#strong whumpee
whump-kia · 14 days
i like my whumpees STRONG. some notable ones as follows:
leader whumpees. constantly thinking, constantly moving. they've a team to organize. they're relied on constantly, and with a head and shoulders strong enough to handle the pressure. but the shame when they're hurt. the agony knowing their image as undaunted is tarnished. and love returned tenfold as their team holds them up as long as they need to--"You're not alone, Boss. we got you. let us help."
protector whumpees. reckless thoughts to throw themselves in front of danger because they can take the hit, but no one else can. scars and muscles and training and taking it upon themselves to wear each broken piece with pride because it's another person they saved. until one day, they nearly do die. and it takes the whole team to remember they're not a meatshield. they're a person.
medic whumpees. they know how to hold a suture needle better than anyone; they know the dose of morphine to take after a bone is set; they know what angle to press a hand in while checking for broken ribs. no one else does, though. so when they're finally beat into submission, it doesn't matter how much pain they're in, because they have to stay awake, stay calm, and keep their inexperienced caretaker steady, while they talk through each movement done on their own body.
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jordanstrophe · 3 months
I love it when whumpee isn't used to having a caretaker. They're always standing alone in the face of danger, but suddenly caretaker grabs their arm, yanks whumpee behind them and yell "Don't you dare lay a finger on them"
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hey-that-hurt · 4 months
I love minimal restraints that are still more than enough to prevent the whumpee from fighting back.
Restraints that behave like kryptonite, sucking the strength out of whumpee until they are as weak as any normal person— or weaker. They could be chains, or cuffs, or even a mere necklace. They won’t come off, and their overwhelming presence is always felt.
Restraints that serve as a threat. Explosive anklets. Shock collars. It’s painful, being able to move freely. It forces the whumpee to become their own restraints, to take part in their own imprisonment.
I love restraints that don’t need to be bulky to keep someone down.
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auroragehenna · 5 months
This might be controversial but
Give me Whumpee‘s that win. And I don’t mean rescued. Give me Whumpee‘s that frustrate Whumper. Give me Whumpee‘s that don‘t break, that escape, that kill Whumper-Too much of a crack on Whumper‘s ego.
Give me Whumpee’s that win.
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acer-gaysimpstuff · 8 days
Volunteer whumpee
Why did they volunteer to be whumped?
Could they not handle the idea of someone else getting hurt?
Were they certain they could handle it?
Did they think it would be fun? Exciting? An epic story to tell?
Did they do it to get information on whumper? To get on the inside to rescue another whumpee?
Were they the only one that could survive something specific like a virus or spell?
Is there some kind of personal relationship between them and whumper? Or better, do they hate caretaker so much they’d go to whumper to get away?
Do they crave the pain? Feel like they deserve it, need it?
Or did they do it just because someone else asked them to, and they couldn’t refuse?
If they were asked, who asked them? Whumper? Another whumpee? Or caretaker?
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Pain that shows itself in aggression. Whumpees who lash out with whatever they have, be it fang and claw, or tooth and nail. Whumpees who snarl and growl and fight when faced by hurt, only adding fuel to fight.
So what made them finally stop? Finally lay down, choking on sobs and clutching the wound? What forced them to accept help, to let their aggression be replaced by helplessness?
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Secretly powerful teammates.
Think someone going to strike at a character and them not having the reflexes quick enough to stop it. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, their teammate known to be weak (maybe the only one who stays out of the action) not only protects them, but lunges at the attacker with a cold look on their face the team has never seen before. Them winning, to the surprise of the team, but getting slightly hurt in the midst of the battle. Afterwards, the character being highly in shock over the unfamiliar actions of the teammate and worrying over their graze as they convince themself that they must be going crazy. There’s no way their innocent, feeble teammate could be capable of something like that.
The teammate lightly commenting that they had hardly noticed the injury and instead turning their attention to making sure the character is safe. Them wanting to care for the stuttering, confused character, suddenly seeming much bigger and more mature than ever before, but being stopped in their tracks by the approaching team. The team, who had been taken aback by the sudden change in the teammate, confronting them about their actions and true strength, while simultaneously trying to discreetly lead them to an area to get treated. The teammate eventually realizing this and saying that the injury was hardly a scratch the couldn’t even notice and that they’d had far worse. The team becoming horrified at the notion that their “weakest” member could ever have handled worse. Shocked because they thought of the teammate as someone they always needed to protect, someone they couldn’t imagine getting even slightly hurt.
Then the teammate having to convince the team that they’re really fine, and going back to normal afterwards. But the team never really recovering from seeing the other side to the teammate and thinking of them differently from before.
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beechovenwhump · 1 year
OK for real u guys i need help.
What are some whump tropes you guys like to apply to more staunch, powerful whumpees? I'm talking leader of the pack types, like they're the one paying the ransom for their members yk?
They're the people I want to whump the most and there's just very little out there because they're difficult!!!
Like here's my issue:
Kidnapping them kind of works, but you kind of have to bend everything or slightly break a dynamic with whoever is normally the whumper because Kidnapping the big boss doesn't really make a lot of financial sense.
Hurting or torturing them in general doesn't work that well for information because if they're the leader then whumper might as well just kill them?
Sick fic is about all I can seem to think of for these guys and that doesn't really sate my thirst yk.
Pls let me know if you can think of any clever work-arounds, or what you use in your own writing 💖
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whump Snippet Saturday #15
“Okay. O-okay. You got this. You can do this,” whumpee mutters as they try to steady their hands, needle and thread between bloody fingers. It’s slippery, almost too slippery to get anything done. The worst thing, however, is the pain.
Whumpee knows they shouldn’t complain, and bite down on the end of their shirt they lifted up to get better access to their wound. Winces and small whimpers escape their lips as they do their best to stitch themselves up, hand getting shakier by the minute.
“A-almost done.” The shirt slips out of their mouth, just as they finish this little work of art. Breathing shakily, whumpee closes their eyes and leans back, head resting against the cold wall they sit in front of. “C’mon, bandage this shit and you’re ready to go.”
They don’t know how or why it helps to talk to themselves, but it’s easier to get shit done. Whumpee’s never been one to hype themselves up, but in this case it’s better than just falling unconscious and bleeding out.
A pained groan rings in their ears as they manage to get up from the floor, grabbing onto whatever they can find to support and pull themselves up. “See? That wasn’t … wasn’t so bad.” Whumpee wipes the cold sweat from their forehead and make their way to find the rest of the team.
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whump-kia · 3 months
nothing hotter than a suck-it-up whumpee. no one needs to know they're hurting, they can last a little longer, surely. shoulders back, heavy breathing. they can handle it. eyes lifted, bracing themselves against the pain or the fever. clenching and unclenching fists, gritting their teeth and surging forward. there's work to be done, now. a bit of blood won't stop them from doing their damn job.
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jordanstrophe · 5 months
I love it when a high-status caretaker adopts a nobody whumpee. I also love a high-status whumpee getting adopted by a nobody caretaker, who has no idea who whumpee is, but whumpee adores it because someone is treating them like a normal person for the first time.
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hey-that-hurt · 8 months
Make your recovering proud, strong whumpee revert to subservience during a flashback. Have them cowering, pleading for mercy, promising to do whatever they’re told in front of everyone who once saw them as untouchable.
Make one of their peers assume that the whumpee is totally fine— how could they not be? — and accidentally be the cause of the flashback because they treated them with the same aggression they always have.
Make your whumpee wonder how they could ever possibly recover if they can’t even be okay around the people closest to them.
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doggonewhumper · 6 months
Whumpcember 19 & 20
Exhaustion, Drugged
tw syringe
While the man was gone, Stella tried to take a peak inside his bag. It was left open on the table, in easy reach if only her arms weren't cuffed down. She stretched her neck, but it wasn't enough. She gave up after a while.
The man walked back in as she started to doze off, head hanging. He clapped his hands, startling her awake. Stella put herself back together quickly, glaring at the man.
"A little tired?" the man asked, grinning. Stella refused to answer. The man shrugged. "I'll let you sleep, even give you a bed, if you answer my questions."
"Never," Stella said. Her hands were in fists in the cuffs. The man only shrugged again, walking towards his bag. Stella stiffened, the smell of burnt hair still fresh in her mind. Would he burn her skin this time? Whatever he pulled out, she was sure she could take it. Mostly.
The man pulled out a syringe, tapping it lightly to remove any air bubbles. He pulled the cap off, turning to Stella. She refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her struggle, so she sat stock still as he poked her, injecting her with... something. It didn't hurt any worse than any vaccine she had received in her life. He did it with practiced ease, although Stella doubted the man had any actual medical training. Didn't doctors have a thing about not causing harm?
"I'll bet you're wondering what that does," the man said, watching her. Stella glared, schooling her expression. The man grinned. "No? You'll figure it out, eventually. In the mean time..." The man pulled a taser out of the bag, turning it on. The buzz caused a shiver to run down Stella's spine, but she did her best to hide it. He jabbed it into her arm, the same one he injected her in, and she saw white.
Stella's throat hurt. Her body hurt. Her arm hurt. Above all, she was so, so tired. She had probably been awake for a full 24 hours at this point, but she had discovered what the injection did while she was being electrocuted. She couldn't fall asleep, nor could she even fall unconscious. The drug kept her awake to feel all of the pain she was put through. It had been hours, and it still hadn't worn off yet. When would it wear off!? Her eyes felt heavy, but it didn't matter if she closed them or not. The heaviness remained, and she remained in the present, twitching still from the electricity. The torture had officially started, and it felt far worse than she could've imagined. So she sat, awake, waiting for the drug to wear off so she could fall into blissful sleep, or unconsciousness at the very least.
Then the man came back into the room, carrying another syringe.
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leafywritingwhump · 2 years
Whumpee has a reputation for being a ruthless warrior, but in actuality, has a heart of gold and full of compassion. Their circumstances simply forced them into their position, and their team-turned-family is well aware of it.
Whumper and their crew, however, weren't quite expecting it. But they're not going to pass up a chance get back at the infamous Whumpee, holding Teammate at weapon-point, and cornering Whumpee. Whumpee now has to make a decision. They're powerful enough to get out of their situation, but in doing so, Whumper promises harm to Teammate. But if they surrender, then their team will be captured by Whumper.
Whumpee's weapon drops to the ground.
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whumppromptoftheday · 2 years
a whumpee who, given the change, could kill whumper with one blow who can’t do anything. there are no restraints, no guns pointed at their head, nothing stopping them from killing whumper. except for the promise that whumpee [child, parent, lover, mentor, ect.] will die if whumpee so much as blinks for too long
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I love when the whumpee is a character who is usually strong, either emotionally or physically. When they are accustomed to be respected and feared is so much more interesting to see them in Whump. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
 just saying that when I see a character who is stoic, intimidating, strong, fearless, etc. Im like “put that beast in a situation”
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