shoucolate · 1 year
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Err it's Valentine and people are disgustingly in love all around us.
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sapphsorrows · 8 months
I don't get the point in being a Facts and Logic Atheist Skeptic if you're going to blatantly ignore the fallacies of the transgender ideology.
Everyone makes fun of the circular reasoning of Christians but no one makes fun of the very obvious circular reasoning of the trans movement. One of the reasons "what is a woman" is such a fantastic question is because they can't answer it. "What is a woman?" "A woman is someone who identifies as a woman." "Ok, well what is a that? When you "identify" as a woman, what does that mean?" It's very similar to asking a Christian "how do you know the Bible is true?" They say "the Bible is true because it's God's holy word." "Ok, well how do you know that?" "Because the Bible says."
Not only that, but transness in itself is an entirely spiritual belief. You're essentially trying to "fix" your body, which isn't even broken, to further reflect your soul. The idea of a soul is inherently spiritual. I find this especially true of nonbinary people who go through surgery and have their nipples removed. Many of them say "well, I wasn't supposed to have nipples" or "nipples make me dysphoric," and it doesn't make any sense. Nearly everyone on planet earth has nipples, what do you mean you weren't "supposed" to have them?
When you listen to trans people talk about their gender identity, it's extremely religious. Even with things like "trans joy," I can't help but think of the old sold "I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart." Well, I guess if JKR doesn't like it she can sit on a tack.
When they talk about their transition, they're "on a journey," they're "connecting with their gender." When they do finally transition, and cry because they "finally feel like their true selves."
What does that even mean? There is no "true" self, the self you currently have is your true self. You were never not yourself. You were never broken. Anyone who told you that you were was trying to sell you something.
The fact that most skeptic youtubers aren't even a little suspicious of this movements is very confusing to me. It's still possible they could be, but god forbid you say anything.
The trans community is one of the most toxic things I've ever been a part of. In my opinion, it's like Scientology on steroids. If you leave, you will lose friends, and you may become the victim of targeted harassment. If you even hint that you might be questioning it, you will be met with suspicion at best and outright hatred at worst.
In my opinion, it is one of the most popular, regressive and destructive cults currently operating in the US, and one of the reasons it's so dangerous is because it specifically targets mentally ill teenagers and gay kids. It sells the idea that something is wrong with them. It leads them down the path of medicalization and sterilization. In many ways, it's the modern day lobotomy.
This is the biggest medical scandal of our lifetime. If you're not at least a little bit skeptical, I worry for you.
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gradelstuff · 2 months
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Overhaul + Meta Liberation Army - Acrylic Trading Card designs from Ani-Art Vol. 6 (2024)
League of Villains version
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fyeahlov · 2 years
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these are the greatest threat to society?
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vanveeray · 1 year
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byjovewhataspend · 5 months
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i have this mental image of the MLA doing a White Knight style astroturf PR campaign for the League of Villains— getting all the heroes to back off. Shiggy is very annoyed to be the posterboy and do photoshoots. Skeptic is acting as screaming enraged stage mom.
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3zethe3zr · 2 months
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Some more voice designs, switching the style to something more sketchy
Skeptic (Red billed blue magpie) & Cold (Common raven)
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codenamesazanka · 8 months
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this is so sweet. 😭
Skeptic: Hey, Toga. There is a gift addressed to you. It's from the Carmine regiment members.
Toga: Huh? For me?
Toga: What is this? Cooler packs... Are these bottles inside?
Skeptic: It's juice. I hear you like pomegranate. The cook was able to get his hands on it.
Toga: Huh, you ordered it just for me?! Yay!
Mr. Compress: Look at that, Toga. Your subordinates really respect you.
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princetenkoo · 1 year
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Go Wild (2021)
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shiraiza · 9 months
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“Paranormal Liberation Front” - Art from My Hero Ultra Impact
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At work rn but...
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Sorry, husband? Sorry? Husband, sorry?
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kanibaly · 7 days
Hi again ! ♡
I haven't uploaded anything for a while, these are drawings that I've done during this month but I haven't uploaded them because I wanted to fix some things or because I didn't like them
I will do some more, I will try to finish some of the drawings I still have around. I'm also happy that tomorrow starts the last week of this term
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(This photo came out with terrible quality, I wish the camera had focused it well like afo's one 😭 At least my @ is visible and I didn't have to write it back as in the previous one)
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everypanelofdabi · 5 months
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Chapter 245 - Rise to Action
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vanveeray · 1 year
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byjovewhataspend · 5 months
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more PR Manager Skeptic AU
Since last time I had Tomura getting his ponytail up, it makes sense that he was on the way to this photoshoot.
shigaraki loves how everyone is suddenly too polite to admit to being scared of him. super grabby
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spare-tomu-pics · 4 months
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