#ss.🌧 yujing
petrichorium · 2 months
you have the floor please tell us about the terrifying levels of rizz 🎤
HFNCJNDJF idk it’s probably me and my own weirdness but sometimes the rizz is so strong it goes full circle and makes me wanna burst into tears LMFAOOOOOOO like if a guy is Too Smooth it activates my fight or flight response,,,,,,, personally it’s probs this combo of making me feel like I don’t affect them at all/making me wonder how many others they’ve put these moves on/just generally I Do Not Like Attention Being On Me so it v much ends up turning me off worse than if they’re rizzless pfft so that’s why I say terrifying like it genuinely makes me uncomfortable instead of attracted to them,,,,,,,,, almost feels fake or shallow to me somehow
If we wanna get into this w my Specific examples tho:
Jing Yuan figures this out Very Quickly and backs off. He takes a more subtle approach, almost building a relationship as colleagues n slowly working up to Rizz Levels over decades so by the time he’s rlly putting moves on me I’m too far in to run off 💔 in some ways that’s even scarier LMFAOOOOO and leads to me pulling away at random points (see: the great starchess incident which leads to me avoiding him for some time and refusing to play starchess with him forever) but ultimately it’s Jing Yuan and he is nothing if not the king of the long game.
Shanks is too oblivious (and drunk) to catch on at first, thinks I’m playing hard to get until Beckman smacks some sense into him and he realizes oh I’m like legitimately scared. I’m almost inclined to say it morphs into this lil challenge + boyish amusement at my reactions, where he kinda backs off the blatant attempts to sleep w me and declares he’s gonna win me over by badgering me throughout the day instead. It is Not enough he’s still far too charming for me to let my guard down, I don’t think he rlly knows how to turn it off 😭😭😭
I def don’t think it’s a coincidence that these two r the favs I am most prickly/“tsundere” with and they’re also my favs w the most rizz,,,,,,, it just makes me wanna pull away on some level. Unfortunately (fortunately) for me these two r into that 😪 they both v much like the push and pull i think my reaction in these examples is the very thing that initially draws them to me yk
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petrichorium · 7 months
Wanted to have all my pairings in one place so here they are!
Me and Kuroo as Duchess and O’Malley:
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Me and Shanks as Buttercup and Westley:
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Me and Jing Yuan as a white queen and black knight:
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Me and Tomura as an enderman and ender pearl:
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Me and Gagamaru as Evie and O’Connell
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petrichorium · 8 months
hi pluvi im here with a tinie microphone 🎤 to ask you about your faves and where their favorite places to kiss you are? :3c
Hi hello I have to admit I planned to only do like three chars but I kept coming up w more so I did a bunch pfft
Gagamaru — nape!!! he’s sooooo tall and usually hovers right behind me and my hair hits like Right there so it always draws his eye and tbh,,,,,,,, it’s usually an urge to bite me that he desperately stifles into a kiss instead. Sometimes he fails to reign it in tho 🫣
Leona — bit of a wrist kisser actually. For a while it was just,,,,,, a tendency to lean into my hand and lap at my pulsepoint when he’s half asleep and I’m running my fingers through his hair, and while that began as a very involuntary/instinctual thing it’s slowly evolved into him kissing my wrist when he’s feeling particularly domestic
Jing Yuan — anywhere he can manage honestly 🙄 but is especially fond of times when I’m slowly waking up and he can just shower me in kisses, so I’m going to say he rlly likes shoving his hands up under my shirt and kissing up my back while I’m laying on my stomach
Kuroo — kinda has a thing for my legs. Very worship-y with it, rlly likes helping me out of my shoes and kneeling to kiss up my calf or grabbing my ankle while I’m laying down and dragging it up to his lips
Tomura — stomach 🫣 I can’t even explain this one it’s just vibes. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t spend an hr or two laid between my legs w his head on my stomach and that’s always w kisses peppered throughout, both over my shirt and having shoved the hem up
Shanks — hair 😭😭😭 like those moments in royal romance manhwas HES CREEPY ABT IT TOO I don’t have long enough hair tbh he’s gotta get so close and he makes it his Mission to sneak attack me he could be like all the way across the room and I look over for half a second to answer someone and next thing I know he’s looming over me w a lock curled around his finger kissing on it. And then when I shriek and shove him away he grabs me and nuzzles at my face and neck like a dog 🙄
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petrichorium · 9 months
The fav I have the most frequent (and most intense) fights with is actually jing yuan btw
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petrichorium · 10 months
pluvi. you know what’s coming right?
what are you wearing for your weddings to the blorbos >.> i must knowww
JDBFKNWJD if I gave every one I’d go insane and it would take me like a week to find ones that fit exactly right so u get…… four? But jing yuan is a two in one so lucky u 👉🏻👈🏻
Okay so I have to start w Gagamaru and. This is a VERY chill wedding tbh so v casual wedding dress v cute v picnic-y. Also the obligatory teuta matoshi dress but (GASP SHOCK) actually the only one on here I know super crazy but that’s just how it played out
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Next we have Kuroo and ngl I kinda searched and searched for this bc my vision was more lacy? So I’m throwing that middle image in bc I kinda want u to imagine that fabric w the other dress pattern. Kinda modern but very elegant. We had a garden wedding in a greenhouse bc his grandparents can’t travel well and we were v limited to a local area
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Now we have jing yuan and this is COMPLICATED and I rlly don’t wanna get into everything but like I said in the tags of ur post we have two weddings, a traditional Xianzhou one on the Luofu and then one on my homeworld (which is retrofuturism based so very western coded). Both of these dresses r for the one on my homeworld tho! This is the one I wear for the ceremony
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and then for the reception I change into this one, which is what I’m wearing in that lil photo I described where we both finally have a moment to ourselves and end up in this giddy lil puddle of happy tears
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FINALLYYYYYYYY he’s rotting my brain rn so a surprise mention of capitano and the pretty pretty dress that I wear for my arranged marriage w him…….. he sees me in it and falls in love immediately but it takes a few years for me to figure that out 🫣
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petrichorium · 6 months
jing yuan having a garden canonically makes me insane bc genuinely I Suck at gardening I have the deadest brownest thumb u have ever seen but I LOVEEEEE making meals around harvests like that so we would absolutely be That self-sustaining couple I think
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petrichorium · 7 months
beloved plu i have stumbled across live footage of you and jing yuan <3
So incredibly true 🫶🏻 not pictured is me biting the shit out of him every five secs tho
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petrichorium · 7 months
i must know more about the kitties you have with your husbands 🫶🏻 pretty pwease
WHEEEEEEE ofc ofc I will gush abt them all always 🙏🏻 on a base level none of these cats r purebreds or anything they’re all strays either organically found or adopted from a shelter/another home. also there r so many pics i cant make them smaller so everything is utc
Gagamaru and I have one cat that was originally mine, Kabocha. He’s very sweet but is a bit flighty and takes a long time to warm up to Gagamaru; the first time I rlly have the hes the one thought is when I walk in on him napping on my couch w Kabo tucked into the crook of his arm dozing away bc!!!! It’s the first time he’s been comfortable enough to sleep on anyone other than me. Very himbo cat, absolutely gorgeous but total dumbass.
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Kuroo and I have three cats! I had two and he had one when we combined households we were veeeeeeery careful w introducing them 🥺 he’s had a grouchy old lady for as long as I’ve known him. Her name is Suki and he took her in as a stray after an elderly neighbor’s son let her loose; she adores him and it’s slow going but she comes to adore me as well. I had a cat that passed a few weeks after I met him and then didn’t have any pets for a while, but then abt half a year before we move in together he stumbles across a trio of kittens on his way to a date w me and the date devolves into us getting them care……. One unfortunately doesn’t make it :( but I end up taking in the other two; they’re a lil girl and boy named Mizuki and Hoshi. Old lady is tolerant of them but they’re def a bit too energetic for her so the only times they rlly interact r when they’re in a puddle together napping…. Suki is the calico, Mizuki and Hoshi r the white ones! Once they’re fully grown they’re both bigger than her, tho Hoshi is an absolute unit and is the biggest by quite a bit
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I believe I’ve said this once but. I have a perpetual series of completely normal housecats w Jing Yuan pfft I try my best but they have an unfortunate tendency of hunting his finches :( I only ever have one-three at a time and ofc I adore them all but I do end up w like fifty over the course of our lives together LMFAOOOOO including a few lil lineages where I kept many generations down the line!!! But the three that I’ve thought about r Jade and her kittens Bei and Feng (Yanqing named those two……) bc they’re the ones I have over the course of Mimi’s life. Mimi is a co-parent in their odd little pride, she and Jade grew up together and are very bonded n constantly exasperated by their rambunctious boys……. just like me and mine, though Yanqing and Jing Yuan constantly protest that comparison 🫣
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i Have talked abt shanks before but its funny to me so. this lil scrawny tuxedo kitten ends up following me onto the red force one day (bc i fed it) and nobody realizes until we've set off.... i am told i Cannot name it or get attached bc we Will be leaving it on the next island....... except the crew ends up getting attached and they name it sharkbait. SHARKBAIT. FOREVER bitter NEVER getting over it every time shanks and i get into any kind of fight i bring it up "ALSO YOU TOLD ME I COULDNT NAME THE DAMN CAT AND NOW ITS NAMED SHARKBAIT YOU STILL OWE ME" (he will never stop owing me)
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Lil bonus bc he’s been on the mind for months now: Capitano is not a cat person in fact when I first ask for one he gets me a pair of massive guard dogs that I stubbornly refuse to name at first and then end up calling Fluffy and Cuddles out of pure spite. Then I bitch enough that he does get me a kitten who Absolutely Fucking Despises Him tries to rip him to shreds every time he gets in bed with me (a week in he admits he finds it endearing but she does get kicked out of the room regularly when he wants alone time) I call her Lady she is a very elegant girl when she is not trying to murder him and actually gets along very well w the dogs, much to Capitano’s chagrin
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petrichorium · 7 months
Jing Yuan is devastated that I can’t bite him while I’m healing btw. If u even care
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petrichorium · 9 months
jungle book w/ jing yuan? 👀
jungle book - any traits you’ve adopted from each other (speech patterns, fashion sense, etc.)?
i get lazy bc of him 😩 HES ALWAYS DRAGGING ME TO TAKE NAPS WITH HIM.......... ALL SNUGLY AND WARM AND CLINGY.......... MAN......... frankly i would have gotten fired already if i weren't dating him. horrible man. but i also think he ends up kinda...... honing my intelligence in a sense? not entirely by accident—like, being his lover is a v dangerous position so he kinda. subtly trains me ig to be a bit more shrewd and aware and less susceptible to harm. in fact that's what all the. starchess was about rip
as for the other way around...... i've said this before but in a literal sense i'm a few centuries older than him, while in a functional/developmental sense i'm younger (think late twenties/early thirties to his late thirties/early forties) which rlly does rub off on him. he finds my youthfulness rlly refreshing and he adores having a companion again. the poor old man's so lonely maomi........ a little brightness in his life changes him in inexplicable ways. i think i make him feel & act so much younger is ig what i mean.
send a disney themed selfship ask!
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petrichorium · 9 months
Princess and the frog + Beauty and the Beast for Jing Yuan?
princess and the frog - have you and your f/o ever traveled far away from home?
yes!!! in a sense LMFAOOOO we mostly reside on the luofu (obvi) but he takes any excuse to travel to my homeworld w me 🥺 in fact he uses me as an excuse to get out of work a lot. leaving the ship for a completely different system def counts as traveling far i think but like i'm going back home rlly soooooo
beauty and the beast - was it love at first sight or a slow-burn?
slow burn for sure. he's def attracted at first sight and then we spend a few yrs flitting about each other growing a lil closer until he finally starts like...... "courting" me ig, pre-established relationship but with explicit interest
send a disney themed selfship ask!
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petrichorium · 9 months
Dumbo (or one of ur choice if u dont like that one) w shanks and robin hood w jing yuan?
i am going to do both for both 👉🏻👈🏻 and im choosing to interpret the first one as like a first meeting thing
dumbo - what stands out to you the most about your f/o?
Shanks — i will not lie i do not have a good impression of him at first 😭😭😭 i think he's overdoing it. and tbf the cards r stacked against him bc i cannot imagine a scenario where im in my element while meeting him. ig if i had to put a finger on it my takeaway is that he's a bit of a sleaze which yes he takes Immense Personal Affront To when he realizes the next time we meet. anyway it's the contradiction that stands out to me—the obvious adoration and loyalty between him and his crew, the knowledge of who exactly im talking to but he rlly just seems like a cheesy admittedly charming (but im not one for flirting with pirates sorry my guy) dude.
Jing Yuan — rip you for picking the two men im most tsundere about but also ironically they r v much opposites. he def has this Presence; i first meet him before im technically supposed to at a lil bar and i dont know who he is but i do catch on that he's not the "just a cloud soldier" he's claiming to be. then when i officially meet him the next day the thing that stands out is "this cheeky motherfucker" as he gives me a private lil look. but ultimately yeah it's that frankly intense authoritative presence that he can't quite turn off.
robin hood - are you an adventurous couple or are you more into the domestic life?
Shanks — deeply complicated. idk obviously gut reaction is he's v much the former but (maybe its bias) i also think he has a huge soft spot for slow lazy loving. ew that sounds like an innuendo and i didnt mean it that way. but n e way by virtue of "home" being a ship that is the vehicle for any hypothetical adventures, ig im going with domestic? i think he can go either way so i end up being the deciding factor.
Jing Yuan — VERY much the latter ez. genuinely a miracle either of us goes anywhere, frankly its a problem. i think we'd become total hermits if we could LMFAOOOOO half the time we plan dates and then the time comes and we just dont wanna get out of bed or get dressed up or whatever 💔 yanqing is so tired of us
send a disney themed selfship ask!
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