#smallishbeans fanfiction
autisticmao · 2 months
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GENRE: fluff - maybe crackish?
PROMPT: Etho loses his mask, and finds who the thief who stole it was.
//one day i will get back to writing angst... but for now:
//also this idea has been in the works since the beginning of writing these two- so it looks as tho i joined the obsessed joke sorta late. sjsns
"Where even is it?!" A groan of frustration leaves from Etho, his voice echoed the room after slamming the top part of the chest down, a flurry of noise follows the action.
To put it simply, Etho has lost his mask. He wasn't quite sure how or when, but during the past few days and up until now, the mask was gone with no trace.
A sigh of defeat leaves from the ashen-haired male as he walked over to his bed on the other side of the room, plopping himself down and resting his chin in his hands, elbows rested on his knees as he stared forward with a blank focus on the wall ahead of him.
Etho's thoughts wracked through every memory from the past week or so to how he could have lost his mask, trying to remember who he last interacted with to think if any of them would know. He's interacted with a decent few, like Mumbo, Gem, and especially...
Etho hears a noise come from one of the rooms next over as he was stuck in thought of his missing wanderings. His head perks up at the said noise. There was only ever one other person besides him in the house.
With a steady thought flowing in his head, Etho stands from his bed and walks over to the door, letting it creak open after pushing it gently over and stepping out onto the landing.
He looks left and right, ears perked for more noise to which he follows through the house until a few minutes after, and Etho finds himself standing in a singular open doorway of one of the rooms.
Etho peeks his head past the doorframe, noticing the familiar figure of Joel standing near one of the walls and facing it. On the very wall was a standard size mirror that Joel seemed to be entertaining himself with, laughing at himself as he made jokes and silly voices and even poses or other movements to go with what he said every other sentence.
Etho goes to only take two steps into the room, and with Joel's extraordinary observant antics, from where Joel stood, he turns around speedily, meeting eye to eye with Etho.
He goes to speak to the other male, only to realise that Joel had something of his...
Joel was wearing Etho's mask, the one he's been looking for hours on end for. All this time spent looking around wasted, only to find that the brunette had it to himself all along.
Etho leans against the wall behind him, arms crossed over as a facade of cheekiness crosses over his features, eyes focused solely on the other male. "What you wearing there Joel?" He asks teasingly, nodding his head towards the other male.
"...Nothing." Joel stutters a little, staring wide-eyed at Etho.
"Uh huh... seems like it." A smirk crosses his facial features. "Then mind telling me where you got that mask from?"
A sudden hit of realisation shocks through Joel, one of his hands come up to his face as he attempts horribly at hiding the midnight coloured mask that he was wearing. "Oh, you mean about this? Totally from the shopping district! Not anywhere else." The umber eyed smaller attempts to lie, hoping to metaphorically push Etho away. His voice sounded incredibly muffled, but Etho could still understand him from under it all.
"That's funny," he steps incredibly closer towards Joel, "because the mask you're wearing looks exactly like my one. From every frailed loose string to anything else. Practically down to a tee. Are you sure that's not mine... or are you so obsessed that you're cosplaying as me now?"
Joel stills himself into defensive mode. "I'm not the one obsessed, thank you very much, Etho!" He huffs loudly. Etho couldn't help but chuckle silently. It was easy to rile Joel up when using the right words, and in a way, it was entertaining to the ashen-haired taller. Joel reminded Etho of a young toddler who was in a stroppy mood, whinging until daylight was taken away.
"I don't know about that... everything you do lately around here seems like you are, and the fact that you also decided to move in with me a few months ago doesn't help factor your point there, Joel."
Another huff comes from the male who was talked about.
Etho talked once more, originating back to the previous subject of talking. "Anyways. The mask...?"
"Nope! It is mine!"
"Joel, don't run off! ...Damn it... Joel! Come back!"
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onebizarrekai · 6 months
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totally regular, non-bad boys in secret life (sessions 1-3)
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pjchatters · 3 months
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the fanfiction literally writes itself oh my god
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marsmarbles · 4 months
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I did some doodles of a damsel duo chained life au fanfic I’ve received. I’m literally so normal about it I swear. Pls go read it here
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insomnya777 · 1 month
the breath of RELIEF i just let out
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faelynfawn · 4 months
I do not really like sharing much about myself online, but I would really so greatly appreciate it if any of you are able to commission me at all. I can reduce the prices of things too, I just truly need some help.
Fanfiction commission information
Art commission information
My Ko-fi if you want to donate directly.
One of my mother's clients is threatening to put her in jail for fraud for having fallen behind on some work, and international tax is suddenly on my father's ass about my dead grandpa's trust account years later. Their credit cards are maxxed out. We might lose the house.
My brother and I are both unemployed and entirely dependent on them. We have three pets. There are five people in this house that they feed. Everyone in this house has horrible medical problems.
And my grandmother (who lives with us) is dying. It has been a long time coming but I cannot really stomach the thought of it. She can hardly move anymore. She needs my brother's help to go to the toilet. She has been having horrible medical problems for years and it has just gotten so bad within the past few weeks. She is going to die within the next year and it is horrible. My father is having to watch as his only living parent dies. It is already taking such a toll on him.
If anyone is able to do any of the commissions, then I can help take some of the stress off of them. There's a lot of things I need for my health and wellbeing that they just cannot afford to give me right now. If I can pay for it myself, or at least need less money from them, then it would help so much.
It is horrible watching my family fall apart around me and be unable to even help around the house with chores.
Having a bit more monetary freedom, being able to reduce the financial burden on my family, would help so so much.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Do you see the vision
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Alt ID below the cut
Callum: freaking weirdo, not even good at blending in (literally just collects fox plushies)
FWhip: normal dude, very into engineering (holy crap this planet is so advanced *in 1800s museum*)
Gem: ah yes, normal botanist (actually is just a bunch of bees in a trenchcoat)
Jimmy: literally just the origin of The Spot from atsv
Joel: himbo (hippo)
Joey: he’s so good with kids (magics them into shutting up)
Katherine: works at local craft store, knows too much, probably telepathic (literally just good at reading people)
Lizzie: can definitely communicate with animals (nah, she’s just cool)
Martyn: the man has an emotional support sweater and I respect it (“conceal it, don’t feel it, don’t let it show” /ref)
Meghan: no one is convinced she’s an actual person (she’s merely vibing, guys)
Oli: he’s such a good entertainer (guys he’s an actual magician)
Owen: what a weirdo (is in journalism)
Pearl: this woman has zero impulse control and I love that for her (was programmed that way, don’t worry about it)
Pix: oh this guy’s definitely like me, why else would he be so interested in human culture (legit just an archeologist)
Sausage: bartender who’s oddly calm about how many fires break out on his shifts (he starts more when he’s off the clock tbh)
Scar: oh hey that guy’s definitely an alien, I should talk to him! Oh crap he didn’t know
Scott: wow this guy is everywhere, he must have great time management (nope)
Shelby: she’s so quirky and sheltered haha (will shrivel up an die if deprived of natural light for more than ten hours)
Stacy: wow I haven’t seen her in a while (has been trapped in hell for seven years)
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nekodere07 · 21 days
Tanuki/Raccoon Joel and Kitsune/Fox Etho hide their true identities and pretend to be normal humans HC AU
Folklore AU inspired fr @mellozheist's (thanks for having stunning artwoks dude now I have brainrot and made this when I can't even turn this into a proper fic /pos) character designs of HC s10 Joel and Etho, where the former is a tanuki and the latter is already a fox hybrid but wears Japanese clothing this season. But in this idea, Etho hides the fact that he's a fox, so he looks like any other human until he isn't.
I almost forgot! Any relationship in this story idea is platonic.
Also posted on AO3 if you prefer to read it there :D
Joel reminisces about the time when he was an ogre a few years back, but shuddered since he thought it was cringe for past him to adore that movie so much that he changed into his favorite cartoon character. He looks at Lizzie's direction, and thinks he was relieved when she didn’t criticize him for who he was when she discovered the truth after Joel messed it up before.
While chatting with friends who are gathering in the living room, Joel notices his cup is empty and excuses himself to go to the kitchen, noticing how Grian is also following him. The noise from the living room fades once they arrive, having a quiet moment for themselves. Joel asks if Grian also comes to refill his drink.
Grian nods in agreement and heads to the counter to grab the tea box. Joel stands next to the blonde man as he waits for the other to finish, while Grian talks about how he's relieved to see everyone is doing okay even after months not meeting since the crossover.
Joel raises a brow and points out that obviously they're fine, and adds that why wouldn't they be. Grian explains that even though it was a bit, he was genuinely concerned what might happen to them after the Hermits left Grumbot for the Emperors to deal with.
Joel reassures his friend that as he can see, they're still alive and kicking before adding that Jimmy might not be since Joel's the one doing the kicking, mentioning how he built a giant portrait of them in his empire. Grian laughs as he pours water from the kettle, wishing that he could've seen the look on Timmy's face before offering to pour the water to Joel's own cup.
The brunette hands his as affirmation while saying that he looked exactly like a dumb idiot when he first saw that ghost when they tried that ghost investigator gig a few months back. The comments make both of them laugh and not long after, Grian casually asks if Joel wants to become a Hermit and join Hermitcraft. Joel abruptly stops and has to double back in his thoughts, asking himself if he misheards it but Grian answers his question when he repeats what he said.
There's a long pause of silence between them for a couple of seconds before Joel notices the casual look on the blonde's face morphs into wide eyes with a slacked jaw, tracing his gaze towards his back and twists his stomach into a knot once he notices the prominent brown tail on his back, now exposed for the world to see.
He's fucked.
Joel takes a look at the statues of Etho in front of his gate and glances at the real deal beside him, hesitating whether or not he should ask. It might be a touchy subject and he doesn't want to ruin the lighthearted moment they just had earlier. He jumps when someone clears their throat and turns to the source to see it was Etho. Etho says it might not be his business to ask, but questions whether Joel's okay.
Joel furrows his brows as he replies that of course he's okay, why wouldn't he be. Etho rubs the back of his neck as he explains that Joel's tail is slowly wagging while his ears are folded flat against his head, realizing it that Joel does that whenever he's upset about something. Joel smirks that Etho already notices his new body language in such a short period of time, pointing out that he really is obsessed with him.
Shortly, Joel sighs in defeat and says he's not gonna beat around the bush, so Etho should brace himself. Etho raises a brow in confusion and says okay. Joel asks if Etho is a yokai, making Etho flinch.
Etho averts his gaze while saying "I don't know what you're talking about." Etho thinks to himself that he sounded like Mrs. Tango when she tried to lie to them back then.
Joel adds that ever since he's showing off his yokai traits after that embarrassing blunder with Grian, he realizes that he can sense various energy flowing in the air and it's especially stronger on Hermitcraft. He then distinguishes something similar to himself and traces it to Etho, before reassuring that he never told anyone since Etho might be keeping it a secret like he did until recently and he wasn't sure if his assumptions are true or not.
Etho sighs and confirms that he's keeping his identity a secret. He asks Joel why he's hiding his. Joel says that it's been so long since he left Japan for good, long enough that he doesn't remember the language anymore, and was afraid that people might treat him differently if they know that he's a foreign entity. Nobody likes the unknown, so he's been pretending to be a human on different planets most of his life.
Joel then asks why Etho is hiding it, adding that based on the variations of species amongst the Hermits, he assumes that they'll be accepting despite of who Etho really is. Etho shakes his head and says that his kind already has a negative reputation in their home planet, more so outside of it. He doesn't want his species to influence his relationship with everyone. Joel nods in understanding and promises that his secret is safe with him.
Etho's eyes narrow and form crow's feet as he expresses his gratitude, a small indicator that he's smiling under the mask.
5 Hermits have been going outside the HC world for various reasons, but they promise to go back with souvenirs. When Gem, Grian, xB, and Zedaph have been falling ill and bedridden since they went back from the Hub, others have been trying to find a way on how to cure this unknown ailment that won't subside no matter what.
Etho, who's been one of the 5 but is miraculously fine, is never to be found publicly ever since the news about 4 Hermits being ill has spread. They see him going to the shopping district but never interact for that long whenever he meets someone.
The nerds of the community have been holing themselves in the archives of the stronghold to hopefully find a clue for the cure, only for them to find a book about yokai. They discover about tanuki, comparing it to what they know about Joel and laugh about how accurate the book is, especially about the part of Joel who traps/pranks someone but ends up embarrassing himself. Tango suddenly asks if his friends hear something, but they said no.
They continue to read until they reach the kitsune segment. They're horrified to say the least about the info, and realize there are similarities between the early signs of fox possession and the symptoms of their friends' unknown illness. They're trying not to be superstitious about the current situation since it might be a coincidence, until X receives a message from Cleo.
< Smallishbeans > hello Etho
< Smallishbeans > i tried to visit your place a couple of times but it always seemed like no one's home
< Smallishbeans > hopefully you're okay
< Smallishbeans > i just want you to know that it isn't your fault
They run to the infirmary, only to spot the 4 Hermits breathing heavily and convulsing as their hair roots start to turn white. Stress checks their eyes with a tiny flashlight one by one, and only then Cub sees that all their eyes are red and points it out. Tango says that he's aware that they shouldn't be superstitious, but he mentions that Etho's appearance oddly matches the descriptions in the book.
Doc agrees since he just remembered it now, but Etho's hair and both his eyes used to be brown until he apparently got caught up in an accident that changed his appearance permanently. Doc groans in frustration that he should've pressed about it more, but he didn't want to stress Etho since he wanted to keep that event a secret so badly.
Bdubs suddenly interrupts them with his greeting, making the nerds jump. Bdubs questions "Why the long face? It's not yet the end of the world, guys. There has to be something to cure them, we just haven't found it yet." Doc asks if Etho has spoken a different language other than English.
Bdubs perks and grins to compliment how Etho was really good with Japanese. During the early days of Mindcrack, he used to speak it a lot whenever they're alone and tease Bdubs just because he couldn't understand it. He then yells that no one can mess with him since he's a grown man and points that he only allowed Etho to tease him since he was pretty tense during that time, and switches to somber as he adds that it's prob bec of the tension before the war broke out. But since they left and moved to Hermitcraft, he refused to speak in Japanese even if no one was around.
When every healthy Hermit is kicked out by Stress, Cleo, and Hypno, they go outside to see others hanging out with various forms of worry in their faces.
X spots Beef amongst the crowd and asks the other nerds if they should ask Beef if he knows something else about Etho. Doc agrees and approaches Beef and receives a sorry fr the Canadian about not being in the mood to talk about their rivalry. Doc reassures that that's not why he's here, adding that it's about Etho.
Beef's reaction immediately switches to something dark as he asks "What happened to Etho?" Doc quickly says that Etho's okay, making the other Canadian relax, and he just wanna ask what's under his mask. He knows what he looks like underneath, but he's curious if it's different from many years ago.
Beef thinks aloud that there's nothing really different. Doc insists if he's sure, adding if there's anything subtle like unshaven chin or a tooth missing. Beef perks up "Now that you mention it, Etho used to have all of his canines intact but after we left Mindcrack, they may have grown longer, I think. It was so long ago, I don't remember the exact details. Oh, I almost forgot! He also lost one of them ever since then."
Doc agrees "Oh, yeah! I remember helping him make a substitute tooth, so he won't complain anymore about having a hard time biting meat" before thanking Beef as the nerds leave the scene, not noticing how a gaze has been following them the entire time.
Cub asks what they should do now, and if they search for other leads or rely on the superstition. Doc says that it's time for a confrontation. X points out that it's probably not a good idea to jump into conclusions when they're still unsure if it's a coincidence or not.
Doc replies that it'll probably be too late when that time comes, grimacing that he doesn't want to lose the people he cares about even though they're within reach. X sighs and agrees, but suggests that they should at least prepare in case something happens.
Etho brings in more shulkers into his soon to be storage area, dropping the one on his hands and wipe the sweat off his forehead with a sleeve. He's not sure how long he's been working in his base but based on how greasy his hair is, he must've been here for a long time. He turned off his comms ever since that accident, so he doesn't have any indicator of time other than what he can see beyond his windows. Electricity runs through his skin all of a sudden, making him jump as the magic in the air buzzes with tremendous energy.
Before he realizes, Etho jumps back the instant he hears something above him and just in time, he barely dodges the collapsed ceiling with a backward jump as everything is engulfed with smoke and something lands on the spot where he used to be.
He plants his hand towards the hilt of his sword in an instant, waiting for the cloud of smoke to clear. A spot in the middle of the mist forms a hole as something blurry comes out and pounces towards his direction, materializing the shield on his left hand in reflex and grunts once the unknown intruder lands on the wooden surface.
Etho gasps at the person in front of him, staring at their features with mouth agape. Their skin is now pale and hair gray, glaring eyes are fully white while red vein-like marks spread out to each corner. Their clawed hand raise above their head and swipes forward with tremendous speed, making Etho throw and abandon his protection but doesn't come out unscathed as their long nails grab his mask and graze small jagged lines on the lower half of his now exposed face.
His hand immediately covers his face while Scar yells to give his friends back. Etho can only furrow his brows in confusion. What does that mean? The other Hermit scoffs and complains to stop playing dumb, gradually emitting his magic stronger in every second as he adds "You have some nerve pretending to be one of us for so long," making Etho wince.
Why did he think for a second that it's going to be different this time? Just because he's been having the time of his life for the past ten years in this world, doesn't mean it won't end up like all the other places he perceived as his home.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, opening them back while he exhales and stifles his reaction towards the painful sensation in his chest, finally feeling like an empty room as he pulls out his sword.
The two jump forward as they begin their fierce interaction. It extends for who knows how long and unfortunately for Etho, his breath is becoming shorter and more hasty the longer the fight unfolds but due to his opponent's enormous magic reserve, Scar can still continue despite having run out of air like he did.
Suddenly, the former brunette disappears from his vision and quickly looks around but spots nothing. His ears pick up the noise of a pebble dropping and swiftly turns back, only to see Scar emerging from the ground like a ghost as he leaps to his direction but barely side steps with wobbly legs to dodge. It probably would've given him a huge advantage if he uses his animal ears, but he can't afford to expose himself now.
Gradually, his movements become sloppier and clumsier, even stumbling at a debris at one point that costs him his right arm.
Scar swipes his hand towards Etho's weapon, causing it to slip from the weak grip of his left hand before it flies and lands on the other side of their current position. Scar demands for the creature pretending to be Etho to let go of his friends if it wants to live, but Etho's reply is only his harsh breaths as he quietly stares at the other Hermit's direction.
Scar grits his sharp teeth and mumbles "then so be it" before stepping forward to swipe his claws. Etho shuts his eyes in anticipation of his demise but nothing seems to happen as he waits too long. He slowly opens them and spots something in front off him, gasping to see Joel standing between them. He looks down on the new member's feet to see the blood gradually forming into a pool before looking back up to make eye contact with the man himself.
"Joel, why are you--" Etho's breath is caught in his throat as he tries to ask.
"I--" Joel tries to smile but coughs blood instead. "--wanted to... visit my favorite fan..." He winces before breathing heavily. "...to see how he's going."
Joel drops to the floor but Etho manages to catch him on time, carefully laying his friend's head towards the green surface. He takes in Joel's pale features but every detail morphs into a blur, realizing shortly that he's crying. The only thing he can hear is the drumming of his heart against his aching chest as he can barely see Joel's lips moving, assuming that he's attempting to say something.
Wiping the ongoing tears vigorously wih his sleeve, Etho focuses on lip reading to understand what the brunette is trying to convey.
"I'm... glad... that... you're... safe..."
Etho interprets before seeing Joel's lips finally stop moving, intensifying the thumping in his ears as he registers that Joel's chest has also ceased to rise and fall. As if a rope has been cut in half, all of the decade's worth of suppressed energy in his body has unleashed like a tsunami, engulfing his entire being and immediately blacks out.
Scar, who's watching the whole ordeal unfolding before him, loses all his pent up rage while he can only gape in silence as Etho's forehead sprouts a pair of long fluffy ears, pristine white fur covering every part of his pale skin, nose and mouth lengthen into a snout with razor sharp teeth, tears multiple holes on his gloves as his nails extend into deadly claws, torso and limbs enlarge 5 times its original size while his back grow one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine tails, morphing his body into an entirely different entity.
The unknown creature roars, its voice reverberating and pushes him down like amplified gravity but barely holds his ground with wobbly legs as he can only cover his currently enhanced ears in hopes of preventing himself from going deaf.
What did he just awaken?
Not so fun fact:
[There are actually fox users who are hired by Hermitcraft haters to inflict harm on the Hermits, who had to go to the Hub before going to the specified planets they wanted to go. Those fox users use the foxes they tamed to possess the Hermits but Etho is different since he's a nine tailed fox shapeshifting as a human, so he's unaffected by it.]
[The reason why Etho's insistent on keeping his identity a secret was mainly bec of his experience in Mindcrack, when the people discovered who he actually was, they reacted negatively to say the least. He also kept that event a secret bec he was ambushed by a few members when Mindcrack was on the brink of destruction, and tortured him for info (and may or may not have treated him more terribly bec they knew he was a fox) but he refused to give any since he didn't want to sell out his friends (soon to be NHO), which caused him the scar on his left eye and lost control of his power and shapeshifting ability in the process, which prevented him from properly changing his human appearance.
He also can no longer change into anything else, so he's stuck as his human self. Luckily, he could still somehow hide his ears, tails, and eye, but the left one refused to change, so he just made an excuse that he had to make a redstone powered eye to replace his injured eye to explain that despite being wounded there, he managed to not damage his vision there.]
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m0on-shro0m · 5 months
With a jump in her step, Lizzie pounced through the entrance of her abode. Her excitement pounded against her ribcage as she scanned the party. “Yay!”
Only to be met with no welcome.
“Hey Lizzie, I’m sleeping.” a cool voice called out from one of the many bunk beds. It was Joel, lying in the bottom bunk closest to her.
She continued to glance over the empty beds that Lizzie had built over the past hours setting up. “Where’s everybody else?” she quired, despite knowing what answer lurked.
“Just me. I’m sorry babe.” Joel ducked under the bunk above him. Standing on his feet.
Lizzie could feel her heart sink inside her chest. Lizzie couldn’t find words to respond nor find any point in trying anymore. Of course, no one would show up, why would they just take her word for it? The task in her hands was harder than she had thought.
As the pink floorboards creaked underneath Joel’s feet, Lizzie darted her eyes to her husband. Watching him push the cake in her direction. “Wanna make a wish?”
His lips twined into a subdued smile. A smile that Lizzie wished she could return. Stepping closer, the lit candle flaring its flame, glinting in her view. Its warmth becomes a familiar sense.
Lizzie grabbed the axe from her inventory, bringing it down upon the table and forcing its cutting edge into the wood. Joel immediately threw himself out of the way. Now watching in pure fright.
With each swing, a scream pierced through her throat. The adrenaline is pumping through her veins. It wasn’t a spare moment when Lizzie changed her target to the bunk beds that surrounded the faltering table. Chips and splinters flying and cake splatter.
Soon the outburst had slowed down, each swing starting to lose its strength and Lizzie becoming winded. Ending with one last strike into the bunk bed, the pinkette released her grip on the axe. Falling onto her knees as her body began to shake.
Then a weak cry shattered the destructive manner that anybody could recognize. Sobs forming at the trembling lips. All Lizzie needed was the server to sleep for the night. Just for one night. And she blew all her chances of success. Now she sat in a mess of her own doing, surrounded by remains of the cake and pieces of wood she managed to split.
An arm wrapped around Lizzie’s shaking figure. From the corner of her blurred ocean-blue eyes, it was her one guest: Joel. His arm withdrew to his hand, rubbing her back.
In a choked sob, Lizzie returned his gaze “I-I wish everybody was here.”
Not a second wasted before she collapsed into Joel’s arms. Shoving her face into his chest, her tears soaking into his hoodie. He only held her tighter. Hushing the muffled cries that she shared. Once more her quivering voice muffled. “I wish everybody was here.”
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yoshiintheweb · 7 days
Hello, @spadeyheart! Enjoy your angsty Boat Boys that i wrote for the soul ad for the @mcyt-drabble-exchange! I have nothing funny to say, it's just sad honestly. I have many thought of the idea tho, so if anyone is interested I can and will infodump!
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the-dark-abyss · 3 months
A nice day to end the world (does it even truly matter anymore?)
SUMMARY: Martyn's world is falling apart. Literally and metaphorically.
Jimmy is dead, and more monsters, stronger monsters, are forming from the ever-spreading skulk. Even worse, now his brother was thought to have been living a double life that may have been what got him killed in the first place—part of an underground resistance, one hell-bent on destroying the Watchers and their motivations once and for all. And now Martyn is their newest recruit.
Time is ticking fast. The Watchers will either wipe out most of the population to finish their secret project... or in the process, destroy the world entirely.
They stole his brother from him. And Martyn was going to make them pay.
The main fic of Fading Light AU, where Martyn is a monster hunter, Jimmy had more secrets than he let on, Ren is scared of his past and hiding from his present, and Grian will do anything to bring his sibling back.
My third and final entry for the @treebarktitleswap, run by the amazing and wonderful @apollothetransboy, this time a collab with my good friend @scrambledlikeeggs :>
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autisticmao · 3 months
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GENRE: fluff!
FEATURED: you know the drill (his name is bill-) it's etho ofc
WARNINGS: none! look, no angst from me, see?
(the fluff isn't lasting for long though. imeanwhat-)
PROMPT: joel has fangs! and etho notices them~
Joel seemed to constantly talk on, about what? Etho wasn't quite sure, really. Admittedly, he was barely paying attention to what the umber shaded eyed male hyperfixated on about this time. The last word he did hear from the other before getting distracted, was about a new building idea he had in mind, and Etho was the only one nearby that Joel could tell him a quarter of the plans about.
What distracted Etho from the one-sided talk was still about Joel, though. A feature of Joel's that he only just took a notice of, even after knowing the male for quite some time now.
The further that Joel talked on, the closer that Etho wanted to admittedly be up in Joel's face, inspect with full detail of whether what he sees right now was real or not.
Etho tilted his head to the side a small bit, slightly squinting his eyes to see if that would help to clear his vision on what was there about Joel, and just as he wishes, he takes a step towards the other.
"...I was thinking that maybe I could add this new contraption I designed inside of it, something like a ...Etho, what are you doing? Why are you standing so close to me?" Joel blinked in confusion, taking a miniscule step backwards from the male instantly once he let his mind sharpen on Etho's action.
Etho raises one hand up, pointer finger prodding slightly in Joel's face, close to the corner of his mouth. "You have fangs."
Joel huffs in response, smacking Etho's hand away from being so close into view of him. "Well, yeah. We all have fangs. It's what helps us mostly chew through certain types of foods."
"No! That's not what I mean!" For a moment, Etho felt disgruntled as he shook his head side to side. "You have fangs - like a cat? Of some kind!"
"...You're comparing me to a cat now-" Joel rolls his umber eyes.
A cheeky glance shines from Etho. "What if I am? You're an adorable cat~!"
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I wrote a coffee shop boatboys fic!!!
please leave comments :3
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
To Walk A Mile In Each Other's Shoes: The Boat Boys
Summary: The soulbonds have consequences, and for some they are more welcome than others. Etho & Joel Edition
Characters: Ethoslab & SmallishBeans, LDShadowLady (in a sense)
Word Count: 492
General Note: I'm posting these as separate one-shot style posts for each soulbond pair. They are all written but I have them queued up and spaced out. All posted will be on this blog under the tag "to walk a mile in each others shoes," linked at the bottom of the other posted ones, and also on my AO3, which is linked on my pinned post.
Etho had known who his soulmate was immediately, the taunting question marks lingering on the Player interface rendered pointless. He'd felt it as soon as the bond settled into place, a claim deeper and older than this fresh new connection. His soul an interloper, a potential threat.
And there is only one Player on this server who belongs to one of his kind.
(Well, two, but he knows for a fact that this isn't BDubs. This connection is an addition, not an overlay.)
He'd sent an acknowledgement to the coiling thread of primordial essence. A declaration of intent, a respectful concession to a prior claim, a promise to release the bond when its time was up. ShadowLady's consciousness withdrew, a faint acknowledgement echoing back, tinged with amusement and a distant warning. A threat if he did not treat the soul he is being entrusted with gently.
Etho resigns himself to a Game filled with the sensation of being watched. (Well, more than these Games usually have.)
And then he actually encounters Joel and the bond is "discovered" and acknowledged and the proper connection is forged. One that goes deeper than a simple health-bar. He will freely admit to being surprised at what he finds there.
Is it any wonder that SmallishBeans has a reputation in these Games for Madness, when the very foundations of his code are a burning loyalty he'd never had a focus for?
And he's clever too, it only takes one glance for him to realize that one of Etho's eyes should not be looked into, and it isn't the one most people assume.
Etho pokes at the odd little antennae he's sprouted and explores the way his canines have changed shape without his say-so and huffs a silent laugh. He thinks this partnership will work out just fine. Even if it feels weird to be connected to someone other than BDubs.
The soulbond snaps into place as his eyes meet Etho's and Joel almost laughs. Well that answers that question. He wonders if it would be ethical to use his new knowledge to his advantage on the Hub World betting boards, he knows at least two set up with stakes on the true nature of Ethoslab.
Eh, s'not like he'd ever be able to collect.
Either way, he knows what it feels like to have his soul touch a shard of the Universe. (It isn't a lot but its weird that its happened twice.) And despite Etho's apparent reluctance, Joel grins and declares forever and always. Faint through a muffled connection that is distant but never truly gone, he feels a sensation of mischief and delight and sends an agreement back. This kind of thing is very rarely truly temporary. He wonders what side effects he'll get this time.
(He doesn't have to wonder long, they die and respawn and in the in-between, the nothingness is replaced by wheeling stars and a sense of coming home.)
- Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part
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marsmarbles · 4 months
TeeHee have a DamselDuo one shot I wrote. They make me ill. Yay!! (1129 words)
Scott woke up in a cold sweat. His limbs ached, like he had been sleeping there for years instead of just a few minutes. As he surveyed himself for damage, memories came flooding back to him.
Burning hot lava. He had fallen in, been consumed by it while on his nether trip. He can still feel the fire licking his cheeks, encasing his face. Surveying his arms, he could still see burn scars that weren’t going away soon. They would stay to remind him of what he’s done, who he’s just killed.
Who he’s killed. Instead of his arms, his vision focuses on the chains trailing down his left arm. It fazes through the wall, because it’s not actually physical, just an illusion. Scott can see the vague color change from bright green to more of a lime, and he knows what color it will eventually become when it reaches his wrist.
You died. A voice whispers in his ear. Do you know what you did, Star?
“I’m pretty fucking aware, thanks.” He tries not to let the panic seep into his voice, but fails miserably. He can’t deal with the speakers right now, he has to check that he’s ok. Scott jumps out of bed, tripping his way out of the door of his cottage as he runs desperately to follow the chain. It turns from green to lime to a sickly yellow, confirming his worst fears. But really, they were confirmed the second he woke up.
He realizes halfway to his destination that he doesn’t have any of his items. His things were turned to ash in the lava, all of his iron armor and quartz lost to the fire. He ignores this best he can, trying not to think about the hours of work he wouldn’t get back.
Instead he runs faster, his footfalls echoing across the valley. Scott can feel tears prick at the corners of his eyes, whether from the stress or the wind whipping at his eyes, he isn’t sure. The other house comes into view, half built with three walls and several support beams. The chain shrinks as he gets closer, revealing the almost sunflower yellow. 
He rips open the door, looking around the house. Joel is in the middle of the floor, curled up with his head between his knees. “Joel, Joel, I’m so sorry! I-I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to, and-“
“Get out.”
Joel lifted his head from its perch. Scott realized his normally perfect hair was tangled everywhere, the green streak having changed to yellow. His eyes were a similar color, as were the chains around his wrists. He looked horrible, to put it lightly, as it was obvious he had shed at least a few tears. “You promised that you would keep me safe. You lied to me. Get out, Scott, before I go hunt down Pearl.”
“Joel, I-“
“Do you not have fucking ears? I said, ‘get out!’”
Scott flinched away, but refused to leave that easily. When Joel saw his stubborn expression, he just shuffled away and put his head down again. Scott looked around the half finished house, trying to find something, anything, he could use to apologize. He didn’t think he could stand for Joel to be mad at him, not like this.
Scott made his way around the house, doing his best to avoid the sullen figure on the floor. He opened the chests quietly, finding building supplies, stray snacks, and… a hairbrush. He smiled softly and picked it up, heading over to Joel and sitting behind him. 
Scott remembered the first time he had done this. It was their second day in these stupid games. He had discovered that, one, he was chained to Joel (obviously a cruel trick from the Watchers) and two, his hair was very long. Scott had experience with long hair, but Joel didn’t, and it showed. He had laughed and taken one of his ribbons, doing his best to take the leaves and sticks out of his hair before he braided it to match his. That was the first time he had seen Joel genuinely smile at him.
Now he took his hair again in his hands, humming as he brushed it out. Joel let him, keeping his head down. Slowly, he untangled the knots. It was hard work, considering how messy it was, but he finished soon enough. Softly putting the brush down, he split the mass into three strands and started braiding them together. Joel had lifted his head up at that point, not quite a pleased expression on his face, but it was close enough for Scott.
When he had finished, he used a stray ribbon he had (yellow, how ironic) to tie the end so it would stay. Scott silently slid around so he was facing Joel’s face now, and clasped his hands.
“I know there’s no real way I can apologize for what I’ve done, but I truly am sorry. I will do my best to be more careful. I-I woke up, and I was so afraid I had lost you, and-“ He took a shaky breath. “I am so, so sorry. I understand if you can’t forgive me. I’ll leave no-“ Scott stood to walk towards the door, but a hand caught his wrist and pulled him back down.
“I,” Joel took a breath. “I can forgive you. It’s fine, it would happen one day, we knew it was coming.” Joel offered him a toothy grin. “I still hate you though.”
Scott let out a wet laugh. “I love you too, Joel.” He dragged him into a hug, placing his face into his shoulder. “I love you too.”
The repetition meant something, something deeper that neither of them wanted to admit. When Scott pulled away, he offered a smile before he stood. “I’ll go tell Lizzie and Pearl what happened. I’ll be over tonight though.”
When he was less than fifteen feet from the house, an annoying voice spoke in his ear once again. 
Ooohhh, someone has a crush.
“I have standards. I don’t just fall for every guy I meet, you know.”
I don’t know, that seemed to be the case with Jimmy and Martyn and-
“Stop right there! Nope, nope, I will not have the gods metaling in my romantic life. That is something I would like to have control over, thank you very much.”
All in due time, Star.
The Speaker snickered as it flew away. Scott scoffed and kept walking, towards the house that Lizzie and Pearl inhabited. So what if he liked Joel a little more than normal? It wasn’t like anything would happen about it.
Still, as he walked, he couldn’t keep his mind off of how much yellow surprisingly fit Joel.
sorry it’s so long but I love them. Maybe expect more fanfic coming soon of Scar and Sausage???
I’m…….im fucking speechless…..THIS IS SO GOOOODDDD RAMXKVKDKCMVMDMCN!!!!! Have you really read through my whole page???? Cuz all of this is too accurate.
You also captured the Speakers’s personality perfectly!!!
The whole time I was reading I was both smiling uncontrollably and on the verge of tears thank you so much!!! I’m so excited to read more(if you make more that is no pressure)!!!!
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thebiscuitbread · 3 months
Bad Boys Band au
ill give it a better name later, but i had this idea for an au that is heavily inspired by this post. basically, the bad boys are all young adults in their early twenties who come together and form a band. thats the gist. there are so many more complex subplots and stuff i have in mind but thats the basics. i quick typed up very short summaries for each of them in google docs to hopefully very briefly explain
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now, if this turns out to actually be a cool idea and not just me being sleep deprived, ill write a fanfic about it. but i want anyone and everyone's input: is this something you'd like to read?? even if you dont follow me, please respond with criticism and such. <333
also please go check out the post that i took inspo from, its a poll and its still live for the next 19 hours!! go vote go go go
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