#press release
one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
System Of A Down made a press release announcing that Serj Tankian passed away, and then a few minutes later they had to cancel the announcement because he somehow came back, and was found in a Five Guys, for some reason.
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ranchstoryblog · 4 days
PRESS RELEASE: ‘Marvelous Game Showcase’ 2024 Stream Announcements from Marvelous USA and Marvelous Europe
XSEED/Marvelous USA
Marvelous USA and XSEED Games Announce ‘Marvelous Game Showcase’ 2024 Stream; Tune in May 30 for Fresh Updates on Upcoming Games
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Marvelous USA, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Marvelous Inc., which is a publicly traded company listed in the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Marvelous Game Showcase returns for 2024 after the positive reception of last year’s inaugural stream. Hosted by Marvelous Inc. from the headquarters in Tokyo, President Suminobu Sato and key developers will provide fans with updates on projects in active development including fresh looks at development progress, new projects for both Japanese and Western markets, and more!
Thursday, May 30 - 3:00 PM PT / 6:00 PM ET / 10:00 PM UTC
Fans can watch the video with English subtitles on the Marvelous USA YouTube channel, home of the latest video updates from the Marvelous family of games, https://youtube.com/@marveloususa, and at marvelous-usa.com/mgs2024.
To celebrate the Showcase, select STORY OF SEASONS and Rune Factory titles will be on sale for up to 60% off on the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch™ through June 7, 2024.
More information about XSEED Games’ products can be found at www.xseedgames.com. Fans can also follow XSEED Games on Facebook, X, Instagram, Twitch, Threads, get in depth info from their developer blog, and join the discussion on their Discord server at: http://discord.gg/XSEEDGames.
Marvelous Europe
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Marvelous Europe Announce ‘Marvelous Game Showcase’ 2024 Stream; Tune in May 30 for Fresh Updates on Upcoming Games
Who: Marvelous Europe is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo-based Marvelous Inc., which is a publicly-traded company listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What: Marvelous Game Showcase returns for 2024 after the positive reception of last year’s inaugural stream. Hosted by Marvelous Inc. from the headquarters in Tokyo, President Suminobu Sato and key developers will provide fans with updates on projects in active development including fresh looks at development progress, new projects for both Japanese and Western markets, and more!
When: Tuesday, May 30 – 23:00 BST / Wednesday, May 31 – 00:00 CEST
Where: Fans can watch the video with English, French, German and Spanish subtitles on the Marvelous Europe YouTube channel, home of the latest video updates from the Marvelous family of games at https://youtu.be/sOIEpuhfcR8 and at Marvelous Europe's official website here.
More information about Marvelous Europe can be found at www.marvelouseurope.com or @marvelouseurope across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
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softass · 2 months
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Plushrump.Com offers its over 10,000 subscribers to what is sure to be the box office event of the centurey. The long awaited matchup between Boxing legends Mr. T and Hulk Hogan comes exclusively to PLUSHRUMP.COM. Things are sure to get gory as these two heavyweight Boxers hit the ring, biting, scratching, clawning, pulling out chunks of who knows what from who knows where. Blood will spill. Two puppets enter. One Puppets leave. The last man standing will be crowned champion of the newly formed PlushRump HeavyWeight Boxing Puppetry Alliance Belt. Don't miss this matchup of the ages, subscribe now to PLUSHRUMP>COM for one low low prince of 19.99 MONTHLY. PLUSHRUMP.COM ENTERPRISES as I'm sure our readers are aware, is the finest purveyor of puppet and plush films and goods on the net, proudly serving the community with gore vore and more for number years. With a Live Puppet Cam and 24/7 chatrooms Plushrump.com is one subscription you wont want to miss this holiday season.
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world-of-wales · 7 months
His Royal Highness (H.R.H.) Prince William, The Prince of Wales, will make a working visit to Singapore from 5 to 8 November 2023. H.R.H Prince William will attend the Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony and related events. This is H.R.H Prince William’s second visit to Singapore, following his Official Visit to Singapore with Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine, The Princess of Wales, in 2012.
During his visit, H.R.H. Prince William will make a courtesy call on President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and meet Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana. In addition to attending the Earthshot Prize Awards Ceremony and the United for Wildlife Global Summit, H.R.H. Prince William will also visit various places in Singapore, including Jewel Changi Airport.
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anim-ttrpgs · 1 month
Rascal News has posted the Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy press release!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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calzona-ga · 2 months
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PRESS RELEASE | Grey’s Anatomy 20x04 - ”Baby Can I Hold You”
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shopkillerlookz · 8 months
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Hazbin hotel announced to release in Jan 2024 ahhhh
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aeolianblues · 12 days
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Plastic Beach by Gorillaz (2010). I think this is my favourite Gorillaz album, and so I was delighted to find the attached press release sent to us when the album came out, from January 2010. Someone at Parlophone liked us for a period of 30 years, we have every single Blur album (except the new one, Ballad of Darren, but I think that’s a given. No one sends CDs anymore), and all Gorillaz albums before Humanz. I love giving them a spin on air, me.
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blerdyotome · 25 days
Seven Seas Announces Omegaverse Boys Love Manga, The Second Alpha
Fellow omegaverse lovers, we live! Seven Seas announced the license acquisition of the Boys’ Love manga The Second Alpha by Yofune Shibue. In this heartfelt omegaverse manga, an omega with a tragic past tries to open his heart to new love. Continue reading Seven Seas Announces Omegaverse Boys Love Manga, The Second Alpha
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watchilove · 2 months
Christiaan van der Klaauw announces an in-house Manufacture Movement
With immense pride, Christiaan van der Klaauw Astronomical Watches unveils its inaugural in-house developed CVDK Manufacture Movement. The development of our manufacture movement started in 2017 and is now revealed in 2024, celebrating our 50 years of Astronomical Complications anniversary.  Continue reading Christiaan van der Klaauw announces an in-house Manufacture Movement
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Berlin public prosecutor announcement 2023-08-29
always good to have the info from the source 🌺
"Pressemitteilung: Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Rammstein-Sänger eingestellt
Pressemitteilung vom 29.08.2023
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin hat ein gegen Till Lindemann, den Sänger der Band „Rammstein“, geführtes Ermittlungsverfahren wegen des Verdachts der Begehung von Sexualdelikten wie auch Verstößen gegen das Betäubungsmittelgesetz eingestellt. Die Auswertung der verfügbaren Beweismittel – vor allem der Presseberichterstattung, die sich auf anonyme Hinweisgeberinnen und Hinweisgeber bezieht, wie auch der ergänzenden Vernehmung von Zeuginnen – hat keine Anhaltspunkte dafür erbracht, dass der Beschuldigte gegen deren Willen sexuelle Handlungen an Frauen vorgenommen, diesen willensbeeinflussende oder -ausschaltende Substanzen verabreicht oder gegenüber minderjährigen Sexualpartnerinnen ein Machtgefälle ausgenutzt hat, um diese zum Geschlechtsverkehr zu bewegen.
Die Ermittlungen waren aufgrund von Anzeigen Dritter in Zusammenhang mit Presseberichterstattung eingeleitet worden. Die in der Presseberichterstattung wiedergegebenen Angaben von Zeuginnen und Zeugen haben sich durch die Ermittlungen nicht bestätigt.
Mutmaßliche Geschädigte haben sich bislang nicht an die Strafverfolgungsbehörden gewandt, sondern ausschließlich – auch nach Bekanntwerden des Ermittlungsverfahrens – an Journalistinnen und Journalisten, die sich ihrerseits auf ihr Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht berufen haben. Die Möglichkeit, etwaige Tatvorwürfe ausreichend zu konkretisieren, bestand daher ebenso wenig wie die, einen Eindruck von der Glaubwürdigkeit der mutmaßlichen Geschädigten und der Glaubhaftigkeit ihrer Angaben im Rahmen von Vernehmungen zu gewinnen.
Die Angaben der Zeugin Kyla Shyx, die zunächst über „Youtube“ Vorwürfe erhoben hatte, blieben in den Vernehmungen zu unkonkret – zumal die Zeugin jedenfalls kein eigenes Erleben strafrechtlich relevanter Vorfälle schildern konnte. Die von ihr geschilderten Umstände stellten entweder Rückschlüsse aus Beobachtungen dar oder sind ihr von anderen geschildert worden. Andere von der Zeugin benannte Personen sollen entweder schon nichts strafrechtlich Relevantes beobachtet haben oder wurden nicht hinreichend identifizierbar benannt und konnten auch durch die weiteren polizeilichen Ermittlungen nicht namhaft gemacht werden. Eine unmittelbare Vernehmung war daher nicht möglich.
Zu dem aus den Medien bekannten Vorfall zum Nachteil der sich als Shelby Lynn bezeichnenden Person im Umfeld des Konzerts der Band Rammstein in Vilnius am 22. Mai 2023 haben die litauischen Behörden die Einleitung eines Ermittlungsverfahrens abgelehnt. Der Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin lagen Unterlagen der litauischen Behörden vor. Diese wurden ausgewertet. Auch hier ergaben sich keine konkreten tatsächlichen Anhaltspunkte für Sexualstraftaten durch den Beschuldigten. Die Herkunft eines Hämatoms allein lässt jedenfalls weder einen Rückschluss auf eine solche Tat noch auf einen bestimmten Beschuldigten zu. Zu dem Ergebnis eines von der Zeugin selbst veranlassten Drogentests wurden widersprüchliche Angaben übermittelt, das Ergebnis selbst lag nicht vor. Auch im Übrigen ergaben sich aus den Unterlagen keine Hinweise auf eine etwaige unfreiwillige Einnahme von Betäubungsmitteln oder nicht einvernehmlichen Geschlechtsverkehr bzw. sexuelle Handlungen im widerstandsunfähigen Zustand.
Der in der Presseberichterstattung dargestellte Vorwurf des sexuellen Missbrauchs von Jugendlichen über eine junge Frau, die vermeintlich als 15-Jährige (kurz vor Vollendung des sechzehnten Lebensjahres) eine sexuelle Beziehung mit dem Beschuldigten eingegangen sein will, konnte ebenfalls nicht erhärtet werden. Denn auch diese Zeugin blieb anonym und konnte deshalb nicht vernommen werden.
Strafrechtlich relevante Anhaltspunkte für Verstöße gegen das Betäubungsmittelgesetz liegen nicht vor.
Gegen die Tourmanagerin war aufgrund von Medienberichten wegen des vermeintlichen Zuführens junger Frauen bei Konzerten in den Backstagebereich Anzeige erstattet worden. Insoweit haben sich ebenfalls keine Anhaltspunkte für ein strafrechtlich relevantes Verhalten ergeben. Das gegen sie geführte Verfahren wurde daher in gleicher Weise eingestellt."
googly translated
"Press Release: Preliminary proceedings against Rammstein singer closed
Press release from 08/29/2023
The public prosecutor's office in Berlin has dropped an investigation against Till Lindemann, the singer of the band "Rammstein", on suspicion of committing sexual offenses and violations of the Narcotics Act. The evaluation of the available evidence - above all the press reports that refer to anonymous whistleblowers, as well as the additional questioning of witnesses - has not produced any indications that the accused has carried out sexual acts on women against their will, administered deactivating substances or exploited a power imbalance towards underage sexual partners in order to persuade them to have sex.
The investigations were initiated on the basis of advertisements by third parties in connection with press reports. The statements made by witnesses in the press reports have not been confirmed by the investigations.
Alleged victims have so far not contacted the law enforcement authorities, but only - even after the investigation became known - to journalists, who in turn have invoked their right to refuse to give evidence. There was therefore just as little opportunity to substantiate any allegations sufficiently as to gain an impression of the credibility of the alleged victims and the credibility of their statements during interrogations.
The statements made by the witness Kyla Shyx, who had initially made allegations via "Youtube", remained too vague in the interrogations - especially since the witness was unable to describe her own experience of criminally relevant incidents. The circumstances she described represent either conclusions from observations or have been described to her by others. Other persons named by the witness are said to have either not observed anything relevant under criminal law or were not named in a sufficiently identifiable manner and could not be named through the further police investigations either. A direct interrogation was therefore not possible.
The Lithuanian authorities have refused to initiate investigations into the incident known to the media against the person who identified himself as Shelby Lynn around the concert by the band Rammstein in Vilnius on May 22, 2023. The Berlin public prosecutor had documents from the Lithuanian authorities. These were evaluated. Here, too, there were no concrete factual indications of sexual offenses by the accused. In any case, the origin of a hematoma alone does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about such an act or about a specific suspect. Contradictory information was provided on the result of a drug test arranged by the witness herself, but the result itself was not available.
The allegation of sexual abuse by young people, presented in the press reports, about a young woman who allegedly had entered into a sexual relationship with the accused when she was 15 (shortly before turning sixteen) could not be substantiated either. Because this witness also remained anonymous and could therefore not be questioned.
There are no criminally relevant indications of violations of the Narcotics Act.
The tour manager was accused of allegedly leading young women backstage at concerts due to media reports. In this respect, there were also no indications of criminally relevant behavior. The proceedings against her were therefore discontinued in the same way."
So indeed, no criminal behavior has been proven and the case is dropped ❤️
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ncisfranchise-source · 2 months
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Episode Marks the 1,000th Episode of the NCIS Franchise; Daniela Ruah from “NCIS: Los Angeles” and Vanessa Lachey from “NCIS: Hawai’i” Make a Special Appearance
“A Thousand Yards” – NCIS comes under attack by a mysterious enemy from the past. Also, Vance tries to mend fences with his estranged son by explaining why, despite the ongoing dangers of his job, he still chooses to stay at NCIS, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, April 15 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+ (live and on-demand for Paramount+ with SHOWTIME subscribers, or on-demand for Paramount+ Essential subscribers the day after the episode airs)* Episode marks the 1,000th episode of the NCIS franchise. Daniela Ruah (NCIS: LOS ANGELES) and Vanessa Lachey (NCIS: HAWAI’I) make a special appearance.
WRITTEN BY: Christopher J. Waild
DIRECTED BY: Diana Valentine
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TWC Expanded Masthead [Press Release]
Transformative Works and Cultures is pleased to announce the expansion of its editorial masthead.
First, we welcome both Taylore Nicole Woodhouse and Tanya D. Zuk to the newly created role of Assistant Editors. Coeditor Mel Stanfill elaborates on this new addition: “Expanding the editorial structure to take on one or more Assistant Editors who are senior PhD students or early career scholars was one of the things that was part of our plan from when we applied to be editors, so I'm glad that after a year of getting our bearings we've been able to do that. Our overall purpose was to both strengthen fan studies as a field by helping cultivate more leaders who are ready to step in either in TWC or another journal, and to help boost some people who are early in their careers, and I hope that's what we're able to do.”
Taylore and Tanya are looking forward to shaping this role and making it their own. They’ve also prioritized specific goals which are in line with the journal’s current trajectory: “We hope to elevate historically marginalized voices in academia and fandom by providing support to the editors and the mission of the journal. Ideally we are looking to diversify the scholarly work, the fans we investigate, and the formats we present to readers.”
Second, Transformative Works and Cultures is also welcoming three new editors to the Symposium team: Jennifer Duggan, Adrienne Raw, and Khaliah Reed. The editorial team is excited about what an expanded team will mean for this section of TWC. When asked, the new Symposium coeditors shared their own goals: “We aim to increase the diversity of symposium authors, to offer opportunities for authors to provide translations of their articles so that symposia are accessible in multiple languages, and to diversify the media authors can use in the symposium section to allow both for a wider reflection of fans’ modes of communication and for broader interactivity with symposium files.”
We look forward to your continued readership and engagement with Transformative Works and Cultures.
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ciaralavelle · 1 year
New gigs on Fiverr!
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radiofreeskaro · 2 months
First Look at Ncuti Gatwa with Varada Sethu and Millie Gibson Ahead of Season Two of Doctor Who
First Look at Ncuti Gatwa with Varada Sethu and Millie Gibson Ahead of Season Two of #DoctorWho
Varada Sethu will join the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby Sunday in the second season of Doctor Who which will air in 2025. New pictures released today show the cast together at a read through for the second season. Like many Doctors who have come before him, one is not enough for the Fifteenth Doctor and in season two, he will have two companions by his side as Varada Sethu steps aboard the…
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
As Owen wears an FBI wire for his meeting with O’Brien, The Honor Dogs crash the meet-up and let them know there's an infiltrator in their midst. A frantic TK desperately searches for a missing and held captive Carlos in the all-new “Abandoned” episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star airing Tuesday, Feb. 14 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NLS-404) (TV-14 D, L, V)
Cast: Rob Lowe as Owen Strand; Gina Torres as Tommy Vega; Ronen Rubinstein as T.K. Strand; Sierra McClain as Grace Ryder; Jim Parrack as Judd Ryder; Natacha Karam as Marjan Marwani; Brian Michael Smith as Paul Strickland; Rafael Silva as Carlos Reyes; Julian Works as Mateo Chavez; Brianna Baker as Nancy Gillian
Guest Cast: Neal McDonough as Sgt. Ty O’Brien; Amanda Schull as Special Agent Rose Kacey
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