#story post
atomicinsantiy · 3 months
I remember 5 years ago, when I was playing Iceborne for the first time, thinking it was going to be easy; but it was only until my defender armor wearing and weapon using ass was told: "Get good" by this fucker
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Wait why would you need to say sorry to Noisette?
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Pep: "..."
Pep: "Reh ot deil I... I..."
(Flashback Begins)
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Noisette: "Is someone out here? We are open!"
Noisette: "Omigosh, hi there!!! Come in, come in! There's no need to be shy!"
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Noisette: "You're just in time for some fresh pie! Not that it was gonna go anywhere, since no one's come in today... But still! If that growl was you, you must be starving!!!"
Noisette: "Now you just sit right here! Don't move an inch! I'll be right back!"
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Noisette: "Tada!!! I hope you like cherries! It's on the house!"
Pep: "...?"
Noisette: "Are you asking if it's for you? Of course, it is, silly! D'you see anyone else in here? Now, eat up! There's plenty more where that came from!"
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Pep: *happy Pep noises*
Noisette: "Oh, I'm so glad you like it!"
Noisette: "Now, if you don't mind me asking, where did you come from? I haven't seen you around here!"
Pep: "..."
Pep: *uncomfortable gurgling*
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Noisette: "Oh, do you not speak...?"
Noisette: "Well, that's okay! Do you know any sign? I'm pretty good at it!"
Pep: "...?"
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Noisette: "Oh! I can show you some!"
Noisette: "I-I mean, if you'd like! If you wanna just have the pie and go, that's okay too, of course! Hah."
Pep: "..."
Pep: "...!"
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Noisette: *happy squealing*
(Flashback End)
Pep: "Deneppah. Tsuj ti dna dekcinap I, eil ot naem t'ndid I..."
Pep: "Em. Gnieb yb gnihtyna niur ot tnaw t'ndid I, yppah dna dnik os tsuj saw ehs tub, reh llet ot gniog saw I..."
Pep: "'Lamron' eb ot retteb eb d'ti thguoht I."
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askteamslipstream · 5 months
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Two Pokemon sit on a beach, watching the sun sparkling over the water. They seem to be in a conversation, talking animatedly to each other.
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“C’mon Molly! It’ll be fun! We can go and register right now and be done with it! Then we’ll be official, we can earn money and standing and everything!”
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“I know that, River. But then we’ll have to do more work and have a schedule and have to answer to people. Why can’t we just keep doing our own thing?”
Even though the two of them are chatting, they seem approachable! River and Molly are available for asks!
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ask-diane · 15 days
With that.. Sammy and Diane began their journey onto the next town of Imaros.. Tulip Town..
Though- Little did they know of those who were watching over them...
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The Sylveon had left the room.. Leaving the Umbreon, Solstice, alone with the all seeing orb...
"Well... It wouldn't hurt a shy- If I were to- Perhaps gaze upon my fine fellow and her little companion now... What Comet doesn't know- wont hurt her..."
The Umbreon gave a sinister grin.. They would tap the orb slightly- Causing the orb to light up... Showing two familiar faces- Walking along an empty path...
[Previous] -> [Next??]
*Guest art by @book-of-legends <33
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tollstuck · 3 months
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It is a wonderful day in the Forty Winks superstructure, and you are a terrible scug.
Start reading - Story / Questions
Welcome to The Misshapen Misadventures, which can be colloquially referred to as Tollstuck! here you can follow the life and times of The Misshapen, a slugcat scavenger hybrid who has every disease, created by its resident iterator "Forty Winks".
Utilizing the ask function you can do things like sending it a
or perhaps a
both preferably formatted in this manner for simplicity. all other attempts at communication can be done outside of these formats.
above all else: be respectful and have a good time. the game begins.
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aggravateddurian · 7 months
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Cyberpunk 2077: Chorus
Judy Alvarez (2077) and Vega 'V' Hawse (2077)
If you could pull the lever to carry on forever Would your life even matter anymore? Sure it’s a calming notion, perpetual in motion But it’s not what you signed up for
The Rare Occasions - Notion
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"Time's runnin' out, Judes... don't have a lot of time left. Relic Malfunctions gettin' worse... sometimes I'm out for half a day," V explained, "...fuck... I feel bad for draggin' you into this, Judy."
"No," Judy sternly replied, grabbing her chin, "We both knew what we're getting ourselves into. You'll find that cure. If there's anyone who can make magic happen, it's Vega Hawse..."
She leaned closer, "Also, you wouldn't want to make my abuela angry by dyin' on me, would you?"
"Fuck no!" V responded, "...but what if curing me meant we had to be apart for a while? What about us, Jude? Wouldn't be fair to you."
Judy's thumb reached up to her lips, hushing her, "I'll be waiting for you, calabacita."
Warning: Sad story below
Some Time Later...
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"We almost never come up here, V... we can see the whole city from here."
"Yeah... there's some memories associated with this place. I can't remember the original feelings I... we... she... fuck, I dunno, had at the time... but I remember the events, and I can't help it... I hate this place."
"What happened here?"
"Two years ago, not long before I... we joined the Aldecaldos and went into Arasaka Tower... just helped Goro Takemura kidnap Hanako Arasaka..."
So Mi raised a concerned eyebrow, "...long story. We stayed the night with Judy, and then we came up here, on the way back from Laguna Bend."
Vega turned towards the city, "Looked out upon the city and asked her how she'd feel if my getting cured meant I had to be apart from her for a little bit. She told me that she'd be waiting for us."
"It's in the past now. A different life... can't help but feel somewhat betrayed, So Mi. V's last two years before Arasaka Tower were rough. Disowned by our father, kicked out of the clan, Jackie... I guess I picked up this feeling that V has an aura of death around her... everyone close to V either dies... or they leave, move on, find something better."
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So Mi crossed her arms, "Plenty of people you worked with... helped... who're better for it, V. River? He's thriving, same with Randy, Joss and the kids. The Aldecaldos took a hit, but with Panam and Mitch at the helm, they've never been better. Dorian and Kaylee are doing... fine."
Val raised a brow. Dorian may have been physically fine, but years of reflection on his shitty corpo enforcer career had led him to go full Johnny Silverhand, wanting to set the whole city on fire. Kaylee, his closest friend, had spent years in the NET doing God knows what, and came out the other end... different.
"You always know what to say, So Mi."
"Not worried I'm quickhacking your hormone levels, or emotionally manipulating you?"
Vega furrowed her brow, "Have you been talkin' to Johnny?"
"Yeah, crazy conspiracy theory... you wouldn't even guess he's never been able to hold down a woman."
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black-suns-rim · 2 months
Wow, been a while since I've made a short story. Anyway, this one is about Big Papa seeking out help and pulling through.
The days were going by too fast. They blurred together, and they were getting hard to keep track of. Days merged into weeks, and weeks were hard to distinguish between months. But he still kept going despite being so tired. Big Papa was updating his inventory after the week he spent in one of the merchant stalls.
He was a bit slower than usual. He would've already been done by now if he weren't so sluggish. He would usually have some help, but he allowed for his crew to have some time off from their duties since they had been working hard all week. After cataloging everything, he sat down on the cold metal floor, leaning his back up against one of the metal shelves that came out from the wall.
He looked at the ceiling and sighed. His mandibles slowly moved as he thought about what he wanted to do next. But he didn't want to do anything, though he knew he should do something. He didn't like to sit around when he knew he could get stuff done... he huffed as he got up from the floor. He headed out from the storage room and made his way to the cockpit of his ship, sitting down in the pilot's seat. He pulled up a holo screen on his wrist gauntlet, checking to make sure all of his crew members were on the ship. Once he was sure they were all on board, he prepared the ship for departure from the planet. He had an idea of where he wanted to go, and he acted out of a desperate impulse.
The ship was a smooth sailer, and at times, the crew never noticed when it landed or took off from planets or stations. It was also a silent flyer. It made very little noise. Inside and out. Though it did eminate a soft, low, soothing hum from the inside.
Once Big Papa had his course set, he let the ship fly on autopilot. He leaned back in the seat and rested his eyes. The next thing he knew, one of his crew members was waking him up. He slowly opened his eyes to see Rajneesh, the crew's moral support and event planner.
He was holding a large plate of food in his hands and saying something, but Big Papa was too groggy to catch what he was saying. The next thing he knew, Raj placed the plate of food in Papa's lap. Before he could thank him, Rajneesh walked off with a spring in his step, cheerful almost. Papa looked down at the plate full of food. He stared at it, somewhat dredding it. He couldn't remember how long its been when he actually had an appetite and wanted to eat. He stared at it for a while before he forced himself to eat at least something on the plate, even if it wasn't much. He ate all that he could without feeling disgusted and then checked to see how long it had been that he had been asleep for. "4 hours?" He thought to himself, "Long nap..." He moved the plate from his lap and stood up, stretching all his muscles.
He looked at how much longer it would be to arrive at the desired location he had placed into the computer, only to see it would take 3 more hours. He couldn't think of what to do during that time besides showering, so he did. There was only one showering room on the ship and it was shared, though Big Papa did split it up into 2 sections since his crew explained to him that human men and women often showered separately from each other, unless they were a couple. He did find that strange in the beginning, but after learning more about their culture over the years of working with them, it made some sense to him.
He felt so tired, even after that long nap. He didn't want to stand. He didn't feel like standing in the shower, so he sat as the water pelted his back and head. He watched the water run down his body, mesmerized by the way it trailed down him in ever-changing patterns. He didn't realize how long he had been sitting on the shower floor until he heard his name being called by another crew member. He turned his head to see Ehud, the security officer.
"Are you alright? You've been so still for a while, Pops." Ehud had a towel wrapped around his waste and wet hair clung to his face. Big Papa stood up and turned off the water, ignoring the question. He grabbed a towel from one of the cabinets nearby and dried himself off. Ehud was still a little concerned.
"Pops," He walked over to him as he was drying off, "Is there something wrong? You know you can talk about anything with us."
Papa was growing a bit agitated, "Nothing wrong." He spoke in English. Ehud knew he was lying, but he didn't want to push him, so he nodded and let him be. Big Papa went to his personal room once he was done drying off. He didn't feel like getting dressed at that moment, so he laid in his bed. He fell asleep once more. He woke up a couple hours later to the sound of his gauntlet beeping. He got up from his bed and rubbed his face as he grabbed his gauntlet in a groggy state.
He pressed a couple of buttons, letting a holo screen pop up. His ship had arrived to the planet he had set course to, and it was now in orbit. Papa sighed as he placed his gauntlet onto his left arm and got dressed. He left his personal room, heading to the pilot seat to prepare the ship for entering the atmosphere of the planet manually. He usually didn't like autopilot to land the ship unless he couldn't see well enough to do it himself.
The landing went smooth, and he was able to touch down close enough to the destination he wanted. It was currently night on the side of the planet he landed on, which lined up with the crew's sleep schedule. Though, it was probably a couple of hours off. Papa took with him a heavy fur cloak and a couple of other things before leaving the ship, making sure it was secure before heading off. He didn't want any unwanted gusts entering his ship while his crew was asleep. Many animals lurked around this place during the night.
About an hour of walking later, he arrived at the Nomad Clan's mother ship. Granted, it was small for a clan mother ship, but the clan was also small though growing steadily. He walked up to one of the entry doors and held his gauntlet to a sensor, which unlocked the door, making him able to enter. He wasn't a part of the clan, but he was a trusted ally who was granted all-time entry access into the mother ship when needed or wanted. He made sure to step lightly since most occupants of the mother ship were asleep at this time, but knowing the yautja he wanted to visit, he wouldn't be asleep like the rest.
He entered a neatly organized and well lit room with various scientific instruments. In a corner of the room, a yautja was sitting at a raised desk, looking into a microscope. Papa knocked on the metal door frame to get this yautja's attention. The yautja looked up to see the brown toned yautja standing in the doorway.
"Well, if it isn't 'Big Papa.' I wasn't expecting you to be here. Especially at this time." Furious Scalpel left his desk and grabbed two bottles of c'ntlip, "come in, friend." He pulled out two chairs as Papa entered the room. Scalpel handed a bottle to him as they sat down.
"What brings you here so unexpectedly?" Scalpel popped open his bottle while Papa just held onto his for now.
"I just... felt like I needed to talk to someone." He looked down at his bottle and rubbed his fingers on the cold glass.
"What do you need to talk about?" Scalpel could tell something was bother him. Something was off.
"I... don't know... just something. Anything."
Scalpel sat back into his chair, thinking for a little bit. "How's your trade been going? Got any more unique items?" Scalpel drank from his bottle.
"It's been good... I've been getting lots of business at almost every stand I pitch." Papa placed his bottle off to the side, "I have acquired a couple of items you might take interest in."
"Nice. And do tell me about these items. I would love to hear what you have obtained."
"A couple of... substances that may or may not harber potentionally dangerous bacteria and or other lethal compounds." Usually, he would be excited to tell Scalpel of what he's gotten that he might take interest in, but his spark wasn't there as he spoke.
"Very tempting. I might just buy those off of you. I don't know how you find these things, but you always end up surprising me with them." Scalpel took another sip from his bottle.
"You can take a look at them in the morning if you wish." He was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. He wanted to sleep again, but he knew he shouldn't since he's been sleeping so much lately. Scalpel took notice of Big Papa's physical state. He felt concerned.
"Yeah, that would be nice. I have been collecting a bunch of different bacteria samples lately. It would fit in perfect with my semi-lethal collection." He attempted to be a bit humorous, but he failed to amuse Papa.
"Tell me, what's really going on? It's not like you to come here without a heads up. You haven't touched your c'ntlip at all, and you haven't taken your cloak off."
Papa was silent as he looked at the ground, spacing out. Scalpel sighed before scooting his chair closer to him, "Hey, I'm concerned for you. You staying silent won't help." He placed his drink down and leaned forward, looking Papa in the eyes.
In response, he placed his elbows on his knees and put his face into his palms, "I... I am just having a hard time... I don't feel passionate about anything anymore. I'm always so tired but I've been sleeping so much... everything is going so good for me and my crew, but I feel nothing for it." He started getting choked up, so Papa grabbed his c'ntlip bottle, opened it, and began to down it as if he were dying of thirst. He didn't want to cry in front of Scalpel. He didn't want to be embarrassed.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Scalpel took the bottle away from Big Papa, "Drowning out your feelings with this won't help you. I know, trust me." He placed the bottle off to the side, "you need to get through this in a healthy way." Scalpel stood up from his seat and made Big Papa stand up too, "why don't we go for a walk?"
Papa nodded and followed Scalpel out of the clan ship. There wasn't any destination in mind. There was only the intention of getting Papa to relax. They walked in silence for what seemed like an hour before Scalpel decided to speak.
"How long has this been going on? The tiredness and such?"
Papa sighed, "Too long... hmm... a couple of months, maybe? I don't know. I've stopped keeping track of time..."
"Have you been doing anything to help get you out of feeling this way?"
"I did try a couple of things. But they didn't work much."
The both of them stopped walking once they reached a large lake. They sat on an old fallen tree that had a good view of the lake.
"Have you tired medicine? I could whip up a remedy for you." Scalpel suggested.
"I'd rather not take medicine... something is causing me to feel this way. I'd rather find out what it is and fix it than take something that suppresses what needs to be fixed."
"Fair enough... I'm afraid I can't help you with that since, you know, psychology isn't my strong suit."
"It's alright... being able to talk with you, though, it helps me, even if it feels like you can't help me." Papa leaned forward, crossing his arms and resting them on his legs, looking down at the ground. He felt like he was going to cry, but he choked back the tears again.
Scalpel could tell Big Papa was trying not to cry in front of him. Feeling bad for him, he hesitantly placed a hand on Papa's shoulder. He hated any kind of physical contact, but he knew his friend relished it. But for him, he felt like he needed that comfort. Papa covered his face in embarrassment as those choked back tears began to pour out from his face.
The gentle comforting pats that came from Scalpel were surprising to him, but he didn't swat away his hand. Scalpel felt a little awkward watching and listening to Papa cry since he had never done so before right in front of him. He also felt sympathy for him, knowing as these were tears that had been held back for so long. He could feel the pain in Big Papa's sobbing.
After a while, he calmed down. He whipped the tears off from his face, and Scalpel removed his hand from Papa's shoulder. He kept his eyes on the ground, feeling very embarrassed. The both of them didn't know what to say, so they kept silent. Listening to the sounds of the forest, Papa and Scalpel found a sort of peace in it. No words needed to be spoken in this moment, and they were fine with that.
Papa was starting to doze off again, so he slowly stood up and took off his giant fur cloak. Leaving it on the fallen tree they had been using as a seat, he walked to the lake's fresh water. Bending down, he cupped his hands and slashed the water against his face, waking him up in a freshening way as well as washing away his dried tears. The water was so cold and crisp that it was addicting to splash against his hot face a couple of times before going back to sit down again, followed by more silence.
It was merely broken by a simple and quiet "thank you."
Big Papa spoke meekly but sincerely. Scalpel nodded, "Anytime." He didn't feel as awkward now. The both of them got up and headed back to the clan ship. Big Papa felt a bit better, and Scalpel could tell.
"So, do we need to go find a subject to torture now? I know a place that has been a hideout for all types of crooks and criminals."
Papa let out a chuckle, "How about you show me your deadly virus collection cause I know you have one."
"Me, having illegal viruses? How dare you say something like that about me?" Scalpel remarked with heavy sarcasm. They both looked at each other and laughed.
Once they got back to the clan ship, they chatted about various. Some of their interests, philosophy, and possible crimes they could get away with. All hypothetical. The rest of the time was spent in silence. A peaceful and relaxing silence. It didn't take too long for Big Papa to drift to sleep in one of Scalpel's seats. Scalpel, on the other hand, continued his work until he heard the first of the clan members beginning their morning. That's when he knew it was time for him to be overcome by sleep.
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contest-winning-pest · 4 months
We're on the road with Brendan.
Feels nice not to have pressure.
My team comp has changed again.
He's asking about Contests. Apparently he saw my...
oh my episode of Lisia's Contest Scouting has aired.
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thattabaxiwizard · 1 month
i need advice
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for context: my dad specializes in dark magics, yaknow necromancy and that sort of thing. he also wasn't around much but that's a topic for another post. back to the point, he sent me a letter and a box of what i can only assume are old things he wasn't using anymore. according to the letter he thought i would "find great use in the items within." i found this weird looking potion in there with the rest of the stuff, the label is damaged so idk what it does, yall think i should drink it?
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[Closed rp starter]
Addie walked through the forest, her lost eye and aar stinging in dullen pain. She did not know of the whispy purple over that side of her face, as she had not found her way to the water yet. She gripped her pike, watching a lone pidgy. Not too uncommon. The flock was not too far, though.
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nimbasa-game-n-go · 7 months
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[The Nimbasa Game-N-Go is now open]
[Don’t mind the guy on the floor, he’ll be fine.]
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Puts a flower crown on your head :)
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*Confused but gentle burbling sounds*
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antiquatedsimmer · 6 months
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Trying something a bit different! I thought maybe my story posts were hard to read in tumblr Text so I'm trying Subtitles! If you dont like them or if the subtitles works & they just need to be a bit bigger let me know! I thought Yellow might stand out more than the standard black and white.
Also ignore the subtitles error I made on panel 7
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askteamslipstream · 3 months
Lief: "Oh, brother. More dreamers... well, someone has to give it to you straight, huh?" He tapped his foot as he scrutinized the duo. Apparently the Buizel's idea of wanting to become a rescue team really set off an urge to criticize it. "First of all, I think your buddy has a point. If you wanna do something good for the world or make a name for yourself, you don't need a badge or a fancy title. Second, what kind of work will you even be doing? Are you even prepared for that? Do you even know?"
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River turns to leave, walking towards the dunes away from the water. He looks mildly upset, clearly trying to put on a brave and unbothered face as he walks. Molly looks between her friend and the newcomer, a frown appearing on her own face as she turns. A dark expression moves across her face for a moment as she shoots an intimidating look.
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“Don’t you EVER talk down on his dream again.”
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electricopolis-net · 5 months
S03E02: Sparker Reborn (Part 1)
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1. A Brand New Bob
Six months into Bob Sparker's suspension...
"Mr. King!"
Percy looked up from where he was sitting at his desk, intently studying a report. It took him a moment to even recognize the voice--he hadn't heard the caw of his ex-number one primetime earner for at least six months.
"Bob?" He said, blinking. "What are you doing here?"
Bob Sparker looked just as taken aback as Percy was. "Well--I mean--" he sputtered. He was holding what looked like a large easel, with something wrapped in canvas tucked under one arm, and he began to busily set it up. "You said I could come to you if I needed anything, right?"
Percy searched his mind. Yes, he thought, I probably did say that at one point. "Of course," he replied. "But I'm actually rather busy at the--"
"This'll take two seconds, I promise!" Bob set up the easel and propped the cloth-wrapped object on it. "I have great news for you, boss. Just great."
With a flourish he drew the cloth off of the canvas. Upon it was a brilliantly rendered oil painting of a dark mountain, looking much like the kind found in the range that ringed Electric Valley. Behind the mountain was a halo of light in flourishing reds, yellows and pinks. It took a long moment for Percy to process that what he was seeing was a sunrise.
"And this is...?" he ventured.
"This," Bob proclaimed, patting the canvas affectionately, "is the future. My future." He drew in a breath. "Mr. King, I'm leaving the company."
Percy stopped, considered this, and laced his fingers together. "To become an artist?"
"Oh, no!" Bob laughed. "No, no, I got this from Alice Lang. She's doing great, by the way, thanks for helping her out. No, this is gonna be the guiding star for my new television network!"
The room was silent for a moment. "Your...excuse me?" Percy said, tilting his head. "Your what now?"
"My new television network," Bob repeated, puffing his chest out with pride. "It's gonna be something new, something completely different. One with humanity, where we bring people up instead of running 'em through a meat grinder. No offense," he added quickly. "I did like being the meat grinder guy."
"Wait, wait, wait. Back up a moment." Percy sat back, rubbing his temples with one hand and tapping his pen on the desk with the other. "So you're leaving the company...and founding a television network all by yourself?"
"Not by myself, no." Bob's smile grew wider. "Jam's coming with me. He's gonna be my talent scout. He knows everything about everything when it comes to up-and-coming artists and musicians! Margaret's helping, too, when she's able to, plus she's footing the bill. And Miss Lang is going to be our first profile. Best of all, it'll be free!"
"Free?" Percy repeated. "How on earth--"
Bob pulled out a small notebook and flipped through it. "Public television," he explained. "If we can get approval from the municipal government, the whole thing'll be funded by taxpayers. Television by the people, for the people," he announced, beaming with pride.
Percy sat back in his swivel chair, crossing one leg over the other. "Public television? Please," he scoffed. "Bob, you're far too good for that. Give it six more months and I'll have you back on the air. The producers at Zap! Entertainment actually sent me a pitch this morning," he remarked, turning his attention back to the layers of documents on his desk. "Something about 'a hundred contestants enter, one leaves...'"
"Mr. King."
Percy looked up. Bob stood in front of him, his hands clasped nervously together. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me," he said. "Really, I...I do. But this is something I have to do. For myself, and for Electricopolis."
"Then what do you need me for? It sounds as if you have everything all planned out."
"Well, to kick off our programming, we were thinking of throwing a festival," Bob ventured carefully. "A celebration of art and artisans from across the city, that kind of thing. We would provide space and lighting, of course. And we could have an Electric Park at the end of it all, a huge light show right in the middle of the top tier!" he explained, slowly becoming more and more animated. "I was hoping, you know, as a going-away present--that you might sign off on it, that's all. It might be kind of hefty on the power bill."
Percy considered this. "I suppose I'll...see what I can do."
"Thanks so much, Mr. King!" Bob grabbed Percy's hand in his own and pumped it gratefully. "You've always believed in me, even when nobody else did--and I hope to make you proud!"
Percy blinked again, stared at him, almost baffled--and then his face settled back into his trademark wan smile. "Of course," he said soothingly. "Of course."
Bob wrapped up his painting and practically skipped out the door, leaving Percy in his office, alone, with a throbbing headache. He turned away towards the window, leaving the half-read report on the town's energy crisis lying on top of his desk.
The city was far underneath him, the clouds not so high above. The Top Tier CEO's office was at the very summit of the town, just about--the only thing taller was the broadcast tower. This town was his, and for the longest time it had ticked along in perfect harmony with itself, every part an integral member of a well-oiled machine.
Every schoolchild knew the history of the town, though perhaps not all of it. Electricopolis was founded centuries ago after a colossal meteorite had landed in the middle of a mountain range. Though difficult to get to from the outside world, the area proved to now be full of precious hydrocarbons that could be extracted and processed into fuel. A mad rush for the territory began, during which various countries--and corporations--launched expedition after expedition to access the valley.
Many of the expeditions failed. But one particular company succeeded in seizing the territory, and began to construct a city for the purpose of exporting the hydrocarbon fuel. But when the colony proved to become rich enough to buy out its parent corporation, the city became truly self-sufficient: fresh water was created from the hydrogen molecules below and the oxygen in the air, and some of the simpler hydrocarbons turned into nitrate-rich fertilizers for the city's hydroponic farms. In short, everything they needed was here.
And so the outside world became nothing but a distraction. Centuries on, Electricopolis had cut off all ties with the outside and turned inward, focusing only on itself, concerned only with itself. But there were only so many resources left below the surface of the earth. And every day the fuel was running lower, and the brownouts became longer and longer...
Percy drummed his fingers against his desktop.
Surely there was a way to kill two birds with one stone.
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tollstuck · 10 days
>throw the bomb! throw the bomb! throw the bomb!
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ohhh void that's so so scary!!
your MYSTERIOUS INSTINCTS are telling you to REALLY get rid of this thing now!!!
You get ready to toss it-
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This is a bad idea.
Here's a new one:
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Equipped with the nearest spear and the golden pearl, how your ANCESTORS did it, you decide it's finally time to really set out into the outside world! Off you go.
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