mithwitch · 4 months
zygodactylus/jewish-kulindadromeus/a-dinosaur-a-day DEFINITELY NOT BEING RACIST below:
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N O N Z I O N I S T !!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it :)
one more time:
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veliseraptor · 18 days
For the never have I ever, would you ever do Gabriel/Jerott or Lymond/Gabriel/Jerott and if yes how?
I actually have a doc for a Lymond/Gabriel/Jerott fic in my WIP folder. that I haven't really actually started writing for, admittedly, but it exists! hypothetically!
I have a whole bunch of notes in there, including a copy-pasted conversation with you, actually, talking about the concept, and the following:
Samson & Delilah
Lot’s Wife
Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
Adam and Eve (Lymond as sin-equals-worldliness, Gabriel as God)
Gabriel playing like ‘oh I Have Never Done This Before’ (he has)
2 Corinthians 11:14 - "And no maruayle: for Satan him selfe is chaunged into the fassyon of an angell of light."
which, figures I got to the "stuff that would probably end up using footnotes" (because I'd be going to the Latin or the Great Bible translation) before getting to the actual. you know. story.
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gloriousmonsters · 4 months
Thuvia scraps >:3
Also Leave No Trace?
Alright! For those who don't know, I am a semi-conflicted fan of the Barsoom series, a pulp sci-fi/planetary romance in the 1910s ->. It has some fascinating/fun ideas and characters I love, but especially as the series goes onward it varies wildly in quality.
One of the greatest victims of quality dips is the first novel not focused on the original main characters--Thuvia, Maid of Mars. Thuvia was a side character with a fascinating premise--she'd been a slave in Barsoom's 'heaven' (actually a multi-era religious scam run by Therns--white supremacists, because you can't even escape those on Mars) for thirtyish years, and clearly had a ton of trauma and knowledge banked up from that, so a book focused on her should have slapped... but aside from a few moments, she's just turned into a bland copy of the original FMC for the duration of her book.
One of my most 'idk if this will ever happen in significant capacity, but I will THINK about it' projects is just. rewriting/writing novels spinning off the ideas of the Barsoom series, and Thuvia's novel is the only one I've written bits of so far. I have a huge fondness for her, and she's such an interesting character to examine religious/emotional/sexual trauma through. speaking of
It's Him, in the shadows.
It can't be. She knows it, but that doesn't banish the specter--no matter how many times she replays the memory in her head, wearing it as thin as old silk. The twitch of the gun in her hand, the twitch of her finger that had depressed the button. His mouth open to say something else, something that she'd never know. The crack of the explosion, the hole it had ripped in His face. The convulsive shudder that worked its way through her body, emerging as the word that had hissed from her mouth. Beast.
Not a god. Gods didn't bleed. Gods didn't die.
But in a way He hadn't died, had He? He was still with her. Every man whose face she couldn't see. Every hand that touched her unexpectedly. Every shout from far away enough to become distorted to her ears. The bed that was too soft, because the nights she shared His bed had been worse than the nights she slept on the floor. The way certain men saw her now--saw her and knew, somehow, or that was how it seemed. The apathy and fear that alternately bound and hobbled her--that bound her now, frozen to the spot, merely staring at the stealthy motion in the shadows. Not screaming, not backing away.
Simply watching for the gleam of yellow hair, the flash of a gem.
leave no trace under the cut because this is long enough already :P
goddd i love this one even though it hasn't quite taken shape enough to devote my attention to. rough blurb
It follows Luz Schreiber, a new Girl Scout troop leader who's driving some of her new troop to an event in another state when her car hits some spikes in the middle of the woods, then is fully disabled when she turns her back. There's no reception and nothing around for miles... except, she realizes, an summer camp site that's been abandoned since some lunatic beheaded a kid there decades ago. Still, it's the only shelter available, so they head there to hole up as they try and plan how to outsmart their unseen enemy, which the girls whole-heartedly believe is the killer from the camp, back for revenge.
Luz has enough to deal with, trying to keep them safe as they encounter more traps and near-fatal attacks. She doesn't know how to tell them, or if she should tell them something that might make them scatter, put them all in danger--that she knows their theory is wrong. That she was the lunatic who beheaded someone at camp decades ago.
If you're familiar with Sleepaway Camp, yes, this is inspired by Sleepaway Camp, although my Angela-derived character only committed one, semi-accidental murder. If you don't know Sleepaway Camp, the villain is a quiet weird girl named Angela who's revealed to be trans at the end of the movie for shock value, after getting naked with a boy she then kills, presumably, we're supposed to assume, for reacting badly.
The one scene I've written so far, which I'd post except it's 2 pages and i can't excerpt any part neatly lol, is Luz reflecting on her version of that incident--wherein the boy she revealed herself as trans to attempted to drown her in the lake, and she wound up killing him in self-defense. I absolutely love the gimmick I did with it, which is that Luz has his life flash before her eyes as she's drowning instead of her own--as in, she sees how events will unfold, how he'll get away even without jail time and get married and have a good life while she's completely erased from history, and it's deciding no, fuck that that gives her the strength to fight back.
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sugarbabywenkexing · 9 months
& how about Güzel as well bc I don’t think we (fandom) talk enough about her and she only thinks she’s hinged.
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*I mean we know why she's like this, it's the harem
Güzel I think suffers from the same thing as Margaret in not exactly fitting the narrative role this bingo board is going for, but she gets the added bonus of "They are insane ✨" for posting a special little present to Lymond in TRC that blew my mind
She's a power-hungry bisexual who also causes problems on purpose. I want to know everything about her and Marthe because I know it was a disaster but rip to me because Dorothy Dunnett used all her implications and subtext on toxic m/m relationships
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mrsgojosatoru · 2 years
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I DO have thoughts on the manga. I think it’s important to remember that the manga is like essentially just a pitch for the Utena show. I feel a little bad for Chiho Saito because she was faced with such pressure for censorship and Ikuhara could do whatever he wanted because he had already directed the third season of Sailor Moon. 
The Utena manga is like a watered down RGU tbh. Possibly do to the censorship Saito faced, where as Ikuhara expresses the queer elements of the show so much better. (Saito’s Utena is different, especially because like the relationship between her and Touga is more like that in Adolescence of Utena.) 
But both are very much like the love between women is what will save us. 
It’s kind of hard to have a lot of thoughts about it. I read it after watching the anime which is like ... one of the best things I have ever watched period. So it sort of feels like it’s not giving you enough. It’s not hitting the same critique Ikuhara did. And yeah it feels less like a Queer romance until the very end when Utena has gone missing and Anthy assumes the role of “Prince”. 
Now I do think though that it works in conjunction with the show + the Adolescence of Utena + After the Revolution (which is currently on my shelf I just haven’t had the time to read it yet.) But I think that like the stories weave together with Anthy as the protagonist. 
Considering Anthy is basically a reality warping all powerful goddess (made explicitly clear by the manga) she keeps expressing this power as a way to break free from the patriarchy. So you get these ends where Anthy becomes the prince --- > Anthy leaves the dueling system behind --- > there never was a prince at all, he was always rotten and this crumbling system is trying to hold her back and keep her and everyone else there. ----> It is time for everyone else to get free. 
I think the thing about Utena that always like ... it grips me in such a way is that the real message Ikuhara sends is that it is such a clear message about the patriarchy and that fighting within the confines of it will never allow for freedom. To break free, the whole thing must be destroyed. The dueling games can’t exist without Anthy, Akio’s power is destroyed the second she leaves, there is nothing for him his power is all false and it was all dependent on Anthy’s subjugation. 
And that the way we break free from this cycle of violence, is to lift each other up and love one another. And that quite literally, the love of Utena is what saves Anthy. Like this idea that the love we have for one another is the truest, most revolutionary act. That love transcends violence. And back to the queer themes of the text, the love that Anthy and Utena have for one another saves them. 
Honestly I could like say a lot more, like this isn’t even going into the concept of the rose bride, as a reading of the institution of marriage. The foil of Nanami. The way Juri attempts to play by the rules of the dueling game while being a lesbian. The way Ikuhara doesn’t give you a single redeeming man, and yet at the same time those men are victims of the dueling game too, the concept of Anthy as a “witch” -- like I truly could go on and on about Utena. 
And I love that we’re meant to. 
But yeah as far as the manga goes, I think it’s good for lore + looking at it as a beginning to the story, the first chapter. It works tied to the show, but without the show I think sadly it’d be pretty forgettable. 
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archaeocommunologist · 5 months
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There isn't any point talking to people who are committed to misunderstanding you, but do these people understand how apologies work? Have they never apologized for something before? It's weird.
I did stop sending rape threats years ago. That's a statement of fact. I made that statement in response to tributary et al. saying that I was CURRENTLY sending rape threats, which is not true. But to dishonest shitheads, even attempting to correct obvious falsehood is taken as being unrepentant.
Look, I understand that dumbfucks like tributary believe the only acceptable apology on my part would be to disappear forever, but I'm not obligated to care. If I apologize for bad behavior and am told "I will only accept this apology if you kill yourself," refusing to commit suicide does not make my apology insincere. You're not my friend or my sponsor, I am not interested in your forgiveness, I do not want you to think well of me, and I do not give a shit what these soft-Zionists think of my conduct. We are God's people and we grovel before no one.
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venndaai · 1 year
2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 20 for Robin/Lymond :3
2. What song fits your pairing the most?
You were so right when you picked Easier Than Lying.
5. Favorite canon moment of them?
It's so hard to pick, but I think it's gotta be the steeplechase. This brief, tiny glimpse at a potential partnership that could be something joyful for them both, but was already doomed from the start.
9. Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?
The way that they're both insane and deserve each other. The way they make each other better and also way worse. The way that one of them is the author's beloved Mary Sue to end all Mary Sues and in QP he gets a love interest who is the last person anyone would want to date and they get the most dramatic crazy tragic romance I've ever read.
11. If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?
This really depends on what you mean by "canon" and "together", because one easy answer is "prevent O'Liamroe from walking into that room for another 30 seconds," but in terms of like. Getting them to confess feelings and hang out in a declaredly romantic fashion, as we've discussed, I want to rearrange things so Lymond gets to Robin at the end just in time to save him but the near-loss prompts him to talk about his feelings for once. Then Robin has to hide out at Sevigny for a while because he's still an outlaw, and Lymond is there too for a bit and they banter and bite their way into bed together.
12. If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?
I don't know what fandom particularly, but I think they deserve to be in fantasy or science fiction. ...I never got far with the Vorkosigan books, but something like that maybe- the French court would work pretty well as a decadent space empire court.
20. What made you decide to ship them?
So Robin fully stole my heart during the cheetah fiasco, and I started shipping it in the sense of loving Robin's disaster feelings during the steeple chase, but the ship didn't take over my heart and mind until the reveal that Lymond had known Robin was the assassin ever since the cheetah and had been going to extreme lengths to try to save and redeem him. Robin is the most pathetic unappealing garbage man in 1500s Europe, and Francis Crawford of Lymond, God's Specialest Sexy Princess, who generally does not hesitate to kill people who get in his way, decided he was going to risk it all over and over for this garbage heap human being. And that was so beautiful I couldn't help but fall in love.
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erotetica · 2 years
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@stripedroseandsketchpads a formal she
I do commissions
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audible-smiles · 1 year
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I’m actually a certified veterinary technician, roughly equivalent in training and job responsibilities to a registered nurse. :)
to be completely honest in this circumstance I was taking my cat’s meds, which to be clear I absolutely don’t recommend doing. I just happen to be familiar enough with the drugs in question to feel safe doing it, and I was also in the kind of pain where stopping it becomes your top priority. besides the nerve pain, it was 3am and I knew that the gabapentin would also help me sleep.
many drugs we use in veterinary medicine are just human pharmaceuticals used off-label. so we often use the exact same drugs from the same manufactures. keep in mind that different species metabolize drugs differently, so the dosages involved are usually not the same as in human medicine; for example cats are very sensitive to NSAIDS because they are comparatively worse at glucuronidation, a metabolic process that occurs in the liver. we have veterinary specific NSAIDS for them, but still have to use them carefully.
drugs are just drugs and mammals are just mammals, but you have to be familiar with the quirks of the specific drugs and specific mammals in question, or you can fuck up.
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ameliarating · 2 years
@stripedroseandsketchpads replied to your post “Is there a viki-style place where I can legally...”:
How censored is censored?
​I’m not sure exactly because I haven’t watched the censored version, but I believe the sex is censored and the episodes seem to be a bit shorter in general. The show is very violent but very rarely gory. Usually lots of blood but no guts, which honestly is my sweet spot. Unfortunately the English subtitles always censor the swearing - even when characters are speaking and/or swearing in English.
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veliseraptor · 7 months
Can I request both your Lymond fics for WIP meme?
you sure can!!! i mean, you know the one, et ipsi sunt jacula is the not h/c h/c aka the one where an exhausted and overtaxed lymond collapses during the disorderly knights and gabriel is like. let me :) help you :) and. you know. is obviously very helpful and solicitous and just interested in helping lymond feel better! psych.
it's slow-going as all of my lymond fic is, because i get distracted by things that are easier to write and then go back and read what i have and go "oh but this is fun though and also i do enjoy the research bits and the footnotes" so I'll write another 100 words in it and then get distracted again. this ask is nudging me to get back to it and continue that cycle. part of my problem (you may be noticing a theme) is I don't actually know how I'm going to finish the damn thing. maybe I can cheat and just leave it open.
for the curious, "et ipsi sunt jacula" is a line from the vulgate bible, psalm 54:22 (55:22 in a modern bible): "molliti sunt sermones ejus super oleum; et ipsi sunt jacula." according to the RJPS translation, the line can be translated (from the Hebrew) as "his talk was smoother than butter, yet his mind was on war"; the vulgate latin translates more directly as "their speech was softer than oil, but they themselves are (like) arrows."
“Ah,” Lymond said. “Behold, Ganelon.” “Francis,” Gabriel said, in a tone of gentle reproach. “Where do you think you are going?”  “To Roncevaux, surely,” Lymond said, “that I will mort en conquérant. If you come to fence, I think I will make poor sport.” “I do not come to fence.” Gabriel closed the distance between them in slow strides; Lymond did not flinch back, but looked up at him, an obstinate cast to the line of his jaw for all his pallor and visible weakness.  “But you will make sport nonetheless.” “Sport?” Gabriel shook his head slowly. “No. Why do you assume I am your enemy, Francis?”  “Ta suka suka, ten skaphen de skaphen onomason,” said Lymond, unmoved. No flicker of displeasure disturbed the handsome face of the man watching him as he reached out, laying hands on his shoulders. 
the second one, haec olim meminisse iuvabit, is (meant to be) a post-series richard and lymond fic, specifically one where richard finds out what happened with khaireddin and the chess game, because I am an absolute sucker for brotherly angst and i think it would make sense of some more of lymond's behavior afterwards. this one came out because i realized that richard didn't know and went "ah, but he should!" and then realized that would make for fun post-series drama as the two of them are figuring out how to have a relationship after all the upheaval throughout the series.
also considering if I want to have marthe still alive just because i can and possibly the answer is yes, because, again, i can.
the title on this one comes from the aeneid: "forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit" or, as I translated it in my epigraph, "perhaps someday it will please us to remember even this."
I get to be so pretentious with my lymond titles and I will not stop.
“I assume that Graham Reid Malett is dead.” Richard kept the words short and blunt, but saw no reaction.  “Le roi est mort. I killed him in a chess game.” The words were spoken with exact equanimity; Richard cast his gaze sidelong and narrowed, and stayed silent, waiting. The fine-featured face was a mask, inscrutable and unbreakable.  “To see the way you look at the boy,” Richard said, “one could not believe that you crossed much of the known world for him.” Lymond was quiet. He propelled himself to his feet, turned, and walked a few steps away, long-fingered hands folding behind his back. “Kuzum is not my son. He is Joleta’s. By her brother.”  Richard took a sharp breath. “You are certain?” “Yes.” Lymond’s voice was level, empty of feeling. Richard waited, but he said no more. “Does Philippa know?”  “Perhaps. Perhaps not. I haven’t told her. She loves him, and he her.”  Richard stood slowly and approached Lymond. “And what of your son?” he asked quietly, almost against his own will. Lymond was silent for a long while, but Richard did not press him, sensing that to do so would be a grave mistake.“Not oats, but wheat of blood...he died,” Lymond said. “In a chess game.”
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sardonyyx · 5 months
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15I THINK60s magnus and 1852 marius
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
How about heart hands bone?
just realized i still had this in my inbox D: @svetlacreates asked about it as well! I have a fun little one-line pitch for this one - a baker, a monster and a prince go searching for the bones of a saint, in a town built on the remains of a fairy-tale forest. And have the opening, bc it currently has my favorite/most complete-feeling opening of any of my projects rn.
Four a.m, the rotting fairytown docks. A scream. It was the kind of setting made for a fucked-up fairytale, something full of blood and love and horror, except Katinka was in it.  She had stepped off her usual route due to half of Rosemary Lane being cordoned off, staffed by people in hazmat suits milling around a broken place in the pavement; in the glimpse Katinka had gotten, she could tell it was a gut-tree cracking the road again. The soil was being moved away and the machines were digging deeper still, lifting pieces of bloody meatlike roots out into the light of the street lamps, still steaming faintly and twitching, like a beating heart.  Ma’am, you shouldn’t be breathing the air around here, one of the hazmat suits had called out--gesturing broadly to their face, ensuring she caught the meaning. Please be careful. Katinka hadn’t argued; hadn’t panicked, either, just raised a hand in agreement and cut down the nearest side street. When you lived cheek by jowl with fairytown, you got kind of complacent about the gut-trees, the spores and scents they might put out. Besides, the route she was being forced to divert to was a lot more dangerous--if Katinka had any fear to spare, she’d keep it for the Bandit King.
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sugarbabywenkexing · 9 months
Ooh also. Margaret Douglas.
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I feel like a lot of these are too affectionate to apply to my feelings about Margaret? She's incredibly compelling despite being really awful and every time she shows up I'm like YEAH Margaret's back she's going to cause problems on purpose
She doesn't exactly inspire the desire to protect, and if I'm in whump mode she's more likely to be doing the hurting so that knocks way too many squares out as options for her
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veilchenjaeger · 2 years
Women only from here on out!
If you have things to say about women, want to support your local lesbian, or just feel like enriching the experience of your enclosure, feel free to:
Send a prompt that I could turn into a ficlet
Share your favourite headcanons/meta observations about female characters/wlw ships
Ask me things about female characters/wlw ships, if you're interested in reading me talk even more
Recommend shows/movies/books/fics about women/wlw
Vent about anything re.: fandom and women
Submit pictures of Xuan Lu
Whatever else you can think of
Either on this post or in the ask box.
Genderbends are included!
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archaeocommunologist · 3 months
These pitiful little victims are the true epitome of keyboard warriors. Absolutely contemptible. Worthy of nothing but scorn. Stop fucking talking about me, you neonate. Find some other smart funny communist to tilt at.
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