#sirius black x reader fluff
vampbloodbunny2 · 2 days
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James and Regulus/ Sirius and Remus core
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bettysupremacy · 4 months
hii! I was wondering if you could write a fic with reader and any marauder (they all fit) and maybe helping or becoming protective over the reader after a concert or party after a creep follows the reader? 😭
I went through a similar experience with a guy following me around after I went to the restroom after a concert, and it ruined my night if i'm being honest, I was scared 😞 I'm not the most shy of people and usually I can handle myself but it was pretty dark and idk the adrenaline from feeling happy to scared shifted pretty quickly. Luckily I found my friends and let them know and we quickly went back to our car (along with a few dirty looks from my friends god bless lol). I swore I could go to the restroom by myself- will not be doing that again :(
you can ignore this request if it makes you uncomfortable!
thank uu
i’m so sorry that happened to you! “(they all fit)”= poly marauders!
There’s something about post concert depression, especially when you’re with the band.
Your glitter eyeshadow is smudged, eyeliner untouched. You’d been shaken around in the pit of your boyfriends fans, and yet the paint hasn’t budged. God bless water-proof makeup. The world seems prettier like this, touched by alcohol and the feeling of soaring pride for your boyfriends. The glittery lights and signs of time square never fail to dazzle you, even now as you lean against Sirius morosely.
“M’hungry.” You frown, toes tipping up towards Sirius, though you fear the mumble may have been more for yourself.
His attention is diverted towards the boys as they discuss what to do now. Plans of how to get home and where to eat. His finger taps your cheek slowly, his focus paying you no mind. Words like Uber, hotel, room service echo throughout their very repetitive conversation.
He looks down, a little shocked and sorry at his own attention. “Yes, lovely?”
“Hungry?” He asks, cringing. You’re about thirty minutes from the hotel, and even then, room service will take another thirty.
“So hungry.”
He sighs, unsure of what to do.
“There’s a hotdog stand over there.” You grab his tattooed bicep to balance yourself as you point to your right.
He thinks, peering down at you. “This won’t ruin your dinner?” It’s midnight, but still.
“No,” you sing, reaching up to cup his cheeks. “I really want a hotdog.
He flushes, looking away from your wandering eyes. Normally he wouldn’t let you out of his sight. They would never let you out of their sight in a place like this. But the cart is in eye view of the boys, and he has faith in you not to stray, even in your inebriated manor. It’s not that they don’t trust you, they just prefer to keep you safe themselves. Is that okay?
“Okay,” He murmurs, pulling out his wallet, handing you his card. “At least get the good toppings.”
“I always get the good toppings.” You pull away.
The walk is short and the cart is colorful. Red and white stripes, curvy calligraphy. It shines in your inebriated vision. Beautiful. The queues not long, just an older man waiting in front of you, but it feels like forever as the generous man (with the toppings as well) takes your order and wraps it in warm aluminum foil.
You take the hotdog eagerly. “Thank you.”
It’s heavy in your hands, warm too. You yell Sirius’ name excitedly, waving the hotdog above your head for him to see. He laughs, thumbs up until you bump into a man, smile fading, concern etching his brows.
“Oh,” you murmur, looking up. “I’m sorry.”
“No problem,” he smiles. It’s uncomfortable, not the smile of a friendly civilian.
You laugh. It’s polite, anyone can see that, but he leans closer. He smells like liquor, a disgusting discovery that has you subconsciously leaning away.
“You new around here?”
An actual laugh stumbles out of your lips. “London? No.”
He takes this as an entrance. “You should show me around.”
“No, thank you.” You try to walk past him. Towards Sirius who’s already walking over. “Goodnight.”
“Wait,” he grabs your arm, pulling you back. His fingers dig into your elbow painfully.
“What the fuck,” you gasp, pulling your arm away roughly. “don’t touch me.”
“C’mon,” The man slurs, fingers reaching for you again. “Don’t be-“
“Hello?” Sirius walks up, all stock. He grabs your forearm pulling you to him firmly, getting in between you and the man. He’s not much taller, but more intimidating in demeanor. “Do we have a problem?”
“No,” the man scoffs.
“Cause it looks like you put your hands on her.”
He scoffs again, clearly inebriated. “We were just talking.”
“Well, conversations over now.”
“She can make her own decisions.”
“Fuck off, bro.” Sirius waves his hand dismissively. Quickly, he walks you towards the boys who are peeking their eyes up from the Uber app.
“She was asking for it.”
Sirius reels back, dropping your forearm to shove the scary stranger in the chest. He pushes hard, the man losing his balance as he falls to the ground in a sickening thud. You gasp loudly, the unexpected conflict startling you. Vaguely you hear Sirius say something to him, but you’re too focused on the way the man looks up at you.
James and Remus are there in seconds, quick on Sirius’s heels. They pull at him, up and off the man. There were no real punches thrown, no real injuring blows, it wasn’t even enough to form a crowd. But still, you’re shaken. You shiver like a leaf under your James’ leather jacket, suddenly not feeling the warmth of the alcohol you’d consumed before the concert.
Slowly, you stumble back and way from your boys, to the bench next to the shitty bar you’d passed on your way home. That had been scary, but you’re safe; that had been scary, but Sirius dealt with it. You bring your hand up to your chest, setting the hotdog you had been eager to buy down next to you.
“Hi,” Remus pushes aside the hotdog to sit next to you. “Are you okay?”
You look up to the boy, blindingly beautiful in the streetlights and advertisements. “Yes.”
He pushes some stray hair from your face. “He didn’t hurt you?”
“I think it was more startling.” James sits on the other side of you, kissing your temple firmly. “I’m sorry he did that.”
“It’s okay, I’m okay.”
“She’s okay.” Sirius gruffs from where he walks over.
He sounds cooler than he thinks he looks. He’s not bruised, bloodied, or bandaged, if he were he thinks he’d look cool enough to breeze over. But then again you look mad, so maybe he doesn’t want that.
“Don’t be upset,” Sirius crouches to your level. You’re in the arms of a solid Remus. “he was a creep.”
“Are you hurt?”
“Are you trying to tell me something?” He laughs roguishly. “I thought I looked good tousled.”
He does, and you know he’ll look good on the tabloids tomorrow too. Sirius black gives black eye? You sigh at the thought.
“You do.” James feeds Sirius.
“At least someone in this relationship cares for my ego.”
“You look good.”
“Oh, now you tell me.”
You laugh, letting Sirius stare at you like you hung the moon.
“Kiss em?” He pushes his knuckles in front of your lips. His fingers throb lightly, you can feel it on your lips.
“That was stupid.”
“C’mon,” Sirius’ eyes roll as he pulls you up. “You’ve got a hotdog to eat.”
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thestoryofella · 1 month
summary: after a breakup with Sirius, allowing him to make a move to pursue his music dreams, you find yourself in an exciting game of telephone with his best mates, desperate to find out details of his new life. Unbeknownst to you, there are others involved in this game of telephone. 
warnings: slight angst (happy ending), fluff, miscommunication, two idiots, sfw mentions of sex, swearing
sirius black x reader ✿ 6016 words
Three weeks. That's how long Sirius and you had been broken up. And yet, every day still felt torturous. Your girlfriends had suggested that you try dating again, but you didn't think it was fair to the poor bloke on the other end for you to be so desperately hung up on your ex-boyfriend.
You still remember the day you two had broken up. Sirius had been pursuing music for a few years after graduation as a lead singer and had failed to succeed. It wasn't until a month ago that he'd come bursting through the doors of your shared apartment, saying, "I finally got a gig! Isn't that great?" At that moment, he'd hugged you so hard, peppering your faces with kisses, leaving you both blushing, giggly messes. That was the happiest you'd ever seen him after typically grueling auditions and gigs with low attendance.
It was great, honestly. You were so happy Sirius finally had the opportunity to pursue his dreams. However, what wasn't great was that the gig was in Scotland, with a well-known, but anonymous to you, rock band in Glasgow as their lead singer. You didn't want to ruin his initial excitement, so you'd kept your worries and fears about the location to yourself. When Sirius realized a seven-hour drive to Glasgow from your apartment and a full-time job in London was an issue, you two finally sat down to talk a week after he received the offer. 
He sat with you on your sofa, with cups of tea for you both. Your eyes were red and puffy, as you'd anticipated a breakup as soon as you two had agreed to discuss the upcoming move. After a two-hour-long discussion where Sirius had desperately tried to arrange to come on the weekends and subsequently realized the band schedule was unpredictable–not to mention he didn't have enough money to visit every weekend anyway–and you had realized you couldn't hold back the man you love from his dreams, you two tearfully agreed to call it quits for the sake of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Today was also the day that Sirius was leaving for Glasgow. Despite being broken up and not talking regularly, he had asked you to come to say goodbye to him at the train station. So, here you were, head buried in the crook of his neck, both his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, inhaling his scent of cigarettes, amber, and cedarwood as you said goodbye to the man you loved. You figured the level of this embrace wasn't appropriate for people who were "just friends" now, but who knows when you'd hug each other again. You hoped this wouldn't be the last time you'd inhale his scent or feel his embrace; you desperately wanted him to stay. You hoped he didn't see the tears on your cheeks as you waved goodbye from the train platform. 
♡ ♡ ♡ 
It had now been a month since Sirius left for Glasgow. You'd been doing okay, better than you initially thought possible. Your heart was still recovering from the heartbreak of a breakup, but you'd been going to work regularly and hanging out with your girlfriends to make up for the loneliness that came with being recently single. You were still sad deep down, but having good friends and a hectic, time-consuming job was a great distraction from heartbreak.
Tonight, you and your friends planned to go to a local bar that you used to frequent with Sirius for drinks and darts. You got ready quickly, picked out an outfit suitable for a bar, and styled your hair hurriedly. Just before you were about to leave, you felt a ding in your back pocket and read a text from your friends telling you that they had to cancel.
Sighing, you shoved your phone back into your pocket. "Just my luck," you muttered. You were excited to see your friends and have a few drinks, but it doesn't seem that will happen. Unless… you were already ready anyway, why not go to the bar to have fun alone? You quickly decided that was a great idea and left in a hurry to walk to the bar. You made haste and walked to the bar quickly, excited to have fun and admittedly get a little tipsy after a long week.
Although the bar was only six blocks away–relatively short for London standards–walking in heels left you with blisters when you reached the door. When you entered the bar, you sat on one of the stools near the bartender and ordered an old-fashioned, planning to get buzzed quickly.
After downing approximately four old-fashioned drinks–though you'd truthfully lost count–you were solidly tipsy and ready to socialize with the nearest human. You had probably looked a bit odd hunched over at the bar hammering drinks alone, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures, and you'd consider a recent breakup and friend cancellation desperate times. At this point, you could feel the effects of alcohol buzzing through your system. You were warm, admittedly just slightly sloppy, delighted, and ready to socialize with some people.
Spinning around on your bar stool to face the crowd, you peered among people's faces, looking for fun, friendly girls and playing a game that made it easy to join. Scanning left to right, you stopped once you saw two familiar faces: James and Remus. Usually, one would think you'd hightail it out of the bar after seeing your recent ex's two best friends–perhaps it was liquid courage or sheer stupidity–but you decided to waltz over to their high-top table and plop down next to them as they played a game of cards.
Startled by your non-stealthy, loud, and frankly drunk movements, Remus and James looked up simultaneously to meet your loopy, dazed grin and an embarrassing spot of red lipstick on your teeth you were unaware of. "Hi Remus, hi James," you spoke excitedly, any ounce of social anxiety smothered with whiskey.
"Hi, Y/N, having a fun night?" James spoke first, quickly noticing your inebriated state. He sported a friendly smile but looked a bit shocked by your entrance. You knew Remus and James well. The possibility of them not being your friends after the breakup had been difficult and saddening. Remus and James frequently accompanied you to Sirius' smaller gigs in London, and all four of you often got drinks after the show ended. By the time you and Sirius had broken up, you had considered Remus and James good friends and assumed they felt the same way about you. 
"I'm having so much fun," you near-shouted excitedly, a broad smile overtaking your features. Remus and James laughed in response, eyes crinkling as they observed your enthusiastic state.
Pausing for a second, figuring out how to phrase his next question, Remus asked, "How are you doing? Especially after everything that happened, if you don't mind me being intrusive." He wore a smile, but as his eyes scanned your face and figure, you could tell he was trying to analyze how you'd been coping with the breakup outside the bar.
You sucked in a breath, the feeling of air expanding your lungs dulled from the liquor but grounding you nonetheless. Not expecting the sincere question, you pondered on it for a moment. You had been doing okay with the band-aid of your job and your friends keeping you busy. However, you weren't sure if you were doing okay because you felt okay about the breakup or hadn't given yourself enough time to process it.
After digging deep down to address the wound in your heart, you decided it was the latter. "I've been doing okay. I've kept myself busy with work and friends, but I miss him a lot," you answered truthfully. Before Sirius got the gig in Glasgow, your relationship was almost perfect. Aside from the typical small arguments here and there, you two were infatuated with each other. Your breakup was necessary, but it wasn't wanted from either side.
Remus nodded, understanding what you meant and probably even the context of it all due to his proximity to Sirius. James interrupted the heartfelt moment with his typically cheerful attitude. "Well, if you're looking for more distractions, you could join us for a round of cards!" Although enthusiastic, his offer came out unsure, wondering if you wanted distraction or comfort.
You laughed in response, touched by his effort to comfort you even though you and Sirius were no longer together. "I think that sounds nice," you answered with a soft smile.
And so, over a few hours, you, Remus, and James drank multiple beers, played numerous card games, and divulged in far too many details regarding your feelings about your and Sirius' recent breakup. You told them you didn't know when you'd be ready to start dating again, that you missed the social connection and physical intimacy from a romantic relationship, and that you didn't know how much longer you could ignore the feelings of a brutal breakup with work and friends. They listened empathetically despite the inappropriate nature of you divulging these details with your ex's closest friends.
The excellent news is that alcohol hadn't just loosened up your filter but also James' and Remus' filters. Sirius was notoriously private, so his social media was no help finding details about his new life in Glasgow. Most of his posts were for marketing purposes. However, Remus and James were evidently mouthy drunks, and throughout the evening, you'd find out that although Sirius had tried going on dates, he stopped because the heartbreak was still too raw. Serves him right. When James shared that with you, Remus kicked him a bit too obviously, James flinching from his foot hidden under the tabletop, but the damage was done, and the information was stored in your mind.
"How is the gig going?" you asked. Although you had been craving details of Sirius' dating life, you also wanted to know how he was doing after years of hard work and sought-out gigs.
"I think he's doing okay. He took over for a lead singer who had a baby and listed his leave as indefinite, though he said it's weird being the new one in a band who has been together and known each other for years." Remus answered, James, nodding along. You hadn't thought about the social awkwardness associated with joining a band so late after its formation, but it seemed Sirius was adjusting well.
Staring at the somewhat blurry clock on the wall, you realize it is almost 3 a.m. and far past your bedtime. Gathering your coat to brave the cold weather, you leaped up from the bar stool and stretched your sore limbs. "Well, I have to get going, but thanks for keeping me company tonight," you offered your thanks with a small smile.
Remus and James looked at the clock in response, gathering their jackets and cards after seeing the time. "No problem, we're glad to hear that you're doing well," James smiled at you, his eyes crinkling up. He was always so friendly.
Walking out of the bar alone in the frigid night air reminded you of your loneliness again. Perhaps the cold air was sobering, or maybe it reminded you how nice it was to hold Sirius' warm hand on frigid nights like this and how his constant teasing always made warm, boisterous laughs escape your mouth.
♡ ♡ ♡
When you woke up in your apartment the following day, you still had on your clothes from the night before, recalling how you stumbled into the door and promptly passed out on the bed. Remembering the events from before with James and Remus–although delighted by the information you received–you expected them to never talk to you again, and even worse, you expected Sirius to hear about your nosiness and subsequently block you too.
So that's why you were surprised to see a text in a brand new group chat with Remus and James that read, "Cards and beer again next weekend?"
And so it began. 
♡ ♡ ♡
The next time you met up with Remus and James, you had a lot of life updates. For one, after reminiscing about Sirius and you walking home from the bar, you decided to go on a date to get him off your mind. It went terribly wrong. You went out for dinner with one of your coworkers, Charles. You two had sat awkwardly together while you devoured a steak, barely making any conversation outside of eating noises and sipping drinks in an attempt to get rid of anxiety. When he walked you home, he very unsubtly tried to get you to invite him upstairs, and by the end of his efforts, you were convinced the only reason he went out with you was to end the night in your bedroom. Now, things are awkward at work, and you've decided you can never speak to him again.
Trying to date again only made you want to get back together with Sirius more; you wished that was possible. You missed the comfort of being in a relationship with someone who knew you like the back of their hand. It never felt like an effort to converse with Sirius, even when it took you too long to come up with a comeback to his constant banter. It also never felt nerve-wracking or scary to initiate hand-holding, embraces, or kisses, only sometimes when he looked exceptionally handsome.
You were also incredibly frustrated. You'd resorted to looking at one of Sirius' few fan pages as a more minor artist and had discovered he'd been on a date. You had no idea how it went, but it dampened your mood nonetheless. Hypocritical? Yes. True? Also yes.
When you found yourself sitting across from Remus and James with the same beer as last time, lazily playing cards and more focused on conversation, you told them just that. Most people probably would feel stupid indulging in such personal endeavors to their ex-boyfriend's friends–you probably should feel more stupid doing so–but your friends are so busy, and you can't keep your tragic dating life to yourself anymore.
"And get this, after practically ignoring me the entire date and asking me to split the bill, he asked if he could come upstairs with me when we reached my apartment building! Isn't that ridiculous?" You rant to James and Remus about your date with Charles, feeling new waves of anger and frustration as you remembered the events. Although less wasted than last time, drinking multiple rounds of beer made you more loose-lipped than usual.
Remus' face crinkled in poorly concealed disgust. "Men like him have no shame. You would think he'd try to set things right as your coworker, but the fact he hasn't talked to you says a lot about him." James nodded in silent agreement.
Grumbling and propping your head into your arms on the table, you mumbled, "Ugh, I know. I wish dating wasn't so hard." Frustration sank deep into your veins. Being in a relationship with Sirius felt like one in a million. He was handsome, kind, thoughtful, respected boundaries, and made you so comfortable. Now, the first time you were thrown back into the ring, you happened to go on a date with someone who was Sirius's antithesis.
James patted your back in what was supposed to be a comforting rub. Then suddenly, he chortled. "You know, Sirius also has had trouble dating. He tried going out again with this girl he met at a bar. She went to the restroom and never returned after he told her he was a musician." Remus elbowed James in the ribs, likely for telling you something Sirius would not want you to know. You internally cheered; now you knew the answer to your looming question.
You shoot up almost immediately at the information, a bright light of warm, comfortable, purely selfish happiness burrowing itself in your chest. "Really!?" You ask excitedly, which both Remus and James laugh at.
"Hey, try not to look too excited! He's still one of my best mates," James laughs at your response, clearly bemused by your immediate shift in mood. A small smile graces Remus' lips, and a shiny, mischievous glint overtakes his eyes.
You try to tone it down a bit. "I know, I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish. I just can't help but wish Sirius was still hanging up on me, too," you admit, letting a bit of sadness come to the surface of your emotions.
"You're still hung up on him?" Remus asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. You knew it was embarrassing to admit, but years of feelings don't go away after a couple of months. Of course, you were still hung up on Sirius. He had been your best friend, too, which James and Remus may have forgotten.
"Isn't that obvious? Of course, I'm still hung up on him. He was my best friend," you admitted quietly, eyes glazing over. You knew this was definitely something you shouldn't be sharing with James and Remus. But the smooth flush of alcohol in your system and feelings of nostalgia quickly overwhelmed your senses.
Remus and James noticed your heightened emotions, side-eyeing each other very clearly. You did not appreciate that. "If you tell him that, I will hurt you two," you threatened, narrowing your eyes.
Remus and James simply laughed but nodded at your empty threat, resuming your game of cards. "Scout's honor," James swore, swearing himself to secrecy.
By the night's end, you'd heard much about Sirius' gig, dating life, and adjustment to Glasgow. It sounded like it was going well, which you were conflicted about. On the one hand, you want the best for him. On the other hand, you're a selfish monster who wants nothing more than for him to come running back home to you. Not that you'd be the first person he would see anyway.
Over the next month, you had to travel to Paris for a work trip, severely restricting your scheduled beer and card games with Remus and James. This was highly displeasing; you wanted nothing more than to hound them for updates. The travel may be for the good, but it would help you move on quickly. And also help me seem less like a deranged stalker, you thought to yourself. Nonetheless, when you were back in a month, you, Remus, and James had beer, cards, and gossip planned again. 
♡ ♡ ♡
Paris was more fun than you could've ever imagined. Although you still had to work there, and this was the most extended work trip you'd ever been on, your boss was accommodating and perhaps lazy, allowing you to take most of the day to lounge around and explore the city.
And that's how you met Jean. Jean was a handsome Parisian man who did a fantastic job taking your mind off Sirius. You had met him at a nightclub about two weeks into your trip, at approximately 3 a.m.—who knew Parisians partied so late and so hard? When he slipped his number into your back pocket, it almost felt like fate. You weren't entirely convinced he was your soulmate, but you were getting close. 
You two weren't exclusive, but you found solace in spending the night intertwined, allowing you to escape the hotel and find romance after a long, painful, dry spell. Although a secret, tumultuous romance sounded quite appealing and much like a romance novel—which made you feel like a cool protagonist—you knew you had to talk to someone about your new fling.
The issue was that your girlfriends would be too nosy. They would want to know everything about Jean, including his social media, which could be disastrous. You need to talk to someone who would know, but they wouldn't grill you for information, so you decided on Remus and James.
You were hoping their oath to secrecy wasn't a lie because when you sent a text to your group chat that read, "Guess who can say she's been with a Parisian man?" it felt perilous. You were hoping you could unpack the details of your fling when you saw them again, not wanting to send a long text explaining everything.
However, when James replied, "I see you're going worldwide," with a winky face, your doubts eased a bit. It felt good having your secret fling off your chest, even if you knew telling James and Remus was an idiotic, terrible, but oh-so-relieving idea.
That night, you spent the night at Jean's again. You never really had much conversation with him. Your French was shoddy at best, and when he kissed the skin under your ear lobe after sharing a bottle of wine, it felt almost as good as a meaningful conversation. It was nearly enough to push away the memories of Sirius and you talking until your conversation ended with bellies and lungs tight from laughter, your faces wet from happy tears.
♡ ♡ ♡
It had been another week since you'd been in Paris. Things had slowed down significantly with Jean, especially after you'd realized that he could not cure your heartache. You both knew your arrangement, or whatever it was, was only short-term. He was handsome and into you, but he also lived in Paris and, hence, was not a viable option for you. He kissed you on the cheek when you parted, but it felt surface-level. Which it was, considering you had seen each other for only a week. 
Thinking of Sirius also still wanted to make you violent, to make you bang your head against the wall. When you'd shared that with James and Remus, they said he missed you and that things were tough in Glasgow, but you couldn't tell if they were saying it just to be excellent. Given the new low levels they'd observed you at, they had reason to. 
Today, you were walking to a coffee shop for remote work. If you'd consider staring at an empty Excel spreadsheet, work. When you said your boss was relaxed, you meant it. He'd posted a photo of himself at the Eiffel Tower eight times over the three weeks you'd been in Paris. 
You ordered yourself a cappuccino and sat down at a booth to lock in and watch TV shows on your computer while you pretended to be doing work. That was until you saw a familiar head of jaw-length black hair walk into the coffee shop: Sirius. 
No fucking way. You had to fight the urge to gasp out loud, bolt out of the shop, and abandon your electronics to escape the feelings of gut-wrenching heartbreak that reappeared upon seeing his face. He honestly looked a lot worse than when you'd seen him last. His face needed a good shave, he had heavy eye-bags, and he looked like he'd lost a concerning amount of weight since moving to Glasgow. You frowned at the thought of him suffering there. 
Apparently, he could feel your eyes on him because his gaze fell on you when he turned his head to scan the coffee shop. Internally screaming, you had to fight the urge to sink underneath the table and pretend you didn't exist. You should've run when you had the opportunity. 
His mouth opened in recognition and shock, a small smile curving upon his lips. Fighting the urge to pretend you didn't know him and run, you offered him a small smile and wave, gesturing at him to join you. This was such a bad idea that you internally face-palmed yourself at your unbelievable stupidity. You have been pining over your ex-boyfriend for months, and what do you do? Invite him to join you at a coffee shop and talk. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He approached your table, pulling out the chair on the opposite end of the booth to sit down in. "Hi Sirius," you spoke first, quiet, maybe timid, but friendly nonetheless. Your heart felt like it could explode out of your chest, and levels of heartbreak, sadness, and longing flooded to the surface, seeing him so close to you. Not to mention, he looked unwell, and you wanted nothing more than to embrace him like you would've done in the past. 
"Hi, Y/N," Sirius said, too. You both looked at each other for a second, a cloud of awkwardness and heartbreak in the air. He inhaled deeply, "How are you?" he offered up, breaking the silence. 
"I'm doing okay," you answered truthfully. "I've been busy with work and seeing my friends a lot," and there's the lie. You stared at a spreadsheet all day, and the only friends you'd seen frequently were Remus and James, who were Sirius's more friends than yours. 
"I'm happy to hear that," Sirius responded with a small smile. He paused for a second, thinking about his following words. "I heard from James that you've been dating again; I'm glad you're doing well," He spoke again, a forlorn look glazing over his brown eyes. His lips wore a neutral smile, but his eyes told a different story. Upon hearing these words, your heart dropped into your lower stomach. I'm going to kill him, you thought. James was so in for it. The worst part was you weren't even dating Jean anymore. You weren't ever dating him; he was just a fling and a distraction. 
You needed to figure out how to correct this vital error. Clearly, Sirius had gotten the wrong impression about your dating life from James, that bastard. Despite your frustration, after thinking about it, you didn't know there was a use in correcting the error. After all, despite how pathetic and in love you were with Sirius, he was still in Glasgow. "Thanks, Sirius, I appreciate it," you opted to respond to his comment after thinking about your situation. "How are you?" you asked. Despite his interesting appearance, you had hoped he wasn't terrible. 
"I'm okay. I'm moving back to London soon, though," he smiled. Oh no. You swore you felt your heart drop on the floor. When you convinced yourself that this relationship was forever out of your grasp, he dropped this bomb on you.
"Oh! Really?" You ask with an empty, fake smile, though you were admittedly surprised by this confession. "I suppose it will be nice to be closer to James and Remus again!" You added. You hoped he thought it would be nice to be closer to you again, too, but he officially thought you were dating someone else, and it felt too late into the conversation to reverse back on the error. It would be both confusing and humiliating to admit you had gone on with the lie. 
He nodded. "The lead singer was on leave because he had a baby; even though he listed it as indefinite, he decided to start working again," Sirius answered honestly, explaining the situation to you. You swear you could feel your heart snap into a million little pieces. You and Sirius had broken up believing this job arrangement was permanent, but now it felt like all your heartbreak was for nothing. 
"I see. What are you gonna do in London?" you asked, trying to convince yourself he might get tied down to another band. That way, the heartbreak would feel a lot less awful. 
"I'm going solo," Sirius told you. His typical confident demeanor was shredded; he was excited, but his words left enough room for you to tell he was looking for your approval. 
"Congratulations, Sirius. I'm really happy for you," you said. You were happy for him; this had always been his dream, but it was easier to break into the music scene in a group. However, this was probably the worst situation for mending your heart. If Sirius was solo, he wasn't tied to a band or their touring schedule. If he didn't think you were dating Jean, it would be entirely possible for you guys to rekindle your relationship. You felt like going to the Eiffel Tower solely to climb it and throw yourself off. 
You took a deep breath, desperately needing to escape the situation and think. "I have to get going," you blurted awkwardly and rashly. "I have to go back to the office; my lunch break is over," you added in a quieter, more normal-sounding voice. You hoped Sirius would ignore that it was 10 a.m. and nowhere near lunchtime. It was a pathetic, poorly thought-out lie in an attempt to escape. 
"Oh, well, it was nice talking to you. See you around!" Sirius responded, clearly taken aback by your sudden departure. If you didn't feel like you were going to vomit up your breakfast, you would've felt bad, as he clearly thought you were desperate to ditch him. You were, not because you hated him, but because you still loved him. 
You nodded, quickly packed up your belongings, waved goodbye, and bolted out of the coffee shop, nearly tripping over your shoes on the way out. It was so embarrassing. You opened your group chat with Remus and James, sending a single text, "Traitors!" 
James' reply was a single emoji with their tongue sticking out.
♡ ♡ ♡
You had been back in London for a week, and after multiple texts from now-apologetic James and Remus, who had been apologetic from the start, you agreed to meet them again at the bar to talk. You were honestly still a bit upset. Knowing that there was now a possibility of getting back together with Sirius, which you had subsequently squashed, had reopened deep sadness. 
You entered the bar, immediately spotting James and Remus at your usual table. You sat down with a small smile; they were still your friends, and you waited for an explanation. 
Immediately as you sat down in the booth, James blurted out, "I'm sorry!" You nodded but raised your eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. "Please forgive me. I promise I thought you were dating Jean, and Sirius asked about you. I couldn't leave him hanging; he's my best friend." James blurted out the information rapidly, clearly apologetic and anxious.
However, there was only one piece of information that you immediately narrowed down on. "Wait, Sirius was asking about me?" you asked, shocked and slightly shaken. Here, you thought you were the pathetic ex-girlfriend hounding details out of James and Remus, but maybe, just maybe, Sirius was the pathetic ex-boyfriend, too. 
Remus responded with a snort, "Please, Sirius has been asking us about you nearly every day for the past three months!" James nods hurriedly, clearly trying to appease your worries. 
"And you didn't tell me?" you ask, a twinge frustrated—scratch that, a lot frustrated. You'd been ranting to them for months about how heartbroken and sad you were, only to discover that Sirius was equally upset.
"Well, we didn't know if he'd be returning either. We thought we were being good friends hearing you guys out. We didn't want either of you to know about the other in case Sirius stayed in Glasgow," Remus explained, his words coming out quickly. 
You nodded in response. Although you were frustrated, Remus's and James's explanations made sense. Honestly, you felt terrible dumping all that responsibility on them. 
"Well, we have to go. Bye!" James said, grabbing Remus' arm and running out of the bar. You gaped in response, shocked by how quickly they tried to run off. Their mannerisms made no sense until you saw a familiar face for the first time since Paris: Sirius. 
He looked shocked to see you approaching the table you sat at. "Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?" That seemed like something you should ask him. 
"I just met up with James and Remus," you replied sheepishly. You didn't know if he knew about your continued meetings. And you hoped he didn't know that you had been milking them for information about his life in Glasgow. 
"Oh, they told me to meet them here," Sirius said. "I wonder if they decided to switch locations. I can go to meet them," he continued, using his thumbs to point towards the door and indicate his departure. 
You think you both knew that James and Remus had planned this. However, you also knew that Sirius was likely being nice and didn't want to make you uncomfortable since he was under the impression that you were dating Jean. 
When Sirius started to retreat, you saw his broad, tall figure walk out the bar's doors, a bell dinging as he left, and you knew you couldn't sit back. You couldn't let the man you love get away from you again. Knowing you could've done something to stop it, you couldn't deal with another heartbreak. 
You hopped up from the bar stool, running after Sirius's figure until you reached him two blocks away, in front of a brick alleyway. "Sirius, wait!" you nearly pant, clearly out of shape, reaching out to clutch his wrist. He turned around to face you, looking dejected. "I'm not seeing Jean," you blurted out–still out of breath–a rare moment of vulnerability. You wanted to smack your hand over your mouth. "He was just someone, something, to get my mind off you for a while." You felt like you needed a muzzle right now. 
His expression shifted from sadness to surprise but then again to emotions you couldn't put your finger on. “Y/N…” He began, but you quickly cut him off. 
"Please, I know I messed up," you admitted quietly. You were embarrassed. "I should've been honest with you. I should've told you I missed you and had been honest with you, but I didn't know if you would ever return. So I resorted to playing a game of telephone with James and Remus. I should've just asked you how you were doing." 
He looked bashful for a second, an emotion you didn't usually see on Sirius. "Well, you weren't the only one playing the game telephone. I kind of, maybe, told James and Remus to continue meeting with you so I knew what was happening in your life." He pauses for a second, trying to figure out how to continue. "And for the record, you didn't mess up seeing Jean; we were broken up, and you had every right to move on. I just selfishly wished you had been waiting for me."
You laugh at his confession. You should've known James, and Remus wouldn't have continued to update you without telling Sirius information, too. After all, he was their friend first. "I should've known they would sell me out to you and that they wouldn't be the most reliable relayers of my life." You sucked in a quick breath, "I wish I had waited for you, too; I just didn't know if you were ever coming home." If you weren't embarrassing yourself enough, you suddenly said, "I never stopped loving you."
A vast silence washed over the two of you for a moment, your sudden confession hanging over your heads like a ripe fruit from a tree, desperate to be desired. Then, Sirius reached out to cup your cheeks, both rosy from the cold air and the heat of your confession. His eyes searched yours before he spoke. "I never stopped loving you either," he admitted. 
A surge of relief flooded your system, along with bone-deep golden joy. You didn't let another moment pass before you wrapped him in a tight embrace, your head falling under his chin. He allowed a burst of happy, surprised laughter to escape his lips before wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. When you held each other, all the misunderstandings and doubts between you two melted away, replaced by love and closeness. You never wanted to let go of him again. 
After a moment, he pulled away, "You could've just told me you missed me, dollface." Although you felt touched, he had so quickly re-adopted your old nickname, you punched his arm nonetheless. 
"Shut up," you murmured, leaning upwards to envelop his lips in a gentle, soft kiss. When he smiled against your lips, you hoped you two could stay like that forever. 
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bruisedboys · 1 year
sirius would always take the teasing shy!reader too far, till she’s slammed the door behind her and he’s on the other side like a little puppy
yeah 😭 he riles you up and then gets all pouty when you hide from him. I hate him (no I don’t)
shy!fem!reader 0.6k words
“Darling,” Sirius whines, fist banging on the door. “Open up.”
You don’t say anything. You’re annoyed at him. He’s been teasing you all afternoon and maybe it’s your fault for getting so flustered but he just wouldn’t stop. It was all too much and now you’ve locked yourself in his bedroom.
“Y/N, please,” Sirius begs, taking your silence in his stride. “I promise I’ll stop now, really.”
Somehow you don’t think that’s true. Somehow you think he’ll leave you be for the rest of the day and then go right back to his teasing self tomorrow.
“No,” you say quietly, not sure he can ever hear you through the door. “Leave me alone.”
Sirius groans dramatically and you think you hear his forehead thump on the door. You try not to smile at his dramatics. You fail and end up smiling anyway. You’re lucky he can’t see you, he’d poke fun for sure.
It’s not that you don’t like the teasing. It’s that you do like it. A bit too much. It makes your skin all tingly and your heart go berserk and you can’t stand him, you swear. You’d let him do it more if you thought you could handle it. You want him to do it more but you can’t handle it.
“Honeybee,” comes Sirius voice again, much quieter this time. Softer. “I’m really sorry.”
He’s buttering you up, you know, and it’s working. The pet names, the soft tone he only ever uses with you. The apology that really, he shouldn’t have to give. It makes you want to wrench the door open and kiss him on his pretty mouth.
Instead you turn the lock and open the door very slowly. Sirius straightens where he’d been moping with his forehead on the door. You open it just wide enough so he can see you.
“Sweetheart,” he says, looking one part sorry and two parts relieved. You’d think he’d kicked your dog, the way he’s looking at you. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head. “It’s okay,” you say softly. “I, um. I’m sorry. I just got …” Flustered. Shy. Sick with love.
Sirius nods vigorously. You know he can hear the words you’re not saying. “I know. And I’m sorry.”
You smile despite yourself. “Stop saying sorry. S’not your fault.”
“No, but it is,” Sirius says, insistent. “I know I take it too far sometimes. It’s mean.”
He’s undoing you with his gentle apology. So, really, it’s his fault when you blurt, “Who says I don’t like mean?”
Sirius’ eyes go wide as saucers. “What?”
Now you’ve really put your foot in it. You duck your head and stare at the floor so you don’t have to look at him. Wishing it would swallow you up. “Um,” you say.
Sirius laughs, loud and startling. “Darling,” he says through his ridiculously delighted fit of laughter, his tone near chiding.
You grumble at the floor, refusing to look at him because you know he’ll make you smile as soon as you do. You don’t want to smile. You’re embarrassed.
It takes him a while to stop laughing. It fills your ears and creeps into your chest and vibrates around your heart. You enjoy it more than you should. Especially since he’s totally laughing at you. When he’s finally done he steps into your space and hooks a finger under your chin.
“Look at me, will you?” He asks softly, smile evident in his voice. It’s more of a plea than a question. You really can’t not do what he’s asking.
You look up. Sirius beams.
“There’s my lovely girl,” he says, dripping in a fondness that almost has you shutting the door in his face again. “My lovely shy girl.”
You want to duck your head again but he’s got his fingers around your jaw, stopping you from moving.
“Can I have a hug?” He asks softly, all puppy eyes and pouting lips, and you hate him, you swear.
You let him have one anyway.
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ginevrapng · 9 months
"did sirius black just wink at you?"
no. you're trying to pretend he didn't at least, this is the second time so far this term sirius has winked at you and he smirks at you whenever you accidentally makes eye contact.
sirius black cannot like you, he just can't. he likes loud, confident, thin, conventionally attractive girls, he does not go for girls like you. black dates 'hot' girls like marlene mckinnon, not you.
not a girl like you, soft, cute, round.
black cannot like you, he likes someone who's like him, a gryffindor, popular, likeable, approachable, someone with the same friends. someone who he can walk next to in the corridor as he can sling his arm around their shoulder with zero shame.
that's why sirius black cannot like you. you're not his type and at this point you're getting annoyed with his constant fucking around with you.
you pretend you've never shown much interest in him before. you don't talk to him in class and don't talk to him in general, you pretend to think his jokes are immature and his hair is ridiculous and everyone believes you, apart from the man himself. you scoff and roll your eyes at the snarky remarks made in class towards the teachers although you hide your mouth behind your hand and slightly smile, you bite your lip trying to stop giggling, you pretend you want to support your house and watch all the quidditch matches but the only reason you attend every single game is to watch sirius play.
sirius black is smarter than people believe him to be, he knows that it's all an act that you put up. and he loves it.
he loves the way you turn your head away from the door every time he walks into class late. he loves to hear you stifle your giggling as you see the latest prank he's pulled like snape walking around with bright green hair. he loves the big jumpers you wear when you always pull your sleeves down so they cover your hands. he loves the way your chubby cheeks become more prominent on your face as you're talking carefree to your friends.
"black did not wink at me, he probably doesn't even know my name. i'm not his type."
you're sitting in the courtyard and you're pretending you haven't noticed the marauders. you want to read to get some work done but the library is too cold and your common room is too crowded. you try and focus on your essay but not only are the marauders near you, a couple of your friends are distracting you too.
one of your friends is bending down to your eye level, blocking out the sun while complaining that you're wasting the day, your other friend being just as melodramatic waving their hands about complaining about something you're paying zero attention to.
in the corner of your eye you see james potter laying on the ground fiddling with a golden snitch, which you think is strange because though you go to the gryffindor games to watch sirius you do know that james is a chaser. remus lupin's reading a muggle book and is somehow being able to ignore his mates chattering. peter pettigrew has his hand stuck in a can of something that he's trying to shake out off while sirius is snickering at him.
thinking you've looked at him long enough for it to start becoming suspicious you turn your full attention back to your essay.
"oi, black's looking at you again." your friend shouted to you in a whisper.
"no he's not," you hiss back not looking up.
"yes he is!" came from both of your friends.
"i'm not his type guys," you reply getting exasperated, feeling like you've had this exact conversation so many times by now.
"who says?"
you freeze, knowing that voice, having dreams about that voice. finally you look up from your essay to see sirius smirking from behind you having heard your conversation. your two friends have the biggest grins on their face, i told you so grins.
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cyripticchronicler · 3 months
Love Potions and Unspoken Desires - Sirius Black
A mishap with Amortentia has you and Sirius head over heels for each other. Except, your feelings are genuine. But what is his were too?
A/N: I haven't posted in forever and I'm so sorry! I've been busy with school and have been studying a lot. I'm really proud of this one shot though and I hope everyone likes it!! If there are any errors or constructive criticism you want to give please tell me <3
Warnings: Slight mentions of abuse, kissing
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The torch-lit halls guide your way as you walk towards Potions, mind racing at the mere thought of the lesson. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable, trying your best to keep your back straight. 
They slump as soon as you enter the room.
“You’re late,” Professor Slughorn announces loudly causing your cheeks to heat. Everyone's heads whipped around to face you and you prayed to Merlin the ground would swallow you up whole. 
You clear your throat so your voice doesn't come out scratchy, “Sorry, Professor. I was helping out in Transfiguration.”
He nods in dismissal and you take that as your queue to find a seat, eyes scanning the crowded room for an empty spot. Your eyes land on the only free seat next to Sirius Black and you tense.  You can barely be in the same room as him and now you're going to have to sit next to you? Merlin, you wish this day was over. 
And he looks so pretty today too. His hair was freshly washed, Gryffindor tie slung loosely around his neck, and shirt sleeves pulled up to his elbows. 
A pointed cough snaps you out of your thoughts and you hurry towards the seat, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
You’re pretty sure everyone just saw you check out Sirius Black. 
Could this day get any worse?
Turns out it could. 
You go to chuck your bag underneath the table but miss by a long shot, the bottom of your school bag hitting Sirius in the face, causing him to let out a surprised groan. Some people behind you let out a laugh and you squeeze your eyes shut, kicking your bag underneath the table and sitting in your seat. 
You barely make eye contact before you look away, muttering a hushed ‘sorry’ and attempting to catch up on the notes you missed. 
“Today we’re making Amortentia. Can someone tell me what this is?” At the lack of answers, he turns to you with a pointed look.
You raise your hand nervously. “It’s the most potent love potion. When consumed it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker towards the person who administered the potion. it does not create genuine love; rather, it amplifies preexisting feelings or creates an artificial attraction.”
“Very good. Five points to Gryffindor.”
You nod your head awkwardly and look back down at your notes. 
“Write down the ingredients and instructions and then get started. You’re going to be working with the people next to you.”
You tense up, head snapping up. Sirius chuckles next to you and you turn to face him. 
“Looks like we’re working together, Love. I’ll go get the ingredients.”
You nod your head awkwardly, too shocked to respond. Did he just call you love? Are you okay?
Your cheeks heat and you groan internally at yourself. Stop blushing you dipshit. 
Attempting to distract yourself, you make quick work of cleaning the workspace, spotting Sirius talking to James and Remus out of the corner of your eye. James smacks Sirius’ back, whispering something that causes Remus to shake his head and Sirius to grin. 
He comes back a minute later, ingredients in hand. 
“You seem to know a lot about this potion, you ever used it on someone?” He smirks teasingly causing your cheeks to flush. “No,” You mutter quietly, “I just like making potions.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, eyes searching your face. You look away quickly, his stare burning your face as you pour some ingredients into the cauldron. 
You continue the work in comfortable - for him at least- silence, working with him easier than ever. 
You were finished in no time, grinning in triumph as you tried not to breathe in the strong smell. 
“Well done you too! Grab a vile and bottle some up why don't you.” Professor Slughorn smiles, hurrying off to another table whose cauldron is smoking. 
“Good job, love. I might have to work with you more,” Sirius flirts and you jerk in surprise, hand flying back and knocking the vile that he was holding with your own, Amortentia effectively spilling over you both. 
His eyes grow dilated in seconds and you assume yours do the same, heart thumping and palms sweating as you stare up at him with heart eyes. 
“I-I'm so sorry.” You force out, too focused on how he looked at you like you hung the moon. 
“For?” He questions, seemingly in a daze. He looks down at his shirt and grins. “Right, it’s no problem, Love. You can do nothing wrong in my eyes.” He flirts and you go back to respond but are successfully cut off by James. 
“Sirius! You’re in deep shit, man.” He laughs, slapping him on the back. You track the hand, wishing it was yours instead.
Sirius doesn’t respond, too busy grinning at you. Merlin, this potion is good.
“Dear, dear.” Professor Slughorn mutters as he comes to inspect the chaos. “Right, it will wear off soon. You’re just going to be partially in love with each other for a bit.”
Sirius grins, “I am in love with her-” James cuts him off with a hand on the shoulder, dragging him towards the door. “I’ll just keep him away until the potion wears off-”
“The class isn’t over-” Professor Slughorn protests but James is already gone. You frown in disappointment, already missing Sirius. 
It was a few hours later, the potion's effects still thrumming through your blood, your infatuation for him stronger than ever. You were distracted the whole day, mind always seeming to stray away to thoughts of Sirius. How pretty he looked, how he’d let you put his hair up, maybe even braid it, how he’d smile at you. He’d probably be great in bed too- 
“You’re doing it again.” Lily mutters, face scrunched up in disgust and you groan in shame. “It’s like my feelings for him have been amplified by 100. It’s amazing but unbearable at the same time.”
She grabs your hand in comfort, grabbing the mashed potatoes with her other hand and piling them onto her plate. You’re in the Great Hall for dinner, loud chattering filling the crowded space. From just a few feet away Sirius and his friends sit and if you listen hard enough you can hear James’ obnoxious laugh. 
“I'm sure the potion will wear off soon,” Alice reassures from beside you, grinning at you in hopes of making you feel better.
You shake your head in disagreement. “It’s only been two hours and these potions can last for days.”
“We just have to keep you away from him. How hard can that be?”
Very hard, you realise, eyes widening at the sight of Sirius Black stalking towards you, encouraged by the jeering of his friends. 
“Hello, Love.” He smiles, eyes soft as he admires your face. You sigh, chin resting on your hand, too distracted by his beauty to respond. He seems too distracted by your beauty to call you out on your silence.
“Fucking hell,” Lily whispers from somewhere behind you but you pay her no mind, continuing to smile at Sirius as he does the same. 
A loud laugh from James who still sits at the table, snaps him out of his daze, “W-would you want to have breakfast with me tomorrow?”
You nod immediately, smile blinding, probably losing a few brain cells from how intensely you were nodding. 
He flashes his pearly whites, “Great! I’ll meet you in the common room at seven?” He questions and you nod, too distracted by this freckle you just spotted right underneath his eye. He doesn’t make a move to go, eyes tracing your jawline slowly. 
“Okay!” You jump at Lily’s hands on your shoulders, slowly dragging you out of the hall. “Time to say goodbye.” You and Sirius both frown. “Don’t be like that, you’ll see each other tomorrow.” She grabs your arm and waves it back and forth, “Now say bye-bye.”
“Bye,” You whisper, cheeks flushing. “Bye, Love.” He mutters back. 
“Why did today of all days be the day nothing turned out properly!” You whine, head falling in defeat onto your folded arms that rest on your dresser, abandoned mascara bottle hanging loosely in your hand. 
Lily coos softly from behind you, distracted by getting dressed. “Sweetheart, you look amazing. You’re not having a bad eyelash day and your hair looks great! Sirius is going to fall to his knees when he sees you.”
You look up from your arms slowly, meeting Lily’s eyes in the mirror, “You think?” You question hopefully. She nods. “And my eyelashes look okay?” She nods again and you smile softly. “Thank you,” You stand up, moving to get dressed. “I don’t even know why I care so much, it’s just breakfast. I swear this love potion is making me go crazy.”
“Sure, it’s the ‘love potion’ that’s making you go crazy,” Lily mutters sarcastically from behind you but you’re too busy daydreaming about Sirius’ eyes to notice. 
“Hello.” You mutter, successfully gaining Sirius’ attention as he turns to face you. He’s dressed in his uniform but he’s obviously tried to tidy it up a little bit. His usually loose tie wrapped tightly around his neck, his white t-shirt tucked into his freshly ironed slacks. “You look nice today, but-” You walk over, hand gripping his tie and losing it. “That’s better.”
You notice a faint blush on his cheeks and grin. “Thank you, love. So do you. Are you ready for breakfast?” 
You nod you both start walking to the hall together, his hand brushing yours slightly. You take in a deep breath for confidence, trying to calm your racing heart as you link your fingers through his. 
He doesn't pull away. 
You make it into the hall a few minutes later, taking a seat beside Sirius. James attempts to sit across from us but one look from Sirius sends him sitting at the end of the table beside Remus, a pout on his lips. 
“You didn't have to send him away,” You mutter, feeling bad. 
“He’ll live. Besides, I wanted to spend time with you.” Sirius states, causing you to blush. He grabs your plate, piling it with the stuff you get every morning before handing it back to you.
“How do you know what I eat for breakfast?” You question, face scrunched in confusion. Sirius pauses his movements of piling his own plate, cheeks tinted pink. “I-I guess the potion has made me more aware of what you eat.”
“Yeah, but the incident happened after breakfast yesterday.”
He shrugs, “Huh, I don’t know then.”
“Have you-”
“Do you like to read? There's this really pretty bookstore that just opened up in Hogsmeade. Maybe we can go after breakfast? Get some butter beer too?”
You decide to let it go, “Yeah, I’d love to go. I’ve been meaning to get some more books to read, too.”
He grins, eyes sparkling in delight as he stares into your eyes, “Great! It’s a date.”
“I don’t believe you!” You laugh, knocking your shoulder against Sirius’, hands linked as you make your way down the snowy path to Hogsmeade.
“It’s true!” Sirius insists, pulling you closer, nose red from the cold. He looks so pretty, you think. If only his feelings for you were true. 
“And Euphemia let you stay after that? She must have a heart of gold.” You tease playfulling, relishing in his laugh that warms your insides. 
“Oh she does, I owe her my life.” Before you can question him he’s pulling you towards The Three Broomsticks. “Now c’mon, let's get you a butterbeer before you freeze to death.”
You comply, following him into the warm building, the quiet talks of chatter greeting you as Sirius leads you to a table in the corner. 
“So,” He begins, leaning forward for suspense. “Tell me something that you’ve told no one else.”
You impulsively grab his hand, letting it warm up your cold one. He doesn't mention it as you speak, “Um, in first year I once walked in on The Grey Lady and The Bloody Baron trying to ‘get it on.’ I was too traumatized to tell anyone.”
He stares at you, shellshocked. “Well- That’s certainly not what I was expecting. Is that even possible?”
You chuckle quietly at his shocked impression, “No, actually. They kept on going through each other. It was horrible to watch.”
“Your poor eyes,” He winces in sympathy, squeezing your hand tightly. 
“It’s still engraved in my mind. It’s put me off kissing ever since.”
He freezes slightly. “So you haven't kissed anyone?” He questions quietly, eyes shining in delight. Your cheeks flush, “No.”
He takes in a breath, leaning forward and you instinctively do the same until your noses are brushing. “So if I were to kiss you right now, I’d be the first one to ever touch these precious lips?” You nod and his eyes squeeze shut. 
“Fuck.” He mutters under his breath. “Can I-”
“Here are your two butterbeers.” You jerk back at the unexpected voice, watching as Sirius does the same. “T-thank you,” You mutter to the waitress who is already gone, taking a big gulp of your butterbeer in the hope of cooling down your flushed body. 
You sit in silence until it gets too awkward for you and you attempt to start a conversation, “We’re still going to the bookstore after this, right?”
He jumps, not expecting you to speak before he breaks out into a relaxed grin. “Of course, Love. I’m not much of a reader but I know you are.”
“Oh, that’s sweet. If you don’t want to go then we can just head back-” “I want to go. I want to spend time with you.”
“Oh.” You curse internally. You’ve already said ‘Oh.’ “Thank you? Yeah, thank you.” He laughs, “Don’t thank me, love.”
You flush, “Sorry-” “And don't say sorry either.”
You nod, “Sorry- I mean, shit.” He laughs at your ramble causing your cheeks to go bright red. You attempt to turn the conversation around, “What do you mean you owe Euphemia your life?” He visibly tenses and you curse. Fucking idiot.
“You don’t have to- That was rude-” He links your fingers together, placing them on the table and successfully cutting you off. 
“It’s okay. I trust you, love.” He grins but it seems fake. “My parents and I never got along, and after I joined Gryfindor things started getting worse. Whenever they got violent I went to James and Euphemia would take care of me. My family successfully kicked me out last summer and I’ve been living with James ever since.” He falls quiet and you squeeze his hand. 
“I’m sorry-” You cut yourself off at his glare. “I hope you’re okay.”
He manages a grin, a true one this time. “I’m okay, especially with you.” He teases causing your cheeks to flush. 
“That’ll change once the potion wears off,” You attempt to joke but Sirius is silent. “Yeah…”
“Want to go check out the bookstore?” You grasp at any shred of confidence. 
Sirius practically jumps out of his seat, taking you with him. “Let’s go.”
“I had fun tonight.” You state, awkwardly standing by the steps that will lead you to your dorm. Sirius stalks closer towards you. 
“I did too,” He grins, diamonds in his eyes as he brushes your hair behind your ear before cradling your cheek gently. “Remember to tell me what you thought of that book,” He shrugs down at the book in your hand, unable to keep his eyes off you.
“Yeah. I should go…” You make no move to leave and Sirius makes no move to remove his hand from your cheek. 
“You should,” He whispers, eyes trained on your lips, swollen from how many times you’ve bitten it out of nervousness. 
And then his lips are on yours. 
And then you're kissing him back. 
And your back is against the wall, his tongue pushes into your mouth, and he’s holding your waist. You can't breathe and you're scratching your nails down his shirt-clad back until he groans against your mouth in pleasure. 
And then you’re pulling away. “Stop,” You whisper against his lips.
He stops immediately, taking a few steps away from you, “I-I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.” His lips are swollen and wet and you want nothing more than to kiss him again.
But you can't.
“No, I’m sorry.” You hide your face in your hands, back against the wall. “I-I should’ve said no to the date. I just- I wanted so badly for your feelings to be real. That you’d actually like me but it’s not fair on you. And I’m sorry.”
He looks at you like you’ve grown another head. “I do like you.”
You shake your head, “Sirius-” “I do! I’ve liked you for years. I’ve been wanting to tell you but you just make me so nervous-” “Sirius-”
“C’mon, listen to me-” “This is the potion!” 
“The potion wore off hours ago and you know it!”
You slump against the wall in defeat, legs against your chest as you look away from him. You know he’s right. The once amplified feelings you had for him are more sane and you no longer feel like you’d kill every single person who so much as looked at him the wrong way. 
“You can’t like me back. I don’t believe you.”
He crouches down in front of you, hands shaking as he reaches to touch your knee. “Why don’t you believe me, my love?” He questions, his voice much quieter than it was before.
“Because you’re Sirius Black,” You whisper like it explains everything. And it does. He’s Sirius Black, the golden boy who could have anyone he wanted.
“And you’re you. If anything I don’t deserve you. You’re smart, beautiful, way out of my league.” You open your mouth to protest but he cuts you off. “But I’m going to work every day to be the man you deserve because I want you. So badly it hurts.”
“I want you too,” You mutter shyly, you look into his eyes that still look at you like you’ve hung the moon. 
“Aw my love,” He pulls you closer, breath fanning your cheek. “You’ve had me for a long time.”
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remusluvr · 11 months
words i used | sirius black
summary: Sirius learns the consequences of treating people he loves bad. content: angst, fighting, crying, one use of y/n note: part 2 - do i wanna know? (sirius black)
You knew from the beginning that this relationship was not one made to last. Sirius wasn't the relationship type. Yet, you let yourself get excited anyway. You let yourself get excited over when he'd hold your hand in the hallway, and sit next to you during meals, and go out of his way to hang out with you when there were other things he could be doing.
But with excitement comes disappointment. Disappointment when you see him flirting with another girl in the hallway or when you'd catch him hanging out with his friends while you were supposed to be together. There was always a counteract that threw you off. Did you mean anything to him?
The final straw was seeing him pressing some sixth-year against the wall during a party, lips attached to hers. It's like any and all hope was drained from your body, leaving you feeling unusually empty. Even walking out of the common room was a feat.
And the trek to find somewhere private was even harder of a journey. Slinking down against some wall in some abandoned hallway, you can't fight off the burning feeling in your throat anymore. You bring your knees to your chest and cry. He was never yours but you really hoped that maybe one day he could be.
It hurts too much to put any more effort into the dead-end of your relationship. By the time you finally will yourself to pull things together, your eyes are puffy and red. You don't want anyone to know. It's embarrassing. Especially when everyone had warned you not to get your hopes up but you brushed them off, blinded by the boy.
Sometimes, you'd have sleepovers where he would hold you close and run his fingers through your hair whilst you talked quietly. He would tell you how much he liked you and wanted to be with you. But it was never real. Just another check on his never-ending journey to make out with every girl in school.
It feels like a completely different world when you wake up the next morning. You wouldn't say that the world is brighter or duller, just different. It's like you have been forced to finally open your eyes and see things for how they are.
Breakfast is the first noticeable change. He comes in late, taking his unassigned-assigned seat next to you.
"Good morning," he smiles, plucking a piece of toast from the pile. You hum from your position next to him, not turning to look at him. You chew on your lip and he swats at it like usual, telling you to knock it off but you can't. You can't be around him.
If the bench below you was able to move, it would be halfway across the room with the way you stood up so abruptly.
"What's wrong?"
"I just, god-" you cut yourself off. He doesn't deserve an explanation so you storm out, leaving him even more confused. Sirius wants to follow and beg you to tell him why you're upset with him but he's never seen you this way before. He's not sure what you need him to do, if you need him at all.
He's sure that something is very wrong when you don't show up to class, one that you sit together in. Racking his brain, he's trying to figure out exactly what caused you to turn so cold to him out of nowhere. There's not much work being done in McGonagall's today as the only thing on his parchment is a list of things that could've upset you.
You're hidden away in a secret alcove that Sirius had shown you. Maybe it's not the best place to go when you're trying to get over him but it's the only place you know that the teachers won't be able to find you. This used to be one of your favorite places to go. Sometimes you and Sirius would sneak off here to make out at random times throughout the school day.
The memory of his hands tangling themselves into your hair as he pulls you closer onto his lap floods your mind. It's cruel. He was never officially yours but for a little while you could have your fantasy that he was.
Sirius isn't stupid, maybe it takes him a little longer to come to conclusions on things but he's not an idiot. Well, not a total idiot. His list of things he's written just keeps going and even if he can't pinpoint the exact reason for why you're mad at him, he has several that showcase how bad of a friend he is. He makes it his mission to fix whatever is wrong.
"(Y/N)-" he starts when he sees you passing by in the hallway. You glance over with a thin, tight-lipped smile on your face as he gets cut off.
"Sirius! I had fun last night, I was thinking that maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?" a random girl interrupts, driving the knife further into your heart. His face and your face fall as he turns to the girl.
"Oh, uh no," he states rather bluntly, following after your figure with his eyes before trying to catch up with you. He has to shove through the crowded hallway so that he doesn't lose you.
And when he finally does catch up to you, he grabs your shoulder and pulls you off to the side. Your breathing is heavier than usual and he realizes you were really trying to get away from him.
"What?" you grit, anger evident in your voice. You're blinking more than usual to try and keep the tears from falling and he's not sure what to say. "Don't you have better things to do with your time? Things that don't involve leading me on and then making out with someone else?"
"I'm sorry," is the only thing he comes up with. You laugh at him because that's all he can say. He looks like a hurt puppy as you rub your hands over your eyes. He doesn't get to be the hurt one in this situation.
"I tried, Sirius. I don't understand what else I can do to make you like me. Do any of those girls mean anything to you? Was I just one of them?" you spit. His gaze is fixed on the ground and you know you'll never get anywhere. He doesn't care. "I can't be around you anymore. I can't look at you."
"Please," he mumbles, "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I act like this. I like you so much. I shouldn't have made out with her or anyone else when I knew all I want is you. It's like I only know how to ruin things for myself."
"D-don't turn yourself into the victim here. That's not fair. You hurt me and you're trying to make me feel bad for you. It's not hard to not make me look like a fool. All you had to do was not go after other girls. Did you think I never noticed until now? Maybe I didn't see all of them but I saw too many for it to be a one-off thing."
"I'm sorry, really. I want to be with you but that scares me. Will you please give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me? I want you to be my girlfriend."
It's the words you want to hear but the circumstance is wrong. Why couldn't he have realized this before? Why did he have to make you feel so shitty?
"I can't, Sirius. None of your words mean anything to me when you go and do the opposite almost immediately. I know you'll make someone really happy one day, but it won't be me. I can't put myself through this again."
"No, please. Let me prove it to you," his words fall on deaf ears as you walk away. Staying any longer would just increase his chances of you saying 'yes.' And he doesn't get to recover that easily. Your hands are shaking and your body aches. "Please."
part 2 - do i wanna know? (sirius black)
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rotten1angel · 5 months
slytherin sweetheart. / s. black
sirius black x fem!malfoy!reader
5.7k words
summary — james and sirius see if sirius can break the slytherin ice queen’s shell for a prank – but it leads to much more.
authors note & warnings — borderline inspired by 10 things i hate about you, shit proofreading, underage drinking, forms of child neglect and abuse, lmk anything else!
(y/n) malfoy was an ice queen, a rich and powerful pureblood princess, older twin sister of lucius malfoy. because of that fact, the marauders, particularly james potter and sirius black thought to see whether sirius “the flirt” black could get her to swoon, to get you to swoon.
you walked through the halls, a permanent glare and wicked smile duo on your face as you walked in line with your brother. other slytherins walked behind you two, following like dogs behind the malfoy twins. building up to 6th year, your brother had built up a rather cruel reputation, and you always beside him, lumped you into said reputation. first and second years cowered at the sight of the two of you. and you also seemed to be a target of numerous pranks orchestrated by four gryffindors in your year.
those four gryffindors were now sneering at the gaggle of slytherins walking into the dining hall, including you and your brother.
“we gotta do something about them.” sirius starts, “all of our pranks don't seem to affect them.”
james forms a wicked grin as a practically visible lightbulb lights over his head. “make her swoon.” 
“huh?” is all that stutters out of sirius’s open mouth, “how am i ‘sposed to do that if she hates us?” sirius stares at the bespeckled boy, stating the obvious.
“stop your other dalliances,” earning a scoff from remus, “and focus only on (y/n),” james explains.
“it’ll annoy the shit outta malicious,” james’s nickname for lucius, “and then just leave.” 
a twinning grin makes its way to sirius’s face as peter shrinks into himself and remus sighs in disapproval, but when have they ever listened to him?
you practically hear hisses from your table right before feeling a body slide in next to yours on the bench. you turn your head, tossing your hair over your shoulder to find the outcasted black sitting beside you. you raise a single brow at him, a small scowl on your face.
“hey there, sweetheart.” you could feel lucius’ glare from across the table.
“don’t sweetheart me, black.” you respond, taking a sip of water from your goblet. 
“what are you doing here?” lucius’ cruel voice spits at the raven-haired boy.
“just trying to get to know your sister here, malicious.” you have to stifle the laugh creeping up from your chest at the nickname. your brother turns to glare at you as sirius’ lips quirk up at your show of humanity. 
“pick you up friday then?” sirius quips.
‘yeah, sure black.” you respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“i’ll be in the common room.” you say to your brother as you get up, fixing your already shortened skirt and leaving your half finished plate on the grand table as you walk past the curly haired boy, your walk as poised as ever. sirius leaves the slytherin table to prance back to his own, “phase one is in action.”
the next few days sirius smiles at you in your shared classes, offers to help you in potions (though you’re the one who ends up helping him), even offering to walk you to your classes and carry your books, all leading up to friday.
you do not know why he seems to like you all of a sudden, but it is nice to be liked.
friday arrives, classes are over, accompanied by all of sirius’ courting gestures. you’re getting ready with your dormmates, narcissa, who your brother has taken quite a liking to, and bellatrix, to go to a ravenclaw house party, and while it is a house party, plenty of ravenclaws had invited 90 percent of the 5th, 6th and 7th year students, so it was practically come one, come all. you had been putting on the finishing touches, some blood red dangly earrings and a matching necklace. adorned in those jewels and a black mini dress and black heels you headed down to the common room. a knock on the door interrupted the mingling in the slytherin common room, an unusual sound in the dungeons. narcissa moves to open the stone door, surprise coloring her face as she sees the rejected black. you climb the few steps to see what she's gaping at to see the same sight.
sirius black in a black button up, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. at the sight of you his eyes widen slightly before meeting your gaze.
“friday right?”
you gape at him, your dark red lipstick outlining your shock. you cast a glance back at narcissa, who has a teasing look in her eyes, not bothering to look at bella who has a fuming glare at her cousin. you sigh and push black back from the door before following him out, allowing narcissa to close the door behind you, she’ll join you at the party.
“what is this?” you whisper yell at him, though, you're not even near angry, maybe more embarrassment, if that. 
“told you i’d pick you up didn't i?” he sallies back at you. you roll your eyes at him before heading out of the dungeons and to ravenclaw tower. sirius follows behind you like a dutiful puppy before catching up to your poised stride. 
“you’re lucky it wasn't lucius opening that door, black.” you spare a glance at him as you go through the maze of moving staircases to ravenclaw tower.
“oh what's malicious gonna do?” you let your laugh ring out this time, a heavenly sound to the boy beside you.
“you really shouldn’t call him that,” you glance over at him again, “even if it's true.” 
you don't know what's come over you, your hardened, preserved, ‘ice-cold’ heart is being chipped away at by the boy beside you, why are you walking with him? laughing at his jokes about your brother?
you don't see the wondrous gaze sirius gives you when you look forward again, this time at the front of the ravenclaw door. sirius bares you the burden of knocking on the door as he does it himself. you can smell the firewhiskey breath of the boy who opens the door, ushering you and sirius in, eyes following hogwarts’ ‘ice-queen’ who’s arrived with sirius ‘the flirt’ black. 
the sconces and candles lighting the common room have been enchanted to flare blue and purple. drinks cover the tables and drunk bodies grind together in the center of the room.
“well, you picked me up and escorted me to the party, black. that’s more than most men get, i'll see you later.” you leave him, slightly disappointed, with a little wave of your fingers as you take a shot from the table and glide yourself into the sea of bodies.
the party carries on, narcissa and bellatrix arrive. narcissa makes her way to you, no doubt to question what sirius black was doing at the slytherin dungeons, and bellatrix follows her, casting a glare towards sirius.
andromeda, the only black relative who had not hated sirius arrives as well, on the arm of ted tonks, a muggleborn hufflepuff, to sirius’s knowledge. she makes her way to sirius, a curious quirk of her lips clues him in to how this conversation will go.
“so.. provoking even more pureblood families then your own, then, sirius?” she asks in a teasing tone. he scoffs out a laugh.
“‘spose so..” he trails off, his eyes finding your figure as you dance with narcissa, a begrudging bellatrix standing close to the two of you, clearly not wanting to be near any non-purebloods. 
“i hope you know what that’ll do to her.” andromeda says to him before walking off with ted on her arm, leaving a disoriented sirius reeling over his older cousin’s words. he feels a strong pat on his back, sending him jolting forward for a minute before turning to see james and remus. 
“so how’s the situation with miss ice queen coming along?” james asks, a grin on his lips. 
“oh— uh good.. good.” sirius responds, shaking himself out of the trance that andromeda’s comment had him in. remus lifts an eyebrow at him subtly but james steers the two over to the drink table before remus can say anything. 
eventually, james gets drunk enough to saunter his way over to lily evans to try and win her heart as he has tried since 1st year.
remus and sirius move to a back wall, but sirius still has a view of you, still only one shot in, still having a grand time with narcissa.
the two boys are silent for a long while and sirius’s eyes find you again, his gaze is sweet, his mind as far from the ‘prank’ this was supposed to be. 
“you like her.” remus states, snapping sirius out of his adoring trance.
“what?” sirius implores, whipping his head, curls slapping his face as he turns to look at the lanky boy. 
“have you thought about what you might do to her if you just leave her, as james said?” he questions the ravenette. 
“w.. well no..” sirius sputters.
“if she does fall for you and you leave her, you will break her heart.” he starts, “lucius knows you're courting her, which he will be able to tell that she has been heartbroken and likely tell his parents. do you understand that?” remus pushes.
sirius stays silent, he doesn't know what to say, or what he's even thinking.
“think about that.” remus states before giving sirius a pat on the shoulder before going to join marlene and mary at the drinks table. 
sirius leaves the party early after that, and your eyes watch as he goes. 
over the next few days, you and sirius grow closer, opting to sit with him in potions when he offers over your brother. which causes lucius to corner you afterwards, since it is the last lecture of the day. sirius casts you a glance before walking on with his mates.
“what is going on between you two?” his voice has no concern, only barely concealed rage in his hushed tone.
“n..nothing lucius, nothing.” he raises a brow at you, “i'm just having a bit of fun with him..”
“it better be that.” is all he says before he stormed off, a threat unspoken.
your face scrunches in his direction, he had always been on your side, or was it rather you had never deviated from his?
you pulled yourself together swiftly before heading to the dungeons to drop off your stuff. you pick back up only your potions things, stuffing them into a black messenger bag before heading to the black lake where you were supposed to meet sirius to study.
you stride over to where a mess of inky curls sits, a few feet from the lake. you plop your bag down before taking off your cloak, placing it down before sitting on top of it. 
“so.. what did your brother want?” sirius asks. 
not malicious? you thought.
“oh, nothing..” you say, an uncertain undertone in your voice, sirius picks up on it but doesn't pry. “let’s start with amortentia.”
sirius quirks his brow at you, to which you smile and scoff, “it's the first alphabetically, black.”
you both flip to the page in your potion books but sirius lays his on the ground and looks at you, as you are supposed to be testing him. “what are the ingredients to brew amortentia?”
he thinks for a minute, his eyes on the ground, before meeting your gaze again. “ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, powdered moonstone, peppermint, and pearl dust.” he recites them properly, causing a wistful smile to make its way to your face, “and what are the possible substitutions?”
“refined peppermint oil for peppermint, and mother of pearl for pearl dust,” he answers. a grin breaks out on your face that time, a sight sirius relishes in. you smack his arm lightly, “you know this stuff, black! why are you so clueless in potions?” you question him.
“well how can i focus with you next to me, sweetheart?” he asks as he breaks your gaze to look at the lake, he doesn't see the way you try to contain your smile or the way your cheeks flush. all he hears is your scoff. 
you close your potions book and set it on the grass next to you.
“so why ask me to help you study, if i distract you so much?” you tease him, and it gets his heart fluttering.
“well you're hard to get alone, (y/n).” 
your lips quirk upwards as he looks back to you. 
“james keeps saying how he’ll beat you into the dirt during the quidditch game this saturday, he’s even planned a party for his undetermined victory.” sirius voices.
“undetermined? so you do have some faith in me, sirius.” god, the way his name sounded from your lips. 
“if we do win, you’ll come to the party?” he asks, no, pleads. 
“so james can rub his win in my face, captain to captain?” you quip.
“for me.” he replies, rousing you to silence, the soft, pleading tone in his voice making your cheeks flush once again.
“I'll come.” you respond, sirius’s eyes widening slightly before a grin breaks out on his face. he then hears james and remus calling him from across the green and swiftly packs up his things and gets up.
“i’ll see you later, sweetheart.” he says before dipping down briefly to kiss your cheek and runs off to his mates, leaving you a flustered mess in peace. 
saturday came quick enough, and as the captain of the slytherin team, you bring your all, however when you hear sirius call your name you look up to see a bludger coming for you. thrown off, it hits the front of your broom, missing your body completely but snapping the front of your broom off and spinning it to the ground. you end up a little disheveled, but nothing broken. the game is called off since you have no stand-ins and gryffindor wins with the points they have. 
after the game you keep true to your promise to sirius and shower, getting ready for the gryffindor celebratory party. bellatrix eyes you from her bed, fury behind her dark eyes. narcissa and andromeda help you get ready, however, curling your hair for you and getting your jewelry out. you decide on a dark red long sleeve dress, fitting your body perfectly. black heeled boots and a black headband, along with your blood red earrings and necklace complete your look. you kiss andromeda and narcissa on the cheek, leaving lip prints on each of their faces before heading to gryffindor tower. 
you knock on the edge of the painting, careful not to mess with the fat lady, she ushers out a ‘thank you, dear’ before a younger boy, probably a 4th year, opens the door. 
“what do you want, snake?” you're thrown off by the comment, used to people being afraid to look in your direction, since when have you become soft enough for others to notice?
sirius shoves past the boy, knocking him into the wall as he grins down at you, you give him a small smile in return, “you came.”
“promised i would.” you respond as he offers his hand and you take it. he admires the red dress that adorns your figure.
“suitable dress for the house who won,” james saunters around the corner, already tipsy, “only by default.” you quip back at him, he’s definitely less hostile to you now, but whether that's from sirius’s attention or the alcohol, you couldn't say.
when you enter the common room, it's filled with boisterous laughter and celebration, and you can appreciate their enthusiasm. you find the drink table, mainly firewhiskey, a preferred favorite of the gryffindor house. you toss back a few shots, scalding your throat, hopefully to relieve some of the pain from your fall earlier. sirius looks at you with concern.
“i can have fun, black.” you shoot at him and he laughs, “of course, babe.”
your cheeks heat at the nickname, or the alcohol, but you feel your vision haze slightly already. a few more drinks in and you're dancing on the coffee table in front of the fire. gryffindors around you are cheering you on but sirius had lost you in the crowd, he looks for marlene, finding her back by the stairs with dorcas.
“you seen (y/n)?” he asks over the thunder of the crowd, she only points at you and his eyes widen, making her and dorcas laugh. He pushes through the sea of people to get to the edge of the coffee table.
as soon as he does he sees and hears you hit your head on the chandelier floating above you, it throws your drunk body off balance and you stumble until you fall right into him. thankfully, he’s nowhere near as drunk as you are and braces for impact before lifting you off the table and away from the crowd as they continue to carouse.
he sits you on the, thankfully, empty stairs, and marlene and dorcas leave you two be. you cradle your throbbing head in your hand as sirius pushes back the curled strands of your hair falling in your face. 
“you need to see madame pomfrey,” he states as you wince as he tries to examine the bump, thankfully no blood. 
“no, i’m.. i’m fine.” you falter, your head falling forward slightly but he holds it up.
“stay awake, (y/n).” you only hum in response. he helps you off the stairs, holding you up against his body.
“marlene bring some water to the boys dorms, please.” he shouts over the crowd but sees marlene nod at him and give a thumbs up. he ushers you up to the marauders dorm, placing you gently on his bed, making sure you’re sitting up right. you slouch over into him, your forehead against his chest as he examines the bump on your head more thoroughly. it doesn't look terrible but you did hit it pretty hard. he crouches down to be level with you, your eyes are closed and your jaw is slack, he slaps your face gently.
“hey, hey, (y/n), no, wake up. (y/n), open your eyes!” your eyes flutter open at his voice and you gaze up into his stormy ones. “hey… your eyes have a little blue in them..”
he laughs at your drunk mumble, “right you are, sweetheart.”
marlene comes in with two big glasses of water, placing them on the nightstand beside you and gazing over to you, “feel better, sweetie,” she says before leaving the two of you and closing the door.
you break your gaze to look over at the water on the nightstand and sirius catches your line of sight, grabbing the water and handing it to you. you take generous gulps before taking a breath of air, “water’s good.”
“yeah?” sirius asks you, tucking stray hairs behind your ear. his curiosity can't help but take over him, “why are you so.. closed off?” he utters the words before he can stop his lips.
you explain to him how your parents had conditioned you in the ways of a pureblood wife, silent, poised, cold. How they’d locked you in a closet if you’d talked back. How they conditioned you not to cry.
He knew exactly how you grew up, he grew up the same.
His hand moved from your hair to cradle your cheek. You glanced up at him, seeing the look of understanding and you understood too. 
“what a duo we are..” you mumble
“indeed.” he responds.
“i promise i'm here for you..” you mutter.
a comfortable silence overtakes the two of you, you gaze into his stormy eyes, deeper than you’d ever expected. you lean in gently and your eyes flutter close. your lips meet his for a brief second before he pulls back. your eyebrows scrunch as your eyes open again.
“another time..” he mutters out. you back away from him, finishing the glass of water before getting up and storming out of his dorm. 
you avoid his gaze in all your classes on monday, opting to sit next to your brother instead during potions, he scowls at you but doesn't refuse you. you feel sirius’ gaze on you but you ignore it. after you get out he follows after you, calling your name. he tugs on your shoulder and you spin around to face him, a scowl on your face. “please, meet me at the lake in 20, please.”
you sigh at him and walk off, no definite answer to give him. 20 minutes pass and you exit the halls of the hogwarts castle, walking into the sun’s rays and onto the green. You spot a familiar raven-haired boy sitting by the lake, the same place you ‘studied.’ you walk over to him, sitting down beside him silently. 
“you came,” he says, his tone bordering astonishment as he gazes at you.
“i promised.. i'm here for you.” you answer him. 
he smiles at you and you can’t help but return it. 
a few weeks pass as the fall bleeds into winter and the yule ball is brought up. you and sirius have begun hanging out practically everyday after potions. his mates, james specifically, have started to notice. when sirius gets back into the dorms — after missing dinner — and he sits his happy ass down on his bunk, james puts down the potions assignment he was attempting to work on. 
“what’s with you and (y/n)?” james asks, no hostility in his voice, pure curiosity.
sirius snaps out of his giddy daze quickly, “nothing,” he replies, hesitation dripping from his voice.
“he likes her.” peter squeaks out. 
when remus can’t talk about things going on in the group to everyone, he talks to peter about it — the boy’s so quiet anyway. james's eyes widen slightly while sirius’s practically bulge out of his head. he looks accusingly at remus who only throws his hands up in surrender. 
“i mean it's fine if you do, sirius, but.. (y/n)?” james utters out, causing sirius to turn to him, a small glare in his eyes at his best friend. 
“she’s not what you think she is.” he says coldly.
“hey, i believe you, mate! If you say she’s not a heinous stuck-up bitch, i believe you.” james says with a small smile, causing sirius to throw a dirty quidditch jersey in his general direction, pulling a laugh out of the tan boy. 
“does this mean i can talk about her now? cause i've had to keep all my shit to myself and it is hard.” sirius says, getting approvals from his mates before he begins blabbing all about you into the night.
you’re huddled with narcissa and bellatrix in the courtyard when you feel a tap on your shoulder and see bellatrix sneer at whoever is behind you, causing a grin to pull at your lips as you turn to face sirius. bellatrix stomps off and narcissa follows her, but not before giving your shoulder a soft squeeze.
“sirius,” you regard him, tucking a loose curl behind his ear, causing his pale cheeks to redden slightly. 
“go to the ball with me.” he asks, or rather urges. You let out a soft giggle, “i would love to.” 
his face breaks into a grin at your response and he can’t help but cup your cheeks and plant a soft kiss on your lips, the kiss is all smiles and you giggle again when he parts. “you’ve gotta get to class, love,” he whispers.
“so do you..” you respond, but he only tucks a stray hair behind your ear in return and walks off. you have a soft smile on your face as you walk to charms.
unknown to you, your twin was behind one of the stone columns of the courtyard, witnessing your display of affection, and heads to his dorm to write a letter.
weeks pass and the ball creeps up. you’ve been to boutique’s on the higher end of hogsmeade with narcissa and have gotten dresses. narcissa’s a deep envy green, and yours to contrast, a deep red. floor length, the waist line just below your chest and thin straps. matching silk gloves run up your arms and your hair is curled and styled down. you walk down to the dining hall, revamped for the yule ball, with narcissa, her parting from you once she sees lucius, who had asked her. you glance around, not seeing sirius, but you spot marlene, along with dorcas and lily. you hesitantly make your way over to her, stopping a foot away from her. dorcas taps her shoulder and points to you and marlene turns. 
“oh, hey doll!” she says before looking over your dress. “god, sirius is gonna lose his mind!” she comments, making you smile.
“you bet he is.” lily laughs out. 
“you guys mind if i stay with you till sirius comes?” you ask gingerly.
“not at all, babe!” marlene affirms, they make you feel welcome immediately. the four of you chatter, lily mentioning something about how the boys are late to everything.
dorcas spots james followed by the others and waves him down. he makes his way over, arm circling lily’s waist as he steps up to you four. seems she finally gave in to him. 
you turn to spot the other three, a few steps behind and when sirius sees you’re talking with his friends his heart stutters and then swells. He skips over to you, his arm copying james’s action. “amazing dress, love.” 
marlene and dorcas simper at him and he gives them a look. 
you end up spending most of the night with sirius and his mates, dancing in turn with the girls and your date. a slow song has just finished up and the girls whisk you away once again. 
“is sirius good to you, truly?” dorcas asks you, and you smile, “he is, he’s sweet, and funny, and honest..” you say as you feel him creep up behind you leaning over your shoulder, “talkin’ about me, love?” 
you roll your eyes at him, your smile widening at his mere presence. james saunters up behind him, throwing an arm around both sirius and you, squeezing himself between the two of you. “crazy how (y/n) got brought into our little group ‘cause of a prank,” james says, and you falter.
“what?” you ask, a confused smile still on your face but is wiped off immediately by james’s next words.
“yeah, near the beginning of the year we thought it’d be fun to crack your shell and get sirius to flirt with you and.. stuff..” james trails off as he catches lily’s glare, along with marlene and dorcas’s tensed faces, and then yours. 
it was now silent in the hall to you — the shrieks and laughs of joy from the ball now drowned out. your eyes are glossed over with tears, but you dare not let them spill as you look at sirius accusingly. 
“(y/n), listen—” he starts but you storm away, james dropping his arm as you speed out of the hall. 
“do you not know when to shut up, james?” marlene whisper yells at him as sirius tries chasing after you.
he runs after you down one of the corridors as you're making your way back to the dungeons, he grabs your wrist, whirling you around. “(y/n), please listen!”
“are you going to deny what james said?” you ask coldly, he hadn't heard your voice like that in months, and it was as if he’d gotten a bucket of ice-cold water dumped on him. “well.. i can't but—”
you break out of his grasp, one tear slipping from the corner of your eye.
“don’t talk to me, black.” you storm off again, leaving him in the middle of the empty corridor.
the rest of the year passes in a blur, you’ve been shunned by your brother, and you were a cold, ice queen again. sitting alone in classes you don’t have with narcissa. you had appointed a new captain for the quidditch team and you quit. you spent your time in your dorm, sometimes by the black lake during quidditch games when you knew sirius couldn’t run off and find you.
and sirius.. he was in shambles, sulking practically the rest of the year. 
summer came and you went home, riding in a train compartment with lucius, the silence enveloping the enclosed area was suffocating. you were grateful to finally get back to your manor, until you were stopped by your house elf from entering. your father came to the door, nodding at lucius before turning to you. “i understand you were involved with sirius black and his.. company.” 
your heart stops and you nearly drop your luggage. tightening your grip on it, you manage to utter out, “..what?”
“you’ve become a blood traitor, (y/n). this is no longer your home.” and then he shuts the door in your face. a sigh forces its way out of your lungs and suddenly, all the walls and barriers you built around your heart shatter, the dam overflows. 
your eyes well with tears and they overflow, the years of holding them back and pushing them down all come to surface. you sob.
only a few minutes later you hear a honk behind you. turning, you see what you're to understand is the knight bus. you take a ragged breath in before straightening your face, still trained to push down feelings. you step onto the bus and the ‘host’ asks where you're headed, “.. the leaky cauldron.” you utter out before sitting on one of the many beds that are not unlike the beds in the hogwarts dorms. 
you get there and pay for a room. you stay for a few days, until your pocket money runs out and you have to leave again. you debate going back to malfoy manor for a few minutes before ultimately deciding it wasn’t a smart idea. it’s night again, you're not sure how long it's been since you weren't allowed in your house, you had rarely bathed, the days had turned into blurs.
you step out into the chilly air of london outside the leaky cauldron, your breath forming clouds in front of you. and in a few minutes the knight bus came again. you don't hesitate before stepping on this time. and when the host asks where you’re headed, you reply, “potter manor.” without thinking.
you’d remembered sirius telling you how euphemia, james’s mother, practically adopted him after being kicked out.
it’s only a few minutes before you've arrived. you thank the driver before getting off as it whizzes away again. 
you take a few minutes to walk up to the door, and a few more beats to knock lightly on the door. your hear a warm ‘coming!’ from inside before you’re met with the sight of what you believe is james’ mom. her face visibly drops as she sees the state you're in. 
“oh dearie, what happened to you?” she asks but you don’t answer as she ushers you in. she sits you at the large dining table as she ushers around the kitchen, she comes back a few minutes later with a steaming cup of vanilla-something tea. you graciously accept the tea, blowing before taking a scalding sip and warming your hands on the cup, your gaze trained down. you freeze as you hear footsteps and familiar voices coming down the stairs. james and sirius turn to see who euphemia’s guest is, only to see your mussed hair and blotchy face. your undereyes are defined in dark circles and swollen. you wipe your nose with the back of your hand as you look down at your lap.
“..(y/n)?” sirius asks, his voice soft. 
“you’re the (y/n) sirius hasn't stopped talking about? no wonder you came here dearie.” euphemia says, “you can stay as long as you need, honey.” she says as she gets up, ushering james out of the room, telling him to make up a guest room, ultimately giving you and sirius space.
sirius moves swiftly to crouch beside you, he raises his hand tenderly to cup your jaw before turning you to look at him. “what happened, sweetheart?”
oh, that name.
your eyes well up again, “got kicked out..” you manage a grief-stricken laugh. his thumb swipes across your cheek. 
“lucius told my parents about us and,” you hiccup, and continue in a softer voice, “i didn't know where else to go..”
his is hands move to wrap around your body, pulling you into a secure hug. “i’m glad you came, love.” 
you bury your face in his shoulder, letting your tears soak his sweater. 
he pulls himself away for a moment, running his hand through your hair to push them away from your face. “i swore to myself as soon as i could i’d explain.”
your eyes meet his but you stay silent, too tired to say anything.
“it did start out as a prank, our.. relationship, i will not lie to you, but the first day i talked to you i had already fallen for you. when you tried to stifle your laugh at my name for lucius, i wanted you to laugh at me forever.”
“malicious suits pretty well, though, huh.” you chuckle sadly, you're voice sore from disuse and tears. 
“i did truly fall for you, (y/n), none of my actions were ungenuine.” he says as he moves to cup your face again. “please believe me when i say, you will never know how sorry and upset with myself i am for hurting you.”
your swollen, tear-stained face smiled at him. you lifted your hand to tuck a curl behind his ear, “there’s no need to apologize, sirius. I was a bit dramatic..” 
“no, you weren’t, love. I should have told you, or just not done it at all.” he vindicates you. “i never want to hurt you again.”
“i trust you, sirius.” you say softly. he looks up into your eyes, his gaze flitting down to your lips briefly. you lean down and kiss him tenderly.
your lips taste of salt and vanilla but he pays no mind. he pulls away before caressing your face once more.
he stands, placing a kiss on the top of your forehead. “let’s get you some sleep, love.”
taglist — @hunnybunimdun @wildieflower @ell0ra-br3kk3r @diqldrunk @lazydreamer19 @masivechaos @imabee-oralizard @garfieldsladybird @nonamedauthor
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stxr-slut · 2 months
sirius admiring r while they do their make up/get ready to go out on a date.................
Sirius Black was 100% sure that his girlfriend was the prettiest girl on earth.
He loved every aspect of her. Her eyes, her hair, her body, her laugh, the look she got when she was trying to figure something out.
She was his own personal heaven. Some days he questions hoe he got so lucky, others he doubts if he truly deserves her, but he will spend every single day admiring her.
He was sat on her bed, waiting for her to finish getting ready so they could go out.
She was sitting at her dresser carefully applying her make up.
Sirius could spend all day watching her. She was his favourite thing in the world.
He watched the way she patted the concealer into her skin, admiring her with a look of pure awe.
"You ready to go yet, dove?" He smiled at her fron her bed.
"Almost done siri!" She smiled back.
He'd happily wait. He'd ditchthe meet up with his friends entirely if it meant he got to spend more time with his girl.
Eventually, she spun around, turning to face him. "How do I look?" She asks with a bright smile as he stands up and walks to her.
"Prettier than all the stars in the sky, love." He grins down at her, cupping her face, staring into her eyes with lovesick ones of his own.
Sorry this had been in my drafts so long!! Hope you enjoy !!
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭
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summary: sirius accidentally apparates into your bed instead of his.
w/c: 3.5k
notes: mutual pining, sirius is so jealous of jily, a few swears, suggestive moments, remus likes crosswords, soft! sirius
sirius felt pathetic.
“i feel pathetic,” sirius whined, throwing himself on one of the potters’ cushy sofas. he buried his face in a decorative pillow and kicked his feet against the couch cushions.
“quit your little temper tantrum,” lily said, rolling her eyes. “it makes you look more pathetic.”
“which is shocking, because i didn’t think it could even get worse,” remus piped from his seat at the kitchen island, where he was doing yesterday’s daily prophet crossword.
“what’s a six-letter word and starts with an ‘s’ that could be similar to cowardly?” remus tapped his quill against his chin.
“scared?” said sirius.
“sirius?” said lily.
“hey, i’ll have you know that i am in fact a gryffindor, despite what my parents have to say about it!” sirius retorted, throwing his pillow at lily’s head blindly and missing.
“what the-” you were hit in the chest by a flying pillow as you wandered into the sitting room, looking for your friends. you identified sirius as the culprit. “are you serious?”
“why yes, i am!”
you rolled your eyes but with no real malice; instead, discarding the pillow to the side and flung yourself on top of sirius’ back with full force. he oomph’d at the sudden weight.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and tucked your knees into his sides to pin him down. he protested meekly.
lily giggled as she watched sirius squirm under you as he pretended to be upset while you clung onto him triumphantly. sirius could’ve easily pushed you off, or even flipped you over, but he wasn’t going to complain about how close you were to him. no, sirius didn’t mind it one bit.
loud, thunderous footsteps could be heard bounding down the stairs as james made his presence known. euphemia trailed behind him, wary but amused.
“james, you can apparate now,” she chided. “why do you insist on causing such a ruckus every time you use the stairs?” 
“but muuuuum, last time i crashed into the clock and you were all upset. i’m just being cautious.” james smiled guiltily.
euphemia waved him off. “your friends combined make less noise than you do, james.” she sighed happily as she watched her mosh of children settle soundly into her home. remus was sleepily humming a muggle song, james had taken a seat by lily and was resting his head on her lap, while you and sirius continued to smother each other.
“remus, feel free to head upstairs anytime,” euphemia said sweetly. she looked towards your crowd. “and you all as well. there’s no rush, but it’s getting late and fleamont and i will be heading to bed soon.”
there was a chorus of thank yous as euphemia left, leaving the lot of you alone on the lower level. lily looked at you and quirked her head.
you nodded. “i think lily and i will start washing up as well; goodnight everyone!”
lily kissed james’ forehead. james’ blush was apparent even in the dimness of the evening.
sirius perked up as you slid off from his back with a laugh, hoping for a kiss too. the two of you were normally affectionate anyway, so it didn’t seem so demanding.
when you made no indication of giving sirius a goodnight kiss, he sat up and pouted theatrically. “what about me? can i have a kiss too?” he whined, pointing his chin at james, who looked smug.
you appraised sirius for a minute “hmm, let’s see. have you been a good boy today?” you tapped your chin like you were deep in thought.
sirius’ heart raced.
“i think so, yes,” you decided, stepping closer to the anxious boy. you pressed three fingers to your lips—it was better than nothing, sirius decided—and slapped him (gently!) across the face.
“there’s your kiss!” you grinned mischievously.
james and lily laughed, even earning a snort from remus, who was half-asleep already.
“hey, that wasn’t- you slapped me!” sirius stammered, feeling cheated. “look how nicely lily gave prongs his kiss! you conniving little minx!” sirius crossed his arms.
“ah, well lily and james are dating and we are very much not. you’ve got to be promoted to the boyfriend level to earn that kind of salary.”
lily nodded solemnly. “that’s true. and your resume must be strong, too. job offers can be very competitive these days, y’know? and your girl has a lot of applicants.” lily winked at you.
your girl, sirius thought. he liked that. “well, how can i apply?” sirius joked, looking up at you with raised brows.
you pinched his cheek endearingly. “oh sirius, you flirt. now goodnight, all.” lily took your hand and pulled you up the stairs, hushed whispers trailing behind you and the occasional giggle from lily. sirius sat on the couch, dazed.
“what in merlin’s name happened?” james hissed loudly. “what do you call that, pads?”
remus rubbed his eyes blearily and sat beside james. the two boys stared down sirius from their couch like they were courtroom judges and sirius was being interrogated. in a sense, he was.
“i- i don’t know! she just slapped me and then ignored what i said!” sirius exclaimed.
james shushed him. “you’re going to wake up the entire house!” 
remus sighed disappointedly. “are you two daft? she clearly thinks you’re flirting with her-”
“-i am!”
“-as a joke. you flirt with everyone, padfoot. coming from you, flirting is almost like… platonic behavior.”
“that literally makes no sense, you realize that, right?” sirius scoffed.
james hummed and shook his finger as he came to realization. “no, no. moony’s right-”
“-when am i ever not right?”
“-you flirt with all your friends. if you want to make it obvious you like her, you have to treat her differently. for you, that wouldn’t be flirting. it’d be more like…”
remus butted in. “domesticity, i think. little, genuine things that let her know you’ve been thinking of her. nothing too theatric; that’ll make her think you’re doing it jokingly too. you’ve got to be personal with her… vulnerable, even. yes, that’s it. you should be vulnerable. everybody knows loud, annoying padfoot-”
“-i am not annoying!”
“-but if you let her see you without all the exaggeration, she’ll know you really mean what you say.”
james and sirius looked at lupin, impressed. james shook his head like he was clearing his thoughts. “when did you become so wise, moony?”
remus smirked. “wouldn’t you like to know?”
sirius couldn’t sleep. well, he was restless most nights, often plagued with nightmares or a constant stream of thoughts, but tonight he was simultaneously battling james’ snoring and remus’ rolling and shuffling around.
sirius groaned quietly, draping an arm over his eyes. he needed a break. with a quick breath, he apparated himself into the potter’s kitchen and poured himself a cup of juice, sipping quietly as he leaned against the counter.
living at james’ house was like living on the moon. at home, sirius never got to decide when he wanted to sleep. he wasn’t allowed to brush his teeth with his friends and get foam all over the counter, or nibble on a secret stash of sweets at midnight, much less leave his room to raid the fridge.
when sirius finished his juice, he wrapped up his late night escapade with a quick scourgify and a quiet sigh. once again, he apparated upstairs to avoid the creaky staircase.
sirius had made a grave error.
“what the-” you sputtered for the second time that night. “sirius?”
sirius looked down at your sleeping figure. this time, he was the one sitting on top of your body, though he was considerably heavier than you were.
“lumos,” you whispered. “sirius, what the hell are you doing here?” you tried to sound scolding, but your voice came out slurred and bleary as you tried to blink yourself awake.
“i- i don’t know! i tried apparating back to-”
“shhh!” you furrowed your eyebrows, grabbing him by the neckline of his shirt and pulling him into bed beside you. “you’ll wake lily! thank godric she’s a deep sleeper.”
you huffed, pushing yourself upright. while the boys were crammed into james’ room, you and lily were sharing the guest bedroom which housed two larger twin sized beds. there was just enough space for sirius to move off your chest and to your side.
“i’m sorry, i went downstairs for a drink and i must’ve apparated to the wrong place or something-”
“clearly! how on earth did you manage that?”
“i don’t know! i’m tired, alright?” he punctuated his words with a big yawn.
“you know,” you began, a smug look growing on your face. “you have to envision where you want to go when you’re apparating. thinking of me in bed, are you now?”
sirius gulped, burning with nerves at your close proximity. “n-no! i mean, it’s not that i haven’t thought about- shit, i mean- uh, i can go now, if you want.”
you laughed breathily. “you’re good, siri.” you yawned. “maybe… maybe you should stay here for the night. i don’t want you to splinch yourself if you’re tired.”
sirius chewed his lower lip, admiring the side of your face as you fiddled with the edge of your blanket. he was wordless as he tried to steady his breathing.
you turned your head suddenly with wide eyes and met his. “you don’t have to, of course! i don’t want to make you uncomfortable, i just thought-”
“no- oh no, i mean, yes! yes, i’ll stay. i’d love- like to stay. i appreciate it,” he smiled, eyes flickering across your face. you hadn’t realized how close the two of you really were; you could easily kiss him bump heads if you leaned in. of he shuffled a bit closer to you and his thigh brushed yours. “sorry, the bed’s a little small.”
your mouth formed a little O as you scooted over as well, making more room for him. “i hadn’t realized—here, you can have some more space. you’re bigger anyway.”
the two of you awkwardly adjusted as sirius slipped under the covers. he punched the pillow a few times and cozied into a comfortable position. his body faced yours; his breath fanned over your skin.
“hey,” you whispered giddily.
“hi,” he echoed, biting his lip to stop himself from smiling too largely. sirius’ face seemed to melt into something soft—it was a vulnerability you’d never seen from him—as he gazed at you. he almost seemed to marvel at you.
“you’re so beautiful, y’know?” sirius murmured, brushing a few loose hair from your face. when he was finished, he didn’t pull his hand away. instead, he let it cup your cheek gently as he began to rub little semicircles into your skin with his thumbs.
“that means a lot, coming from the prettiest boy i know.” you placed your hand on top of his, hooking his thumb between yours to stop the movement. “my pretty boy, hm?”
your eyelids fluttered. sirius wasn’t sure if you were fully present; you looked half asleep. still, your words made his heart flutter, even though he knew he shouldn’t take them to heart.
“my best girl,” sirius cooed, slipping his hand out from under yours to wrap it around your shoulder instead. he pulled you closer to his chest and you eagerly obliged until the two of you were completely pressed together. you sighed in contentment.
sirius pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “g’night, lovely. i- i love you.”
you responded with a soft snore.
click! a bright flash and twinkling laughter made you open your eyes. you squinted at the harsh light—had somebody left the blinds open? you groaned, making a note for tonight.
you buried your head into your pillow, inhaling a deep breath of the potters’ laundry detergent. you knew the family was rich, but were they so rich that their detergent smelled this heavenly? they must’ve put some sort of spell on the bedding. it was rich; a little smokey, with notes of spice that reminded you of christmas cooking. you smiled to yourself, nuzzling closer. the potters were sweet to invest in something that’d make you feel welcome in their house. you’d never felt so at home.
click! another flash. a chuckle, but deeper and decidedly male. you hummed with annoyance at the interruptions.
your pillow was moving. did the potters enchant the pillows as well?
“dove?” sirius’ raspy morning voice mumbled into your ear. the vibrations tickled your skin and sent goosebumps running down your arms. 
“sirius?” you exclaimed. the ‘enchanted pillow’ was not a pillow at all, it seemed. it was your best friend longtime crush, whose body you’d been cuddling up to all night. well, shit.
“did y’get a good one?” james’ voice floated through the room.
“oi, shut up, prongs. ‘m trying to sleep,” sirius grumbled. he didn’t seem to care about the intimacy of your position. instead, he only tightened his hold on your waist and even brought his other arm to rest at the name of your neck, which allowed him to settle his chin on the crown of your head. you could hear—and feel—the steady thumping of his heart.
as you awoke, you became more aware (and more horrified) at how you’d fallen asleep. one of your legs was bent over his, and his hands were carded through the hairs at the nape of your neck.
“holy shit,” you muttered, pulling sirius’ hands off of you. “sirius, wake up. i think they’re taking pictures of us.” you looked up at james, lily, and remus. “-those little shits.”
“huh?” sirius jolted awake, his arm never leaving your waist. “what in merlin’s name-”
james snickered. “you two seem to have had a good night, eh?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“shuddup, prongs,” sirius retorted. “get your head out of the gutter.”
“sirius…” lily ribbed, pursing her lips in amusement.
any annoyance on sirius’ face vanished and was quickly replaced by pure terror. “oh fuck,” he grimaced, before throwing the sheets off his body and running awkwardly to the bathroom while adjusting his pants.
your face heated. lily came by your side, practically in stitches, and you squeaked in shock. james went jogging after sirius, yelling suggestive comments unabashedly.
“so, what was that?” remus probed, sitting on the corner of your bed where sirius had just been laying.
“he was wearing clothes, alright? stop- don’t make this weird,” you pleaded.
“we didn’t say anything about states of undress,” lily chided, looking triumphantly at remus, who sighed.
“what’s it to you, anyway?” you pushed yourself out of bed, fussing with your hair momentarily as you tried to tame your bedhead. “‘s none of your business.”
“oh, but it is. james owes me three galleons,” lily announced. “and remus is coughing up eight sickles.”
“you bet on me?”
“well, not on you, perse,” lily backtracked. “on you and sirius’ relationship. so technically, that’s not either of you. it’s a relationship. aaaanyways, remus thought you were going to get together before summer break, i guessed during the second day of staying here, and james guessed at the end of our stay. and i was right! well, i was a couple hours off. but i still win.”
you closed your eyes, unable to process the audacity of your friends. “you lot are cheeky assholes, y’know that?”
“oh, we know. but these ‘cheeky assholes’ have blackmail now,” lily smirked.
“or, photos and a good story for your wedding,” remus piped in. lily nodded her head eagerly.
“i didn’t take you for a romantic, lupin,” you mumbled, beginning to dig through your clothes and change out of your pajamas. “what time is it, anyway?”
“nine-thirty!” lily chirped, placing emphasis on each number. “we let you two sleep in. it was cute.”
“we aren’t cute.”
“aha! so there’s a ‘we’ now!” james cheered from the doorway. sirius had returned in his normal clothes, still looking a little flustered. you averted your eyes.
“‘m gonna change. goodbye, twats.” you shuffled down the hallway. as much as you pretended to be annoyed by your meddling friends’ antics, you smiled uncontrollably as you heard them interrogate sirius next, who did a much worse job of hiding his feelings.
feelings. were there feelings? and james’ question still stood. was there a ‘we?’
“i’m starving,” james whined, clutching his stomach dramatically. “if we keep pushing off breakfast, i’m going to be too weak for quidditch season next year.”
lily rolled her eyes. “you big baby. c’mon remus, let’s leave the toddler here and make something for ourselves.” lily linked her arm through remus’ and made a big show of trotting away, with james scrambling after them desperately.
when you came to the kitchen, your friends were still fighting playfully over lily’s taunts. “i am not a big baby!” james complained.
“you’re literally throwing a fit right now!” lily laughed, shoving him with her shoulder. you laughed alongside her as you watched james stumble.
sirius, though he’d always found james’ embarrassment to be funny, didn’t laugh. he was watching you, smiling hopelessly at the way your laugh seemed to pierce his senses more sharply than the brightness of the sun, noticing the way your body shook a little from the enthusiasm of your happiness, and staring longingly at your parted lips.
remus thwaked sirius in the back of the head with the most updated copy of the daily prophet. “stop staring like a fucking idiot and do something,” he hissed. sirius found himself pushed off his chair as remus slipped in with a pencil in hand, already immersed in his crossword.
“siri, y’alright?” you giggled, noticing sirius’ unusual quietness and the odd, hazy look in his eyes.
“yeah! ‘m all good.” sirius startling slightly. “thanks, dove.”
sirius made his way beside you and again, wrapped his arm around your waist. you shivered. “are you cold?” sirius asked.
“ah- no. you’re just- you make me nervous,” you said hesitantly. 
sirius’ words were slow, calculated. “in a good way or bad way?” he looked down at you and raised his eyebrows questioningly. he bent down and lowered his voice. “‘cos i’m really hoping it’s a ‘sirius black, you give me butterflies and i’m madly in love with your charisma, luscious hair, and gorgeous face,’ type’a way.”
“ugh,” you groaned, pushing against his chest playfully as your face burned. sirius only strengthened his hold on you. “you wish, black,” you sniffed, tipping your chin up at him haughtily. but then your teasing smile dropped into something intense and genuine. you opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. 
so, sirius did the speaking for you. cupping your pointed chin in a delicate hand, sirius lowered his head until his lips brushed over yours—just barely. he smilled, his breath warming the planes of your face as he held himself still.
pulling sirius closer down to you by the fabric of his shirt, you dusted your lips across his for a fleeting moment. you pulled away almost immediately, panicking at what you’d just done. sirius shook his head, amused, and pulled you in once more, pressing his lips against yours firmly and holding you there, supported and assured, until you melted comfortably into his mouth.
“siri…” you gasped, pulling away. “oh my merlin, sirius?” you called, chewing your kiss-swollen lip as you watched sirius sway hazily in his spot. he was muttering silent words.
“pads!” james hollered. “way to go, padfoot!” he slammed his hand into the back of sirius’ head.
“ow, what the fuck, mate?” sirius rubbed the spot that james had attacked.
“you dog!” lily shrieked, running around the counter to throw herself at you and wrangle you around excitedly. it seemed that your friends were more passionate about the kiss than you two were.
well, that wasn’t true. the two of you were a bit too dizzy to appreciate the excitement of it all.
from remus’ position at the stove, two eggs came magically whizzing through the air and cracked themselves on top of james and lily’s heads.
“moony! what the hell was that for?” lily sputtered.
“i just did a hair mask last night!” james complained.
remus rolled his eyes, nonchalantly waving his wand over the pan of scrambled eggs he was cooking. “leave the two of ‘em be. i’m sure you’ll have plenty of moments to see them snogging in the future.” remus turned towards the two of you, looking bashful. sirius had given you his hand to hold and you were fiddling with his fingers. he looked very pleased.
remus sighed exasperatedly, before turning back to his eggs. “now you two get out! you’re killing my appetite.”
you and sirius looked at each other, and with bright, childish giggles, you ran out of the kitchen with sirius on your heels. remus huffed grumpily, waving his wand again to scramble the eggs, but unbeknownst to his friends, he cracked a satisfied smile.
marauders masterlist | main masterlist
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @cowboibeepbeep @yourallihave @bambamwolf87
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february fic recs (2/2)
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✦ dividers by @saradika-graphics, @gigittamic, @plutism ✦
Ⳋ᧙ hi everyone!! i've read a ton of fics this month, so i hope you all enjoy my faves of february!! Ⳋ᧙ ⑅part 1⑅
I made 2 post's for february cause it was too long lol
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each incredible writer!! ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
Ⳋ᧙ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings Ⳋ᧙
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ also, if you’d like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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ellie williams
❀᧓ ellie fic by @elslvrsworld bbf!ellie x curious!reader | men dni, swearing, kissing, suggestive, brief mention of weed, corruption kink (if u squint), no smut (yet ;p) player!ellie, kind of innocent!reader, 1.6k words
-your brothers best friend.
❀᧓ in the pale moonlight by @sweetmourninglambie e. williams x fem! reader | weed usage lol, thigh riding, established relationship, clothed sex i guess, high sex (?), reader is a femme, fluff, kinda dom! ellie and sub! reader, and pet names, 2.7k
-the familiar sound of ellie’s lighter flickering to life caught your attention, enough that you turned away from the movie she had put on for the two of you to watch together.
❀᧓ late by @tashasbabe ellie williams x reader | profanity, strap rubbing, masturbation
-“i’m still thinking about you.”
❀᧓ ellie blurb by @moonalumi high sub!top ellie williams x reader | ELLIE BEGGING ELLIE BEGGING GUYS, fingering (r and e receiving) they do it to each other at the same time, reader and ellie also compete for dominance kinda, ma/mama kink
-a puff of smoke invades your nose and a coughing ellie causes you to lift up from your resting place on her chest.
❀᧓ ellie blurb by ^ ellie williams x reader | rough strap on sex from the back (r receiving)
-reader w ellies name tattooed on her lower back and when she surprises ellie w it ellie straps her from the back.
❀᧓ ellie blurb by ^ ellie williams x reader | nsfw 18+, scissoring/tribbing, ellie calling u mama
-messy nasty car sex w sub!top ellie
❀᧓ a dare to stupid by @undressrehearsal ellie williams x reader | nsfw, tlou au, college!ellie/reader, mentions of drugs, alcohol, drunk sex, oral (r receiving), 7.5k
-a drunken game of truth or dare overtakes your study session
❀᧓ ellie fic by @elslvrsworld f1 driver!ellie x girlfriend!reader | men dni, 2.0k words, porn w/ plot (kindof), wlw sex, oral (e!receiving), degradation (pretty vanilla), + praise, pet names (baby, mama, princess, etc;) vulgarity, profanity, dom!ellie, sub!reader, riding (r!receiving), smacking (like a lil tap), ellie refers to strap as her cock, overstimulation, nipple sucking, mating press (r!receiving), black reader, angry!ellie kinda dirtyy hollon
-ellie loses a race just by a second and needs a to place her anger somewhere.
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wanda maximoff
❀᧓ her favorite drug by @scarletlizzard wanda x fem!reader | minors dni, drug use (marijuana), smoking, smut, cunnilingus, fingering, strap on use (r receiving), fluff
-your girlfriend is a stoner. one night, you decide you finally want to try some.
❀᧓ mind games by @wandasverison wanda maximoff x fem!reader | 18+, two second mommy kink, slight electrocution (if that’s even what you’d call it), smut for sure, oh yeah mind reading (major), mind altering? (slight? not really, just trippy Wanda powers)
-gf!wanda maximoff; reader makes a joke about Wanda invading their mind while they have sex, Wanda takes it a little too seriously and y/n makes it up to her with apologies and a little seduction.
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natasha romanoff
❀᧓ let's run away by @marvelfilth natasha romanoff x f!reader
-it's your wedding day and you can't be seen with natasha
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the bear
carmen berzatto
❀᧓ dad!carmen blurb by @gxtitobxby dad!carmen berzatto x reader
-i’m thinking of his little daughter one night, sitting at the kitchen table with her hair wet from the shower, brushed back and leaving a damp spot on the back of her pyjama shirt, and she’s having some fruit for dessert while you wash dishes and carmen prepares her lunch for school tomorrow, and out of nowhere she asks absentmindedly “daddy could you pack some extra please?”
❀᧓ the feeling by @thebearer carmen berzatto x reader | 18+minors dni. mentions of a gun and alcohol but not in a bad way lol? established relationship. slight mentions of a dom/sub dynamic. language. but really just fluff fluff fluff &lt;3
-a little tipsy, definitely hungry, and missing carmen, you find your way to the restaurant after closing to see him.
❀᧓ cute blurb by ^ carmen berzatto x reader
-carmy’s gf being dropped off at carmy’s restaurant (after closing) after another girls night, and she’s so drunk that she doesn’t recognize carmy for a second
❀᧓ sixth sense by ^ carmen berzatto x reader
-carmy has a sixth sense for when his gf hasn’t eaten. Even on the days where she has no headache, no aching tummy, he just takes one look at her and makes that one face and is like “Are you fucking kidding me?”
❀᧓ treat me tonight by @answer2jeff carmen berzatto x reader | fluffy smut, fem!reader, oral (fem receiving), piv sex (unprotected), both reader and carmen have a bit of a praise kink, brief hairpulling, the "L-word," established relationship, gets a little rough towards the end, back scratching, porn with no real plot
-"try it,"
❀᧓ girl dinner by @mayfieldss carmen berzatto x reader
-"what the fuck is girl dinner?"
❀᧓ more, more, more by @atrwriting carmen berzatto x coworker!reader | SMUT!, alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption with sex, smoking, p in v penetration, work relationships, overstimulation, carmen berzatto being an absolute mind blowing fuck
-you didn’t really know how it happened.
❀᧓ a little taste by @caramelberzatto carmen berzatto x reader | 18+, swearing, p in v, etc. afab!reader. no use of pronouns
-he called your name through the dark apartment, but it went unheard from where you laid, face down.
❀᧓ sunshine baby by ^ pre-fatherhood dad!carm x fem!reader | mildy suggestive content, pregnancy. fem!reader, use of fem pronouns
-the temperatures in the past week had sky-rocketed, leaving you sweating with even the slightest amount of movement, and that wasn’t taking into account the hot flashes that came with pregnancy.
❀᧓ yours, cb. by @lovebitters carmen berzatto x reader | fluff, 1.02k
-carmen writes a letter to you the day before he proposes, reflecting on your relationship.
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marauders era
sirius black
❀᧓ sirius blurb by @wzrd-wheezes sirius black x reader | smut
-reader who has a hard time cumming and sirius helps with that
❀᧓ little lies by @amiableness sirius black x fem!reader | smut 18+, male masturbation, oral fem receiving, fingering, unprotected sex (pls be so careful!), reader wears a bikini top, and jealousy, 11.4k
-james asks sirius and y/n to pretend to date after he blurts out they are to lily.
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james potter
❀᧓ late night snacks by @shiftermia james potter x reader, platonic!peter pettigrew x reader | fluff
-where james catches you and peter in the kitchens
❀᧓ end game by @pretty-little-mind33 james potter x slytherin!fem!reader | fluff/hurt and comfort, rivalry, chaser!captain!james, chaser!captain!reader, secret relationship (previous enemies to lovers), injuries, swearing, protective!james
-playing quidditch against your secret boyfriend is usually fun…
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remus lupin
❀᧓ a christmas special by @moonstruckme remus lupin x fem!reader | mentions of alcohol, smut mdni, p in v, oral (fem receiving), praise, inexperienced reader, shy little idiots in love, 11k
-after christmas eve at remus' flat, thick snowfall prevents you from going home. he's more than happy to host you
❀᧓ grumpy x sunshine by @underoospeterparker  grumpy!remus lupin x sunshine!fem!reader
-"why the annoyed look, moons?" sirius laughed, nudging his best friend. "problems in paradise?"
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❀᧓ ❝i am half-agony, half-hope. . . i have loved none but you.❞ by @sunnami (1/2) poly!marauders x reader, (james potter x reader, lily evans x reader, remus lupin x reader, and sirius black x reader.) | reader is referred to as she/her and a mother throughout the whole fic[!], reader is a violent gremlin who craves blood but the marauders love you for that, implied child abuse[!], mentions of blood and violence[!], disgustingly sappy poetic fluff, no angst, happy ending, not proofread we die like finnick odair
-how the marauders loved you in their time. featuring harry potter the time-traveller and sixth-wheel.
❀᧓ ❝time will tell.❞ (2/2) by ^ poly!mauraders x reader, (james potter x reader, sirius black x reader, lily evans x reader, and remus lupin x reader.) | reader is referred to mum, with she/her pronouns[!], canon-typical violence [!], canon-typical deaths mentioned[!], very brief marauders as soldiers of the order[!], creepy old men being creepy[!], child abuse[!], pureblood arranged marriages, a minor character expresses wanting to die[!], depressed and traumatized slytherins, the capital is important[!], themes of misogyny [!], teen boys fuck around and find out there are consequences to their actions, THERE IS ACTUALLY A LOT OF FLUFF, angst, 9.5k
-❝you are loved. and harry thinks there is no better description that that.❞
❀᧓ you'd be the love of my life when i was young by ^ poly!marauders x reader (sirius x reader, remus x reader, lily x reader, and james x reader) | slight angst, fluff, lucius malfoy, happy ending
-gryffindors wear their heart on their sleeve when they fall in love. slytherins keep their heart locked far away to keep it from breaking.
❀᧓ possessive by @ellecdc poly!wolfstar x fem!reader | slight injury, nothing major, fluff
-“okay, well the wound is closed but there’s not much i can do about the bruising or the blood on your shirt.”
❀᧓ cute fic by ^ poly!WolfStar x fem!reader | territorial boyfriend, slight jealousy, dom/sub dynamics if you squint but SFW
-you weren’t hiding. not really...
but you were also sort of kind of definitely hiding.
❀᧓ funny blurb by @luveline poly!marauders x fem!reader | mdni please!, 1k
-“what is that?”
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vampbloodbunny2 · 11 months
Peter: if the opposite of 'pro' is 'con'
James: and the opposite of progress is congress
Sirius: then the opposite of constitution is-
Remus: let me stop you right there
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bettysupremacy · 8 months
to shake things up a little, what about remus, sirius, or james with a s/o who's [ somehow ] more outgoing and boisterous than them? and she's always flaunting their relationship, her adorable boyfriend, and says the most genuine compliments out of nowhere both to him and other people and it's got him all shy and blushy such
This is such a cute idea!!!! I chose Sirius cause I felt like it in the moment, but this is such a cute idea for all of them. I hope you like it!!<3
“And he-“ You stumble, pausing at the mop of black hair in front of you. “Oh! Siri!”
He laughs at your state, flicking hair away. “That’s me.”
“I was just telling them,” You turn to the girls you met in the kitchen. They wave. “About you.”
“Only good things I hope.”
“Terrible.” You frown, pulling the cherry from the bottom of your empty cup to drop it in Sirius’s. He has two cherries now. Your fingers are wet, and sticky, and Sirius brings your knuckles to his lips to kiss the mixture away. You flush, alcohol and love warming you. “He’s so sweet.”
“Didn’t work very well.” He frowns. “You’re still sticky.”
“I don’t mind.” You laugh.
“I do,” He looks around for the nearest washroom. “Those sticky fingers aren’t going anywhere near my hair.”
You huff, watching him tap is fingers on the island countertop. They click lightly, the gloss of his black nail polish shining in the twinkling candles in every corner. The girls get up and leave, waving at you brilliantly. You grin, waving back just as hard.
“I think there’s one-“ He pauses.
“What’re you looking for?” James pops up, glasses a little crooked. He smiles when you reach up to straighten them. “Thank you, dove.” He nods.
You laugh, turning to Sirius. His eyes still search for a washroom, but his hands found their way to your hip, and the fingers molding into your skin distract you.
“You alright, my love?” Mary giggles.
Lily steps in front of you, holding your face in her slender fingers. You smile at the freckles on her nose, drawn messily like little constellations
“You’re my best friends.” You grin.
“Your friends?” Sirius gawps.
“Yes, padfoot.” Remus nods seriously. “We’re her friends.”
The room is light, love floating around airily. Lily presses a kiss to your cheek. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Just enough.”
“Perfect.” She murmurs, pulling away to reside in Mary’s arms. Her lipstick stains your cheek softly.
You turn to Sirius. Your fingers are still sticky to his dismay, but he doesn’t complain when they tangle in his hoodie. “You are so pretty, Siri, I’m serious! Isn’t he so pretty?”
“It’s the eyes.” James gushes for your amusement.
You nod enthusiastically. “I know!”
Sirius startles. “You need toast.”
“I need a kiss.” You tip toe in the flats you put on in the dim sunlight of your apartment before you left. “Please.”
He sighs, worried sick for your head in the morning. Aspirin can only do so much. “Honey-“
“He is not this shy at home.” You supply your friends. “Normally he-“
“Woah!” Sirius laughs, covering your mouth with his large palm. “You need a burger. We’re leaving.”
“What!” You gasp. “I don’t want to leave.”
“We’ll miss you.” Marls frowns sympathetically, leaning into Dorcas.
“I’ll miss you too.” You sigh. “And your skirt is so pretty.”
Dorcas grins. “You like it?”
“I love it.” Pulling away from Sirius, each of your friends are graced with a goodbye hug. One by one. “I love you.”
“Go eat.” Remus laughs.
“Siri doesn’t le-“
“And thats enough!” He laughs loudly, covering your sentence. “We’re leaving now.”
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thestoryofella · 27 days
summary: after spending a day on the beach to take a break from London's constant noise, you end up sunburnt to a crisp. In an attempt to avoid Sirius's teasing, you desperately try to stay hidden. However, when you're finally forced to ask for help, you're reminded of the importance of choosing love over embarrassment.
warnings: fluff, swearing.
sirius black x reader ✿ 1275 words
After getting tired of the near-constant noise in London and the lack of scenery, you planned a solitary beach day to do nothing but read, lounge, and enjoy the nearly ice-cold pineapple you’d prepped the night before. You sprawled out under the sun from sunrise to near sunset, only dipping in the splashing, cold water when you woke up from a snoozy nap spent on a beach towel. Once the sun nearly set and you’d finished the book you packed for the day, you packed up your things and started the journey home.
When you reached the bus station to return to central London, you realized the issue, catching your reflection in the large, circular mirror near the bus driver. You had gotten burnt to a crisp during your beach day, and Sirius would never let you live it down.
Before you left in the morning, Sirius, ever the caring partner, had packed face sunscreen, body sunscreen, and aloe vera into your oversized tote bag. He had even checked if you had applied some in the morning before you rushed out the door. You, torn between the desire to lounge on the beach and the fear of missing the bus, had lied to him before planting a quick kiss on his cheek and dashing to the station. 
Now, you deeply regret not listening to him. In addition to your current appearance, your skin is inflamed, hot, scaly, and hurts to the touch. When you pressed down on your irritated skin, your fingers left an unmistakable mark associated with a severe sunburn. 
“Perfect,” you sarcastically muttered to yourself. 
When you finally stopped at the station closest to yours and Sirius’s shared flat, you walked quickly to get home, eager to shower with cold water and hopefully reduce the inflammation your sunburn caused. The plan was simple: you’d get home, dash to the shower, avoid Sirius for the rest of the night, and then what? After some consideration, you decide you’ll have to sleep with a paper bag over your head and in pajamas best suited for a nun. 
Once you reach your shared flat, you can hear Sirius inside cooking dinner. The low sizzle of sautéing vegetables and gentle humming is his giveaway. Quickly unlocking the door and tiptoeing inside, you sneak past the kitchen without detection until a creaking floorboard gives you away. 
Your heart lurches into your stomach. It’s no use being this sneaky over a sunburn, but you wanted to avoid Sirius’s teasing for as long as possible–even though you sometimes secretly loved it.
Sirius’s head turns to look at you, but you do not turn to face him. “Hi, dollface,” he says. You hear the words come out of his mouth, and you really want to turn around and greet him with a hug, but you are determined to avoid detection. 
You suck in a quick breath before tumbling out the words, “I gotta go hop in the shower before dinner, love you!” With that said, you run to the bathroom, your feet smacking down on the floorboards with each step before loudly closing the door. 
Great, that wasn’t suspicious at all, you think to yourself. You have the urge to facepalm your forehead before remembering the searing pain that would follow.
You hopped in the shower, sighing in relief when the cold water hit your inflamed back. Showering after days spent at the beach was the best. 
When you finally finished showering, you had devised a regimen to defeat your sunburn and hopefully avoid pain. You put thick lotion on every area of your sunburnt skin, planning to top it off with a layer of aloe vera gel for added measure. 
Things were going swimmingly. You’d lotioned every irritated limb and your unusually puffy cheeks–resembling a hamster with too much food in their mouth. That was until you tried to lotion your back and realized that your short arms and the searing pain of trying to stretch them due to sunburn would not make applying products easy. 
“No, no, no!” You exasperatedly muttered. You must swallow your pride to take care of your severely sunburnt back. The issue wasn’t that Sirius would be mean per se, but he would undoubtedly tease you before dotingly helping you. Plus, you really didn’t want him to know you had lied to him this morning, evading his attempts to prevent this in the first place. 
Defeat clouded your brain. Swallowing your pride, you peeked out the bathroom door before feebly calling, “Siri, can you help me quickly.” It wasn’t even a second later that you heard him set down plates and footsteps approaching your location. 
Now, face-to-face with your raven-haired boyfriend, you offered him a coy smile that silently said, please don’t be mad at me. His eyes slowly took in the sight of your sunburnt face. Unbeknownst to him, your back looked a lot worse. 
You stood in silence for only a second before he reacted exactly how you thought he would. He let a bellowing laugh escape his mouth before pressing a smiling kiss to your inflamed forehead. “What the hell happened to you? You look like a tomato!”
You were sure you did at this point. The combination of inflamed skin, paired with your now red cheeks from Sirius’s affectionate teasing, was sure to have reddened your skin. Honestly, you were surprised you didn’t look more like a beet. 
You playfully shoved his shoulder before cracking the door wide enough for him to sneak in. “Can you please just help me put some lotion and aloe vera on my back?” You tried to sound stern, but a smile still graced your lips. 
He let another laugh escape his mouth upon observing your sunburnt back. “I thought I packed your sunscreen, and you said you put some on before leaving.” 
You huffed in response, crossing your arms over your chest. “I know; I was just so eager to get to the beach and forgot to put some on,” you complained, slightly whining. 
“You know what I always tell you?” He asks.
“No,” you lied. You knew exactly what he was going to say. 
“Sirius knows best!” He nearly sings out before pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“Sirius,” you whined out, not wanting to be reminded of your unfortunate errors. He usually knew best, but you would never in a million years admit that to him. 
“Okay, okay,” He laughs, holding his hands up in mock defense before gently lathering both lotion and aloe vera gel onto your inflamed back. 
You nearly sigh at the relief but hold your tongue, a feeble attempt to humble his enormous ego. Instead, you opt for a simple “thank you,” turning around to envelop his torso in a tight hug. He responds by kissing your forehead, not wanting to press his hands into your irritated back.
♡ ♡ ♡
By the end of the evening, you were honestly sure you had managed to avoid most of Sirius’s teasing. After he had helped you with your back earlier, you two had enjoyed dinner together and were currently cuddled up in bed, about to fall asleep. 
Leaning over to kiss under your ear–possibly the only part of your skin protected from the sun’s wrath–Sirius wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered, “Goodnight, tomato.”
You rolled your eyes, letting a noticeable sigh escape your lips. You felt Sirius’s chest move with gentle laughter as he delighted in your feigned annoyance. 
You truly were never going to live this down. But you realized you were willing to put up with it if it meant you could stay wrapped in Sirius’s arms forever.
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bruisedboys · 9 months
Shy!reader who's brain is running a million miles per hour and Sirius who notices and decides to pull her into a secret room for doting kisses and sweet compliments???
thank you for your request lovely! <333
sirius black x fem!reader
You don’t know how Sirius has managed to weasel you out of the thick of the party and into his friend’s bathroom, but here you are, alone with Sirius in Remus Lupin’s bathroom and trying not to act like this is exactly what you wanted.
“Sirius,” you say, breathless as you watch him close the door and then spin round to face you, grinning. “What are you doing?”
Sirius shrugs. “Just trying to get some alone time with my girl. Sue me.”
My girl. You try not to buckle at the knees. “Alone time? I thought you liked parties.”
“I only like whatever you like.”
You glare at him. He’s being awful on purpose. “Don’t you want to go hang out with your friends?”
“Not if you don’t want to,” Sirius says, moving towards you. You know he’s gonna grab you before he does, hands hot at your hips as he pulls you towards him. “I was watching you out there, you know. You looked like you weren’t having a good time.”
“Did I?” You ask, horrified. “Sirius, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You push at his chest as if that’s gonna do anything. He’s much stronger than you. In more ways than one. “I don’t want Remus to think I’m a priss.”
Sirius laughs. “Dove,” he says, chiding and amused. “He doesn’t think that. The only reason I noticed is ‘cos I know you so well.” He strokes your cheek with his thumb as if to say, yeah, I know you, and I love you all the same. “You’d’ve looked completely lovely to everyone else.”
“Ugh,” you say, as if you’re grossed out by his fondness rather than totally enthralled. Your burning cheeks say otherwise.
“Ugh,” Sirius copies agreeably. “You’re okay, though? We can leave if you need, babe. I swear I don’t mind.”
You’re shaking your head before he’s even finished his sentence. “No, I’m okay. We can stay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you having an awful time.”
“I’m not,” you say honestly. You were overwhelmed earlier but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have handled it for Sirius’ sake. He’s handled a lot worse for your sake.
Sirius raises his eyebrows, looking incredibly handsome. “Promise?”
You smile at him. “Promise.”
Sirius smiles back, all pearly white teeth and the dusty pink lips. You’re not surprised when he ducks in to kiss you. You let him because you like him a lot and you could really use a kiss right now. He’s right of course, you had been having a hard time out in the living room. You’d just been beginning to spiral when Sirius had appeared out of nowhere and whisked you away like he could read your mind. Now, he kisses you with all the care of someone who knows you like the back of his hand, and all the electricity of a boy in love.
He backs you up against the sink, hands firm at your hips, kissing and kissing, but pulls back just when you think he’s about to really get carried away. You’re grateful because you’d hate to be discovered like this by one of his friends and you think he knows that.
“I love you,” he says, ducking in for another quick kiss that’s brief but sweet enough to leave you reeling. “Promise you’ll let me know if you want to get out of here, yeah?”
“Okay,” you nod, frazzled by his kissing and his sweetness.
Sirius smiles a dizzying smile and chucks you under the chin. “C’mon, lovely girl,” he takes your hand and tugs you towards the door. “Wanna help me win poker?”
He knows you’re no good at card games — he just wants you in his lap as his so-called lucky charm. Lucky for him, you can’t think of anything else you’d rather do.
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volturissideslut · 6 months
i need lovesick sirius so bad now !!!!!
𝕾𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖚𝖘 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐
Lovesick Sirius! who is secretly an adept artist, spending any and every opportunity he can to draw on you. By the end of the day you're covered in little images, cartoons, and designs hes painted on you in ink, eyeliner and even once he used his nails to gently scratch a star onto your arm.
Lovesick Sirius! who always carries around a polaroid camera and takes pictures of you and him and keeps them in a box next to his bed for memories. It's so hard for anyone to try and photo bomb you, but James manages to get an inch of his forehead in one of the snaps and it felt like he had completed a lifelong goal. Sirius just treasures you that much, and he often will go through that box, filled with stacks upon stacks, and reminisce. Its the first thing he does if he's had a bad day or just misses you in general. He's a soppy guy at heart and almost cried when he saw a blur or your face on one of them because it was summer and he missed you that much.
Lovesick Sirius! who's clingy and loves physical affection. It grounds him and he really appreciates it, especially because most of the touch he's had in his life (aka his parents) was not gentle, but you treat him with so much love and he never wants it to stop. At dinner he has his hand on your knee or thigh, when walking he's holding your hand or got his arm over your shoulder, and if you're just sitting together he'll got so pouty if your legs aren't on top of his.
Lovesick Sirius! Who has been given many detentions by many professors for not paying attention in class. But how can he be expected to focus when you're there with him? He's just there, daydreaming and existing, thinking up date ideas and looking forward to spending time with you. In his brain, this potions essay is no where near as important and is staying on the back burner. You're his priority, even when you insist he's got other stuff that needs his focus.
Lovesick Sirius! Who feels happy and safe for the first time in a long time when he's with you. He's not going to get hurt - physically or emotionally - and he has people he can trust in his life now. And yeah, he has Remus and James and Peter, but it's different with you. No, he doesn't have any real idea of what he wants to be yet, but he does know that whatever it may be, he wants to do it by your side.
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