#terrestrial planets
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COMIC - Cosmic Mysteries: Black Holes
(Heliosphere: Under the Sky is an original solar system project with personified stars and planets)
Space facts!
Black holes are mysterious. They are huge concentrations of matter packed into very tiny spaces.
A black hole is so dense that gravity just beneath its surface, the event horizon, is strong enough that nothing - not even light - can escape.
Black holes can be stellar or supermassive.
However, continued studies propose intermediate (middle ground mass), primordial (formed with the universe), and ultramassive (in the case of TON 618).
Black holes (NASA) | Sagittarius A* (Space.com) | Ultra-massive black holes (Universe Today)
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baking-cha05 · 7 months
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quiltofstars · 26 days
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A Martian occultation by the Moon on August 9, 2020 // Márcio Spínola
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whirligig-girl · 1 month
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Tidally Locked
Commission for @foxgirlchorix of two moons of her giant planet Kizudea:
Kolayut, the homeworld of the catgirls
Astharulo, the homeworld of the foxgirls
also, Taruvidi, a large as-yet uninhabited satellite planet.
On the right, we orbit Kolayut and can see Astharulo and Taruvidi behind Kizudea. On the left, we orbit Astharulo and can see Taruvidi in front of Kizudea and Kolayut behind it.
See also, Beneath Shared Skies by @thefallencomet; inspired by Tidally Locked Catgirls by @twinicegiantorbiters
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draakart · 1 year
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After a look into the recent past (50-100 years ago) with the last illustration, let's look back further.
In the geteza homeworld's ancient seas, the mostly sessile Zoophytes share a sea-dwelling ancestor with the mostly motile creatures of the planet. All Zoophytes, sessile or not, have a mutually beneficial relationship with photosynthetic red algae-like organisms. In sessile Zoophytes, these microbes are responsible for creating most of the creature's energy. Paedomorphic Zoophytes, on the other hand, are consumers and get their energy from eating other organisms, with the red microbes supplementing their energy levels.
Cultures of these microbes are passed down from parent to offspring, leading to many different strains.
Most sessile Zoophytes will only exchange gametes during their motile, reproductive phase, with different courtship rituals dependent on species, using the stored genetic material for use only once it has fully metamorphosed.
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stoicmike · 1 year
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If we ever do discover life on other planets, I doubt the life will be happy that we found it. -- Michael Lipsey
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swagging-back-to · 3 months
looking at hubble images and galaxies is terrifying bc there's literally billions of stars. at least two planets in our solar system alone have and have had life in some capacity. it's nauseating to know that looking at a galaxy is not only looking however many years in the past but it's looking however many planets with life on them. just imagining the planets in all those solar systems. in solar systems with suns larger than our entire solar system.
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constructbreakdown · 2 months
Here are some space-themed short stories I've made:
Subject: Friendship
Subject: Australians
Subject: Existence
Subject: The Transcendence
If you like these, please consider subscribing to me (Construct Breakdown) on YouTube. It would really help a lot.
Have a wonderful day either way :)
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belorussiandino · 7 days
late-heavy bombardment mercury i suppose
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xanthonyxiangliu · 8 months
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So This is My Pluto's reprisal Oc
Pluto's reprisal is a fnf game that Pluto want his planet static back by Rap battling planets, moons, and other
This oc here is Name Jax
Jax's info:
gender: Trans
Age( HY): 19
A furry Terrestrial planet
And uhhh Yeah thats all ig
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quiltofstars · 1 month
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Venus (upper left) and the Pleiades (M45, bottom right) on April 12, 2023 // Dawson Fehr
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hard to feel enthused about space news anymore when every other kind of news is so bad
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yeonban · 3 months
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Coming up with specifics that I Do Not Need for a verse in such a way that I spend hours upon hours upon hours researching for it, otherwise known as Chris' HSR verse!Nikolai Adventures
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artmctalon · 11 months
Quick and Easy Worldbuilding
Decided the other night I'd make a terrestrial planet with oceans, an ice cap, and some continents.
First, I drew a shitty little map in Krita...
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Then I made a sphere in Blender...
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Slapped the map onto the sphere as an image texture, then made some smaller spheres for moons...
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Went to the Render dropdown and selected the Image option...
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...and Voila!
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imthefailedartist · 7 months
Evolution Rant
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Water/land & water/air animals should very clearly only be water animals. Where did evolution get its wires crossed? Did the meteor fuck shit up that bad?
Walruses, seals, whales, elephant seals, sea lions, sea turtles. Etc. Look at them its unnatural that they be on land.
If the animals only mode of transporting itself around on land is scraping its body against the ground and pushing with flippers, then it is clearly only meant to be in the water. Get back in there.
Watching walruses fight is so unsettling. They have to work so hard to get leverage. The rocking back and forth takes so much energy that is not even a fight is who gets tired the slowest. How is that fair? Then they have tusks, I'm always scared they're going to get stuck or ripped out, and then Wally is dead because it can't hunt or defend itself. The Wally 2 will die of an infection.
Whales! What do you mean whales have to breach every hour, give or take, to breathe air!?!? That's insane. They live in the water. They should have gills. Sharks have gills. Why don't whales?
Watch a video of a seal in the water. It's beautiful it's sleek and graceful. As soon as it's on land, it's a waddling blob dragging itself against the coarse sand and sharp rocks.
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