iwadori · 10 months
hey people,
to absolutely noones surprise, i will be officially archiving this blog since i dont really see a purpose with me writing on here anymore and i just want a fresh start. now that im no longer a minor, i definitely want to branch out into writing nsfw (and still sfw) fics, which i feel isnt suitable on a blog curated for mainly minors. I also want to write for new fandoms, so i think its best that this blog starts and ends with just haikyuu!!
but have no fear, i will still be writing and active on tumblr, just with a new url (even tho you’ll probably easily find me.)  i did love this blog, for the most part, and getting to know all the anons, followers and moots that i met. so yeah, it was fun whilst it lasted (although it technically only lasted like 8 months out of the 2 years that this blog has been alive.) 
the hq works will still stay on here though, my masterlist is nowhere close to being officially updated and half the links don’t work (as a result of my laziness.) so if you want to read my works, they should be all be tagged with #signedwithane😌
see you soon (maybe?) - big emp.
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iwadori · 2 years
When they sleep on the couch after an argument (Akaashi, Osamu, Oikawa)
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AN: the vibe in each characters is so different, but I hope you enjoy genre: angst, fluff
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“Shit, I'm sorry Keiji I didn’t mean too,” were the first words that came out of your mouth when you saw the state of your boyfriend's laptop. “Keiji?” You question again when your boyfriend doesn't respond, “are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he responds curtly “it’s fine
I’ll just” he gestures to the mess in front of him, “figure something out.”
“I can help clean u-“ you step closer in an attempt to start to help but you pause when Akashi raises his hand to stop you.
“You’ve done enough Y/N,” he interrupts dismissively and stands up and leaves the room.
Fights between you and Akashi were rare, with both of you being good communicators. However, there were moments — like this one — where there wouldn’t even be a need to argue, where all you’d get is a disappointed look and a lack of communication. That’s how you knew Akashi was really mad.
For the rest of the night, you and your boyfriend didn’t speak. You were too apprehensive to talk to him and wanted to give him the space you thought he needed.
But to your surprise when you were getting ready for bed, Akashi wasn’t already in your bed reading like usual. He enters the room, walking past you like you're a ghost and going to take the spare blankets and pillows out.
“‘Kaashi, what are you doing?” You question, “where are you planning on sleeping?”
“Are you really that mad at me?” His dismissive one word answers were starting to get to you and you could hear your voice tear up, Akashi heard it causing him to turn around his face softening at your upset state.
“Y/N,” he started off, “I’m not mad at you.”
“It doesn’t seem that way” you mutter, “I get that I broke your laptop, but you don’t need to ignore me and sleep on the couch, like did I really upset you that much.” You were practically crying at this point, and Akashi was confused. He didn't think he came off that way earlier. He rushes over to you and uses one of his hands to cup your face and the other to wipe any stray tears.
“I really didn’t mean to seem that I was super mad at you,” he said “I was annoyed with you at first and thought taking some space before talking would be better so I didn’t say anything I knew I’d regret. But I realise now that me doing that made it even worse, I’m sorry Y/N.”
“I’m sorry too, but next time talk to me instead of just shutting me out.”
“Don’t worry, that’ll never happen again,” he puts back the blankets and the pillows, getting into your bed instead of going to the couch, “so now will you join me in our bed my love?” His question puts a smile on your face, and he holds out his hand for you to take as he pulls you into his chest, falling asleep happily knowing that your little argument was just that, a little argument.
“One job,” Osamu complained “you had one job y/n.”
“I know and I’m sorry, I didn’t know what happened,” you tried to explain to him.
“If I wanted someone to fuck up such a basic task, I would’ve asked ‘tsumu,” he continued to say to you.
“I didn’t intend for your clothes to shrink in the laundry, it just happened,” you countered.
“Oh “it just happened,” he mocked, “it's just— whatever, I’m going to be late to work,” before you could respond he was out the room and you heard the front door slam.
“Osamu?” You call out but to your avail there was no response, he left.
Throughout the rest of the day, you two didn’t speak to each other. Although you felt slightly guilty about shrinking his work clothes whilst you were doing laundry, it wasn’t an excuse for him to snap at you. However, whenever you two argued you both tended to need some time alone to cool down before you made up and went to sleep, so you were going to wait until he came home from work to talk.
But two hours after his usual time of coming home, he hadn’t arrived and you felt slightly panicked. Combining with his abrupt exit earlier, and him not coming home you thought that maybe your actions irritated him more than usual.
After calling Atsumu to see if he knew his whereabouts and getting no answer, you decided to go to onigiri miya to see if maybe he was still there. Having a set of keys to the building, you entered and found your husband in his office, asleep on his couch.
“‘Samu? Wake up,” you say to him.
“Huh what,” he confused, as he slowly sat up, “y/n? What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” You mirror, “what are you doing here? Why didn’t you come home, I was worried about you.”
“What do you mean? What’s the time,” he checks the time on his phone and cringes at how late it is, “Shit, I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t intend to stay out so late.”
“And I didn’t intend to shrink your uniform either,” you counter, “I didn’t think you’d just walk out on me earlier, let alone sleep on the couch, in your office.”
“Honestly, it wasn’t intention babe,” he apologises “and I didn’t mean to yell at you like that earlier, I was just a bit frustrated and took it out on you and I took a nap earlier at work when it wasn’t that busy and just happened to fall asleep, but it wasn’t to avoid you.”
When you didn’t respond to his apology he pulls you onto his lap and snuggles into you on the couch, and continues to say, “I’d never, ever go to sleep without letting you know how much I love you y/n,” he presses a kiss to your forehead “I don’t want you to forget that, as much as we’ve never gone to bed without making up before and we aren’t going to start today.”
“Don’t talk to me right now Y/N,” was what Oikawa said to you when you entered your house.
“Kawa I didn’t mean t-“
“Please Y/N it’s been a long night, can I just shower and get ready for bed,” he didn’t give you enough time to respond as he walked off leaving you alone and feeling guilty.
You and your boyfriend, Oikawa, went out to eat with his friends and you happened to tell a few embarrassing stories about him to lighten the mood. At first, you thought he was okay with it as he laughed along and engaged but after the 5th or 6th story it seemed he was becoming upset. Before you could give a proper apology, he was dragging you home with a sour look on his face as his friends called out for being “too soft.”
When Oikawa finished his shower, you were hoping that it would’ve settled his mood to give you enough time to talk. However, he was getting the spare blankets and pillows and heading for the couch.
“I think you’re being a tad bit dramatic here, Tooru,” you said with a sigh.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” Oikawa said “since it seems whatever I say, you run and go tell anybody you see.”
“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to say all that about you,” you apologise, “we’ve all said things accidentally before.”
“Well could you maybe acicidentally shut the fuck up for once in your life,” oikawa mutters and his eyes widen, “y/n I’m sorry.”
“Yeah I think maybe you should sleep on the couch tonight,” you respond with your voice barely above a whisper
“No please don’t,” he begs “can’t we talk this out?”
“You didn’t want to talk to me earlier when I was trying to apologise to you, so why should I hear you out?” You argue.
“Because I'm an idiot
” he sighs “an idiot who’s sorry and I’m not going to sleep on the couch unless we sort this out.”
“Fine I’ll go sleep on the couch,” you retorted, taking the blankets and pillows from his hand and heading to the couch. You thought that Oikawa retreated, leaving you to have some space but when you feel a pillow drop on the couch and you look up and see your boyfriend sheepishly standing above you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sleeping on the couch too.”
“There’s no space for the both of us here Tooru, move,” you say, wrapping yourself up in the blanket.
“Oh yes there is,” he counters, you feel his large body engulf yours, with his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck and you could feel his breath against his skin as he murmurs, “I’m sorry,” over and over again.
“What I said was stupid,” he apologises, “and you have every right to be mad but I love you and I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“Just stop being so dramatic Tooru, half of those stories I told your friends already knew them. I am sorry for sharing embarrassing stories without you wanting me too but there’s no need to snap at you.”
“I know and I forgive you already, do you forgive me?”
“If you take your weight off my leg then I’ll forgive you for sure,” you say and he complies by moving his leg, “can we go back to bed now?”
“No, it’s comfortable here,” he murmurs into your neck as he snuggles into you deeper his arms squeezing around you tighter, you both falling asleep together in the position you were in.
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AN: this was very short, I am very tired, I didn’t know how fluffy or how angsty I should make this so its kind of just this. I think Akaashi would’ve made me actually cried since I hate being ignored, but yes please tell me your thoughts. Reblogs are appreciated.
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iwadori · 2 years
When they call you clingy ( Ushijima, Kuroo, Iwaizumi)
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part one (atsumu, osamu, suna )
genre: angst, fluff
A/n: even though i just posted this is technically my first work “back” so I hope you like it! And this is my longest work yet a h h.
word count: 3.4k
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As you were sitting in the stands at one of your boyfriends games, you couldn’t help feel that recurring proudness you always had when watching Ushijima play. He was a natural, and anyone could see it, the way he commanded the court with his presence alone was breathtaking. So when he jumped up to spike the ball, the crowd was in shock as he comes downs even faster than he jumps, landing with a loud cry, clutching his knee, clenching his eyes shut.
Your first instinct — as the panicked partner you were — was to push through the crowd of people all staring and talking about the injury your boyfriend had just endured. It was the first time, you’d seen ushijima in such pain and you didn’t know what to do. But knowing how caring and comforting he was when you were sick and injured, even if it was something as small as a paper cut, you were determined to care for him.
His leg was broken, and you could immediately tell from his face that he was devastated. The doctor told him that he couldn’t play for a minimum of 3 months and had to be on crutches until that time, dampening his mood even worse.
“Toshi, are you alright?” You asked once you left the hospital trying to help him get into the car, as he struggled with his lack of mobility.
“I’m fine,” he responded dismissively, “and I can get in the car myself” he brushes you off, trying to jam his crutches into the back seat, failing miserably. But you continue to help him silence, also getting in the car, hoping that his mood will get better once you get home.
Weeks went by and Ushijima stayed at home, spending his time reading magazines, watching volleyballs and sulking. It was hard to tend to Ushijima’s needs, as whenever you asked, “Wakatoshi, do you need anything?” It was always returned with a swift and firm, “no.” But you wanted to return the love and care that he always gave to you.
Ushijima came home from physiotherapy and the tension was strong, practically radiating from body as he hobbled into the living room to sit on the couch with a deep long sigh.
“Hey Toshi, how was physio?” You said, giving him and hug as you sat beside him and moving his crutches out the way.
“It was good,” he said, trying to brush off you off, but you wanted to talk with him as since his injury he’s been distant and you weren’t sure why.
“That’s good to hear,” you said, inching closer to him with a smile, “maybe I could come with you to your next one, for some moral support?”
“I don’t need any moral support.”
“Oh okay,” you said dejectedly “well I made us dinner, and then maybe after I can help you with some stretches for your leg?”
“No, can you just leave me alone for once,” he says trying to stand up, but aprubtlty sits back down with a wince as he put too much pressure on his bad leg.
“Are you okay?” You said with concern putting your hand over his leg to check it over but he moves it away quickly.
“Y/N this continuous overbearing attention you’ve put on me has become irritating and it’s hard to be around you,” he said not looking at you, slowly standing up making sure to not hurt his leg again in the process, “so can you please stop being clingy and leave me alone.” He limps to your bedroom and slams the door behind him, leaving you sat in silence, processesing what he just said.
You never thought that you were coming across as overbearing, you just wanted to reciprocate the helpfulness that he always gave to you. Whenever you and Ushijima argued, you knew it was best to leave him alone for a bit and give him space — even though that’s what he already told you to do anyways — so you ate the dinner you made for the both of you, and read a book silently on your own.
Later on, a loud bang caught your attention and you recognised it coming from the bathroom. You had an urge to investigate, but remembering Ushijima’s words from earlier, you decided to mind your business. That was until, you heard a repeated weak call of your name coming from the bathroom, and your heart thumped at the fact that Ushijima was hurt even further.
“Wakatoshi what happened?” You asked as you saw your boyfriend on the shower floor, with the shower still on soaking him as he held onto his leg.
“I slipped..” he mumbled, his eyes downcast and the water from the shower.
“Do you need help getting out?” You said apprehensively, remembering the words he said not even an hour ago to you. But he nodded his head and you leaned down letting him wrap his arm around your shoulder as you helped get him up. You could feel the wetness off his body rub onto your clothes, making you cringe at the weird feeling but you ignored it as your main goal was to make sure he was okay.
“Thank you Y/N” he said once you got him situated on your bed, making sure his leg was elevated.
“No problem,” you said feeling awkwardness arise between the two of you as you realise the elephant still in the room.
“About earlier,” he started off “I didn’t mean to come across as so blunt and mean before.”
“Although you didn’t mean to be rude, you were rude,” you retorted “and I get that having an injury sucks and all but you can’t just say that im such a clingy person and for me to be okay with that.”
“I see that now”
“So I think tonight I’ll give you some more space and just sleep on the couch,” you finish saying as you exit the room, leaving him alone as he did to you earlier.
As you were settled in your poorly made couch bed, you felt a large presence enter the blanket and a cast covered leg brush slightly against yours.
“I never wanted you to see me be weak,” he said, confusing you already.
“Before my injury, I was always one to help you out and I saw the way you looked at me and it made me feel good,” he said with a sigh, “but now it’s like all you’ve done is baby me and I know you had good intentions but it made me feel weak, that I wasnt good enough for you.”
“Oh Toshi,” you said trying to manoeuvre your body so that you were facing him on the small cramped couch, “I just wanted you to feel the way that you’ve always made me feel whenever I was sick, I didn’t want to come across as clingy but I wanted to help.”
“I realise that now, and I’m truly sorry for the words I said”
“Maybe next time, just communicate with we more instead of just brooding and sulking,” you suggested “and this wouldn’t of made me see you as weak, you literally cry at animal birthing videos,” that made you both laugh. You helped him back to your bed and decided to stay with him, because although his words made you feel bad you could understand his reasoning.
He eventually recovered from his injury, accepting your help with no complaints and being more thoughtful with how he worded things when he didn’t like something you did. His first game back after his injury, went great and the feeling pride you felt knowing that he was your boyfriend grew even larger, especially when in the post-game interviews all he spoke about was that the reason he won was due to your dutiful care.
With your boyfriend, Kuroo Tetsurou, living in a different city it was very hard sometimes to feel loved. You knew that Kuroo did love you, but with the lack of physical touch and seeing him in person that most couples have it was difficult to remind yourself of this, especially when you were having a bad day.
Your boss had you working overtime, and you were exhausted. But you were looking forward to the planned FaceTime date that you and Kuroo always tried to have at least once a week. Kuroo was also busy, making him miss the last four planned daters you had so you were extra excited for this one, as he promised he’d be there.
When the clock struck 5pm, you immediately rang Kuroo’s phone, having it propped up on your desk as you sat staring into the camera, waiting for him to answer. The phone rang out and you called him again, thinking that he just missed the initial call. But after a 7th ring and no answer, you knew that the chances of him calling were extremely low.
A few hours later, you receive a phone call from Kuroo and although he was late you were happy that he kept his promise. “What was with the excessive calls?” Was the first thing he says in a harsh tone, to your surprise.
“What? What do you mean?” You question.
“You rang me like 18 times when I was at work” he hissed.
“I only rang you 7 times,” your retort “and how was I supposed to know that you were at work
“Because I have a job,” he says matter of factly
“I have a job too y’know, and we planned weeks ago for this FaceTime date,”
“Well my job requires more hard work Y/N,” he said dismissively “and we don’t need to call every week, you don't need to be so clingy.”
“Clingy?” You repeat, “I didn’t know wanting to talk to my boyfriend who I haven’t spoken to in weeks was clingy, or that after having a shitty day at work I just wanted my usually kind and sweet boyfriend to give me some words of comfort
but i guess not,” you finish your sarcastic rant by ending the call not wanting to hear anything else your boyfriend had to say.
You never knew Kuroo to be like this, so you could acknowledge something was probably wrong with him. However, with the terrible day you had the way Kuroo was feeling was the least of your worries.
You went to bed with a heavy heart, trying to hope that the rest of your week would be better than it’s already been.
Kuroo had tried to contact you with small texts every now and again, but you couldn’t forgive him just yet. So you threw yourself into work — even more so than usual — shutting out your boyfriend and your friends, trying to busy yourself to ignore the fact that Kuroo thinks you’re clingy.
The week continued, and you didn’t talk to Kuroo at all. You weren’t blatantly ignoring him, but you were responding way less than if you weren’t mad at him. He hadn’t apologised yet, he was waiting for things to go back to the way they were, but recently you’ve hated your dynamic and you weren’t willing to pretend as if things were okay.
After another exhausting day of work, you receive a call and not even checking to see who called, you answered.
“Y/N, hi you picked up,” said Kuroo sounding relieved.
“Can you let me in?”
“Let you in? What?” You asked in confusion
“I’m outside your apartment, and your neighbours are glaring at me” he said “so can you please let me in?”
“Ok then,” you said reluctantly, buzzing Kuroo up to your apartment.
When you opened your door you saw your boyfriend, with a handful of roses, a bag full of take-out and a teddy bear, with an apprehensive smile on his face.
“What are you doing here?” You asked with your arms folded and eyebrows raised.
“Well its ‘date-night,’ right?”
“I thought you were too busy at your ‘hard-working job,’ to have time for date nights,” you retort.
He sighs, thinking about his words from the previous week, “I’m sorry about that really its just—“ he pauses thinking about what to say, “can you just please let me in, so we can talk?”
You step aside to let him enter and the awkwardness was unmissable. His eyes met yours but quickly averted them to stare at something else. It wasn't the first time you and Kuroo argued, but it was the first time that he said something that made you feel this bad and you both knew that.
“About last week,” he started “I didn’t to mean to miss the FaceTime date”
“What about the one before that? Or the one before that?”
“I’m sorry for those too,” he said “it’s just I've been really busy at work and I didn’t mean to snap. I was just having a bad day.”
“I was having a bad day too, but I wouldn’t have just snapped at you because of that.”
“I get that and I’m sorry,” he said apologetically, “can we just move past this please?”
“I don’t think we can”
“What do you mean?” He said in confusion.
“At first this long distance thing was okay, but now with how tough work has been for me and how much I’ve missed not being around you, I just don’t think this can work.”
“Oh Y/N, don’t say that, I can make this work,” he said “we can make this work,” and although you were feeling doubtful the hopeful look kuroo gave you was enough to have faith in his words.
The rest of the night, you talked, telling him about the loneliness you spent over the last few months in your long distance relationship and the terrible day you already had when he called you clingy. Kuroo was heavily apologetic, never wanting to make you feel bad, as he regretted the words as soon as the words left his mouth. Eventually, Kuroo moved back to the city and although you didn’t live together the distance was shorter so you both didn’t feel as lonely as you did before.
You were waiting outside of your boyfriend’s — Iwaizumi Hajime — class, for your study session that he begged you to do as he was struggling in one of his classes. When he came out, his eyes lit up as they always seemed to do whenever he saw you, making you smile.
“Are you ready to go to the library babe?” He asked, pulling you into a hug, smiling down at you, you nodded in response and he led you both to the library before you were halted by someone from Iwaizumi’s class.
“Hey hajime, me and the guys from class are going to play some volleyball,” he said gesturing to the other group of friends waiting at a distance behind, “and we know you used to play in high school so we were wondering if you wanted to join?”
” Iwaizumi started off hesitantly, looking between you and the guy, “well I kind of already had plans with y/n so sorry i can’t—“
“It’s okay!” You interrupted, “We can always study tomorrow, or something.”
“You sure babe?”
“Of course, go ahead,” you finish with a smile which he returned as he slowly walks off with his classmate to join their friends. As you were both in university, it was rare to see Iwaizumi always around friends, you knew he had some but he mainly spent his time with you which you both enjoyed. So it wasn’t a problem for him to change plans to hang out with friends instead of you, as you knew it wouldn’t become a consistent thing.
Until it actually did.
Over the next week, whenever you planned to see Iwaizumi — like usual — his newfound response was that he was with “the boys.” They weren’t particularly terrible boys but it seemed that now with all his time spent with them, they were being pretty dislikeable. You even tried to give them the benefit of the doubt by attempting to hang out with them but it seemed the requirement to be a part of their group was to play volleyball, which of course you did not.
You were waiting outside of Iwaizumi’s class — per usual — determined for him to spend some time with you or at least address the situation on how he wasn’t. When he exited his classroom, he was smiling — but not at you — at his friend with his arm wrapped around his shoulder in a jovial manner, as they joked and laugh about something you couldn’t hear.
“Haji!” You called as you saw him walked by and he stopped in surprise.
“Oh hey y/n, what are you doing here?”
“To come and study, with you” you reminded.
“Study?” He responds with confusion, “oh yeah I forgot we planned to do that, let me just tell my friends and we can go.”
His friend approaches impatiently, “Hajime, you already to go now?”
“Sorry dude, I’m going to study with y/n,” he apologises, “we can take a rain check.”
“Oh that sucks, but it makes sense,” his friend responds his eyes shifting between the two of you, “since we all know your totally whipped for y/n.”
Iwaizumi’s face contorts at the comment, “what do you mean I’m whipped for y/n?” He questions, stepping closer to his friend.
“I don’t mean anything rude bro but,” he starts “it’s like three quarters into the year and this is the first time you’ve really hung with us as all this time you’ve been under y/n’s ass for all this time. Like y/n you don’t mind him hanging out with us or are you just naturally clingy.” He finished directing his last question at you.
You didn’t even acknowledge him but you looked at Iwaizumi waiting for more of a defence, but when your boyfriend stood in silence you looked at him and asked, “is that what you think too Hajime? That I’m just a clingy partner?”
” he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, “you have been kind of clingy recently, which isn’t a bad thing but it’s like damn can you let a guy breathe.” When his friends heard his comment they all reacted in that boyish dramatic way saying “ooooh” as if that was the insult of the year, making you feel more embarrassed.
“If that’s how you feel than fine,” you said dismissively, “but when you fail your exam, don’t come crying to me,” your voice had a hint of hurt in it but you tried to mask it as best as you could and you quickly turned on your heel and walked off, to where you were planning to go, the library.
You didn’t hear from Iwaizumi from the next two days, this was the first time you argued like this so you didn’t really know what the ‘protocol’ was. You did know that his test was in that time period of silence and you were dying to know how he did.
As you were sitting in the library, listening to your music and studying alone you feel a tap on your shoulder. Looking behind you see Iwaizumi with an apologetic smile, standing sheepishly with his hands behind his back.
“I failed my test,” was what he started off with and it took everything in you to not say, ‘I told you so,’ in response instead you just waited for him to continue, “and I’m sorry for the way I acted and let my friends treat you.”
“Yes that was very shitty Hajime,” you said “like you can have friends, of course you can have friends, but when you’re continuously blowing me off to hang out with them especially when you were the one who wanted to study in the first place, now look you failed and you’ve made me upset, all because you just couldn’t manage your time properly.”
“I know and I’m sorry,” he said taking a seat next to you, “I felt terrible as soon as I agreed with my idiotic friends, and don’t worry I told him off about how he spoke to you later.”
“It doesn’t really matter if you told him off in private when he embarrassed me in public Iwaizumi,” you muttered “but thanks for that i guess.”
“What can I do to make this right?”
“Just stick to your word,” you told him “that’s all you need to do, you can be around whoever you want but as long as you keep your promises and make time for me we’ll be good.”
“Okay I will,” he pulled you into a hug and muttered “I’m sorry” as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. Of course things weren’t immediately better but as he’s apologised now you can only move forward.
“So should we study to stop you from failing the next time?” You said with a joking smile, which he returned.
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AN: so umm that’s that, let me know your thoughts. I haven’t really proofread it so i apologise for many mistakes and I’m really out of touch with my writing so I’m sorry if it’s not “up to par.” But I hope you enjoyed it. Also i have no clue what really happens when you break a bone or whatever, so ushijima having a cast going to physio if its incorrect then oh well
Id also love to hear any thoughts you have about this or I’ll just assume it was absolutely terrible đŸ˜ȘđŸ˜ȘđŸ˜Ș/j but yeah comments and Reblogs are appreciated
6K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
When they tell you you’re clingy (Osamu, Atsumu, Suna)
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Part two (Ushijima, Kuroo, iwaizumi)
genre: angst, fluff
a/n: the lengths I went to, to write this with majority of it being written on my phone so there may be a few mistakes in there I hope you enjoy it let me know what you think also this is my longest work ever also thank you @/teesumu for making this so much better
Reblogs are very appreciated
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You shoved your phone back into your pocket, growing annoyed at your boyfriend's lack of response. It was date night, something that you and Osamu had agreed on doing weekly from the start of your relationship, and usually you would go to your date destination together but your boyfriend has been busy throughout the week so you agreed on a few days ago to go there on your own.
But to your avail, Osamu was a no show leaving you stranded at the restaurant on your own, embarrassment expanding inside of you as the feeling of all the people around you, watched as you sat there for a few hours checking your phone every 5 minutes waiting around for a man who was never going to show up.
When you arrived home, although you were still embarrassed the feeling of the humiliation vanished and was replaced with frustration.
Throughout the whole week, you were accepting of your boyfriend’s busy schedule, his neglect for you and your relationship being shaken off due to you assuming it was going to end soon. But as the messages you sent to him were left piling up with no responses, and the constant stiff replies when you spoke to him verbally were becoming more common, being in his presence made you feel like an outsider.
Just before you were going to go to sleep, the rattle of the front door handle jolted you awake in panic assuming that someone was breaking in but you realised that this late time was now the standard for when Osamu arrived home.
“Samu, is that you?” you stood up in your sleepy state and trotted out to the living room where you found him taking off his shoes and work bag,
“What are you doing up?” was what he asked, surprised to see you standing in front of him at this hour.
“You woke me up,”
“Oh, my bad” he apologised simply. Once you saw that he was settled in, you waited for him to follow you back up to your bedroom so you can finally go to sleep but he just stood there staring at you “Aren’t you gonna go back to sleep?”
“Aren’t you coming with me?” you asked with a raise of your eyebrows, wondering what was stopping your boyfriend from going to bed with you.
“I’ve got a bit more work I need to complete,” he finished turning away from you to get his work bag, opening it up.
“More work?”
“Yes Y/N some people actually have jobs y’know” he sighed tired of your inquisition.
“What’s that supposed to mean,” you asked back, now wondering where his ‘subtle’ jab was coming from.
“It seems that recently you’ve made it your job to bother me all day everyday Y/N,” he muttered.
“If you’re referring to the nice messages I send to you, I literally only do that to make sure that you haven’t drowned yourself in the piles and piles of work you’ve forced yourself to do.” You snapped back, growing offended that he was making it seem like your efforts to check on him were just a nuisance, “and it’s not like you even replied to them anyways.”
“Why would I reply to them when everyday it was just “Osamu where are you,” “Samu have you eaten,” “Samu can you do this,”” he mocked you with annoyance, “It just felt you were underneath me all day everyday, just texting and badgering me”
“I didn’t think that, that would be a problem,” you mumbled more to yourself not realising how overbearing you were actually being.
“Just god Y/N I didn’t know you could be so clingy” he said and the words tasted sour as he said them and he instantly felt regret, especially when he looked up to see your eyes widen and you take a small step back, “Fuck Y/N i’m sorry I-”
“Don’t apologise Samu it’s fine,” you said, forcing a smile “I guess I can be a bit clingy, actually thinking about it
“No that was my fau-”
“I’m pretty tired, so I think I’m going to head to bed,” you said sadly exiting the room before stopping to say, “Samu make sure you don’t overwork yourself.” He nodded, automatically feeling terrible knowing that what he said wasn’t the way he was meant to say it and seeing the instant frown form on your face replaced with a forced smile, Osamu felt even worse.
Throughout the next week, it seemed that your household dynamics changed again but this time you being distant and cold and Osamu grasping at every straw to try and get you to engage with him.
He did go back to his usual working routine, not forcing himself to do overtime, and that did make you happy but there was this constant reminder of what he said and you really didn’t want to come across as the “clingy, overbearing partner” he made you out to be.
“Y/N,” he said entering the room, feeling apprehensive to talk to you because of how distant you’ve been.
“Yes?” you responded simply.
“Are you alright?” he could probably guess the answer to that, but he didn’t know how else to strike up a conversation with you without you shutting it down.
“I’m fine,” you said, and he let out a small sigh thinking that was the end of the conversation but to his surprise you continued, “how about you, you good?”
“Yeah I’m good,” he answered awkwardly and you hum in acknowledgement not really wanting to further the talk you were having, you could feel him leave the room but not even a second later he returned walking closer to you “Actually Y/N, I’m not okay”
You actually looked up at him, clearly noticing the determination in his eyes “what’s wrong Samu,”
“You you’re what’s wrong with me,” he said but cringed at his word choice “I said that wrong, I just mean that the way you’ve been acting and I know I know it’s from what I said, I just feel terribly sorry.”
“I don’t really know what to say Samu..”
“Say anything, yell at me, shout at me, berate me for being so mean when you were only trying to help.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore I guess”
“It does Y/N I’m really sorry and I just need you to know that.” He said “and I realised as soon as you went upstairs when I checked the messages that I missed date night thats night and I know they’re not meant to be a big deal but I am really sorry for not showing up it really did slip my mind.”
“Why have you been so busy anyways Samu?”
“The shop just seems to be getting busier and it was overwhelming it well it is overwhelming I just didn’t really know how to handle it besides being at work 24/7” he responded “and I know it was dumb of me to do but I really didn’t know what to do.”
You could hear the hopelessness in his voice and it made you feel sad not knowing the stress your boyfriend was under. However, you didn’t want to excuse the stress he was under as a valid reason for him to just project it onto you and it seemed he didn’t want to either.
One of the things you did love about Osamu was how he was a hard worker, he always has been and although he did let your relationship down for the short period of time he worked hard to fix it again.
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The thumping of the base bounced off your head, leaving you wincing at the migraine you knew that was coming on. You stood next to your boyfriend, Atsumu as he paraded around the crowded apartment of a classmate he knew. Regret was an understatement to how you were feeling about deciding to come to this party but due to Atsumu’s persistence and you not wanting to seem like a ‘bore,’ you found yourself putting on your nicest outfit and heading to the house which was filled with flashing lights, deafening music and a constant scent of vomit surrounding you.
You weren’t known for going to parties, and neither was Atsumu but when he got invited to what was labelled as the “best summer party of the year,” he couldn’t resist in accepting the invite, excitement flooding him as he raved about the possible events that could happen at the party.
Although the party scene was definitely not your thing, you did agree on going thinking that one party wouldn’t hurt even though you were already questioning your choices the more Atsumu talked about it but you just assumed you were nervous as the idea of actually going to a party, a college one at that, was way too out of your comfort zone,
So that’s why you were now at the stupid party, sandwhiched next to your boyfriend as one of his friends tells everyone around you a dumb story which suprsingly had everyone, inclduing Atsumu, in fits of laughter. You were tired and hungry and being stuck to Atsumu all night had your feet in pain, “Babe?” you called, taking Atsumu’s attention slightly away from his friends and onto you.
“Yes?” he questioned before laughing again at the story being told.
“Can you take me to the bathroom?” you knew it was a trivial question to ask since you were definitely old enough to go to the bathroom on your own, but being in a new environment with inebriated strangers in someone else’s house there was safety and comfort you’d have if your boyfriend went with you.
“The bathroom?” he questioned “It's just upstairs first door on your left.”
“Oh. Well can you go with me, please?” you asked.
“Go with you?” he said with a laugh more at you then to his friends conversation, “babe it’s literally less then 2 minutes away.”
“Yes I know that but it would make me feel better if you jus-”
“Y/N,” he sighed rubbing the temple of his forehead, “can you stop being so annoying for the second and chill out.”
“What? I was only asking for you to come with me to the bathroom.”
“Yeah but not only that, you’ve been following me around the whole night like a lost puppy you can go and talk to people instead of being stuck by my side for the whole night.” He said his voice coming out of the hushed tone it was in before.
“It’s not my fault that you brought me to a party where I don’t even know anybody” you fired back.
“You were meant to make friends, talk to people this is why I brung you here like I didn’t expect you to be this fuckin clingy” he finishes and you didn’t actually notice how his friends stopped talking and their eyes were on you and you could see some of them trying to hide their obvious smirks behind their cups as they found the argument between you and Atsumu funny making you feel more embarrassed.
“Oh fuck you Atsumu,” you stood up abruptly and walked away heering the surrounding crowd murmur an “ooooooo” as you cursed your boyfriend. The need you had to go to the bathroom was gone, you just needed to get out of there.
You made it back home safely, got undressed and went straight to bed only being able to think about the words he said to you, because were you actually clingy?
When you woke up, Atsumu was beside you in bed snoring his head off and you could instantly smell the alcohol still stuck to you “well it seems he had a good time” you thought to yourself as you peeled away off your bed going into the shower, preparing to start your day.
Atsumu was already up when you exited the shower, groaning as his head rested on the table definitely hungover from all the drinks he had at the party. “Oh hey babe,” he grumbled upon seeing you, leaning in to give you the usual morning kiss you would share but you swiftly turned your head avoiding the kiss as you were definitely still annoyed at Atsumu and was not planning on letting this just be swept under the rug.
You and Atsumu have had arguments before, it wasn’t uncommon but your way of solving it was to generally just cool down after a bit and talk about usually ending up with you both agreeing how trivial the argument was. But this argument wasn’t trivial, he embarrassed you and whether it was intentional or not his choice of words still hurt and what hurt even more that now when you boyfriend is sober the first thing he did wasn’t apologise or try and talk about the situation he acted as if it never happened.
He could tell you were mad, it didn’t take a rocket science to tell you were mad from the look on your face and the slight hardened grip you formed around the handle of your coffee cup it was obvious you were mad. “Y/N?” he called, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Yes?” you responded.
“Why did you leave the party early last night?”
“Oh you can’t remember?” you questioned, wondering if he genuinely couldn’t remember why or if he was just pretending not to know to avoid the awkward conversation that was going to be had if he did remember all the things he said.
“Not really
There’s just bits and pieces that I remember” he said “I guess I drank a bit too much”
“Yeah I guess you did”
“Well nevertheless the party was fun either way, I’m surprised we’ve never been to one before,” he continues on “speaking of which the host of this party is throwing another one soon, we should definitely go”
“Oh god no,” you scoff as if it was the worst idea ever said, which it was, but Atsumu didn’t understand that.
“Why not?” He questioned “did something happen at the party yesterday, is that why you left early?”
“Nothing happened I guess
 and it’s not like you’d remember anyways” you said muttering the last part but he caught on and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Y/N what are you on about? What happened”
“Does it really matter, when you don’t remember?”
“You could at least tell me, so I can help.”
“Gosh Tsumu can you quit asking, you don’t have to be so clingy and annoying” you said with a sigh, and although he wasn’t really being clinging or annoying just a concerned boyfriend the use of the words he said to you seemed to spur a memory in Atsumu’s head from the party.
“Did I really say that?” he asked still a bit lost.
“Mhm” you affirmed “you were being a real dick last night Tsumu”
“I’m so sorry, I was pretty out of it last night”
“Yeah out of your mind thinking you could talk to me that way,” you said “do you know how embarrassing it was, having all those people watch us argue laughing at jeering at me when you called me clingy. Do you really think I’m that clingy?”
“No no of course not,” he said “and I didn’t mean to say all I said especially with people around us like that. I’m sorry for not really caring for you last night, especially when you left and I didn’t even notice.”
“Like Tsumu I know you were really excited for this party and I was fine with going with you but I would’ve at least expected you to make sure I was okay when I didn’t know anybody there.”
“Yeah that was stupid of me, I guess I was just so focused on having a good time I forgot about if you were having a good time and I’m sorry about that” he apologised “and no you really aren’t clingy not in the slightest I hope you don’t read into what I said I was just being an ass and if anything I’m the clingy one out of us two.”
“Indeed you are,” you agreed laughing slightly.
“So do you forgive me?” He asked with an apprehensive smile.
“No” you replied and his smile dropped “Atsumu, I know you apologized and I appreciate that but you literally wouldn’t of remembered this if I didn’t tell you, so it’s going to take a lot more then an apology that I prompted you to give for me to forgive you.”
He nodded sadly but did agree with what you were saying as sorry as he was he knew his words didn’t really matter since you were still hurt and embarrassed by what he’d done.
However with the determination your boyfriend had it would be his last dying mission to get your forgiveness and of course he eventually did after many apologises and gifts and him not stepping foot at another house party (him deciding to do that) he found his way in your good graces and he definitely proved that he was the clingy one in your relationship but you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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Suna Rintarou wasn’t used to dating someone like you, you were different to all his ex’s benign one of the first to date him for this long without complaining about his apparent “lazy” relationship tendencies.
He had a hard time expressing himself, and you knew that. It didn’t mean he didn’t love you because even though he didn’t profess his feelings for you everyday he didn’t need to as Suna showed all his love for you through his actions, doing little things throughout the day that easily made you smile.
You liked to return the favour, wanting to show him that you loved him just as much as he did you, if not more and this surprised Suna definitely not used to this treatment having a partner make him little bentos to bring to practice everyday, coming to his games and practice games to cheer him on, you were nothing like Suna had ever experienced and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
It was a usual day for you, you didn’t have work and your boyfriend had practice and since you were free you thought they'd be no problem bringing your boyfriend some lunch and seeing him play, so happily drove over to the gym to go and greet your boyfriend.
However, you paused upon your entrance just stopping outside of the doors as you heard voices, one specifically belonging to Suna. “How are things going with
 Y/N is it?” you heard one of them ask and your heart squeezed in anticipation wondering what Suna would say in response.
“Oh Y/N, hmmm” he said and you could tell he was thinking about what he was going to say “they’re different.”
“Different?” one of them asked him unsure of what that meant.
“Yeah they’re definitely not what I’m used to...it isn’t bad I guess it’s just,” he said “they’re a bit too clingy like way too full on”
“Oh I thought you liked them showing up to all our practices” you heard another ask but you could tell they were being sarcastic.
“They do that a lot, practically nearly every practice and they always are making me these little bento boxes, like jeez i'm not a child” once he said that you looked straight down into your hands at the “little bento” you made for him a stray tear dropping down on the finely wrapped box.
You turned on your heel and went straight back to your car, not wanting to hear anymore of your boyfriend's words. There was a sense of shame you felt as you thought about what he said, being reminded of how you acted around Suna and all the things you did for him.
He came home a few hours after you did, sweaty and tired and you didn’t really know how to “act normal” around him knowing that he said what he said. He greeted you as he usually did, pulling you into a hug, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, tiredly asking “what’s for dinner?”
You overcame your urge to relax into his hug having the constant reminder of him thinking that you were “too full on and clingy,” shrugging yourself out of the hug and standing up mumbling a quick “I don’t know I’ll probably order take out later,” and you walked to your bedroom leaving Suna confused at your behaviour.
But he left you be, for an hour or so not really thinking that you shrugging him off earlier wasn't anything too serious to fuss over. However after you ate dinner, when he saw you watching a movie he dived next to you resting his head on your lap. He made a few comments during the movie trying to spark up conversation but you replied simply, not leaving much room for any real conversation to be made as you didn’t want to come off as “too full on,” to your boyfriend or annoying.
This continued for the rest of the night, you shying away from Suna and not showering him in hugs and kisses and random thoughts you had and he definitely thought it was weird but he couldn’t really confront you about anything with your behaviour only of being on for less than a day.
The next day, Suna assumed everything would be back to usual with yesterday only being an ‘off’ day you may have and he was ready to see you show up at his practice with the nice lunch you always made him.
Suna came home way more tired than usual, with a lack of lunch and his mind being more focused on you it was impossible for him to play properly so he was extremely exhausted. He came home, looking immediately for you finding you in the kitchen cooking dinner.
“Y/N” he says grabbing your attention.
“Oh hey Rin how was your day?” You greet him.
“You weren’t at practice today”
“Because I’m not on the volleyball team
” you respond to his statement in confusion.
“Of course not, but on your days off work you always come to my practice and bring me lunch and stuff” he says.
“Yeah well I didn’t think my presence or my lunches were wanted” you said.
“Why wouldn’t they be?”
“I heard you talking about me,” you said simply and his mouth opens partly in shock.
“Y/N I-“
“They’re a bit full on and too clingy” you say quoting his words from before “and it’s funny how you question why I didn’t come to your practice and bring you lunch today Rin, because I didn’t think my “little bentos” were wanted since you of course aren't a child” You were being nonchalant with your tone of voice but Suna could tell you were frustrated by the way you spoke.
“Y/N it wasn’t meant to come out that way,” he said “it’s just that you’re different, way different to what I’m used to and maybe at first I thought you were too much for what I could handle but today at practice when you didn’t show up and didn’t bring me lunch I then felt sad, especially with how distant you were being last night and I know it was my words that caused all this but I regret them deeply. Since I love the way you are, how you show that you care just with the small things you do or how you light up talking about a story you read I love you Y/N.”
His ramblings caught you off guard since you definitely wasn’t expecting that, that was probably the most you’ve heard him talk about his feelings and you couldn’t ignore the nice way it made you feel.
“I get that I really do, but you could’ve easily talked to me before about how “full on” I was being and I would’ve understood that. You just have to talk to me Rin not talk about me to your friends.”
“Yeah I understand and I’m sorry.” He says pulling you away from your cooking and into his arms for a small hug. “Does this mean I’m forgiven”
“Does this mean you’ll start showing up to my practices and bringing me lunch again”
“We’ll have to see.”
You didn’t show up to his practices and bring him lunch anymore, at first but eventually you did and Suna talked to you more about what he was feeling and he always thanked you for all the things you did for him whether it was little or small. Suna definitely wasn’t used to someone like you but he did like how it felt to be with you.
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7K notes · View notes
iwadori · 2 years
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“so do you like him?”
“like him?” you retort, “i haven’t met the guy yet, but from what i gather he’s nice.”
“nice,” he scoffs, “you deserve better than ‘nice,’ y/n.”
miya atsumu was always against the boys you dated. being your best friend since you were children, he felt knew everything about you — which he did — but he also thought he had the right to being involved in every aspect of your life. including your love life.
whenever there was a boy you were interested in, or that was interested in you, atsumu made it his mission to drive the boy away. he claimed it was because, “y/n only can date the top quality men,” but with the extensive measures he took he always ended up driving them all away.
“does he have a job?”
“what is it?”
“he works in marketing.”
“marketing huh, i guess that’s alright.”
you ignored his line of questioning, hoping he’d stop as you got ready but you sighed as you heard atsumu continue to speak. “does he have a car?”
“i don’t know, probably”
“well that’s not good y/n,” he complained, “any respectable man has a car.”
“you don’t have a car ‘tsumu.” that silenced atsumu, and you were glad as you wanted to not have your idea of your date tainted before it even started, especially by atsumu. you could not admit that you’ve had bad dating experiences in the past and you appreciated atsumu’s ‘overprotective’ nature but it was pretty lonely being single with your only male interaction being your best friend.
“i just want to make sure he’s right for you,” he mumbled and crossed his arms like a child puffing out his chest.
“how do you know what’s best for me you,” you argued.
“because i’m your best friend.”
“yeah that’s all you are, my best friend ‘tsumu, so can you just stay in your lane for once,” you didn’t intend to sound so harsh, but you wanted atsumu to get the message that he needs to back off a bit.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he questioned and you didn’t realise how swiftly atsumu stood next to you, facing you with an interrogative stare.
“it just means what it means i guess,” you shrugged, but his stare didn’t waver as he wanted to hear a proper answer, “it’s like whenever there’s a guy that i like you always find a way to ruin things.”
“so i just ruin everything now,” he complained.
“atsumu your being dramatic.”
“no you’re being dramatic,” he exclaimed, “just because a few guys didn’t want to date you, doesn’t mean it’s because of me.”
“so the guy you stalked on instagram?”
“i was just doing background research
“the guy who you insulted every time you saw him?”
“he dressed weird
“the guy who yo—“
“okay i get your point,” he said, “but all i want is for you to find a guy whi’s right for you, who makes you laugh and compliments you and never makes you cry and if he does make you cry it’s because you’re crying of laughter, and all those guys you’ve been with aren’t the guy that you should be with.”
“and who is the guy i should be with then?” you asked, and atsumu’s eyes widen slightly realising he said too much. but as he opened his mouth to speak, he pauses hearing a car pull up out side.
as he looked out the window he said, “your dates here,”
“but what abou—“
“and i guess he’s a respectable guy, since he has a car and all,” he interrupts glumly, “a nice car too.”
“atsumu are we not going to talk about—“ you attempt to speak, not liking the abrupt interruption to the conversation but atsumu interrupts you again by putting handing you your coat, bag and ushering you out the door, whispering in your ear “enjoy your date, you look beautiful.”
“but atsu—“ the door was slammed in your face, so you sighed turned on your heel and went to meet your date. you could already here the honking of his car, emphasising how all the previous excitement you felt about the date, vanished.
when you got home from the date, and turned on the lights to your apartment you saw atsumu sitting on his own, wrapped up in his own thoughts. “you stayed up for me?”
“of course i stayed up for you,” he said giving you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “i needed to make sure you got home safe.”
“how was the date?” atsumu continued to ask.
“terrible,” you complained as you took off your coat and shoes and layed next to atsumu, “the first thing the guy said to me was ‘you looked better in your photos,’ and then proceeded to critique all my food choices.”
“that sucks,” he said simply.
“that sucks?” you mirror, “where are your usual responses?”
“what do you mean?”
“y’know the whole, ‘i told you he was no good,’ ‘you deserve better,’ that whole spiel.”
“well i should stay in a ‘best friends place’ right?” he comments, reflecting your words from earlier making you sigh.
“atsumu, can we finally talk about earlier?” you asked and he slightly nodded, prompting you to lead the conversation, “so that ‘guy,’ who is right for me, you were talking about yourself right?”
“i just meant a guy who is perfect for you,” he corrected, “but i guess that could be me
” atsumu was being shy and awkward, his eyes looking anywhere but at you.
“is that so?” you teased, you were never opposed to dating atsumu, you just had never thought about it but after hearing his declaration over who the best guy for you is, you saw him differently. even more so after the terrible date you had.
“so what’s going to happen now?” he asked apprehensively.
“we can go on a date, and take it from there?” you suggested with a smile, a warm smile that atsumu reciprocated which gave you a feeling in your chest that felt weird but somehow indicated that things between you and atsumu could go well.
“ok let’s start off with a date,” he said his smile widening and you could see the excitement gleaming off his face, “it’s going to be way better than all those dates you’ve been on.”
“even if you don’t have a car?”
“sshh we’ll order an uber,” he concluded, “all you need to think of is how this’ll be the start of something great y/n.”
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an: if this doesn’t show up in the tags I will die and if there’s a spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes I apologise but I haven’t read over this. And I’d the endings bad forgive me since it’s 4am and I am T I r e d but anyways I hope you enjoyed tell me what you think Reblogs are appreciated
1K notes · View notes
iwadori · 2 years
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“i’ve always liked you in this colour y/n,” suna said, his breath directly on your shoulder blade, making you slightly shudder from the contact.
when you agreed to be a bridesmaid for your friend's wedding, you didn't know that the groomsman you’d be paired with was your recent ex, suna rintarou. but in your current predicament with one of his hands on your waist and the other slowly trying to pull up the zipper of your dress, you weren’t exactly hating the situation.
“look at us,” he said, his eyes making contact with yours in the mirror you were in front of, “we’d make a great couple,” he took a pause before he finished his sentence saying, “oh wait we were one.”
“can you just zip up the dress suna,” you said through gritted teeth.
“why the hostility y/n?” he questioned “you used to love when I helped get you in your clothes or for that matter, got you out of them.”
“suna,” you said with a tone that he could still instantly recognise, sensing your growing frustration with him.
“i’m kidding, im kidding,” he laughed, “you used to love my jokes.”
“yeah when we were dating now look at us,” you snap “can you just zip up the dress please.”
“ok then,” his smile dropped and his hand slowly moves from your waist and he silently continues to pull up your zipper.
the time it took him to finish zipping your dress felt never ending, and his eyes never left yours. you wanted to say something, but you didn’t know what. it’s hard to see suna, let alone talk to him but there were so many things left unsaid from when you broke up that it was awkward between you. however, you couldn’t help silently bask in the proximity of you both and the light presses his fingers made up your back as he pulled the zipper.
suna finished zipping your dress up and you silently thanked him before turning to leave the room, before a calloused hand touched your arm. “y/n before we go, can we talk,” he asked looking sincere, “for real this time.”
“we’ll be late for the wedding.”
“i think we have a few minute to spare,” he countered, you were reluctant to stay but knew you needed to, so you nodded for him to continue, “don’t you miss how we were?”
“really suna?”
“c’mon just answer the question,” he said, stepping closer to you with a small smile on his face, “because i miss you.”
“of course i miss you,” you said, your eyes averting his, “but i don't miss how we were.” it was the truth and he agreed with that, as much as you both loved your past relationship, there was a reason you ended it.
but suna wanted to change that, “can’t we try again?”
“you really think that would be a good idea?” you argue.
“i don’t know,” he said causing you to have some doubt, but he stepped closer to you know both of his hands worming around your waist, “but i do know that it would be a good idea for you to dance with me later tonight.” his suggestion made you chuckle and the slight teasing you were so used made you remember all the good times that you two had.
“well maybe we can start off being friends first,” you said seriously and he nodded. “anyways we have a wedding to get to,” you finished trailing out of the room with suna following behind you.
“so do i get that dance or not?” he calls behind you with a smile.
you weren’t rushing to get back together but you weren’t closed off to the idea, spending the rest of the night with a smile on your face as suna — your ex who still frustrated you from time to time — held you close as you moved on the dance floor, all night.
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AN: first time posting in 8 months ahhhhhh and idk what I’m doing. Idk why I chose to write a drabble but um Suna exes to lovers so lovely.
2K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
When you sleep on the couch after an argument (Atsumu, Suna)
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part two part three
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 2.8K
request: Hiii!! I love your works can you do that prompt when you sleep on the couch after an argument? With any characters you would like please.
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You and Atsumu have always had problems communicating when it comes to serious discussions. He was lighthearted and playful by nature, which was something you liked in him, as his upbeat personality balanced out yours, always being helpful when it comes to mellowing you out when you were stressed. 
However, when it came to moments like these when you were nearly in tears over Atsumu’s nonchalant mannerisms, there was always a part of you that wondered if being with Atsumu was the right choice for both of you.
“Stop being so wound up Y/N,” he groaned, sauntering over to the couch with you hot on his heels practically steaming with annoyance.
“But i’m not being wound up,” you fired back “you aren’t listening to me.”
“Baby I don’t know why this is such a big issue,” he says with a chuckle, shaking his head at you as you stand in front of you with your arms folded.
“It’s an issue because I can’t keep picking up after you Atsumu,” you complained, joining him on the couch, “you’re lazy when it comes to house chores and you’re barely even here and when you are here you don’t do anything...I hate feeling like i’m doing all of this on my own.”
“Well if you want me to start putting the toilet seat down, I guess I can start doing that,” he joked with a laugh and you didn’t even need to look at his face to know he was smirking, which made you scoff.
You didn’t respond to his poorly timed joke, frustrated how Atsumu wasn’t listening to you. It was a common occurrence that Atsumu didn’t take the problems that you had in your relationship seriously, whether it was a minor issue or a big one. He had a tendency to brush it off and make a joke as if it wasn’t important.
The silence was deafening, and you could feel Atsumu wince, silently berating himself at the awkward atmosphere that he knew he caused. You had no urge to speak to Atsumu anymore, his constant unconcern for your troubles made you think that your relationship was a lost cause.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice timid just above a whisper as he tapped you on the shoulder feeling apprehensive since he now could tell you were annoyed by him, “why do I feel like this isn’t really about my bad house habits?”
“Wow I’m surprised you noticed,” you muttered sarcastically feeling fed up by his slow revelation. 
“What’s wrong Y/N?” he asked sincerely, inching closer to you.
“It’s just..” you started with a sigh, “what are we even doing with each other?”
“What do you mean by that? Do you want to break up? What why?” he said with a frown, his voice raising becoming panicked at your ‘random,’ suggestion to end the relationship not fully understanding your words.
“Atsumu,” you said softly, finally turning your body so you were looking straight at him and he could see the tears already started to form in your eyes, “You don’t listen to me. At all. And I feel like you take our relationship as a big joke, and you don’t care about me or about us.” His lips parted slightly in confusion, and before he could respond he thought about what you had and said and he felt terrible knowing in what you were in reference too. 
“Y/N I-” 
“I don’t have time for your excuses ‘Tsumu,” you say a bit harshly “Whenever I talk to you, it goes in one ear and out the other you never pay attention anymore, like I don’t even know if you’re listening to me now.” The tears in your eyes sparked and started to run, and Atsumu instinctively pulled you into a hug, a response wanting to immediately comfort you although he was angry at himself that he was the cause of your tears.
When your crying relaxes, you hear Atsumu take an intake of breath before speaking “I hear what you’re saying Y/N, I do and I'm so sorry that I’ve made you feel this way. I do listen to you and i get -”
“Atsumu I can’t do this with you right now,” you stood up abruptly going straight to your bedroom with a sigh with him following in pursuit rolling his eyes. “It’s late right now and I think we should go to bed and I guess we can discuss this tomorrow.”
He nodded, unfolding his arms going into your bathroom to brush his teeth getting ready to sleep, meanwhile you were collecting spare blankets and cushions out of the closet to set your bed on the couch tonight. As much as you wanted too, you were too agitated with Atsumu to sleep next to him and even though you ended the conversation there were still more things you wanted to say but you knew they’d fall on deaf ears anyways.
When he came out of the bathroom he went straight in the bed barely thinking about you as his mind just thought of how this problem escalated and how he didn’t mean anything that he said or how he acted. You both spent the beginning of your sleep staring at the ceiling, not being able to sleep feeling bad about how sad you made each other feel.
Atsumu was about to try and properly rest and he turned on his side to give you his usual night time kiss but he froze when he realised you weren’t beside him. He got up in a quick panic, confused about where you could be. But when he exited your bedroom, walking into the living room and saw you bundled up in blankets he felt even worse.
“Y/N,” he called out behind you but you shut your eyes abruptly, pretending to be asleep. You heard his footsteps approach you and he sat gently on the arm of the couch taking in mind not to touch you in case you ‘woke up.’ “I’m an idiot,” he said more to the air then to you, “I keep on fucking up over and over and I feel terrible I love you really bad and I do listen to you I just joke around too much to distract you, because I feel that if we had a real serious talk then you’d notice how I don’t deserve you.”
He stood up off the couch and went closer towards you, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead and you felt him move the blanket onto you more so you could have a more comfortable sleep, “I promise i’ll try better in this relationship, since I don’t want to lose you baby. Goodnight Y/N,” he padded away back to the bedroom and you were trying your best not to jump up and run into his arms, your heart melting at his indirect apology.
You couldn’t sleep, after hearing Atsumu’s words you really did start to forgive him. Of course you needed to talk to him, but just by him going out of his way to say all this to you when he thought you were asleep really made you have hope in your boyfriend that although he didn’t seem like he was listening to you all the time, he was and he wanted your relationship to thrive just as much as you did.
In the middle of the night, you realised that falling asleep on your own was something you weren’t used to, so you got out of your poorly made couch bed, and crept back into your bedroom sliding into your bed, trying not to wake Atsumu. 
His eyes blinked open and he looked down to see you next to him and a sleepy smile came on his face and he pulled you into his arms as usual and you snuggled up into his chest as you both finally felt like you could sleep as the comfortability and safeness you lacked being without each other was back now that you’re back in each others hold.
“Baby,” you heard him ask, dazed not really knowing if he was dreaming or not, “are we going to be okay?”
“Yes ‘Tsumu, I think we will,” you responded, closing your eyes in content as you truly believed that you would be.
You were having a terrible week, nothing was going right, you were stressed, tired and in need of a hug. Your boyfriend, Suna Rintarou, was usually the best remedy for times like these always there to ease your mind with a lame joke or one of the numerous tik toks and memes he’d send you throughout the day or when he comes home and wraps his limbs around you in a bear hug spreading his warmth and comfort to you.
However, Suna seemed busy as well, not spending much time in the house as he was preparing for a big game coming up. You understood that being a professional volleyball player can be demanding at times and you were very supportive of your boyfriend’s work. But sometimes, especially times like these, when you were stressed feeling lonely you just wanted to see your boyfriend not hear him leave bright and early in the morning when you were still in bed or when you were in bed at 4 am at night.
It was past midnight, but you were up late going through mountains of schoolwork that was due the next morning so you had to cram to get it done. Suna was of course not home yet, but you weren’t that fazed on that now as you only thought of getting this work done.
You were more than halfway through and on your 4th cup of coffee trying to stay awake when you heard the door handle jiggle a bit, a key going through, before you heard the front door open. Suna’s footsteps trudged into the house and you heard him yawn, obviously tired from gallivanting about doing who knows what at 2 am. 
He didn’t notice you hunched up on the couch at first as he walked past the living room to go to your bedroom, but the furiocious typing of your keys alerted him and he had to do a double take not believing that you could be up at this time. 
“Y/N, what are you doing up at this time?” he asked 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you responded with, saying it a little more harsher than you would like to but you couldn’t help the involuntary annoyance you had with him.
“Woah what’s that s’pposed to mean,” he said with an attitude of his own, starting to form, as he dropped his duffle bag, approaching you closer so that he was in your line of sight.
“Oh don’t act so coy,” you said, shutting your laptop lid, looking up at him “you’re barely around anymore, I don’t know whether you’re my boyfriend or just a roommate I see from time to time.”
“You’re so dramatic Y/N,” he scoffs “I see you all the time, I'm seeing you right now. It's not my fault that you want to be underneath me all the time.”
“That’s not what I want at all, I just want to be able to see you and not hear your footsteps leave your house at the crack of dawn,” you complained “I know that you have a big game coming up and i’m so excited for you since I know you don’t want to lose, but I just don’t want to lose what we have with the amount of time you’re away. It’s crazy how we live together but I miss you so much.”
Suna frowned hearing what you said, and you could tell he was deeply thinking about it. You looked at the clock and saw you only had a few hours left before your deadline was done, and you didn’t have the time to have a heart to heart with Suna after spending all the days alone.
“Y/N I-”
“Look as much as I’d want to talk about how neglectful you’ve been for the past week, I’ve only got a few more hours till my school work is due,” you said “and don’t you have to be up really early anyways, you should get some sleep.” Your tone of voice was bored and dry, with Suna recoiling slightly realising that one of the reasons for this was him and his actions.
He nodded and just silently slipped away to your bedroom, cursing himself along the way thinking of ways he could fix the awkward position he’s put your relationship in. You stayed on the couch tapping away nearly finished your homework feeling sleepier and sleepier. When you were done, you got ready for bed and stared at your boyfriend sleeping peacefully and as much as you loved the sight of him, you didn’t want to sleep next to him to just continue the cycle of him waking up super early not saying good morning to you and leaving.
So you went back to the living room and laid in the burrow of blankets you had set up earlier when you were studying and decided to sleep there for the night, thinking of how you and Suna could possibly solve this.
Suna’s alarm went off, as usual, at 5 am again and he groaned, being more tired than usual. He slowly got up and wiped his eyes, before he noticed you weren’t there and in his confused haze checked the time again, to make sure he didn’t oversleep. He walked out to the living room and saw you sleeping there buried in your blankets and he felt immediately bad, having to practically sneak out past you trying not to wake you up made him feel more guilty then he thought he would.
So, he went over to you and scooped you up in his arms, chuckling at the sight of your half-drooled-sleep state and put you in your bed knowing that your back is going to ache from being on your couch all night. When he left your bedroom, instead of leaving straight out the door to go to an early practice he sent a quick text to his captain and went to the kitchen instead.
You woke up around 12pm, feeling well rested and accomplished that you finished all your schoolwork. But you were confused as you were sure that you fell asleep on the couch. You heard movement from outside and froze, thinking that an intruder was in the house but when you heard the familiar “for fuck sake,” come from a voice which you could easily pinpoint as your boyfriend your worries left as quickly as they came. 
You trodden out of your bedroom and were shocked to see your boyfriend, Suna Rintarou, in a “kiss the cook,” apron frantically moving from mixing bowls in your kitchen. “Um babe?” you said your voice was a bit quiet from just waking up.
Suna looked at you, with a shocked look on his face “you weren’t supposed to be awake right now,” he blurted down his eyes averting to the pan on the stove that was most definitely burning.
“But it’s 12pm,” you said, stepping closer to him in an attempt to help, “what are you doing here?”
“Sorry!” he said again abruptly, “I wanted to say sorry, I know this isn’t probably the best sorry but I wanted to start somewhere
”  he was obviously nervous and you actually thought that was endearing how his usual nonchalance was crumbling in front of you.
You pulled him out of the kitchen and into the living room, ignoring his humorous flour covered appearance. “Rin, this isn’t what I wanted” you said, and he slightly frowned not wanting to hear this.
“Well what do you want babe?” he said sadly, “last night I realised how much I messed up and I want to really make this up to you.”
“I just want you to be here” was all you said, and you could see Suna start to relax a bit as he noticed that you wanted to fix this mess as much as he did.
 “You want me to be here,” he repeated slowly to himself before looking at you with a smile that you quickly returned I’ll be here”
He pulled you into a hug getting flour over you, but you didn’t care you were just happy you were taking a step into the right direction. You knew that it would take more than Suna agreeing with you for things to actually go okay, but you knew that he would actually try. “You suck at making food by the way,” you mumbled into his chest with a laugh.
“Well I guess you’ll have to teach me,” he responded with a smirk standing up pulling you into the kitchen as you spent the rest of the day cooking.
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General taglist [1] [bold can’t be tagged]: @saxuui, @iimoonii​ @hamdehlesmis​ @Shoyosupremacy, @iambashfulperson​ @kayleighbeccaa​ @bakugouswh0r3​ @xedspirits​ @borpcorp​ soft-angle-clouds @foxxtrot-116​ @Xogiaaa, @jesssobs​ @apple-poptarts​ @galagcica​ @letssssus​ @random-734​ @rinyx​ @rybunie​ @cant-think-of-a-username​ @kuroohoeee​ @kellesvt​ @jojowantstocry​ @shinsouscatpisssmell​ @succulentmom​ @jihyunieeee​ @mysterystarz​ @astroqphillic​ @tetsunarin @joyaphoria​ @elektrosonix​ @maizumis​ @fandomsgotmefucked​ @drageonix22​ @uwu-queen-420​ @crapimahuman​ @tesoromia​ @pelicanpizza​ @conchetucona​ @akaashis-wife​ @crystal-lilac​ @bokutoslittledoll​ @taro-im​ @asaitashi​ @arrogantsonofabiscuit​ @nouser @mariyeahh​ @milktyama​ @pansexualproblemchild​ @koushisbutterfly​ @erensnubs​ @danasaan​ @menheraryn​ @bucinhajime​ @primsonnn​ [join the taglist]
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iwadori · 3 years
When they see you wearing another guys hoodie (Atsumu, Bokuto, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Suna, Tsukishima)
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AN: this might be my favourite smau I’ve made yet.. maybe?? I like Kuroos one the most ofc but let me know what you think I hope you enjoy
Reblogs are very appreciated
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2K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
What they message you after an argument (Atsumu, Bokuto, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Suna)
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AN: two post in a day call me mega mind but I’m tired HWOEVER this request spurred some ideas in me so thanks to the anon that requested it.
Read part two here
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iwadori · 3 years
read part one here read part three here part four here(not really essential since this could technically be read as a stand alone, but for more context and feels read pt 1)
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the first time you saw kuroo after the break up, it was during your summer break of college. the two of you had both decided to return home to the city, and he’d decided to pay you a visit.
“why are you here?” you asked, startled at the sight of kuroo tetsurou sitting in your childhood bedroom at 2am.
“the door was unlocked,” 
“I didn’t ask how, I asked why,” you continued, “why are you here?”
he knew it wasn’t a wise choice to come to your house at this time, but after hearing through his mother that you were back in the city, he knew he had to see you. kuroo understood from when you broke up, there’d be no chance you’d be willing to see him, but with a little liquid courage, he made his way over to your house.
he was nervous, he could tell by the way you were staring at him that you weren’t remotely pleased at seeing him. he remembered when you showed up at his college dorm, it was an abrupt meeting — one that ultimately was the demise of your relationship. but as it had been 7 months since your break up, kuroo had hoped that you would at least be open to seeing him.
“what do you want kuroo?” you asked annoyed, making kuroo slightly cringe at the use of his last name. It sounded so foreign coming from your lips.
“I want...I want to see you,” he said, tripping over his words. and you could tell, - just like last time, he was drunk—  maybe not as much as before, but enough to make you roll your eyes, not wanting to see anymore of him.
“you are seeing me,” you sighed, folding your arms. “can you go now?”
“about the break up-”
“can you just leave kuroo, I don’t want to see you,” you tried to usher kuroo out of your bedroom, but of course, you were no match for his brute strength, and with his desperation in wanting to see you, there was no budging kuroo.
“just let me talk to you y/n, please for a second?” he says standing close to you, and the familiar comfort that being close to kuroo brought washed over you, you missed that feeling, but when you looked at him and saw the regretful look in his eyes you just felt hurt remembering why he felt regretful in the first place.
“no, god just leave,” you say, giving him a firm push to the chest that actually forced him to stumble back a few steps, “just leave and go back to college with the brand new life you made for yourself, the one without me in it.”
“but i-”
“go kuroo,” you yell, not wanting to see his face any longer. and kuroo could see how much you didn’t want him in your presence, so he hung his head low and walked out of your bedroom before stopping at the threshold of your door.
“I’m transferring to your college,” kuroo said, his back turned to you, “that’s what I wanted to tell you,” and he finally listened to your wishes and left, not giving you a chance to respond to the news he just shared.
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A/N: I heavily really really like this work, like actually like it, this is a drabble series titled “falling in love for the second time,” so yes this story will continue. Please let me know what you think I hope you enjoy!
Reblogs are very appreciated
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2K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
when they’re jealous of another guy (Atsumu, Kageyama, Kenma, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Ushijima)
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an: I literally just don’t know what I’m doing w these looool I hope you enjoy let me know what you think
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iwadori · 3 years
when you tell them “somebody asked me on a date” (atsumu, kageyama, kenma, tsukishima, suna, Ushijima)
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an: I’m tired and probably burnt out who knows but I randomly thought of this, I hope you enjoy let me know what you think
Reblogs are very appreciated
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iwadori · 3 years
read part two here read part three here part four here
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when you and kuroo started your freshman year of college —at different universities— your relationship became stagnant.
“tetsu, maybe we should just break up” you suggested as the middle blocker stood proudly in front of you, suited in his graduation cap and gown.
“maybe we shouldn't,” he argued, his eyes widening at your idea. “I know us being far apart isn’t really ideal, but it doesn’t mean we have to end this completely.”
“what if you meet someone else?” you rationalize, “or if you get too tired of not being able to see me all the time?”
“y/n, do you want to end this?” he asked. he shuffled, wondering if your suggestion was something that you actually wanted.
“no of course not, I just don’t want to be holding you back from having a proper ‘college life,’ if we stay together.”
kuroo looks at you and smiles, the foolish smile that you were used to, the one that you fell in love with, and he pulls you into his chest, his arms swiftly wrapping around you and his forehead meeting yours as he says “I don’t think I’ll have a proper ‘normal life,’ without you in it— let alone a college one.”
“you’re such a sap,”
“but you love me anyway,” he counters and you hum in affirmation, “look y/n, even if we’re 3000 miles apart, this doesn’t have to stop, you’re not even going to notice I’m far away with the amount times I’m going to call you and text you, alright?”
his words provided comfort, and you found yourself believing in the confidence he had that your relationship was going to survive.
but early into the first semester of college, you realised that kuroo’s promise was definitely not going to be true.
the first week of school you were busy, swamped with mountains of schoolwork and overwhelmed with the sudden change in environment, too busy to even check the vast amount of texts you assumed your boyfriend had sent you. except when you finally had the chance to settle into college life, you’d realized as you looked through the messages between you and kuroo that there weren't any new ones.
it was hard navigating your college life and social life whilst having a boyfriend miles and miles away, especially one who barely talked to you. there were plenty of men that had shown you interest, but you had to remind them —and yourself— that you were taken. there was an usual feeling with the amount of romantic attention you got— way different to highschool, no one would dare try to hit on you with the 6’2 middle blocker always by your side.
when kuroo opened his front door in the cold winter, the last thing he was expecting was for you to be there.
“y/n,” he awkwardly exclaims, his brows furrowed in confusion, “it’s a surprise to see you here, what are you doing here?”
“I didn’t know I had to book a reservation to see my own boyfriend,” you joked and you looked at him waiting to be let inside and he hesitantly stepped aside as you walked in front getting a look of the college dorm he was situated in.
“it’s a nice place you got here,” you said lying through your teeth as you gave the place a once over, it was a mess not reflecting kuroo at all who you knew always prided himself in his neat attire.
“sorry for the mess,” he says “i’m actually in the middle of cleaning, going to throw a party tonight.”
“a party?” you questioned “you’re throwing a party?” he hummed nonchalantly whilst moving around you to pick up the mess you were surrounded with.
“but you hate parties,” you continued “you used to say ‘parties were like a social examination,’ and would rue the day you were ever found at one.”
“well I guess people change,” he mumbled.
“yeah I guess they do
there was an uncomfortable pause before kuroo asked, “are you planning on staying here or are you just passing by?”
“well I didn’t catch 3 buses and a 3 hour long train to just ‘pass by,’” you said “unless you don’t have any place for me to stay with all the parties you’re planning on throwing.”
“no it’s fine, i’ll just sleep on the couch for a few days”
“the couch
 we can share a bed together y’know?”
“yeah but my roommate has thing about not bringing randoms into our bedroom”
“oh you have a roommate,” you said ignoring the part where kuroo referred to you as a ‘random,’ “are they nice?”
“she’s cool, quite chill not really your vibe I guess,”
“she’s a she?” you asked and he gave you another simple ‘mhm’ in response, “is she pretty?”
“what’s that got to do with anything?” he questioned.
“nothing I was just asking
“you’ll see her at the part anyways so I guess you’ll be able to answer that question yourself”
“right the party.”
you regretted ever deciding to make the journey to your boyfriends once the party started. you were already put off by his odd mood but once the party was beginning it was like you were seeing a stranger.
even when you walked around the party — after kuroo left you on your own — you felt even worse when his friends would say ‘I didn’t know kuroo was dating anybody,’ and you tried to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why none of his self proclaimed ‘best friends,’ never heard of you but you couldn’t even kid yourself.
he found you sitting in his bedroom, staring at your phone “hey do you want a drink?” he asked his words slurring and you didn’t even need to hear his inconsistent speech to tell he was drunk as kuroo reeked of alcohol.
“no i’m fine” you said “i don’t drink remember.”
“c’mon y/n live a little...just one drink,” he persisted, swinging the cup of whatever random substances he combined in front of your face.
“what happened to you kuroo?”
“what do you mean, iïżœïżœïżœm the best i’ve ever been!”
“well I beg to differ,” you mumbled but even in his drunken state he still hears.
“what’s that supposed to mean,” he says “just because i’m not the same guy I was in highschool doesn’t mean I haven’t bettered myself”
“oh look at you kuroo I’d hardly say you’ve bettered yourself.”
“it’s not like you know me y/n”
“thats the problem you idiot,” you said feeling frustrated “I don’t know you, not anymore”
“well college life is busy, you should know that yourself”
“I know that but in spite of how hectic things can get I still at least tried to make time for you, i literally came all this way to see you”
“It’s not like I asked you to do that though,” he argued, feeling annoyed as if you were blaming the half of communication all on him.
“well are you saying you don’t want me to be here right now?”
“with the way this conversations going I can’t really say I do want you here right now,” he said with a sigh.
“fine, I guess i’ll be taking my leave then
” you stood up and grabbed the small luggage you brought with you ready to head to the door.
“y/n,” kuroo calls “have a safe trip” and with that you left not looking back at your boyfriend.
on the train ride home you stumbled across an old photo of you and kuroo and realised there’s something you need to do that you should’ve done a while ago.
“tetsurou,” you said as he answered the phone call.
“yes y/n?”
“I’m breaking up with you” you said trying to sound confident and not like you were second guessing every word you were saying.
“oh I see,” he says quietly in response before finishing with “i still love you though.”
kuroo didn’t have a chance to hear your response since the line went dead as you ended the call placing your back phone into your pocket.
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AN: um this was so hard to write dbshdhhs it angst ik but I promise there’s better days to come w Kuroo and y/n. Thanks to tee and eris for reading this over for meeee bro I hope you all enjoy it let me know what you think
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iwadori · 3 years
When you tell them “I’m pregnant” (Atsumu, Kageyama, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Suna, Ushijima)
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A/N: for the sake of the smau let’s just pretend you can’t tell them in person you have to text them but if you don’t fall in love with Ushijima after this then I’ll gladly keep him hope you enjoy let me know what you think
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2K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
When you ask them “are we dating?” (Atsumu, Kageyama, Kenma, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Suna)
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AN: Suna and kenma I love, Kageyama he’s adorable and did not follow the assignment but we love him anywyas I hope you enjoy it let me know what you think
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2K notes · View notes
iwadori · 3 years
When you text them “ I want a baby “ Atsumu, Kageyama, Kenma, Iwaizumi, Osamu, Suna
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AN: kenmas is the only one I like so forgive me for the other ones hope you enjoy tho let me know what you think
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