#shi wudu
skygemspeaks · 12 hours
the reveal that hua cheng had ascended once is so funny to me because it opens the doors for endless comedy
what if shi wudu had come back as a ghost and had just...ascended again
how would he xuan even recover from that
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grungiiuvu · 3 days
Shi wudu and pei Ming for ship bingo?
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I just think they're neat lol
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inalandofsadclowns · 4 days
Pei Ming when he finds out about Shi Wudu probably: So no head?
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mariauri · 13 days
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today is 我爱你 / 520 day, so i decided to post my most tender shuangshui art.
after everything they've been through, a little bit of calm and serenity and boundless love is all they need 🥹❤️‍🩹🌊💞🐟
「glow my life, you give me a heart to love
what I feel please stay forever
only my love, truly given eternal life
what I hold, keep breathing forever」
oct 27, '22
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ivyandcarnation · 14 days
shuangshui tag has been feeling kind of slow. let me light it up a little bit. (I also have more fics, but they are Explicit for a reason.)
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ruiniel · 14 days
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cloud-hymn · 15 days
abuser sympathizer
I am about to lose my mind is this about fucking swd
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19silvermirrors · 17 days
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Do you think you can tell Heaven from hell? [painting for @nighthauntzine ]
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fortune-maiden · 17 days
Random TGCF thought of the day
I really just need all the Shi Wudu + Pei Xiu content
We know PM & SWD are besties and SQX & PM have a very volatile relationship, so we need to complete the Pei-Shi Family Square with SWD & PX!!!
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghg · 20 days
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I'm in a new hyperfixation....
Can yall figure it out what it is?
(I sound like Dora lmao!!)(don't look at the tags for a hint)
(Or do I don't gaf)
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grungiiuvu · 21 days
We know they’re both friends with LW, but i don’t remember if its been mentioned if Pei Ming and Shi Wudu are friends in cheap villain, or even know each other?
They are friends!! We'll be getting some three tumour action next chapter dw :D
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incorrecttgcfquotes · 23 days
Pei Ming: I just ended a five year relationship. Shi Wudu: Are you okay? Pei Ming: Yeah, it wasn't mine.
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so more about the messed up reincarnation AU:
shi qingxuan spends shi wudu's parties either out or locked in his room with noise cancelling headphones on with a few appearances to get something from the kitchen or the cellar. these are not to keep an eye on shi wudu's associates. pei ming and ling wen would beg to differ as shi qingxuan glares at them every time without fail. conversations with shi qingxuan are filled with insinuations on how they better enable shi wudu to do anything immoral. anyways, shi qingxuan deals with shi wudu's parties like this for years, even though shi wudu never fails to tell them that they're more than welcome.
until one day, shi wudu hears shi qingxuan laugh, he jumps up from the couch startling pei ming and ling wen. they weren't cuddling, ok, there's just not enough space! yes even ginormous can run out of couch space, it happens. shi wudu stalks along like he's doing a mission impossible heist. ling wen and pei ming following him curiously. they peek inside the kitchen.
"who is that?" pei ming asks.
shi qingxuan is mixing drinks for a nerdy guy in glasses whose pallid skin suggests that he spends more time in the library than ling wen.
"he-xiong that's so cool." shi qingxuan laughs, the nerd raises a brow at him. shi wudu seethes just look at qingxuan, they're gorgeous, looking like a million dollars, who does this peasant think he is not to worship the ground they walk on?
"his name is he xuan. i think." ling wen mutters. "the rising star of the literature department."
uggh, literature. only pretentious rich kids and delusional scholarship kids study literature. the guy is definetely not rich. he's some sucker, he's a leech...
"your shi wudu's younger brother, aren't you?" shi qingxuan's smile freezes for an instant. oh, they hate being called that. shi wudu's mouth pulls down, it would have been nice for shi qingxuan to make a friend. "what do you do?"
"i run a pop up bar." shi qingxuan says and shi wudu can see them brace for the reaction. the disbelief, the barely veiled assumptions that he's paying for shi qingxuan's business. shi qingxuan didn't speak to him for three weeks because shi wudu dared to hand out their business card at a work event.
"you make a living of that?" behind him, pei ming winces. shi wudu wonders if he can get a scholarship revoked if he makes a donation big enough.
shi qingxuan giggles. ling wen makes a noise that expresses shi wudu's exact feeling, what the fuck?
"he-xiong, you're so bold asking me that when you've been inhaling my drinks all evening."
a big hand clamps over shi wudu's mouth. an arm wraps around him and he's pulled back. his foot kicks against the wall making a noise that sends ling wen running, pei ming with shi wudu thrown over his shoulder right after her. they jump into a linen closet. shi wudu bites pei ming.
"tell me you didn't see that!" he demands. pei ming and ling wen stare back at him. "shi qingxuan was flirting with that guy."
ling wen pats his shoulder. "there, there," she's so charmingly terrible at comforting. "everyone makes a few mistakes. just look at pei, what is his dating history but a long line of mistakes?"
"harsh." pei ming calls, he's pressed all along shi wudu's back.
"but true." shi wudu mutters to which pei ming responds by flopping onto him. "i never thought qingxuan would be interested in anyone." li
"don't worry, he'll always love you the most. just this evening, he insinuated, he would molotov my office if i got you implicated in tax evasion."
shi wudu huffs. "as if you'd be caught." ling wen laughs and threads her fingers through his hair.
the door to the linen closet is wrenched open. "what are you doing?" shi qingxuan demands flatly.
shi wudu glares at his sibling who apparently doesn't think it's important to tell him about their flirtations ambitions. well, two can play that game!
"what does it look like? we're having a threesome."
which is the wrong and the right thing to say. the right because it's nice to know that shi qingxuan isn't opposed to a potential relationshhip. wrong because they disapprove of the linen closet , loudly and at length as it is not a fit place for pei ming and ling wen to romance shi wudu. eventually, shi qingxuan has to draw breath which is when a cold voice interjects, "shi-xiong." he xuan creeps from the shadows like some kind of ghoul. honestly, what does shi qingxuan see in him. it can't be his fucking eloquence because the guy just stares. after the moment has long passed from awkward to cringeworthy, he xuan grits out. "what's the name of your bar?"
shi qingxuan softens, "he-xiong are you drunk? come on," he takes the man's arm. "let me call you a taxi."
shi wudu stares after his sibling. "fuck." he lets his head fall on ling wen shoulder. "they're doing it again."
"the distancing thing?" pei ming asks.
"fuck." shi wudu says again. he knows shi qingxuan, knows they will put he xuan into that taxi with a bottle of water, knows they won't exchange numbers and try their best not to talk to anyone for months. he also knows what shi qingxuan looks like when they genuinely like someone. he'll have to invite this he xuan person to all his parties.
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1unpaid-intern · 26 days
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Basically, I saw some cool robes on pinterest and thought that they fit Shi Wudu's vibe. So I did a few sketches and this one looked good and now you have to look at it too.
Inspired by this
and this
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malikuikui · 27 days
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illuminatedferret · 27 days
Do nothing and let Shi Qingxuan die or do something, save Shi Qingxuan, but lead He Xuan and his family to tragic deaths instead... Shi Qingxuan really was a walking trolley problem
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