#snape fanfic
smilingformoney · 1 year
Severus is testing a new potion, with unexpected side-effects. (aka: sex potion trope but make it Snephy)
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Snape x OC | smut
Warnings/content: masturbation, blowjob, slight dubcon if you squint, desk sex, dom!Snape (later service dom), orgasm denial, overstimulation, possessive Snape, cunnilingus, use of safe word
Read on Ao3 or below:
Now that the twins had started nursery, Persephone and Severus had a lot more time to themselves. Generally, this involved catching up on the sleep they’d lost since they were born, although for Severus it also meant throwing himself into his work without interruptions from feral children - something he had craved ever since he’d started working at Hogwarts over twenty years ago.
It wasn’t surprising to Persephone, then, that some mornings she took the girls to nursery on her own, as Severus was deep in concentration over his desk, or his cauldron, and she didn’t want to disturb him. One morning in particular, she returned home from dropping the girls off when she heard Severus’ voice in his study. He never spoke to himself - he could go without speaking as long as he was allowed to be cooped up in his cave. He and April were similar in that way, their non-verbal communication far beyond anything Persephone, Ariadne or Abbie had been able to achieve.
At first Persephone thought someone might be in there with him, but as she listened, she realised he wasn’t talking, but moaning. He almost sounded like he did in bed, on the now only too rare night that they weren’t too busy, or too tired to have sex.
She opened the door cautiously, knowing he didn’t like to be disturbed, and was surprised to discover exactly why he sounded like he did in bed - he was sat back in his chair, his eyes scrunched tight as he furiously pumped his fist around his cock.
“Sephy,” he mumbled to the air.
He hadn’t realised yet that she was there. Although the sight was arousing, Persephone was a little hurt - could he not have waited for her to get home? Did he now prefer his own touch over hers, leaving her role only to that of fantasy?
He needed a reminder, she decided. On her tip-toes so as to not make a sound, she crossed the room to him. Her sneaking skills must have been rusty, though, because he seemed to sense her presence when she approached and his eyes opened. Rather than being shocked or embarrassed that she’d caught him in a compromising position, his eyes only grew more lustful when he saw her. His right hand showed no signs of slowing; with his spare hand, he reached up and grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him.
“Sev…” Persephone gasped; he only growled in response as she fell on his lap, and he pushed down on her shoulder to force her to her knees. He squeezed her chin to open her mouth, and suddenly his cock was down her throat.
She choked slightly, his cock having been shoved so suddenly and so forcefully into her dry mouth. If Severus noticed, he didn’t care, as he grabbed her by the hair and held her head still as he rutted furiously into her mouth. She knelt there, coat and shoes still on from having been outside, as her husband face-fucked her until he came down her throat. Only then did he finally release her hair from his hand, and Persephone was finally able to breathe when she was able to extract herself from his crotch.
A thousand questions were swimming in her head, but the one that came out was, “How the fuck are you still hard?”
Sure enough, despite having cum down her throat only moments ago, Severus’ cock was still standing to attention.
He groaned, knuckles turning white as he gripped the arms of his chair in frustration, seemingly trying to resist going right back down her throat. “Still… need to cum…” he managed to say, although it seemed to be a struggle for him to even speak.
Persephone got to her feet and looked down at him. He looked incredibly hot, his whole body quivering with lust as he physically restrained himself from moving. His eyes were closed, as if looking at her would be too much.
“I tested a new potion,” he said through gritted teeth. “The side effects are… unexpected.”
Persephone couldn’t help but laugh. “You tested a new potion on yourself, and the side effects make you uncontrollably horny?”
Severus opened his eyes, and as soon as he laid eyes on her body, his hands were on her hips, pulling her down to straddle his lap.
“Need you,” he growled, his hands clawing uselessly at her clothing. “Naked. Now.”
“Say please,” Persephone teased.
Severus groaned in frustration. “Get your clothes off, please, or else I might just die if I don’t fuck you.”
“Yes, sir.”
She began unbuttoning her coat, but even that was too slow for him. Severus pulled the coat apart with his own hands, sending buttons flying, but he didn’t seem to care. He moaned with relief to see she was wearing a low-cut t-shirt, and he buried his face in her breasts, nuzzling them like they were a pillow after a long day.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he moaned. “Mhm… Sephy…”
He pushed the fabric of her t-shirt and bra to the side to allow a breast to escape, and Persephone hissed slightly in pain as he took her nipple in his mouth and pinched it between his teeth.
She could feel his erection pressed between their bodies, and if she weren’t wearing trousers, she needed only to lower herself a few inches to fill herself up with him.
Severus seemed to be similarly frustrated, because he removed her breast from his mouth with a pop , picked his wand up from the desk, and with two quick waves their clothes had vanished. As his wand clattered to the floor, Severus pushed Persephone backwards to lay her on the desk. He ignored the parchment being crushed beneath her back, and paid no mind to the vial of liquid that crashed to the floor. She had no chance to ask what they’d just broken when she felt her husband’s cock filling her up, crawling up her walls as he fit so perfectly inside her. He wasted no time thrusting furiously into her, his depraved grunts filling the room as he fucked her so hard, so fast, that the desk began to creak beneath them.
At least he was enjoying himself; he’d spent no time getting her ready as he usually did, and so the feeling of his cock rubbing against her dry walls was painful and uncomfortable. She opened her mouth to say something, but whatever had been in the smashed vial wafted into her face, and she breathed in something that smelt a little like Amortentia, but mixed with the familiar smell of sweat and cum.
The gaseous potion filled her lungs, and her heart immediately began to race. The painful fucking suddenly became very pleasurable indeed as her cunt moistened itself around Severus’ cock, and all Persephone wanted was to cum while he was buried deep inside her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registered that she must have breathed in whatever substance Severus had drank to make himself uncontrollably horny, but that voice was small compared to the overwhelming need for her husband’s body.
She moved her hand towards her clit, desperate for extra stimulation, but Severus slapped her hand away.
“No cumming yet,” he growled. “Not until I say so.”
“Please,” Persephone begged. Maybe if she came, the torturous need coursing through her veins would be sated. She had never been so horny in her life, and she now understood what Severus said earlier; she, too, felt like she might die if their bodies ever disconnected. He was part of her, and she was part of him; why should they ever need to separate?
Severus grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head as he leant closer to her, their bodies pressed together as he grunted furiously into her ear, his face buried in her neck. Persephone let out a small yelp as he sunk his teeth into her flesh, latching on like a hungry babe to a breast, and a wet, cold sensation told her he had drawn blood. Somewhere in her mind she registered the pain, but the sensation of his mouth on her neck, his hands on her wrists, his chest on hers, his cock still pounding furiously in and out of her cunt - it was far more pleasurable than the small pinch of broken skin.
She so desperately needed to cum, to clamp her walls around his cock and milk him for all he had, but he’d given her an order and she was terrified, if she disobeyed, he’d never let her cum at all. So she tried to think of something else, anything else, to keep her peak at bay. Over Severus’ shoulder, she looked at the jars of slimy ingredients lining his shelves, all gross and gooey, wide-eyed dead creatures staring at her from their glass prisons, all lined up neatly and meticulously organised. She could just imagine Severus perusing the shelves, his elegant fingers gently skimming across each jar as he looked for the right ingredient… the same fingers that could find her sweet spot in seconds, the fingers that were now creeping down her arm to wrap around her throat, and she was snapped back to reality when he squeezed just above her clavicle. It was the smallest of squeezes, testing her response, and when she gasped in pleasure, Severus smirked as he lifted his head to look at her, watching her face contorting in blissful pleasure-pain as his grip on her tightened.
“I’m going to cum in your beautiful cunt,” he growled. “And you’re going to take every - last - drop.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Persephone moaned. “Give me your cum, please, I need you to fill me up, please, please, please…”
“Yes, take it, take my cum… my good girl, mine, mine… MINE!” Severus roared as he came, his cries of ecstasy echoing through the room, and if they’d had any neighbours, there would be no doubt they’d be heard. His hips stilled deep inside her, plugging her up as his cum shot inside her, and his grip on her throat tightened so much she almost couldn’t breathe.
Persephone inhaled deeply when his grip relaxed and Severus collapsed, spent, on her sweaty body, as if she’d taken not just his cum but all of his energy in one blissful moment.
Blissful for him, perhaps - her cunt was still on fire, desperate for the wave of bliss only he could so expertly pull from her. She grinded her hips against his, desperate for any kind of stimulation; his cock was softening, but she needed him desperately, if not his cock then his fingers, his tongue, anything…
“Severus…” Persephone moaned, and she realised she was crying. “Please, Severus, please…”
Severus was still trying to catch his breath, but his panting stopped when he heard her pleas. He looked up at her, eyes wide with shock, as if he was only just realising he’d completely forgotten her needs.
He pulled out of her and dropped to his knees in an instant, ignoring the cum dripping out of her as he buried his face between her legs. Persephone cried out with relief when his tongue ran over her clit, and she knew she wouldn’t last long. Severus slipped two of those beautiful fingers inside her wrecked pussy, elegantly caressing her inner sweet spot as his sharp tongue traced circles around her clit.
Thank fuck he wasn’t teasing. He usually ate her out so slowly and carefully at first, building up her pleasure before letting her cum. But now he wasted no time, finger-fucking her furiously as he sucked on her clit for dear life. Persephone clawed uselessly at the desk beneath her, and when she couldn’t find anything to hold onto, she sunk her fingers into her husband’s silky hair, nails digging into his scalp as with one, two, three perfect strokes of his fingers, she exploded with ecstasy, her walls clamping around his fingers as he kept stimulating her through her orgasm, only slowing to a stop when the last aftershock of her orgasm had left her body and she, too, felt her energy drain away instantly.
Persephone released her grip on him and he sat back into his chair, his hair a mess, his cheeks flushed red and his chin glistening with her sticky juices. Severus closed his eyes as he caught his breath, and only opened them when his wife crawled onto his lap, nuzzling his neck as she snuggled up to him.
His rock-hard chair might be suitable for him to work from, but it certainly wasn’t made for cuddling. He apparated them up to their bedroom, their naked bodies appearing on the edge of the bed, and together they slid under the blanket, holding each other as close as they could.
For a few moments they lay there, soaking in the blissful aftereffects of what had just happened, until Persephone spoke.
“What the fuck was that?” she mumbled sleepily.
“Not the intended effect of the potion,” Severus replied.
Persephone chuckled. “Clearly. What was it supposed to do?”
“It was only supposed to give me an erection. I may have to dial back some of the ingredients.”
“Why do you need a potion to give you an erection?” Persephone asked curiously, looking up at him as she rested her head on his chest.
“I don’t - not yet. But it’s a common issue among men my age - I’m hoping to create a potion to market. I may need it myself one day, but I assure you, the only assistance I need to get hard is thinking of you.”
Severus wrapped his arms tighter around her, holding her close and taking in her scent. “I’m sorry, I was very selfish just now. All I could think of was my own pleasure.”
“Thank Merlin the orgasm stopped the potion’s effects. I don’t think either of us would have the energy to go for much longer than we did.”
Severus hummed thoughtfully. “It seems it was only that last orgasm that worked. None of the previous ones did - I still felt desperately horny.”
“Previous ones? How many times did you cum in your own hand before I came home, Sev?”
He blushed, his eyes darting to the side to avoid hers. “Three times,” he admitted. “Each time, I maintained the erection and my desire throughout… it was only cumming inside you that worked.”
“Maybe it doesn’t just make you horny… when I breathed it in, I felt a need to cum, but mostly it was just a need for you. Perhaps it was less a need for pleasure, and more a need for connection, the intimacy of sex.”
“Perhaps. My mind was swimming with thoughts of you, but it wasn’t until I had you in front of me that I really felt sated. I suppose that’s logical - I based the recipe on that of Amortentia.”
“I thought that was what I smelt. It’s hard to tell when Amortentia smells like you, and I’ve already got you there. I can’t tell if I’m smelling you or the potion.”
“Your Amortentia smells like me?”
Persephone laughed. She propped her head up on her hand and smiled at him incredulously. “Of course it does, Sev. What else would it smell like?”
“Mine smells of you too,” he admitted. “When we were apart, I always hated teaching Amortentia, because the whole classroom just smelled like you. Your lavender shampoo, the firewhisky you always kept at your home… and a smell I couldn’t identify for years. It wasn’t until we had the girls that I realised it was the smell of baby powder. I must have smelt it that day I came to see you when Abbie was a baby.”
“I smell firewhisky too,” Persephone said with a laugh. “We must be a couple of drunks.”
Severus chuckled and brushed a stray hair from her face. “What else do you smell?” he asked.
“Cinnamon, of course. And a kind of damp wood smell - it’s what your old house smelt like after the rain.”
Severus smiled. Even after all this time, he still seemed to find it hard to believe she loved him as much as she did.
“I should probably reduce those elements,” he said thoughtfully. “My aim is arousal, not carnal lust.”
“And you should probably wait until I’m home to test it,” Persephone said, firmly but with a hint of a tease. “I can be your… control subject.”
“Mmm, I do like having you under my control,” Severus teased as his hand snaked down her body to squeeze at her arse. “And you’re certainly my favourite subject.”
Persephone laughed, then kissed his soft lips lovingly before he turned the kiss hungry, hands digging into her waist as he held her flush against him. He flipped her onto her back and moved his kisses to her neck, taking care across the bruise that was forming across her neck, before moving further down her body and taking her nipple into his mouth. Severus hummed with satisfaction, never releasing his latch onto her breast even as his hand travelled lower down her body.
“Is the potion still working?” Persephone asked, trying to contain a moan as her husband’s skilled fingers began teasing at her folds.
“No,” Severus replied as he released her nipple from his mouth and began kissing every inch of her breasts. “This is all you. All for you. Five orgasms for me this morning and only one for you?” He tutted with disapproval. “That won’t do. I’ll make sure you have another six, at least.”
“We’re not as young as we used to be, Sev,” Persephone reminded him. “I don’t know if - ah!” She gasped as his finger slipped inside her. “...if I can do that anymore.”
“Oh, you will,” Severus promised. He looked up at her, dark eyes alight with a fierce determination. “I’ll keep you in this bed all day if I have to. Oh, the things I’ll do to you, Sephy… I’ll have you cumming until you’re begging for mercy.” He pressed his thumb against her clit, and chuckled darkly when she twitched.
“So eager for me already. This is going to be so easy…”
She came within a minute, and just as he promised, by the time lunchtime came, she’d cum not just six, but seven more times before she was indeed begging him for mercy, insisting she had no orgasms left in her.
“One more,” Severus promised. Persephone had her arms tied above her head, the other end of the soft yet secure ribbons meeting the ceiling above the bed. The ribbons were just long enough to suspend her above the mattress, her bent knees not quite meeting the surface. Her arms ached as they held up her weight, unless she were able to sit on a pillow - but Severus, of course, had no intention of giving her any sort of pillow to rest on. Instead her weight rested on his face, and as his tongue explored her cunt and his nose rubbed against her clit just right, Severus moaned with lust, enjoying every moment of his wife’s dripping wet cunt trapping him beneath her.
When she came for what he promised was the last time, her thighs clenched around his head, and Severus knew that even the slightest of friction against his cock would have him cumming too. But he ignored his aching member - he’d taken his own pleasure enough, perhaps too much, that morning. He wanted to give his wife all the pleasure she deserved, and he was sorely tempted, when her orgasm subsided, to keep going, to lap up everything she had, to leave her trembling and unable to speak. He was just picking up the pace again to do exactly that when she spoke, and his movements froze.
On hearing her safe word, Severus gently withdrew his tongue from inside her and removed her hips from his face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quickly, grabbing his wand from nearby to release her bonds, allowing her to finally drop onto the bed. He caught her as she fell and laid her down gently. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, just… too much. I can’t… I can’t cum again, Sev, I might pass out,” Persephone replied, catching her breath as a tear of frustration rolled down her cheek.
Even so, Severus insisted on checking her over, and although she was red and sweaty from exertion, and some handprints and fingernail marks adorned her body, there were no new marks past the bruise on her neck.
“Oh, darling, you’re exhausted,” he said soothingly, gently caressing her face. “I think you need a bath, hm? We’ll get you cleaned up, then we’ll have some late lunch.”
Persephone smiled and nodded, and soon enough they sunk into the hot, soapy bath together. She knew he was really going all out when he filled the bath with his favourite soap, a fancy concoction Lucius had gifted him last Christmas. A sigh of relief escaped her lungs when she felt the hot water on her sore skin and a relaxant in the soap left her melting into her husband’s arms.
“Better?” Severus mumbled in her ear as he held her carefully, as if worried he may break her.
“Mhm,” Persephone mumbled in response, her eyes already closed as she relaxed into his embrace.
“Is there anything more I can do for you, my love? Anything at all. I am yours to command.”
“There is one thing you could do,” Persephone replied, and her cheeky tone made him suspicious, but he was determined to stick to his promise.
“Oh? And what’s that?”
“Pick the girls up from nursery today.”
Severus chuckled warmly.
“Of course I will, darling. Of course I will.”
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fresiants · 1 year
Finding My Perfect Ending — Chapter 5 : Hidden Scars
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Pairing : Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Warning : Hurt/Comfort, Bullying, Violence, Physical & Emotional Abuse, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
Chapter Summary : As the sun set and darkness cloaked the castle, Sirius Black found himself once again drawn to the hospital wing, compelled to check on Severus Snape's well-being. As he entered the dimly lit bathroom, he caught a glimpse of the whip scars on Snape's back, a horrifying sight that filled him with a potent mix of disgust and guilt.
Link : AO3 | FF | Wattpad
Amazing art by guilhoss_art <3
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yan-senna · 8 months
No Longer Friends (Severus Snape)
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Severus Snape’s wife comes home early from a day out with her friend. When he sees that she’s upset, he makes it his personal mission to figure out what happened.
This is a request and birthday present for @giosnape. Buon compleanno (happy birthday)!🥳🎁🎂
Note: This was supposed to be about “Bad Day at Work”, but because of recent events, I couldn’t make myself write it as it would become too personal.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Published: 10/9/2023
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Word count: 979
Warning: Angst (Loss of friendship and threatening to curse somebody)
Severus Snape is at home in Spinner’s End, drinking a cup of tea. His wife, Y/N, left less than an hour ago to go out with one of her good friends.
Severus is happy that she spends time with her friends - that means he gets to stay home alone and enjoy some quiet time. Even though the longer they have been married, the more he misses her whenever she’s not near him. He almost considered tying her to the bed this morning just so she couldn’t leave… But he obviously didn’t do it. She needs her time with her friends.
He will just have to occupy himself until she gets home - perhaps read a book? Or brew a potion? Even though he enjoys these things very much, he would still rather have her next to him. He sighs to himself. He wishes that she would get home earlier today.
Just as he’s about to take another sip of his drink, the front door suddenly opens. He grabs his wand to stop the intruders. However, when he faces the newcomer, he widens his eyes. It’s his wife - why is she already home? Did his wish come true?
“Darling? Why are you already home?” he questions, tilting his head.
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Continue reading on AO3 or Wattpad
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awaitresswhowrites · 7 months
thinking of doing a snape x reader smut where the reader’s a student in their last year and snape’s the age he is in the first film (around 30). ops?
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turvi · 10 months
Hi lovelyyyy, I remember seeing ur post about wanting to write something desi x harry potter vibe related and as a desi myself I LOVE THIS IDEA SM and have always wanted to read something like this!!
So I wanted to request - could you do something Severus x reader (who are already in an established relationship), where reader is an indian girl and has a indian boy best friend. They sometimes talk to each other in Hindi (or whatever indian language you speak) so ofc they seem super close to everyone + one day in Potions class he starts teasing her about Severus in Hindi and she starts blushing, laughing and hitting him playfully etc and Severus notices and gets jealous?
Severus can like confront her about it later and she reassures him before she starts expressing her love to him in Hindi, giving translations too and then its just full of fluff
If not dw!! Just really wanna read something desi related and im a killer for jealous severus fics ahah
Absolutely love all ur work btw :)
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Severus Snape x Indian! Fem! Reader
Severus clenched his quill when he heard Y/n giggling. Normally his heart would fill with warmth when he would hear her laugh but now that her new friend Aditya was making her laugh, his heart burned.
It had all started a week ago. It was supposed to be a lovely day, just him and his Y/n, enjoying the pleasant weather with him laying on her lap as she gently massaged his scalp. But as they were walking towards the black lake Y/n bumped into Aditya. He told her he was lost as he is an exchange student. As they talked more Y/n realised Aditya belonged from her native place. Now she wouldn't budge from her place even if Severus tugged her sleeve with a pout on his lips as they talked about their favourite places to visit.
He looked up from his notes to see Aditya whispering in Y/n's ear and noticed her cheeks blush from his words. Severus got irritated and scratched his nose as the scowl deepened on his forehead. Severus got up with a huff as soon as the class got over, ignoring Y/n's voice calling his name despite feeling fireworks in his heart at how his name sounded in her voice.
"Sev, wait." The speed of his footsteps increased as he heard her call his name again, the sound of his heartbreaking was louder. He was on the verge of tears the thought of losing Y/n clouded his mind so much he didn't realise when she caught up to him.
Y/n tugged his arm and her heart shattered at the sight of his tear-filled eyes. She went to comfort him by touching his arm but he avoided her touch. His glare was cold. "No need to put up with me. If I have started to feel like a burden to you, you can leave. I won't stop you." He spat the bitter words at her, finding it easier to do than confront her.
"What are you talking about Sev? What's the matter?" Y/n asked trying to hold his hand to calm him. Severus couldn’t retract his hand, he always felt grounded whenever he felt her hand in his.
“You don’t have to be with me because you pity me Y/n. You are free to be with someone you actually love.” he diverted his eyes trying not to let her see his teary eyes.
Y/n tried to pull his chin up but he looked away again. “Sev please don’t look away from me. Tell me what’s wrong?”
“Do you love Aditya?” the way his voice cracked made her heartbreak. He thought this was an endgame and that this will the last time he will get to look into her eyes.
“Oh, Severus.” Y/n tugged him closer and cupped his cheek. “Why would you think like that?” Severus sighed as Y/n hugged him. He gave up all the fight as soon as he felt her hands massaging his scalp.
“I was scared. He is so much better, you understand each other better and you were blushing when he spoke to you"
Y/n cupped his face with both her hands, looking deep into his dark eyes. "Severus, my love, my life…I was blushing because he was teasing me how I act like lovesick puppy around you and it's the truth. Yes it's nice that he speaks my language but you understand me better than anyone."
Y/n wiped his tears "Severus, jab tumhe dekhti hu na lagta hai jaise subah subah ki dhoop mil gayi ho par jab tum nahi dikhte to lagta hai jaise main akele thand main khari hu"
His lips involuntarily smiled at her words. He couldn't understand anything she said but the way she looked at him like he was the only person in the corridor right now.
"It sounds beautiful. What does it mean?" He asked brushing her cheek with his thumb.
"It means that when I see you it feels like early morning sunshine and when I don't I feel like I'm standing alone in the cold."
"I'm so sorry lovie. I let my fear win over my trust. You are always so patient with me, so loving. And I always push you away with my insecurity. Honestly it felt like my worst fear came true when I saw you getting close with Aditya." Severus wanted to embrace her but with so many students in the corridor he was only able to hold her hands.
"No, let me finish. I doubted your love. You are so kind to me and I doubted you. You take care of me and this is how I repay it by doubting you. I'm so sorry my love." Severus almost wrapped his arms around her waist but retracted his hands quickly noticing eyes on them.
His eyes widened when she placed his arms on her waist. "I'm yours, Severus. I love you so much." She confessed peppering his face with kisses, his chuckles encouraging her more to kiss him.
Severus smirked as he tugged her closer to him but Y/n pushed him away. "Wait, you said you were going to make it up to me for doubting me."
"Y/n'' Severus jokingly groaned. "Ok tell me what can I do to win you back. I will do anything."
"Anything?" She teased him by nudging his nose with hers.
"Anything. I promise."
"Get me chocolate ice-cream in a chocolate dipped cone."
Severus let out a relieved sigh. "For you my love. I'll bring 10 ice cream cones.. maybe more."
"I just want one and promise me that before you decide to have the great idea that I don't love you, talk to me before you decide to distance yourself from me."
Severus guiltily kissed the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, love. Come on, one chocolate ice-cream in a chocolate dipped cone is waiting for us."
"One? You won't be having ice cream?"
"No lovie, I'll take a few bites from your icecream." Severus teased her back by bumping his shoulder with her. He felt like his cheeks warm up when she squeezed his hand, falling more in love with her.
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myers-meadow · 11 months
Severus Snape and his assistant: More than the sum of ingredients (ch. 1)
Title: More than the sum of ingredients
Chapter title: Introduction
Pairing: Severus Snape x his assistant, my female OC.
Summary: The start of a new year: fresh and bright! And this year, students are allowed to practice potions in the classrooms after hours - to great joy of many studious witches and wizards. To help Snape cope with the added workload, Dumbledore hires an assistant for him. Soon there will be more brewing than just potions.
Wordcount: 1341
Warnings: nothing for this chapter. This story will have it all: angst, fluff, and especially smut ^^. There will be warnings for future chapters, of course. This is probably not canon timeline wise.
Divider by delishlydelightfuldividers
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For Hermoine, the new schoolyear started off ripe with promise. She was determined to excel once again, and with a new, hopefully better, Defence Against the Dark Arts professor – things were looking up. And as a cherry on top, during the first Potions class, professor Snape announced that he now had an assistant.
“Professor Dumbledore and I have come to an agreement,” he said it like it disgusted him, “to allow students to use this classroom outside of classes, to practice potions for the final exam. To make this go smoothly, I have appointed an assistant.”
Murmurs started in the back of the class. He swiftly ended those with a sharp stare.
“Groups of maximum four students can schedule a timeslot with her. Use of ingredients also goes through her. I strongly urge you to make use of this opportunity, since some of you seem to forget you need an Outstanding in this class to succeed in your O.W.L.s. Only the best can take Advanced Potions classes next year. Class dismissed.”
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The word spread fast. Hermoine wasn’t the only hopeful student wanting to make use of this new opportunity and the timeslots filled up fast in the first week (as long as it didn’t clash with quidditch practice). What spread even faster, was that the new assistant was a cold-hearted and impatient young woman, named miss Medea Pimpelmees, and was almost as bad as Snape. The buzzing enthusiasm to improve Potion grades faded quick.
For Snape, it was easy to refer to her, so he didn’t have to deal with students himself, but for the students it was a puzzle. She was never at the place they expected her to be, so finding her was the first obstacle. Then there was hoping she was in a good enough mood to let them write their name on the sheet – at times it laid prominently on the desk while she simply said she didn’t have the parchment with her and they’d better come back another time.
After that step was completed, and it was time for brewing, she guarded the ingredients closely. When you needed something from the stores, there was a chance she’d give you something else, purely to mess with you. “Should’ve paid more attention and you’d know what horklump juice looks like,” was all she’d say, barely hiding the meanness on her face.
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“Miss Pimpelmees, it says here we need wormwood, but there’s not any left,” said Neville, steeling himself, looking down at his feet in front of the desk where the new assistant sat.
She glanced up at him, “Wormwood? I could’ve sworn I refilled the vials yesterday.”
Standing up, she pulled Neville’s hand towards her, almost yanking the poor boy over her desk, to examine the empty vial, then went to the shelf to look for the rest of the supply.
“There really is none,” she muttered. “I’ll have to bring this up with Professor Snape. Thank you Neville. If it isn’t too late for your schedule, you may practice another potion. Amortentia doesn’t have wormwood as one of its ingredients.”
“But miss, what about the group after ours?” asked Neville.
She waved him off. “They’ll just have to wait. And I will have to search for the wormwood thief.” The venom in her voice returned at the mention of the thief.
Once back at his table, Neville barely sat down before Harry and Ron leaned towards him.
“What’s gotten into her? She hates us.”
“Do you think it’s some sort of trick? That she’s secretly telling Snape?” said Ron.
“I think she likes Neville,” Hermoine said, already cleaning up the remains of their failed wormwood-less potion.
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And so it became that when a group had to put their name down on the list, or had to ask for specific ingredients, they sent Neville.
“Please, just this once?” begged a fifth year Hufflepuff. “I’ll do your Charms homework for the rest of the week!”
“You said that last time,” said Neville, begrudgingly. It did sound lovely to be able to go to Hogsmeade during the weekend with less homework to be done. “I can’t promise anything.”
“Thank you so much, Neville!” and they ran off with a bright smile.
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“Why won’t you let us make Amortentia?” asked Draco, during one of the sessions he booked with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. The golden trio and Neville sat at the other end of the classroom. The way Draco seized up the new assistant, it was clear he looked to play a prank, ready to push and prod until getting a reaction. 
Not looking up from her book, she said: “I hardly think a guy like you should need it, do you?”
Satisfied with the answer, Draco looked at the other table, wearing a triumphant smile.
“A Wit-Sharpening Potion might prove useful instead,” she said, which wiped the smirk off his face. The snickers at the Gryffindor table were silenced similarly quickly by a sharp glare. The mess they left for her to clean up, however, had her cursing them out at the end of the lesson.
“Neville,” she called out, before anyone had a chance to leave the room. Of course they expected him to have to stay behind to clean it, even though Draco caused the mess. The group was used to such favouritism from the Potion's professor, so it wasn't at all surprising. He was met with grins from the Slytherins, and pitied looks from his friends, but he obediently trudged over to her desk.
“Yes?” he gulped, focussing on anything but the frown on her face.
“You need to negotiate with your peers. When they’re trying to get you to do something, you should say; ‘you do both Charms homework and History of Magic, then we have a deal’. Understood?”
Surprised, the boy nodded.
“Good. Leave.”
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That night, professor Snape sat at his desk, grading essays, as his assistant, Medea, noted down which supplies needed restocking.
His low voice shook her from her thoughts. “I’ve received some complaints today.”
She just hummed, leaning the ledger against the shelf to make a note to order more wormwood.
“It was Draco. He said you insulted his intelligence.”
“And complimented his romantic prowess.”
Unbothered by the interruption, Snape continued: “By suggesting which potions he would or wouldn’t do well to brew.”
“I suppose so, yes,” was all she said, finally putting the paper down and walking to his desk. “If you want me to go easier on your Slytherins, I’ll keep it in mind, although I prefer to treat them like everybody else.”
Snape stared up at her for a moment. It all seemed too easy: she was quick to yield to him, despite that spark in her eyes. There was no ‘Malfoy deserved it’, nothing of the sort. No apologies either. He knew she was still testing him, seeing how far she could go before pissing him off. His demeaner invited that challenge. She wanted to see what made him angry, what he cared about, what he would do if she crossed a line.
“That won’t be necessary,” he said, eventually.
“Thank you, sir,” she said, looking him over once again, and walked to his side of the desk, until she was right next to him. With a rough movement, she opened the top drawer – it was often stuck – and got out a few sheets of parchment to write the orders on, to send them in the morning.
This close, Snape caught her scent. The potions of the day had clung to her, hiding her natural smell. A woman… She smelled like woman, like metal, something heady, and an amber and honey perfume. He hated her. He hated Dumbledore for assigning him an assistant.
Sometimes at the end of his classes, before she’d come to clean, he mixed up items in his storeroom on purpose. Her frustration at the mess outweighed his annoyance that it kept her around him longer in the evening – and he’d tell himself that as he fell asleep with images of her before his eyes.
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Hey snover
Do you have Snape fanfic for me. I want completed severitus fanfic but anything is ok
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alanrickmansnose · 4 months
Forget Me Not (Severus Snape x OC)
Chapter 1: The Feast
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Shortly after Theda Desmond replaces Professor Binns as Hogwarts' new History of Magic teacher, she learns that she possesses a rare talent known only to the legendary Altier family, former founders of the French Ministry of Magic who mysteriously went missing over 200 years ago. As she works to uncover the secrets of her curious origins, she develops an unlikely bond with the brooding Potions master, Severus Snape. As their friendship grows, the two begin to recognize that they share a common pain that few have experienced. Will their unique ability to understand each other set them on a course toward healing and new beginnings, or will the ghosts of the past return to tear them apart?
Our story begins at the beginning of Chamber of Secrets and will stick very closely to the canon timeline. While the nature of this story wanes between humorous and romantic, it is also, in many ways, a story about the non-linear nature of grief. This is my first fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: brief allusions to struggles with body image. Future chapters will contain some smut, discussion of death and suicide, as well as non-sexual abuse.
“It’s nice to meet you, Professor Snape.”
He said nothing as he continued slowly skewering small pieces of food onto his fork.
"May I ask which subject you teach?"
"Potions." He said, his tone sounding slightly pointed.
"You know, you are the only teacher at this table I envy," Theda said, enthusiastically. "Potions was always my favorite subject when I was in school."
"Perhaps you should teach it, then," He replied in a monotone voice, still not meeting her gaze.
Unsure if he was being sarcastic or not, Theda chose to ignore the comment.
"Actually, I am quite happy to be teaching History of Magic. That was my second favorite subject in school, and I feel like I could genuinely get the students to take an interest in it. I hope so, anyways."
"Hmph," he muttered. "Good luck getting any of these thick-skulled children to take an interest in anything that doesn't involve flying around on a broomstick or foolishly waving their wands about in the air."
"Well, we shall see." She said, smiling. "Even if I get one kid to take an interest in the subject, I'll count that as a victory." 
"Yes, well... You'll soon find that these children are practically unteachable." 
 She said nothing, unsure how to respond.
 "Still... I do hope you succeed in kindling a flame, however small, in at least one of your students."
Continue reading: Wattpad | Ao3
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serpenera · 2 years
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Monday morning a wave of utter confusion swept over Hogwarts as Severus Snape, the school’s Resident Terror, Master of Sarcasm, and Half-Blood Prince of All Things Nasty, emerged from the dungeons with a wide grin plastered across his sallow face. Students swept off his path as he headed towards the Great Hall as if he’d grown a pair of horns. Truth be told, the horns would’ve been far less sensational than that smile, for Snape sneered and snared on a daily basis but not once has anyone seen him actually smile. Not like that. 
“Morning,” he cheered as he plopped into his usual seat next to the Headmistress.
Minerva McGonagall gave him a poignant stare. “Who are you,” she joked, “and what have you done with Severus.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Snape replied while shoving half of the nearest treacle tart onto his plate.
“I’m talking about the smile, Severus. Not that it doesn’t suit you, quite the contrary, but I can’t imagine where does all this sudden happiness come from.”
“Nowhere in particular, just woke up in a good mood.”
“Oh, please!  In the thirty years I’ve known you, I haven’t seen you wake up in a good mood once.”
“There comes a first time for everything,” Snape dismissed the accusation and grabbing one last toast from the table, he ran off to class. 
If Snape’s unusual facial expression at breakfast had attracted some stares and an occasional comment, his behaviour during the morning classes sent the whole school into a full fledged hysteria.
“Is it true, Severus,” Minerva approached him at lunchtime, noting he was again eating like a normal human being and not like… well, himself. 
Snape swallowed and turned his head towards the Headmistress. “Is what true?”
“Is it true that you have awarded points to a student?”
“The last time I checked that was what you were supposed to do with them.”
“You awarded FIFTY points!”
“I assure you they were well earned.”
“You awarded fifty points to a GRYFFINDOR!”
“I can take them back at any time if you’d like.”
“No, of course not. But please stop grinning like an idiot. You’re scaring the students.”
But Snape did not stop grinning. Not that he hasn’t tried but whenever his thoughts trailed off his lips seemed to curl up on their own accord. 
As the day progressed, the mysterious reason behind his uncharacteristic cheerfulness became topic number one among students’ and teachers alike. Theories varied from someone slipping him a potion to winning the lottery but in truth, no one knew anything and Snape himself masterfully dodged every attempt at subtle interrogation. Older students of all houses began coming up with strategies to get the truth out of their teacher. Legilimency, Veritaserum and even Imperio were being considered. Some of them however, were more interested in learning how to brew Amortentia as they suddenly noticed that Snape, while still black-clad, greasy-haired and perpetually unshaven, was actually kind of cute. 
As the days went by, Snape’s grin faded away along with his willingness to handle points left and right. The memory of it, however, remained ingrained in everyone’s mind along with the question: just what in Merlin’s Beard had happened over that fatidic spring weekend to make Severus Snape smile like that.
Any theories on what might have happened?
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smilingformoney · 1 year
Happy 63rd Birthday to our favourite dungeon bat!
To celebrate, I’ve written a lil something about Snape’s 63rd birthday, which he definitely spent alone and not surrounded by love. Honest.
Even after so many years, Severus wasn’t sure he would ever get used to this.
The war had been over for a long time now. In fact, later that year would mark the 25th anniversary of the final battle against the Dark Lord, when he had been defeated at last and the wizarding world had begun to know some semblance of peace.
Despite Severus’ protestations, Harry Potter had made it his mission to let the world know what his grumpy old Potions teacher had done for the world. He had even gone so far as to name his second son after him. And ever since, the two men who had once been enemies now had something of a friendship. Severus had attended Potter’s wedding to Ginny Weasley, and occasionally allowed the odd Christmas visit.
After recovering from the near-fatal snake bite he had been inflicted during the battle, Severus had moved into a small house of his own, isolated from the world and with plenty of garden space, just how he liked it. He could grow his ingredients, brew his potions and write his books in peace.
It had been Potter who had suggested Severus publish his improved potion recipes, and Severus soon discovered he enjoyed writing books; it was a lot easier to teach when he couldn’t be interrupted. He could simply write the information, and dunderhead students could do with it as they wished without bothering him.
And so, despite his desire to stay hidden from the world, Severus had become something of a well-known writer, and somehow, even over ten years since his last publication, he still received well wishes on his birthday from fans of his work.
Most of the letters he awarded a cursory glance before being tossed aside. He was in the process of sifting through the letters when a knock came at the door. With a great sigh, Severus lifted himself from his armchair and made his way to the door as slowly as he could, hoping that if he took his time, the visitor would go away.
No such luck. On his doorstep was none other than Potter himself.
Severus sighed. “Yes?”
“Morning, Professor. Happy birthday.”
Over 25 years, and Potter still insisted on calling him Professor. To make up, he claimed, for all the years he spent disrespectfully dismissing his title.
“It was until you arrived. What do you want?”
Potter smiled, apparently blissfully unaware of Severus’ attitude.
“I just wanted to give you your birthday present.” Potter held up a neatly wrapped parcel, which his wife had almost certainly wrapped for him - Potter’s wrapping skills were about as proficient as that of potion-making.
Severus eyed the package suspiciously. Potter always sent his presents by owl, or delivered them along with a Christmas present in December.
“It won’t explode, I promise. Kept it away from George especially.”
With a reluctant sigh, Severus took the present. “Thank you, I suppose,” he grumbled. “Am I expected to invite you in?”
“Only if you want to.”
“Well, I don’t.”
Potter chuckled. “Well, alright then. Happy birthday, Professor.”
He turned and left to apparate away, leaving Severus in peace with a ridiculous box. He shut the door and returned to his well-worn armchair. He groaned when he saw the pile of letters still waiting to be opened.
Still, he supposed he should open Potter’s present. As he unwrapped the layer of paper, he began to realise that the box was cold from more than just the January air - it seemed to be under the effects of a cooling spell.
“What have you done, Potter?” Severus muttered as he waved his wand to open the box and lift out the contents. Frozen in suspended animation to prevent damage, in addition to the cooling spell to prevent melting, was a blancmange.
Severus stared at the dessert for a few moments, taken aback. He realised then that a note was floating alongside it, which read:
Dear Professor Snape,
A little birdie told me this was your favourite. Even after all these years, there’s always more to learn about you.
Stop by for tea soon, won’t you?
- Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily
No, actually, he wasn’t getting emotional. He was irritated, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar attempting to sully the name of Severus Snape. He was a grumpy, irritable recluse. He wasn’t friends with Harry Potter, and he certainly wasn’t constantly taken aback by the kindness shown to him by a man who had every right to hate him.
Severus Snape spent his birthdays alone, just as he liked it, and on pain of death he would never swear otherwise.
…Oh, alright.
But don’t tell anyone.
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fresiants · 11 months
Dependence And Magnetism By OutcastDeity
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Yay another Jeverus fanfic! I don't usually enjoy top!Severus, but this series is too good, so I made an exception for it. The dynamic between James and Severus in this fic is quite different from what you usually find in other fanfictions or the canon since the the characters are made to be OOC. I never thought I would ever read a fanfic where James is so much shorter than Severus lol it's kinda cute 👀
This is the longest typeset I've ever edited—620 pages in total! It took me a really long time to carefully check for errors and typos. One problem I kept facing while editing was overlooking blank pages and it's driving me CRAZY. Thankfully, I made sure to double triple checked the document before printing them out.
Main ship(s): James Potter/Severus Snape & Remus Lupin/Regulus Black
Thank you so much m.blakeart for this gorgeous art cover! ✨
You can read it online here
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snapedomawards · 1 year
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The Snapedom Awards are back, baby, and nominations are now open!! You can nominate in as many or as few categories as you like, just click the link and tell us your faves!
But what in the name of Merlin's saggy underpants even are the Snapedom Awards?
The Snapedom Awards is a fan-run community event hosted by @smilingformoney, @sevsnapes and @dilute-flower to celebrate the creativity and community of Snape fans. Nominate, and later vote for, your favourite blogs, fics and art to let your faves know you appreciate them.
What do I get if I win?
Bragging rights!
What are the rules?
We've implemented a few easy to follow rules regarding nominations which can be read in the graphic above or on the nominations page. These are aimed at making the awards as fair as possible.
I have another question!
Our askbox is open, or you can ask/message one of us!
Wait, how do I nominate again?
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yan-senna · 8 months
The Cursed Manor (Severus Snape x reader x Lucius Malfoy)
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Y/N moves into an abandoned manor. She has no idea why it was so cheap, but she will soon find out why… The place is haunted!
This is not a request. Today is Friday the 13th!👻
I hope you enjoy!
Published: 10/13/2023
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Word count: 2.3k
Warning: Ghosts, knives and being cursed
Today is the day Y/N Y/L/N has been waiting for - she’s finally going to move! She just ended a relationship and was forced to move. Luckily for her, one of her friends found a rather cheap place for her. They however have no idea why it’s so cheap, considering that it isn’t a house - it’s a manor! And a very fancy one, at least according to the pictures on the website.
Right now, her friend is helping her move into her new home. You would almost think that it’s the friend who’s moving in, judging by her excitement.
“Look, Y/N! That’s your new home! Wow, it’s huge! You won’t mind me visiting you often, right?” her friend says, practically begging.
Y/N chuckles. “Of course not, Sophia. You can come whenever you want to. Just call me in advance” she tells her, both as a joke but also seriously. Sophia has turned up unannounced before…
Sophia giggles. “Yeah, yeah, I promise! Oh, look at that garden! We definitely need to grill one day!” she exclaims excitedly.
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Master List
All HP (one Sandman crossover), all pro Snape! Please check tags and content warnings before reading.
All on Ao3 ~ Details below the cut.
The Book of The Sun and The Moon
Rated Mature, but with some explicit sexual content. Snupin.
A dark curse. An ancient ritual. An intense obsession. And a chance at the greatest power of all.
In a tale told across three decades, can two people overcome their own curses, self hatred, and outside influences and find their way back to one another?
The Prince and The Crow
Not rated. Swearing, mild sexual content and some violence.
Snape x ofc. Severitus. Complete re-write of the HP series. Semi canon compliant. Kind of a fix-it, broke-it, fixed-it again! Details of parts below:
The Crow Comes Home
Prequel and year one (Philosopher's Stone). Petronella Blishwick is a grumpy badass bitch, and only living friend of Severus Snape. She has been drifting for years since the end of the first war, but when Severus brings her home - to Hogwarts - it changes the course of all their futures. COMPLETE!
The Year of the Snake
Harry's 2nd year (CoS). Severitius and Snape x ofc, partially following canon, but with a few divergencies and extra sub plots. Fluff and Angst and baddass bitches. COMPLETE.
The Year of the Rat
Part three (PoA) Severus and Petronella plan to adopt Harry, but they will face opposition and challenges both internal and external. Beginning to diverge from canon somewhat. COMPLETE.
Artemisia Absinthium
Rated E for explicit. Graphic sex and violence. Adult themes.
Started as a tumblr post, became a(n epic) series! AU set post Marauders, with a little lot of Snupin for good measure.
The Rat and The Snake
What if Severus Snape had discovered Peter Pettigrew's treachery before the Potters were killed? *Graphic violence.*
The Wolf and The Moth
The war is won, but is it really over? Relationships are forged and broken, as those that survived the war now have to learn how to live. *Explicit sex and violence.*
The Bear and The Dragon
Bellatrix seeks to bring back the Dark Lord, but a new power rises to oppose her. *Explicit sex and violence.*
Even Princes Can Dream
HP / Sandman crossover. Eventual Snape / Morpheus (implied). The Dream King comes across a child who only ever has nightmares.
Careful of the Stitches
Rated mature. Snupin.
A Death Eater and a Werewolf already on the brink of death are not the priorities in a hospital full of injured patients following the Battle of Hogwarts. They are shoved into a side room and left to die, so will have to help each other if they wish to live.
The Comeback
Rated G for general. Some swearing and mature content.
Also inspired by a Tumblr prompt. 1st September 1998. Hogwarts. The first school year since the defeat of Voldemort. There is grief, there is hope, there is a dark robed figure in the corner that nobody had expected to see again. A mildly humorous tale with dark undertones. COMPLETE!
The Comeback Pick n Mix
Series of one shots following on from The Comeback. May contain contradictory ships / events, but compliant with the main fic. Ongoing.
The Half-blood Prince
Not Rated. Contains graphic domestic abuse.
What would happen if Eileen Snape left Tobias and went back to her parents? Under 10k. COMPLETE, but may be added to.
Contains implied violence, death, and graphic gore.
One morning Remus wakes to find the thing he fears most in the world. He goes to the only person he can think of who won’t judge him – because Snape already knows what he is. A monster. COMPLETE.
Mostly Smut! **All contain explicit sex**
Seven Deadly Sins
Everyone thinks that Professor Snape covets the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, which is true… in a manner of speaking.
To His Mind
Snupin! Extended version of a scene in The Rat and The Snake. The Order has a mole, everyone is a suspect, but when Severus Snape looks into Remus Lupin's mind, he gets more than he bargained for!
Prince and Crow, the Smut chapters
E for Explicit. Graphic sex.
Basically just all the sex scenes I left out of the main fic! Friends to lovers, becoming increasingly smutty, but also fluffy, as the relationship develops.
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
How Did We End Up Here?
Pairing: Severus Snape x gender-neutral reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: In a Snape lives AU, the reader recounts the main details of their dating history with Severus Snape before their wedding.
Word Count: 863
Your first date with Severus had been anything but magical. In fact, it had been awkward as hell, but what were you to expect since he is just an awkward person? Especially when you are just getting to know him. His constant fear of being abandoned made it hard to break through his protective barriers, but once you did it had been worth it.
He had his books, his love of the dark arts and potions, and his independent research that resulted in him being somewhat of a hermit; always alone and in his own head. You had (your favorite activities/hobbies) and were quite a bit introverted yourself. 
Despite your differences, you both got along reasonably well; better than he usually gets along with people. That was actually the first thing that made him notice you. Later he was bewildered that you weren’t utterly repulsed by his presence. The first time you had nonchalantly tucked a loose strand of his onyx hair out of his face and behind his ear while his hands had been busy preparing a special potion, his face had turned beet red and he had quickly excused himself. In the privacy of his own room that evening, he had smiled wide, hummed a happy tune, and danced around a bit out of happiness.
He never actually got the nerve to ask you out, but you didn’t mind. In fact, you decided to make the first move yourself. You had been hanging out in his office and classroom more and more often as your crush on him grew. One Saturday night, you had shared a glass of firewhiskey together and you were feeling confident with the alcohol flowing through you. Teasing and making lighthearted jokes you got closer and closer to him until you were inches away from his face. He didn’t move, in fact, you heard his sharp inhale, and then he held his breath. 
“(Y/N), you are absolutely drunk,” he muttered as his eyes glanced down at your lips.
“I’m not actually, just a bit tipsy,” you smiled. You leaned forward and quickly pecked his lips before pulling away. Severus’s eyes grew wide and then he kissed you back. 
That was how your relationship began and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Throughout the years of Severus’s duty as a spy, you stuck by him. Though your relationship had always been kept a secret, you both made it work and held out hope for a future where you didn’t have to hide your love for each other.
Now, as you are standing dressed in your best outfit, waiting for your cue to walk down the aisle to meet Severus, you can’t help but wonder how it all worked out. You had taken a huge risk attempting to break down the walls of the closed-off dungeon bats heart, but it paid off.
You fiddle with the necklace he had given you as a sign of your engagement since he figured it would be easier to pass off as a regular old necklace than a ring. He had given it to you before he set off for The Battle of Hogwarts as a promise that should he return he would wed you, and should he not, you had a way to remember him. 
That night had been the longest night of your life and Severus almost didn’t make it back alive, but somehow, he did. He must have known Voldemort would use Nagini to kill him as he had just enough anti-venom to keep his pulse going until help could arrive. 
It had been a long and uphill recovery at St. Mungo’s Hospital. For a while, it was unknown if he would ever be able to walk again but with patience and dedication, as well as many potions, he had gained back full mobility. You were and are proud of him, for everything he has done to save the world and how he never gave up no matter how much he wanted to. Now, you have plans to spoil and love on him for life.
A hand on the small of your back alerts you that it’s your turn to walk down the aisle. You take a deep breath as the doors in front of you open. Your eyes immediately find Severus and he loses it. Tears fall down his face and in turn, a few tears trickle out of your eyes as well. You both smile wide as you place your hands into his and the officiant begins speaking.
“How did we end up here?” he whispers, rubbing your hands with his thumbs.
“I don’t know but I’m glad everything worked out in the end,” you whisper back.
The ceremony quickly nears its end. It’s short, sweet, and simple, just how you both wanted it. 
“You may now kiss,” the officiant finally says.
Severus grasps your face in one of his hands and the other one finds your waist. He looks happy, at peace, and hopeful for the future for once. He leans down and you too share a passionate kiss, drawing away after several moments, the claps and cheers of those attending causing you both to blush.
tags: @nooneeveryonenoone
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moonlit-rabbit · 11 months
Man, I need a fanfic where Snape gives up on the wizarding world and becomes Sherlock Holmes
Can y'all recommend me Snape fics like in glory and in ruin?
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