#story illustration
weirdlookindog · 1 day
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"They stood bravely waiting as radiance grew brighter and the dread Dweller swept closer. . . ."
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971) - Illustration for Abraham Merritt's 'The Conquest of the Moon Pool'
(Famous Fantastic Mysteries, April 1940)
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melontoyo · 1 year
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Benten - Melody of Salvation 🌊🎇
• Watch Vessel of Gods on Youtube • Art book, prints, stickers • Free digital art book
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thebxghag · 6 months
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"Oh of course! Kelpie like to eat hikers, and hiker's boot is in Kelpie's pond. Kelpie MUST have eaten hiker! This is LIBEL"
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shadoedseptmbr · 3 months
art for me art for me lalala commissioned @lethendralis-paints to illustrate a scene from Verge for me that's been living in my head for years now-
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“You got it clear, though?” He’d been digging his palm into the lower part of her back and felt the knot go. She nearly went limp against his side with a groan.
“Yup. Got a pretty upper level Cerberus goon to turn screwtape, too. And access to Aria’s Eezo mines for the Alliance.”
“So…not a bad haul, then.” Focus on what she’s focusing on and then ease into what happened before she left.
It startled him when she turned into him suddenly, knocking her head under his chin like a pushy cat. Her voice was muffled against his chest and her breath was warm and not a little sour. “I swear I didn’t mean to disappear for a week.”
He spanned the nape of her neck, hiding the streak of blood that dried there a day or so ago, rubbing slowly. “I know.”
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sassafrasmoonshine · 2 months
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John Bauer (Swedish, 1882-1918) • Lena Dances with the Knight • from the anthology Among Gnomes and Trolls • 1915
Among Gnomes and Trolls (Swedish: Bland tomtar och troll), is a popular Swedish folklore and fairy tales annual and children's fairy tale anthology published since 1907. One of the most noted of the early illustrators is artist John Bauer.
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heraxic · 10 months
old illustrations for a story (Carnival Jangle, Alice Dunbar)
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vyjuarts · 3 months
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Second part of the happy moments of Cat-Magistrate and his Catvocate ✨
This is the second part posted separately of the cat versions of @cinnamontails-ff "Magistrate's Advocate" characters, pre-vamped magistrate Astarion and his smart advocate, Zoraya. They do deserve some happy moments finally after everything, right?
Disclaimer: the fics characters are not cats 😁
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helenedraws · 8 months
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Illustration for Wain, written by Rachel Plummer and published by TheEmmaPress
Scottish folklore poems with an all lgbtq cast 🏳️‍🌈
If you want to find out which scottish folklore character this is... go on to read the book!
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3 pitch images for an original show concept for my fundamentals of design for limited animation final - i wanted to make a middle grade kid’s show about a mixed filipino kid who goes to visit his family in the philippines and his manananggal cousin takes him on silly adventures to show him around
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ceruleanmindpalace · 2 years
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Inktober #19 - Enough is enough [repeatedly passing out]
Prompt from the @whumptober prompt list for 2022. This one took me ages due to all the details in the background.
 Head canon:
'For God's sake, Mycroft. Shut up and help me get him back to bed.'
A little teaser illustration for an upcoming chapter of 'The Chemist'
I am flattered if you retweet, but don’t post my art on other sites/social media or use without my written permission.
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electricopolis-net · 2 months
S03E06: Life in Exile
Pt. 1: The Town of Refuse
The day after their arrival in Junk Town, the old man known as the Cursebreaker led both Bob Sparker and Percy King to the shoreline. On a hill near the beach was a small, dusty house, though again, like the houses in town, it was made of a combination of wood planks, concrete, sheet metal, and other debris. "This house has been abandoned for quite some time," the Cursebreaker declared. "I'm sure nobody will kick up a fuss if you move in."
Then, he led them to the beach itself. "Junk Town subsists on the waste that floats up here," he explained, motioning with his staff to some of the flotsam washing up on the shore. "Take a look."
Bob crouched down and wedged a tin sign board out of the sand. "Hey, this looks familiar," he said, turning it back and forth. "The Pine Room--wasn't that a bar in Electricopolis? I used to go there before it shut down."
"That's right," said the Cursebreaker, nodding. "And that's not all. Old television tubes, monitors, magazines, plastic bags and old clothes, all kinds of stuff turn up here. And it's all from your fair city in the valley."
Percy stroked his chin, thinking. "Fascinating. I knew some of the companies in town used the underground sea as a dumping ground, but I never realized the currents bore the refuse all the way out here..."
"There's a lot of things you folks don't realize," said the Cursebreaker, turning away from the water. "But there's time for that."
There was a moment of silence. Bob stood up and looked out over the water, shielding his eyes from the sun. It was a cloudy day, but still bright enough to sting his eyes, unfamiliar with the sunlight as they were.
"So...what should we do?" Bob asked. "Just kill time until we go back to town?"
"Oh, you're not going back," said the Cursebreaker matter-of-factly. Bob and Percy turned to stare at him. "Not until the clouds clear."
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Not until the clouds clear.
What did he mean by that? Bob tossed and turned, thinking about it. Thankfully, the abandoned house by the shore did have a couple of beds in it, lumpen and worn though they were. It was, as the Cursebreaker had said, better than nothing, but only just.
"I mean, the city's power is shot," Percy explained. "So it probably will be quite some time before that subway's running again. But I don't understand what he meant about the clouds."
"The clouds have always been there, right?" Bob asked.
"As far as I know."
"As far as you know." Bob shot him a pointed look. "You sure you're not hiding anything?"
Percy rolled his eyes. "Come on now. We're stuck together, so we may as well trust each other, don't you think?"
"I have a better idea." Bob sat up, restless. "I'm going to get something to eat."
He walked into Junk Town along the road from the beach. Given his gawky, long-nosed appearance, and the fact that he was still wearing a dressy vest, pants, and shoes, the people of the town avoided him and whispered as he walked by. He tried his best to ignore it, and walked up to a food stall.
"Excuse me," he said politely. The smell of grilling fish and hot rice made his mouth water. "Um...do you take cash here?"
"Cash?" said the proprietor. "What do you mean by that?"
"Cash," repeated Bob. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and drew out a couple bills. "Or--I don't imagine you take cards."
The proprietor regarded him with a wary look. "That stuff's no good here," he said. "We don't take that kind of money."
"What do you take?"
"Junk Town tender. Coins, mostly. Barter sometimes, if you got something good to trade." He looked Bob Sparker up and down. "You got anything to trade?"
"Trade?" Bob blinked. He looked down at himself, patting himself down quizzically. "I don't think so."
The man shook his head. "Sorry. No can do. You come back with something good, I'll give you a bowl."
It was the same story everywhere he went--none of the businesses in town took any kind of tender aside from coins, medals, rings, mostly small metal objects that Bob had absolutely none of on hand. Occasionally he would see a customer trade for something larger, like canned food for fresh, or a parcel of cloth for a finished dress. Then he saw a familiar face with a large head of lettuce in his hands, haggling with a nearby shopkeep.
"Hey, it's you," said the farmer, turning away from the shopkeep. "Found yourself a place in town, did you?"
"For what that's worth," Bob complained. "I'm starving, I've got no money, and I can't get anyone to give me the time of day."
The farmer looked at him, then down at the lettuce. "Hmm. I wouldn't mind giving this to you, but I'd need something in return. You sure you don't have anything on you?"
Bob thought. He turned his pockets inside-out. "I've got...my house keys, my phone, my wallet..."
"Lemme see those." The farmer grabbed his house keys and turned them around, admiring them. "Yeah, these'll melt down okay."
Bob grimaced. Well, it's not like I was going home anytime soon, he thought.
The farmer handed him the lettuce. It was surprisingly heavy, and Bob struggled to hold it. "Well! Looks like you're getting the hang of things here in town," said the man, grinning. "Pleasure doing business with you."
Bob arrived back at the house with the lettuce. "Well, look at you," Percy chuckled. "Grew it yourself, did you?"
"I'll have you know I traded for it," said Bob proudly, setting it down on the table. "They don't take cash or cards here, so you gotta trade for everything. They do take coins, though...and keys."
"Interesting." Percy swung his legs off the bed. "We're not going to get much of a meal out of just a head of lettuce, though. You said they take coins?"
"Yeah. You have any?"
"I do." Percy took out a change purse from his pocket and upended it onto the table. A clattering of coins fell out--only about ten or twenty of them, but enough to make a nice little pile. "It's not much by Electricopolis standards, but it might get us a meal out here." He stroked his chin, thinking. "Maybe..."
"Maybe what?"
"I have an idea." He scooped the coins back into the purse, set it on the table, and grabbed the lettuce in both hands. "I'll be back soon."
"Hey! That's my lettuce!" Bob yelped, blocking the door. "What are you going to do with it?"
"Are you really that territorial over a vegetable?"
"Mr. King--Percy," Bob replied, exasperated. "I can't believe I have to explain this. You turned everyone in town against me and exiled me just because I didn't want to be under your thumb anymore. If we're gonna stick together--and unfortunately, it sure looks like we are--then you gotta tell me what you're thinking. Preferably it won't involve stealing my stuff."
Percy sighed, maddeningly condescendingly. "It's simple. We keep the coins for a rainy day, and we trade the lettuce up for something more substantial. If we play our cards right, we can get a full meal without dipping into the money at all."
Bob blinked. He considered this. "That's...that makes sense, actually."
"I should hope it does. I am a businessman, after all," Percy said proudly. He paused, thought, then added: "And if it doesn't work out, you can spend the money however you like."
"All right," Bob capitulated, unblocking the door. "Good luck, I guess."
Percy walked back in about half an hour later with some heavy plastic bags in his arms. "Whoa," Bob marveled, watching as he began to empty them onto the table. "What's all that?"
"First, our dinner." Percy set some plastic takeout containers of fish and rice onto the table, followed by some canned vegetables and tinned fish. "Food for later, though it isn't very much, and some utensils. I also found our friend the woodsman, who offered us some wood for the stove. We'll need it."
"Man." Bob sighed heavily. "We're really roughing it, huh?"
Percy nodded. "It's not the accommodations we deserve, but it is what we have. We may as well get used to them."
The accommodations you deserve are behind bars, Bob thought snidely, but held his tongue.
Percy cracked open one of the takeout containers. "I had the cook at the food stall cut up part of that lettuce when I traded it. Since it's the first thing we owned out here, I thought it would be nice to try it after all."
Bob opened his container and looked at his meal. The rice was nestled up to one side of the container, with the fish on another and the cooked, sauced lettuce in the other third. "Huh. It looks good."
Percy handed him a plastic fork, then took the other for himself. They began to eat.
It was delicious. It was absolutely delicious. It was almost more delicious than anything Bob had had in the city, and he'd sampled quite a few dishes, usually on Percy's dime. The fish was tastier than anything you could find from the fisheries in town, and the lettuce was fresh and crispy, not like the sorry, soggy mess that usually came on a burger.
"This...this is exceptional," Percy muttered. "This is quite a meal."
"It's good," Bob choked with emotion. "It...it's really good."
To be continued...
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weirdlookindog · 1 day
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"His blazing eyes, which were like lamps, were fixed on her. . . ."
Lawrence Sterne Stevens ? - Illustration for Sax Rohmer's 'The Bat Flies Low'
(Famous Fantastic Mysteries, October 1952)
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the-cricket-chirps · 2 months
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Grant Wood
Parson Weems' Fable
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viviendillustrations · 7 months
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Day 21: Dagger
This illustration is inspired by folklore art and also I wanted to put myself into it so I made the dress based on Hungarian traditional wear.
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shern-illustrates · 9 months
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A christmas party memory from when i was 8
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A little rain in every life must fall
(Part 1) (Part2) (Part3) (Part4) (part5) (part6) (part7) (part8) (part9)
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Sera Frigga
Sera had cashed in more favors in the past few days than she had in her entire career as a Ranger. Had indebted herself in ways that if Alexander ever woke up, she would never tell them. Things had grown more desperate in the days following the psychic probe she and the team of psychics had done on Alexander. She failed … and maybe made things worse , that was all there was to it . Alexander was dying. Sera knew in her heart that the shadow type energy in Alexander’s body was Weakening them , more and more with each passing day . Understood that the Pneumonia, seizure, and arrhythmia were only the beginning of the end if they couldn’t fix this soon. There are no “experts” on the subject of shadow humans or shadow energy effects on the human body. While shadow pokemon had been a known Phenomenon for decades shadowfied human were a relatively new condition . Treated ineffectively by systems of purification There simply was no standard method of treatment …It was all a gamble . Sera had watched Alexander’s care team and Prof.Apricot work Tirelessly to get in contact with Researchers , Devoured study, after study, in hopes of finding a cure or solution , Sera had watched in despair as they failed Alex too.
So sera took matters into her own hands and now she found herself here. In an abandon under ground parking lot in an undisclosed region a meeting had been set up . The air was stagnant here as the Massive underground fans that had once kept this place temperature controlled had been out of use for years. It Stunk of mildew and dust .Sera Understood that this place had been quite large, but only a single trail of lights illuminated the space , a path for her to fallow . She Wondered if that had been a deliberate act of the third party that had set the meeting or Or whether the woman who stood before her had done it herself . At the end of the path of lights sera faced Victoria Gonzap .Abuser terrorist, former leader of neo team snagem and The women Who orchestrated the shadow sky attacks and the Catalyst that Led Sera’s friend into their predicament. She had not come alone , Beside Victoria were two pokemon known to be in her possession an Ariados call Junior and a “NAT’Ss”(natural shadow, Pokémon) designated as a Galvirus called the Beast. Sera Could also sense the presence of other Pokémon in the darkness . Pokémon’s who minds shared a similar darkness to Alexander’s… like holes in the world . Sera could sense five voids in the dark . To be fair Sera thought to herself that she also had not come alone . Sera’s Unown X and Mystery floated around her their eyes watching .
Sera would have been lying if she said the women in front of her didn’t unnerve her , she had done her research, saw the videos of cruelty she wish she could forget done by the hands of this woman. If her acts alone, we’re not enough to unnerve Sera, Victoria’s body was a grim visage. A lovely face on a body strewn with slicing scars and bite marks . Smoothed scale flesh covered portions of her arms and neck. The scars of large stitch marks told Sara the joining of the Foreign substance had not been an easy one.
“Heelllooo Seerra “ Victoria drawled on in an almost jovial voice “ what does a ranger want from little old me?” An edge of playful threat in her voice .
“I want information Victoria “ Sera spoke without a shred of hesitation. she recognize the attempt at intimidating , and would not give her the satisfaction. Saw in Victoria lavender eyes the she too knew it wouldn’t work on her.
“ all business, then little ranger ,what information are you looking for? Is it for your friend?” She said giddily bearing her sharp teethed smile. Victorian already knew what she wanted Sera though. Her two arachnid Pokémon seem to vibrate with laughter at her giddy tone. Sera didn’t let the rage she felt hearing Victoria’s attitude show on her face or in her voice.
“ yes, Victoria. I am looking for any information pertaining to shadow-type energy’s effect on the human body and it’s treatment” Sera spoke
“Ahhh you want a cure” Victoria said more as a statement than a question
“ if one exists, then, yes” Sera said
A wicked grin spread across Victoria’s face. “What will you give me for it? Information like that doesn’t come without a price”
Sera was prepared to bargain if need be ,though a part of her would have simply like to tear her mind open and rummage through its remains for the information … but Sera could senses Victoria’s mind. It was … protected, a black wall filled with chattering , whispering teeth . Sara knew that chattering noise was a Broadcast. Could feel it “speaking” to the five voids in the dark. She understood that Victoria was not a true telepath that, in all likelihood, whatever mental abilities, she possessed, only extended to void like minds . She even would bet that if it came to a fight between them on this metaphysical field sera would win . But she also knew it wouldn’t be worth it. The teeth on Victoria’s mental walls looked like they would hurt and the physical fight,Sera guested would accompany it … she was less certain of that outcome she simply didn’t know enough about Victoria to make that guess. So Sera would try bargaining first .
“What would you want ?” Sera asked , she had brought a few Materials that she believed Victoria would be interested in and would use her response to gauge how much she would need to give. No reason to pay more when you could pay less Sera thought to herself.
Victoria wanted Nimbus. Alexander’s Castform that had been changed during the shadow storm . “ I spoke to Alex once about them giving me Nimbus so I could see what they would become” Sera had to restrain herself from lunging at Victoria , The sound of glee coming from this Monstrous woman was going to drive her to violence soon. “ Alex refused me but under these…”
“No” Sera said cutting her off
“What?” Victoria ask incredulously “ I said no , Victoria . I’m not giving you Nimbus . I know the beneficiary who got us in contact told you I was gonna bargain for information and you immediately wanted some thing that would be a non-starter. Sooooo that tells me you’re not really serious about that and that this whole meeting was a waste of time” Sera retorted
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There was a long silence after Sera spoke. Victoria expressed nothing on her face but Sera could sense the voids in the dark forces on her. Is she wanted a fight sera would giver her one, X and Mystery picking up on the growing tension stared into the darkness waiting.
Victoria broke the silence “ what have you to bargain that would interest me?
The Voids in the dark focus didn’t budge from her . Sera thought about offering the money she had acquired , or rare items she’d … stole for lack of a better term. Sera didn’t think they’d be worth much to Victoria but … she had hoped they’d satiate her . So Sera would not have to offer what she offered now.
“ I’m aware of your … passion for rare pokemon “ Sera said
“Ow really “ victory grinned at Sera “ have you brought me one?”
Victoria eyes where hungry
“NO, not exactly” Sera said “ I brought you this” sera held a glass and metal cylinder . In its transparent surface a dark material , speckled with dozens of white dots.
“ and what is that supposed to be “ victorias voice was filled with what could be described as confused distain.
“Seeds” Sera conveyed “SEEDS, seeds is all you’ve brought me ?” Victoria asked
“ if you’d let me finish and explain “ Sera said in an attempt to clam ,Victoria. Sara told Victoria about a Pokémon that had come in to Alexander’s care , made of the grafted pieces of an Oddish , Sunkern and Budew . Their name was Bud. How at one point Bud rooted themselves to the ground and produced black berries whose seed produced strange offspring. All had grown into Oddish’s possessing traits of atavism, hybridization, or both. That inside the container had been A mash of a few blackberries that have been put into cold storage for later study.
“ every offspring that Pokémon produced has been wholly unique one-of-a-kind Victoria. Inside that container is enough seeds to produce potentially 40” Sera didn’t let her think about the life those Pokémon would have if Victoria excepted.
Victoria’s eyes lingered on the container “ I think I’ve seen the Pokémon you’re talking about, Bud” she said their name like they were savoring its taste “ I think I’ve seen some of their children before” there was something terrible in her voice
“ and you’re telling me that this container contains potentially 40 seeds?”
Sera had committed herself to this , and her best sales woman voice said “ maybe more , for blackberries had been stored in that container the average berry has between 10 and 20 seeds I was rounding down”
Victoria’s lavender eyes almost glowed hearing this and in that moment, Sera knew the deal had been made. So Sera placed the container in Victoria’s violet, scaled and clawed hand . And refuse to let herself contemplate the future of that vile for a moment.
Victoria had come close to her to whispered . “There is no cure or magic potion that can expel or undue shadowfication in humans ,but I have noticed that in the few who have recovered it’s never been something they’re able to do on their own. It seam The strength it takes to overcome it is something, shadow type energy destroys in those it infects. That the strength it takes to overcome the walls around one’s heart, has to come from others. It seems like trauma The thing itself that creates shadow type Pokémon is Best treated the way you treat trauma itself, with a support net work. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that pokemon that literally evolve through the energy of friendship are so resistant to shadowfication process. I don’t know how to wake your friend, but the strength it will take to overcome this has to come from the outside. Perhaps you could try to probe again to wake them or exploit some aspect of Alexander, strange ability to conduced energy but the most effective thing you all could do is give them strength”
Victoria left after revealing this information, walking into the dark with avoids, followed her. Sera would contemplate this information on her return to the endless Mountains region .
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