#summer budget
beingjellybeans · 2 months
Stay Cool, Save Cash: Your Guide to Budget-Friendly Summer Living from Home Credit
As the scorching summer sun makes its presence known, it seems we can only brace ourselves for rising temperatures and, unfortunately, rising expenses. However, with a little ingenuity and some strategic planning, summer doesn’t have to burn a hole in our pockets. Home Credit, a trusted name in consumer finance, is here to guide us through the season with savvy tips and hacks to keep our cool…
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ask-spiderpool · 2 months
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talonpaw · 13 days
just applied for my first “Real” Adult Job
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dont-offend-the-bees · 7 months
I would like to go on record to say that even though I don't agree with Izzy's death or the manner of it, I will not be reblogging posts about it that refer to it as bury your gays on principle. I am sick of the misuse of that term. It is not fucking bury your gays if he was one gay of an entire cast of gays who are still alive and kicking and being gay together. There's other more pressing reasons to be mad about that death; you could comment, perhaps, on how he was the most physically disabled of the crew, or the gay with no textual (current) romantic attachments and therefore 'expendable', or the most suicidal apart from Ed and how it leaves a bad taste in the mouth to see him succumbing peacefully to death (hello spn finale war flashbacks). There is no need to further dilute a once-useful term.
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likegoldintheair · 24 days
can't believe they're actually doing a rwrb sequel i love living in a time where i get to watch queer romcoms that are so bad that they are good feeling blessed on this day
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shredsandpatches · 7 months
Thinking about my imaginary Doctor Faustus production again (like you do) and how the unspoken premise is that it's set in a Bible college in, like, West Virginia, circa 1930. Not in a way that works too hard to localize it, just a vibes-based thing that makes the repressive elements of the play's religious landscape visible but without direct evocation of present-day evangelical culture -- like, I would want that side of the play to also have an emotional pull, that's why I'd want to use e.g. Sacred Harp for the production music, because it's beautiful and also a lot of it is really judgmental and that's a good way of underscoring Faustus' dilemma.
But the other thing that just occurred to me is that that second-quarter-twentieth-century vibe would make it really easy to signpost the passage of time in the play: after all, Faustus signs over his soul for twenty-four years of demonic service, and the play should feel like it has a ticking clock. And you can do that easily with visual cues (probably also soundtrack cues) if you have that recent-past aesthetic, even if you don't want to lean on specific historical details.
(It also occurred to me that, while I haven't actually seen many productions of the play, I definitely haven't seen or read about one that does that -- in period costume the cues would be too subtle and modern-dress productions seem to go for "eternal present day")
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inktheblot · 6 months
The rotation of Christmas music that plays in the store I work at includes the following:
Any version of “Last Christmas” you could think of and then some, EXCEPT Wham’s
Various people trying to come up with weird new verses to “Jingle Bells”
Joey Ramone’s cover of “What a Wonderful World”
This one cover of “Do You Want To Build a Snowman” that’s sung in like. That specific really breathy way that pop singers do Christmas songs sometimes y’know?
The song from the Victorious Christmas episode
Three songs from the Phineas and Ferb Christmas special
“I Have a Dream” by ABBA except not the ABBA version
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roninreverie · 3 months
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Chapter 9:
Summer, Raven, and Peter are roped into a duel between Professors Shroud and Aubergine. Meanwhile, the boys deal with their flu symptoms as best they can, but Qrow appears to be reacting negatively to the medicine and loses his mind.
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Bonus Tackle:
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months
also last last bit before I leave again: this has been the summer of taking myself out on one-person adventures, which I highly, highly recommend. My favourites so far have been: go to a coffee shop and write, dress up fancy to go to the movies, at-home movie night where you're hunched like a goblin on one side of the bed, trip to try on cute dresses at a local Winners with a really great playlist in the background (dance party in the changing stall can be so personal to a girl), 3-hour nap with the window opened just a crack so that you can hear the rain just as you fall asleep, and girl dinner (pork tonkatsu at my favourite ramen place)
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when-wax-wings-melt · 8 months
wait there's only four jobs in the entire government? no wonder the world is falling the fuck apart goddamn
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ask-spiderpool · 1 year
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chxrryrose · 11 months
john you’re a billionaire, work it out.
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soft-girl-musings · 2 months
!!!!! making work boundaries as a part time employee will always be weird with people my age
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enochianforest · 2 months
remembering that i have the supernatural boxset and wondering if there shouldnt have been some sort of reckoning. with that
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y’all HELPPPP I’m watching the power rangers rpm finale and my sister was listening in cause she’s nearby in the bathroom and this is how it went:
“is that the last of us”
“no bitch this is literally power rangers”
“omg why does it sound so dark”
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pythnensis · 1 year
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