know who to feel holding her again, but he knew he still missed her smell and the way she felt against him. "Hi babe. You look amazing." Val said while he held her. She smiled a genuine, happy smile as she pulled away. "Nice to see you, Val" Val shook James outreached hand, and he could feel everyone in the room let out a breath knowing Val, Sharna, and James where going to get along. "Aunt Shar! Can I hold her now!" Shai was next to his aunt with an arm around her leg, giving her the best puppy eyes Val had seen in a long time. Sharna as well as everyone laughter at the little boy. "Yes of course you may. Go sit down." Shai ran to the chair and did what his aunt asked. Peta and Maks looked happy to see their little boy so excited and Maks handed the little baby to James, who took her out of her blanket to show her white onesie and little baby sized jeans, than he handed her to Sharna who was standing in front of Shai. Sharna handed him the baby, got her in a good position and remind Shai to support her head before placing a binkie in her month. Shai had clearly held her a lot because he looked very confident while holding her and the little baby was already settling in to her cousin. "He loves her. He not gonna let you leave with her, my dear." Sharna smiled at my mama and nodded her head. "I'm glad he loves her. Besides he will see her very soon anyway." "We will be in LA only a month after they leave, Shai can wait a bit." Val knew his brother and sister in law where planning to spend time in LA after Christmas to get the LA business ready for the new year. He was surprised to hear that Sharna and James lived in LA, however. "Do you too live in LA then?" Sharna turned to Val and nodded. "Yeah we moved to a permanent place in LA before the baby. We still spend a lot of the year in Indy but we like to split our time." Val was really glad he came, it wasn't awkward and he enjoyed catching up with the women who was his best friend for years. Not seeing her in so long made it easy for him to forget how good of friends the two had been. Val always just missed her as his love, but he was realizing that if she was happy with James, Val would gladly take to being her friend. Because he missed her, and wanted to get to know her daughter, and because James really was a amazing guy. After dinner that night, Shai had only let the baby go when he had too. So when he was sitting at the table in front of the couch, finishing his desert, Peta was holding the little girl. "Sharna, do you think, maybe, could I hold her?" Sharna looked happy to hear the queen come from his month. "Of course!" Peta stood and handed the baby to her brother in law. Sharna was glad her and Val had caught up, she did miss him in her life, as her friend. So she was glad they where getting back to that, and that he wanted to get to know her daughter. Val couldn't believe how tiny but amazing this little girl was. She looked like Sharna but you could see touches of James in her. She was a perfect mix of her parents. "Shar, she's beautiful. But I have been here all day and haven't heard you say her name." Everyone laughter and James wrapped his arm around his wife, a look of pride and love upon his face as he said, "Her name is Ellie, Ellie Jane Hinchcliffe." Val thought it fit her perfectly. He could see Peta tear up a bit. She laughed and said she still couldn't believe they named Ellie after her. Sharna stood and went to sit next to Peta, where the two best friends, curled up to each other and put arms around each other. Maks laughed a bit before standing up from his spot next to the women and going to sit next to James on the other couch. Val continued to hold Ellie, settling in to the couch. He could see his parents from the corner of his eye, they looked proud of him. They all knew once Val saw Sharna again, spent time with James again, and held Ellie that all would be better. Now Val felt that too. He could move on, he would be her best friend and an amazing uncle to little Ellie, because he does want Sharna to be happy and he understands now that she was meant for James. She was meant for this life with him and Ellie. And Val was happy to be in this amazing family in any way he could. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of the holidays with his parents, Maks, Peta, Shai, James, Sharna, and Ellie because he has the best family in the world. ____________________________________________________ Hope you all enjoyed this story, make sure you comment down below! And stay turned for my next story because I feel like writing some......Fogess?😉
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danceoftheday · 3 years
Performed by: Sharna Burgess, Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Valentin Chmerkovskiy, and Karina Smirnoff
Number: “Fever”
Style: Foxtrot/East Coast Swing
From: Ballroom with a Twist (2014)
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erin1023 · 7 years
Always - Chapter 2
Ok guys, here is the next section of my fanfic. I know its a Chmergess fanfic but this chapter has no Val, its all about Sharna’s break-up with Paul which will lead into the strengthening of the Chmergess friendship & eventually relationship.
Chapter 2 (The Break-up)
 Sharna shut her car off and started to gather her stuff from her car. Val was right, of course he was Val is always right she thought, not only did everyone completely understand but the producers insisted she take a few extra days off to spend with her family during the recovery. She smiled to herself, years ago when she decided to make the jump and move to the States she couldn’t imagine having a support system that was as close to family as her real family was to her, and she couldn’t be more grateful for those people in her life.
 As she started towards the apartment she shared with Paul, Sharna started making a mental list of the hundreds of things she had to get done; check flights, get all the last-minute things she needed for tour, pack for both Australia and the tour. She walked in to Paul sitting on the couch scrolling through something on his phone.
 “You look tired baby, long day at rehearsals?” he asked as he continued to scroll through his phone.
 “Woo called this morning they found a donor for Dad” she said.
 He finally looked up “really that’s great news”.
“Yea it is, after talking to Val and thinking about it for a while I decided I’m going to go be there with him for his surgery and a bit of the recovery for support. I’m going to check into some flights do you think you’ll be able to get some time away and come too” she asked as she walked into the dining to grab her laptop.
Paul suddenly sat up and put his phone down next to him, “you’re going to Australia? When?” he asked.
She came back into the living room and opened the computer on her lap. “Well I’m not entirely sure I have to look up flights but as soon as possible”
“For how long?” he asked.
“well I was just gonna go for a few days but after talking to Mandy and the producers they told me to take some extra time to be with my family, so probably like two weeks. I mean it sucks because I’ll miss the first few stops on the tour but its family and Val assured me they would be fine without me and the fans would understand.”
 “I don’t understand” he responded.
“Oh, Val was there when I called Woo back, I originally thought she was calling about Nan and wanted support but turns out it was good news. He suggested that I go for the surgery since its still risky and this way I would also get a chance to see Nan a bit too” she replied.
 “No, what I don’t understand is when I asked you a few weeks ago you told me you wouldn’t be able to take anytime off” Paul said.
 Sharna put the laptop on the table looked at him confused “huh”.
 Paul shifted his body so he was facing her “when I asked you to come with me to Hawaii for Rachel’s pro-bowl performance, you told me you wouldn’t be able to take time away, and now you can take 2 weeks that it wasn’t fair to the other dancers?” he responded.
 Sharna stared at him for a few seconds taking in what he said, “Paul this is different, its family”.
 “And I’m not family” he retorted angrily.
 “You know that’s not what I meant Paul, while the other dancers and the producers are ok with re-blocking a few numbers for me for my Dads surgery I don’t know if they would be for me to go on a vacation” she exclaimed “trust me I would love to go to Hawaii, but it’s just not fair to ask them to give me a vacation when everyone else has been working just as hard.”
 “But I asked you before you committed to the tour Sharna, you could have said no to them and they wouldn’t have had to re-block anything” he responded.
  “It’s just after the last two seasons I’m really starting to make a name for myself, not just my dancing but the show has made mentions of my creativity, choreography and my passion. If I keep it up like this it can lead to some other great opportunities for me. And while that’s all amazing I miss the rush of performing for me, with the show it’s all about our partners, being on tour allows the fans to get to see more of who I am”.
 “Got it” he responded “I’m just trying to figure out where I rate in all this”.
 “What is that supposed to mean Paul? You know how much you mean to me” Sharna responded upset.    
“Yeah, just not as much as your family or your job or your fans” he responded sarcastically as he stood up.
 Sharna sat still for a few seconds trying to process the conversation in her head. “Babe that’s not fair”
 “Isn’t it” he retorted.
 “No!” She was now getting angry and stood up too “We’ve been together for over 5 years and you really think that just because I decided to go on tour and not on vacation with you that I don’t love you! That’s crazy! I’m madly in love with you”
 “let me ask you something than, would you quit DWTS if I asked you to?” he said.
 “Sharna’s jaw dropped “I.. uh .. what?” she stuttered.
 “This show takes up your life you spend 8-10 hours a day in the studio practicing, then another dozen a week shooting promos and doing interviews, and even when you aren’t doing that stuff your thinking about your routine or staging. And now in your off season you’re doing tours and travelling for the show” he said.
 “But, I love what I do. I love getting to choreograph and perform every week. I’m lucky that I can do something I’m passionate about every day and get to call it a job.”
 “so is that a no?” he asked.
 “I .. I don’t understand why you would even ask me to quit” she replied “I love what im doing, I love that I can be creative and I love that my talents are being notice. I was asked to help choreograph the BackStreet Boys Residency in Vegas because of my work with Nick, why would you want me to quit the thing that is helping to build me, something that I have worked my whole life for” she said staring at her fingers.
 “I guess I just needed to hear you say that your career would always be your priority” he said softly.
 They both just stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. How did this conversation even get here thought Sharna, one second they were talking about her dad’s surgery the next minute he is asking if she would give upper her career.
She replayed the conversation in her head one more time before she finally spoke up, “I don’t understand why there has to be a choice Paul, what I do for a living has never really been an issue before why is it an issue now?” she paused for a second and that asked the question that was floating in her head. Although she already knew what the response would be she asked anyway “would you give up your career if I asked you to?”.
 The look that crossed Paul’s face told her all she needed to know and she knew what was about to happen next even though her heart wasn’t ready for it. She took a deep steadying breath, “Paul, I love you but I can’t be with someone who doesn’t want me to grow, someone who feels their wants are more important than my own. A relationship is all about compromise and I think on this issue both of us want separate things and want you want is something I’m not willing to give up, I did that once before when I got hurt and I totally lost my way, I lost everything I was and everything I am. I can’t do that to myself again”.
 Paul stared at her for a few seconds before he asked “so what are you saying Sharna, that after all this time we are done?”
 Sharna just nodded unable to get any words out, and with that Paul stood up and walked out of the apartment.
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katieamazeballs · 2 years
So you knew Maks, Peta, and Val were back and Sharna out? Why not just say that?
Did I say that? I don’t think I did.
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entireoranges · 9 months
The DWTS community on Reddit pisses me the fuck off. They are so judgy, whinny, and love repeating themselves.
A few hate Val. To each their own. But they hate Val based on statements/actions he made YEARS ago. They like to bring up him pointing out that young boy’s weight from the Instagram picture. That was during the Valdaya era. Do you have any idea how long ago that was?! He has apologized for it. Nope. Doesn’t matter. Since he’s a celebrity means he has to be fucking saint.
Apparently some gossip very questionable podcast came out dishing dirt on a few pros. A comment on the post about mentioned one part was saying a girl was unattractive (maybe fat?) but Val would let it slide and let her give him a blow job. Gross behavior? Sure. Typical twenty something douche bag behavior that unfortunately many men are like? Yeah pretty much. I don’t understand why they are acting like this represents his behavior now.
Now I’m pretty liberal and admittedly get frustrated/sad towards more conservative minded celebrities, however hating Val because he tends to remain neutral or has an “everyone should get along!” approach is mind boggling to me. Apparently that’s another reason people hate him.
Rylee is going to be a pro. Get over it. Fresh meat. She’s been around awhile and is already somewhat known. Thanks a lot to her sister, but still. Plus not to sound creepy she’s young, very pretty…that could pull in um a certain audience..sadly if you know what I mean. The show knows this.
Perhaps Pasha omitted not to return to stay home more with the baby? Maybe he has an injury he hasn’t revealed? Perhaps this. Or that. You never know. Stop making it a great conspiracy.
Sure Sharna expressed wanting to return. Who knows if she actually auditioned this season (apparently all the pros have to each season) She has a young child, a significant other who travels a lot, etc. Saying you’re interested in something doesn’t mean you actually pursued it. Or perhaps she tried for a pro spot and they said no. It happens.
Lindsay and Witney are influencers. They make BANK doing that. Stop being confused or even worried how they’ll survive if not pros. Trust me they are both fine.
I think I’m done now.
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shelbertforever · 7 years
Thinking of You & Me :3
* So Here's part 3 of this story! I really hope you all enjoy this chapter! I loved writing it!! Enjoy! P.s. This one is a little longer than chapter two.* -------------            Val sat with Sharna on the bench outside of Peta and Maks LA home until amber came out looking for Val. Amber spotted them through the back door take a quick notice at how they were sitting before she opened the door walking outside.            They hadn't noticed her presence yet so she quietly walked over to them until she was standing a few feet away from them. "Val?"           Val head whipped around to find his girlfriend standing a few feet away from him and Sharna staring at them. "Hey, I'm sorry I left. I just need to make sure Sharna was okay." Amber nodded walking closer to them "She looks fine to me."            Val nodded back watching as amber crossed her arms giving Sharna the death stare as if she did something wrong.           Val kept his arm around Sharna though not moving. "Yea she is okay now. We were just coming back in to eat."            Amber watched closely as Sharna moved away from Val standing up on to her feet watching as Val did the same.           He walked over to amber gently wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "I'll see you inside Shar?"          Sharna nodded back quickly "Yes of course." She said in almost a whisper as she watched Val walk away from her with amber in his arms.         Sharna sat back down on the bench for a moment taking a few deep breaths, all she needed to do was make it through today and her feelings would go away right? Well she hoped they would disappear into thin air even though she knew that was impossible especially with someone like Val.           Sharna heard the door close, this time she noticed that it was Trevor walking towards her.         "Hey are you alright? I haven't seen you for a least forty five minutes. Do you want to leave?" He asked as he sat down next to his girlfriend wrapping his arm tightly around her shoulder bringing her into his side.            Sharna smiled laying her head on to  his chest "I'll be okay I promise. Thank you for worrying about me though."        Trevor smiled placing a kiss on the top of her head "Of course I care, your my girlfriend. So I'm always worrying."            Sharna giggled a little bit leaning closer to Trevor, "Thank you, for being here today." Trevor smiled down at Sharna "There's no where else I'd rather be."           They sat for another moment or two before Trevor spoke up, "How about we go eat?" He questioned looking down at Sharna watching as a smile appeared on her face.         "That sounds beyond amazing." Sharna giggled standing up with Trevor as they walked back towards the back door.        Trevor opened the door letting Sharna walk through first, she waited for him to stand in behind her before wrapping her arms around his waist.          "You're the sweetest." Sharna said curling into the strong arms of her boyfriend as they walked into the living room laughing together as he whispered into Sharna's ear.         "I think you're mistaking me with you." He said tapping his nose making her giggle, which grabbed everyone's attention.          Val watched them laughing together as they got their food before sitting down next to one another on the couch opposite of the one her and amber were sitting on.         Jealously flew through Val's body as he watched them together.            He shouldn't be feeling this way, his girlfriend was sitting next to him. This was Sharna he was thinking about, his sister, he shouldn't have these kind of feelings. Plus shouldn't he be thrilled that she found someone like Trevor. He was everything Sharna wanted in a man, she was beyond happy with him.             So why am I jealous? He thought as he took another bite of the pizza. Before his thoughts drifted off to years ago when Sharna and Paul had broken up. Val walked up on to Sharna's front porch knocking on the door with a pizza in one hand and some ice cream. She texted him about an hour ago saying that she really needed him and to also bring pizza and ice cream even though it was almost eleven thirty at night. A moment later Sharna opened the door with makeup running down her face "Thank God your here!" She said throwing her arms around Val's neck, almost making him drop the pizza and ice cream. "What's wrong baby?" Val asked watching as Sharna unlatched her tight grip on him back up pulling the pizza box from him. "Lets sit down on the couch, I'll grab spoons for the ice cream."          Val nodded following his best friend over to the couch watching as she sat down the pizza he brought over on to the coffee table. Sharna then disappeared into the kitchen before coming back out with the two spoons in her right hand.           She quickly made her way back to Val who was waiting for her on the couch, she sat down next to him feeling his hand come underneath her chin pushing her to look at him. "Are you going to tell me what happened."            "Paul and I broke up." She whispered before tears started to falls again, Val sighed brushing away the fallen tears. "I'm so sorry my Love." Sharna almost laughed as she reached to grab a piece of pizza handing a slice to Val as well.            "It isn't you're fault V. You're my best friend who brought over pizza and ice cream. You literally saved the day. Believe you me you're making the world a better place every pizza and ice cream party we have." Sharna said laughing as she took a bite of pizza.          Val also laughed watching as smiled at him goodness he was falling hard for her and he didn't think he'd be able to stop himself from falling anymore.          "Do you mind if I put on a rom com?" Sharna asked Val as he picked up another piece of pizza. "Whatever you feel like. Tonight's all about trying to make you smile." He said pressing a kiss into the side of her forehead.           "Yay!" She said as she pulled up her Netflix account finding her favorite rom com which just happened to be "The Wedding Planner"  this was her absolute favorite movie.          Her and Val have probably watched this movie together at least five times already, but he would watch it a thousand times if she asked him.        She started to play the movie before she decided it was time for ice cream, she grabbed the cookie dough blizzard she asked Val to bring. She took the lid off before sticking her spoon in to the ice cream taking a large bite.        "Mmmhhh", she said closing her eyes as if it was the best thing she had ever eaten. Val laughed watching as a content smile appeared on her face.           "Is it good?" He asked laughing as she shot a smile in his direction. "It's amazing babe. Thank you so much. Here have a bite."  She said handing him the other spoon watching as he took a bite of the ice cream smiling as he ate it.            "Mmhh, it is quite delicious." Sharna laughed at his response, "I told you."   She said giggling before sticking her spoon back into the cookie dough ice cream.           It was now almost to the end of the movie and Sharna was laying was her head in Val's lap as he ran his hand in her hair. It was so relaxing her so much that she may or may not have dozed off of few times in the movie.                 "Val why do we suck at relationships?" She asked opening her eyes looking directly into his eyes.        Val almost laughed at her question, "I don't know baby. We just love to hard I guess."  Sharna nodded cuddling closer to Val and his warm body.          "Why can't I find a man that like him. Someone who would cancel their own wedding because they knew it wasn't right. Someone who would chase after me if I left. Someone to love me that much."Sharna said watching Matthew McConaughey  character chased after Jennifer Lopez's character.            "You'll find someone one day that does everything you could ever imagine wanting , but they will be better than you ever pictured. They be your best friend and love you even on your worst day. They'll cheer for you on your best day and love you ever second of everyday." Val said leaning down pressing a kiss to Sharna's forehead.            Sharna smiled listening to everything Val had said to her as the end of the movie and the credits started to play. "You know V, you'll find that person one day too. She'll love you every second of every day. I just know it."          Val nodded smiling down at Sharna "You're right. How about right know I take you to the bathroom to clean up your tear stained face. Then I tuck you into bed."        Sharna smiled siting up letting val get up, he stood up quickly before picking Sharna up in his arms carrying her to the bathroom upstairs where she kept her makeup wipes.         A moment later Val had Sharna sat up onto her sink gently wiping her face clean of her mascara tears.        He eventually got all of the makeup off before he grabbed her moisturizer putting some into his hands before her gently rubbed her face with the moisturizer.        Sharna smiled watching Val "Why are you doing this?" Val almost didn't know what to say as she stared up into his eyes.        He looked down into her eyes "Because I love you too much to leave you a mess. Because your my best friend and I would do anything for you. Even if it means I have to bail you at of jail, hopefully that's never happens."        Sharna laughed before leaning forward into Val's chest "Thank you V for everything. Your my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you."          Val smiled pressing another kiss to her forehead before he picked her back up carrying her into her bedroom. He got her all settled and tucked in, before he was going to leave.         "I'm going to go now baby, but I'm just a phone or a text away." He said leaning down placing a kiss to her temple, "Wait V please don't go." Sharna said almost in fear that if Val walked away she was going to loose her best friend.          "Okay I won't go, but I'm going to go downstairs make sure the doors are locked and all of the mess is cleaned and the lights are off. Give me ten minutes." Sharna nodded "Okay, but come back."             "I will I promise." He said before quickly leaving her bedroom heading downstairs.            Val quickly picked up the pizza box the had some slices left so he put it in the refrigerator. He then threw away the ice cream the was empty, before checking the doors making sure they were both locked.            He quickly shut off the lights and the tv before jogging back up the stairs where his best friend was waiting for him.          Val walked into Sharna's bedroom quietly making sure she wasn't already asleep "You're back." "Of course I wasn't going anywhere."  Sharna smiled watching as Val kicked off his sweatpants and t shirt before crawling into bed with her.          Sharna immediately snuggled into his chest pressing a gentle kiss to his chest "Goodnight V, I love you." "I love you too Shar, Goodnight." He said before closing his eyes gently falling asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around Sharna as she fell asleep.              "Hey babe, they're going to sing happy birthday. Let's go." Amber said pulling Val out of his thoughts. "Yes lets go." He said standing up grabbing ambers left hand as he looked around noticing that they were the only ones left in the living room.           They quickly walked into the kitchen where everyone else was waiting for them so they could sing happy birthday to baby Shai.                 *Yay! Chapter three is officially finished!! I really hope that you all enjoyed this one! Because I think this is personally my favorite chapter so far. So please tell me what you all thought because once again I love to read all of your comments! They mean so much! Thank you all for your love and support! You all are the best! - Tori*
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ashleynicolee426 · 2 years
Koko Daniella Pasha Gleb are filming something. That leaves Val Artem Louis Sharna Cheryl and Emma
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