#thanks again!!!!
dreadwyrmz · 7 months
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another lovely piece I commissioned from @yggdrsyl of Kaz's WAR glam!
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naycelium · 11 months
A lil Sashimi for @dinggoob ! 🐟
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seongminflirt · 5 months
Luvity here to fulfill your request... Your top biases include Seongmin and Allen, hm?
Some Dom thoughts would be much appreciated... As someone who is painfully sub.
-request from a raccoon, 🦝
thank you, my dear trash-loving friend!!! your ask is very much appreciated, because i feel like dom healingz is highly underappreciated!!!!!
warning(s): i use the word “force” in here, but it’s not dub or noncon. allen would stop if you asked!!! also, a few tears are shed, but he’s into it 🤷 jealous seongmin…👍👍👍
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allen is a soft dom to his core. it is my personal belief that he enjoys nothing more after a long day of practicing than taking care of his baby. but, that doesn't mean that he can't get a little mean sometimes. dear god, the way he uses that gentle voice of his to say the dirtiest fucking things to you is absolutely a crime. it has to be. but allen's all smiles, even as he impales you on his thick length. he forces you take more and more because he KNOWS you can take it, you've done it before. even when a few tears escape your eyes from the pleasure and excitement of it all, he just dashes them away with a few swipes of his thumb, capturing your trembling lips in a sweet kiss as he bullies his cock impossibly deeper.
seongmin, on the other hand, has typically been featured as a service top on my blog; his only concern is your pleasure. while that is my favorite headcanon, i also love to think about bratty dom as well from time to time. so, picture this: he's out with you all day, giving you attitude and running his mouth because he doesn't like the way other guys are looking at you. and, the second he gets you alone he's guiding you to your knees and coaxing your mouth open so he can fuck your pretty little throat. telling you how horrible you are for entertaining other guys' attention (you weren't) and how you should be grateful for how he treats you and how well he fucks you (you are). seongmin’s basically rambling at this point about how you don't need anybody else, that he's the only person who could truly satisfy you (indulge him, and he's putty in your hands).
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 11 months
For the anon asking for Baji's VA clips, the anime's youtube channel has a lot of videos of the VAs (him included) like this one
Ah yeah that's a good source! It's the official channel so they do live streams of the voice actors a lot! Thanks for sharing!
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cordate-chordata · 8 months
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Coloured sketch commission for @ouarmy of Bleu :3 He's on Nox
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evilcokito · 9 months
Here’s an actual summary ( of sorts? ) from me, as an apology.
Imagine a bar, neatly hidden down a particularly dark, eerie street. The lamps hanging over the pavement flicker at random intervals. Perhaps a warning of sorts? Or a welcome…
Either way, once you step inside, you’re greeting with the seductive curl of grey, swirling smoke. Glasses clink against each other, patrons laughing in the background. Their voices are quiet, polite mutters, although you can’t really make out the words.
Tarot cards are strewn across a table, and the patron beckons you closer. Take a card, take a peek if you please.
Divine your fate.
In all seriousness, I love the vibes of your blog. It has this comforting atmosphere as you explore various incredible aus and universes with Sam, Cewel, and your ocs. (Sam’s Sisters I love… ahem.) the way you draw characters, you capture a certain playfulness in their expressions, yet somehow convey the strength they have, deep within.
It’s comforting, like a hot cup of chocolate. Sometimes a little spicy, but it’s really lovely to see all your ideas in your art.
Thank you for doing what you do, Coco.
My god, I love the way you write AND LOVE WHAT YOU DO,THANK YOU aaahhh- that was beautiful. AGAIN YOU ARE PUTTING IMAGES INTO MY HEAD so easily, your superpower.
REALLY really... the aesthetics... The "Divine your fate" AAHHH-
Ceru that was very nice, I have it in my head since you sent it!!! Thank you Very much. REALLY!!
Never apologize too!!!
It makes me very happy that you like the sisters, really.
...going to go through your Ask... to leave you something---------- as thanks for this- hope you like it.
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raurusrightarm · 1 year
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@sunshinemage did a FANTASTIC job on this piece of one of our members, Selene! Absolutely go commission some art if you can!!
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feldsparite · 3 months
Not me thinking of zenkichi fucking feral with your art style motherfucker with fangs and blood on his face mwehehehhe
OUUGUGUGHHH thank you i'm glad that resonated with you heheheghe. loveeee that guy's violence!!! glad you do too. there's more to come but i've got other stuff to do other than draw zenkichi hasegawa (unfortunate!) so it'll take a while.
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bat-besties · 1 year
Just wanted to say how much i appreciated your Lili post. History and society as a whole often tends to portray women like her horribly, reducing them to just sex objects and victims for men to save. Further violating them and removing their agency even after the horrors they've survived. So giving context and agency to Lili, even though she is a fictional character, is super fucking meaningful(?) powerful idk. Just wanted to say it touched me personally.
Thank you so much!! I'm really glad, it's a project I feel really strongly about. It means a lot that you connected with the take.
I was initially struck by the obvious racism and sexism, but I couldn't help but also notice the parallel of Lili leading women in both Cambodia and the US, and I started to think more about what that meant and how she'd describe her own story.
It was especially interesting to me as young Rose is so protective of other women and she has really lost that in recent takes. (I think writers have taken Cassie and Rose having a genuine moral difference which both characters grow from as "Rose can't work with women" which I hate.)
I found it really satisfying to write and I'm working on my Part Two! I really want to dive into Lili's success in the US and how good a mother she was to Rose.
I've also learnt so much about Cambodian history and culture from writing it - it's not an area I really explored before and I am learning a lot.
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ishipmutualrespect · 2 years
A polar bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender “I’ll have a rum …………………. and coke.”
The bartender asks, “What’s with the big pause?”
The bear shrugs. “I was born with them.”
<3 hope it made you laugh a little
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Thank you!!! I really needed that 💞
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🌚 how abouut. i hope three guys isnt too much. craig, kenny, and mike?
craig: so i did already talk about craig a little but i was thinking about it after and i wanted to clarify that like... we didn't have a negative relationship or anything. i just was a kind of bitter (typod this as butter HEHE) person as a teenager and then i was distant from almost everyone as an adult. but i think we still got along fine in a quiet nd kinda way.
kenny: GOD. kenny. kenny
kenny from a non-kin perspective is already a character i had a deep and personal attachment to since childhood for some odd and kinda boring reasons but honestly a lot of me now sees that as spiritual anyway - like "i knew before i knew" kinda thing you know?
soooo. kenny is and was the person who understood me absolutely the most out of anyone. it's definitely a romantic attachment (now) but it's never been primarily that, i guess. it didn't start out like a crush or anything. not that there's anything wrong with relationships that do 'cuz those are great too it's just like - different i guess is all. there was and is an unspoken sort of bond between us as two confused and complicated guys always left out on the sidelines which naturally flourished into a close and easy friendship as we got older, to the point where i felt that kenny was my only true friend, my one confidant.
i was at his house a LOT - lying on my stomach on his bed sharin takeout, playing games, talking about stuff, smoking - holding a pillow between my knees, trying not to let him see the hurt on my face or the angry self-inflicted bruises on my knuckles - even though there was no point hiding that stuff from each other and i didn't even really want to, there's just some kind of courtesy in it. i loved him, i loved her house, i loved their family; as much as i hated all those, too.
kenny could make me cry honestly, and laugh honestly too. i feel like we were always knocking each other down to build each other up again. OMG LIKE not to use silly words but the nepeta kin within me always feels obligated to say that we were perfect moirails: she stopped me from making rash decisions and hurting people, kept me in check, but encouraged and even provoked me where it was necessary too... i like to think that i could do the same for him as well, albeit in a different way. not to brag. but we complimented each other so well, i think! and we still do!
kenny is my best and most trusted friend. i dunno. i love them.
mike: sooooo i only remember mike from when we were little kids and i remember feeling like, a deep and confusing jealousy towards him and his ability to express himself. i think i've mentioned this before but i definitely looked at the vamp kids and thought something i didn't yet quite understand about queer identity, healthy self expression, etc. i was absolutely fascinated by and more than a little scared of the vamp kids. but mike was kind to me, for the most part. i mean, not like, actively. but he also wasn't unkind so it counts lol
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zappafool · 2 years
thank youuu @farisdilton for tagging me!! i loooovvee the concept of this sm :)
url playlist!!
zero melt-banana all caps mf doom planet b king gizzard proxy love hmltd all the funds yabadum fit but you know it the streets oh shit the pharcyde only man audio bullys long road, no returns daughters
i tag: @rowdychickens @noodlelooodle @rayman0274 @fuffy2002 @cliffburton @gyftrot @queerwife do this if u wanna dont feel obligated to!! its fun ehehe
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captainmvf · 2 years
give beedino please 😌❤
Hi again Mara!!
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BV/Canoose/Caboose/Break Van would be a Tro! Little guys who are very smart, deadly when together, and are quite colorful! He and other cabeese would be troodons who'd come together on the rare occasion and cause some real messed-up damage. Also, I think BV would cover up his red feathers.
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synthwwavve · 1 year
ah ah, do you think i wouldn't ask for 21? - for bo, and 39 for pre. (gf btw said that we go well together after she saw your reaction about my emojis, lmao) 🦎🦈
Ayyyy thanks for sending more of these! Sorry it keeps taking me so long to answer 😂
Excessively detailed headcanons ask meme
21. Turn ons?
Sparring with her partner— winning or losing, there are perks to both. Having them put on or remove her armor, and doing the same for them. Being with someone more powerful than her, not physically, but in terms of influence, etc. (she definitely has a type.)
Turn offs?
Corny romantic gestures. Extreme physical weakness, or the inverse, someone who only wants to physically overpower her. Being with someone who's too neat and well-kempt (she prefers a bit of ruggedness.)
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Traditional mandalorian comfort food, something rich, warm, and extremely spicy. Plenty of drink— herbal tea for physical recharging, copious beer and liquor for mental recharging, sometimes both in one night. Long scalding showers or hitting the sauna. A massage followed by adult relations with his hot ginger wife. You know, the basic human needs.
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tagged by @littlechillis to share 10 songs i've been listening to recently!! thank you i love these!
welcome new followers to my uh, taste in music lol 
i can’t drive 55 - sammy hagar
urrutitik kantu - mandoilek
kallabllak - noizy
le ziguezon - la bouttine souriante 
d’you know what i mean - oasis
breaking a ghost’s heart - kamp!
lenny - stevie ray vaughan
PM - kida/butrint imeri
you let your heart go too fast - spin doctors 
jena motra kallabllak - vezire gashi
tagging: @fanficburner @mwrieke @borderlinemediocre @colorsofmyseason and YOU
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radiation · 3 months
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