#someone draw crowley dressed like this
mad-aims · 4 months
OMG David Tennant on The Masked Singer UK! IN PINK PYJAMAS and reading a bedtime story about the characters! Awww! 🥰🥰🥰
Sorry about my crappy gifs, I’m just super excited! 😆😆😆🙌🙌🙌
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The end.
I’m dead from shooketh. 😵
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Look at his little toe flick here! So cute!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
On another note, talking of pyjamas…
I totally called it that Pirahna was Danny Jones from McFly.
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He must make a solo album and do it dressed in the fish costume. 🐟
It’s so cute!
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His voice is AMAZING! *furiously re-listens to my old McFly albums*
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cynicaesura · 9 months
How many times you think Crowley and Aziraphale have gone to see Rocky Horror together?
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phantomram-b00 · 8 months
Just dyed my hair red for my Crowley costume for Halloween. And then I just realize i’m wearing a astrological shirt, sweatpants and slippers. Yeah I’m def looking like him post unofficial breakup/divorce
Shirt In question (not my picture):
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aliciagemsilica · 3 months
Diasomnia Boy gift s/o an evening gown to attend the NRC & RSA ball tgt Headcanon
Following from my dress sketch design if you haven’t seen it here . They are base from Glorious Masquerade & Playful land events. Basically a sequence I imagine while drawing the dresses XD I also want to mention that when it’s finish 🥺 you can draw it on your oc and even tweak a bit detail to fit your Yuu or OC. It’s meant to be share with everyone, not just my Yuu.
⚠️ Bad English……. I have no idea what is grammar . 😂
╭══• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •══╮
Imagine a ball between NRC and RSA happening maybe sometime after chapter 7. All students are invited but you are troubling since you have no dress to wear. And for the love of the great seven. Your beloved head master, Crowley just allowed you to join in your NRC uniform……….. great! So much for your kindness!!
Guess who will be the photographer and a background character on this event…..hahaha………
Well maybe you whine too much in front of the wishing well. Someone comes up with a plan. A plan that would make you believe in a fairytale once again!
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𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔲𝔰 🐉
You had to be blind to not suspect anything……
Lately Mal is a bit touchy. Not that he isn’t normally but this is different. Sometimes he holds your wrist while mumbles something while going on a night stroll. Sometimes he stares at you and gets lost in his thoughts. He even stands just in front of you and tries to lift you up once.
You are so confused and a bit embarrassed when he asks about your height so you call for support. The Diasomnia’s family counselor aka. Lilia Vanrouge. You went all the way to Diasomnia dorm without telling anyone and sneak in to see Lilia.
Is he………….
Is he dancing with a dress just now??
Surprisingly you just witness your dragon boyfriend practicing a dance with a beautiful dress. He hummed ‘that song’ while spinning with the dress. What a beautiful princess gown with dark green silk. It looks so shiny and smooth, something that would delicately touch her skin while being held in that big palm. Imagine how soft that hand craft lace feels when on your chest. He did not spare any piece of jewellery from his procession. He keep bring in dazzling earrings and necklaces to test it with the gown. He would have use the heart of his collection to craft a piece of accessories for you if he doesn’t want to save it for something later in the year. You can see a magical golden thread and needle weaving delicate patterns on the skirt as he continues the dance. Every angle……Every turn………..Malleus is creating a masterpiece. He did it………..for you…….for his princess.
Your face is burning from the love of this dragon fae. Why does he have to put so much effort into it.
Oh no………now you a mess
You open the Pandora box too early and now you have to live with it while pretending not to know a thing until the day. You bit your lip as Mal smoothly tug a strain of hair behind your ears. You can now understand what he mumbles about……rose gold? Sunshine gold? May be one of his grandma’s jewellery set?? (Oh god no…….that’s tooo far for the first gown Mal lol)
Your heart beat so fast until the evening of the event. Malleus play cool by teasing you and being a nice partner who prepare a gift for you.
Boom! You are now in a matching dress. So those Raven feathers on the hip are supposed to match his shoulder then ah………..you are about to take off the veil since it looks like a bride. Before Malleus could turn grumpy…..Sebek yell and lecturing you about how talented Wakasama are! You human dare to question his sense of fashion? Outrageous! Just because he love you doesn’t mean you can ruin his days of afford to perfect this dress
Woops………tongue slip
Well it’s not like you never know anyway. Just pretend to be surprise so Sebek won’t get a lightning strike okay?
Bonus : she doesn’t want to point out that when she accidentally saw Malleus weaving that dress……. his tail wagging. It’s a secret she gonna take to her grave though
Bonus 2 : Lilia does notice that and brag about how adorable Malleus is. How Malleus has grown to fit in the society in front of the other dorm leader………..Oopsie
Bonus 3 : Malleus learn the hard way not to miss the meeting
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𝕷𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆 🦇
Have you heard of the story of the fairy godmother in Cinderella? Well he won’t just roll out and sing bib bi di bub bi di bo and bang! A nice new dress for you. The old man planned while cuddling you in bed……in sofa…..in the gaming chair(?)
He pretends to be busy with something and hasn't listened to you. Even play dumb and say you look cute in the school uniform. Well it’s not totally a lie since he thinks it’s adorable. Why would he poke on your cheek and nibble your neck while you are in your uniform if it’s not because you are so cute to him.
The truth is, this old bat is as excited as you. He lived through the war time and never got a chance to enjoy a leisure party before. Well it’s just a joint event of 2 schools. It can't compare with how grand the royal ball of the Briar valley held a ball but this is the first time he is going to have his lover join him. He doesn’t have to be alert from enemies. Doesn’t have to command his subordinates to search all the parties involved in this event. Just lay back enjoy the day with you.
He had been trying to recreate that dress in his memories just for you. It was around……..hundred? Two hundred?? Year ago??? He walked past this girl on the street and was stunned by her attire. It’s an elegant dress with black velvet and green emerald. Soft flare neckline covered the black corset. Enough skin to show your radiant but not too much.
Well, He was allowed to give you some hickeys before the day of the ball. It got enough fabric to cover all his naughtiness. Wink*
However he was troubled with the skirt since he only remembered just part of it flowing past him. He argued if it’s short or long skirt. He was going back and forth and even tried to summon multiple dresses to compare them…….Then before the final day. He just uses his sense of style to bring it together. Of cause ! Who do you think he is, if not the cutest boy in NRC ? (Self proclaimed……)
He smiles so proudly with your flushed cheek as he teases you. As you put on a golden belt with a bat and thorn on. This is the perfect dress for you. His baby bat. He should had prepare a ring for this big day but well…….there are plenty time for that
Bonus : He pick a perfume for you today and as you dance with him on the floor. It’s totally Lilia’s scent///
This is very long………..more than I expected
I’ll continue Silver & Sebek in part 2 then 😂 sorry I’m so into it with my oshi! I’ll try pack in other dorm in one post! Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy!!
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melbatron5000 · 3 months
My murder board
Updated 4/22/24
I'll add links as I can, but here's what I've got so far on the Good Omens season 2 puzzle/game. I feel it's important to note that I think we've been given all the puzzle pieces and a bunch of helpful hints besides.
The continuity errors:
Crowley's hair (POV thing)
Crowley's sideburns (POV)
The Bentley, "our car" but then it is Our Car in 1941 also -- WTF (There is a line in the book about someone being powerful enough to make something change and then make it so the change always was that way, but damned if I can recall the line or context now. Need to re-read AND re-watch! Found it! It's when Crowley first meets Adam after he's come into his powers -- he reads Crowley's mind and history like it's a book and this is the impression it leaves Crowley with. Adam's power is very similar to how the Book of Life is described in the show. Curiouser and curiouser!) (POV!)
Eccles cakes when Crowley leaves the shop, it's still morning, the continuity of time is messing with me. When they get the eccles cakes, it's light out. When Crowley leaves, it's dark out. He throws a lightning temper tantrum. He comes back after 9 by the clock in the shop. I still think it's not unreasonable to assume Aziraphale simply tidied away the eccles cakes in that time. Nina would have liked her plate back, after all. But all of this begs another question: 4a. Why is it around 11:30 when Aziraphale leaves Maggie's shop with the record and says he knows what he'll be doing for 21 minutes, but after 4 pm when Gabriel shows up? What happened for those 4+ hours? See 6. Clocks are wrong. Time is wrong!! (4.b the eccles cakes are prominent in at least one promo poster. Even if they don't disappear, do they mean something else??)
Portal rug it's a faded rug right up until the ball, when it becomes a thick red rug, then it's back to faded once the ball is tidied away. It just got made pretty for the ball, then changed back. The change is a nothingburger.
Clocks are wrong -- all over the damn place!!
Cross on Gabriel's statue -- appears to disappear. (POV)
Honolulu roast sign -- appears out of nowhere. (POV)
Title/location cards -- but there are some spots where the S1 title cards are used, what's going on there? (POV clues? -- this needs a closer look)
Drawing of Gabriel -- the one Aziraphale draws in the shop is NOT the one he shows the pub owner in Edinburgh. Why? (POV)
Wet roads/series poster -- what is up with all the rain??
Lights at Marguerites -- on again, off again. (POV? Or is it just when she's closed and open? It's a cafe, after all, they won't be open in the morning.)
Aziraphale's chair position in the Final Fifteen
1941 photo, Crowely's hand
Repeating extras -- not just repeating, but acting oddly -- walking back and forth, touching things, not eating, dressed the same every single day, etc. Do the people on the street in Edinburgh behave the same way?? (POV?)
Resurrectionist sign at the pub -- one with a scalpel, one with a butcher's knife. And it makes me think -- was Mr. Dalrymple a surgeon and a scientist with a scalpel, or a butcher with a cleaver? (POV. Wait, Aziraphale is the only MC there -- whose POVs would we be seeing?? Crowley's. He calls to tell Crowley what he found, what we're seeing is Crowley's idea of what happened.)
Store front signs -- appear and disappear. (POV)
Whickber street as seen from Heaven vs. on location -- the one Saraqael looks at in Heaven is the Google Maps picture of SoHo from 2019 with the book shop added in. It's not even from 2023! There is a building being torn down in it. In person on the show, it's different -- and the building is long gone in actual Google Maps 2023. (I think Saraqael is trying to hide the big miracle. She's showing the arc angels the book shop when it got reset by Adam in 2019.)
When Shax talks to Crowley and he takes off driving. When she appears, he is parked further up the street than when he leaves. Noticeably so. (POV? Or scenes out of order and this is a different time than it looks like?)
Edinburgh castle -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the castle is behind him. When the camera switches angles to behind him, Edinburgh castle is in front of him. The street he is on (streets, actually) are real streets. The castle was put in the first shot deliberately, but exists for real in the second shot. (POV)
Edinburgh streets -- when Aziraphale arrives in Edinburgh, the street he parks on is cobblestone. When the camera switches to behind him, the street is paved. (POV)
Weird sounds of all kinds?? (POV? Some of them yes.)
Crowley's sunglasses. Could this be explained by POV switches? If so, why do they change halfway through and then stay that way?
Questions about things the characters do:
Where did Crowley go during the Job flashback? And why was he wearing his spy turtleneck? (To meet up with Saraqael, perhaps? Seeing as Shax interrupted their meeting earlier that day?)
Where else did Aziraphale go in Edinburgh? And why did he go to the graveyard?
What did Gabriel need to bring to Aziraphale? What happened to it? (God's voice? A message from god? The Book of Life?)
Why does Micheal do the magician's "nothing in the box" display with the matchbox? It's a very specific action. Something's in that up with that damn matchbox. We're being asked to look at it, while something else happens that we're missing. And someone noticed that her nails are in terrible shape when she does it, but our eyes are on the matchbox.
What else did the Metatron say to Aziraphale? (Anything? Are we getting the whole, accurate story? Most of it? Any of it?)
How long was Crowley in Heaven, and what happened while he was there? (Did he sneak around and steal something? Did they harm him? He's acting a bit weird when he comes back.)
What happened to Aziraphale's briefcase? The one he took to Edinburgh. Where he did who knows what. (Is that a POV thing??)
What, if anything, is wrong with Crowley's memory? (Or is he just dissing Furfur and Saraqael?) (OR! Given the Gabriel removed HIS OWN MEMORY AND PUT IT IN THE FLY, so apparently angels ((AND demons??)) can affect their own memories, did Crowley deliberately do something to himself to get rid of unwanted memories??? He seems pretty untroubled by not remembering Furfur or Saraqael or why they made gravity -- almost as if he doesn't care the memories are gone. Okay, maybe he's gotten rid of some memories himself, but then WHY??) This could be a big old nothingburger. Or is he dissing Furfur and offering plausible deniability that he's met with Saraqael before -- like, when he was wearing his spy turtle neck??
What is Shax's mission? She says she's Crowley's replacement, but then she asks for "what she needs" from Crowley on the bench. Huh? What does she need?
How does Crowley know about hand washing in the Resurrectionists minisode? (This strikes different than the "lead ballon" remark on the wall. It's hard to say if Crowley knows about lead balloons, or if they're speaking an angelic language and it's being translated for us and the translator has a sense of humor or is trying to convey Crowley's sense of humor. The hand washing is actual, concrete, specific knowledge of the future.) Ah, I just re-read the book, where he mentions helicopters to DaVinci, and also Neil said this. It's something Crowley can do. He's a demon, he knows things.
What is going on with Maggie? I don't think she's a demon, but there is something up with her. (Also, one of the men in the graveyard in Edinburgh has a tattoo that says "no regerts." That's a real tattoo that circulates around the internet every once in a while -- I think it's a subtle reminder that humans aren't necessarily great at spelling, either.) But she has a Mason symbol on her necklace, and I still think the Masons are significant somehow; Aziraphale can't miracle-influence her; Aziraphale expects her to feel the arc angels arriving.
Why does Gabriel speak with god's voice? (Was that what he needed to bring? That message? But he says he needs to give Aziraphale something, and both times he speaks in god's voice, it's to Crowley. Hmm. IS that God's voice? It's a woman, but who is it?)
How did the pub owner recognize Gabriel's picture so fast? He says himself, "Look pal, I see a lot of people -- oh, yeah, I remember him!" ?? Was it just because Gabriel was weird at him?
Why is Crowley throwing books? It gives us a laugh, but is there a reason for it? He even seems confused as to why he's carrying them right before he does. (This is a POV thing -- the lens is "Aziraphale's" lens, so I think we're seeing Crowley tell Aziraphale what happened while Aziraphale was gone, and how Aziraphale imagines it would go.)
Why is Saraqael the only angel to react with fear before anyone else recognizes the Metatron? (Is it because she's been working WITH Gabriel, Beelzebub, AND Crowley and Aziraphale to thwart the second attempt at ending the world? Neil says he had some secret things for Sandalphon to do, but the actor wasn't available, so Saraqael does some of those things instead . . .)
Aziraphale gently laughs at Muriel's Inspector Constable persona, but then IMMEDIATELY adopts a just as over-the-top reporter persona. Is he doing it deliberately, or is he that un-self-aware? If he's doing it deliberately, why? Who's he trying to convince he's not that savvy? The pub owner? Anyone who might be spying? US?? Is that a POV thing? And if so, whose?? (AHA! I think this is Aziraphale telling Crowley what happened, and Crowley picturing Aziraphale being adorable in his disguise. Aziraphale is not that silly actually, but probably not as slick as he wants to think.)
Why the heck did Maggie and Nina go talk to Crowley while the Metatron was talking to Aziraphale? What they had to say wasn't important enough to leave Nina's shop during a rush, and I definitely don't think they derailed Crowley from what he needed to say to Aziraphale, though it might look at first as if they did. So what was that about?
When Shax stops Aziraphale for a ride, he says, "Oh, I really need to get to --" and then is cut off. He really needs to get to where? It's an easy assumption to think he means the book shop, or London. But is that all he means? Or was he on his way somewhere else? And if it was just the book shop, what does he mean he's late? Late for what? And that lens is still Crowley's lens -- Aziraphale is relating the story to Crowley. Crowley also knows where Aziraphale was going besides Edinburgh.
Crowley can tell something is wrong. Something. What?
Good God, this questions list just keeps getting longer. Why would the Metatron allow Beelzebub and Gabriel to leave, after trying to stop Armageddon 2.0, but come after Crowley and Aziraphale like that? Just because of the big miracle? (Which I'm not sure they did.)
Why does Crowley say "Oh, God," right before his confession in the final fifteen? To let Aziraphale know that he understands what Aziraphale is saying? That God (or the Voice) is there? Seems possible.
Why didn't Gabriel come down the lift in the Dirty Donkey? He also says he had to carry that box for sooo long. Where was he wandering around?
When Crowley leaves Heaven, he tells Saraqael and Muriel to come, too. But in the elevator, Michael and Uriel are there! When the fuck did they show up??
The whole time Aziraphale is in Maggie's shop asking about Every Day, he is looking out the windows and is VERY nervous. Is he just concerned about leaving Gabriel on his own, or is he nervous about something specific? He does react to the car horn outside as others have noted, but he is already jumpy and checking the windows repeatedly, the car horn isn't anything particular, he's just already fixated on the windows.
Why does Beelzebub tell Shax to attack the bookstore? Aren't they worried about Gabriel being harmed? And they know Hell is understaffed. Maybe that's why they command it? Because they know Shax won't be able to get the demons?
Questions about the world:
What about the Masons? It's such a specific thing for the pub owner to bring up, what is the meaning of it? And Maggie has a Mason symbol on her necklace. Did the Masons carve the statue of Gabriel? When did they see him?
The only narration we hear in the entire season is Aziraphale in the Resurrectionist flashback. Why? (Maybe to throw us off? I think we have multiple POV characters in season 2, not just Aziraphale, but we only hear Aziraphale so we assume he's the POV for the entire season. But still, why do we only hear him narrate 1 flashback? Argh, is he reading the diary to himself in the present day? That would explain the end, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time." If he is reading it in the present day, why? What made him think to go back to THAT entry?? Oh, duh! He JUST heard the story of the jukebox from Maggie. And Gabriel appearing -- same city that statue is in. Of course he thought of something important from that diary entry! Now, what did he notice?)
Is the Book of Life a real threat? We hear two stories about it, that it's real and that its ability to erase beings was something to scare the cherubs with, this is inconclusive. Crowley gets nervous after Beelzebub talks to him, but he could just be upset that their little break is interrupted, and now Heaven and Hell have taken an interest in them again.
Is reality fucked up? How? Whickber street bubble, Aziraphale's power turned up (how?), etc.? A LOT of it is POV shifts!
Job 41:19 on the matchbox: 1941?? YES. Bullet catch/kiss scene!
Where TF is God? "There was nothing for Her to do" my ass. She narrates. That's it. So there was nothing for her to narrate? Hm. (Because there was a host of other narrators? Are the Crowley/Aziraphale through the ages flashbacks in S1 narrated by God? I don't think they are, but I need to rewatch. They are not! And they aren't narrated by God because Crowely and Aziraphale are the POV characters in them.)
So many promo posters show Aziraphale, Crowley, and Jimbriel together, or symbols of them. Three feathers: two white, one black. Tea cup, cocoa mug, wine glass. The three of them. Not with Beelzebub, not with Muriel, the three of them. And all three of them have been Jesus-coded in some small way. No one else. Those three. What. Why. Are they the sacrifice required to bring about the new world? Why not Beez, then?
Wait. Two Crowleys?? WTF. There are two Crowley puppets in the magic shop, and Crowley doesn't remember Saraqael or Furfur. Is he dissing them, or is that the second Crowley that never did meet either of them? Am I insane? I have no theory here, just some wild speculation that needs a lot more time to simmer. Two actual Crowleys, or two ideas of Crowley? Or something to hurt my head?
Why are they in a cave in the opening sequence? The guy who made the opening sequence says they are in the fly that Gabriel stores his memory in. Okay, why? And Crowley lights a match to see. Hm. What else was in that fly that Gabriel didn't take when he got his memory out?
An album on the wall in Maggie's shop says "Rat Keith." This seems to me to be an allusion to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett. In the book, some men have tied several rats' tails together to create a rat king that keeps the wild rats under control -- except that the rat king has too much power and is doing way more than just that. People die. So who's been given too much power and is now running the show instead of being a puppet? The Metatron, perhaps? Hm . . . Also, Keith is the young boy who plays the part of the Pied Piper for Maurice's scam. He leads all the rats out of town, never mind that the rats can talk and are in on the scam.
Things I think I know:
NEIL GAIMAN IS A LYING LIAR WHO LIES. Except when he's dropping hints or answering straight out. All of his answers to anything anyone asks about GO are suspect at best. (I cannot blame him or anyone else on the cast or crew -- they spent A LOT of time and energy building this very meticulous puzzle game for us -- why would ANY of them give ANY of it away? That would ruin all the fun!)
God has been removed/has vacated. Where did she go? I wonder if anyone knows. Is She just standing back and watching? In the book, Crowley says that anyone who can create a whole universe in six days doesn't let a war of rebellion happen unless they want it to. But that he and Aziraphale wouldn't understand, because if they understood, they wouldn't be them. It's INEFFABLE. He also then FORGETS what he was talking about a minute later.
God doesn't narrate because She's busy being Maggie. Aha!
The Metatron is working for himself. The dice on his tie seem to imply that while God does not play dice with the universe, this jerk surely does. Also, see the rat king observation above, #10.
Gabriel was bringing Aziraphale a message, the box is a red herring. But that brings me to another thing I suspect -- there was something else in the box, and the box is deeply important. Ah, damn -- is that what Crowley gave to Aziraphale in the kiss? Whatever was in the box? Was that what he found out while he was in Heaven? What Gabriel took? Did Gabriel put it in the fly with his memory?
Heaven did something bad to Crowley while he was there. That coffee is a red herring to draw our eye away from him. But that brings me to something else I suspect -- Crowley's knackered and a bit off when he returns from his TEN HOUR JAUNT in Heaven not because they did anything bad to him, but because he stole something very important. Maybe the thing he gives to Aziraphale during the break up?
Crowley and Aziraphale did NOT perform a huge miracle. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't them working together. (Or did they? Are angels and demons more powerful together? Did the Fall create a schism between them that weakened them all? Or are they and Saraqael hiding who did do the big miracle?)
This is a 2 man con. Of course it's a 2 man con. I read American Gods. Crowely and Aziraphale have a plan. This might be version B or C, they might be springing it sooner than they hoped, but that break up was a ruse. A hard, painful ruse, but a ruse. They knew their respite would be short-lived, they've been putting something together for years now.
Crowley put something in Aziraphale's mouth during the kiss. I don't know what, but something he had to swallow. obligateweirdo pointed out that he seems to palm something out of his mouth when he touches his lips the second time, and that Houdini's wife used to slip him the keys to his cuffs with a kiss before his shows. Whatever Crowley gave Aziraphale, it's physical. And Michael Sheen has said he doesn't want to share what's in Aziraphale's pockets -- because Aziraphale put whatever Crowley gave him into a pocket?? Was it the fly? (But didn't that go into Gabriel's eye and stay there?) And if it was the fly, what was inside it?
Gabriel went somewhere else before he went to the book shop. He didn't come down the elevator at the Dirty Donkey. Did he go to Edinburgh? Is that why the pub owner recognized that picture so fast? "Oi! That's that naked bloke was in here last week!" (Or was him walking down the street because we first see him from Nina or Maggie's perspective?? POV muckery?)
SECRET SONGS??? Why are the songs secret?? I'm losing my mind, what is happening??
Several narrators. I'm not even sure how many, but we're seeing the world through the eyes of characters, not God or a faceless narrator. This is part of why things are weird. I don't think that's the full explanation for the whole season, but I think it's a big part of the weirdness. A book that comes up often in the show is The Crow Road by Ian Banks. A brief description of the book says that it is written from the point of view of several characters and the story is told out of order and in no particular fashion, with changes from character to character POV coming at no particular interval and with no warning. AHA! (I did come up with the idea before I saw this post, but @highlandwhackamole beat me to writing it. Well done!) NOW I'm wondering if we aren't also seeing the story as told by the characters we see, but as heard but an as-yet unknown character . . .
The scenes are out of order. The DAMN SCENES ARE OUT OF ORDER! I don't know their correct order, but they are out of order. The Crow Road, again, is told out of order, forcing the reader to piece the scenes together (from a brief description, I'm thinking more and more I need to read this book rather than try to skim it). Is it as simple as watching the scenes in chronological order??
Our angel and demon have hidden something in the book shop. Something important. I have no current guesses as to what. Crowley still has his crank from starting up the nebula. What else might he have taken with him? Is that it? Or something else? HOLY SHIT ARE THEY HIDING JESUS??? Is THAT who did the miracle??
When Aziraphale tells Crowley that their Gabriel miracle set off alarms in Heaven, he sort of raises his eyebrows and says it in the same way he says other things he doesn't mean -- the same tone he says "I forgive you" after the Kiss, or how he says "He says he's Bildad the Shuite," in the Job minisode. It wasn't the Gabriel miracle that set off alarms in Heaven, it was whatever Saraqael was doing, or whoever Saraqael is hiding, and Crowley is well aware of it and whatever Saraqael is up to. Aziraphale just told Crowley that they have to take responsibility for whatever Saraqael did to allay Heaven's suspicions. They are talking in code through more of this season than we first think.
The rainbow lens flairs sure look like eyes. Like a pupil and iris. Is this a subtle hint that we are seeing through someone else's eyes?
When Crowley and Aziraphale argue about what to do with Jimbriel, behind Aziraphale is a privacy screen, and behind Crowley is an open door. Does this reflect how each of them feels, that Aziraphale believes they are speaking in private and Crowley believes they are being listened in on?
Repeating themes:
Beverages of all kinds -- tea for Aziraphale, wine or whiskey for Crowley, cocoa for Jim.
Time -- lots of clocks/mentions of time
Love/partnership/togetherness being stronger than separateness
Queer couples -- is literally everyone in season 2 in a non-cis-het relationship?? Even the guy in the graveyard says he uses his phone for Grindr -- a gay men's dating hook-up app. Nothing wrong with it, but it's an interesting writing choice. Why? Equality and representation -- or a Clue? (I think it's a POV Clue!)
Payment -- money comes up in both the Resurrectionists minisode and the Flesh Eating Nazi Zombies minisode, but no one pays for anything in present. There is bartering, but no money.
Rising from the dead -- Job's kids (even though they weren't actually dead), bodies used for science, Nazi zombies, the Second Coming.
Unreliable narrators
Death in general -- but 9a., I'm a dirty pagan, why didn't I make this connection sooner, death always leads to REBIRTH, change, something totally new and 9b. there are tarot cards in the magic shop, and even if you're not a dirty pagan, the Death tarot card means transition, something must die before a new thing can be born. Hmmmm.
Morality and what is "good" and what is right
Recognition and identity
Repeating words and phrases OMG the list goes on:
Isn't it just?
Too late
Funny old world
Not as such
Made for each other
Powell and Pressburg films
The Crow Road
Catch 22
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchett in general
Jane Austin
Book Good Omens
The titles of episodes, minisodes, places, etc. 7a. The Arrival: a book and a movie, though the book seems far more relevant. And lovely. The Clue: a movie. Companion to Owls: a line from a Bible story. I Know Where I'm Going: a movie. The Resurrectionists: two novels, each called The Resurrectionist, singular. Both look unhinged. The Hitchhiker: a Twilight Zone episode. Nazi Zombie Flesheaters: Literally no other reference. ?? Nazi Zombies do appear in a LOT of movies, comics, and video games, usually as a dark joke. The Ball: a video game. Irrelevant? It's a puzzle-based game, so maybe not. Every Day: a song AND a movie. Some themes repeat here: Puzzle games, being re-directed from one's path to find true love, death and being brought back to life in a gruesome and unpleasant way.
That's what I have so far. I'll try to update with new ideas and information, as well as links to things that support my theories as I find them.
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u3pxx · 2 months
I'm glad you liked the bad omens drawing so much!!! I've wanted to draw them ever since I saw your designs :>>>> and its also a great thing to get my mind off school for a moment. Thank you for enabling me more in my good omens hyper-fixation!!! I request nothing but more of your bad omens designs- and on the topic of angel!crowley's questionable fashion choices: I would love to see how they would react to dressing in each other's styles! :DD
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oh man, i just realized i haven't replied to this one yet! orz but i do wanna thank you again for drawing them back then! it was such a highlight of my day when i got it (i love looking at it!!!!!) and it kept me motivated thru my exams long ago pftt <33
i did draw doodles for my answer to this a longgg time ago (DIES) but i wanted to color them so i held off for a while but, we're here now and as you can see , DFGHJD out of the vault they go! (this is making me miss my bomens fellas not gonna lie o(TヘTo))
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(not mentioned bomens lore yet, so yknow how aziraphale sucks at french right, when i was like "which language is bomens!crowley bad at then" someone replied with "flowers" and i just love that so much DFGHJD)
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pt I the wedding dress: an actual update
For the uninitiated, my current hyperfixation (one of them) is designing a wedding dress for Crowley because I heard the song Book of Love by Peter Gabriel from their Heavenly Playlist. Here's how far I've got with the concept:
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Okay, where do I start? There's so much happening and I've only got as far as the shirt, cufflinks and jacket. Let's go with the overview/jacket:
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[Disclaimer: I'm a design student, but not in fashion design. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun, and I hope that's what matters]
JACKET: So the first photo above was the jacket idea I had when I first decided to start this, because the season 1 waiter blazer suits Crowley, from the cropped nature to the sharp notched lapels (if you're not sure what that is, like I was at first, it's not very clear in the white but you see that lightning bolt style collar in my sketch? that's the notched lapels).
But it met too high on the chest (notice where it cuts the tie) to be soft enough for a wedding dress, so I made the two halves meet lower down in the sketch. I also made it single-breasted (which basically means a coat or blazer that has a single row of buttons, in this case, just one button).
I haven't worked out more about the jacket, oh and also if someone could tell me the material of the original costume that would be very cool. I'll probably spend an unreasonable amount of time designing the button, too. As for colour, it would be black with a garnet or currant red lining.
OVERVIEW: So like the sketch shows, there's a shirt, that's held in place by a corset over it, and the jacket covers both. The corset would probably be under bust and back-laced for more support, with hints of scarlet on snakeskin leather? I'm not entirely sure, I need to research corsets.
The cummerbund (oops misspelt it in the sketch) is a broad waist sash, you can see it in the waiter costume, too. In the wedding dress, it would overlap the shirt slightly under the corset, and I was thinking of black satin with embroidery of stars/constellations.
I was originally going to draw star charts of a significant month for them (maybe April, because that's when nightingales, which are migratory birds, usually return to England for mating season to sing). Perhaps star charts as visible from Earth versus Alpha Centauri? But that could get complicated and on the bafta livestream chat someone sent coats that have Zodiac patterns on them in gold, so I'm debating that too.
Besides, there'll already be a nightingale pin on the lapel, gold with a sapphire eye for Aziraphale.
The lower part of the wedding dress involves a train and trousers and split skirt, we won't go into that. I think this post already got too long so I'll make another one for the shirt and the cufflinks :")
Have a lovely day my maggots you're amazing and I love you. Look at you, you're gorgeous.
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sonkitty · 16 days
Crowley S2 Hair Post #56
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 4, The Hitchhiker, broken
Sideburns Check
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The above image is slightly brightened.
The sideburns are long. I think the long sideburns are the "human" reading during the minisode as a reversal compared to the present day.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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With his hat finally off, Crowley has a visible more saturated red streak of hair. I'll go over my theories about that in the Story Commentary.
Hairstyle Changes
The sideburns are still long, but now the hat is finally off.
When Crowley faces and addresses Mrs. H, his hair looks more red compared to when he turns around to look at Aziraphale. Then his hair looks darker, and the red in the streak is more subdued.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Crowley opens the case of broken bottles. Only one thumb is shown to touch it, but he has all five digits visible with his right hand to indicate his previous touch. So, my own guess would be that he's aiming to get credit for the touch by having his hand shown in such a way.
Mrs. H. has two questions with, "Broken? All of them?"
That could give them a standard set to start the scene.
Mr. H. has two more questions and Crowley uses her name, "Mrs. H."
While these two are interacting, Aziraphale does have a visible touch with his hat, and there is someone known to be playing the piano, even if they are only shown from behind.
Mrs. H. repeats her name back to Crowley. She touches her own purse and rubs her gloved hands together. She mentions the number, "40". She continues on for a bit before the piano interrupts her swearing.
While she was talking, a Rule of Three was met with three of the girls entering and passing through the ongoing conversation.
Aziraphale takes out a white handkerchief when offering to help Crowley.
For paying attention to the pockets...
In my attempts to figure out anything, I noticed two cuts where there's a black top hat on a table on the stage behind Mrs. H. with what's probably a stuffed rabbit. Presumably, it has something to do with the magician. In the other cuts, the hat and stuffed rabbit are not there.
The girls who pass through, specifically pass through between Aziraphale and Crowley, which draws attention to them being on their "correct" sides for most of the scene.
(For reference: The Rainbow Connection Part 4: The Door Trick and The Door Catch)
I said this minisode had clues for The Door Catch, so let's look for clues about The Door Catch.
One of the most important elements in The Door Catch is that somehow, some way, the shadows of the green leaves on the back of Aziraphale's coat are allowed to be the Green of the maintained Rainbow Connection.
While neither Aziraphale nor Crowley sit during this scene, the piano player is visually pocketed between them, and that piano player has her back to us, the viewer.
A really tricky and difficult mechanic in the Rainbow Connection is from non-rainbow-colored shades: black, white, brown, and gray.
I think there is a findable poem that goes:
Black blocks.
Brown borrows.
Gray shades.
White keeps.
The "gray" is spelled as "grey" in the official subtitles, so I'm just using the spelling I'm more familiar with.
When I was drafting this part into the relevant post, it occurred to me check that this minisode might have a clue for each one. The clue for "gray" is the most obvious one, later, but I wanted to see if others could be found.
Black and white together seem to do something like a trap.
The piano player is wearing all black with, presumably, a black dress and black shoes. I'm mainly noticing it's a match for white because this scene initiates the clue for White.
Aziraphale pulls out a white handkerchief and waves it around. This handkerchief will be used again later during the actual Bullet Catch act.
Story Commentary
Who broke the bottles? Was it the Metatron messing with the story because he's got something against whiskey? Or was it Aziraphale's wishful thinking so he could have an excuse to help out Crowley? Or is it just part of the written story from one or both of them with the clues within the games?
Well, my guess would be the last one of those since it matches with my overall theory, but the other theories are good too.
Now about that more saturated red streak of hair...
One of the theories I have on it, here, is that this 1941 minisode is experiencing something like a "bleed-through" effect from the present day. It's closer in time than the other minisodes. So, the streak is there as part of this "bleed-through" effect. Season 1 established that Adam could retroactively change reality. Someone or something could be doing that in this story.
Another theory is that the streak is there because of either Crowley performing his miracle for the bomb, the books, or both, or Aziraphale performing his "real miracle" to make sure he and Crowley survive the bomb.
I had a present day theory that the streak is an after-effect of a Big Miracle that Crowley performed, but things don't quite match up with that theory because of various parts in the story where it disappears and my not finding any good guidance or reason for why it would disappear since I don't know how many drafts the story has and how it fits.
Plus, there are clues the streak is actually a result of the lightning...somehow. That doesn't fit either, but I'm generally suspicious of the camera work when Crowley first shoots the lightning out.
Mrs. H. has dealt with Crowley and makes no comment on that streak, but humans generally don't comment on Crowley's appearance as it is. If she does actually see it, and has seen it, then that would put the "bleed-through" effect as the more likely theory.
So, those are just ideas I'm throwing around. I'm more uncertain on them compared to stuff like the Threshold Tricks, the supernatural zone made with help from the sideburns, and the connection Aziraphale and Crowley make through borrowing each other's homes.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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loluilu · 4 months
Ello Ello Ello 👋
I saw that you wanted someone to draw Crowley in a dress it was black and slutty. I commented/replied "yessir! On it bbg" I finished it and now I shall show you it...
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Hope it lives up to your expectations!! Also, just cuz if you were a bug what bug would you be???
Hugs and punches, an Australian Hermit
I just discovered this wonderful piece in my dm's!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 What a nice fit! Crowley looks awesome in that outfit, dear!
Thanks for drawing it! ❤️ I like it very much! I appreciate that you created it. Keep up the great work!
I would be a lady buy I think (I'm afraid of other bugs). 🙈
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prettybluelites · 3 months
So I was thinking about what it's going to be like when Crowley and Aziraphale run into each other for the first time in Season 3. And, completely unbidden, the image popped into my mind of Princess Diana's Revenge Dress.
You know, this one:
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And I thought...someone should draw Crowley in that.
Yup. You're welcome.
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amaranthhiding · 8 months
Empty Earth - Chapter 22
by Hiding Amaranth
Empty Earth Chapter 22 is online on AO3! Jack POV for this one. :)
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Cover by the author (original post with both covers)
Empty Earth Words: 97,192 so far, Chapters: 22/? Relationships: Dean/Cas, Sam/Rowena, Jack & Dean, Jack & Crowley POV: Alternating (Dean, Sam, Jack, Castiel, Rowena, Crowley, Naomi, HunterCorp Dean, Michael, Kevin, Balthazar)
Tags: Post-15x18, Fix-It, Epic, Plotty, Action/Adventure, Apocalypse, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Splashes of Humor, Empty Rescue, Protective Dean, Angel True Forms, Consensual Possession, Enochian, Magic, Witch Sam, Queen Rowena, Rebellion in Hell, Samwena First Kiss, Destiel Being Chaotic
Summary: After Castiel's confession, Dean carries a spark of hope telling him this can't be the end. This spark is the strongest weapon for Dean, Sam and Jack in this final war. The enemy is God. The battlefield is an Earth devoid of humans, a Hell in rebellion against its queen, and a Heaven betrayed by its creator. And the stakes are everything and everyone they have ever cared about. Read Empty Earth on AO3!
Excerpt from Chapter 22 under the cut
The caped stranger ran through the dark tunnel much too fast for them to keep up. It was only thanks to Jack's angelic senses that he saw the man come to a stop somewhere ahead. He managed to prevent Mary from crashing into the wall with a warning hand against her shoulder. A quiet curse near them meant John hadn't been spared from that fate.
A light appeared, and Jack saw that the stranger held a small flashlight between his teeth while drawing another one of those chalk sigils. The outline of a door appeared in the wall of the tunnel, and a short press of the man's hand sufficed for it to open outwards.
One after the other, they stumbled out into the blinding brightness of someone's heaven on a sunny beach. The ocean was impressive and slightly intimidating with its size and the crashing waves. Jack had only ever seen such a large body of water in the split second it had taken him to fly across it in his frenzied escape from his own guilt. Standing right in front of these massive plains of blue reaching all the way to the horizon was on a different level entirely.
"Close the damned door if you got any sense!" the stranger called out to them and Jack turned hastily to press the door closed behind John, watching it merge seamlessly into a changing cubicle.
The man didn't wait to see if they complied, already running further ahead through rows of white sun chairs and colorful parasols.
"Doctor Badass, wait!" Jack yelled, attracting the attention of a woman who must have been the owner of this heaven.
"Who the fuck are you people?" she asked them, sitting up on her sun chair. "You're ruining my vibe here."
Jack noticed only then how much they stood out on this beach, fully dressed among people in swimwear, running when everyone else was just lounging and relaxing.
"I'm sorry. We'll stop ruining… your vibe. We were just leaving," he hurried to explain, throwing a look at Mary and John behind him. Mary seemed confused, John annoyed, but the caped stranger didn't slow down, so Jack had no choice but continue their frenzied run.
They caught up with him in front of a wooden booth selling ice cream, where the man was creating another one of his strange chalk doors on the side wall. He waved them inside and they were once more surrounded by darkness.
"All right, enough of this nonsense! Who or what are we running from?" John asked, his voice echoing in the silence of the tunnel.
"Jack, you said Dean is hurt? Where is he?" Mary talked over him, and the worry in her voice was audible.
Jack never had a chance to reply to either of these questions, though, because Doctor Badass cut him off.
"Listen, there's a time for answers, but this ain't it. Gotta shake off the God Squad before they can track us to Homebase."
Read Empty Earth on AO3!
If you'd like to be added/removed from my taglist for Destiel and/or Samwena content, let me know in a reblog, reply, or personal message. :) @samsrowena @cactus-79 @typicalrowena @panthera-dei @butch--dean @thefandomsinhalor @fanficlounge @cocklesdestielfiction @destielficbasket
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anastasia-belskaya · 7 months
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Sometimes I look like Crowley. Just because I have to think about what to do with my life based on his character. I like to play different roles, in my texts, drawings I often play a specific role.
I'm actually very shy about cosplaying or talking about being like someone. It's either because I was made fun of at school when I was a kid, or because it wasn't accepted at school.
I was often told to be myself. Don't play a role. But I was. 7? 12? 15? I wanted to play roles because that's the age when you're not there yet as a person. You are, but you're so fragmented and you don't know what's going on that you try to feel yourself through the character. You're trying to figure out what you want to be. So I played different roles, but I was afraid to change my appearance or to fit myself to a character.
My family wanted to see me completely different. So I did things that either they liked or the exact opposite of what they liked. Just because it hurt?
I'm twenty-five now, but I'm still embarrassed to dress like my favourite character. Sometimes my soul is so exposed with all of this that I want to cry. Either from shame or from feeling worthless. I don't understand why I feel ashamed, because it's cool to dress up as someone sometimes.
I guess I'm afraid of being laughed at. Or they'll say that I don't look like them and I'm different. And I realise that this is stupid on the one hand, but on the other hand, I feel insecure and I constantly want to laugh. But I know that behind that laughter is my desire to burst into tears. P.s. You would know how embarrassed I am to publish this post...
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Fic Masterlist (Good Omens)
Little Talks
Crowley wakes in the middle of the night to the feeling of being watched.
A brief investigation leads him to the kitchen where God is waiting for him.
Things My Heart Used To Know
Aziraphale always felt like Crowley reminded him of someone.
He's just not sure who that someone is.
One Shots
It's Quiet Uptown
Gabriel hadn't always been this way.
In fact, he used to be very different.
Then again, after the Fall, no one was really the same.
Prequel to Things My Heart Used to Know
The Ties That Bind
Not too long after time began, Aziraphale learned how to braid hair.
Not too long after that, Crowley's hair became his favorite thing to braid.
To Noise Making (Sing)
There had been a time when Aziraphale had loved singing.
Crowley isn't sure why she ever stopped.
Things Unseen
Aziraphale honestly didn't think his time in Hell had affected him that much.
He was wrong.
Flash Flood
Aziraphale Fell on a Sunday afternoon.
The rain started shortly after.
Wait For Me (I Will)
After his Fall from Heaven, Crowley wants nothing more than to return to Aziraphale's side.
Their reunion doesn't go quite the way he'd imagined.
The Principles of Protection
Aziraphale reveals what it really means to be a Principality.
Crowley ends up witnessing it firsthand.
Out of Time
Crowley knew that falling in love with a vampire would have consequences.
He didn't think bleeding out in an alley would be one of them.
Through The Centuries
In order to assist Aziraphale with an assignment, Crowley suggests they pretend to be married.
When the end draws closer, Aziraphale is surprised to find she doesn't want it to end.
A Song of Selkies
All Aziraphale wanted was to go home.
Crowley doesn't understand why he can't.
Rhythm of the Night
Aziraphale and Crowley explore the evolution of fashion at the Moulin Rouge.
Aziraphale dresses up and Crowley loses her mind.
Heart of Ice
The legend of the Snow Queen told a sorrowful tale of a woman whose heart turned to ice upon the loss of her beloved.
The Snow Queen herself has little memory of this person.
Antonia Crowley is intent on helping her remember.
Chaptered Fics
Journey to the Past
Anthony Crowley is searching for the lost heir to the throne of Eden, Prince Aziraphale.
Enter Ezra, a young man with no memory of who he is or where he comes from, but bears a strong resemblance to the missing prince.
A Good Omens/Anastasia AU
Love is a Song That Never Ends
Upon their Creation, every angel was given half of a song.
The other half was given to their soulmate.
A Quiet Place
Once upon a time, a silent angel and an outspoken demon met on a wall.
Over time, they manage to find some common ground.
Trials of the Serpent King Trilogy
The Fallen Prince
The Road to Eden
The Salvation of the King
Ezra Fell had read The Trials of the Serpent King numerous times throughout his lifetime. He could quote nearly every line by heart and owned multiple versions of the entire series, including a recently obtained first edition of The Fallen Prince.
Upon opening the cover, Ezra finds himself within the pages of the book and traveling alongside Anthony J. Crowley, the exiled king of Eden, while he marches the path towards the redemption of his throne.
MythVerse (Hades/Persephone AU)
Spring Flowers, Autumn Leaves
All I've Ever Known
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hekate1308 · 8 months
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Prompt: Do you even know what this means
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel
It doesn’t matter what Sam says – and he even seems to have learned his lesson in that regard, since he thankfully hasn’t complained about Dean’s life choices for months now, although that might have to do with his new girlfriend Sarah – Dean loves his little antique book shop, and he has never regretted that he bought it on a whim back when he was eighteen and Mr. Bythell wanted to retire.
Yes, some clients can be a handful, and he has several opinions about Amazon that he knows to keep to himself lest they get back to them and he gets buried under the power of Jeff Bezos, but still. There are a lot of wonderful moments when he finds a rare book or can help someone who has been desperately seeking for a title or just needs a break from the stress of every day life. It might be frustrating that he can’t afford a full-time employee, but Charlie and Gilda are always happy to help out, and students like Kevin are happy to take any summer job that presents itself.
And so, he has no plans of changing things. He lives his life, he sells and buys books, there are game nights with Charlie and Gilda and Andrea and Benny and Crowley, when he can get his friend to admit he is actually having fun during those, and everything’s fine.
And then things change, although not in the way he would have assumed if he had expected them to.
Because today the door bell rings out and a new customer comes in. Now, that’s nothing new in and out of itself, but the guy is – to be perfectly frank – hot.
And he says that as someone who has had his fun, if you know what he means.
“Hey” he greets him, strolling towards him. “Can I help?”
He blinks at him, looking ever so slightly confused and rumpled and oh God, Dean is in trouble. “I just moved here” he then informs him abruptly. “I’m Castiel Novak.”
“Like the angel?” he asks, only learning later he’s the only one who’s ever reacted that way.
Castiel blinks at him again and Dean holds out his hand. “Dean Winchester.”
Two months later
“You should try and do more with the internet.”
Apart from the fact that Cas just pronounced the word as if he has never heard of wi-fi, Dean can’t help but shake his head. “We all know how that would end.”
“I don’t mean just an online-shop. I was thinking about a book subscription service – they are all the range, these days. Maybe something like a mystery box, the sort of thing people unbox on YouTube. People would subscribe and you could choose the books.”
So Cas, who lives in a house where the electricity barely works, just asked him to – “Do you even know what this means?” he asks because he can’t help it – is he really supposed to believe that someone who dresses like Columbo has any idea what the internet is?
“I do sell my honey online” Cas says, sounding almost disappointed, and he’s quick to do damage control.
“Sorry, man. It’s not a bad idea – not a bad idea at all – just – do you think there’d even be a market for it?”
“I don’t see why not” Cas shrugs. “You still sell books, don’t you, even though everyone seems to think they are going out of style, as they say” oh God he’s actually doing quoty fingers and it looks much much cuter than it has any right to “so why should it not work when you develop your own way of doing so in the Internet?”
It might just work, Dean reflects. And really, what has he got to lose? Yes, his bookshop, but he’s always on the brink of doing that anyway…
“Alright” he decides, “Any ideas?”
Cas looks at him and they are back at the staring one another thing, great.
Yet he can’t bring himself to mind too much.
Three years later
“Cas are you smuggling books about bees into the boxes again?”
“They are really interesting! Remember, we got several emails about them just last month…”
He can’t help but admit that, so he kisses his husband instead of saying anything. “Fine” he announces, drawing back, “but next month I get to pick the theme.”
“It’s going to be old-timers” Cas grumbles.
“Are you really going to tell me that I only have one topic of interest?”
Cas looks so guilty that Dean just has to kiss him again. “Hey, look, as long as the customers don’t mind, and they don’t seem to…”
This time when they separate, Cas is smiling at him and Dean – with the roof leaking again, a customer having tried to steal several books yesterday, and Crowley and his mother once more at odds – has never felt more blessed in his life.
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what about the raven herself?
Welp, I didn’t expect this one 😅 but since you asked, I’ll provide!
***Standard disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions of the character(s); regardless of what I may think of them, sharing my thoughts is NOT meant to offend or to shame anyone that thinks differently.*** Do I really need to slap the standard disclaimer on a character opinion bingo about my own OC??????
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Raven 🥺 my child............................. .. . ....... . .... . .. . .. ......... . . . . .. . .... .. . my birb dotter........... . . . ..... . . . .. ..... . . . .. ... ... . . . .. . . .
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WAHAHAHAH I’m very obviously going to be biased with my thoughts 😌 so I hope you’re prepared for that—
When I first had the idea for a “blog mascot” in late spring-early summer of 2020, I had no idea just how attached to Raven I would be. Contrary to popular belief, she’s not meant to be a self-insert or a Yuusona; she’s an OC with her own lore and she exists entirely separate from Yuu. While Raven isn’t a self-insert, she happens to share the same name as my online alias (which I know can get confusing 💦), and she’s also the type of character whose struggles I can relate to. I only put bits and pieces of myself in Raven, a trait or two here and there—just enough to let me comfortably project my issues onto her. She has difficulty expressing her feelings outside of writing, and she longs for the freedom to do as she wishes, to live without restraint… and to understand herself. She feels small and helpless in a world that’s dark and confusing to navigate. In a way, writing Raven gives me a chance to explore and to cope with similar real world issues, so she brings me a sense of comfort and hope. (If you’re interested in hearing a little more about my OC creation process, I’d recommend checking out this post!)
I had many different inspirations when I was designing her looks, personality, and backstory for a cohesive character. What was most important to me was creating an OC that is both layered and “makes sense”. For example, I think a lot of people would describe Raven’s personality as “tsundere”—but why is that? Why is her personality “tsundere”? Because she doesn’t believe she deserves nice things, and she doesn’t think she belongs among humans. Because she’s been betrayed by someone she once trusted, and this reaction is the only defense mechanism she knows. Because her curse may punish her for ever getting too close to anyone. Even her design speaks to who Raven is; she’s trying so hard to emulate Crowley (but more mature), because she doesn’t have a clear sense of what her identity is or what her place in the “story” is anymore, so it’s easier to try and be like someone else. That’s what makes it really fun to design other outfits for her; it feels like Raven’s finally allowed to dress how she wants instead of having to live up to someone else’s legacy. This is totally me playing favorites, but Raven’s really deep 😌 and I hope that more people come to appreciate her for that. (Why not check out this post for more about her? Read the Tale of the Cursed Raven—)
I have the most enjoyment writing Raven interacting with other characters. She takes herself so seriously and tries to act like a refined lady, so it’s amusing when that plays off the callousness of her peers and it forces the childishness she often hides to come out. Jade is particularly interesting to write with Raven, because almost every conversation between them turns into a battle of wits and seeing who can outsmart the other and get them to break and lower their guard Kaguya-sama: Love is War style. I’d like to think that they’re both getting free entertainment from it 😂 With other characters, it’s fun to draw contrasts (Kalim’s/Rook’s/Cater’s cheer vs Raven’s reservedness, Crowley’s immaturity vs Raven’s sense of responsibility, L*ona’s laziness vs Raven’s hard-working nature, etc.), as well as parallels (she and Silver are both adopted, she and Ortho are both students enrolled under “extraordinary” circumstances, etc.). I’m weirdly proud that I cam write Raven with the other students and interacting with them all so differently, because it makes me think she’s as “real” and as fleshed out as the main cast are; it makes me feel like a mom watching her kid make new friends on the playground with the other children 😌
I know that people usually like to see Raven engage with the Usual Suspects (J word, Rook, L*ona), but I would like more opportunities to have her engage with others in the student body as well. Interacting only with “potential love interests” makes a character seem flat and like they were invented solely to be shipped with someone else, so I want to expand on Raven’s platonic relationships and friendships. I don’t want her to be defined by who she loves, but by who she is as an individual. After all, finding “herself” (aka having faith in herself and in her identity) is a big theme of the Tale of a Cursed Raven, and the “self” isn’t defined only by who someone loves, right?
Sometimes I feel guilty about writing Raven and posting it publicly, because she’s a personal character and not a canon one (the latter being what most people come to my blog for). With time, I think I’ve slowly become more comfortable doing it 😌 because seeing my friends and my mutuals share their own OC creations gives me more confidence. I hope I can share more of Raven with the world.
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unknownstarrl · 2 years
Some info about my Yuu/MC, student #9(Beta)
made in: picrew
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Name: Morela Hill
Kanji: モレラ•ヒル
Romaji: Morera Hiru
Quote: "Me? A princess!? Oh, no no no...you must be wrong! I am your f*cking worst nightmare!!!!"
"I am no damsel in distress, I am a dragon in a dress"
“For once, I’m happy for someone else to take the credit. You were prepared to sacrifice your life to save me.”
V/A: Ashe <English>, Fujita Maiko <Japanese>
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bicurious
Age: 16
Birthday: May 31st(Gemini♊)
Height: 169cm
Eyes color: maya blue(normal), golden(using magic)
Hair color: ink black
Dominant hand: right
Homeland: Japan(born), England(now)
Dorm: Ramshackle
Class: 1-A
Years: 1st
Power level: powerful
Nicknames: Yuna(Yuri), Morel(short name), Hill(NRC staff, Adeuce), Little prawn/Ebi-chan(Floyd), Young lady(Lilia), Alice(Chen'nya), Herbivore(Leona), Mademoiselle Sorcière(Meaning: Miss Witch - Rook), Maiden/Misstress(Vil, Silver), Angelfish(Azul), Hechwoman(Grim), Emrys/Merlyn(Malleus), Human(Sebek)
Occupation: NRC student, Vice dorm leader of Ramshackle, sorcerer's apprentice, Sorceress of Avalon, the Dragonlord, Artist
Club: none
Relatives: Unnamed parent✝️
Wilfred Hill(uncle/adoptive father)
Judie Hill-Williams (maternal aunt/adoptive mother)
Yuri Hill(twin)
Best subject: Astrology, History
Language:English(Old trade),Japanese,German, Dragon Language (inspired Lost in Translation, @twsty-lav Language Barrier Au)
Favourite foods: Carbonara, Coconut cream pie
Least favourite food: Fish
Hobbies: reading horror fiction, watch anime, play game with Idia, drawing, writing poem
Likes: magic, anime, games, food, meat, dog, black rose, lily flowers, thriller, black and red, disney, romantic poetry, karate, anything fluffy, violin, guitar
Dislikes: Crowley, bullies, someone hurt Yuri, toxic people/relationship, hexes, fish, NPCs in NRC, singing/dancing in front of everyone, Sebek (he's annoying)
Talents: Self-defense, Martial arts, Dragon language, Fairy language, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Spell casting, Healing, Swordswoman, Sealing magic, Breaking the spells, Playing video games, Long range shooting(gun, bow, crossbow), Weapon summoning, Playing guitar
Magic iems: ring(amulet)
Weapon: sword, gun, bow, crossbow
Morela and her twin have had to depend on each other since childhood, their parent always fighting each other and they never gave any attention to the twin. Their father was barely at home and their mother was always drunk. Sometimes the mother beat up the twins for very small things, so they had a lot of bruises on their bodies. When Morela and Yuri were 10 years old, their father died because of car accident, their mother was very happy thinking she would be able to take all of her husband's money so she went to the bar and had fun with the celebratory party but she was got robbed and killed on the way back home. The twin were forced to move to live with their uncle in England. In here, they had known that their uncle is a wizard, they were taught magic and also changed their last name to his uncle's surname-Hill
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While walking around the house, the twin accidentally discovered a secret room that their uncle didn't tell them. It was a room with nothing but a strange mirror hanging on a wall covered with a cloth. Because of curiosity, the twin removed the cloth and……The twin' journey begin here.
Morela is pretty grumpy person and kinda rude when talking to someone she doesn't like. She doesn't like to socialize with strangers and prefer stay at home and play video game than going outside. Morela really love her brother, she won't let anyone harm her twin. Morela is also an impatient person, if she waits something too long, she will give up and go home
Her name "Morela" meaning "apricot" in Polish
Her Japanese name was Yuna but after moved to England, she changes her name to "Morela"
Morela was born 5 minute before Yuri
Morela represents "Magic" - half of Merlin's soul
Morela loves drawing, her paintings often have sad themes
Morela had a friend name Aera but she passed away because of cancer
The magic the twins use aren't the same as Twisted Wonderland's magic, so the Dark Mirror couldn't sense anything ( that makes everyone think that the twin don't have magic)
Morela won't use her magic unless there's an emergency
Unlike her twin, Morela can control her magic quite well and she can use magic with her hands instead of using wand.
Because Crowley was too gracious, he refused to provide money for the twin, Morela have to draw pictures and sell them on Magicam to buy personal items and tuna for Grim
Morela also has a tattoo on her nape
When the twin were young, they used to fan of disney so when they look at the Great Seven, they always feel familiar
Morela accidentally used fire magic and almost burned down her uncle' library
Morela is really powerful that she can break Riddle's Unique Magic and unaffected by Jade and Jamil's Unique Magic
Like Yuri, Morela was hated by everyone at first and they thought she used dirty tricks to get enroll in the school.
Because of "beast tamed", all students are more friendly with twin
Morela and Yuri often comes to Ignihyde to play video game and watch anime with Idia
Morela often talk to her twin by English (Old trade) when they are alone or whispering
All dormitories want the twin are member of their dorm but they always refuse
Crowley want to adopted the twin but they refuse (of course)
Morela and Yuri prefer Crewel than Crowley
Only few people in NRC know the twin have magic ( all playable characters and Crowley, Crewel)
Morela tired of Crowley and NRC bullsh*t
When Morela use magic:
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