#svu fanfic
oneshotnewbie · 25 days
SVU team x Reader:
The whole team and their kids are meeting up for a nice picnic at the park. Noah and Jesse ask if Reader and Carisi can come play football with them. While watching you play with the kids, Olivia is losing herself in watching you. Amanda notices.
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𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: 𝐵𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦, 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓. 𝑆𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑒. 𝐼 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑜 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔, ℎ𝑎ℎ𝑎. 𝑂𝑛 𝑀𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡.
The warm spring wind on this Saturday gently caressed the green meadows of Central Park, while the sun slowly emerged from behind the clouds and scattered its rays over the many playing children and their parents. A pleasant breeze blew through the branches, the sounds of nature. In the middle of this hustle and bustle was the team from the Special Victims Unit, who wanted to gather outside for a well-deserved afternoon.
Olivia Benson, SVU's veteran captain, entered the park with her 9-year-old son, Noah. The bright sun reflected in the little boy's eyes as he excitedly led his mother to the playground. Olivia smiled, her mind briefly lingering on work, but today was a day of rest and togetherness.
Amanda Rollins entered the park a few minutes later with her two daughters, Jesse and Billie, chatting happily and moving from one exciting story to the next. Dominick Carisi was also there and they both watched their girls lovingly, a warm smile on their faces before Noah called the two girls with a loud scream of their names and they immediately rushed over to join him. Carisi smiled proudly and felt blessed to share this moment of joy with his family.
Finn Tutuola, the group's sergeant, also entered the park, alone but with a big grin on his face. He knew he would already enjoy the company and the vibrancy of his team and the park, even though he didn't have any children of his own. His colleagues and their families had become like his own family, and that was more than enough for him.
And then there was you, an important part of the team, arriving with a warm smile and a picnic basket in hand. Although you didn't have children of your own in your young years, you always had a special connection with your colleagues' children and enjoyed spending time with them.
Together you all found a shady spot at a picnic table under a large tree and laid out lunch while the children ran around and laughed. The world seemed to stand still for a moment as the SVU team and their children enjoyed the beauty of life together in the park.
You all sat together at the table, chatting comfortably while relaxing leisurely. The mood was light and relaxed as the children ran across the lawn cheering each other. Noah and Jesse had just discovered the soccer ball in the bag Olivia had brought, and they enthusiastically asked Carisi and you to play soccer with them. "Y/n, can you play soccer with us? Please, please!" Noah asked and you couldn't resist his bright and big eyes, so you agreed to join the game with a smile. "Sure, Noah. I'm in."
"And you, Uncle Carisi? Do you play on our team?" Jesse also asked, taking his hand without hesitation and looking at him with her googly eyes. "Of course Jesse."
The kids cheered as you and Carisi joined the soccer group. You should play on Noah's team and Carisi on the girls' team. You both stood up, your eyes meeting briefly before joining the excited children. You took a quick look at the ADA and saw a smile on his lips. It was a moment of quiet exchange of togetherness.
You felt the familiar texture of the soccer ball beneath your feet as you juggled the ball, passing it to Noah with precision and skill. Carisi appeared less adept, passing the ball to the children more often than he had it under the soles of his shoes himself.
Noah in particular was impressed by your ability to keep up with them. He watched in fascination as you skillfully outsmarted Carisi, mastered the ball perfectly and effortlessly fought your way through the walls that Carisi seemed to build with his body. "Wow, y/n! You play really good!" The little boy remarked, pausing for a moment to take a sip of water. "Thanks, Noah. I used to play a lot, I was even on a team."
"Really cool!" the laughter of the children filled the air as they challenged each other and continued to run with you across the lawn, accompanied by the deft movements of their adult teammates.
Carisi was surprised by your skills on the ball. He didn't expect you to be so good. His respect for you grew as he watched you jump over his straddle with ease and grace, overwhelming him to the point where he wanted to give up. A warm feeling of admiration spread through him as he watched you having fun with the children and sharing their joy.
“Respect y/n, I didn’t expect that.” spoke the young ADA, giving you a high five. You smiled gratefully as you passed the ball back to Jesse, who happily passed it to her sister.
Meanwhile, Olivia continued to sit at the table and watched you play with the children. She admired the ease with which you blended into the world, the bright smile on your face as you laughed and joked with the children. It was a sight that warmed her heart and she couldn't help but get lost in your movements.
Amanda noticed her best friend's pensive look and stepped next to her, holding her third and youngest daughter in her arms. "Earth to Liv?" She asked, waving her hand in front of the brunette's face. She looked up in shock, her smile disappearing. "Sorry Amanda, what did you say?"
"You should stop staring at her like that. You're already drooling like a dog who can't wait to get it´s bone," the blonde giggled before sitting across from her best friend and placing her hand on the brunette's. "You're so in love, how can you hide it any longer?"
Olivia raised her eyebrows in surprise and now completely looked away from you and over to Amanda, who had an amused smile on her lips. "What? In love? I don't know what you're talking about, Amanda. I'm just being professional and watching the football game"
Amanda rolled her eyes and grinned mischievously as she gave the baby a bottle as she began to whine. "Sure, Liv. Just like I 'professionally' get ice cream out of the fridge at night as soon as the kids are asleep so I don't have to share. Come on, feel free to admit that you like y/n."
The unit captain laughed softly and shook his head to make her thoughts disappear. "Well, maybe a little." She spoke admittedly, pulling her hand away to brush her hair out of her face. "A little? Ha! I knew it! So when are you finally going to take her out?"
Olivia leaned back and let her gaze wander back to you, who was currently carrying Noah on your shoulders while you happily ran with him to the playground to hang him on the climbing frame. As you did, you heard Noah's loud laughter as you swayed him back and forth like a plane.
"Maybe I should think of something. But at the moment I'm just happy that she fits in so well with the team." She spoke and Amanda winked at her as she stood up to go to Jesse and Billie who called her. She walked around the table again and playfully pressed her elbow against her shoulder.
"Sure, sure. But don't forget that sometimes life is too short, especially in this job, to not enjoy it. So go ahead, do something! Maybe you could invite her to a romantic dinner."
Olivia laughed and nodded her head, imagining how she should ask you and where she should take you if you agreed to her. She looked over at you and Noah again, then decided to join you and spend time with you. She was nervous but also excited about the possibility of asking you out and having a lot of fun in the process if she found the courage to ask you.
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Hii, i love your storys and i hope you could do a Casey Nowak one, were casey is older than the reader. Casey has her menopause and has not that much of a high sex drive anymore and other menopause symtomes. She is really scared that the reader will leaver her. They have to find a way to handel the "problem".
Hey, friend! Hope you enjoy! 💖 - illdowhatiwantthanks
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: implied sex, discussions about sex, menopause, explicit language (please let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: Something's wrong with Casey. You can tell. But she doesn't seem to want to talk about. You're worried you've done something wrong, but it turns out to be something neither of you have control over.
It was one of those days that should have been perfect. A light rain outside served as the perfect excuse for you and Casey to stay in bed all day. And, for the most part, that’s where you’d been. Besides a late brunch–pancakes eaten hot as you stood by the kitchen counter–you’d been lounging around. Casey had gotten a bit of work done, but her laptop sat abandoned on the nightstand now as you straddled her hips, lavishing her in long, slow kisses. You took your time with her; you had time to take today.
But there came a moment when you realized, even as aroused as you were, that Casey was no longer kissing you back, not really. You pulled back, looking at her curiously, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“You okay, love?” you asked.
Casey avoided your eyes. “Yeah. I’m sorry, honey, I’m just not feeling it today.”
“That’s okay,” you assured her, moving to lay beside her. And it was. It was always okay if Casey wasn’t feeling it. But you couldn’t help the aching in your lower stomach, the wetness pooling that you knew would probably not be taken care of today. And probably not tomorrow. The truth was, Casey hadn’t been feeling it much at all lately, which was odd for her. For the entirety of your relationship, over five years now, Casey had always had by far the highest sex drive of the two of you. But now, it was like a switch had been flipped.
Nevertheless, you tried your best to be loving and supportive, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing your face into the crook of her neck. But as soon as you did, Casey squirmed away, huffing.
“Y/N, just…don’t touch me right now, okay?!”
Her voice was rough, harsh, and you flinched. Casey sighed and covered her face with her hands, flushing deeply. You moved away, watching her with concern. Casey never yelled at you. And she always liked to be touched. So much so that you teased her about it. Something was wrong. And it had to have been something you did.
You wondered what it was. It must have been something bad for Casey to react like this. Casey was so direct, she didn’t let anything fester. So for her to avoid talking about it? You wracked your brain, going over the last weeks and months of your relationship, trying to figure out what you’d done to drive a wedge between the two of you.
You felt tears form in the corners of your eyes. This had never happened. Not with Casey. You talked things through. You worked things out. You left nothing unsaid or unspoken. You were suddenly terrified that something had ruptured, something that you wouldn’t be able to fix.
“I’m sorry, Casey,” you whispered, your voice shaky.
She turned quickly to look at you, her eyes wide with surprise and concern. “Oh, honey, for what?” she asked, wiping a loose tear from underneath your eye.
“I can tell something’s wrong,” you said, your voice quiet. “Did I do something? Did I hurt you?”
Casey exhaled heavily, a few of her own tears glistening in her eyes.
“It’s not you, sweetheart, it’s me,” she mumbled.
Your heart dropped all the way to your stomach. It’s not you, it’s me. That’s what people said before they left you.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” Casey groaned and rubbed her temples, chuckling a little. “But you might want to break up with me after this.”
“Casey,” you pleaded. “Please talk to me. What the hell is going on!?”
She sniffled, a single tear dripping down the side of her face, and you grasped her fingers in yours.
“I haven’t had a period in three months.” She spoke quickly, as if afraid she might not get it all out.
Your hand shot to your mouth. “You’re pregnant!?”
Casey choked out something that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob. “Y/N, I’m gay. How would that even happen!? I’m not pregnant.” She took a shaky breath. “I’m starting menopause.”
You were silent for a moment, watching as Casey squeezed her eyes shut, trying (and mostly failing) to suck the tears back into her eyes.
“Oh,” you said, when you finally spoke. And then felt like an absolute idiot that that’s what you led with. But this was new, and you weren’t really sure how to address it. You were years, maybe even decades, away from menopause yourself, but you wanted to do all you could to support Casey.
“Well, are you…” You stumbled through your words, as if tripping over rocks. “Do you feel… okay? How are you– God…” You covered your face with your hands. “I’m so sorry, love, I’m completely fucking this up.”
When you removed your hands from your face, you were shocked to see Casey shaking with sobs.
You surged toward her. “Hey,” you cooed, your voice heavy with emotion. Your hands stopped just before touching her. “Can I… Is it okay if I touch you?”
She nodded, shuddering, and you pulled her onto you so that she could rest her head on your chest and you could wrap your arms protectively around her, placing a flurry of kisses on the top of her head. When her tears had subsided and her breathing slowed, you carded your fingers through her hair, hoping the rhythm would help calm her.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” she said, her voice rough from crying. “You’re not doing anything wrong. I just… I’m hot as hell all the time, and I’m moody, and I’m dry as the fucking Sahara.”
“You are hot all the time,” you teased, resting your chin on her head.
She swatted at your arm. “This just…” Casey sniffled again, wiping her face with the back of her hand. “It’s not what you signed up for. I don’t want you to feel trapped.”
“Casey.” You sighed, caressing her cheek. “This is exactly what I signed up for.”
“No, it’s not. I’m basically an old lady.”
“Hey,” you said, tilting her chin up so she had to look at you. “I can assure you that you’re not an old lady. You know how I know?”
Casey shook her head.
“Because I don’t want to fuck old ladies.”
She rolled her eyes, but smiled a bit.
“Now when you’re actually an old lady, like a little meemaw, and we’re living in the retirement village, I’m sure then I’ll want to fuck old ladies because I’ll be old, too, and my tastes will have grown with me. But for now? No old ladies. Only MILFs.”
Casey giggled, and you smiled, glad to see your girl feeling like herself again.
“Okay,” she conceded, still a bit hesitant. “But you deserve sex if that’s what you want. And I… I don’t really want sex very much right now.”
You stared at her, eyebrows raised. “Come on, now, Counsellor, you work SVU. You know better than that. Nobody deserves sex. That’s not how it works. And I think you forget that I know my way around a vibrator.”
“Yeah, but–” You shushed her quickly with a finger pressed lightly on her lips.
“No buts. I love you, Case. Not because you’re great in bed. Although…” You shrugged. “I mean, you are. I love you because you’re you. That’s not gonna change.”
Casey sighed. “Okay,” she whispered, snaking her arms around you.
You sat like that for a few minutes, relieved to be on the same page again, to know what was wrong. And even though you might not be able to fix it, you could at least be there for her.
Casey finally spoke, her fingers playing lightly with the drawstring of your sweatpants. “If you wanted to try out the vibrator… Maybe I could watch?”
You shot up, staring at Casey as she smirked at you, desperately hoping she was serious. “Really?”
She nodded, propping herself up with her elbow. You launched yourself out of bed, full-on sprinting to the closet, where you kept all the toys. “Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you breathed.
Casey laughed and called out, “You better not come too fast! That’s no fun for me.”
You grinned, poking out of the closet to point at her. “See? I told you! MILF.”
Casey shook her head playfully, relieved that you’d taken the news so well. And so, so happy that you were hers. As you rifled through the closet, you felt much the same.
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mickey-gomez · 9 months
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Chapter 8 of Fade Into You
Warnings/tags: Fluff, soft smut, 
Pairing: Rita/Reader
A/N: Picks up right after Chapter 7, click through for a refresher, because it’s been a year a while since I’ve updated. Covers the “Oh fuck. Do that again.” square of @prentiss-theorem​’s bingo. It’s a rush job, partially because I wanted to at least attempt to participate in bingo, and partially because I’m sick of this story and not updating. 
Brief summary of why I haven’t updated. 
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Where last night had been frantic, fast and rough, and so very desperate. The dawn that this morning brought was a stark contrast, soft and gentle, both of you finally allowing yourselves to show your vulnerability, without hesitation. Your eyes were glued to the others’ as you watched the swirls of pleasure darken them, soft words fanning your necks as your pupils dilated, and lips parted. 
It was so very different from the night prior, where your eyes had been scrunched so tightly shut, or looking away, focusing on something else, out of some innate need to protect yourself. 
It was as if Rita could read your mind, that last night she knew exactly what you wanted, what you needed, without you even having to hint at it, you hadn’t needed to speak or contort your bodies, she just knew. This morning was no different, as your guard lowered to allow her to see you fully like this, soft kisses and intense gazes as you chased your peaks together. 
Afterwards as you both laid there, the tips of her fingers travelled up and down your back, no clear path or pattern to the movements, and when they traced over your neck and into the nape where your hair met, you moaned softly and shivered against her. 
She leaned in, as her hand wrapped itself in your hair, softly tugging against the roots as she started kissing and sucking against the skin below your ear, every so often delivering a bite before soothing over the mark with her tongue. 
And later when she laid her knees next to your head, arching her back as your nails ran down her toned stomach, you’d never thought you’d seen anything so beautiful. The sun rose above the curtains and the windows, through the clouds and buildings, casting a luminous orange glow over the room, and the two of you. 
The light pierced through the windows as she came undone, on top of you, and that’s when you knew, for certain, you’d never seen anything so beautiful. The glow from the sun spread across her chest as her hands gripped your head tighter and her mouth formed the perfect ‘O’, as she shook above you. 
You both let out low laughs when she came down, and rolled over next to you, swollen lips meeting for kisses as your eyelids leisurely closed, soft breaths as you fell asleep once more.
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When you finally roused that morning, you did so with a lopsided grin on your face, the images of the night gone, and the early morning just been, flashing through your mind. A shiver travelled up your spine as your body remembered what she had done to it. The feeling of her tongue and hands as they memorised the length of you. 
You rolled over, expecting to find her asleep beside you, instead finding the sheets pulled back and no sign of her. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, sitting up, and craning your neck towards the door, listening for any sounds of life on the other side. You stretched out, raising your arms and rolling your neck. That’s when you spotted the note on the bedside table, ‘Gone to get breakfast. Be back soon x’. You smiled and breathed a short sigh of relief that she hadn’t panicked and left you here. You laughed silently to yourself and shook your head, of course she hadn’t fled and left you in her own apartment.  
You walked into the ensuite and as the bright overhead lights clicked on, and you were met with your reflection in the mirror, you gasped at the sight of the purple hues of bruising that were so vivid on your chest and neck. You traced your fingers over them, feeling where teeth and lips had met skin. 
You took a moment to comb your fingers through your hair, settling it, sweeping it to one side and over one shoulder. You turned your head ever so slightly, as the light bounced off the mark she’d left on your neck, you circled it delicately with the tip of your finger, remembering the feeling of it, and how you desperately wanted her to leave more. 
After freshening up, you reached for the first piece of clothing you saw, Rita’s oxford button down that laid neatly across the armchair in the corner. Slipping it on and buttoning the bottom buttons up until they stopped at your sternum. 
When you walked out and down the hallway, you almost jumped out of your skin when you saw her seated at the kitchen island, demitasse cup in one hand, newspaper in the other. 
“You’re awake” she smiled softly as she set aside the paper and cup, leaning forward and resting her head in her hand as she looked over at you. 
“Well I was cold, and lonely.” you yawned “Why’d you let me sleep so long?” 
“Seemed like you needed it.” She shrugged, then she drank you in, noting the tiredness under your eyes and the third yawn that escaped you as you stood there, leaning against the counter. “You get used to the long hours, don’t worry.”
“Thanks” You reached over to the sink, grabbing your glass from the night prior, rinsing it before filling it from the tap, trying not to gulp down the water. “Somehow I don’t think the reason I’m tired is because of work.” If you weren’t paying attention, you would have missed the quick flash of her lips that turned into a smirk, and the way her eyes flashed fleetingly with something that resembled a frantic mix of excitement and smug pride. 
“Lonely huh?” she raked her eyes over you. The tension between the two of you was building again, like it had done last night, and for years prior, like a bubble waiting to burst. “Do you want coffee?” you heard her ask it, but it was faint, your mind elsewhere, you took a breath and blinked, shaking your head lightly, and when you met her eyes again, you simply smiled quickly and nodded. 
You turned your head, looking for the pot, and your eyes widened when you saw that she had an actual espresso machine, and not a drip one like you were used to. “I don’t know how to use that” you pointed and she laughed. 
Rounding the island, coming to stand behind you, her arms wrapped around your waist as she leant in and kissed your neck, and then the spot just below your ear. “I’ll show you” she whispered and you broke out with goosebumps when her breath hit your neck, and her words lingered on your skin. 
She put her hands on your hips, gently moving you out of the way, and you could hardly focus, your stomach doing somersaults every time she touched you. You tugged on the bottom of your shirt, pulling it down to cover the tops of your thighs before hopping up onto the island, crossing your legs as you watched her. The marble was cold under the bare skin of your thighs, and sobered you momentarily, like plunging into the ice. 
“Milk?” she hummed out in question as she flitted around, pulling out the beans and turning on the machine. 
“Please” you answered before the whirring sounds of the machine and grinder filled the room. You took her in, your eyes tracing all the way up her frame, glued to the sway of her hips, the perfect curves she possessed, and her long hair that cascaded down her back. She stole a quick glance over her shoulder and she simpered, looking pleased with herself, much like she always did.
“Are you paying attention?” 
“Hmm?” you ran the pad of your thumb over your lips and when you looked up to find her looking intently at you, a perfect smirk plastered on her face, you blushed and ducked your head down. 
You uncrossed your legs when she turned, mug in her hand, wrist outstretched as she presented it to you. You took it from her, your fingers running over hers when you gripped the handle. She looked down at your thighs, and then back up at you, taking a few steps until you uncrossed your legs and she was standing in between them. Your breath hitched in your throat when she ran her palms over the bare skin. 
“Nice shirt” She ran her hands further up your thighs, gripped down, as you sipped from your mug, she stopped abruptly when she reached the crease where they ended and your hips began. Realisation on her face when her fingers felt what was missing, “You’re not wearing…” she trailed off, and you placed the mug down on the counter, biting your lip as you felt the tension begin to bubble over, and when she swept her eyes up to meet yours, you gave her a coy smile, and that was all it took. She surged up, forcefully claiming your lips with hers. 
Your legs wrapped around her waist, reeling her in closer as tongues battled, and lips rolled together. She unbuttoned the shirt and swept the seams off your chest, pulling back, she reached her fingers out, ghosting them over your nipple, watching the way it stiffened as it bloomed, before pinching it. Not hard enough for it to sting or burn underneath her fingertips, just enough for her to amuse herself at the way your body reacted, at the soft moan that escaped your lips, and the way your eyes changed colours as they slowly rolled back. 
She trailed her fingers down your chest and stomach, watching the way you reacted, your skin pricking as goosebumps formed. You both let out moans when her fingers entered you, breaths swirling together as they danced between lips and mouths. Your hips rolled in time with the movements of her wrist, and when she pulled them forward deep inside of you, you almost came undone. 
“Oh fuck. Do that again.” you sobbed through airy gasps and breaths, and you knew she was smirking, without even having to look at her, the arrogance radiated off her. 
“Can you take another?” she husked and you couldn’t speak, a strangled sob leaving your throat as you nodded furiously. “Good girl” she bit your earlobe and in that same moment, flicked her thumb up to your clit. You swore you could have come right in that moment, and as embarrassing as that was, you probably would have, if it wasn’t for her pulling her fingers out, a huff of laughter on your neck as she took in your reaction. “You like it when I call you that, don’t you?” and when you didn’t answer she bit into your neck, into a bruise she’d left the night before. “I asked you a question.” 
“Yes.. yes..” you closed your eyes, and bit down on your bottom lip, almost hard enough that it drew blood. 
“Open your eyes, I want to watch you when you come.” you moaned involuntarily at that, but kept your eyes firmly closed. She pinched your thigh, forcing your eyes to come flying open, a wicked smile gracing her lips. She eased back into you with three fingers and your mouth flew open, breath hitching in your throat, at the stretch and how amazing it felt, this delicate swirl of pleasure and pain. She stared intently into your eyes and then dropped down to your lips, watching the way they arched as she fucked you. 
When she pressed her thumb to your clit, rubbing intently, your eyes rolled back into your skull, screaming out as your entire body convulsed and shook, your hips almost levitating off the counter. You wanted to cry, scream, and even laugh. How was she so good at that?
She pulled her fingers out before you could continue to ruminate on it, drawing your attention back to her standing in front of you. You gripped her wrist, looking at her through hooded lids, raising her hand to your mouth as you cleaned off her fingers, one at a time. 
“What am I going to do now?” she murmured, as she watched you take her fingers into your mouth, your tongue swirling around them.  
“Hmm?” you were only fractionally listening to her, too consumed on the taste in your mouth and the look on her face as she watched you.
“I still want a taste” she purred, and you simpered as you laid back, blissed out. Wondering if it would always be like this, that every time she touched you, would leave you this breathless, this bone-weary. 
“So, dirty talk huh?” she ran the palm of her hand over your stomach, and you could hear the infliction of laughter as she spoke. 
“Shut up” you giggled, swatting her hand away. As you laid there, you heard her moving around and then the sound of something being put on the floor in front of you. You sat up, and laughed when you saw it was a stool. She raised her eyebrows at you, smirking as she pulled it forward and sat down, gripping onto your calves as she pulled you forward, and rested them on her shoulders. 
“You can try, but I won’t be able to come again so soon.” You murmured softly as you gently wove your hands through her hair. Scratching at her scalp and tugging on her tresses as she kissed up your thighs. 
“Yes you can.” she gazed up at you, a smug smile firmly in place as she spoke directly and frankly, even somewhat delicately when she kissed the inside of your thigh, resting her head where she had just kissed, gazing up at you, as if she was asking permission to continue. 
“Knock yourself out” you shrugged in disbelief, being polite and not wanting to damage her ego, you expected her to tire herself out after half an hour or just there after, but instead you were shocked, and almost excited, when less than ten minutes later, you were crying out once more, shuddering as you gripped her hands, spilling into her mouth and once more onto her tongue, another wave washing over you.
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“So last night was a lot” she spoke softly from her position across from you, leaning against the counter, her eyes not yet meeting yours, staring into the distance as she raised her mug to her lips.
“Pent up sexual frustration, Rita.” you rolled your eyes, and she laughed for a moment before her tone changed, becoming softer and quieter as she looked at you. 
“It wasn’t too much was it?” she hesitated “I mean, I should have probably…” 
“Asked you before I-” Oh, so that’s what she meant. She was skirting around saying it fully aloud, maybe out of some form of prudishness or out of some innate need to protect you, or maybe it was because despite her brash outward demeanour and facade, this was who she truly was at the core of her being, tender and gentle, and maybe just a little demure underneath it all. 
“-Strapped me?” you brashly interrupted her, shrugging as you reached for your mug, and she started choking on her own breath, much to your amusement. “You did ask” 
“I should have been slower… more gentle… checked in with you more.” she fiddled with the handle of the mug in her hands, and you could recognise the seeds of doubt she was planting in her own head.
“Rita” you said her name gently, coaxing her attention back to you. “If I had wanted that, I would have stopped you, and we would have had a conversation.” you watched as she exhaled and her features softened, some of the tension she was carrying beginning to ease. 
“Is that what you really wanted last night? Something more akin to earlier this morning?” you searched her eyes, trying to catch a glimpse of the truth, and when she didn’t give you anything, you spoke once more, with more assertion this time. “You told me… well showed me. You showed me what you wanted, it was hot.” she smiled then, and the light in her eyes changed. 
“So do you want pancakes?” she asked as she put the now empty mug down, and pushed off the counter to stand in between your legs. 
“You made breakfast?” you looked at her perplexingly, she wasn’t, by her own admission, the greatest cook. You winced a little internally at the thought of having to feign interest in whatever she had prepared, or attempted to prepare. 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” she laughed “I put an order in at Bubby’s.” and with that admission your stomach settled and you let out a quiet sigh of relief. “Okay, you don’t have to look so relieved.” she huffed, partially annoyed and partially amused. 
“Come here” you tugged on her shirt “Thank you for not making breakfast.” you whispered teasingly as you kissed her.
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The two of you never managed to leave her apartment over the weekend, seemingly losing track of time. When you weren’t in bed, you both snacked, and ate where you could, take out dropped at the door, pizza consumed on the living room floor. 
The nights were spent drinking red wine and listening to her record collection, talking and debating, much like you had done for years, except this time, you couldn’t control yourselves, and neither of you wanted to. You both yearned to learn every part of one another. You’d make it maybe halfway through an album, or a conversation, if you were lucky, before your eyes would consume one another, and your lips would devour the others’. 
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@storiesofsvu @imlike-so-gay-dude @wannabe-fic-reader @alexusonfire @momlifebehard @annegilletteslostwh0r3 @drduckthief @giftedchildturns40 @holycrapraewth @when-wolves-howl @ladysc @itwasrealtome @fanfictionfangirl04 @upsidedowndanvers @jetaimedarling  @red1culous
Taglist link here
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hoe4almondmilk · 1 year
A request. If you want to write it. Maybe Olivia goes on a date with R and she is nervous. It didn't go well but Olivia likes R and wants to try again R gives Olviia a second chance and it goes well etc.
Thank you anon! I love this so much.
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“One last touch.” Olivia whispered to herself as she spritzed her favorite perfume onto her pulse points. To say Olivia was nervous would definitely be an understatement. This was her first date in at least a year. She took one last look in the mirror and was ready to go.
“Okay, Lucy. I should be back by eleven.” Olivia said as she grabbed her purse.
“Wow Olivia, you look beautiful!” Lucy said with a smile. “I’m so happy you’re finally going out!”
“Thank you, so am I.” Olivia said with a soft smile. “Noah, give me a hug.”
Noah got off of his iPad briefly and gave his mom a hug.
“Bye sweetie.” Olivia said as she gave him a big hug and a kiss on the head.
“Bye mom! Have fun!” Noah said as he ran back to the couch and his tablet.
Olivia said one last goodbye to Lucy before she left her apartment. Olivia felt warm all over. A flood of excitement and nervousness washed over her. Olivia sent you a quick text as she got into her car letting you know she was on her way to the restaurant.
Not only was Olivia going on her first date in a while but on a date with you. The two of you got on really well. You crossed paths a few weeks ago when she was guest speaking for a teen dating violence workshop at the high school you teached for.
Though the two of you have only really texted and an occasional FaceTime, Olivia felt hopeful again. Maybe it was her turn for love finally.
Olivia was snapped out of her thoughts when the driver stopped at the restaurant. “Thank you.” Olivia thanked the driver with a smile as she got out of the car.
Olivia was about to text you to let you know she was here but was stopped when she saw you waving at her. Olivia was almost taken aback at how beautiful you looked. You were wearing a little black dress that hugged your body in the right spots. Olivia could feel her cheeks warm up looking at you.
“My goodness Captain, you clean up nice.” You said playfully.
“I could say the same thing about you.” Olivia replied. “Do you want to go in?” Olivia motioned to the inside of the restaurant.
“Of course.” You agreed as you both walked into the fancy restaurant.
You and Olivia both decided on this new French restaurant that had just opened a few months ago. It was a bit of a higher end restaurant, not something you would normally be able to afford on your teachers salary but you decided for a special occasion you wouldn’t mind the extra bucks. Plus, you really liked Olivia.
“Ooooh, we could try escargot for dessert.” You giggled at the menu.
“I think I’ll pass.” Olivia chuckled. Olivia was so happy she decided to ask you out.
You two had clicked instantly.Normally first dates are sort of awkward but not with you. The conversation between you two seemed to flow so easily. It felt like you two had been talking for hours.
“I must be in heaven.” You grinned as you leaned just the tiniest bit forward to Olivia on the small table.
Olivia could feel her cheeks flush. “And what makes you say that?” Olivia flirtingly asked.
“I haven’t had this good of a time at dinner in a long while. I think you’re enthralling, Olivia.” You smirked.
“Enthralling?” Olivia repeated as she tilted her head curious.
“Enthralling. I can whisper it in your ear if you’d like.” You snaked your hand over Olivia’s.
“Is that so?” The captain smiled and held your hand back.
“Very much.”
The two of you had just finished dinner. You were very surprised when Olivia picked up the check and paid for your food as well.
“Oh, Olivia. I could have gotten mine.” You said almost feeling guilty about her paying. Last few dates you had were on you either had to split or cover the entire check. It was nice to be spoiled just a bit.
“(y/n), don’t worry about it. I invited you. I don’t mind paying.” Olivia smiled at you.
“Well, next time it’s my turn.” You giggled as you two headed out of the restaurant.
It was a beautiful night. You and Olivia stood outside the restaurant just talking trying to decide what to do next since it was only nine.
“We could go to my place and watch a movie if you want to? I live only a couple of streets down.” You suggested.
“I’d love that.” Olivia smiled.
You two were about to head over to your apartment when Olivia’s phone rang.
“Benson.” She answered.
You slightly raised your brow when you saw the annoyance in the captain’s face. Something was up.
“I’ll be there.” She said as ended the phone call.
You felt your heart drop when she said that.
“(y/n), I’m so sorry. It’s work. I can call my driver and he’ll take you home.” Olivia suggested.
“Sure.” You agreed. You could help but feel disappointed and worried. This wasn’t the first time you’ve had the “sudden phone call gotta run” type of situation.
Olivia waited until her driver came and got you before she left.
“Please text me when you get home.” Olivia pleaded. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You tried to fake a smile.
Olivia sadly stood there as you were driven home. The night was going so well. Work always did this to her.
“On my way.” She texted Rollins.
The next day, Olivia spent the day worried. You had texted her last night, letting her know you had made it home but kind of went ghost. Olivia had texted you this morning apologizing about last night but you hadn’t replied.
Olivia leaned back in her office chair and sighed with her arms crossed behind her head.
Amanda knocked on the door before entering “Long day?”
“You can say that.” Olivia sighed.
“I’m sorry we had to call you last night. I know you had a date.” Amanda walked up to Olivia’s desk.
“Yeah, I think it might have been our first and last.” Olivia said with a sad smile.
“What?” Amanda questioned. “Was it bad?”
“No.” Olivia chuckled. “It was actually going really well. But she hasn’t texted me since last night. I’m not really sure why.”
“Maybe, you should go see her?” Amanda suggested.
Olivia laughed. “I don’t know about that. I don’t want to be awkward.”
“Then don’t make it awkward.”
“Easier said than done Amanda.” Olivia replied.
“Think about it.” Amanda said as she left Olivia’s office.
Olivia thought about it that whole afternoon. Now, she had a bouquet of roses and walked over to your place. Olivia had this feeling of intense awkwardness over her body. But she had to know. You two had such a great time.
Olivia waited a few seconds before she knocked on the door of your apartment. She finally built up the courage to knock.
“Olivia..” you said as you opened the door.
“Hey.” Olivia said quietly. “I got you these.” Olivia handed you the flowers.
“Olivia, these are beautiful.” You said as you smelled the flowers. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, I’m sorry I dropped by unexpectedly.” Olivia apologized. I just wanted to apologize about last night.”
“You’re okay. I’m sorry I kind of went ghost. I just got scared.” You muttered.
“Scared? (y/n), I’m so sorry if I sc-“
“It wasn’t you.” You interrupted. “I just got scared that maybe you didn’t enjoy our date and wanted to leave and used the phone call excuse.”
“(y/n), not at all. I really had a great time. I really like you.” Olivia reassured you. “It’s just work. Sometimes we get cases at all times of day and sometimes I have to go..
“I just get worried about getting attached and being hurt again.” You said sadly.
Olivia surprised you when she held your hand. “I’m not going to do that.”
“I know.” You held her hand back.
“I want us to try again.” Olivia suggested. “And I promise, no work interruptions.” She smiled at you.
“Okay.” You smiled back. “But I’m paying this time.”
“I don’t know about that one.”
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electrictoes · 1 year
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The SVU Summer Hiatus Bingo 2023 starts on Friday 19th May and ends on the date of the season 25 premiere - Thursday 18th January.
Anyone who wants to participate can, any character, any ship - completely open and up to you. It’s supposed to be fun, and there’s absolutely no pressure - complete the whole grid, complete a line or two for bingo, or just select scattered prompts that inspire you! The DUN DUN square is a free square.
If the prompts inspire any non-fic content then that’s fine too! Tag SVU Summer Bingo on tumblr, and for those posting to AO3 the collection is here.
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Crumbs to Your Love - Rafael Barba
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A/N: Hi, hi! I have been binging SVU again and have been recently obsessed with Crumbl cookies, so voila! 
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader Word Count: 1.9k Synopsis: After a breakup, Rafael attempts to get back in the reader’s good graces with cookies.
Never date your coworkers.
When the relationship ends, there’s the awkwardness when you pass each other at your job. There’s the looks from your other coworkers, the ones who want to choose a side. There’s the tension when you have to interact with each other.
But worse of all, there’s the awkward situation when your ex brings in cookies from the place you have been dying to try, and you have no idea how to ask for one. 
“He doesn’t even like cookies,” you whispered to your coworker. The two of you were standing in the corner of the kitchen, the bright pink box of Crumbl cookies sitting on the counter, staring you down. 
“The man doesn’t eat sweets,” you said. “He doesn’t eat. Why the hell would he order a giant box of cookies? And then why would he share it with his coworkers? He hates us.” You were talking in hushed tones, but the other people in the kitchen still gave you a concerned glance. You forced a smile and looked to your friend.
“I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head, “But I doubt he would care if you took a cookie.”
“Please,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“How would he even know what cookie went to who?”
“Who’s to say he doesn’t have this place bugged with cameras.”
“Why would he do that?”
“I don’t--”
“Y/N, Grace.” You turned towards the doorway as Rafael walked in. He gave you a tight lipped smile. “Did you guys have any cookies yet?”
“No, I--”
“We were actually just about to,” Grace said, pushing you gently towards the counter. Rafael smiled at you and you could have sworn you saw something like triumph in his eyes. 
You opened the box of cookies and held back a gasp. Six beautiful cookies looked up at you, all cut into fours, with each missing a few pieces. The longer you stared, the more embarrassing this would be, so you quickly reached for the one closest to you: a cookies and cream cookie.
“Thank you,” you said, looking at Rafael quickly. He nodded his head. 
“Yeah. You made a good choice, that was my pick, too.”
You gave him a slight smile as you moved past him. You looped Grace’s arm with yours and pulled her out of the room before she could burst out laughing.
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The next week, you were sitting at your desk when Rafael walked into the room. You were a paralegal, and sat in an office with anywhere from three to six other paralegals at a time, but for some reason he chose you.
He walked up to your desk and you reluctantly looked at him.
“How can I help you, Mr. Barba?” you asked. The lines around his eyes seemed to tighten for a moment. 
“Just wanted to let you know I brought in more Crumbl.”
“Why?” you asked. He shrugged. He had one arm behind his back and as you looked at him he revealed the box of cookies he held in his hand. 
“Want one?”
“Umm, yes.” He opened the box and this time you picked a quarter of the strawberry one. 
“Another good pick.”
“Thank you?”
He gave you a strange smile and backed away from your desk. Before he could walk out the door, the rest of the paralegal team surrounded him and took the rest of his cookies. 
As you took a bite of the cookie, unable to stifle the slight groan you let out, your eyes locked with Rafael’s as he was leaving. He smirked before leaving the room.
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For the next three weeks, Rafael would bring in Crumbl cookies, and make a specific effort to be there when you selected one. However, this week, most likely busy with a case, you hadn’t even seen a glimpse of him.
You were heading out for your lunch on a Friday when you spotted him again.
“Y/N, hey!” he called, jogging to catch up with you.
“Hi, Rafael.”
“Would you mind helping me with something?”
“I was actually just about to take my lunch—“
“It’s not work related. Well, not really.”
“What then?”
“I was going to run out for Crumbl again. Maybe you’d want to join me? A few of the people from my floor have noticed the empty boxes and instructed me to get more. I could use the extra hands.”
“Carmen was busy?” you asked, stepping out of the courthouse.
“She was. Plus, I’ve noticed how much you like the cookies—“
“Have you?” you asked with a laugh. Rafael smiled sheepishly at you. “Yeah, sure, I’d be happy to help.”
“Thank you,” he said, smiling at you, “I’ll make sure you get first pick.”
You walked down the street together and the space between the two of you felt unnatural. You were still side by side but there was a magnet pulling your hands together that the two of you fought insistently. Eventually, you couldn’t resist the temptation and stuck your hands in your pockets.
The cookie shop was only a few blocks down, but in the trip over there, it felt like you had met a completely new person.
The Rafael you had dated had been passionate and caring, but also reserved and hot tempered. The Rafael you walked with was open and considerate, he asked you about your day and he listened intently to your answer. By the time you got to Crumbl, you were so surprised by his behavior that you completely forgot why you had walked with him in the first place.
You walked up to the counter and looked at the cookies on display. Just the smell of this place was overwhelming. It was like you walked into cookie heaven and you never wanted to leave.
“So what?” you asked, looking back at Rafael.
“What’s your pick?”
“The cake batter one is calling my name,” you said, “But I want to try them all.” Rafael laughed and stepped in line with you.
“I had no idea that people could take cookies so seriously,” he said, motioning to the long line.
“People love limited things. The cookies are only here for a week, so you have to try them each week. It’s kind of genius.”
“It’s kind of bankrupting me,” he said with a soft smile. You laughed. You didn’t remember laughing as much with him before.
“Why did you even start bringing them in in the first place?”
“A friend recommended them to me.”
“But why share it with all of us?” you asked, stepping up in line. Rafael let out a sigh.
“It has been recently brought to my attention that I can be some what of a uncaring person.”
“What? You?” you asked sarcastically. He gave you a false smile.
“It’s not my intention,” he said, “And if I was that way with you—“
“Oh, Rafael, we don’t have to get into this. We’re fine. You are a little . . . brash. But it’s because you work hard. I wouldn’t say you’re uncaring. I think you care too much about the work you do that you sort of forget that you’re not the only one doing it.”
“Thank you,” he said softly. “That’s why I bring the cookies. I would like to make more of an effort with my coworkers.”
“Well, the cookies are definitely working. Although we may all be getting addicted.”
It was your turn and Rafael walked up and ordered a dozen cookies, twice what he usually does. The employee asked if that would be all, and last minute, he added an extra cake batter cookie.
When your order was ready, Rafael grabbed the boxes and handed you the small one. Inside was the warm cake batter cookie.
“Take it as my thanks for coming with me, and an apology for the way I’ve acted.”
“Rafael, I—“
“It’s just a cookie, Y/N.”
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“What do you think you’re doing?”
Rafael looked up from the casework in front of him to see Grace, another paralegal, storm into his office.
“Uh, how can I help you, Grace?”
“You can stop whatever you’re doing with Y/N.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“The cookies, asking her to walk with you, it’s all very obvious that you want her back. You broke her heart once, I’m not going to let you do it again.”
Rafael let out a sigh, looking between her and the open door. “Shut the door.” She gave him a skeptical look but did as he asked. She sat down in front of his desk.
“I made a mistake,” he began. “I messed things up with Y/N. I didn’t bring the cookies in to win her over, but I saw how much she liked them and,” he sighed. “I’m just trying to show her that I’m not the asshole I’ve been.”
“So tell her that,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Tell her you messed up and want another chance and stop stuffing us with cookies. It’s sad.”
“You can leave my office,” he said, standing. A look crossed over his face like she remembered who she was dealing with. “But thank you. I will take that into consideration.”
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You looked back up the courthouse steps you had just walked down to see Rafael hustling down them.
“On another Crumbl run?” you asked. He laughed gently.
“No, I was looking for you.”
“I realize that my attempts to turn your affection with cookies isn’t necessarily working, so I just wanted you to know, that I regret the way things ended with us, and if you’d let me, I would like to take you out again to show you I can change and be the kind of person you deserve.”
You looked at him blankly for a few moments, taking in everything he said. “The cookies were to win my affection?” you asked.
“Yes,” Rafael sighed. You smirked as you tried to fight off a laugh.
“That’s really stupid, but also very cute. I would love to go out with you again, Rafael,” you said.
“Really? Are you free now?”
“I am,” you said with a smile. Rafael took your hand in his and it felt right, like something had locked into place finally. “But this date better include a stop to Crumbl because they have a pumpkin flavored one this week.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
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loveandprose · 3 months
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With Elliot undercover, Liv and Noah move into his place for a few weeks to keep Bernie company. Chapter 6 of 7: A surprise reunion, 10 long days after Elliot goes MIA.
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serenasoutherlyns · 2 months
currently writing top!Alex Cabot
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cycat-carisi · 1 year
I’m supposed to be writing a thesis, yet this little drabble hit me like a ton of bricks...so yeah, I’m yeeting it into the Tumblr world! Enjoy? Could fill the “Fresh Start” square in @adarafaelbarba’s birthday bingo!
Summary:  Just a little hurt/comfort drabble with Joe (: Pairing: Joe Velasco x Reader Warnings: language, mentions of domestic abuse, hurt/comfort Words: 806 AO3 here
You are drunk again. A few of your female police officer buddies had joined you for drinks after your shifts. Afterall, it had been a particularly hard day. First, you were called to the scene of a bad accident, then it was followed up with a potential case of assault, and to top it all off, your boss yelled at you for some dumb thing that the alcohol has already made you forget.
Yet another shot is being downed when suddenly he walks in. The sexiest man you have ever seen. Tall, dark and most certainly handsome. Light stubble lines his cheeks and that leather jacket...oh boy, that leather jacket!
"Chiquitita . Time to go home," he speaks in a voice barely audible over the music in the bar.
"Why, hellooo handsome!" you whistle. All your friends' eyes are on you, but you’re too drunk to register their stares.
"Come on," he whispers against your ear.
"Trying to take me home, eh? Well, good lookin', it's a good thing you're so good lookin' because I'm definitely gonna let you take me home!" You stumble a bit, bracing a hand on his firm shoulder.
His find your waist to steady you while, under his breath, the man lets out a curse in Spanish. "I’m your boyfriend, Chiquitita, and it's time to go home now." His voice is stern, dripping with annoyance.
"You're my boyfriend!?! Damn girl, you done goooood!" you give yourself a sloppy pat on the shoulder.
"Please," he begs with those big green eyes. "You do this every time. I dread getting this call but it keeps happening. This has to stop."
You had met Joe Velasco when responding to a call of domestic violence a few years ago. The two of you locked eyes immediately; some kind of electric exchange happening from across the room. He had been the one to ask for your number and there had been no going back since.
A large frown causes your brows to wrinkle but you nonetheless allow Joe to lead you out of the bar. The cool night air feels like a slap to the face, yet it allows you a moment of clarity. "What's the matter with you?!" you demand, perhaps a little too harshly.
"What's the matter with me?" he scoffs, still supporting you in his arms. "You're the one whose friends repeatedly call me to come and get you when you’re drunk out of your mind!"
You add fuel to the argument, exclaiming, "I had a bad day!"
"We all have bad days! But you get completely wasted and…you know how it makes me feel."
"But you knew going into this whole thing that I’m a bit self-destructive!"
"A bit? Come on, please!" Joe rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"I grew up with five brothers! You'd think that after five boys my parents would have wanted a girl.” You sputter out an angry laugh. “Ha! Nope! I was the accident that came out with an X chromosome instead of a Y and they never let me forget it!"
Joe has repeatedly been there for you when it came to how your family treated you, but right now he’s tired of you using it as an excuse for your drinking. "And I had an abusive father,” he rebuts, “who...who would..." There's pain etched across Joe's face as he says the words. "He would drink until there was nothing left, which only made him angrier. That anger had to come out somewhere..."
Your foggy mind immediately flashes to the scars you know litter Joe's back. Suddenly, the guilt hits you like a ton of bricks. "I'm so sorry, babe," you sob out. "I didn't mean to hurt you! I didn't mean to make you think of him. I'm sorry." The tears run freely. Clearly, you are an inconsiderate, self-absorbed asshole to a boyfriend who has been nothing but good to you.
Joe's face softens, his tone lowering to match. "Hey, don't cry, Chiquitita. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but drinking won't make it better. I know my schedule is nuts, but I will always be here for you to talk with. I wish you would turn to me instead of the bar."
You honestly didn't deserve him, yet Joe still made you want to be a better person. "I promise, Joe! I promise to talk. I promise not to drink. I promise to be better to you!" You fling your arms around his middle and squeeze.
It's not a moment later that his arms fully envelope you, pressing you tighter to his chest. You can hear the steady thrum of his heart, beating like a calming melody in the most frightful of storms. "I love you," you murmur against his shirt.
"I love you, too," he whispers into your hair. "Now, let's get you home."
Tag list: @plaidbooks @adarafaelbarba  @misscharlielulu @barbasbodaciousbeard @caracalwithchips @averyhotchner @one-sweet-gubler @anlin2058 @katieslotherford @pjkimrn @aynansstuff
I realize it has been an insane amount of time since I last posted, so please let me know if you’d like off/on this list ^^ 
*crawls back under my rock until the next idea needs out of my head*
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happenstnces · 1 year
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100 followers !! what the heck !! thank you guys sossoso much, i love u all from the very bottom of my heart! in honour of one hundred, i’ve decided to celebrate by doing a little writing challenge!
you can pick any prompt from one of the five lists and send them in with a character / pairing from my guidelines ! please keep in mind i write fem inserts, if you’d like something specific ( ex. gn!reader , no y/n ) please specify!
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐌 𝐅𝐔𝐙𝐙𝐈𝐄𝐒 ! prompt list one [ fluff ]
𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 / 𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 / 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐒 ! prompt list two [ hurt / comfort ] prompt list three [ angst ]
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘 / 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ! prompt list four [ nsfw ]
𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 ! prompt list five [ platonic ]
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oneshotnewbie · 5 months
Liv’s daughter gets her first migraine injection? Of course Liv does it for her cause there’s no way she can do it herself. Its really painful, but Liv comforts her afterwards and they cuddle together.
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The sunlight of the morning sun filtered through the still half-closed curtains. You sat on the edge of your double bed, staring nervously at your lap as you rubbed your shaking and sweaty hands on your pajama pants. In front of you was the long box with a migraine injection that your mother had brought you from your neurologist yesterday afternoon. Your heartbeat raced in your chest as you looked at the needle and injector.
Thoughts raced through your mind, sending you into a panic as you tried to take a deep breath and gather the courage. But the needle in front of your eyes seemed so frightening, and the thought of injecting it through your stomach alone increased your fear. The thought of the pain to come during the procedure made you shudder.
A large lump had formed in your throat as you tried to keep breathing calmly. "You're not a child anymore. You can do this," you whispered to yourself, but that only seemed to make the fear grow even greater. You reached for the included instructions and read through them for the hundredth time since last night. The individual steps were illustrated with pictures and described precisely, but your hands were shaking as if you had Parkinson's and the writing on the paper blurred into a scribble. "Damned!"
Hesitantly, you decided to accept help from your mother and call her. She had offered you her support and was waiting outside in the living room in case you needed her. "Mom?" you asked into the void, looking anxiously at the door. A soft knock on it startled you as you briefly returned to your thoughts. Olivia poked her head through a crack before carefully stepping into the room and you immediately felt relieved when you felt the familiar presence. “Everything okay, my darling?”
You nodded uncertainly and looked at her with wide eyes as you patted the seat next to you. You began nervously picking at your nails, your gaze wandering between your mother and the injection. "Yeah, I'm just... trying to take this injection."
Olivia stepped closer to you, her hands clasped under her chest and already holding her glasses in one of her hands before sitting down next to you. She opened a hand invitingly and you dropped the paper into her hand. "You don't have to do this alone," she spoke softly in a whisper, pulling up her glasses to take a closer look at the injection instructions. Your doctor had already shown her how it worked and what she should pay attention to. But one thing is certain: she couldn't afford any mistakes. She didn't want to cause you pain. "I'm your mother. I'm here to help you, no matter what."
A tiny smile spread across your face and you leaned your head on her shoulder. "Thanks, it's just... the fear of the pain. Dr. Phillips suggested it could be really painful." you gulped and hugged yourself. Olivia noticed your nervousness and placed a reassuring hand on your thigh, gently running her thumb over your clothed skin before resting her cheek on the top of your head. "You've already been through so much, sweetie. You can still do this. You're so strong!"
With shaky hands, you opened the box and pulled out the injector. Your heart raced when you saw the needle in real life. Your mother immediately grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. "Take a deep breath and breathe out. You can do it, I'm here." You nodded and watched Olivia prepare the injection with steady hands as you took deep breaths and tried to calm your nerves with a little walk around your room. "Ready?"
"Yeah. Let me get it over with," you stood in front of your mother and pulled up your shirt. You quickly closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing as you tried to control the fear. With slow, step-like movements, Olivia approached you and placed the needle on your lower abdomen. The thought of the coming pain caused goosebumps to form on your skin, but you nodded silently and she pressed the injector firmly until it clicked into place.
Under her pressure, your mother felt a moment of tension, followed by a tiny sound of pain escaping your lips as the liquid slowly flowed into your body. Tears welled up in your eyes, but she continued to hold your hand, whispering soothing words to you as she stroked the back of your hand. "A few more seconds, you're almost there."
When the injection was finished, you exhaled deeply as if a weight had been lifted from you and Olivia carefully and carefully removed the needle before dropping the injector to the side. She quickly stood up, put her arms over your shoulders and pulled you close to her. "You did it. You were incredibly brave,"
You smiled weakly at the battle you had won with yourself and hugged yourself tightly to her middle, your head pressed tightly against her chest as you let the rest of your tears fall freely. Kisses adorned the top of your head and caresses were banished to your back as Olivia slowly brought you back to bed. "How about it. I'll let Finn take charge today, you skip school and we have a cozy day in bed?"
"That sounds great, Mom. Is that really okay with you?" you asked, throwing the blanket over your body while your head rested on the pillow. She didn't say another word, took her cell phone out of her pocket and tapped furiously on the screen before turning it off and throwing it on the dresser. "More than okay, my darling."
She disappeared from your room in a flash and you heard the microwave do its work. Shortly afterwards, the smell of sweet popcorn filled the entire apartment and Olivia returned. She had squeezed back into her pajamas and lay down on the bed next to you. You continued watching your favorite show together, occasionally dozing off in your mother's gentle embrace.
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May the Fourth Be with You
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language (maybe?), implied sex (maybe?), fluffy times, Star Wars V spoilers (I guess?), idk let me know if I've missed anything Word count: 1.7k
Summary: You and Casey are watching the twins so your parents can go on vacation and, unbeknownst to Casey, you fully plan on celebrating Star Wars day. But you end up celebrating something else entirely.
Casey jerked awake as the Star Wars theme song blared to life around her.
“What the hell?!” she muttered, stretching and blinking to find you, Winnie, and Eli standing at the foot of the bed with lightsabers. Winnie had on a Darth Vader mask.
You grinned, giggling, and counted your siblings off. “Okay, guys, one… two… three… May the Fourth be with you!”
Casey groaned and tried to put on a good face for Eli and Winnie as she sat up. “Oh, wow. Happy… what are we celebrating?”
“The breakfast tray, young padawans,” you prompted, bowing slightly. Eli and Winnie grabbed either side of a tray and set it over Casey’s lap. Of course, she thought as she looked over the hash brown patty decorated as Chewbacca, with little bacon arms and legs. The avocado toast that somehow had the face of Yoda. Star Wars day. May the Fourth be with you. She shook her head. This is what she got for dating a huge nerd. Even the orange juice was in a little Star Wars glass that looked like it had come straight out of the ‘70s. For all she knew, it might have. Your dad was a huge nerd, too.
“Okay, guys,” you said, giving them a small salute. “You can go eat your breakfasts. Casey and I will come down in a little bit and we can start A New Hope.”
The kids cheered and thundered downstairs, leaving just you in your Han Solo t-shirt sitting at the edge of the bed. “Sorry to wake you,” you apologized, running a hand through her messy morning hair. “I put them off as long as I could.”
“I don’t know how your parents do this all the time.” Casey yawned, making a squished sandwich of the avocado toast, the hash brown and the bacon. She bit into and moaned. “God, it’s worth it for your breakfast, though.”
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. You and Casey were watching your siblings, Winnie and Eli–who were both sixteen and both had Down syndrome–for two weeks, so your parents could go on vacation. They were great kids. You loved them with your whole heart. And you loved that Casey loved them, too. That she was willing to use her vacation time to help you take care of them.
“I think we’re gonna start with A New Hope,” you told her. “It’s the only one they’ve seen besides the kid shows, and the original trilogy’s the best anyway.”
“I’ve never seen Star Wars,” Casey mused, taking another bite of her mishmashed sandwich.
Your jaw dropped. “Casey, what!? None of them!?”
She shook her head, wiping crumbs off the corner of her mouth.
“How come I didn’t know this?! You never told me…”
Casey looked almost guilty as she shrugged. “I don’t really have any desire to see Star Wars…”
You gasped. “And this from the love of my life!?” You clutched your hands to your chest dramatically.
“Calm down,” she scoffed, ruffling your hair as she finished the breakfast sandwich and drained the juice, setting the tray aside so she could wrap her arms around you. “I love that you love Star Wars. I love it when you talk nerdy to me.” She placed a kiss on your neck.
“Oh, yeah?” You smirked, raising your eyebrows.
“Mmhm,” Casey confirmed, pressing her lips to yours. She tasted citrusy from the orange juice, and your brain momentarily blacked out.
You smiled into her, lips brushing against hers. “Did you know the Millennium Falcon is a YT-1300 Corellian light freighter?”
Casey kissed you again, placing both hands on the sides of your face to deepen it.
“And it made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?”
“You’re such a nerd,” she chuckled, pushing you back into the headboard and straddling your lap.
You moaned slightly, your hands slipping under her t-shirt, as she slid her tongue into your mouth.
“Hey!” a voice called, and you and Casey shot apart as if you were teenagers caught by your parents. It was Winnie, in all her 4’10” glory, standing arms crossed, Darth Vader mask on, in the doorway. “You two,” she ranted, pointing at you, “need to stop all this kissing. Get your butts downstairs. It’s May the Fourth Be with You! Not Kissing Be with You!”
“Get out of here, Winnie!” you yelled playfully, throwing a pillow out of her. “We’ll be down in a second.”
She crossed her arms. “You know you’re not allowed to have girlfriends or boyfriends upstairs. That’s what mom says to you and Chase.”
“I’m a full-grown adult, Winnie! I have a job! And an apartment!” you protested. “I can do whatever I want!” You launched yourself out of bed, flushed, straightening your clothes. “And Chase is married!”
Casey’s shoulders shook with laughter, her face red. You rolled your eyes, taking her hand in yours to pull her up from the bed. You followed Winnie downstairs, slapping Casey’s hand away as she squeezed your ass.
“The children, Casey!” you hissed. She smirked and kissed the side of your head.
You had more fun watching Star Wars that day than you’d had in a long time. But you loved watching Casey with your siblings more. It meant so much to you, so much more than you could ever say–and you’d said a lot–that she was so good with them, that she cared about them, even loved them. It made your heart soar when Eli asked for his daily smoothie and wanted Casey to make it, not you. It was a task reserved for whoever was his favorite at the time. You loved that these days, his favorite was Casey.
Even more exciting was getting to watch perhaps the only three people in the world who didn’t know Darth Vader was Luke’s father see the reveal.
“What!?” Casey yelled, into it despite herself, mostly because it was fun to be into something with the people around you. The kids screamed, throwing things around the room. You grinned all the way to your ears, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of Casey’s mouth. You just couldn’t help yourself. She slipped a sneaky hand underneath your shirt to caress your bare skin, making you shiver, and you shot her a look that said, “This is fine, but you’re pushing it.”
And at your favorite part–when Han Solo and Princess Leia are reunited once more at Jabba the Hutt’s lair–you cheesed and smiled and couldn’t help cooing and awwing. They were your favorite. They’d always been your favorite. When you were young, you’d convinced yourself that you had a crush on Han Solo, but really you’d wanted to be Han Solo. The crush, so obvious in hindsight, had been on Princess Leia.
“Ugh, she’s so pretty!” you squealed, and Casey smiled at you, pinching your dimpled cheek.
“Ooohhh,” Winnie teased. “You should be married with her.”
“You should be married with Princess Leia because you said you like her.”
You shrugged. “I mean, I do like her. She’s very pretty. But you know who’s prettier?” You leaned in toward Winnie and Eli, as if you were going to tell them a secret. “Casey.”
Winnie and Eli shrieked, scandalized.
You wrapped an arm around Casey’s waist, pulling her to you, and she giggled, blushing. You kissed her cheek. “Casey is the prettiest. I like her so, so much. I’m gonna be married with Casey.”
After the kids’ laughter had died down and they were distracted by the ewoks, Casey looked at you thoughtfully, running a hand through your hair. “Do you mean it?” she asked quietly.
“Mean what?”
She played with her fingers. “That you want to get married?”
Your heart melted a bit as you watched her. She was nervous to ask. And Casey was never nervous.
You cupped her face. “Of course I am! We talked about this at Chase’s wedding, didn’t we?”
“Yeah, but…” she avoided your eyes. “You didn’t bring it up again.”
“Oh, Case,” you breathed, rubbing her cheek. You laughed a little bit, and she looked at you as you pulled a small plastic bag out of the pocket of your basketball shorts. Casey gasped quietly as she realized what it was, as you held out the ring. “I was gonna make it more romantic, but...”
“Y/N,” she squealed, and planted a quick kiss on your lips, as quiet and chaste as she could manage, so as not to interrupt the kids–or prompt them to interrupt you.
You waited for her nod, then slipped the ring on her finger, smiling.
“How long have you had it,” she asked, whispering, as she turned it around and around.
You grinned at her. “I ordered it after you went to sleep the night of Chase’s wedding.”
“You didn’t,” she said, swatting your arm, sniffing aggressively and trying to avoid crying.
“I did.” And when she turned to you, you knew you’d never, ever get tired of her. Her face, her laugh, the way she kept you on your toes. You loved every single bit of her, so much it almost ached. You’d decided that very night, that very conversation at Chase's wedding reception, that If Casey wanted it, you’d do it. It would be your absolute privilege, your joy, your honor to marry her.
She kissed you a few more times, soft and quick, then leaned her body into yours, resting her head on your chest.
“We’ll celebrate more later,” she whispered, winking up at you and squeezing your hand.
“Hey,” you prompted when she turned her head back to the movie. She looked up at you, and you traced her eyebrows, her cheekbones, all the way down to her chin. “I love you.”
She grabbed your hand and kissed it. “I love you, too.” She smirked and giggled, then added. “Nerd.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, happier than you’d ever been in your life.
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mickey-gomez · 8 months
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Chapter 9 of Fade Into You
Warnings: Word crimes, thesaurus crimes, soft smut, fluff.
Pairing: Rita/Reader
A/N: Picks up directly after chapter 8. It's a little long sorry. I tried to write it the best way I could to describe what it feels like when you're hopelessly in lust with someone. But it's a little muddled. It wouldn't let me put a chapter title/header in, so idk, I guess it's untitled? Also I strongly dislike the series title, so if anyone has an idea for a new title please let me know.
I have most of this series written in dribs and drabs on a big working doc, but I don't really have a structure, so therefore I don't know how to connect it all yet. Also I don't think I'm very good at writing smut, and it sort of intimidates me. So it's hard to update more frequently because I overthink it and constantly rewrite.
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The two of you performed a delicate dance throughout the week, hidden glimpses as you passed one another in the halls, fleeting and restrained touches as you slipped past each other in doorways, lingering looks shared in an office wide meeting.
You caught her gaze once more as you walked past her out of the meeting, walking in the opposite direction, rounding the corner of a dimly lit hallway, the soft glow of the wall sconces illuminating your path, casting shadows as they danced across your features. 
You leant against the wall, nearing the exit, as you waited. And for a brief moment, you considered giving up, with the thought that she hadn’t followed you, or had gotten caught up in conversation, then you saw her out of the corner of your eye. 
You ran your eyes over her as she approached you, her long, warm and rich brown hair cascading down her back, her tailored suit that clung to her in all the right places, and the faint smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. 
“Hi” she said in a low, husky voice, as she stood in front of you. 
“Hi” you replied, your voice a little breathless. 
You both stood there for a moment, your eyes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. You felt a rush of heat spread through your body as you watched her gaze flicker down and then back up again. The attraction between the two of you was undeniable, and it hung in the air like a tangible force. 
“Are you free on Friday evening?” Rita asked, breaking the silence, though her voice still held that seductive tone. 
You nodded, or at least you thought you had, your words momentarily escaping you, before realising you hadn’t actually spoken or given her an answer. “Maybe, why?” you eventually answered.
“Rafa, against my many protests, has organised farewell drinks with some of the other staff at Whiskey Tavern.” 
“That place is so not your scene.” You were right about that part, but you knew Rafael had most likely organised drinks there because it was a block away from the office, it was cheap and a pretty popular bar amongst the young District Attorney’s office staff. Exactly the sort of place that Rita would never be caught dead in.
“I know, but at least they have halfway decent scotch.” She took a step closer, closing some of the distance between you, her fingers brushing against your arm, the touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Plus you can’t really call yourself a New Yorker unless you’ve made out in their photo booth.” your eyes shone as you said it, and her gaze dropped down to your lips once more. She leaned in, just slightly, as if she was testing the waters. “I’ll see you on Friday” you whispered next to her ear as your cheeks brushed together, and you slid out from between her and the hallway. 
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You pushed open the heavy wooden door, the soft ambient hum of conversation greeted you. Warm, dim lights bathed the room, revealing a mess of weathered wooden tables, each one crowded with company, and littered with peanut shells. 
“Got stuck at the precinct, sorry I’m late.” you said brightly as you approached the table.
“Hey!” Rafael’s eyes widened as he greeted you excitedly, standing from the table to embrace you in a friendly, but hasty hug. “Sorry I haven’t had a chance to say hello at the office yet.” 
“Don’t be sorry” you touched his arm and smiled sincerely “So, will we see you at Thanksgiving again this year? You know, to protect Rita from the wolves?” you teased and he grinned, from a mix of liquor and playful amusement. 
“I think my mom would probably beat me senseless, if I missed another year.” 
Across the table, Rita sat relaxed in her chair, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. Her hair was pinned back with her natural waves flowing down over her shoulders, and her hazel eyes framed by dark lashes, locked onto you with an intensity that made her almost impossible to ignore. 
Your eyes finally met, and a jolt of electricity seemed to pass between you both. The air thickened with anticipation as your gaze held for a moment too long. Rita’s lips curled into a knowing smile, as your heart raced just a little faster. 
You tore your eyes away before it became apparent to everyone at the table that there was palpable tension between you both, saying a quick hello to people you didn’t quite recognise or remember, before offering to buy a round for the table, pointing at everyone one at a time as you memorised their order. 
You settled into the open chair next to Rita’s after you dropped the tray of drinks into the middle of the table, leaving everyone to reach for them, while you and Rita exchanged false pleasantries. Rafael introduced you to the group as you sat, and Rita’s hand moved to your thigh, out of sight, something reserved for the two of you.
The hours melted away as her peers continued to share stories and amusing secrets, while the two of you shared stolen glances, your connection growing stronger with each passing moment. The bar’s dim lights cast shadows on your faces, enhancing the intrigue of the situation. 
And when the conversations seemed to pair off and you found yourself speaking directly to her, your conversation danced on the edge of intimacy as you exchanged stories, lingering touches, and smouldering glances. The playful banter masked your desires, but every word and gesture secretly revealed the simmering passion that threatened to consume both of you.
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“Alright” you stood from your seat at the table, “Does anyone have a silver dollar?” you asked, holding your hand out flat and waving your fingers. One of them handed you the dollar out of their pocket, and after a thank you, you turned to Rita and tilted your head towards the opposite end of the bar. “You can’t leave the DA’s office without a memento.” you said with a glimmer in your eye, she knew almost immediately what you were alluding to, and so without hesitation, she followed you with intrigue.
As you both stepped inside the booth, the heavy curtain fell behind you, cocooning you in a private world of dimmed, flickering light. The soft hum of the booth’s machinery enveloped you, drowning out the noise of the crowded bar. 
The camera counted down - three, two, one. The flash illuminated your faces, capturing a moment of shared vulnerability. And as it started to count down once more you both turned your heads, gazes heavy as they fell over one another’s lips, three, two, one. The flash went off and in that moment, you crashed together. 
Your lips were greedy and you could taste the sugar that coated her tongue, a low moan escaped you and your arms wrapped around her shoulders, your fingers threading through her hair as you consumed one another. 
Three, two, one. You both moved together, as the flash went off once more, your hands now scrambling for the others’ body, desperate to feel the touch of skin on skin. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” she whispered against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You swallowed, hard, and nodded in response. With that, you both knew the night had just begun, and the tension that had been building between the two of you was about to ignite into a fiery passion that neither of you wanted to resist, finally feeling free after all these years. 
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Rita reached for your hips and you swung your leg over, fingers gripping onto her shoulders as you held yourself upright. She ran her hand along your cheek delicately, and her thumb traced along your lower lip, and as your swollen lips parted, you drew the digit in, encasing it and running your tongue over it. She was powerless not to moan at the sight, and ever so quick in arching her shoulders and craning her neck, exchanging her thumb’s place with her own tongue. 
Rita reached down in between your bodies, her fingers moving through you, and into the pool of desire that awaited her, grinning at the wetness she found. Her thumb curled up to rub with intent over your clit, and you moaned into her mouth.
Your hands joined at the base of the toy, as you both lined it up with your entrance and you slowly sunk down, both of your gazes fixated on the sight of it, and you let out a shallow breath you’d been holding in your throat.  
She felt the exact moment you relaxed and for a moment you were both still, your hips flush, eyes locked on one another. Until Rita gripped your hips and you rose up on your knees, as she drove a little further, a little harder, into you. Your eyes fell closed, and your mouth flew open and you went slack jawed. She shifted her hips slightly, allowing herself to feel the friction at the base of the strap, and the movement caused a loud moan to spill from your throat. 
“Right there” you gasped, your nails raked down her back and she moaned in response, before reaching a hand around to deliver a sharp spank. The feeling of her hands on your skin, the soft contact, your chests pressed together, and breaths and moans fanning over skin, it all promised to overwhelm. 
“Do that again.” you groaned, and instead of acting on your demand, she pinched you suddenly, and roughly on your inner thigh. You let out a high pitched whine and before you could even think to question her, you realised why she had done it. “Do that again, please.” you said slowly and deliberately, and you could almost hear her smirking with your eyes closed. 
You moved your hands, one down to your clit and the other alternated across your chest, pinching and twisting. Her gaze followed your movements and she moaned as she watched you, feeling herself falling closer to the edge. She watched when your breathing started to become more erratic and frantic, and pulled your hand away from your clit, and you let out a loud whine, your eyes flying open, gazing down at her through hooded lids.
“Not yet” she said breathily, and you leaned back down to kiss her, your hands weaving around her neck. The kiss was a mess of teeth with little control or coordination, but it didn’t seem to bother either of you as you chased your peaks together.
She moved two of her fingers down to rub your clit, “Be a good girl and come for me”, and the combination of her words and her movements pushed you over the edge. When you came, your knees tightened against her hips and your back arched, right at the moment you heard her let out an almost feral sound. 
Your tongues slid together lazily as you both came down from your highs, floating back. The room was filled with a serene stillness, a stark contrast to the frenzied passion that had just consumed you both. 
Your hearts continued to race in tandem, gradually slowing down as you basked in the shared intimacy of the moment. You traced your fingertips gently along the curves of her body, your touch mirroring the depth of your own emotions, and everything left unsaid.
She raised her head up to look at you, her eyes filled with a soft, affectionate gaze. But it was fleeting, you noticed the moment she trapped her vulnerability from spilling further, and when the light in her eyes changed.
“Well that was a spectacular farewell.” she smirked and raised her eyebrows, and giggles erupted from both of you. 
“You should quit every day.” and you both laughed
“You wanna go again?” 
“Knees” you said, a mix of sighs and laughter.
Rita understood, and so she gently gripped your hips and shifted you both until you were on your back, with her on top of you, the heels of your feet resting against her back. She pulled all the way out and you groaned a little at the loss, and just as you went to ask for her to come back, she slid back in, with more force this time, and at a more intense pace.
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The room was cast in a tranquil hush, the remnants of your night still lingered distantly in the air, the warm sheets and her arms enveloped you. Then the shrill and incessant ringing of your phone shattered the fragile peace, jarring you from your shared cocoon of intimacy. 
You blindly reached for it, feeling around the nightstand until it was in your hand, holding it up to your ear as you whispered in conversation with the detective on the other end. Your voice still carried the remnants of sleep, and their words, a blend of apologies and urgency, rudely awakened you to a new day. Rita kissed your shoulder, as you hung up the phone, and you turned in her embrace to drop a chaste kiss against her lips. 
“I have to go get a warrant” you whispered as you pulled back, and she let out a drowsy sigh in response, nestling into the pillow beneath her head, you smiled as you drank her in. Her tousled hair that spilled across the pillow like a dark river, and her eyelashes that cast delicate shadows on her cheeks. You traced your fingers along the contours of her face, marvelling at the peaceful expression that adorned her lips. 
Reality, however, began to nudge at the edges of your cocoon of affection. Responsibilities beckoned, and the detectives in the world outside were awaiting your arrival. 
“I can feel you staring”, she murmured, stirring as her eyes fluttered open, and a sleepy smile met yours. 
“Can I borrow some clothes?” you hummed, the urgency of time bore down on you, as you tried to savour this precious moment, etching it into your memory. 
“Only if you come back with breakfast” she teased, another smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she fought to repress a yawn, “Bagels.”
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You knocked softly on the car window, handing over the warrant to Fin as he wound down the window. “Brought you this as well” you smiled as you extended the coffee tray, he plucked one of the paper cups out with a thank you, as he stepped out of the car, and the two of you leaned against the doors, waiting on the other detectives and officers. 
You looked off into the distance, taking in the city around you as it unveiled its quieter side. The occasional taxi hummed past, its yellow hue a vivid contrast to the still muted palette of dawn. A lone jogger, headphones in place, raced past you both, his feet pounding against the pavement, as if the sound was the slow heartbeat of the city, still in transition from the night’s revelry and the day’s responsibilities. Your mind cast back over the night, and you couldn’t help the involuntary smile that graced your features at the flashes of memories.
“You’re in a good mood.” Fin commented as he watched you, “You get laid last night?” and when you didn’t give him a verbal response, instead glancing down, a soft breath of laughter leaving you and your smile growing wider. He let out a low laugh, “Good for you.”, he commented with genuine candour. “Is it serious?”
“It’s all still relatively new, but it doesn’t feel new.” you reflected “It feels like we were always going to end up here. I don’t quite know how to describe it.” 
“The two of you friends?” he asked, and you nodded softly. 
“I don’t know if we were ever just friends though.” you murmured in thought, losing yourself in the threads of the past. “Sorry, I’m oversharing.” you shook your head, pulling yourself out of your own introspection.
“It’s cool.” he said without hesitation, and with authentic sincerity. “My old partner, back in Narcotics, was a woman. So, you can talk to me, if you want.” he tipped his head over to look at you “You’re part of the squad, we like you, you know? Stabler just has a hard way of showing it.”.
He was trying his hardest, and persisting through his stammering, to form a deeper connection with you. One that extended beyond the surface level of professionality that you all operated with. 
“Thanks. I appreciate that.” You smiled at him, and put your hand on his shoulder for a brief minute, before the moment you were sharing was interrupted with the arrival of squad cars, and that same earlier responsibility beckoned. 
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You returned back to Rita’s, letting yourself in with her keys as you juggled the brown paper bags cradled in your arms. You carefully set everything down on the counter, and bent down to remove your shoes. 
Quietly walking down the hall, you ran your hands over the bedroom door, gently prying it open. You watched her for a fleeting moment, the soft rise and fall of her chest, and the peaceful expression on her face as she slept soundly. You hesitated on whether or not to wake her, but before you could make your mind up, she stirred amongst the sheets. 
You walked over to her side of the bed and gently brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, planting a soft kiss there. “Good morning” you whispered, keeping your voice as soft and gentle as the morning light streaming in through the curtains. “Breakfast is on the counter.”
“Where’d you go?” her eyes flickered open, and she rubbed at them, trying to remove the traces of sleep.
“Well first I went Russ & Daughters for the bagels and appetizers, then to Ray’s for beignets, and then I dropped by the newsstand on the corner to get you the paper.”
“Mm thank you” she murmured with a suppressed yawn, she sat up, the sheets pooling around her, as she ran her hands through her dishevelled hair. “Which Judge did you wake up?” 
“I bet he was mad.” her eyes widened just slightly for a moment, and she held back her laughter. 
“That’s… putting it politely.” 
“Judge Taten lives about ten blocks from here, and isn’t as cranky, for future reference. She even puts on coffee, and sometimes she’ll give you pastries.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me that four hours ago? I went all the way uptown!” you hit her arm as your face contorted in irritation, and you looked at her with your mouth agape. 
“I was asleep.” she shrugged, but the brief glimpse of a smile gave her away, revealing it was far more likely she had deliberately withheld that information. Presumably for her own amusement at the thought of you uncaffeinated, with a throbbing headache after a night of drinking and sex, being shouted at and scolded while she slept soundly. 
She climbed out of bed, stretching out her arms and rolling the muscles in her neck as she suppressed a yawn. When she walked into her wardrobe, your eyes were glued to the back of her. 
“Follow me” she tied the belt of her robe tighter around her waist, and beckoned you with one finger. 
You did as she commanded and followed her down the hall and into what you presumed was her office, glancing around the room briefly as she unlocked her desk drawer and pulled out a worn leather notebook.
“This is my black book” she closed the drawer and turned back to you, holding the item in both hands, looking at you expectantly. 
“Okay..?” you looked back at her confused, your eyes narrowing and your expression motionless. 
“Let me rephrase.” she smiled as she looked away for a moment, then back to you. “This is a notebook with every sitting judge’s name, phone number, address. As well as the names and phone numbers of their clerks and assistants. There’s also notes under each Judge, their kid’s names, pets, hobbies, political affiliations, and so on.” She raised an eyebrow as she took in your reaction. 
“How did you get this?” your eyes went wide and your mouth opened, almost in disbelief. It was a secret roadmap, one that would help you not only pick and choose which judge to grant you a warrant, but also how to pander to them in court and build up rapport with them; she was giving you the keys to winning. 
“I didn’t ‘get’ it, I made it.” she scoffed “It took me a couple of years which is why-” 
“Gimme” you reached for it, snatching, almost childlike, and she pulled it back, staring at you with a stern but amused expression. 
“-Which is why, I have never ever shared its contents.” 
“But… you’re now going to share it?... With me?” you spoke slowly, tilting your head to the side, trying to ascertain her intentions. 
“You may borrow it for one week, to copy it and to make your own. But you are not to share it with anyone else, and I expect it back this Friday.” She slowly extended it, and right as you reached for it she pulled it back, and you looked back to her. “And you now owe me.” She smirked, knowing you had no choice but to agree to that term. 
“I hardly think that’s fair considering I just brought you breakfast.” you rolled your eyes, and she went to put it back into her desk drawer until you snatched it. “Fine! Fine. I owe you.” 
“And?” she looked at you expectantly. 
“Thank you” you leaned in and kissed her, backing her into the desk. Your hands blindly reached for the tie on her robe, fingers gracelessly undoing the knot. “So this is how you always win.” you teased, whispering against her neck and you heard her scoff loudly before she smacked you. 
“I always win because I’m the best.” she mumbled, her breath catching in her throat as your fingers swept over her stomach, tickling her. 
“Yes, yes you are.” you murmured as you sunk down onto your knees, winking at her as you pulled her leg onto your shoulder. 
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hoe4almondmilk · 1 year
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[olivia benson x reader]
You ran your hands through your hair and groaned. Frustrated at the laptop full of study notes. “A legal duty to act. A legal duty to act can arise in what five circumstances…” You read aloud.
You had finally made it through law school but now you had to do the most dreaded. The bar exam.
“Baby, maybe you should take a break. You’ve been at this for hours.” Olivia said as she finished up washing the dishes.
“I can’t Liv, at this point I might as well fail.” You whined. “I should’ve just been an accountant.”
Your wife chuckled as she walked over to the couch and plopped next to you. “You’re not going to fail, (y/n).” She said as she rubbed your back gently with her hand.
Olivia furrowed her brows. She knew there was something deeper going on. You were so excited about finally getting sworn in and applying to the District Attorney’s Office to be a prosecutor.
“I just don’t know anymore. What if this isn’t for me?” You looked at Olivia, teary eyed. You were a perfectionist at your very core. Which sometimes could be good but also was your greatest weakness. You wanted to be a lawyer, that was your dream.
“Where’s all of this coming from?” Olivia asked. “You were so excited after your internship with the DA’s office?”
“I was, But I came to a realization afterwards.” You muttered.
Olivia raised her brow. “And that realization was?”
“That I’m never going to be as good as Barba. I mean I was surrounded by so many amazing prosecutors, ADAs and DAs. I’m never going to be that good.” You felt a tear fall down your cheek.
“(y/n), cut yourself some slack!” Olivia argued. “You’re prematurely worrying yourself over something that hasn’t happened yet.”
You wanted to believe her but you had failed so much already. You felt like there’s this deadline to success and you’re about to be late. You didn’t start law school until your mid twenties. You didn’t know what to say. You just looked at Olivia and said “I don’t know.”
“Well, I’m older and I know.” Olivia chuckled. “Yes, you may not be on Barba’s level yet, but in time you will be.” Olivia added.
“I love you.” You smiled at her and kissed her cheek.
“And I love you. And now you're going to put this away for the night and we are going to finish Gilmore Girls.” Olivia said as she closed your laptop and grabbed the tv remote.
“Okay.” You giggled. “I’ll get the blankets.”
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yoyok-era · 6 months
Christmas Tree | The SVU Squad
SVU Squad ♡ A Very SVU Christmas - Series Masterlist ♡ 0.3k ♡ Ao3
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When Olivia had walked into the squadroom that morning, the last thing she had expected to be met with was the Christmas tree, which was significantly bigger than the small one they’d had last year.
It stood in the middle of the room, desks and chairs moved aside to accommodate it. She watched as Carisi awkwardly side-stepped it to get to where she was standing, calling out her name as he struggled.
“Does anyone wanna fill me in on how that invaded?” She asked, a smirk pulling at her lips. Her eyes trailed over the tree, from the base to where Amanda was standing on a ladder, trying to set up the lights.
Fin smiled at her. "Funny story, actually. I thought I'd buy a tree for me and Phoebe–a real one this year– turns out, the apartments a bit too small for this one. So, I thought I'd bring it down here." He shrugged, placing a hand on Amanda's ladder as it moved.
"Muncy and Velasco went out to buy some decorations, because as it turns out, we only have 5 ornaments and a star." He continued. "Wanna pitch in, Cap?"
Three hours later, they'd finally finished decorating the tree. Every flat surface was covered in boxes upon boxes of baubles, ornaments, and tinsel. To say that Muncy and Velasco had gone all-out would've been the understatement of the century.
The squadroom, which had looked fairly empty the night before, now looked like a Christmas miracle had happened. They'd gone all out and decorated their desks too; Amanda's a classic red and gold, Muncy's in varying shades of pink, Velasco's in blue and white, and Fin's a chaotic combination of everything.
Olivia's office had fallen victim to the Christmas madness as well, tinsel lining the windowsills and lights surrounding her desk. She'd eyed Fin questioningly as she looked up at the piece of mistletoe that hung above her office door.
He'd shrugged, smirking at her. "Thought I'd put it up in case Stabler comes by."
Olivia rolled her eyes, but didn't comment, instead going back to watching the rest of her squad as they decorated. She could get used to this.
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thats-jaywalking · 1 year
Inspo: archiveofourown.org/works/44100204
Ch 17-I Could Hold You for a Million Years
It's not always easy and
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Sometimes life can be deceiving
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I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together
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Jack Johnson-Better Together
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