odinsblog · 2 years
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Eh, I think the book on black magic and witch-hunting was a bit weirder.
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missamerican-pie · 1 year
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wiirocku · 2 months
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Romans 8:32 (NLT) - Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?
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When you ask the guy in the next room if he’s any spare sugar? 🤗🤗
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nekoxyuki · 1 month
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elloras · 1 year
But this woman’s beauty, and my response to it, wasn’t based merely on symmetry. There was an energy about her, a wild joy and playfulness. There was something in the way she smiled, the way she interacted with Violet, the way she gazed into the camera. Confident. Free. She believed life was one grand adventure, I could see that. What a privilege it would be, I thought, to join her on that journey. I got all of that from her face. Her luminous, angelic face. I’d never had a firm opinion on that burning question: Is there just one person on this earth for each of us? But in that moment I felt there might be only one face for me.
Spare, Prince Harry
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kits-ghosts-corner · 1 year
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i will never be funnier than this
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quintessbrit · 1 year
I know we're all joking, but this is actually really really sad.
There are real people involved here, having their most intimate details published for the world to know about, with seemingly no care for their feelings.
I hope the BRF, especially William and Catherine, are taking it easy, have a good support system around them, and choosing to focus on C's upcoming birthday, rather than all the noise.
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I've always been Team Surrogacy, but what you mentioned from Spare about getting an epidural makes me wonder. I didn't know about that tidbit, only the bath and the nitrous. If she's the best/only mom to ever mom, why wouldn't she claim to have a natural birth? Strange for her not to cosplay that bit from Kate and lean fully into earth mama perfection.
Another anon corrected everyone's understanding about the bath. Popular conception (which I confess to believing as well because it's been so long since I read Spare) is that Meghan had an epidural and then delivered Archie in a water bath.
That isn't what happened. What happened, according to Spare (and I went back and double-checked anon's recounting with my bootleg copy of Spare), is that first Meghan had a bath to help with her pain management. While she was in the bath, Harry was getting high on the laughing gass. The bath-as-pain-management didn't work so she had to get an epidural. The epidural wore off and Meghan required a second epidural. Then the baby was born.
But there are even flaws in this version as well. I have never heard of anyone getting two epidurals during labor and delivery. And in fact, the quick research I've done on NHS recommendations for epidurals is that only one should be administered. So that's odd.
What's also odd, if not alarming, is that a woman who had such a traumatic birth - according to Spare, Archie had gotten stuck and was wrapped in the umbilical cord and there was discussion of an emergency c-section - and such a difficult labor that she required two epidurals was allowed to go home less than two hours later?
Not even Kate did that. Kate went home 7 hours later with Charlotte and Louis (she stayed overnight with George), and it was understood she had textbook no-complications labors and births.
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odinsblog · 3 months
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The Daily Mail interviewed this man about psychedelics, then twisted his words to write a nasty article about Prince Harry. When will people learn that the Daily Mail is a trashy tabloid void of journalistic integrity. Of course they'll twist your words; it's what they do.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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In all this British royal soap opera drama/fiasco/tragedy/meme material we forgot the real victims here.
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royalteachitchat · 5 months
Twitter Finds.... 🤣🤣
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wiirocku · 1 month
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Malachi 3:17 (NLT) - “They will be My people,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. “On the day when I act in judgment, they will be My own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.
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rosewind2007 · 2 months
This bit from Home seems to be seen as contradictory by some:
It’s slipped in front of her, reassuring lean bulk between her and the intruder
When I read it, I thought of the definition of lean as being eg OED
3. Of flesh: Containing little or no fat (as distinguished from muscular tissue)
or Merriam-Webster
b : containing little or no fat
Though, admittedly, on reflection these are perhaps definitions more associated with meat which is intended for consumption than with flesh on a person?
But, to me, the description conjures up the concept of a solid muscular frame, but one which is spare or rangy? Muscular but without fat…
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