#shh becky
puppuptrixii · 2 days
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Athena P as Betty Butters from Strange Hill High!!!
Wanted to mix my two recent fixations together, athena p's videos on cartoons and a funny puppet kids show that got popular recently.
I also wanted to flex that I did makeup from my performing arts BTEC by making a makeup look also that is based on the logo of the show.
@what-is-my-aesthetic hope you like this!
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randombook4idk · 15 days
joining late on this trend...
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thekitekiddd · 4 days
New hyperflex ✌️
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Not my best drawing, but it’s ok.
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skrunklydoo · 4 days
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screw you! ages up a strange hill high character
for becky i think as an adult she’d either go for this or the most colour clashing alt look you’ve ever seen (i might draw that one day who knows)
anyway ya silly adult (re?)design concept WHAT IS IN THE NECKLACE LOCKET (it’s a picture of will wood’s pet rats)
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yukikorogashi · 8 months
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Think I finally got this body infection under control, so I dressed up a bit more for yesterday’s dinner. 🥹
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mintyyyjades · 2 years
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brewing the sy-on cauldron of candy?
happy halloween!
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
Behind closed doors
Pairing: Becky Lynch x Fem reader x Rhea Ripley
Description: Tension between you, your girlfriend, and the man finally boils over leading to things heating up
Gif credits to @sheslikealostflower
Pic credits to @romanthereigns
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You groan seeing Rhea and Becky backstage taunting each other as you walk backstage from your exhausting match against Iyo Sky feeling your body scream in pain from head to toe. As you walk by your girlfriend and the man you turn staring at both of them "Either you both shut it or I'll shut it for you" the two are left quiet as you close the door to your locker room showering changing and watching the rest of Raw before heading back to your hotel room eating room service food while watching tv as you slowly wind down but you jump and yelp when someone loudly knocks on the door opening it only for the two women to surge into the room feeling your heart pound as becky locks the door while rhea pins you against the wall holding both your wrists in her hand while the other holds your chin "You want to get mouthy again?" your eyes widen at her grin while becky runs her hand down your waist which sends goosebumps all over your body biting your tongue to suppress a whimper but you let out a shaky breath when becky sticks her hand down your pants "Looks like you need a lesson". Before you could even say anything you were thrown on the bed with becky tearing your pants off unable to control your stunned reaction which changes to moaning when she dives straight in but your moans are muffled thanks to rhea riding your face and you were putty between the two of them grinding your hips as becky pushed her fingers in and out of you until you were riding on becky's thigh while rhea face rode and fingered her and things kept switching every so often losing yourself with your face between rhea while becky thrusted in and out of you with the strap she had packing smacking your ass every once in awhile and boy you were gone thrusting into a whimpering moaning rhea while becky rode her face until you were pressed between them scissoring with rhea and becky pounding into you from behind until you were spent whimpering when rhea spread you open "One more baby I promise" you bit your tongue as tears flowed down your face with rhea pounding into and becky rubbing circles on your clit while sucking your nipples wasn't helping trying to catch your breath only to cry when becky pushes inside you having her thrust in and out of you while rhea thrusted in and out of her leaving you a shaking and crying mess sobbing when becky cleans you down. "Hey shh it's okay" you fall asleep after being tucked under the covers waking up wrapped in rhea's arms not seeing becky right before she comes back in the room with breakfast smiling at each other before eating feeling your heart swoon when becky kisses you after getting dressed your eyes widening when you see rhea watching the two of you hiding your face in your hands "Baby what's wrong?" you beg her not to leave you being held by both women "Look at us lass we're not leaving you" your heart swoons smiling sharing a kiss with the two officially becoming a throuple always glued to the hip behind closed doors and out of the ring.
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
lesbianrobin fic scraps #2: the saltwater room
Steve feels warm.
He doesn't feel much else. Just warm. Like somebody's tucked him in, maybe a little too tight, or a lot too tight, because now that he thinks about it, there's a lot of pressure on the right side of his body.
He blinks his eyes open. It takes a surprising amount of effort, but he does it.
Wherever Steve is lying, it’s comfortable, but it's not home. It's not Tommy's place, either. All he sees is wood. Wooden beams, wood paneling, a wood bookshelf that nearly blends into the wall. The air is crisp and cool, and he feels a breeze. Steve means to keep looking around the room, but when he turns his head to find the source of the breeze, he feels something shift on his chest, and looks down to find a head of tangled light brown hair.
That doesn't look like Amy. Or Laurie. Or Becky. It doesn't even look like Nancy Wheeler, which was a long shot anyway seeing as Steve's barely even worked up the nerve to talk to her, but Steve can’t figure out where the hell he is or why the hell he's here, so a bit of wishful thinking can’t hurt. Whoever she is, she's snuggling him pretty fiercely. Her face is pressed into his chest, arm wrapped snugly around him, her whole body half on top of him and their legs intertwined. They’re in bed, both tucked underneath a red patterned quilt.
Why can't he remember this girl? Steve's never done anything like this. He's had relatively brief relationships and one or two friendly hook-ups, but never with some girl he didn't even know, and he'd never gotten so fucked up that he couldn't remember anything in the morning.
Steve tries to shift her gently off him, and immediately lets out a high involuntary keen as burning pain shoots through his torso.
His body is screaming, stop, danger, wrong, something is wrong. The girl is shifting around now, but Steve can't even begin to speak to her, because his mouth won't form words. All he can do is gasp. It's like someone's taken a burning poker and jabbed it into his chest, then stuck another three or four into his stomach for good measure.
She sounds hoarse. Her voice doesn’t spark any recognition. Even when she sits up and Steve meets her eyes, sees so much emotion in them that it frightens him almost as much as the pain, he doesn’t recognize her. She’s pretty, though, really pretty, and he tries to focus on her wide blue eyes and precious little freckles because they’re a better thing to focus on than the burning tearing screaming sensation slowly consuming his entire body.
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here,” she says, like that should be enough in itself to calm him down. She runs a hand through his hair, speaking so quickly that she nearly trips over her own words, “It’s okay, Eddie is okay, Max is okay, everyone is okay! Well, you’re not okay, obviously, uh…” She swallows, glances away, and calls, “EL! HOPPER! SOMEONE!”
The only Hopper Steve knows is the police dude who directs traffic sometimes at school events and tells them not to do drugs. Are the police here? That would make sense, seeing as he feels like he’s been stabbed or maybe shot. But then why isn’t he in the hospital?
“You’ve been out a whole day, Steve, God, I was so fucking scared and I kept thinking you had brain damage and you know you can’t afford any more brain damage or you’ll just turn into a vegetable and I thought that I had lost you and they kept saying we couldn’t take you to the hospital because they wouldn’t know what to do and I thought at least the hospital would know something more than we would, like they could give you food through a tube or whatever if you didn’t wake up, but then I thought about how much you hate the hospital and you hate your house too and I thought that if you had to die you would rather die here because if you turned into a ghost then—”
“Buckley,” a gruff voice interjects, and the girl flings herself back, standing above the bed and chewing on her thumbnail. Steve misses the weight of her next to him.
Somebody leans over him, brushing his hair off his forehead with a large, warm hand, and it looks a little bit like Hopper the cop, but, like, older and balder. Maybe it had been longer than Steve thought since their last “don’t drink and drive” assembly.
“Sorry,” the girl, Buckley, mumbles around her thumb, “I didn’t actually think you were gonna die, honestly, I knew you would be okay because you’re you and you can’t die without me. I’d kill you.”
Hopper the cop frowns above Steve. “You in pain, kid?”
Steve tries to nod. He isn’t sure if he succeeds, but he definitely gets out a pathetic whimper, to which Hopper nods.
“We’re gonna get you some meds, alright? Just relax.”
More voices float in from… somewhere.
“He’s awake!”
“Oh, shit, is he alright?”
He doesn’t recognize any of them. Not a single fucking one. Steve screws his eyes shut, and he can feel his breaths coming faster and faster. Each one seems to increase the pain, make his body shake apart at the seams, and then there’s a hand in his hair again, stroking, and it helps, just a little bit, just enough that he feels human again.
“Shh,” he hears, that same charming voice that goes with the blue eyes and little freckles. “You’re okay, your kids are alright. They were just worried about you, idiot, and now they’re going to go back into the living room like good little children so you can rest in peace.”
“He’s not fucking dead,” a male voice says with disgust.
“Rest without a bunch of children in the room,” Buckley says, “Whatever, scram.”
“You’re barely older,” a different male voice says, and then Steve hears Hopper say, “Everybody but Buckley out. Now.”
Buckley. Steve likes Buckley. He likes the way her hand rakes softly through his hair. She seems a bit manic and overly friendly, and maybe they had a one-night stand that he can’t remember, maybe she threw a party and Steve just got stabbed in her house, but something about her is comforting, her frantic energy overlaying the fire in his skin and cooling it a bit, pulling him out of his own head just enough that he can’t get lost in it.
“Your dealer friend is trying to get you something good for those bites, kid,” Hopper says, “But in the meantime, we got some Tylenol crushed up for you.”
Dealer? Steve isn’t friends with any dealers. He isn’t friends with any of these people.
“I’m gonna help you sit up, alright?”
Hopper helping him sit up basically just means that Steve does his best not to sob while Hopper lifts him into a sitting position. He lets the man manipulate him like a rag doll, because what else can he do? Each movement sends shockwaves through his body, sharp bursts of pain that leave him dizzy and panting by the time he’s upright.
“Here,” Buckley says, and there’s that comforting weight on the bed, against his back this time, coaxing him to lean back against her. “Here, I even got it in a sippy cup with a straw for you, little Stevie.”
Eyes still squeezed shut, because acknowledging that he has no goddamn clue where he is right now does not help with the spinning in his head, Steve feels a straw press against his lips, and he lets it happen. Sips the Gatorade with crushed Tylenol through a straw, leans back against Buckley, focuses on her hand in his hair and her chest against his back and her breath on his ear.
“There you go,” she says gently, soothingly, and she’s a random stranger but Steve thinks that he might love her more than anyone else in the world. “You’ll be back on your feet in no time, buddy, we got you the extra-strength Tylenol.”
Steve laughs. It sends another wave of stabbing pains through his body, but what doesn’t?
“Just rest,” she says, “Just rest, okay?”
So he does.
He keeps his eyes closed while Buckley rambles. She seems like she might have a few screws loose. He lets her talk, though, because her voice is nice. He doesn't listen to the words. Sometimes she says his name, says Dustin and Eddie and Max and a dozen other names he doesn't recognize, but he doesn't say anything and she doesn't seem to expect him to.
She does make him finish his drugged Gatorade. He doesn't notice much of a difference.
After what must be at least fifteen minutes, she says, “Steve?”
He tries to speak, but all that comes out of his mouth is a pathetic wheeze.
“Sorry, don't try to talk,” she says, “Your throat was crushed by those vines and then you just kept talking and I should have thought to tell you to stop, especially when you started coughing 'cause of all those weird extradimensional spores we kept breathing, but I was—”
Steve tries to turn and his sides scream, but he manages to crane his neck awkwardly and look at her in disbelief.
He tries to communicate what the fuck are you talking about through his eyes.
“Do you…” Buckley frowns at him furrowing her eyebrows. “You remember being in the Upside Down, right?”
“The… the lake? You remember diving in the lake?”
Steve shakes his head. He hasn't been to the lake in… well, he isn't sure how long, but it's been a while. Right? Has it been awhile? When is it, anyway? It's… shit, Steve can't even think of a month.
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Oh.”
Steve tries to communicate I don't know what's happening and I'm really fucking scared through his eyes, and he isn't expecting to get much from it, but Buckley immediately begins stroking his hair again like she understood.
“It's okay, it's okay,” she soothes, though her tone seems somewhat frenzied, “It's gonna be okay. Uh, let me just… I'm just gonna list some things, and you shake yes or no if you remember them, okay?”
He nods. Yes.
“Okay, uh, shopping at War Zone?”
“Going to the Creel House?”
“Uh, the murder on TV?”
Buckley seems agitated. “...Working at Family Video?”
She screws her eyes shut and takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly before opening them. Her eyes seem bluer than before. Maybe because they're wet.
“Scoops Ahoy?”
Buckley lets out a small wounded noise, then, claps a hand over her mouth like he's just said something terrible. Maybe he has. The things she's listing don't make sense, but when Steve reaches out past the pain, focuses on his body, it doesn't feel quite the same. Something has changed, and all of these people seem to know him, and he's starting to think that he's missing something big.
“What's my name?”
Buckley, Steve mouths, and he can see her heart break.
“Robin,” she croaks, “I'm your… My name is Robin.”
Robin. It suits her. Pretty name for a pretty girl.
“Thank you.”
“You don't know this yet, but I can read your mind. Not in, like, a superpower way. In a best friend way. Usually you can read mine, too. You were thinking it suits me.”
Oh. Yeah.
“I'm about to yell, alright?”
Why would she—
Steve flinches.
“I warned you.”
She did. In a best friend way, she said. Best friends. Steve's stomach feels weird.
A teenage girl with a buzzcut suddenly enters his field of view, frowning. Her eyes are dark and intense, focused on him even as Robin says, “Something is wrong.”
The girl (Eleven? That doesn't make any sense.) squints at Steve. “Wrong?”
“He doesn't know me. El, he… his memories, he doesn't…” Robin trails off, getting choked up. She sounds genuinely devastated. If Steve didn't know any better he'd think she was in love with him or something, but he would know, right? Even if he was in some terrible accident and got amnesia, he would remember falling in love.
El stares at him, appraising for a moment, and then: “Close your eyes. Sleep.”
Something about her presence is commanding. Not intimidating, not like his father, but powerful, like he imagines a famous person might be. She seems like she knows what she's doing.
Steve closes his eyes.
He dreams.
At least, he thinks he dreams. He could be hallucinating. It feels like he's floating through a kaleidoscope, broken bits and pieces of things that feel important swirling around and inside of him. Everything is bathed in this pretty shade of orange and the air smells like an ice cream shop, sweet and light and comforting. The sounds surrounding him keep changing. A hysterical laugh. The screeching of brakes. Soft moans. The squeak of rubber against a hard floor. “Girls on Film” thumping underneath small voices, something like beads clinking together, a strange thrumming buzz worming its way inside his head as images float in and out of his vision. Dark curls. Freckles dusted on the bridge of a small nose. Neon lights. Flashing, then, not neon, they're Christmas lights, lighting up a dim floral wallpaper. Light dancing through the water, one solid beam of red. Light everywhere, around him, inside of him, and it's red, flashing, solid, flashing, red.
Eventually the red gives way to green. It's blotchy, blended. Camouflage. Steve swears he can feel a hand in his, but he doesn't think he even has a hand right now. He isn't a person anymore, he's the kaleidoscope, like he's one of those little teddy bears at the state fair where you pick up the skin and then stuff it yourself. He's stuffed with shiny bathroom tiles and thunder and a gummy smile and deep voices speaking in an angry language that he can't identify, with the gleam of nails against solid wood and smooth skin underneath his fingertips and leaves crunching underfoot and small yellow wheels rattling against pavement and the taste of butterscotch mixed with something bitter and metallic.
One second he's a kaleidoscope and the next he's Steve. All he sees is the familiar reddish-brown of sunlight filtered through closed eyelids.
A young girl's voice. “El?”
A man this time. “What's wrong?”
“His mind is… broken,” a different female voice says hesitantly. El. Eleven. “I tried to find the memory. Like Robin said. The bathroom. But I got lost.”
“But that doesn't mean his mind is broken,” Robin says behind him. He's still pressed against her chest, her arms still holding him securely. “He's just… you just got lost.”
“I could not find the train tracks or the Christmas at Mike's. I found basketball, but it was… old. Steve was young. Not what Lucas said to look for.”
“Well, maybe he just forgot,” a boy says, “Maybe those things… maybe they just weren't important enough.”
“They were,” Robin says, “I know they were, but that… how could they just be gone?”
“Not gone. I think Steve is lost,” El says. “Things…went. With the goo. Henry. One. He made them.”
“The bats?”
“Yes. They are part of him.”
“Oh,” somebody breathes, “And then the bats got the goo inside of Steve.”
“Eugh,” a man says, “Can we not say it like that?”
“I… I thought I fixed him.” El's voice wavers.
“You did, El, you saved—”
“No,” she insists. “Not all of him. I think he is missing parts. He is… small. Broken.”
“If he doesn't remember Christmas…” a female voice says, and that one's familiar, it's… “That was back in 1983.”
Nancy Wheeler. Why is Nancy Wheeler here? None of this makes sense, not a goddamn word of anything they're saying, back in 1983 like it isn't 1983 anymore, but for some reason Nancy Wheeler's voice makes it real. This isn't a dream. If he was dreaming of Nancy Wheeler, it wouldn't be like this. God, Steve couldn't dream of something so confusing and terrifying if he tried.
“Dingus,” Robin whispers suddenly, “You're pretending to sleep, right?”
He must be Dingus. Steve cracks one eye open. Robin smiles down at him, but it seems strained.
“Got any questions?”
He opens both eyes, hoping that Robin can still read his mind. Are you kidding?
“Yeah, stupid question,” Robin says. “Uh, the gist is that it's 1986 and you're my best friend and we cuddle like this sometimes but we're platonic with a capital 'P' and you and Nancy dated but it's over but she maybe still has feelings for you—”
Nancy Wheeler looks different. Her hair is different, and her clothes are weird, the colors too bright and the lines too sharp, but her face is different, too. Steve can't put a finger on why, but she almost looks old. She also looks extremely alarmed.
“—and she's dating Jonathan who's right there so I shouldn't have said that, I'm so sorry, but in my defense you guys broke up after she had already slept with him so really it's sort of like karma if you think about it which sounds mean, but I'm really not judging anyone involved, it was a complicated situation because monsters are real.”
Before Steve can even begin to process that statement, there's a loud BANG from outside of the room, and a male voice triumphantly calls, “I got the drugs!”
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smartycvnt · 9 months
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Title: Showstopper Pairing: Becky Lynch x Reader Prompt: 1. "Shh, there's people in the other room." MINORS DNI, 18+ Warnings: smut, top Becky, bottom reader, thigh riding, semi-public sex R WC: 743
"Fuck!" Y/n exclaimed as she tripped and nearly fell backwards onto the floor. Becky caught her and pinned Y/n up against the wall. She hiked up the bottom of Y/n's skirt as the two of them made out with each other. It was the least Becky could think to do to keep Y/n's moans from becoming too loud. Y/n had never been good at being quiet, but Becky didn't want to wait to have her. They had been teasing this for the past hour and a half, and Becky had worked hard to create a diversion for them to sneak away together.
"Shh, there's people in the other room. I'd hate for us to get interrupted," Becky warned. Y/n nodded and placed Becky's hand over her mouth as an extra precaution. Becky's mouth and throat suddenly felt very dry looked at Y/n in front of her. Becky closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to regain control of herself. The last thing that Becky wanted was to talk a big game early in the night and completely lose it later on and rush into things.
Y/n didn't seem to mind Becky taking her time. Becky kept her hips angled away from Y/n as she kissed along the side of Y/n's neck. Becky desperately wanted to kiss Y/n, but if she took her hand away from Y/n's mouth, there was a good chance she'd forget to put it back. Becky shoved her free hand underneath Y/n's top and brushed her fingers teasingly over Y/n's nipples. She alternated between them until she had Y/n jutting her hips forward for any chance at friction. That was when Becky knew that she was ready.
"I wish that we had the time for me to bury my face in between your legs," Becky muttered as she rolled her hips into Y/n's center. "This will have to do for now though, because I can't fucking wait any longer."
Becky could only imagine how nice, warm, and wet Y/n was in that moment. Becky could feel some of the heat as Y/n ground her hips against Becky's thigh to get herself off. All that Becky could really do was watch as Y/n moved frantically in an attempt to make herself cum. Becky was certain that Y/n's underwear were beyond ruined, just like Becky's pants would be. Becky wouldn't throw them away though, she'd keep them in the back of her closet as a reminder of the way she affected Y/n. It would be another reminder of the nights that they would spend together whenever they were fortunate enough to run into one another at parties and events.
"I bet they're all wondering where you are right now. Everybody is always talking about you Y/n, they're always watching you, but you don't care. I can feel your eyes on me whenever I come to your little parties. You're lucky, you got to be some rich man's trophy wife without giving up the best fuck you've ever had," Becky muttered as she moved her hand down from Y/n's breast to Y/n's hip. Becky pulled Y/n down a little harder as she felt the woman's thighs start to shake. Becky longed to have her head in between those thighs licking up every drop of Y/n's arousal that she could coax out, but for tonight, she'd settle on watching Y/n grind herself against Becky's thigh instead.
Becky stepped away from Y/n as the music started to get quieter on the other side of the door. They'd have to find different ways to leave the room. Becky got started out the window while Y/n walked right out the door. A few people turned towards her with questioning looks, but said nothing as Y/n moved past them like a bat out of hell. She didn't turn towards anybody as she walked out of the house and down the street. Just as Y/n rounded the corner away from her house, she saw Becky's car pull up by a stop sign. Y/n opened the door to see Becky staring up at her from the driver's seat.
"Let's go," Y/n said as she got into the car. Becky didn't have to be told twice as she sped down the street towards her hotel.
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creativekha0s · 3 months
Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan oneshot! I’ve missed writing for these two so I gave myself a 15 minute time limit for a challenge to write something and here’s what came of it, which also explains the abrupt/rushed ending 😅 enjoy!
After her loss to Becky Lynch on Raw, Liv Morgan didn’t bother sticking around the arena once she made her way back up the ramp. She chirped at Rhea and then left for the night with the sick taste of defeat in her mouth. She felt humiliated after getting caught off guard in the ring like she did.
A few hours pass by when a knock comes to Liv Morgan’s hotel room door and she reluctantly gets off of her bed to answer it.
“Who is it and why are you knocking on my door so late?” Liv calls from her side of the door and folds her arms over her chest without touching a single lock.
“I wanted to see your pretty face again since you left so abruptly.” Liv cocks her eyebrow up and moves to her door to unlock the locks and opens the door. “Ha, gotcha. Works every time.” Rhea Ripley smirks and leans her hands against the inside of the doorframe. “You ran off. I didn’t get to chance to tell you how impressed I was watching you against Becky tonight.”
“Yeah?” Liv crosses her arms and holds her position on the inside of the door, not allowing Rhea passage in just yet. “What do you really want?”
Rhea sighed slightly, allowing the smirk on her lips to diminish to a soft smile. “My room was double booked by mistake. You don’t mind sharing, do you?”
“Share?” Liv opened the door wider to show Rhea the confines of her hotel room that sported two chairs and only a singular bed. “I think it’s ballsy that you think I’d let you bunk with me in the first place.” And yet, after some thought, Liv let out a defeated sigh and pushed the door fully open and moved aside for Rhea to enter. “Bed’s yours, I’ll take the floor.”
Rhea chuckled and crossed her arms slowly over her chest as she walked inside the room and locking the door behind her. “It’s your room, I’ll take the floor. Or the chairs.”
“You’re the champ, you take the bed.”
“I’d prefer to share the bed with you.”
Liv went silent, staring Rhea down carefully.
“What’s your angle?”
“Why would I have an angle?”
“There’s always an angle with you when it comes to me. You trying to throw me off my game, is that it?” Liv took a step forward. “Did what I say before at Raw get to you? Because I meant it. Everything you have will be mine.” She took another step to where she was only a few inches away from Rhea. “I’m not letting you get in my head anymore, no more mind games.”
Rhea stared down at the blonde and cocked an eyebrow up but remained silent, trying to read the emotions that were on Liv’s face. Instead of speaking, she dropped her bag to the floor and lifted her shirt over her head, discarding it to the side to leave her in her sports bra. Next came her jeans that matched color to her bra, setting it to next to her shirt. Rhea smirked at a confused Liv and climbed into her bed, pulling the covers down and patting down on the spot next to her. “Coming to bed, darling?”
Liv shook her head and tried not to stare at the familiar sight before her eyes. She knew Rhea was up to something, she was always up to something. And she hated being in the crosshairs. The blonde hit the switch on the lamp and turned the fan on for background noise and climbed into bed next to Rhea. “Why me?”
“Why you what?” Rhea turned over to face Liv.
“Why do you think it’s okay to keep screwing with me? Why me out of everyone else in the hotel?” Liv shook her head again trying to keep her composure together. “Why-“ Liv halted her words when the Aussie moved closer to her, feeling their skin touch against their legs, the blonde’s breath going shaky. She turned over slowly to Rhea gazing at her with an interested smile pursed on her lips.
“Shh.” Rhea brought a finger to Liv’s lips to silence her. “No more questions, Livvy. You really did impress me tonight. You’ve been….really impressive since your Rumble return. I’m starting to think that maybe my time on top is slowly but surely coming to an end, and it won’t be because of Becky. It won’t be because of Nia, or Bianca, or anyone….except you. And shit, it would be an honor to have Liv Morgan dethrone me. She deserves it, and that’s genuine.”
When Rhea’s finger left her lips, Liv let out a deep sigh. Rhea Ripley, no matter what, has always been her weakness. She could try and try to convince herself otherwise but she would only be trying to trick herself. Liv feared that she was falling into another trap with Rhea but it had been too long. Maybe things have changed, maybe the Aussie was being genuine. There was only one way to find out.
“I hate you.” Liv whispered.
“Like you ever could.” Rhea whispered back.
Neither knew who made their move first and they didn’t care. Liv found herself on top of Rhea Ripley, legs straddled around her waist and arms above her head, crashing their lips together for a series of hungry, desirable kisses. She felt Rhea’s hands roam her body until one cupped her face to deepen their kisses and the other firmly grabbing at her ass, both women smiling in their kisses as they reconciled their issues with each other into the hours past midnight…
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mexxs-blog · 2 months
Becky healing Rhea through her panic attacks
Becky: shh shh baby your gonna do amazing
“what if i injure you? this is huge, becks!” rhea sobs into beckys chest, distraught. “baby, you won’t hurt me. you’re amazing at your job, and i know what areas you’re more likely to injure someone in. you’ll do fine, yeah?” becky coos, rheas breathing slowly returning back to normal. “oka- okay..” she murmurs, letting becky go and watching her do her entrance anxiously. she got this.
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
I’m back! With the highly requested:
Roadtrip (pt 2)
“Guys, be quiet, I think she’s waking up.”
“She better not, I can’t handle that.”
Well now you have to wake up. You lift your head slightly and look around. 
“Where am I?”
“This, my friend, is the middle of nowhere.”
“Kelley, be serious, where are we?”
“I want to say Ohio. Maybe Idaho? Somewhere like that.”
You hear a laugh from behind you, Christen. 
“Kelley, we’re in Indiana. Have you blocked out the entire drive?” 
“I wish I could have. But nope, I’ve been stuck watching this peanut sleep for the past 2 hours.”
That shocks you awake slightly, “I slept for 2 hours?! I didn’t even do anything today. That’s wild.”
“At least you slept through most of the drive,” Alex says, “we have only like an hour and a half left.”
“And then we’re there?”
“Then we’re done with driving until we have to drive back,” Alex responds, “and I’m not driving next time.”
“Who am I with then? Can I ride with the other kids again?” 
“I think Becky’s still trying to figure out who gets stuck with you on the way back.”
“Tobin! That’s not very nice. I’m a pleasure to be around, my teachers said so.”
“You are,” Christen agrees, “just not really in confined spaces.”
“That’s fair.”
“What’s up?”
“Are we there yet?”
She sighs, “obviously we’re not, we’re only ten minutes closer than the last time you asked.”
“Y/N, want to watch a movie with me?” Kelley finally chimes in before Alex kills you. 
“Yeah! Can I pick?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
She waits until you have your headphones in before turning to her other teammates, “don’t worry guys. I got us into this mess, I’ll get us out.”
“Kelley, come on, the movie‘s playing!”
“Seriously, Y/N? Miss. Congeniality, again? You’ve already made me watch it 4 other times.”
“It’s a good movie! Now shh, it’s starting!”
Looking over your head, she mouths ‘you owe me’ to the rest of your teammates. 
Kelley, feeling her phone buzzing, looks down. The group chat is going wild, she has to scroll up to find where it starts. The first picture is of you fast asleep, curled into her. She has to admit, it’s pretty cute. Immediately following that is a picture of the two of you watching a movie. You are completely absorbed in the screen, Kelley not so much. 
Following this, it seems like all of the girls are responding. The older ones think it’s adorable, the younger ones are arguing whether you were watching Mean Girls or Miss. Congeniality.
Kelley texts back a simple, ‘It’s obviously Sandra Bullock and I’m NOT adorable.’
Swiping back to see her other texts, she sees a message from Becky. Looking to make sure you’re fully occupied by the movie, she clicks into it. 
“I spoke to Carli about it, she agrees that it isn’t right. I think she might come talk to the coaches with me tonight. Do you know who it was specifically? If any of them tried to stop it? Really any information you know would help.”
Kelley responds with the little she knows about the situation. You hadn’t told her about it, you hadn’t actually told anyone about it. She was just coming into the meal room to get some papers she left when she heard them talking to you. The way you responded told her that it wasn’t the first time you had heard this. Kelley had ‘accidentally’ kicked a chair, drawing everyone’s attention to her. This allowed you to make a quick escape, avoiding Kelley for the next few days. 
Kelley looked over to where you were intensely watching the movie, a sad smile forming on her lips. She put her arm around your shoulder and pulled you into her side. You looked up at her with a questioning look, but she just gives you a small smile and shakes her head. You snuggle into her further, completely content. She presses her lips to the top of your head, closing her eyes for just a moment. 
You didn’t need to be going through this, but she would be with you the whole way. 
Arriving at the hotel, all of the girls looked at you. You were fast asleep, deep into your third nap of the day. They knew you wouldn’t wake up- at least not easily- so Kelley pulled you into her arms as she climbed out of the car. Leaving the bags for the others to get, she heads to the entrance. 
The captains are waiting by the door, having arrived first. Kelley walked up to Becky, cradling you still. 
“Stick your arms out,” she says. 
“What? Why?” Nevertheless, she complies.
“Here, take this,” Kelley says, transferring you gently into her arms, “she’s light. I’m worried, Becky.”
Becky stays silent for a moment, looking down at you before speaking. 
“I am too. I texted Coach that we need to have a meeting later, hopefully someone can explain what the hell is going on.”
Carli chimes in at this point, “how bad is it? Do we need to be just a little concerned or do we need to worry?”
Instead of answering, Kelley takes you out of Becky’s arms and deposits you into Carli’s. 
Carli is holding you for less than 10 seconds when she looks up, “we need to worry. We need to talk to the staff and the team and fix this.”
An hour later, you had woken up from your nap and dragged a majority of the girls to the hotel’s pool. Now you were splashing with the other youngsters in the pool as the older players sat on the edge with their feet in the water. They were perfectly content to watch you all have fun and avoid the splashing. 
Noticeably missing were Kelley, Becky, and Carli. Kelley had demanded on joining the meeting, but neither capitan was going to protest the extra support. 
The three now walked up, sitting besides the others poolside. Alex looked to where Kelley had settled next to her, noticing the lack of swimsuit and sad look on her face. 
“You okay?” She asked her friend. 
“I’m okay. She will be,” Kelley responds, nodding her head to where you were currently sitting on Lindsey’s shoulders, trying to push a Rose-Mal tower into the water. 
Later that night, you had showered and were dressed in pajamas. You had talked to Kelley and the captains earlier, discussing everything from the meeting. You had a plan in place, and a support system by your side. 
Now, you had something even better. You were somehow swaddled in a pile of soccer players and blankets. The room was dark as a movie played on the tv. You had managed to migrate onto Christen, using her chest as a pillow. You listened to her heartbeat as your breathing slowed down. Her fingers were gently brushing the hair back from your face and Tobin’s hand was rubbing lazily up and down your back. Everytime you blinked it was a little harder to open your eyes. So you gave into gravity, becoming weightless and falling into dreamland. 
Everything would be okay. 
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riptideripley · 6 days
Chapter Twelve of Addicted
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word count: 1,072
Saturday May 25th.
“Can you get up please?” Rhea pleaded, tugging on Jey’s shirt. He sighed and sat up, seeing Sami’s title match on the screen. “Where’s Roman and.. Seth?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.
“Seth and Dean took him out to brunch for his birthday, we have to handle dinner.” Rhea told him, slipping on a pair of sweatpants.
He nodded, flipping the covers off his legs and walking to the bathroom. Rhea checked her phone to see her group chat blowing up, Damian getting fussy with Dom for the most part. She sat her phone down and pulled Jey’s hoodie over her head, slipping back under the covers. “So.. who won so far?” Jey asked as he returned from the bathroom, getting under the covers with her.
“So Bianca and Jade retained their titles, and Liv beat Becky because Dom was an idiot.” she told him, resting her head on his shoulder. He nodded, wrapping his arm around her.
Time Skip.
“Babe, what time did you set reservations for?” “7:30” he replied, looking through his closet.
The PLE had just ended a few hours ago and to say the least, Rhea wasn’t too happy. Dom really let Liv take her title so now she has to deal with that, along with hearing Damian’s complaints. Not to mention Randy lost when he shouldn’t have.
Rhea walked down to Roman’s bedroom and knocked on the door, “Hey Ro, dinner is at 7:30” she told him through the door hearing an ‘okay’ shouted back to her. She walked back to her room to see Jey pulling out a black dress from the closet, seeing as it matched his suit. “Ya know.. I feel like something is off with them.” she randomly blurted out, sitting on the bed.
“Yeah? Like what?” Jey asked, grabbing some of his hair products from his bag. “I dunno.. just Damian and Finn feel off. The whole group feels off and I feel like they’re hiding something from me.” Rhea sighs as she explains it to him, standing up from the bed. “Let’s not worry about that tonight okay? Tonight is about Roman and having fun.” Jey reassured her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
She smiled in return, planting a soft kiss to the side of his head. “Hey are y’all almost ready? It’s 6:40 and the place is an hour away!” Seth slightly yelled through the door, making both of them let out a slight giggle. “Don’t worry, give us 20 minutes!” Rhea yelled back, smiling at Jey.
Time Skip. 12:35 am May 26th.
Jey stumbled inside the house, carrying Rhea over his shoulder. Roman and Seth thought it was a smart idea to see who could out drink who, Rhea clearly winning between the three. Jey carefully set her down on the bed, making sure he sat her up right and gave her some water.
“Are you taking this off?” he asked, lightly kissing her shoulder to keep her awake. “Y..yes” she mumbled out, feeling slightly dizzy. Jey chuckled softly to himself, slipping her dress off her shoulders and down her body. Rhea suddenly clung to him, drifting off to sleep slowly.
Jey sighed and gently pulled her off of him, taking his clothes off. Suddenly she whined once she realized the lost of contact, stirring around. “Shh shh.. I’m here” he whispered, climbing into the bed and pulling her close as he slipped the covers over them. “I..love you” she whispered out through her tiredness, Jey coming back to reality. They may love each other.. but she isn’t his.
Monday May 27th, 10:30pm.
Rhea stared at her phone in silence. Everybody saw it, including Jey. “Hey..look-” Jey started but was cut off by her breaking into sobs. Seth stood in the kitchen, placing his phone down on the counter. He understood how she felt and it pained him to see her go through this. Jey carefully sat next to her, pulling her into an embrace. Her phone was constantly going off, from Charlotte to Damian to even Shayna.
A name appeared across her screen, someone she didn’t expect. Sonya. She picked up her phone and answered the call.
“Hey Rhe..I’m probably the last person on your mind right now but look, if there is anything I can do to help trust me I’ll do it.”
The line went quiet.
“Thanks..I’ll um.. keep in touch.” she responded, hanging up the phone. Suddenly Dom called, making her heart shatter. “Answer it if you want, okay?” Jey told her, looking at her. She nodded and answered, waiting for him to speak.
Or at least she thought it was him.
“No Dom move- oh Hi Rhea”
That familiar high pitched voice pierced her ears, “What Liv.”
“Awe.. someone seems mad, but don’t worry he’s safe and sound! With me of course” Liv laughed, tempting Rhea to throw her phone across the room.
“You can keep him. And for all I care Liv he can keep you, okay? I am sick of both of you. Do you not understand how humiliating this is for me right now? Calls after fucking calls. But neither one of you care do you? DO YOU?!”
Dom listened closely, feeling a small pain in his chest at her words. Liv just rolled her eyes, “Well Rhea this is what happens when you choose to be a little bitch about things!” Liv responded and hung up, leaving Rhea with her own silence.
There was a sudden knock on the door, everyone’s heads turning but hers. Roman carefully went to the door and opened it, Andrade.
“And look at what we have here.. I warned you Rhea. I really did but you didn’t listen.” he spoke, glancing over at her. She sat there quietly, fiddling with her fingers. “Sorry about the window by the way but uh, I was relaying a message. One that she clearly did not take.” he spoke, chuckling to himself before walking away.
Roman heard and felt a bag slip past him, Andrade being the one who threw it. He stood there confused before closing the door and picking up the bag, seeing Rhea’s name on it.
He gave the bag to her to which she snatched it from him, confusing both him and Jey. She wouldn’t and most definitely couldn’t open the bag in front of them, standing up and running upstairs.
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skrunklydoo · 5 days
if yes gets more votes in 7 days time i will make the blog
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night-heron-writes · 1 year
Spy X Family Chapter 76
~*~ Warning: Contains spoilers for Chapter 76 of the manga! Open at your own risk, agents! ~*~
First of all, a slight break from the crushing angst was nice. After a whole bunch of stressful chapters, a little bit of fluff was in order.
It was nice to see, as I expected, that Twilight was worried, in his own quiet, overthinking way. He's not at the point yet to just absolutely break down and show his emotional side, but he shows he cares with his repeated concern for Anya's mental health as well as her physical well-being. I also noticed that during their breakfast conversation, he didn't once think "for the mission". We're making progress, people!
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Also, he drives her to school! I can't imagine him letting her back on a schoolbus for quite a while after that whole ordeal.
I found it interesting that Anya has picked up that something is weird with Damian's family. Of course, she doesn't quite understand the depth of it, she's six. But she's noticed that something doesn't quite add up, and it stuck with her.
And then Twilight, the poor sap, misunderstands her pensiveness as her being mad at him for not picking her up. He has a remarkable ability to feel guilty for situations he wasn't involved in or things he would have no way to change. (Shh it's the trauma)
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And there we have our first "for the mission" of this chapter 😂. Interestingly enough, it's not about her Stellas, or even her friendship with Damian. He's thinking that if she's traumatized, then the mission is in danger. And he's not wrong, but it's nice to see the "for the mission" directed at her well-being and nothing else.
And then we get the discussion between Henderson and the tutor-in-residence, which feels like the set-up for a longer plotline. Especially this gem:
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Henderson continues his trend of being a Loid Forger fanboy, but to me this seems like an excellent way for Endo to start giving more and more plot-relevant clients to Loid Forger. Perhaps even Melinda or Donovan Desmond at some point? One can only hope.
And then we have this panel:
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I notice that Jeeves says "residence" instead of "rooms" or something similar. It looks like Melinda lives in a completely different house most of the time, then. An interesting window into the Desmond home life, and one I didn't quite expect. I wouldn't have thought that Donovan would allow such a thing. For a man so concerned with the Desmond family name he doesn't seem to care if people think familial relations are strained.
Poor kiddo, no wonder he seems happier in the dorms. I get that Melinda has her own stuff to deal with, but after last chapter's drama and how she went on about cooking for Damian, I expected her to at least eat with him. It's another comparison drawn between the Forger family and the Desmond family: the Forgers are all present at breakfast, and openly voice their concern for Anya, while Melinda straight up leaves the building and Damian only finds out she cooked from Jeeves.
The scenes with the other kids swooning over Damian, Becky, and Anya are cute, and of course getting another Stella goes to Anya's head a little bit. "Double Starlight Anya", really? 😂
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This one made me chuckle out loud. And that little smirk on her face 😂
And Becky calling it like it is:
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Also some of these rich Eden kiddos really need to touch grass once in a while. "Peasants" are people just like everyone else, and it's slightly appalling how these kids think that class makes a biological difference. As they get older, that can easily turn into bigotry.
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The whiplash of Anya and Damian getting along somewhat to fighting to getting along again to fighting again is such an accurate depiction of little kids' friendships. Ten minutes is long enough to start and finish two separate wars.
And then we get this cute panel at the end, which sums all of that up nicely.
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In conclusion, the fluff was strong in this chapter, but it wasn't a filler chapter, per se. The fluff was plot-relevant and moved the story along, as well as making a nice change from the last several chapters.
I do have a sneaking suspicion that this reprieve from the angst will be a brief one. My hunch is that either the next chapter or the one after that will take a hard left turn back into angst territory. See ya in two weeks!
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hangkennyy · 1 year
Becky: Can I be frank with you guys? Dakota: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Iyo: Can I still be Iyo? Bayley: Shh, let Frank speak.
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