#stray cats
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Oh, Poor Baby.
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justcatposts · 1 month
Stray cat breaks into Lynx’s enclosure at zoo
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decemberblue · 1 month
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A series of stray cats I captured last year (2023)
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typicalbrainchaos · 4 months
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Gaza (Rafah) - 1/24/2024
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53v3nfrn5 · 4 days
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Stray cats of Japan
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redhoodswife · 9 days
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"Fucking Cat"
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
warnings: fluff, cursing (it's Bakugou)
Word Count: 1,559
Rain poured outside the UA dorms, resounding from the rooftop. The smell of it flowed in from the open windows engulfing Bakugou’s dorm. The rain had come suddenly, chasing most from the streets into their homes. Bakugou was surprised that his phone wasn’t blowing up; on an evening like this, his “friends” as they called themselves, would normally be nagging him to hang out. A ding from his phone drew a sigh out of him. Damnit he has spoken too soon. Looking at his phone however, he was surprised to see it wasn’t Dunce-face or Shitty Hair or even Raccoon eyes, it was Y/n.
Bakugou unlocked his phone to reply. He refused to acknowledge the way his heart spiked or his face brightened when he realized it was her. He refused to let himself ponder on what that meant, instead he focused on how their texting him popped the bubble of peace and quiet he was in.
what do you want?
Can I come to your dorm?
A million thoughts ran through Bakugou’s head in the span of six short seconds. Was something wrong? Were you hurt? Why did you want to come to his dorm? To study? Sure
Curiosity, he told himself, curiosity is why he said you could. Not because he was worried and definitely not because he wanted your company.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
“What the fuck, Y/n?”
“Whaaaat?” “A fucking cat?” Bakugou was prepared to shove you right back out the door. He had a billion different ideas as to what you wanted, but a soaked to the bone cat was not one of them.
“I found him outside and I didn’t want to leave him out in the rain.”
So that’s why you were soaked. Your jeans were wet and most definitely uncomfortable, your hair was a wet mess atop your head, and you were shivering like it was -10 degrees out.
“Dumbass, now you’re soaked. What were you doing outside anyway?”
You blushed and rubbed your neck, “I-uhh, I was playing in the rain with Kiri and Denki. And they were trying to get me to make them different things with the rain drops, so when I wasn’t paying attention they ran back inside and locked me out.” Bakugou laughed. You looked up at him in surprise. You had never thought you would make him laugh. I mean sure, you were friends, but Bakugou wasn’t the laughing type.
It was loud, almost obnoxiously so. His booming laughter filled the whole space and probably resounded down the hall as well. He clutched his stomach, short of breath. His head was tipped back and his eyes were closed. You should have been hurt that he was laughing so hard at your expense, but the genuine smile on his face made your anger falter.
Who knew Bakugou was so pretty?
You wished you could freeze the world like this, him so full of joy and laughter, but sadly that was impossible. Almost as if realizing he had just openly laughed, Bakugou stopped as quickly as he had begun. His eyes snapped open and his smile dropped back into his signature frown.
“You let those idiots fool you?” He teased.
“Oh, shut up asshat! You’re literally scared of the rain!”
“Ha??!! The fuck I am?!! You’re the one who’s been out there for lord knows how long freezing your ass off!!!” He stepped forward to be chest to chest with you. Bakugou wasn’t extraordinary tall by any means, but you still had to look up to stare him in the eyes.
If you weren’t so busy insulting him, you would have thought his eyes were pretty. The vermilion of his irises was so much more than red. Come to think of it, you hadn’t seen eyes of such a color before, at least that you could remember, but you don’t think you’d ever forget such a color if you’d seen it before.
This close to you Bakugou almost forgot why he was yelling at you in the first place. Your breath fanned his face and your (E/C) eyes were filled with such determination he couldn’t look away. He had the sudden urge to wipe the water droplets that were still sliding down your face away, so instead he clenched his fists in frustration.
Your staring contest was interrupted by the cat jumping off Bakugo. All the yelling had spooked the poor thing and he made a mad dash under the bed. You tried to coax him out, but he wouldn't and your arms weren't long enough to drag him out.
"Great!" You shouted at Bakugou, "Now I've lost the cat!"
Bakugou scoffed, "Ain't my fault, Dumbass."
"Yes it it! If you would stop yelling so gosh damn much-!"
"Oi, you were yelling too! You're fucking yelling now!"
Bakugou paused, lost for words. Sure, you would yell from time to time, but that was practically a scream. He would not be surprised if everyone in the UA dorms heard you just then.
Had you been shivering that much this whole time?
Bakuogou wished he'd noticed sooner how much you were shaking. All your clothes soaked through because of stupid Dunceface and Shitty hair. And now the cat you helped was stuck under his bed, the guy who has been calling you an idiot for the past hour.
You were bewildered. Bakugou wasn't the type to let somebody win a screaming match and yet, here he was, standing across the room silently observig you. You took a deep breath, then two, then three before bending back down to try and get the cat.
The whole time Bakugou remained silent. You could hear him shuffle around the room, rummuging through draws for god knows what, but you elected to ignore him. That was, until he was standing right behind you, before dropping somthing on the floor next to you.
Looking over you saw that it was some of his clothes. A pair of black sweatpants and a tank top. Quizzicaly, You looked up at him. He looked away trying to avoid your eyes.
"They're for you, dumbass. Can't have you catching a cold and then not being able to catch this shitty cat so you can both leave my room."
Dumbfounded, you opened your mouth to respond. What you were going to say, you didn't know. Thank you? Where's Bakugou and what have you done to him? No thanks? So you said nothing. Instead opting to gape at him like a fish.
"Well? Hurry up and get out of those soggy ass clothes before I change my mind."
You nodded without a word, snatching the change of clothes up and walking towards his bathroom. You pulled the sweats on and were very thankful for the strings in them or else the panys would have fallen right off you. You knew Bakugou was muscular, you'd seen it with your own eyes. But damn, it still amazed you.
As you pulled the tanktop over your head, you caught a wiff of Bakugou's scent. Cracked pepper and caramel, with a scent that was so disticnty Bakugou you wondered how often he wore this exact tanktop. The smell was intoxicating, demanding attention, just like the man it beonged to.
You were startled by your thoughts. Since when were you thinking such thoughts about Bakugou of all people? Since forever, you realized. It was always there, lingering in the back of your mind. This want, this need. To touch him, feel him, be at his side, to experience Bakugou in a way nobody else has.
"Y/n, you almost done in there?!" Speak of the devil.
"Yes! You impatiant ass!"
Quckily checking yourself over in the mirror you exited the bathroom. Trying to act like you weren't just day dreaming about the ash blonde next to you, you hurridly walked to the bed and continued to try and coax the cat out.
After many failed atemptd from both you and Bakugou, some resulting in scratches, you got the cat out. You sat on the bed petting the cat as you and Bakugou sat in silence.
"Hey Dumbass," Bakougo spoke, breaking the silence, "It's late, you should go to your dorm so you don't fuck up my sleep schedule."
"Yeah, I should...''
You wanted to say more, so did he. However neither of you knew where to start. You couldn't just open up and tell him how unique his eyes were or how pretty his was when he laughed, you couldn't say how his scent was just like him, demanding yet so very intoxicating. So you said nothing as you stared into those vermilion eyes, filled with the urge to kiss him, nothing but goodnight.
He couldn't say how worried he was when you texted him if you could come over or how beautiful you were, even soaked to the bone. He didn't dare tell you that he specifically picked out his favorite sweats and tanktop for you to wear. He didn't know if he'd ever tell you the sudden urge he'd had to wipe the water from your face or the way you'd made him laugh in a way he never has before. And as he held your gaze, overwhelmed with the want to pull you in, he did nothing but hum his acknowledgement of your goodnight.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
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hauntedbystorytelling · 3 months
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Edward H. Weston ~ [Cats] Family Group on Wildcat Hills, 1944 | src Weston gallery
Happy Caturday!
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asiaphotostudio · 11 months
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Tokyo, 2001 Kagurazaka, Tokyo, Japan. 日本 東京 新宿区 神楽坂 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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zsorosebudphoto · 24 days
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Cats from Mallorca: a collection
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evilwvergil · 2 years
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S T R A Y  : 🐱 猫ちゃんサイバーパンクADV
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sailor-moon-rei · 2 months
helping stray animals
Firstly, thank you for your support and help. I remind you that I live in Ukraine and help stray animals. They have no home and family, and live in basements, attics, garages, etc. Now we need your help!
There is almost no food for animals. We also found dogs that we feed until they find a family. I remind you that I feed about 20 cats, and now 5 dogs. I can't do it without you. Please donate if you can:
pp [email protected] (for animals)
Or just reblog! Thank you again!
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picsfromsiberiangirl · 9 months
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A Kitty Near The Lutheran Church.
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justcatposts · 1 year
This guy delivers food to stray animals with a little remote controlled car. 
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Hizashi: why are there so many scratches on your back?
Shouta: *flashbacks to last night when he cornered a stray cat after Hizashi told him not to*
Shouta: I'm cheating on you.
Hizashi: *flashbacks to watching Shouta go outside to try (and fail) to catch the cat*
Hizashi: no you're not.
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mantis-on-a-table · 2 years
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Silly cat game my beloved🐚
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littlepawz · 6 months
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Turkey is known for its love of cats and their efforts to protect and look after thousands upon thousands of stray cats living within its cities. Here a sweet stray kitty cuddles up to a statue of a young girl in Marmaris, Turkey.
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