#strager things
reb-1999 · 1 year
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Eddie Munson !!!!!!!!
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groucholiv · 14 days
just had the sudden relisation that this is the last time the stranger things fandom is going to collectivelly speculate about the upcoming season. like after the finale we'll never be able to do this again. no more obsessing over leaks and images. no more theories. no more teasers 😭😭
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jennizx-web · 2 years
eu i max ouvindo kate bush ♡︎
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𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅 🍿 𖦹
𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈/𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 🍿𖦹
𝒏𝒂̃𝒐 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒆/ 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒓 𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 🍿𖦹
𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒆 𝒅𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒂 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 ♥︎ 𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒔𝒐𝒐 🍿𖦹
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all-timelee · 1 year
I think you’re adorable || E.M.
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Word count: 616
Warnings: none
Eddie’s eyes were full of adoration as he peered in on your sleeping form. You’d gotten to his trailer before he was able to and you hadn’t hesitated to make yourself comfortable, adorning one of his shirts as you snoozed on his bed.
He sighed contentedly, moving to lay down beside you, trying his best not to wake you up in the process. He wanted more than anything to just lie there in peaceful slumber with you, but unfortunately your eyes began to flutter open, revealing your half lidded gaze
“Hey, pretty girl,” he mumbled, opening his arms as in invitation to cuddle. You gladly crawled into them, resting your head gently on his shoulder as his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
“How long were you asleep?” He asked softly, kissing the top of your head. Your fingers traced soothing patterns over his chest and he swore if he had the time, he would have spent every moment of his day in this position, but alas, he didn’t.
You hummed sleepily, “Not too long. Only got here like an hour ago.” You yawned, shifting to curl against him more comfortably. Eddie couldn’t help himself from pressing another kiss to the top of your head, savoring the feeling of holding you close.
From the position he was in, he almost didn’t catch the way you tilted your head up, tired eyes studying his face for a few seconds before you opened your mouth to speak.
“You’re cute,” you murmured drowsily, your lips curling upward. Eddie grinned back at you as he leaned in, brushing his nose across yours to give you a gentle peck.
“I’m not cute,” he replied, voice soft as he pressed a lingering kiss onto your cheek. You giggled quietly, nuzzling closer to him as you rested your head on his chest.
“Yeah, you are. You’re adorable.” You said firmly, giving him a look that dared him to disagree. He chuckled, turning onto his side so that your front faced each other. A hand slid up to cup your cheek tenderly.
“I’m taller than you, I’m just a pretty grown-up looking man overall, I haven’t been called cute since I was really little, I’m not cute.” He insisted. His thumb brushed over your cheekbone.
“Well, am I cute?” You teased with an amused smile. Eddie smirked back, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah. The cutest person ever,” he said matter of factly, causing a blush to creep onto your cheeks. “How so?” you questioned, curiousity sparking your interest. Eddie smiled.
“Because you’re so loveable and endearing towards me, and you make me so happy. I just want to take care of you and make you feel as happy as you make me. I love looking at your face because it’s the cutest face I’ve ever seen,” Eddie explained sincerely.
A light flush graced your cheeks as you gazed dreamily into his eyes, letting the sweet moment last for a bit before speaking again. “Well you may be tall, but I could say the same to you.” Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes good naturedly.
“You think I’m endearing?” he asked incredulously. You snorted softly, sitting up slightly to look at him better.
“I think you’re adorable,” you smiled, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss against his lips. He barked out a laugh, wrapping both arms around you tightly and pulling you flush against him.
“Okay, fine, you win. Only you’re allowed to call me cute though,” he relented, smiling goofily when your grin grew even larger.
“Okay, cutie,” you replied, grinning right back. He let out a light sigh, shaking his head in fond exasperation and planting yet another kiss atop your head.
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 months
Every Night
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Pairing: Max Mayfield x Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of.
Summary: Every night since 7th grade, Max has made it a mission to say goodnight -Face to face. At tonights' visit, you discover that your friendship might have been more than you thought it was.
(Pretend Max has lived in Hawkins her whole life)
*Not Proof Read*
I don't believe I mention anything gender specific. If I did, please let me know and I can fix it.
ABC List Stranger Things Masterlist
Every few minutes I glance over at my window. Blinds open, the moonlight shines through the glass, onto my carpeted floor.
She should be here by now. What if she got hurt? I mean, with all the weird stuff going on lately, anything is possible.
Finally, a small rock hits the bottom of my window.
I rush over to open window, looking down at the grinning girl.
" You gonna let me in? " She asks after a moment. " Or are we gonna have to Romeo and Juliet this tonight. "
I roll my eyes, leaning my head out of the window slightly. " You're so dramatic. "
" That's what you love about me. " She whisper shouts.
" I guess. " I chuckle, moving back into my room.
There's a lot more I love about Max, most of which she doesn't know about.
We're just friends, Y/N. Calm down.
I tip toe quietly into the kitchen, opening the door as gently as possible.
Max is waiting patiently on the other side, her backpack messily slung over her shoulder. " About time. " She teases.
" Oh shut up, Max. " I mumble, closing the door behind her.
She quietly laughs and we head up to my room. Once the bedroom door is closed, she drops her bag onto my floor, plopping onto my bed in the process. Max lets out a small sigh. " I missed you today. "
I lay down with my head on my arms, turning to face her. " You did? That's shocking. "
Max rolls her eyes at my sass. " I always miss you. You're my best friend. "
Best friend. Always the best friend, never the partner.
" Your my best friend too. " I smile at the girl.
Max lets out a laugh. " Of course I am, babe. " She flips onto her stomach so she can look be at my level.
Butterflies flutter at the pet name, something she's been calling me for a while now. I don't really remember when it started. Freshman year maybe? That's around the time we started having more and more sleepovers. My parents finally let me stay over at someone else' house.
" What's going on in that pretty head of yours. " Max asks, gently tapping her shoulder against mine.
I snap out of my thoughts. " Oh, just trying to remember when you started calling me 'babe'. I don't really know though. "
Max's eyebrows furrow. " I remember. It was like a week after we started dating, the summer of Freshman year- "
My eyes widen. " What? "
Max looks at me with a confused expression. " What do you mean, 'what'? "
" We're dating? " I ask, my heart beginning to pound. " Since when? "
Max pushes herself up into a sitting position. I quickly follow. " You seriously don't remember? I asked you out and we went to the arcade and then to get ice cream. I walked you home. That was our first date. "
I shake my head. " You never asked me out, you asked if I want to go to the arcade after school...with you. "
That was our first time going to the arcade without the others. Just the two of us. We played games for hours before finally deciding to head over to Hardy's for an ice cream cone. Now that I think about it, I think Max might have paid for my cone.
Max laughs slightly, nodding her head. " Yeah..." She says in a playful 'duh' tone.
" To be fair, " I point out. " You never actually said ' Do you want to go on a date with me? '. I mean, I thought we were just going to hang out. "
Max rolls her eyes. " Well then what did you think when I started calling you babe? Or like holding your hand? "
I shrug. " I don't know...that we were best friends? I mean, you call me your best friend all the time. I sorta assumed you just friend zoned me. "
Max lets out a groan, gently crashing her forehead into my shoulder. " You are my best friend. You're my partner and my best friend. "
" And you've never actually kissed me - "
" I did! " Max snaps back up. " That one time at Mike's party. "
That night was our first high school party. It wasn't very big but there was a few bottles of beer and no parents around.
" We were playing spin the bottle. That doesn't count. You had to kiss Lucas too. " I nervously begin to fidget with the hem of my shirt. How did I not know we were dating?
Max puts her warm hands on my shoulders, causing me to look up at her. " Fine. " She gently grabs my chin before leaning towards me. Her warm lips meet mine, causing my eyes to flutter close after a moment of surprise. Her soft lips gently guide mine. Electric shockwaves run through my body. My heart pounds in excitement.
Ever since our kiss at Mike's party, this is what I've been wanting. I never thought it was actually going to happen.
Max's hand finds its way behind my head. She gently plays with the hair at the nape of my neck before pulling away for air.
I let out a small pant, eyes meeting hers.
" I definitely missed that. " Max grins.
Warmth floods my cheeks. " I'm such an idiot. " I mumble.
Max shakes her head, her red hair fluttering softly back into place. " You're not an idiot. I guess I should've been more clear...How about this, " She lets go of my shoulders.
I look at her in confusion.
She scoots back slightly so we have more room between us. " Let's try it again. " She grins. " Hey Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me on Friday? "
My stomach churns from excitement. " I'd love to, Max. " I grin back.
Max's smile widens. " Really? You just made my day. "
I roll my eyes.
" I'll pick you up at 7. Sound like a plan? "
I nod. " I'll be...here. " I laugh slightly. A thought pops into my head. " Wait, does anyone know?- Or I guess, did anyone know we were dating? "
Max nods. " Yeah...our entire friend group. And my mom. "
I shake my head. " How did I not know? "
Max pulls me down onto the bed with her, our hands resting in a lazy hand hold. " Honestly, I'm not sure. I mean, Dustin's made a couple jokes about us dating. "
" I thought that was just him being...weird. " I mutter.
" Don't worry though. Our first official date, the one we both know about, is on Friday. " Max leans her head gently onto my shoulder.
How did I get so lucky to end up with a girl like Max?
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pastel-pillows · 1 year
You’ve always loved Eddie’s rings, twirling them absent minded when relaxing on the couch, your legs over his lap and his hands in yours.
Running your thumb over the different dips and ridges when you’re at the diner with the others, hands locked together on the table.
The metal against your skin when Eddie would wipe your tears away after a hard day, cold soothing against your flushed skin.
Eddie knew you loved his rings, and when he proposed he got down on one knee and slid your favorite one off to hold out when he asked ‘Will you marry me?’
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weirdonumber33 · 1 year
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She just wanted a lil kith
Anyways, I saw a Drawing of Eddie as a cowboy. And it inspired me to make my own interpretation of him as a cowboy. 
I’ll post a full body of his outfit if everyone likes the way he looks also, maybe Dustin and a couple of the others are his little helper around the farm. I might hashtag this as Eddie x Reader  because it seemed to get me more traction to my drawing 
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ashratfox · 1 month
Imagining Mike and Will dressing up as Sam and Frodo for Halloween and then Will complains that he's tired or something and Mike picks him up and *attempts* to carry him the rest of the way home
(guys s5 byler is going to be so lotr coded trust me)
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buckys-little-belle · 8 months
Hihihi! Tan we pwease get another chapter of Little Bunny? Maybe where Bunny shows up at da Byers’ in da middle of da night u’cuz their famiwy was bein’ mean, or yellin? An Will & El & Joyce can kinda calm Bunny down u’cuz dey know how ta take care of little ones, but Hop is jus standin dere, half asweep like🧍🏻‍♂️an doesn’ know whas goin on, an Will has ta call Gare ta calm Bunny down, an Bunny ends up goin’ ta Gares house, or Gare an Bunny stay at da Byers’? Fank you, I lobs you! 🫶🏻
Hellfire Babysitting Club : The Sequel (Part Four) (Blurb)
Sleepover Emergency
Gareth Emerson X Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used) / Hellfire Club x Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - family issues (described vaguely, but really not explained in detail. there is mention of police reports from before they moved to Hawkins though.), yelling mentioned, eating mentioned, byers family chaoticness, crying, feelings of being scared mentioned, long cold walk ... FOUND FAMILY, HUGS, FLUFF AFTER THE ANGST, LOVE
Notes - I've been in a writting mood latley and missed this series so I thought I'd drop this here for Y'all. I hope you like it, and I hope my writting hasn't changed too much in the time I've been gone! (Also while I do follow the prompt for the most part, O have put my own spin on it etc)
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this account, SFW
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During the day September air was chilly but not cold, light sweaters everyone's preferred "coat" to keep warm. But the night grew cold, the wind wiping around, leaves flying and twirling in the air. Y/n had rushed to get out of their house, the pj's they had on even less warm then what they wore to school. But even as they're teeth began to chatter slightly, goosebumps rising on their arms, they knew they made the right decision.
The Byer's house was usually an eight minute walk, the bus stop twelve, but in the dark with scary noises stalling them the walk ended up being twenty. When the wooden door came into view, and they walked up the step a breath of relief was puffed before they began knocking. The action hardly made a sound but Joyce was known to have "mom ears" that could hear anything even in a deep sleep.
"Hello." She whispered in an effort to not scare the timid Y/n who's cheeks were painted with tears. "Come in." Her hand landed on Y/n's back in a protective move, her head jutting out the door to look down the street expecting to see a car driving off, yet all she was met with was the silent and cold night. "Did you walk here?" Joyce's voice grew more frantic as she looked over the poor kid for any injuries, her hands meeting freezing skin.
Before Y/n could defend their case a warm blanket was wrapped around them and the name 'Hopper' was being yelled out around them. Joyce didn't leave Y/n's side as they continued to cry, every family member awoken from the commotion now in the livingroom with wide eyes.
"What's going one?" El asked as she slowly walked towards Y/n, her hand landing on their shoulder in a show of support.
"I'm not sure." Joyce voiced, her eyes meeting an even more confused hopper. "They walked here Jim, walked."
Hopper knew who Y/n was, Gareth had told him everything there was to know about them. Including the life they had at home, an aunt who only kept them around for the money the government offered. Y/n had to do everything on their own and pay for everything on their own, and for that reason the poor kid was on Hopper's radio. He vowed the first time he hear of some sort of altercation, commotion, or disruption from the house he would intervene. He just never expected them to show up on his doorstep.
"Call the Gareth," He said to will. "Get another blanket from the linen closet," He ordered Jonathan. "El why don't you see if we have a seepingbag downstairs." Each kid rushed off to do their tasks. "What's going on kid?" Hopper then turned his attention to a shivering Y/n.
"Sh- She said no," A sob broke through. "No more." They shook their head and tried their best to wipe their tears off their cheeks. "I can't go back." They pulled in a deep breath trying to calm themself down.
"It's okay sweetie." Joyce offered a lopsided smile, rubbing her hands up and down trying to warm them up. "We've got you."
"I'm going to head to the station to write up a few things then head over to get their stuff." Hopper's voice was direct but sympathetic, wishing he had done something sooner hating that this poor kid could have avoided the cold walk and most likely harsh talk back at their aunts house.
"M' stuff?" They cried again.
"Yeah kid, you're stuff." The jingle of his keys filled in the silence. "There's no way I'm letting you go back, I've seen the reports, I'm not failing you too." Y/n opened their mouth to say something but Hopper cut in before they could say anything. "Here kid, you'll stay here."
"Yay!" El chimed in as she carried in a huge bundle. "I've always wanted bunk beds!" The grin on her face was genuine.
Y/n was silent, though a huge smile was plastered on their face at the kindness these people were showing them. They hadn't ever felt like this before, so supported. Y/n assumed they would maybe get to sleepover for the night until their aunt caved and took them back, or they got sent away. Yet everyone around them was talking about them staying for forever it seemed.
"Are you hungry at all?" Joyce asked, Y/n shaking their head 'no'.
"He's here." Jonathan called from the front window, the distinct bright lights of Gareth's car showing through the curtains. "Hey man." He opened the door, the two of them talking quietly, no doubt Jonathan updating Gareth on the situation.
Gareth nodded before taking in the room, Y/n standing and still shivering, Joyce stressed, and the twins stuck with unknowing looks on their faces. "Hi bunny." Gareth whispered as he got closer to Y/n, Joyce taking a step back and giving the kids some space, her and Jonathan slipping into the kitchen to make a few calls. "Let's sit down." His hands landed on Y/n's shoulders as he led them to the couch, plopping himself down before Y/n sat next to him, his arm wrapping around them instantly, their head falling to his shoulder.
"'m good." They whispered. "Right? 'm a good kid?" Their voice wavered, silent tears slipping down their cheeks. "She said I was bad." They whispered even quieter.
Gareth placed his chin atop their head, pulling them in closer, El's eyes tearing up and Will fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, Bunny, you're a good kid." He felt his own tears begin to build, the way Bunny looked and sounded making his heart crumble a little. Everyone around them kept trying to tear them down, kids at school, people at home, he knew he needed to protect them, and clearly this hug was his first step.
"Hopper said he'll get Y/n's things this afternoon, and he'll bring them back here." She smiled, her eyes locking on Y/n's. "You can stay here as long as you need sweetie." Her voice was soft and her eyes teary too. "We can get a bunkbed and some extra things and you can share a room with El or Will."
"Me." El cut in, clearly offended that Will would even have the possibility of a roommate. El's hand landed on Y/n's shoulder in a supportive way, a huge smile on her face. "Sleepovers are fun."
"I don' wan' t' bother anyone, I can go." Y/n went to stand up but El sat her back down.
"You'll be staying here, you're apart of the family now. You won't be on your own anymore." Jonathan cut in this time, his big brother mode activated. Both of his siblings had gone through hell, and he hated to see it. He wouldn't let Y/n's hell continue either, no matter what he had to do.
So at 4am Y/n sat on the couch as everyone around them worked to get things in order for the time being, pancakes placed on the dining table for everyone, and not once were they left alone or left out. They were excited to welcome this new normal, this new family.
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almostgigi · 9 months
Keep Breathing | s.h x reader
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I absolutely love Steve, but I never write about him, except for this time. Consider this a gift to your heart if you might, a spur to further projects.
WC: 2k
For the way that he was acting towards me I could sense that he was not okay. The days went by and he was more shut down with me. Got me wondering what could have I done to make him be like that. In my defense, if you knew this guy the way I did, you’d know that Steve “I’m fine” Harrington was a big fat liar. He refused to talk about his feelings or whatever shit he was going through, like a skilled ninja he would avoid the topic every time.
To me, he was my everything, not just a friend, but the best one. That person who would stand up for me whenever I needed or fight for me or just listen to me. He was a good listener, every time I called him because I felt sad he would waste no time and appear in my doorstep with my favorite chocolate. Spend the night holding me and cleaning my face when my make up would smudge. Reassure me until I stopped crying and kiss my forehead when I was ready to sleep, just to caress my face and hair and hum my favorite song so the vibration of his chest would calm me down.
But he needs me now, and I don’t know how to approach him without being too obvious about it. It’s been a year since Hawkins was destroyed and almost a year since I know him. He became such an important part of my life, a person I would die for, no pun intended. For all the times he was there for me, I wanted to be there for him now, I just had to find the perfect moment to ask. Today we were hanging out, watching a movie. It was really boring and I was not paying attention to it and neither was he. I was too deep in my thoughts.
“¿what is going on in that pretty head of yours today?” he was holding me against his chest to make sure I was comfortable. Both on the couch, with our feet on the little table in front of it.
“nothing, it’s...nothing” I looked at him, he gave me his best confused look. “I mean it, it’s nothing” my hand resting importance at the topic.
“hurts me that you think I’m that stupid” arm leaving the side of my hip where it was resting before. “I know you’re worried but I happen to be a little tired as to investigate right now so I would like you to just tell me straight away, if you trust me, obviously”
I was a nervous wreck and his eyes never leaving mine weren’t helping. It’s no surprise to me at this point to feel like this since I know how nice he made my heart feel. I kinda notice this the night I called him because I had a nightmare and I was too scared to sleep alone so he drove to my place and slept with me while holding me. Later on I knew he fought with his parents that night before I called, but he came anyways, he choose to be with me, and care for me, and I thought that was the sweetest thing no one ever did for me. I had fallen for him. But his heart did not beat for me.
“you’re gonna get mad at me” he will, I know it. Every time I would talk about it, and they were just a few because I hated when he was mad, he would change around me and be distant. That treatment killed me.
“honey, I can’t be mad at you. I won’t, what is it? C’mon” he adjusted himself in the couch to face me and held my hand.
“I-I know you haven’t been very well lately, I wish you would talk to me” the grip of his hand in mine became more loose.
“I do talk to you, like, all the time” I know he’s playing dumb, but I’m being totally serious this time.
“that’s not what I mean, and you know it. I know everything you went through was overwhelming but I haven’t heard you talk about it once” I was actually begging for him to break down and I was hoping he did it with me, cause I wasn’t gonna let go of him any time soon.
“maybe that’s because I don’t want to talk, it’s not something I hold against you, I actually wish I could do what you want me to do but I can’t” don’t know why but his confession did not make me flinch even once, like I said, I knew he was tired of everything, it wasn’t new to me. I just needed him to be able to move on, to grow out of it. I stayed quiet for a while after that. Both still seated in the couch like before. Our breathing could be heard from miles away.
“I’ll go to sleep” I said as I stand up and let go of his hand. The situation was cold and I couldn’t keep being there if he was gonna be like that. I went to my room and got under the covers of my bed as it’s was cold in there. Not long after that I hear Steve’s steps coming closer.
“are you really mad at me right now?” his tone was demanding, but also worried. We would hate to be mad at each other. I did not respond. “c’mon pretty, you know I can’t stand being like this with you” it killed me to hear him like that, but my pride was bigger. He sighed. “please, just talk to me” ironic he’s the one asking for that now. I remained silence. Not like I didn’t want to talk, but something inside me was keeping me from it. “I seriously can’t believe you’re this mad for something that is not even that important. Like.. what do you want me to say?” his hands flew to his face, covering it in frustration. He started pacing around not knowing what to do. “ugh, I just.. you know how hard everything has been for me.. how much shit I took there. But I don’t know what you expect from me” he was being mean, but those words came from anger. Still hurt tho. “you’re just goin’ to ignore me? You asked for this, you should be listening”
“I am listening, Steve, but you’re being mean and I don’t want to take that now” I wanted to add – because I love you – but it’s not the right moment to do that.
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I being too mean to the princess right now?” his tone being cocky while making fun of me was something I never wanted to experience. But to be honest, I never really thought about it before, it just wasn’t real to me. “you wanna know what’s mean? You really wanna know?” my eyes went to him moving around, brows almost together from frowning. I could feel the tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. “mean is what those Russian men did to me, beat the shit out of me for no reason. Mean is being almost strangled to death by some weird ass animals” he was talking. I observed him with caution, his eyes wide open, his expression tired. “do you know the consequences of any of that?” he started taking his shirt off “I have this fucking mark on my neck forever, and this scar in my tummy, and every time I see it I remember it all” his breathing was becoming heavier and heavier. His chest was moving too fast as I look intensely to his scars, analysing deeply. He never showed them to me before, so this is shocking to see. “but this is not yet the meanest thing at all” his voice was almost like a scream. “the meanest thing is that nobody cares, not my so called friends, nor my parents. My parents.. they-” he choked on what seemed to be the beginnings of a cry. I stood up slowly from the bed, looking into his eyes, not leaving them for a second. Stand right in front of him. He was trying really hard to restraint the tears while breathing slow. “why does nobody love me?” he asked, and right there I could see it, he was about to break down.
“that’s not true” I say calmly, reassuring him as he needs. He lifts his head and stares at me.
“yes, it is. I haven’t heard of my friends for over a year. We went through the most traumatic experience of our lives and they don’t care” sobbing like crazy, he couldn’t handle it for much longer. “did you know last time mom and I talk without screaming I was 14? And don’t get started on my dad, cause that man hasn’t love his kid since he was born” the tears are no longer able to stay in. “am I that hard to love?”
“NO!” I answer immediately. “you’re not, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. No one ever has cared for me like you do, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me” and that was true, he needed the words. And almost instantly he starts to cry, and I wonder why the best people have to suffer this much.
I don’t wait any longer and put my arms around his neck, but it’s too tall for me. When he realizes that I’m holding him, he puts his arms around my back, pressing me really tight against his body. But like I said before, it’s too tall for me and finally, after a bad move, we both fall on the bed. His weight all over me makes me hiss in his ear and he turns to see me. His face all red and his eyes full of tears.
“did I-did I hurt you?” he asks. Even when he was the main character of the situation he had to make it about me, cause that is who he is. Always caring about others before him.
“no baby, I’m fine” and for some reason me calling him that made him cry even more. His head went straight to my chest, resting there while he cried so loud.
“I’m s-sorry, this is so embarrassing. But I-I can’t anymore” his breathing was a mess and hearing how hurt he was, all the time he needed to release the pain. It was hurting me too.
“don’t even dare to apologize to me or anyone for crying, it’s a normal thing, and even if you don’t do it never you have the right to do it and it shouldn’t be embarrassing” I said while rubbing his back. He kept crying and holding me strongly. “shh, it’s okay”
“it’s n-not fair” he sobbed. And he’s right. Nothing in his life is fair, always trying to be the perfect child, the perfect friend, the perfect man. And all of that for what? For people to not validate him? I can understand what is like to work so hard on yourself just to feel like nothing really matters anymore at the end. “I wanted to be strong, for you”.
My heart sinks in my chest. My head can’t stop spinning. “You don’t need to be strong for me, baby. You need to be strong for you, but sometimes feelings like this are allowed, you’re allowed to release the pain in order to move on” my hand, that was stroking his back, moves to his hair and I start to put my fingers in between his locks. “just because you take care of everyone doesn’t mean you can’t be sensitive sometimes” he places one of his hands in my chest to accommodate himself, very close to my neck. “plus, you have me, always. If you need comfort, or support I’ll be here. You know I’m yours...” fuck “your s-s-”
“I know” he replied “I’m yours too” shitshitshit. That sounded so sleepy. We stayed in the same position without saying anything for a while more until I felt him fall asleep. I kept his last words in my head for the entire night, thinking if he meant them in the same way I did. Finally I fell asleep too.
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dracolauramalfoy · 3 months
eu vi q tem teoria de que o mike namora com a onze só por que ele não se aceita, e que a frase que ele disse "não é minha culpa se você não gosta de garotas" era sobre ele, não sobre o cabelo de tigela, pq em momento nenhum da série ele disse pro mike que ele era gay SOCORRO. eu to louca jsjsjsjjaosow9js BYLER VOCÊS AINDA VAO ME MATAR!!!!!
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may-hopper · 2 years
"no! don't look at him. because his smile is literally radiant and it's making my heart fucking melt and my stomach flip and if i keep looking, i wont be able to look away. i wont be able to hide anything because he likes the painting! he likes my painting. the painting that i made for him, thinking of him. it made him smile like that. i made him smile like that."
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wrightbel · 2 years
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we’re leaving ground
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will things ever be the same again?
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it’s the final countdown.
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dragon-fire-fire · 8 months
I want a fic with lifeguard Billy and he teaches kids classes. He’s teaching Holly and she absolutely adores him. She’s like “Billy sounds like Holly, so we basically have the same name!” They have nicknames for each other and just a cute relationship that absolutely baffles Nancy and Mike. Maybe Billy’s nickname is Bolly and Holly’s is Hilly.
One day the Wheeler’s go to the pool with all of the Party and when they get there, Billy is on a downshift and Holly just goes running up to him, just so happy to see her favorite big kid. (Nancy and Mike are mean and Jonathan is gross and she doesn’t remember Steve much)
Everyone is so shocked they even know each other. And Karen likes Billy (not like she did in the show, that was weird) so she says hi and the 3 are just hanging out while everyone just stares.
Billy is smiling and messing around with Holly and Holly is talking about school and swimming just talking his ear off.
While the Party + Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan are trying to figure out what’s happening. Wondering if he’s possessed or was body-switched.
I think that’d be a good fic
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annachronisme · 1 year
What if AU
I don't remember how I came up with this but here is my idea.
What if Tommy and Steve had stayed friend.
Lemme explain real quick .
So after the fight with Jonathan, Steve and Tommy still fight. But that where things diverge because while Tommy is an asshole he is a loyal asshole. Where Steve goes, he goes. He has known Steve for what 5-10 years? So yeah, he thought about it and he went to Steve to apoligize and actually talk. And Steve told him that he had enough of being an asshole and following his shitty idea so when Steve went to the Byers to apologize guess who went with him to apologize too?
So not only is Steve there for all the Demogorgon and Upside Down bullshit but Tommy's too and that is going to change everything that cames after. Because it's fucked them up good, I mean paralel dimension and monster and all kinda shit, for real ? So when Steve lost his 'King' persona, Tommy followed.
When Steve start being the babysitter for a bunch of middle schooler with a death wish, Tommy does too. Even tho Steve would argue that he was worse than the kids sometimes. And the kids kinda love him kinda hate him.
When he has his fight with Billy, Tommy is there too. They still get heavily knocked around by Billy but at least it not worse than canon.
Steve has a concussion tho.
When Steve start working at Scoop ? You bet that he's going to follow. Poor Robin has to deal with not one but two reformed jock. And she honestly think it could be worse because they're kinda funny to be around and she could have worst coworker.
(Also when she came out to them, she totally didn't expect them go like 'Oh yeah ok' and ' Lol that funny, remember how we used to practice kissing on each other' it's wild)
Oh and Billy doesn't die. Because I have a love/hate relationship with his character and I want him face consequence and live happy. So that.
And then there's the whole vecna shit going on and with the added helped of Tommy -who is not much of a fighter but after three or so years against the Upside Down he gets arounds- Eddie doesn't die. And the whole time he never stop sending knowing look at Robin because he knows.
I have so much idea for this AU it's insane.
What kind of weapon could he have ? I was thinking a bow or something fire related. He's a pyromaniac in his soul I just know it.
And I don't see Carol fitting in it so they probably broke up at some point.
Bonus point for the Hagan Family, who are constantly there because Mrs. Hagan love to have people over so the kids swarm up his place as much as Steve's even when he's not there and she happily let in. ( even when they told her not to)
The idea was eating away the few braincell I can manage it had to go somewhere.
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he dress like a dad, i fcking love him
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