imagine-darksiders · 2 days
Ngl i haven't read your Eden's hair fanfic, only CHWH BUT when i saw the ask about what if y/n was a flowergirl, it gave me the strength to fight back artblock and so thats what im doing (WIP below)
But i can't find the first chapter of Eden's hair or at least i can't figure where the scar on her arm is supposed to be, i scanned through your recent chapter (which is really good btw) so i either accidentally skipped it or I'm having trouble imagining it
Anyways enjoy the art :D
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Ohhh h hh h hhe's that's so CUTE!
The scar is just on the top of her forearm, vertical. Amazing art, thank you so much! AHAHAH I love it!!!!
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hu-manbee-ing · 2 months
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that one church scene
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notesz-b · 14 days
Whenever you post any darksiders art you give me an immense amount of serotonin boost. It's doubled if it's Strife. I just love how you draw him.💜
~ ♡ You and me both, I miss the brat_
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creaturehollow · 7 months
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At long last, I finally finished these! These games have been an utter plague upon me this year and frankly have given me an itch for fanart that wasn't really there before lol Incredibly happy with how these all turned out, the months spent making these happen were well worth it I think :]
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felassan · 2 months
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Question: "I need to know... In the Missing, Strife has a Vallaslin now. What is the time difference between your story and The Missing, as originally he did not have a Vallaslin?" Patrick Weekes: "Close-ISH to real-world passage of time. Strife has been working with the Dalish for a few years (and later, in the comic, the Veil Jumpers), so he picked up the vallaslin along the way."
another momentous day in the Strife Dragonage fandom (prev) [mfw Strife lore drops / Strife is mentioned aaaa]. PW explains Strife got his vallaslin between TN and DA: The Missing.
the note on current timeline is also interesting. Three Trees to Midnight from TN seems to be set around 9:44 or 9:45. TN released in 2020. the third issue of DA: The Missing released 3 years later in 2023. that would take the time in the third issue of The Missing to about 9:47 or 9:48. add another year or so as it's now 2024 - 9:48 or 9:49. add in a lil bit more time until DA:D releases irl, and then account for the fact/caveat with the fact that it's only very approximate ("ish") and not a direct one-to-one (so it could be a bit less or a bit more, you know, like +/- 1-3 or.. whatever), and 👁️ we are getting reeaal close to the ~9:52 date given in The Eternal Flame. (which people speculate might be the year in which DA:D kicks off or thereabouts, along with speculating about the related ~8-ish year timeskip from the events of Trespasser to the events of DA:D, meaning ~10-ish years timeskip from the events of DA:I basegame to the events of DA:D). about 10 years irl between games, and to me this seems to suggest about ten years passing in-world too.
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shepscapades · 2 years
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Some quick requests I did at the end of the stream the other night! The rest of what I drew was for a dbhc comic to be posted in the future, so I can’t share that, but I figured I’d share the request doodles :]
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Darksiderstober Day 9: Transformation
Yet another Strife piece, this time tackling a rough sketch of him and his Anarchy form! Love the fact that his design of the form was based on evangelion and it has such a chaotic monstrous flair that I love about it and have fun drawing! Hope ya like and stay tuned!!
Darksiderstober prompts and art are mine
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders and @another-darksiders-blog
Prompts are here
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zenopic · 8 months
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Sketchy sketchy Cloud:>
// Progress vid below! // 👇👇
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ravliksblog · 1 year
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Hold on  Y/n, Strife can be a thorn in the side.;^)
I like this story so much that it's hard not to draw something based on it))
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darksiders-scenarios · 3 months
Imagine Soft Horsemen
Strife's Secret Talent: Strife has a hidden talent for music, playing an ancient guitar-like instrument, and the emotional songs he composes in his downtime.
Death's Soft Side: Death has a secret garden where he cultivates rare plants that don't exist anywhere else, showing a nurturing side only a select few are privileged to see.
War's Quiet Hobby: War, known for his strength and battle prowess, has a less known hobby of crafting intricate miniatures of the realms and battles he has witnessed, a quiet reflection of his experiences.
Fury's Animal Companion: Beyond her steed, Fury forms an unexpected bond with a small, mythical creature she rescues, showcasing her compassion beneath her fierce exterior.
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elyslesnothing · 9 months
The fact that in Darksiders Genesis, during the fight with the Toxic Husks, Strife says "what cruel god would make a bug that big?" And if War's finishing move is triggered, he says "you're big, but not that big" just means War has clearly been the insect eradicator throughout their lives and Strife was the one standing on top of furniture and screaming
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imagine-darksiders · 10 days
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It really doesn't take much.
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moodymisty · 10 months
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I hope I'm not alone in wanting to smooch Strife on his helmet
just ink version
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notesz-b · 5 days
Hi! I want to say I love your art. And your human! Strife (especially this one doodle you did of him wearing a yellow button up) lives in my head rent free!
Have a nice day
~ ♡ That outfit is my favorite too, ngl~
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askthedarksidersfam · 5 months
The longest edit to date! I’m really proud of this one!!
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felassan · 4 days
this post is just some thoughts on/speculation re: the recent news (the new blog post and the IGN article etc). under a cut for length.
I’m so excited for the official first look at the gameplay!! (ofc) and psyched that it’s happening in early summer as opposed to late summer like August or thereabouts. it feels surreal in a good way that it’s now basically ‘DA:TV Eve’ :D With 15+ minutes of gameplay from the start of the game, we could gain a lot of new information and context such as who the PC is, where the story kicks off and the premise/framing of the story, who the starting companions are, etc.
it surprised me that the name of the game changed, but I like the new title, I think it’s cool and unusual and from dev comments it's not something they decided on a whim or anything. a title change makes sense in the light that Solas isn’t the only focus of the game or the only player on the board – that he’s a key player, but not the heart of it, and the companions are who is being centered. in any event the feel of a title to like say and stuff for me doesn’t affect gameplay or what it’s like interacting with characters etc. I would play this game if it was called Dragon Age: The Quantum Blorbening anyway.
‘The Veilguard’ is the name of our crew of companions, as in a group or faction. (It reminds me of “the Kingsguard”.) Obviously we can see from the name that this group will be involved in protecting and defending the barrier between the Fade and the waking world in some manner. I wonder, will it be a group we form, or a group we join/are recruited into? They must be a fairly recent addition to Thedas. What’s their relation to the Veil Jumpers, if any? Does the existence of the Veilguard imply that the theories that the game will begin with the Veil torn down already aren’t the case? Will the Veilguard always want to protect the Veil during the story, or will there come a point when they re-evaluate that idea? It sounds like they’re always able to take down the new evil threat, but will they always be able (or always want to) to prevent the Veil from being destroyed? also, in-world, who named them The Veilguard?
Maybe our PC’s own ‘title’ (Warden, Hero, Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, kinda thing) will be Veil Guardian or Guardian of the Veil or something like that..? we obviously won’t be the only veil guard, but while the DA:O PC was ‘the Hero of Ferelden’, in-game they often were referred to in passing simply as Grey Warden or The Warden, despite there being another Warden present (Alistair). When the devs have been talking about The Avengers, I think about that and also get Guardians of the Galaxy kinda vibes. With Varric and Harding’s storyline in DA: The Missing, I wonder if he will be like the Nick Fury (he kind of brought the Avengers together and coordinated them right? Or at least recruited them all, put the team together?), with Harding joining the team itself..? Avengers assemble, form Voltron, etc. with stuff like “you’ll unite this team of unforgettable heroes”, it sounds like the PC (as in previous games) will end up leading the group in some manner, even if they are new to the squad. That reminds me of the HoF. ^^
Somewhere out there in the multiverse, on a different plane, DA4 came out and it was a multiplayer game. it’s good to hear about refocusing on creating a singleplayer game with a focus on characters, choices & decisions, worldbuilding, companionship with characters with their own deep storylines that intersect with the main plot etc, with the customizable hero and the cast of their companions at the center of an SP story. and no online team members, no live service etc.
The world of Thedas itself is still my favorite ‘character’ :D
Warden, Hawke, Inquisitor mention. 🥺
I don’t mind one way or the other about most gameplay specifics. Some of the aspects of combat gameplay (of course, I’m just guessing based on reading some lines in an article atm), like the pausing the action and the ability wheel to give orders, sound like ME: Andromeda gameplay, and Andromeda had good gameplay/combat gameplay that was fun and fluid to play.
One thing I am 😔 about tho is the change of party size from 3 companions to 2. I love Mass Effect and it’s a 3-person squad in that series too (and it works well ofc both in terms of gameplay and dynamics), but I’ll still miss having 3 companions with me in DA :< esp in a game with such a focus on the characters/companions. What can I say, I’m just a blorbo hoarder. I’ll also miss all party members being directly controllable.
I wonder if the 7 companions (seven is a lucky number ^^) will have a class split like 2 warrior/2 rogue/2 mages+1 ‘unique/special’ companion (e.g. Dog, Shale – maybe the flaming head Skellington?) or +1‘extra/secret’ companion or something (e.g. Loghain).
Also, speculatively, being that we’ve never had a qunari woman as a companion before, I hope one is a qunari woman, and since we’ve never had a dwarf woman as a companion before in a ‘main’ game (ily sigrun), I hope one will be a dwarf woman. That also makes me curious about the race and gender split of the 7. Maybe it’s like 2 humans/2 elves/1 qunari/1 dwarf/1 ‘unique or special’ (e.g. Shale)..? Maybe it’s like 3 men/3 women/1 nonbinary person, or the first 6 are a mix of men, women and nonbinary people, and the seventh is something like Dog or a spirit or something?
There were 6 companions in ME1. In DAII, there were 8 in the base game (Seb was DLC), but Bethany/Carver were only around for part of the game. today one of the main things people love most about DAII is its cast of companions. ^^ also, with the way the devs talk about the companions, it's giving "Found Family" trope vibes. that's another thing that people love a lot about DAII. ^^
will it just be the 7 of us, like the crew in DA2? Will it be like in DA:I, where the organization (Inquisition/Veilguard in this case) has main figures/an inner circle, but also commands other people? Or will it be like Mass Effect, where you have a crew which is comprised of companions (in this case 7) who join you on the field as well as a few other developed characters that hang out at ‘home base’? on the number paring down from 9 to 7, I’d rather quality and depth over quantity. In ME2, Kasumi and Zaeed (as DLC) didn’t have proper conversations on the ship. I wonder if “pare down” refers to it being versus the number of companions we had in DA:I, or whether at some point in development of DA:TV there used to be more than 7 companions and some were cut.
each of the 7 companions is from/represents a different faction. For example, while not stated to be a companion in the trailer he was revealed in, it's common speculation that he is, and Davrin is a Grey Warden. Going by the 4 factions Varric and Harding deal with in The Missing, surely 4 of these companion backstory factions in DA:TV are the Grey Wardens, the Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons. And the other 3..? the Lords of Fortune are a new addition to the lore that have also been prominent in recent material. A Grey Warden, an Antivan Crow, and a Veil Jumper walk into a bar.. : ) the composition of The Veilguard is reminding me of Duncan’s words about the Grey Wardens: “Men and women from every race, warriors and mages, barbarians and kings.”
some more wild speculation on the 7 factions.
1. Davrin - the Grey Wardens
2. Bellara - ??
3. Harding - Inquisition/Inquisition remnants (I do not think Varric is a companion)
then, based on prominence in previous promo material and The Missing etc -
4. A Lord of Fortune
5. A Veil Jumper (STRIFE PLS!!!)
6. An Antivan Crow
7. A Shadow Dragon
or… this prev concept art (bearing in mind it might represent nothing at all except ‘general mood’ & no specific actual characters, or be from a different version of the game before a reboot or before cuts etc, who knows) shows 8 characters. could it be the 7 companions and the Player Character? Skellington Guy (green flaming skull guy) could easily be the (speculative!!) ‘unique/special 7th one’, assuming a 2/2/2 warrior-rogue-mage classbreak down among the other 6 (which is speculation only too ofc). lmk what you think : )
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I’m nervous about upsetting or getting the new companions killed already HH.
It’s nice to read how strongly they feel about the new characters and their stories.  
I’m so excited to explore all the regions and varied biomes.
I’m still not clear/sure on whether “you can romance the companions you want” means all 7 companions are bi/pan+, or that there are no non-romanceable companions among the 7 (like no Stens or Varrics), or whether it was more like a general off-hand comment that can’t be read into that much.
I wonder if the Varric-narrated in-game cinematic from 1 year ago plays at the start of the game? Or after we meet Varric?
here is a link to a ramble/speculation about the new logo/icon.
All of Thedas is at risk from a big, scary new threat. As we know, Solas was never the only being interested in the Veil and its removal or destruction. (you can also outline lots of reasons why it should be brought down, like the way the world used to be, elven immortality, the effect on mages/magic etc). it’s also long been theorized that Solas isn’t the main threat/main antagonist in DA4, and maybe more like the Dragon to someone/something else, or a figure like Loghain in DA:O, who you can kill or convince to join you in your fight against the real overarching threat, in that case the Blight. Corypheus broke the Veil in the Red Lyrium future. Demons always want to cross it. the Evanuris are trapped in some way that involves the Veil being in place. Flemythal can never achieve true vengeance while her killers are sleeping or imprisoned somewhere she can’t reach. The Bio25 book says that “The Evil Gods have Thedas in their sights” and that “shadows of the past stir”. It also says that the “Deep Roads teem with evils both new and old”. There are theories about a double Blight. The most recent trailer has someone gushing “Glory to the Risen Gods. They’ve come to deliver this world”. Tevinter Nights hints at fck-knows-what – places and beings, “past the Veil of our world, neither demon nor spirit”, things with chthonic kinda vibes. Etc. a threat being “unleashed” has the implication of someone let something go.. or someone.. let something in... there are also other groups and beings to consider, like the Old Gods, the Forgotten Ones, the Executors.
I thought this phrasing from the IGN article was interesting, though it's not a direct quote from Gary. “Solas, who helped create the Veil, now wants to destroy it.” Helped create? Until now it was more like “Solas created the Veil”. Helped who..? 👁️
The other evil threats/the real threats, these ‘other gods’ (Gary McKay mentions them twice: “it might not just be Solas”, “the Dread Wolf is not the only god” you need be worried about), are surely the upside-down figures in this mural, right? Surely they are the “Evil Gods” (whoever /they/ are) mentioned in the Bio25 book, right? :D
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