taijahfern · 4 months
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bibannana · 3 months
Anakin *yelling, throwing his hands around*: Disgusting! Horrid! Slander against my name!
Ahsoka *blank faced*: I just asked if you and Senator Amidala were together.
Anakin *taking both the Skywalker twins from Padmé*: Tarnishing my image! Unacceptable!
Padmé *pats Ahsoka on the back*: Don't worry, it's just a reflex of his.
Taglist: @soliloquy-of-nemo @staycalmandhugaclone @nekotaetae @sexy-rex @jiabae
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jadeorgana · 4 months
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Who doesn't love Skyguy and Snips. This commission by @finniigan
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Never not thinking about them.
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kabukiaku · 11 months
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redraw of the jedi trio!! I chose to draw this since I'm rewatching the clone wars. it's really nice to see how far I've come, and what I've improved on.
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Hayden Christensen is back as Anakin Skywalker!
And the fact that Anakin called her Snips with Hayden’s voice had me tearing up.
Can’t wait for next week’s episode.
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Sorry for my absence...had some shit to deal with but WE ARE BACK WITH FANDOM MEMES!!! AHSOKA TIME BABYYYYY!!!
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valiant-trashmouth · 9 months
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Ahsoka Behind the Scenes!! I am so happy we got to see them laugh and smile together
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taijahfern · 3 months
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shivalry26 · 9 months
The way Ahsoka responds “I have no idea” when Huyang asks her if she’s certain the purrgil know where Sabine was taken. (“What?”) And the joyful little, “no idea. We’ll just see where it goes.”
“It could go anywhere.”
And the crossing of her arms and smile, “I know. But it’s better than going nowhere.”
If that is not the Snips we know! Carrying the legacy of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and stretching all the way back to Yoda. The easiness of Anakin, the wry humor of Obi-Wan, the in the momentness that Qui- Gon would stress, the wisdom of Yoda. That lesson that Anakin delivered to Ahsoka was heard and felt and it’s so good to see Ahsoka in her own skin again and just living! Go girl! Give us everything!!!!
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Ahsoka needed to break open Vader’s mask to understand that he was Anakin.
Obi-Wan needed to break open Anakin’s mask to understand that he was Vader.
Neither of them could reconcile with the truth.
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flickerintwilights · 9 months
ahsoka episode today was:
*giggles, kicks feet* OOOooh is the narrative gonna make them make Bad choices??? are we gonna- oh *giggles* that’s so gay. they’re just standing next to each other but *giggl- wait wait is she dead waIT SNIPSPPSJFSSS
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matsumotoart · 8 months
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“I Won’t Leave You… Not This Time.”✂️🖤 There are many iconic encounters between master & apprentice in the history of Star Wars, and we know many of you share our opinion that the reunion of Ahsoka & Anakin/Vader in #StarWarsRebels is up at the top! We’re so excited to share with you all our long-awaited love letter to the 2014 animated series! This illustration also companions our other love letter to Snips & The Clone Wars series! Hope you enjoy this! It would mean a lot if you could help boost the visibility of our post by Saving & Sharing this specific post to all of your friends & fellow fans! Thank you all for your support!🙏✨
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smokeybrandreviews · 9 months
Lack of Conviction
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Episode five of Ahsoka really hammered home how goddamn ridiculous the entire Clone War situation truly was. Watching Ahsoka on the front lines of that Geonosis battle, a fight where she was canonically fourteen or fifteen, was ludicrous back in the original show, but seeing the character in that situation portrayed by the age appropriate Ariana Greenblatt was f*cking jarring. Greenblatt is sixteen years old, splitting the difference of Aksoka’s age range throughout the Clone Wars. She’s as close to a real, teenage, Tano, that we’re going to get and it is wildly apparent that she is a CHILD. The goddamn Jedi Order, was sending child soldiers to fight in a trade war against an analogous Sith overlord and his army of drones. I don’t care how good at space wizarding your teenager is, they are still just a goddamn teenager! And Ahsoka wasn’t the only one. Barris Offee immediately comes to mind! The age you become a Padawan Learner to a Master Jedi is around twelve. That means there were children as young as twelve taking laser shots to the face, not to mention the wholesale slaughter of these cats during Order Sixty-Six, because of a goddamn trade dispute. How f*cking ridiculous is that? Anakin even said the quiet part out loud when addressing Ahsoka’s hesitation. He told her that Obi-Wan trained him to be a peacekeeper, but Anakin was training Ahsoka to be a soldier. That sh*t was the intent. That was the plan. That was the whole dynamic; Train an army of child astro-sorcerers in the ways of war, by throwing them headlong into one. From anyone’s point of view, that’s f*cked up and lends credence to everything Poppa Paps was talking about. Imagine trying to convince the ludicrously powerful Chosen One you’re in the right, when the only other person outside of his mom and wife whom he genuinely loved, was put in his charge to turn her into a weapon. And then when she turned out to be a fantastic one, they cast her aside the second someone gets murdered in those hallowed Council halls. Cats give Anakin sh*t for slaying them Younglings but how are the Jedi any goddamn different? They literally use children until they are used up. I can only imagine the trauma the kids who survived will have to endure. Hell, we’ve seen a few of them already. Ahsoka, Cade from those absolutely dope games, Hera's dead baby daddy, and that one chick from Kenobi; None of who are healthy, well adjusted, stand-up adults! Absolutely emotional train wrecks, the lot of them!
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More than that, this episode proved to me just how much of Anakin is in Ahsoka. They mirror each other as much as Ahsoka and Sabine. It's wild to see in live action, especially getting that from Hayden who finally got to play a complex version of Anakin. Clone Wars went a long way to redeeming that character but seeing him actually force a catharsis in Ahsoka was rough. I've seen them cross lightsabers before and it broke my f*cking heart. I've spoken at length about that, but seeing it here? Knowing this is training from a fully fledged Jedi Master Anakin? I cannot articulate how amazing that is. He pushed Ahsoka to her limits. Forced her to confront the grief and guilt she had for being a weapon, for abandoning Anakin. Hayden gave this role so much depth, so much emotion, it was just breathtaking to witness. Seeing him flit between Vader and Sky Guy was almost too much but it very necessary. It was necessary for Ahsoka. She had to see that, to come to terms with that, in order to move forward. She is everything Anakin is, even Vader, as demonstrated by those Sith eyes when she contemplated the unthinkable. Interestingly enough, even channeling the Dark Side like a champ, you can tell Anakin was concerned for his Padawan. Not that he would be killed, Anakin is beyond even that at this point, but that his Padawan, would fall like he did. Ahsoka did not. She chose life and Sky Guy gave her that smirk, telling Snips there was hope for her yet. F*cking everything. That last exchange was f*cking everything. Especially when you take into account that Anakin pulled her into the World Between Worlds to save her life. As a goddamn Force Ghost. What the f*ck does THAT even mean??
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sharkneto · 1 month
Life's been crazy busy, but it's been too long since I shared any writing. Some WIP sharing has been going around, so I'll jump on the bandwagon. It's not a WIP, actually (I lied), but it is a "deleted scene" of sorts from my fic Holding It Together. To set the scene, the Hargreeves are killing time while the Fives (+Sarah) are working to figure out where Five's math went wrong---
“—that doesn’t even make sense. No, I’m right,” Diego complains, frowning at Klaus next to him at the counter. Viktor shrugs, exchanging a glance with Allison beside him as they lean against a cupboard. Movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention and he spots Number starting to step into the kitchen, see they’re in the middle of an argument, and retreat.
Klaus catches him, too. “Number, Number, Number!” he calls, waving his hands for their not-brother to join them, leaning precariously off his stool. Luther shifts in his chair at the table, an aborted move to catch him if he fell off. 
It’s a long second as they watch Number decide if he wants to get in the middle of their discussion. Klaus keeps waving his hand, smile plastered on his face. Number sighs and enters, slipping past Allison and Viktor to get to the sink. His attention pauses at the beers they’re all nursing, a pointed noting of each one they’re holding, before he makes it to the corner to get a glass out of the cupboard to fill with water. “What,” he says, wary.
“Perfect timing,” Klaus says. “Important question for you.”
Number finishes filling his glass and turns to face them all. He raises one unimpressed eyebrow. Viktor smiles at the familiar expression.
“If you were an animal, what animal would you be?”
Number blinks, as if waiting for there to be more. Then he asks, “What?”
“If you were an animal, what you would be?” Klaus repeats. He folds his hands in front of him to wait patiently.
Number’s face twitches. “What animal would I be.”
“Yes! Like, like, like, me,” Klaus splays his hands against his chest, “I’m a flamingo.”
“A… flamingo.” His voice is so flat.
“Yes! One of those ones in gardens.”
“Made of plastic?”
“Yes! I’m eternal.”
Number’s expression pinches as he processes that, but it’s fond.
Klaus waves a hand at him again. “Now it’s your turn.”
He considers them all, back to unimpressed, before he says, “No.”
“No?” Klaus starts to pout, exaggerated and off-putting.
“No,” Number repeats. He starts to move towards the door. “This is so stupid. This is really what you’re all in here arguing about? We’re in the other room trying to fix time and space and you’re talking about animals?”
Viktor shrugs again, an idea to get Number to play forming. “Diego is a wolf, according to him.”
“I am a wolf!” Diego defends.
They ignore him. Viktor continues, nonchalant as he can while cornering Number, “And that’s exactly what Five said, too.”
Number stiffens. “You asked him?”
“Yeah, when he came through a little bit ago. He said this was stupid and wasn’t going to do it, either.”
His jaw shifts. His gaze flicks to the door. His shoulders slump slightly. He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, but he stays, leaning back on the sink again. Viktor tries to clamp down on his smile, the corner of his mouth still twitching up. Luther catches his eye and raises an eyebrow – he’s impressed. Viktor’s lips curl more.
It’s quiet for a long second.
“Well?” Allison asks.
“I have to think of a goddamn animal,” Number complains, focus on the middle of the floor while he thinks, one hand in his pocket while the other holds his forgotten water glass.
The siblings exchange a smile – Number might think it’s stupid, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to give a stupid answer. It’s very Five.
Viktor is pleased with himself. He knew that would work. Five actually had played along after similar grumbling, although he’d had a quicker response (“Fine, I’ll play. Uhh… A cockroach, I’d be a cockroach. There. Happy? I have math to do.”) and left before they could talk to him about it. They’d moved on to Diego rather than sit in the weight of that answer.
Diego leans to Klaus and Viktor only hears his whispered, “Bet he picks the same thing as the old man?” thanks to his super-hearing. Klaus frowns minutely and shakes his head.
“Twenty bucks he picks something else,” he whispers back. They quietly shake on it.
Viktor smiles to himself – he’s pretty sure neither of them currently has twenty bucks. They’re all strapped for cash and are relying heavily on the Walters’ generosity.
After a minute of thought and when the siblings are starting to get impatient, Number announces, “Crow.”
There’s another flurry of exchanged looks – none of them had expected that.
“A crow?” Luther asks.
“Yep. Good?” He starts to leave again.
“Why?” Diego asks.
Number stops again. “Crow. They’re smart, problem solvers, inquisitive, ingenious. Good memory, they hold grudges. It fits.” He shrugs. Because he’s a Five, he doesn’t try to play off any of his explanation with a humble smile or laugh. He means it. The only hint of self-deprecation he has for any of this is around that he’s playing the game with them, although they can tell he’s pleased with his answer.
Klaus tilts his head, considering the answer. “They’re really family-oriented, too, aren’t they. With their murders.”
Number’s expression blanks as the siblings start to grin.
“Crow does fit, then,” Diego teases.
“Are we your murder, Numerino?” Klaus asks, pouting again for effect.
Number has hunched in on himself a little. “No,” he says, too defensive. “I gave you my answer, I gave you my reasons, I’m not responsible for things I didn’t know about fucking crows.”
Luther speaks up from behind Diego and Klaus, “You can just love us, Number. We love you, too. Even the us here.”
“Yeah,” Viktor adds. “It’s hard for it to not fit when we know the other you survived the literal apocalypse because he loved us so much.”
Number hunches further. His ears are just barely turning pink. He pulls on a sharp, aggressive smile. “Look. Your game is stupid, I gave you an answer, you are free to nitpick and not like it all you want. Not my problem.” He looks at them all, ending at Klaus. “And if you’re going to have a problem with anyone’s answer, it should be Klaus. A fucking flamingo? He’s obviously a raccoon. This game is idiotic but if you’re doing it, at least do it right.” And with that, he’s gone with a flash and a whumpf. They hear Sarah’s quiet greeting as he reappears in the living room.
They all sit for a second, staring at the spot Number used to be.
Then Allison leaks a small laugh. “I forgot he used to win arguments like that. I can’t believe he still does. He’s twenty-three, right?”
Luther smiles with her. “Can’t lose if the other person can’t make a counterpoint. I think the last time he did that with me was…” He trails off, smile slipping.
They all know what the last time was, seventeen years ago.
It was about time travel.
“A crow and a cockroach,” Viktor says eventually. “I wish Five had said crow, cockroach is depressing.”
“It kinda fits…” Diego says, point trailing off as they all give him a look.
Klaus asks, “Does Five know what crows are?”
“Fei had a whole bunch back in the Sparrow timeline,” Luther points out.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Klaus says, waving that away with a hand, “but does he know about crows. That they’re – what did Number say? – smart, problem solvers, inquisitive, ingenious, and murder oriented. Shit, I bet Five doesn’t know enough animals to pick a good one.”
Luther sighs. “And we know he does really know cockroaches.”
It’s an awkward beat as they all involuntarily think about how many cockroaches Five must have eaten in his life.
“We could ask…” Viktor stops as he realizes how stupid this question he’s about to ask is, but he commits anyway. “Ask if he wants to be a crow instead?”
“Ask Five if he wants his animal to be a crow instead of a cockroach for a game he already thinks is dumb. And is actually dumb,” Diego deadpans.
“He probably wouldn’t want to be a crow because Number said it, anyway,” Allison saves.
They at least can smile at one another over the Fives’ forever grudge against one another.
“Man,” Klaus sighs. “Maybe I am actually a raccoon.”
Luther glances at him. “They do have the little… hands.” He moves one of his huge hands in a pinching motion that might be supposed to evoke the tiny grabbing hands of a raccoon.
Diego gives a noncommittal shrug.
Viktor stares at them all and shakes his head, although he’s smiling. “The Fives were right, this is really stupid.”
Allison gives him a sideways look. “What else do we have to do until Five figures out how to get us home?”
“Good point.”
“So,” Klaus says, clapping his hands, “I think that brings us to dear Allison. I’m feeling… a bird for you.”
Her gaze cools as her attention snaps to him. “If you’re saying that only because of my power, I’m going to make you walk outside and stand in the snow until you think of something better.”
“It was just a starting point!”
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