#styles and vibrates
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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So, I started watching Link Click...
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autism-swagger · 8 months
Since the identity of the Sweet Sixteen Killer is known in Timeline 2, I don't think it would be as big of a part of the town's identity as it in Timeline 1. So I propose that the big unsolved mystery the town builds itself around in Timeline 2 isn't the killings.
It's Jamie.
The supposed exchange student who was only in town for five days, who knew things she shouldn't (couldn't) have, who disappeared without a trace and, when looked into, never even existed to begin with.
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toxooz · 3 months
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The journey beGINSSSS still waiting for the thermal printer to get here so until then im in nervous freehand doodle hell ⚰️ gunna work on lineart a little more b4 I move onto shading then color so I don't get 🎉overwhelmed 🎉
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mascindulgence · 2 years
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toxic fugitive roadtrip rubyklaasje tweet has never left my mindscape
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image description under read more:
[Image description.The first image depicts Klaasje and Ruby from video game disco elysium standing next to each other with disgruntled expressions. Klaasje has choppy hair that is blonde at the tips and brown at the roots. She has bangs covering one eye and hair tucked behind one ear. She is sporting dark brown combat boots, faded blue jeans, a stained white t-shirt and a brown flannel shirt that is hanging off one shoulder. There is text around her with arrows reading: “badly cut”, “outgrown roots” and “Ruby’s old clothes”. Ruby stands next to her. Her hairstyle is reminiscent from the game but her hair is blonde at the roots with splashes of pink, light blue and purple. She has a blue headset hanging around her neck, a dark grey tank top that is slightly cropped, black fingerless gloves, dark green dungarees with the straps hanging down the sides of her legs and brown hiking boots. Her arms are covered in geometric tattoos and light body hair. She is holding onto the shoulder straps of a backpack. There is text around her with an arrow pointing to her hair reading “badly bleached”. There is text between the two that is pointing with two arrows to the both of them reading: “mutual hatred”. The second image is a screenshot of a tweet from user “yimmygee” with the display name “they got hoes in yharnam?” the tweet reads: “my dream for a disco elysium sequel/epilogue is klaasje and ruby running into each other as fugitives and having the worst sex together in ruby’s hotwired lorry covered in pinup film posters that klaasje keeps slyly mocking while they’re on the most resentful road trip imaginable”. End ID.]
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laxibbeb · 2 years
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ok you extra bitch \/last minute decision to include a face close up\/
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solargeist · 3 months
It hurt in the beginning, but it hurt much MUCH more later on. You aren't even really aware that things are happening to you. They are subtle like that. After all, They have had the chance to prefect this process down to almost the second of becoming like Them.
Unfortunately, the perfected method is very painful. You feel it in your bones. Just a dull ache that makes you think of growing pains as a child. Something that once was easy to do; no longer works for how your body is structured (like climbing a tree or how when you used to cry, it would always be with tears that made your face too hot).
The shift from bones to being in your muscles would seemingly happen over night. Tendons feeling too rubbery and bendable and cartilage always became brittle. The nosebleeds became normal, and you are reassured that it is normal. (After all, it is to them.)
Eventually, it buzzes under your skin. Sometimes it feels like a phone vibrating under anywhere that might have blood, but then others it's impossible not to think of their being insects just under the first layer. (There are no bugs in the End. You know that. At least, you haven't seen any Endermites...) You hear it in your ear drums. Your teeth rattle ever so slightly in a way that makes your jaw hurt. The perpetual motion makes stomachs easier to upset and falling asleep almost impossible.
But eventually, after sitting too long in discomfort, you find out the meaning of these sorenesses. It is so much easier to mold something if it has been made pliable. They desire to bend, to snap, to stretch you as far as you'll go and then go farther.
Watchers are massive things in their fullness. Large and hulking creatures that can blot out the sun at their full hight. But one simply does get to being that size naturally. No, they had to be pulled up; spines and fingers being elongated, arms and legs extending out, and smiles made even wider to show more teeth.
The smile is why Grian doesn't ever bother having one shown. He hates to remember hooks pulling at his cheeks.
The way you go from DMing me to put him in a microwave, to this, is always fascinating, really, a littol gift to me 🫶
I think the Watcher holds his hair back when he’s sick, or gently rubs his back when he’s sore, even though it’s their fault he’s like this!!
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cinnabar-circus · 3 days
capitalism is sabotaging my stare listlessly out the window while listening to music on my work commute time (╬⓪益⓪)
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dailyspicyfigures · 3 months
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Elizabeth Mably & Satellizer el Bridget ; Freezing Vibration ☆ FREEing
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gent-illmatic · 5 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 27 days
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MDZS x Hollow Knight Part 3: The Rebugging
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4
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toyastales · 8 months
A trippy 🤪 😜 good time!
Artwork by Toya's Tales
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meet-me-in-the-kitchen · 11 months
i know Harry still likes Taylor because of that moment at the awards ceremony when she came over to him and he fixed his hair real quick
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merry-finches · 5 months
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HAPPY "SECRET" GIFT DAY TO....Mo!! <3<3<3 @lotrmusical
Where would we all be without you? :>
I'm so happy to be a part of this little fandom, everyone is so welcoming and joyful and skilled and friendly, gahhhh I'm never over it. And creative, oh my goodness, when I have half a moment to indulge in everyone's amazing creations I've caught glimpses of 👀
So please enjoy mine, I hope you love it :] 💚
I had entirely too much fun pulling from all sorts of places for the construction of this gift 👀 I... wonder... if they will all be obvious! Please do tell me what you spot :] (the invitation is open to all to yell with me always)
I think I managed to hit most of your likes list in one way or another ^.^
And a happy birthday to jirt too!
Heydey 🦵🦵🙌���(that looks deranged out of context someone take emojis away from me or get us better ones :D )
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shokujin-art · 5 months
'anon can have a spot between them' got me wanting to draw so ..
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747616302226604042/1189837447408930846/PANic_.png?ex=659f9d79&is=658d2879&hm=3dde44cf6326386557c96572adbf01e65c0019b4dfc60104143ec3a2c5e2620b& I may have given into drawing fanart (+my dol oc)
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The awesome art from the link
Omg dkskjbf I'm just squealing -- it's exactly like that hahaha 😂😂💖💖💖 !!! Get squished!
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samoadoll · 4 days
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vintage-tigre · 4 months
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