#splatoon project
projectpeak · 18 days
arruh? 👀
Alternative/Revamped references of Out Cold are finished! While you CAN still use the old ones, these are more accurate and canon to their designs.
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agent4couldhavebeenme · 7 months
Could Have Been Me MAP Announcement
Could Have Been Me, A Multi Animator Project themed around giving Agent 4 the love they deserve. Agent 4. I've seen them referred to as the middle child of the agents. And while that works great for fan content angst, it's not the greatest for Agent 4 fans. I know everyone loves them (you better), but theres never too much affection for a blorbo. That's where this map comes into play! Could Have Been Me is a MAP using the song Could Have Been Me by The Struts. It's a fairly creatively open map - you can do nearly whatever - as long as it involves Agent 4! You can just use the blank slate of agent 4 from the games, but I'd looove to see folks show off their Agent 4 ocs! I know I'll be using mine :)
This map will have a hard deadline of February 28th. The map will be coming out April 4th, so the early deadline will give plenty of time for forgotten parts to be made and for me to edit. The Map Call will be premiering November 21! This is when applications will open as well. They'll be decided on over the course of the next week. This gives about 3 months to do your part! To catch more info, hang out with other folks interested in this project, or get pinged for updates, join the discord server below! Discord will be mandatory for all participants. (Sorry! I'm a one trick pony :( I don't feel comfortable with hosting a map not on discord. Warrior cats fandom has hardwired my brain.) https://discord.gg/exHj2eHPzj
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v1ntagie · 1 year
Lil robot boy for sploon fan project
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scruff-mutt · 3 months
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Have you ever wanted to be 100% accurate when creating Splatfest-related art? Consider downloading the Splatfest Script today!
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merrodi · 6 months
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aeriona · 21 days
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HEY! Do you guys like squid biology? creature headcanons? cool art? well BOY do I have the document for you~~!
It is with great pleasure to show off this absolute chonker of an art/writing project; The Mollusc Era! BEHOLD, MY MAGNUM OPUS!
In this document I go over the intricacies of various cephalopods; Inklings, Octolings, Cuttlings and even the Nautilus! The entire study is illustrated by yours truly, so there's plenty of pretty pictures to gawk at as well as pages upon pages of my concentrated autism ramblings to pour over if that's also your thing. Enjoy!
I’ve also included a Legacy Version of the document: a much older, unfinished version complete with ancient-ass art from mid last year in all of its poorly-rendered glory. A lot of the information in there is also outdated and poorly written, so good luck with that. yuck.
I recommend viewing both of these on desktop as the formatting seems to work best on there. You're more than welcome to use any of the info in there for whatever you like, if you're gonna use my art please credit me though! cheers!
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chibigaia-art · 10 months
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*squid-fies your wondershows*
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liliotl · 1 day
Pearl and marina on mount Nantai
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Pearl: Hey, hold on a sec...
pearl: GOTCH'A!!!! Hehehe
Marina: wha..what is that?...a bug?
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Pearl: It's called a Damselfly...pretty rad eh? These suckers are HARD to catch! (Lying)
Marina: oh! wowie pearl! You're so cool....
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critterpdf · 11 months
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some lesbians having music moments <3
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diamandarinas · 26 days
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Hatsune Inku! 🦑🐙
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teethflavoured · 4 months
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the 2nd iteration of pierce's ref bc her old one bugged me with how sparse it was on details.
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schlushiii · 5 months
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So. Undertale Yellow huh?
This game on the brain!!! something to chew on before the next release of deltarune in 2030 (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
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viyojo · 2 years
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aceptical · 9 days
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Alt. Versions under cut
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
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Thinking of Agent 4 and how she lost faith in herself.
more deets under the cut!
I saw a comment somewhere that this bitch is very diligent in college so what if after Octo Valley she went back to her normal life. And as such became just another face in the crowd
I feel like as the workload got heavier and heavier, that confidence started to wane. Damn was she brilliant at first but now shes flailing
She takes a break, and decides to come visit base. See some old friends.
Theyve already moved on. Apparently not needed anymore, turns out.
The spankin new Agent 3 is leagues more capable of things than she is. This goblin fought a giant bear??? In space??? Beat the octo king like its nothing?? (She likely didnt have the context of Octavio not having Zapfish power.)
"Huh? Agent 4? Whos that? The one thats supposed to be a big-shot?"
She had the potential to be great, but she wasnt up to par with expectations. Thats all she was. *Potential.* Cant match up to any of the greats -- she isnt even gonna try to compare herself to the legendary Captain, or the scrappy Eight.
Damn. The least remarkable of the platoon. No wonder everyone left her behind.
Tldr.....uh..... 4 decided to pursue a degree and in the process drifted away from the platoon. After struggling in college she decides to go back to them for a bit
Shes already carrying that disappointment for herself from her academic struggles, seeing these new agents (+ promoted Cap3) made that impostor syndrome worse, I think
She *was* great, but I suppose she herself forgot. And with how easy she won the fight everyone thought that maybe that mission wasnt so hard after all.
As the years went by, everyone including herself thought that that mission was just a cakewalk. (EDIT: or at least, thats what she thought everyone was thinking. Isolation and high stress will do that to you!)
Its like.... this activity was indeed hard but it looked so easy when they did it. And then everyone expects them to keep growing. Young genius becoming an einstein
at least, Marina saw that shes worth having around as security in Memverse...even if Pearl doesnt think that shes good enough. (Shes judging her from the way she presented herself. With such low confidence, how can you be good at anything???)
And what if the reason she was so easily dragged under enough for both a palette to be made from her soul, AND create Intensifying Harmony, is bc she agreed with Order on certain aspects
"I will make you perfect. Just like before. And you will stay perfect forever."
"Go on, then. Please. Save me."
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hiroshotreplica · 11 months
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doodles of uhm. canon 3. i think thats the term
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