#the 'i will be the spiritual teacher in the commune' energy
super-sootica · 4 months
Sometimes I go on prepping forums to have nose, and frankly they have good sustainability ideas sometimes, and it's soo funny how they differ:
Reasonable Prepper Person: I keep two weeks worth of extra food in case of an emergency or if I get sick. Also medicines, pharmacy could run out you know
Insane Prepper Person: I, the hardcore main character who will survive the apocalypse lone cowboy style have bought 3,000 guns and no food, I do not need water
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astrologiayadumu · 8 days
Part two a)
As someone who went to a girl's high school, I’ve learned a lot about the personalities of different astrological signs/aspects so these are some of my observations :
1. 3H Mars - Riot grrlsss - I mean the people who are always ready to start a riot ( or strike as we call it in my country) at any minor inconvenience by the school. The rebellious types who never followed school rules. Also you can't do anything secretly, every action you take or anything you do is talked about.
2. 12H moons - always in some drama.Always has all the tea about everything and everyone in school.
3. 8H moons - Know a lot of secret things that go on that nobody knows about. They rarely tell tho, you have to be tight.
4. 10H/ 1H Mercury - known for their words/what they say. Good luck spilling secrets or being a gossiper with this one. Everyone will know what you said.
5. Jupiter in the 9H - deeply religious. Will always be involved in religious activities in school. Very strict and serious about their beliefs.
6. Scorpio risings tend to be really short.
7. Lilith in the 1H- Hottest in the room. makes other girls uncomfortable once they express their sexual side. Like twerking when music is being played( other people do the same but they don't receive the same reaction). The silent stares and judgment are extreme. It’s probably jealousy but people do a lot to shame them. Since its a girl's school, a lot of girls want to try you out. ( this needs its own post there is so much to say)
8. Taurus suns -least likely to like school food.
9.Aquarius Mars- social media influencers. Always up to date with trends. Also those people who everyone I the school knows and follows their socials.
10. Venus in the 5H - generous with their items more than most.
11. Leo suns carry themselves like royalty. It's funny sometimes when no one takes them seriously💀 Very big personalities can be too much sometimes. They’re very regal tho in their demeanor. Most likely to join the school pageant (and win)
12. Moon in the 2H - make having money their entire personality. Will tend to respect people according to how rich their family is like a religion. Never broke tho.
13. Lilith in the 10H/6H - everyone wants you but can't have you unless you want them first.
14. Lots of Leo energy, like being a. Leo rising, Leo degrees, - extreme attention seeking. Oh you will not have peace until you give them your attentions.
15. Pisces suns are too scared to live without any form of religion or spiritual belief. They are very indifferent to irreligious people. They pray before doing anything.
16. Best dancers- Gemini mars and Sagittarius mars.
17. Capricorn moons are so focused on their life goals. Will never waste time on something that’s not beneficial to them. Like if everyone is doing something just to pass the time or out of idleness they'd rather read or do something constructive. Their parents are so strict about their grades.
18. Sun conjunct Lilith- I’m sorry you just can't do anything shady and get away with it. Everybody talks and points out your sins. They never let them slide. Tends to be the outcasts in their classes. (not social class) You also can't participate in drama or beef like everyone else when it blows over you're the only one who will be crucified. Very rebellious energy tho, rubs teachers the wrong way. People fell its easiest to pick on you the most because everyone naturally doesn't like you. ( I'm not trying to be mean, sorry)
19. Mars in the 5H - like to fight. Not someone people like to provoke always 2 seconds from throwing a punch.
20. Mars in the 2H - eat a lot. We used to share food communally and you guys were a problem to your table members.
21. Lilith in the 2H - people feel like they deserve your possessions. Like someone would borrow money from you and feel offended if you ask for it back. Or if they want something instead of getting it themselves would feel obliged to take yours instead. On the bright side, people give you things easily, and people who don't have the same luck as you may try to make you feel guilty.
22. Mars in the 7H/Libra Mars- love coming in between two people who get along and causing disharmony. It stems from jealousy tho because they can't seem to get along with anyone without constant conflict. The literal definition of ‘I hate peace I want problems always’
23. Mars in the 12H- you're secretly the bad guy in people subconscious. I don't mean to be harsh but you secretly piss people off. Also you're constantly thinking of hurting others( i won't generalize tho) Sign and degree matters. I think it is some sort of karma.
24. Lilith in the 4H - have a bad relationship to their boobs but they're still very sexualized and considered attractive by others.
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Mars & and what attracts you❤️‍🔥
🩸Mars in 1st house- you want someone who never runs out of energy. Who is always up for action and is fearless. Someone who shows their energy outwardly. Many times you are attracted to someone who has a bold energy who dares to do things. You may also be attracted to people who play sports. Many times you like someone who has a nice body (muscles or a more athletic body).
✨Mars in 2nd house- you are attracted to people who have a calmer energy Someone who is stable and knows what they are doing. You may often be attracted to money in people, or you may like that a person has control over money. You can also like someone who cooks or someone spoils you. You can also like someone who has a lot of jewelry. You are attracted to people who value themselves.
💚Mars in 3rd house- many times you are privatized by people who have a good mentality. Someone who is intelligent has good communication skills. You may be attracted to teachers, mentors, writers. You may also be attracted to your neighbors. But the first thing you notice in people is their expression, so that's a big part of what attracts you, and maybe someone who's thinner.
💕Mars in 4th house- many times you can be attracted to people, their skin or face. You also like people who are emotional and caring. Someone who will make you feel at home. You will be attracted to a partner with enough understanding and support. Someone who likes children.
🎨Mars in 5th house- many times you can be attracted to a person's confidence, their pride and how lit they are. You like a person's charisma, generosity and, above all, sexuality and romance. Many times you may be attracted to people who are famous. You like people who are more in the foreground. Many times you can also be attracted to a person's interests or hobbies. This can also mean that you like younger people or people who are more childlike.
🧼Mars in 6th house- you are attracted to the organization of a person. A person who has more emphasis on a healthy life. You can be attracted to colleagues, people at your job, boss, fintes trainer. You can also be attractive in person who like animals. You can also find a person attractive even if they have good smell or have a special smell. Many times you are also attracted to a person's hygiene and routine that has.
🎀Mars in 7th house - when it comes to a person, you are first attracted to their appearance or to their neatness (the clothes they wear). The beauty of a person is important to you and at the same time their romanticism. Many times you can be attracted to people who are sweet, romantic. You like the balance and harmony of a person. A lot of times you like people that everyone likes. Or someone who is popular.
🦋Mars in 8th house- you are attracted to sexual people, someone who is more secretive and mysterious, someone who may have a darker energy. You may be attracted to people who have a stronger character and are more dominant. Connecting in an emotional, spiritually vulnerable way is also a must, as you want to be transformed by your sexual experiences. You are attracted to people who are sexy. Many times I notice that people with this position like ass.
🎆Mars in 9th house- you are attracted to adventurers, adventurists, someone who can teach you a lot, people who like to debate. You are attracted to people who are full of life. You are attracted to people who have their own charisma, are beautiful and colorful. People who are self-confident. Many times you are attracted to adventurers, philosophers, professors, someone who has a lot of wisdom. Someone with whom you can always laugh and have fun.
⌚️Mars in 10th house- you may be attracted to the structure of a person's body. You may be attracted to people who are more bony or thinner. You like someone who is more businesslike, has a reputation. Someone who is responsible and has a caring energy. You may be attracted to people in high positions, politicians, public workers, someone who is exposed to the public. Here, you can often be attracted to someone who does the same thing as you or has the same career.
Mars in 11th house- you like different people, you can be attracted to the strangest things about a person. Unique things attract you on a person. Many times you can be attracted to friends or people from your circle. Many times you may be attracted to people who multitask or are active. You are attracted to people who are smart, logical, computer types, can also be people from social networks. Someone who has the same dreams as you.
🌊Mars in 12th house- you are attracted to the spiritual, mystical side of people. Maybe you like that someone has a side that is unknown. They are often attracted by someone who has bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol). Or just someone who is more unbalanced or a "bad guy". You like everything that is bad for you. You like someone who has a more dominant approach. They like people who are poetic, dreamy, artists, singers, actors. With Mars in this house, you may like it if someone does something dreamy for you or writes you a song. You can attract a lot of people who haven't finished school or have problems in school.
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daskolas · 8 months
The Lunar chart is based on the revolution of the moon. It can show how a month of an individual will go.
NOTE: THESE ARE BASED ON MY OBSERVATIONS AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE SO IT MAY OR MAY NOT RESONATE WITH YOU. (aspects play an incredible important role so it is important to analyse whole chart before coming to a single conclusion)
Sun in 1st house
Your focus will be on you. This is the time where you will start taking of your hair.
In this month, you can start to develop a healthy relationship with yourself.
You will be confident in your abilities more than before. OR you'll meet people who will make you realise the importance of confidence.
Sun in 2nd house
Your focus will be on finances. You may start thinking about investing in stock markets.
This is also the month where you will be able to save much more money than before.
You may also start working on your problems like if you are insecure about your skin then you may start investing in skin care products.
Sun in 3rd house
You will start communicating with people who are close to you. If you have a younger sibling then something good can happen in your relationship.
You may also have sudden realisation that I have to learn as much as I can.
This month, you will start working hard or just take a step forward towards your dreams.
Sun in 4th house
Your focus will be your home. Like you might start staying in your home much more.
You will also become more in touch with your emotions. So, maybe you will start feeling more sensitive or emotional.
Your mother might help you in something or you will help her.
Sun in 5th house
You will start hanging out with people more. So, you would want to go to parties, meet up with people etc.
You will also want to start finding a thing which soothes you like maybe you are able to express yourself better with art etc.
Your focus can move towards short term relationships. Maybe you just want to go out and have a fling.
Sun in 6th house
You will start working out or maybe even develop a healthy routine which can improve your health.
This placement can make you fall ill.
This is also a placement which will make you take initiative and also help you realise where you did something wrong.
Sun in 7th house
Focus will on forming relationships. You will feel like a social butterfly or someone who is just craving interaction.
It will also be a month where you will feel physically active. So maybe you will start working out more or just exerting more energy than usual.
This is also a time where you will make a connection with someone which can lead to positive or negative changes in your life.
Sun in 8th house
Focus will be on things which can trigger you. Or you will find yourself thinking about the negative things which happened in the past.
You will also start feeling more spiritual or religious than usual. So, maybe you will have an epiphany to learn about astrology etc
This placement will increase your interest in something which you will not be able to talk about openly. Or you will find yourself doing something which you never thought you would.
Sun in 9th house
This month is great for learning about higher spiritual things. So, connect yourself with the universe. Or you will have a knack for it.
You will start gaining interest in learning about different things. Like, maybe you want to learn random facts
Some teacher may help in some way. They may give you some advice or help you out in something.
Sun in 10th house
You will become ambitious and feel like exploring different career opportunities. If you are wanting to apply for an internship or job, then do it.
This month you may start wondering, "what am I doing with my life?"
Your relationship with your father will also start affecting you a lot.
Sun in 11th house
You will feel more social than usual. You might also start getting invitations for attending parties and etc
You might start feeling like donating something to charity. Or doing something good for your environment
You will start thinking of different ways of earning money. It is also a great time to turn your hobby into a side bhsines
Sun in 12th house
You will want to spend more time with yourself. So, this month will make you look inwards.
Your intuition will also be heightened. It is also a great time to do some moon related rituals.
Your immune system can weaken.
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fishnapple · 2 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What would bring you good luck?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Trolleite group
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There is a contrast of two sides.
blue vs. red
personal vs collective
A hidden fire underneath a calm blue surface.
Wearing or using white and blue objects during travelling, especially long journey, dealing with a large crowd or going to public institutions, religious or spiritual places, the banks etc. would help you navigate the surrounding environment more smoothly.
It could be the colour of the clothes, vehicles, bottle, backpack etc.
Bringing a book and a notebook with you while travelling is also very beneficial.
Going near a large body of water, the ocean, the seashore, fish, and shells will help calm and ground you.
But for your private home, planting lots of flowers, paint the wall in warm pale tones of pink or pale orange, yellow will bring wamrth and vitality.
For harmonious communication, you could use a pink phone or a pink phone case, a pink notebook and pen, and pink accessories.
As I have said above about a hidden fire, intimate connections would stoke a creative fire within you, bring in more inspiration and life force to your projects.
Show a more vulnerable and soft side of yourself to the world and see how that would lead you on an unexpected, lucky journey.
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2. Citrine group
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There is a sense of an overall blessing draping your life. It's soft and jubilant.
You should surround yourself with soft, pastel colours and oceanic motifs.
Having a kaleidoscope and occasionally looking through it can unwind some restrictive thought patterns.
Travelling will bring lots of luck and valuable lessons. Schools and learning are also very important steps.
The more you study broadly but also deeply, the more depth and value you will find in life and in yourself. There is a calling from the depth of the ocean. To go deep, your life is not meant to be spent in a light, breezy, superficial way.
Have an exercise routine, not necessarily something vigorous, but just move your body around, writing or practising something with your hands daily will also assist you in this journey.
A teacher with masculine energy would also help you transform your fundamental way of thinking, building a more solid and vibrant inner core.
I also see that keeping yourself warm and monitoring what you eat closely would bring positive changes to you.
Bright red, orange, soft purple and blue, black would be your lucky colours.
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3. Garnet group
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Some period of wandering by yourself, away from familiar faces and environment, would do wonders to you. Especially when you feel quite lost, confused, or aimless.
Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition.When the urge strikes, just pack your things and go without too many thoughts and concerns.
It would be like a spiritual cleanse.
Things that relate to cleansing would also help you. Soap, salt, something smells of lavenders, lemon, rose, and water.
After some long walks or runs, taking a shower with soap or shampoo of these scent.
Take good care of your hair. Our hair is one of the most visible signs of life growing, of progression. I would usually imagine it as inverted roots of the tree that is our body.
A healthy root system would make a healthy tree.
I'm also see that some objects with cradle-like shapes are quite beneficial for your financial and physical growth. A bowl, a basket, a candy dish, something that can hold others.
The colours to bring you luck are jade green, sky blue, lilac, and dark red.
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4. Rose quartz
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When I saw your spread, I immediately heard the sound of wind chimes. More specifically, a brass wind chimes, the one with no frills, just simple tubes of brass swaying gently in a place with lots of dark trees. The place feels simple, quiet, serious, and solitary.
Hanging some objects like wind chimes, dream catchers, or something light, delicate by the door or windows. Or wearing earrings with that kind of shape would bring good luck to you.
Even more so if it was made by your own hands. I even saw some kind of transparent panel make of glass or acrylic with painting on it, dangling in front of the window, sunlight striking through, making rainbow dance in the room.
Light and sound would affect your energy profoundly.
When things feel unstable, difficulties arise, you could go to places that are old, with lots of history, have big, strong, square structure, or anywhere that has 4 walls surrounding you to feel more grounded.
Number 2,3,4 would show signs of blessing.
Things or beings that come in pair, in groups of three or groups of four.
Consider using things with contrast, a combination of complementary colours ,
dark and rich colours combine with light, soft colours such as green and pink, light blue and brown black, lilac with dark red, orange with cold grey.
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5. Carnelian group
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For this group, it's not really about something physical like a place, an object that could bring you good luck. It's more about words, thoughts, and emotions.
When dealing with others, sometimes not revealing yourself entirely would actually achieve more peace and honesty in that relationship.
You have an intense inner world, you see clearly the hurts, the vulnerability, and the darkness in yourself and others. Your words would have a heavy , serious trigger. It's not easy to always bring that heaviness out into the open because it would create misunderstanding and anger in others.
So, not showing yourself too much, wait and observe, until you and the other person reach a certain understanding of each other.
An outward elusiveness and detachment sometimes would help balance out the inward gravity.
Having a psyche like that would manifest as sensitivity in the physical body such as allergies, so avoid eating too much spicy and hot food or strenuous activities so as not to aggrevate the body further.
A healthy bridge between bodily nourishment and the psyche should be established. Observe how some food would affect you.
The biggest message is to take good care of your health. No amount of blessings is enough if you are not actually healthy to receive them.
For colours, dark earthy and creamy tones would make a nice comfy blanket for you.
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arcadia345 · 1 year
🈳🐟Astro notes 🌀🌐
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A shorter one since my last one flopped tremendously
‼️Not a real astrologer these are just my observations:)
Aries in your chart can show characteristics that turn you on
3rd,9th,11th house: being a progressive person, you could have a thing for people in your close community, school, or teachers, people with a lot of knowledge, outgoing and adventurous & religious or in tune with the universe
7th: people who like to give you 101% of their attention, who smothers you with affection lol, social butterflies
Your first house can tell you about your skin
Saturn: Your skin could be dry, eczema, once you have a consistent routine for your skin you’ll see the difference
Neptune: fragile skin. Getting bruises easily and asking “where did that come from?”
Mars/Aries/Scorpio on the 7th cusp have suitors that wanna show how strong and dangerous they are😈 showing off muscles especially if you prefer masculine energy, I have this and every guy I’ve talked to has flexed their g*ns at me😭 like sir please put that away I’m scared.
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Capricorn on 11th cusp are seen as the no fun friend too responsible, until later years they let loose a bit more
Second house/taurus moons be in their own little world lmao just leave them be
12th house ruler Virgo/ in the 6th house- karmic relationships with your pets, feeling a strong spiritual connection with them. Just having empathy for animals, could be vegetarian/vegan or contemplate becoming one
Every Pisces sun I’ve known had a dad with a drinking problem
People with strong Pluto/Scorpio influence in their charts have this glass doll look to them(especially the fems)reminds me of a 🌹, enchanting to look at but dangerous to touch
The sidereal Scorpio woman I’ve seen have more of a bratz doll look + prominent eyebrows
Every time someone’s moon lands in my 8th house I always find them annoying, but they’re hard to get rid of💀 love them to death tho 🫶🏽
Also your 8th house can show you the things you hate
Aquarius: Copy cats, unauthentic people, judging people by looks without getting to know them, selfishness, injustice
Taurus: Broke people💀, invading their privacy, erratic behavior, working hard, food that isn’t 5/5, losing a argument, low quality things
Virgo: Lazy people, dirtiness, animal cruelty, selfishness, people who spread germs 🦠 , shitty coworkers/workplace, having no self control
Most of the transits are in my 1st and 2nd house rn and when I tell you self care is the best care ☺️I barely wanna leave my room especially cause I’ve gotten lots of more decorations for it such a safe heaven. I decided to get another tattoo, my skincare and makeup routine has gotten better
Jupiter in my 2nd conjuncting my natal moon-I cannot stop eating 😭 but I can’t seem to keep the weight, me and my mom have been traveling more also
Thats all for this note guys💙 follow me for more🦋
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Disclaimer: These general free readings are made in good faith for entertainment purpose.
Warnings:There are piles that contain more personal subjects such as trauma.
Hello dear, how are you? The most votes PAC was Your True Passion, I am doing all the themes on the list little by little since all of them received votes. Thank you all for participating and I hope you enjoy your reading!
How to pick a pile
When you have different cards to choose from in pile 1,2,3… look at each of those cards. Wait until someone reminds you of a memory. Perhaps a character’s outfit resembles one of your own. It is this pile that has its message. What if they all remind me of something? Go for the one with the strongest memory, one might look like her earring but another might be the favorite candy you got from your grandma when you vacationed at her house. But what if none reminds me of something? Take a deep breath and wait a little longer, without charging yourself or creating worries. Relax, some will awaken some memory in you, I promise! .
Credits: Piles images: here. Template: here
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Pile 1
Your true passion involves helping humanity in its most catastrophic moments. There is helping someone who needs a meal and there is helping someone who has lost everything and sees no reason to live, you're in the second case. This includes social assistance, medicine, fortune telling, firefighter, police officer... Jobs that often require you to see a person in their most vulnerable moment, jobs where you can save a life in various ways, witness various stories and change several lives.
To get closer to this today, you need energy, to have your own will to live and face life, today you no longer have that sparkle in your eyes, that fire in your soul... It may be due to physical, mental and psychological reasons. If it's physical, seek your nutritionist and doctor to give you the necessary vitamins. If it's mental, improve all your self-knowledge and look for books and courses that can improve your essence. If it's psychological, look for the most accessible therapy for you, don't give up, you're not lazy, you're unhealthy.
You can also do the spell from "Book of Spells" by Paulina Cassidy page 75:
Booster Walk You’ll need: - A music device and airphones; - A relaxing and safe route for walking; Make sure you’re wearing comfortable walking shoes. Put your phones on, and start walking quickly! As you breathe in and out, using long, deep breaths, imagine white light flowing through you, invigorating your body, mind and spirit. With every step, feel your energy boosting. Walk as long you feel this energy.
After you have reconnected with your essence, there are several ways to exercise your true passion in your life as a whole. Here I present three.
One of them is to help sick or vulnerable people such as children and the elderly. You will need a lot of spiritual strength, to live a life where you know that when you leave your house, your pains and problems are left behind and the only thing that matters is helping someone else. You will need to be a person who has the courage to do whatever it takes and assume all your responsibilities, because here you will have to embody all the stereotypes of what a responsible adult really is.
The second involves more writing, but not exactly creative writing, but rather a more didactic one, such as being a teacher of any type of subject. If you happen to be the type who hates studying out of responsibility, there is also the other side of living for dance,so the effort of living with your face in books and huge texts is all going to learn about your own body, in these two options they both involve a lot of teaching for future generations, you learn to accumulate knowledge and help the next person not to make the mistakes you made.
The third and last one talks about building communities that support people in their doubts and difficulties, creating a safe space where people can be their best version and this doesn't need to be anything grand, it can be a place where they can gather to have an afternoon coffee and talk about dreams and nightmares.
In all three options, there is a lot of hope for a better future and a confrontation against the cruelty of the world, you need to learn from your own tragedies, live them and leave them behind to help others.
Pile 2
Your true passion is to succeed in life, to be better than your parents ever were, to rub in the faces of people who bullied you in school that you are much better than them. For this, you will need to align two very difficult things... which are ego and humility. You will need to have a healthy self-esteem and ego to know that you are capable and humility to not think you are better than everyone else and step on others. What is lacking for you to do this today is motivation, it’s like you want to do something but can’t see any path to achieve that goal. I will give you a spell from my book, but know that to get what you want you will have to follow a different path from your friends and ancestors, you will have to chase your dreams alone and fight for them until they become a reality.
But to give you a little push now, I give you the spell from "Book of Spells" by Paulina Cassidy page 125-126:
The Garden of Motivation Take a section of the yard, if not possible pick a vase, you will consecrate as your motivation garden. Each day you will tend to it taking any amount of time needed. Weed, water, feed and care for this garden, picturing what you want it to be in the future. Add anything to your garden that makes you happy, such as wind chimes, garden sculptures, gemstones, outdoor candle holders and pretty stones. This is your garden, so make it and keep it a reflection of yourself, and your motivation. When weeding your garden, you’re in turn weeding away the negativity from you. As you nurture and cultivate this garden over time you’re nurturing and cultivating your own ambitions. As an extra tip, you can plant something and give it your dream name or even your own name. If you truly want results, you will enjoy the work to achieve them. Happy gardening!!!
There are always more than one way to achieve your dreams, I talk about three.
The first one talks much more about enjoying your own life than anything else, you know, there comes a point where we have everything we wanted years ago and still aren't happy because we want more things, that is, we didn't even enjoy all the effort we had. You will need to take a break from the rush of life from time to time to pamper yourself, to see how much you have achieved and be proud of what you already have.
The second way is to leave the city or country where you were born, maybe you already have the dream of living somewhere else, a connection with another culture that you don't even understand what it is, but for you to be happy with your life you you will need to face the fear of abandoning all the comfort and security of living in a place you already know to go somewhere you don't know.
The third is to do almost the same thing as the second, leave where you live (do you hate your home? just kidding), but now it's for work and study. Where is the best college you can go? Can you go there? You should.
All options speak of physically leaving the place where you are and not stressing yourself thinking about all the things you still need to do, but being aware that you are responsible for achieving your dreams without being tied to the future, enjoying the present and being proud from past.
Pile 3
Your true passion is independence. Not owing anything to anyone, not having to wait for someone else's decision to do what you want. You want to be rich and enjoy everything you have sown. You are afraid of having to ask for something from someone, since you want to be your own provider and what is lacking today is a more abundant look. There are times when you are very pessimistic, more afraid of running out of something than acquiring something, it's like you chase after things not because you want them, but because you're afraid of running out. It's like you go to work not because you want to spend the money to buy McDonald's or enter that course, but to not run out of money when you need it.
Something that can help you get rid of this fear of scarcity is the spell from "Book of Spells" by Paulina Cassidy page 147:
Prosperity Bath You’ll need: - Fresh ginger root; - A handful of cinnamon sticks; - A bunch of fresh basil; - A piece of cheesecloth and rubber band Put all ingredients into the cheesecloth and tie with the rubber band. Allow the pouch to soak in the water as you run your bath. When you step into your bath, relax and envision prosperity streaming to you. Know that you will receive all that you need. (Julia notes: normally we do our baths making a “tea” with the ingredients and at the end of your normal bath you pour the “tea” into your body, avoiding your head, and then you let your body dry naturally).
There are several ways to achieve your true passion, but I always mention three:
The first is going back to doing that childhood dream that you left behind a long time ago because you thought it didn't make money. What was? Sing, draw, write, paint? You can go back to doing what you like, but now as an adult you have the opportunity to study, take a course and improve your skills.
The second thing you can do is much more perverse... You hold a lot of grudges from people who hurted you. You carry a lot of trauma and anger and that's it, either you take revenge the way you want or leave all that behind and move on with your life, go to a therapist or solve your problems, the way you are now, no no matter what you do, it's going to be out of fear and not for passion.
The third talks about opening yourself up more to life's possibilities, you've been so locked up, so focused on survival and forgot that you can just live, the world is full of opportunities and you have the competence to put effort into something and make it your own work or hobby, you don't have to beat yourself up, you don't have to suffer to be worthy of happiness.
All options speak of fear and trauma, of how you are still chained to the past and it is not letting you be happy, know that time heals all wounds and that life does not give greater challenges than our own strength.
Pile 4
Your true passion is to answer "What is the meaning of life?", because you want to live it. There is a lot of curiosity here, wanting to know more, having answers to all questions and a tiredness of seeing that everything is always the same,like the world will never change. What you have control over and can change is yourself, the world will change... in very, very slow steps, until then, revitalize yourself every day.
Something that can help you have energy is the spell from "Book of Spells" by Paulina Cassidy page 184:
Vitality Broom Dance You’ll need: - A broom; - Citrus-scented incense, or citrus essential oil and an oil diffuser; - Upbeat music; Light the incense or oil diffuser. Begin playing the music. With your broom, begin sweeping the room in unison to the beat of the music. Sweep in a counterclockwise direction to purify the room and remove negative energies. Then, sweep clockwise direction to build harmony, balance and vitality. This spell will get your cells pulsating as you awaken the healing flow of vitality within and around you.
There are several ways to make your dreams come true, but I always indicate three:
The first is to pursue knowledge and get involved with younger people or those whom you have seen as ignorant until now. Everyone has their truths, and uneducated people often learn too much from life. Maybe you have that simple grandmother who knows how to do many things... Be aware that you will be an eternal apprentice, carrying your own truth without needing to harm others.
The second way is to get involved with people in a joyful way, to celebrate life and have fun with all the material world. Life is abundant and has a lot to offer you, you can learn not only in studies, but also at parties and conversations.
The last one is already the most complicated, as it talks about being able to maintain a balance between social life and solitary life. You are very prone to work which the law (judges, lawyers), professions that require a lot of studying to achieve, that suffer their own dangers and pleasures. You can follow this path, but you can't get lost in it and become dogmatic.
All options talk about people, you you can learn from people, how you can you protect them when necessary. Don't be afraid of society, you will see that there are many more good people than bad ones, it's just that the bad ones are louder.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Next important person you will meet"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read something about the next person you will meet who will play an important role in your life. It could be romantic partner or platonic/friend, a boss/colleague/classmate or even some kind of guide/teacher (spiritual or mental). PLEASE BEWARE: it doesn't mean any of the people you have already met won't still be with you in the future or won't play an important role in your life, at all. It's just that in this specific reading we're focusing on people (and maybe even just one of them that you're supposed to know of now) that are yet to come.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
This is probably someone more in their masculine energy (doesn't have to be a man, I am seeing a beautiful woman tbh), someone strong willed, someone that may be luxurious (or very Taurus/Libra based) but also very warm, kind and generous. For someone, this person may be their boss, or a teacher of some kind; for others, this person will be a spiritual guide, as I think they can be very wise and enlightened too. For a few others we're talking possibly about a partner or someone that will take care of you even platonically, someone that will feel like home to you (even a friend/classmate/colleague, especially if a more experienced one that will try to help you learn and protect you eg. in your new endeavour). At first you may not understand them or "recognize" them (for some this person may belong to a past life connection or you may have known them when you were little or randomly in the past) but with time you'll get over this fear/insecurity of not getting or even not liking them (and why they help you or make you feel like they do). You can't also see them coming in at this time, and it's fine. Keep doing yourself, be more practical (especially if you spend too much time daydreaming or focusing on unimportant matters). This person may come in all of a sudden with a request or news. Whatever role they'll play in your life, they are gonna help you reach another level of self consciousness and self esteem, be more happy and determined (they may be very success-oriented, but also supportive). They will also teach you how to love yourself and focus on the right things without wasting time on useless stuff. They'll probably crack you open, and change you inside out.
song: halo | beyoncé
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pile 2
This may be someone in the spotlight or someone successful, someone that has to deal with other people and talk with them. Someone that communicates/talks a lot. Someone also quite confident and elegant (at least their energy is). They may be also positive and energetic, very bright and caring smile. For some of you we're talking about a colleague/boss, for others about a partner, for others... this is your future baby (who they'll become). This person is someone nurturing/caring or that you'll feel like nurture a lot. Your connection will be very healing too and will bring prosperity to both of you. I think, especially if you're gonna work together (you may be colleagues and partners too. I do think this connection will resonate with job -maybe the way you meet or what you need to do together too- a lot), you'll be able to reach a very important milestone/public success. This is someone that follows their heart very often, and probably someone you're destined to meet. You won't miss them though, as they seem pretty out and about or known. I think they may stop functioning when they first meet you -suddenly- (or it could also be you the one to stop functioning with them or at least not being able to articulate your words very well: they may be hot too or it can be their presence to make you feel a bit overwhelmed). You may have also dreamt of each other which may add to the surprise. This person is also someone patient (they do not rush things), someone you may meet at the right time (divine timing) and someone that loves a lot (not just you, but humanity) and may be liked/loved a lot (also by you ofc). They'll teach you about love too probably. This may also be someone reflective and that will make you proud and happy in some way (be it just help you/support in your job), or will try to. (For some of you: this could even be a delivery guy or someone working in a pub or something like that; for others they may be a life coach or work in a big agency or organization)
-you may be called by pile 4 too-
song: if i ain't got you | alicia keys
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pile 3
Here we have someone passionate but also sweet and pure. Someone joyful too. They may be younger than you, or more connected to their inner child or even be your future child. This is also someone smart in their own way. Someone that will bring healing to you or a specific part of you. Similar to pile 2 but also very differently. I see someone less connected to work and more to having fun. A real "child" (no offence, not in a bad way... just a very positive and hopeful/happy energy. Puppy-like, yes -it could be your pet?). You may give birth to something with this person, it could even be a different version of you or a job/hobby/idea (that may work on a bigger scale to help others too) or... indeed it could be you're giving birth to your child as they may be your future partner (I get a more feminine energy from them but ofc it doesn't have to be a woman). For some of you this may be someone you'll need to take care of. Someone you will have to protect and maybe teach something to (maybe your student or a patient, if you're a doctor/therapist or something). And they'll teach you something back. They seem to be very good at pondering, despite looking very impulsive and dreamy at first, they do have a very deep working mind, they understand things fast. They may help you understand or see soemthing in a different way. Very witty energy. They too still have a lot to learn and they're aware of that, but they're not worried: they'll learn when it's time. Maybe you'll learn this from them too. They'll bring stability and emotional balance in you (you may be able to balance each other well), or you'll have to find it in order to help them. You'll probably have to work on something together, especially if you both tend to fantasize or idealize something (or they do more than you): you'll find a way to bring your/their feet back on the ground by working together. It may be someone difficult to reach/connect with at first, it will probably require a bit more effort but you'll make it and build a very fruitful connection for both.
song: fetish | selena gomez, gucci mane
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pile 4
This person may be someone pretty organized and neat, someone you may share a soul connection with and probably have spent many life with them too. I think this is someone you had to reincarnate with and will meet to complete something and start something new (it could be about your personal life too). For this reason I guess it can be a romantic partner, but also a platonic one or a boss/colleague/guide of some kind. Someone you need to meet anyway. They'll bring change in your life (I feel someone may be called by pile 2 as well), and will help you grow emotionally and also be more yourself, trust yourself more. This is a long-term connection or something that will start as this anyway, something that will help you both and bring you both something positive, even appreciation from others (even in a "you've changed" way). Especially if you've been alone for most of your life and felt this way, this person is gonna be the one bringing you healing and changing this situation. They'll come in suddenly in your life in a pretty boldly way and teach you happiness and joy, and (unconsciously) how to get over all the self sabotaging/self doubt/self lacks/self anything habits you may have (maybe you'll be scared to actually be worthy of them or something like that, maybe fear being abandoned or just trying to push them away/idealize stuff a bit too much and try to avoid being present/real). There could be codependency tbh from any of you (more likely you). They'll bring stability in your life and probably make it turn 180° from how it is at the moment you'll meet. And it feels a fated meeting that you cannot imagine about. Again I do feel you will have to meet for a reason, which is doing something together, be it working on something (job/child/self... as resonates, more likely work on yourself though) or -more likely- on yourselves as people (especially you: for a few of you, I think this person may act in a negative way and help you open your eyes on what is not working in how you see yourself and let others treat you: you'll make a turn thanks to them and build much more confidence and boundaries). I think you may need to learn to receive, and they will help you in this in a way or another (especially if your past relationships -of any type, not just romantic but even family ones- have been pretty bad as it seems/feels like).
song: like i do | tracee elliss ross, kelvin harrison jr
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cupiddivinearrow · 5 months
What Should You Focus on in the Year of the Dragon?
According to Chinese Astrology, 2024 is the Year of the 🐉 Dragon 🐉!!! Meaning, this year is all about growth and development. This year is all about focusing on what will bring you happiness! What will bring you closer to your dreams. So, with that said…
Close your eyes and take a breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Keep doing this until all the tension leaves your body. Then, ask yourself the question of what you should focus on this year. Once you feel ready, open your eyes and allow yourself to be pulled to your card by your energy (it’s the one that you can’t stop going towards or looking at).
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Pile 1
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Your Card
Key Identifiers:
• Blue, White, and Gold may hold a significance
• Intuitive, Spiritually Awareness
• Purity, Innocence, Peace
• Communication
• Happiness after some difficulties
• Balance
• Harmony
• Possibly a LP 2
• Sagittarius, Libra, & Virgo Energies
If you’re feeling drawn to 2, you might want to give that a look-see too 😅🥰
May see the numbers: 222 and 444 a lot
This group may be the High Priestesses of this reading. You may focus on the future a lot, or read tarot cards or get help through tarot readings often.
I kind of get the feeling that this pile is having a lot of things come to light from the past, which is bringing you closer to peace and harmony, if you’re not in that energy yet.
I’m getting that maybe this group will be focusing on learning to look deeper within to figure out solutions to difficult situations or concerns that may look strange or confusing at first.
Pile 1, maybe you should consider taking some time out for self. So you can learn yourself better and get a healthier mindset to tackle any issues that come your way. You can’t close your eyes to the things you don’t want to deal with from your past, it’d only cause more confusion and delays for you in the long run. It’s time to figure out who and what you want and put forth the effort to change what you didn’t like from the past.
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Your Card
Key Identifiers:
• Material possessions, Earthly things
• Grounding
• Confusion
• Communication
• Masculine Energy
• Healing
• Secrets/ Lies coming to Light
• Possibly a LP 7
• Growth
• Water signs (esp. Cancer), Capricorn, Virgo energy
• Moving On, Change
• Colors of Significance: Green and Blue, Brown
• Healers, Teachers, & Spiritual Gurus
Pile 2, y’all are giving me… Chariot energy. Have y’all been feeling confused about life or about a certain situation, people, place, or thing? Are you feeling an urgent pull to move forwards on your journey but may be having some fears or anxiety?
Y’all may be going through a lot of changes this year. Things may come to light (secrets and/or lies) and you may feel the need to cut some people off this year. I feel that your ultimate goal this year would be growing and find balance within one’s life.
This pile may be focusing on security this year and on healing from addictions or unhealthy past ways or people that block us from opening oneself up to new experiences and connections. This pile will be focusing on cutting off things and people that do not serve you, and/or maybe some of you have already started this process. If so, congratulations. You’re already doing what you need to do to move forward in life. Keep it up!
Also, one last tidbit, I feel like y’all will be working on healing the heart chakra and abundance. This pile may have some money coming in. So stay focused and keep growing!
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Your Card
The Firmament
Key Identifiers:
• Colors of Significance: Blue, Purple, Black, & White
• Purity, Innocence, Truth, Clarity
• Communication
• Intuitive, Enlightened
• Epiphanies, Sudden Realizations; etc
• Recognition, Star Energy
• Aquarius, Uranus, Scorpio, Moon energy
• Creative
• Manifesting
• Impulsiveness/ Eager
• Strong faith/ Spirituality
May be seeing 9s (999) and 3s (333)
Pile 3, the energy for this pile!!! I’m loving it! This pile is giving me Star energy, which is also Aquarius energy. This pile is full of hope and faith. I feel that y’all are pretty balanced in your spirituality and the materialistic world. Or at least, that’s what you’re gonna be focusing on this year.
I can see that maybe some of you in this pile may have had a hard time getting motivated or staying inspired. Maybe some of you were frustrated in the past, and it caused you to feel stagnant or creatively blocked? Well, this year, that’s gonna change.
This pile will be focusing on expanding their mindset to a more hopeful one. You will be coming to the realization that “The World Is Your Oyster.” You can do whatever you put your mind to. You may feel or see that you have many opportunities available to you or coming to you. The goal for this pile is to work on staying hopeful while finding and keeping the balance between the spiritual and material world. Pile 3, you will be setting yourself free of limiting mindsets so you can truly be free. And who knows, maybe keeping the hope/faith will help manifest a wish that you’ve been looking forward to.
🕊️ Blessings 🕊️
Discord Server:
🕊️🥰 I offer tarot/ oracle/ fortune telling readings and reiki healings, aura cleansing, and energy shields for those that are interested 🥰 I hope to be able to offer more than just those services soon, such as rune readings, planetary seals, herbs, rituals, etc. Bless! 🫶🏽🕊️
Shop Website coming soon 🥰
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kakiastro · 2 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse: A time for healing & moving on
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The first big event is upon us friends! I wanted to really break down what this solar eclipse can mean for us collectively. There’s so much fear lingering, misinformation and people just talking crazy about this.
First and foremost, eclipse happens every year so there’s no need to fear it but you should learn to respect its significance and spiritual backgrounds.
The reason this eclipse is getting widespread attention because subconsciously it’s calling us all to heal and step into a brand new chapter. This eclipse is conj Chiron exact and the NN(North Node). I’ll explain, keep reading.
Eclipse has always been symbolic for the endings and ushering a new beginning in your life. The etymology of the word eclipse means “fail to appear” and “to leave” things that no longer is good for us and is exiting out our lives whether we like it or not. Soul growth is at play here.
Solar(Sun) has always been related to leaders. now in our personal lives, it effects a certain part of our life. Depends on the house(area in life) the sign Aries is ruling for you.
Aries is the first zodiac sign, it’s the start of the spring season and always represents the start of new beginnings. Aries also rules over our actions, motivations. Aries rules over Men and masculine dom people. Aries rules the head, aggression, fighting. Leadership is also ruled by this sign.
The solar eclipse will be happening at the 19°(Libra degree)
Now we just had a Lunar Eclipse in Libra so this is just a continuation story.
19° is known as a karmic degree
Now the SN was conj this Lunar eclipse which means we started removing what no longer serves. This will be a theme for all of us for the next 4 years.
Now the Solar eclipse will conj the NN, so we’re in the phase of letting go while also starting new and trying to find ourselves.
Chiron will conj thiss eclipse exact. Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” but it’s also a teacher. We, as a collective is healing our wounds that we may have been holding on for a long time. Purge and release baby! Use this energy to purge and release so you can step into the new you and life!
Now whenever a planet enters a sign, we have to look a the signs planetary ruler to get a better glimpse of the energy.
Aries is ruled by Mars which is currently in Pisces. So this eclipse in a way is spiritual. Pisces is also the last zodiac and represents end of cycles, so this rotates back to Chiron and healing. A lot of subconscious things are being brought to the surface.
This is also a mental eclipse because Mercury is Rx in Aries. We are going to be communicating that hurt out loud. You may have moments of feeling triggered or what the tarot community calls a tower moment. Honey, I’m here to tell yall to let that tower fall and crumble because it’s time to start building that castle you hear me! 🗣️
We are healing mind, body and soul. Will it be easy? Nope! Will it be rewarding in the long run? You bet!
This solar eclipse energy will last for 2 years and including the lunar eclipse which is 4 years so a total of 6 years of this cycle of Aries/Libra storyline will wrote. Both eclipse heaviest energy last for 6month-year.
If you’re wondering how I calculated this, I did it based on how long each eclipse last. Solar is 2 hours and the lunar was 4 hours. Then I just added it together.
The only advice I would give anyone regarding this eclipse is to not look up at the eclipse without some type of solar sunglasses or you could mess up your eyesight. I personally don’t in believe looking at the sun at all during eclipse, but just soak in the energy, meditate, heal, write out your goals. I know some people are curious and there’s free will but I wouldn’t be a good astrologer if I didn’t tell you to please take eye precautions before yall do look up!
Also since this energy will be intense, headaches may happen so get some Tylenol or just a cold towel over your head!
No need to be scared, I know change is hella uncomfortable but it’s necessary! I’m wishing everyone the best with this energy!
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astrosouldivinity · 6 months
Karmic Lessons of The Zodiac Signs: 🪬
All signs Included. I posted this already but I made some changes like fixing grammatical errors to improve the flow 🤍
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Karma of Aries: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 1st House Placements)
Aries karma is rooted in self-love, individuality, assertiveness, and power. As the first sign of the zodiac, they are the trailblazers and innovators of the future. Their ambitious, fearless, and passionate nature draws both competitors and admirers. Aries can be impulsive, viewing the world as their battlefield. They overcome adversity and emerge stronger than before. Aries karma involves learning how to collaborate with others effectively, fighting for the benefit of others rather than against them.
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Karma of Taurus: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 2nd House Placements)
Taurus's karma revolves around finding balance between the material world and the spiritual realm, as well as seeking stability and growth. They often experience transformations related to their possessions, stability, and inner peace. In their pursuit of peace, Taurus individuals may become fixated on material wealth and power, which can disconnect them from the source of their spirituality (Mother Earth). Therefore, they must learn to balance their grounded, earthly, and soulful side with their inclination towards luxury, pleasure-seeking, and hedonism. Striking a harmonious balance between these aspects is key to their karmic evolution.
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Karma of Gemini: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 3rd House Placements)
Gemini's karma revolves around information and prophecy. Gifted with the power of communication, they have the ability to connect with a wide range of people. Open-minded and curious, these individuals have a natural inclination to expand not only their own perspectives but also those of others. They make excellent teachers and prophets. Gemini individuals are constantly on the move and rarely ever still. However, their impulsive and sporadic communication style can lead to misunderstandings if they are not mindful. Learning to harness their communication skills with care and consideration is an important aspect of their karmic growth.
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Karma of Cancer: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 4th House Placements)
Cancers carry generational karma, as their nurturing and empathetic nature drives them to serve their loved ones. They often struggle to break free from their family unit and grow independently. Feeling responsible for their family, they may find it challenging to detach even from toxic relationships. This can lead to codependency, where they attract relationships where they become the caregiver. The energy of Cancer tends to attract emotionally wounded individuals with unresolved familial trauma. These dynamics present opportunities for Cancers to learn boundaries, self-care, and the importance of healing their own emotional wounds in order to break free from generational patterns and evolve on their own path.
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Karma of Leo: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 5th House Placements)
Leo's karma is centered around cultivating self-love within themselves and following their heart, while also guiding and inspiring others to find their own path. As natural-born leaders, Leo energy has the ability to ignite the best in others through their fierce self-love. However, their ego can become a challenge, potentially leading them to become consumed by their own power and inadvertently causing harm to others. At their worst, Leo may encounter enemies who try to diminish their light and undermine their influence. It is through navigating these challenges and finding a balance between self-love and humility that Leo individuals can fulfill their karmic purpose and shine as guiding beacons for others.
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Karma of Virgo: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 6th House Placements)
Virgo's karma revolves around being of service to others, maintaining routine, and fostering organization. Virgos have a reputation for being overly critical, but this stems from their genuine desire to help others. However, this inclination can turn toxic when their judgments come from a place of cruelty rather than genuine assistance for the collective. Virgos may struggle with low self-esteem and perfectionistic tendencies. It is essential for them to learn how to manage their need to critique others and to show themselves compassion when they find themselves looking down on their own perceived imperfections. Embracing the beauty in imperfection is a crucial lesson for Virgos on their karmic journey. By finding a balance between their desire to serve others and their need for self-acceptance, Virgos can fulfill their karmic purpose and contribute positively to the world.
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Karma of Libra: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 7th House Placements)
Libra's karma revolves around finding balance and healing karmic partnerships. As natural peacemakers, Libras tend to attract individuals who disrupt their harmony. These relationships often involve power struggles, with Libras typically finding themselves being controlled or manipulated. Additionally, Libras can be prone to escapism as they find it challenging to cope with the injustices of the world similarly to Pisces. But instead Pisces experiences this at an emotional or spiritual level, Libras struggle with comprehending the unfairness and imbalance that exists in this world. To fulfill their karmic purpose, Libras must learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships. They need to develop the ability to assert themselves and stand up against manipulation or control. Finding inner balance and cultivating a strong sense of self-worth will help Libras navigate these karmic challenges and create harmonious partnerships based on equality and mutual respect.
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Karma of Scorpio: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 8th House Placements)
Scorpio's karma is centered around transformation, destruction, desire, power, and revealing the darkness within others. These individuals are secretive and obsessive, not to be taken lightly. They possess a deep understanding of the human psyche and emotions, which they can use to their advantage. However, they must be cautious not to get trapped in their ego and misuse their knowledge of human behavior to harm others for personal gain and control. Scorpio energy is constantly undergoing transformations, not only for themselves but also for those around them. The three stages of Scorpio's transformation are represented by the scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix.
The Scorpion~ represents the lower nature of Scorpio, embodying negative qualities associated with unevolved Scorpio energy such as being evil, manipulative, vengeful, jealous, secretive, and controlling.
The Eagle~ symbolizes the beginning of Scorpio's evolution, signifying power, ambition, and courage. At this stage, Scorpios are less inclined to be vengeful as they focus on achieving their goals.
The Phoenix~ represents the final stage of Scorpio's evolutionary journey in this lifetime. It symbolizes rising from the ashes, where Scorpios bring their darkness into the light and prevent it from consuming them. They transform their darkness into light and inspire others to do the same. This stage represents a powerful transformation and rebirth for Scorpios.
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Karma of Sagittarius: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 9th House Placements)
Sagittarius's karma revolves around the themes of hedonism, commitment, freedom, and knowledge. Intelligent and free-spirited, they have a natural inclination towards learning and exploring every aspect of life. They often see life as an adventure and are driven to expand their minds and experiences. Their enthusiasm for growth is a key aspect of their karmic journey. However, Sagittarius individuals need to be mindful of their search for freedom and self-indulgence. It is crucial for them to find a balance between their pursuit of freedom and their commitment to growth and development. Part of Sagittarius karmic lesson is to understand their own value and the unique perspectives they bring to the world. Recognizing the importance of the knowledge they have accumulated is vital for their personal growth. By embracing their role as philosophers and sharing their wisdom with others, Sagittarius individuals can fulfill their karmic purpose and contribute to the expansion of consciousness.
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Karma of Capricorn: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 10th House Placements)
Capricorn's karma revolves around responsibility, discipline, labor, and pessimism. These individuals are known for their hard work and strong work ethic, leaving a lasting impact in whatever field they choose. They may have grown up being the "responsible one," often prioritizing the needs of others over their own. Their childhood may have lacked the typical carefree experiences as they had to mature quickly due to the weight of responsibilities placed upon them. Rebellion may have been against their nature, as it contradicted everything they knew. However, it is important to note that Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, governs karma. This means that anyone who harms Capricorn will face consequences from Saturn's karmic energy. Additionally, the energy that Capricorn puts out into the world will be reflected back to them almost immediately. This highlights the importance of being mindful of the energy they project, as it will have both immediate and long-term consequences.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ♒️
Karma of Aquarius: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 11th House Placements)
Aquarius’s karma is centered around innovation and acceptance. These individuals may have experienced a sense of being outsiders during their upbringing, feeling unseen or unheard. They may have felt as if people perceived them as a concept or even an alien. Despite their inclination to go against the grain, Aquarius individuals inspire others by unapologetically being themselves. Aquarius individuals are natural humanitarians, drawing people from all walks of life by helping them connect with their community. Their presence alone brings about change and they have a unique ability to implement change through their actions and ideas. Their innovative and accepting nature allows them to make a significant impact on society and inspire others to embrace their true selves.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ♓️
Karma of Pisces: (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Venus, MC, Saturn, or 12th House Placements)
Pisces karma revolves around escapism, the subconscious mind, and sacrifice. These individuals are otherworldly and esoteric, defying any attempts to box them in. They are prone to creating false realities as a means of escaping the harshness of the world. With their intuitive gifts, they can understand the intentions of others and empathize with their unhealed subconscious patterns. When Pisces energy enters your life, they are teaching you how to heal your soul and discover your soul's purpose. Pisces energy is transformative and has the ability to heal all.
AstroSoulDivinity on TikTok
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
Finding a Job. What works for you? Intuitive Reading .
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Money rules the world. But what is money when you can't even enjoy what your doing while getting it? Having a hard time sticking to one job? Not sure whats the best outcome for you to make money ? So here I picked out a few angel numbers, and which ever one you intuitively pick is where your hearts desires, soul purpose and skills in money making come in to play.
I hope you all enjoy !
Pick a number !
111 333 444 555 777 999 1111 2222
Now let the games begin!
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If you picked ...
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Doctors, Lawyers, Teacher, Scientists.. This is where your energy works best. Teaching roles are something that give you're heart a big glow. It just works.
If you also picked this group...
Originality. Playing Cards. Jokesters. Tricksters.
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You're great at being 'The Fool'. Making up sceems and getting out without a scratch. You could be good at scratch offs, playing poker, winning one of those casino games etc.
When it comes to originality, you make things your way. New ideas, new punchlines. It all works in the end.
If you picked...
Farms, Animals, Gardening, Community, Volunteering, Working from home,
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This group has a healing aura to them. They need spaces where its quiet, cool, and earthy. Making sure their in groups , surrounded by good people is what works best for them.
Sometimes this isn't work to them. Volunteering is something that helps you feel good and is apart of you're life purpose. Charitable acts suit you greatly.
Working with animals, tending to gardens, dog sitting, etc. Works best for you.
If you also picked this group...
Knitting & Design
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I see you guys sitting up on a rocking chair watching the view from your porch. Its a fun hobby and it can make a good coin in the long run. If you have talents in the arts, this would be a great new hobby if you havent tried it.
If you picked..
Architecture, Design, Technology, Cameras, Mechanics
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If you picked this number, you could be pretty good at creating designs for homes, video games, websites, cars, etc..
You're brain is really connected to the art of detail. You are also good at the art of programming. creating new designs through photoshop or any other special effects program.
Coding is also another thing you guys could be good at.
Making design for clothes is a major one for you! Go on a website that helps with creating hoodies and t shirts, shoes, etc.. And you're in there.
If you also picked this group... Movies, Cameras, Hollywood.. Broadway..
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Step by step. Move closer, but go slow.. This group are a class act. 'Prince Energy' : Intuitively Im picking up on star quality. And with 444 being the number that you guys picked, its asking you to work harder. This is a long journey, not a quick paced job. You'll look back and say thank you to yourself for allowing the small wins to propel you to the big ones. Oscar worthy energy is here for this group!
If you picked...
Associations, Team Player, Big Corporations, Groups and Connections
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Working hard underground is a big one for this group. Connecting to smaller associations will bring you to bigger groups. Finding ways to bring new ideas to the table will benefit you in the long run. With this group.
The vision I got for this group was Buzzfeed and Google corporations. You guys work to create and expand your ideas, topics, and so much more. Its relaxing. Not too much but not so little.
If you picked...
Mystery, Oracles, Spiritual Community, Books, Spells, Travel Abroad
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Spiritual healers! You're gifted in the arts of knowing. This group is capable of creating spells for the collective and it turning out with some benefits. You could read tarot, astrology, or anything connected to mysticism.
Doing spells for money takes practice, but it can work out for you in the future if you know what you're doing.
Traveling Abroad is one of the best ways for you to make money if you picked this group! It doesn't have to do anything with the occult. You could be a makeup artist, a dancer, doesn't matter. Traveling helps you expand your clientele, and puts more money in your pocket. Its a wonderful job.
If you picked...
Travel Abroad, Culture, Studying Abroad, Intellectuals, Thought-provoking conversations, Museums, Podcasts
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Your looks is actually something that will propel you to new heights in this lifetime. Your personality, thoughts, creativity, and ideas will attract many followers and it could open up new doors along the way. Be open to being yourself in large crowds. You never know who might be listening! ;)
Whatever it is your selling, try going over seas and take that risk. Join a circus. Do something you have never done before. The unconventional works in your favor.
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Okay so this group is pretty special.
I get strong Emperor/Empress energy for you guys. This means, that you are capable of manifesting and willing in your desires with gratitude and connection to source. You don't have to beg, cry, or plead for the things you want to happen, they simply just do.
Enjoy this, because it is sweet. it is magic. it is free!
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Okay so this group has an interesting vibe. You guys advocate with groups. Protesting. Learning more about the city you operate in and being apart of it.
In this reality, you have to speak it and it will begin to will itself in your reality. You must be prepared for the work and effort you will have to put into this. it doesnt come free, cheap, or easy. Commitment will play a big role in how you move into what you want.
However, this group has the ability to serve the community in some way, and it will come back and reward them with recognition.
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celestialtarot11 · 7 months
If you were a mermaid or a siren, what powers would you have? Whats your story? What song captures your essence? 🌀🐚
Hi everyone! Super fun and silly tarot reading just to switch it up 🤗 I always fantasized being a mermaid when I was younger and I still do 😤 mermaids are ELITE. Sirens too 👀 if ya’ll liked playing mermaids this is your reading —> Pick below 😈
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• Pile 1: You guys love adventure as a mermaid/siren. I’m getting mermaid vibes for ya’ll instead. You would be the type to talk to fishes and have your little community of fish. I’m seeing fish school 🤣 like if fish could talk you’d have a little meeting where you’re the teacher and you’re teaching the fish the wonders of the world. Meaning you’re telling them your stories of walking on land, and they’re all so intrigued. Talking fish is a little scary for me, but I’m picturing the little mermaid alright 😤 and ya’ll love a good chase either with men or women or both. You guys love the attention, and love to hide at the same time. You never really give up who you are underneath, but you’ve got one best friend who you tell everything too. They’re probably a mermaid too, and they’re super sweet. So maybe you know someone in this lifetime who is sweet, you can picture them as your mermaid sister 🤣 or best friend. As for powers I get the power of creativity.
You cast spells with your eyes and the fire of creativity makes you feel alive as a mermaid. Other people are so intrigued by this they can’t help but wonder who you are, and what you’re doing. As a mermaid, your bubbly nature and warm laugh draws people in, and lures them into your energy. You’re definitely the kind to bring a topic up, scratch just the surface, and never truly give away the details. It leaves people wondering, thinking they truly know you, when in reality they don’t.
Your channeled song: Brent Faiyaz- FYTB this song is literally your essence. More so the lyrics than the beats. “I’m a hot bitch(cannot say the N word) check my degrees” thats literally your essence :)
• Pile 2 Hi :) I’m getting the vibe you moved away from the coast and have had to adjust to the city as a siren. The new life is something you want, but staying on land is temporary for your kind. Eventually, you have to dip your toes in the water. I see you as a siren studying in university or working in a job during the days, but by night your tail is out 💅🏻 you are reserved and it takes a while for you to slowly open up, so people are naturally inclined to wonder about you. You mostly spend time alone, and enjoy the peace the waters bring. But you know all about destruction, and change. You may resonate with this phrase, you are a walking tower of change. People learn different things about you; and you learn different things about others. When you walk into (or swim 😉) into peoples lives, they never remain the same. As a siren, your touch and energy cause people to feel seen. Naked almost, but no ones actually naked lmao. When they feel your otherworldly presence, they shiver and get goosebumps. Immediately, they know you’re different. Because you’ve seen many reactions which are good or bad from them, you’ve learned to isolate.
When you speak, when you move, or just exist, people see your power. People know there’s something intoxicating about you. They know you’re different, and to some it repulses them. For others who are bold, they are attracted to you. They want to know you, but you hold them at a distance. The unknowing push or pull attracts others and that is your power 🐚 I’m also seeing you have healing hands. When you touch others, they feel so much warmth wrapping around them. Some may want more than want you give, they want to be consumed by all the ways you touch them. Physically, mentally and spiritually.
Your channeled song: The Beach by The Neighborhood 🤍
• Pile 3! Hi 🤗🐚🤍 You guys are the real star lovers and moon lovers. Mermaid vibes for sure. Wanderlust and daydreaming. Some of ya’ll use daydreaming as an escape from your life. Some of you guys want to live as a human, and travel long distances without losing your legs. You fantasize about how humans are connected to earth, but find yourself returning to the water as a source of comfort. Both are important to you and it seems to me as a mermaid you want to strike balance with both worlds. You definitely are shy, but not quiet. I think if you had a chance, you’d spill what you want to someone else. You’d tell them your fantasies, your ideas of travel. And their response would be like, “why don’t you do it?” And you’d remember your reality as a mermaid, needing water to live and somehow you’d feel sad. You’re reminded of your hometown. I think leaving home, or a concept of home is scary for you all. As a mermaid, you find yourself talking to birds the most, your fish friends aren’t present as much. Somehow you find yourself connecting to birds more.
What is your power? Definitely your ethereal, starry energy. You resemble the night sky but a soft one. Where the wind blows gently and the stars are clear, and the moon is round and bright. People are comforted by you, and its easy to get lost in the likes of you. People like a good fantasy, they get high off you. They like the euphoria you bring, and want more. When they look in your eyes, they see nothing but a certain dreaminess, mixed with a longing. It makes them want to coddle you almost, or give something to you you never had. Thats how you lure others in. Along with your deep conversations, people think about them a lot after. It stays 🤍🐚
Your channeled song: Cool For the Summer Demi Lovato- this really captured your secretive energy. People are drawn to what secrets you hold, and your curiosity for the world pulls them in. So much about fantasy and paradise in this song, getting lost in someone, but for you its the world 🤍
Hi guys!! This was so much fun to create and definitely got my inner child going 🧜‍♀️🐚 comment below what mermaid you are & what resonated. We need more mermaids and sirens in this human world anyway 😤
Book a reading with me here 🤍
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ezekiel-krishna · 1 month
Vedic Astro Notes 1
Quick Note : This is an interpretation of many analysis I have researched and just one common theme of this placement thus only after analyzing your chart, concrete conclusion can be made.
Certified Astrologer
Remember if you don't know your Vedic Astrology Placement ➡️ Check here
⌞Mars (Mangala) in the 1st House⌝
⋆ This positioning signifies an unwavering determination, fearless demeanor, and confident character. Those with Mars in the 1st house possess innate leadership qualities, effortlessly taking charge of any situation. However, it is important for them to control their impulsive and aggressive tendencies. Their passionate temperament should be carefully managed to prevent conflicts or confrontations that could have adverse effects on themselves and those around them.
⋆ Their competitive nature makes them excel at sports or any activity requiring physical strength & endurance! They may struggle with anger management issues but with proper guidance from mentors/teachers they can learn how to manage their emotions effectively leading to success both personally & professionally!
⌞Venus (Shukra) Conjunct Saturn (Shani)⌝
⋆ This conjunction represents a sincere and dedicated approach to love and relationships, accompanied by patience and perseverance. It fosters enduring connections between partners. Individuals with this conjunction value traditional principles in relationships, prioritizing commitment over fleeting romantic encounters.
⋆ They are ideally suited for traditional marriages, where loyalty and fidelity hold great significance. Moreover, their willingness to share knowledge without any hint of arrogance makes them exceptional teachers and mentors. Their strong work ethic combined with discipline helps them achieve success in whatever field they choose be it academics or business ventures! However, they may struggle with emotional expression at times due to repressive nature but through therapy/counseling they can learn how to manage emotions effectively leading to overall well-being both mentally & physically.
⌞Mercury (Budha) Conjunct Jupiter (Guru)⌝
⋆ Signifies a powerful intellect combined with wisdom, resulting in remarkable achievements both academically and professionally. However, it is crucial to maintain consistent hard work and avoid succumbing to laziness caused by indulging in pleasure-seeking activities like gambling. Individuals blessed with this celestial combination excel in teaching and writing professions, as they have ample opportunities for growth and expansion through sharing their knowledge both online and offline.
⋆ Moreover, their extensive knowledge base and willingness to share information without any ego make them exceptional spiritual guides. Their exceptional communication skills enable them to effectively reach out to large audiences, making them ideal candidates for public speaking engagements or careers in media such as journalism or blogging.
⌞Mars (Mangala) in the 7th House⌝
⋆ The presence of Mars in the 7th house of a birth chart has a profound impact on relationships, offering a unique perspective on the dynamics of partnerships and marital life. Mars, known for its fiery energy, passion, and assertiveness, brings a strong sense of independence and courage to the realm of the 7th house, which governs marriage, partnerships, and even open enemies. When Mars takes residence in the 7th house, individuals are infused with a bold and dynamic approach to relationships. They possess a strong desire for equality, passion, and excitement in their romantic unions, making them proactive and fearless in pursuing their desires.
⋆ This placement also signifies a strong sexual energy and physical attraction in relationships. Those with Mars in the 7th house are often drawn to assertive, passionate, and physically active partners. However, it is important to note that Mars' fiery nature can sometimes lead to conflicts, power struggles, and a need for dominance in relationships. Individuals with Mars in the 7th house also tend to exhibit a competitive streak in their partnerships. They strive for equality and fairness in all interactions, and are not afraid to express their thoughts and stand up for their beliefs. However, this assertiveness can sometimes result in conflicts and misunderstandings if not channeled constructively.
⋆ By harnessing the energy of Mars in a balanced and constructive manner, individuals with this placement can cultivate strong and dynamic partnerships based on mutual respect, shared goals, and a willingness to communicate openly and compromise. Embracing these qualities can lead to fulfilling and harmonious relationships under the influence of Mars in the 7th house.
⌞Empty Houses of the Chart⌝
⋆ Empty houses in Vedic astrology hold significant meaning and potential, despite not being occupied by any planets. These vacant spaces possess subtle vibrations that shape an individual's experiences in different aspects of life. Let's explore a few examples to shed light on the impact of empty houses
Empty 4th House : Individuals with an empty 4th house may possess a strong sense of independence and self-reliance when it comes to matters of home and family. They seek emotional security and stability through inner strength and personal resilience, rather than relying on external sources.
Empty 8th House : Those with an empty 8th house navigate themes of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources in a more introspective and private manner. They approach deep emotional connections and financial matters with self-sufficiency and a desire for privacy.
Empty 12th House : People with an empty 12th house explore spiritual growth, solitude, and closure in unique ways. They find solace in introspection, meditation, and inner reflection, embracing the depths of their subconscious mind without external distractions.
These examples demonstrate how empty houses in a birth chart subtly influence an individual's approach to different areas of life, guiding them towards self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. By acknowledging the nuances of empty houses and embracing the hidden potentials within them, individuals can unlock a deeper understanding of their unique path and purpose in life.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message in its entirety. I sincerely hope that you found it enjoyable and engaging. Your support and attention are greatly appreciated.
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gjenkatarot · 4 months
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DISCLAIMER: I don't know BTS personally, and I'm not sure if they want to get married. This is just for fun and entertainment purposes! Take it with a grain of salt.
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Kim Namjoon
Namjoon's future partner has a special vibe that makes everyone around them feel calm and safe. They're like a sturdy tree, providing stability not only for themselves but also for those they care about. Challenges don't seem to faze them much; they handle them with grace and ease. With a heart as warm as a mother's, they're deeply in touch with their emotions and those of others. This caring nature makes them a pillar of support for their loved ones during tough times.
They value emotional bonds and prioritize nurturing relationships. Wise and mature, they strike a perfect balance between strength and sensitivity. Responsible and dependable, they're someone people can rely on completely. They know how to handle money well and have found success in their endeavours. Their patience and self-discipline are admirable qualities that help them navigate life's ups and downs.
In addition to their inner beauty, they possess a captivating charm that draws people to them. Whether they're from a distant land or simply love to travel, they bring a world of experiences and perspectives into Namjoon's life. Their success and achievement of personal goals demonstrate their determination and drive. Above all, they're a calming presence for Namjoon, helping him find balance and peace in times of stress or uncertainty.
Kim Seokjin
Seokjin's future partner will be someone who plans ahead. Maybe they're already thinking about the plans for the future. They're eager to explore new things and might even enjoy traveling. They're honest and ambitious, facing challenges with determination. They're resilient, never giving up easily. Their energy brings a sense of stability not only to themselves but also to those around them.
Just like Namjoon's reading, Seokjin's future spouse will provide him with unwavering support and stability. They're spontaneous, courageous, and always seeking new experiences. They might have placements in their astrological chart that suggest a fiery personality, bringing excitement and spontaneity to Seokjin's life. I feel like they'll be similar to him but more bold, surprising him in ways he never expected.
I think Seokjin will likely marry someone traditional, perhaps from the same cultural background. His future spouse seems to have strong beliefs, maybe even being religious or spiritual. They're like a teacher, a powerful individual who values structure and tradition. Their presence will help Seokjin overcome any hurtful experiences he's had and provide him with healing, closure, and a fresh start in their journey together. Their connection might deepen because they've faced similar struggles or hardships.
Min Yoongi
Min Yoongi's future partner possesses a vibrant, youthful energy, always eager to expand their knowledge and explore new horizons. They are practical, reliable, and hardworking individuals who approach life with a sense of realism, impressing Yoongi with their dedication to their goals. Their intelligence shines through as they navigate life independently and honestly, valuing intellectual stimulation in their relationships and communication.
While they exhibit a sharp mind and may use sarcasm, they may have encountered challenges or inner struggles in the past, leading to feelings of anxiety and restlessness, particularly regarding financial security. They work diligently to ensure stability, focusing on their career to alleviate any worries about the future. Despite their fears, Yoongi and their future spouse will provide each other with a sense of security and mutual support, encouraging one another to pursue their aspirations.
Yoongi's caring and understanding nature will make him a great husband, offering comfort and care to his future spouse as they navigate life's challenges together. Their partnership will be characterized by understanding and support, with Yoongi playing a pivotal role in providing a stable and nurturing environment for their shared journey ahead.
Jung Hoseok
Hoseok might already be acquainted with his future spouse, possibly someone close or sharing childhood experiences, like a friend. This person brings sweetness and nostalgia into his life, possibly healing his inner child. They radiate innocence and youthful energy, being sensitive, empathic, and possessing a youthful and imaginative spirit. Hoseok's future partner values friendship, social connections, and shared experiences, maybe even sharing the same friend circle.
Furthermore, J-Hope's future spouse displays competitiveness, engaging in sports or activities that require activity and competition. They're assertive, passionate, unafraid to stand up for their beliefs and enjoy healthy debates. Despite their dynamic nature, they are dedicated and hardworking, committed to personal and professional growth. Their commitment may inspire J-Hope to pursue excellence and take pride in their accomplishments together. This shared dedication contributes to a supportive and empowering partnership, with both partners motivating each other to achieve their goals.
Park Jimin
Jimin's future partner is someone who's good with money, reliable, and practical. They take their work seriously and are committed to building a strong foundation for themselves and their relationship. They're also sensitive, creative, and full of imagination, bringing a playful and youthful energy to everything they do. Like Jimin, they appreciate collaboration and teamwork, and they value supporting each other to achieve common goals.
This person is comfortable in their own skin and enjoys the finer things in life. They inspire Jimin, helping him see the beauty around him and within himself. They might meet while working on a project together, which could be something that helps them both succeed financially. They're confident and elegant, knowing when to relax and when to work hard. Their presence brings a sense of introspection and wisdom into Jimin's life, encouraging him to take moments to reflect and grow.
Jimin's future partner is dedicated and calm, supporting him and helping him move forward from his past. They're ambitious and honest about their feelings, creating a strong foundation for their relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.
Kim Taehyung
Taehyung's future partner has a unique vibe compared to others. They might find it hard to feel confident and assertive, needing lots of support and encouragement to tackle their inner challenges. It seems like they lack belief in their own abilities and themselves. They may have gone through tough times, experiencing burnout or stress. Taehyung could be a source of comfort for them, helping them lighten their burdens.
This person is special to Taehyung, caring deeply about family and friendships, which would emotionally fulfill him, and the feeling would be mutual. However, they're also quite competitive and active, often having strong opinions that could lead to conflicts. Past challenges and betrayals might have left them guarded and defensive, even struggling with trust. Building trust and providing reassurance, either from Taehyung or the other way around, would be vital for them to move forward together.
Both Taehyung and his future spouse face inner and outer struggles. They lean on each other for support and understanding. His future partner tends to keep their thoughts to themselves, leading to potential misunderstandings with others.
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook's future partner is someone full of enthusiasm and adventure. They're bursting with energy, always eager to try new things and explore. This person brings excitement and spontaneity into Jungkook's life, making every moment lively and thrilling. Hardworking and dedicated, they're grounded and committed, patient, and inspiring. They know when to be serious and when to have fun, balancing work and play effortlessly.
They could be outgoing and fearless, unafraid to chase their dreams. With a dynamic and courageous spirit, they infuse passion, drive, and joy into Jungkook's life, always seeking new experiences together. Education holds great importance to them, as they strive for personal and professional growth, aiming to build a solid and safe foundation for their future. This future spouse is transformative, embracing change and encouraging Jungkook to grow and evolve, leaving behind the past and embracing new opportunities.
They help Jungkook unwind and forget about his daily worries, providing a calming presence. Their journey together involves significant personal growth, with both partners supporting each other through life's changes and challenges, fostering an environment of growth, renewal, and mutual understanding.
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fishnapple · 2 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What kind of career suits you best ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Book a personal reading for you.
Reading for each group below :
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1. Aventurine group
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There is a heavy emphasis on the theme of student and teacher.
A teaching or mental health care career would really suit you.
Especially teaching young children or teenagers where you guys are doing some creative projects.
It's not so much about the words that you say. It is your presence and care that give guidance and support to people.
You could appear to be an authoritative figure, stern but stable, be a rock to others.
You could deal with some troubled minds, someone with mental illness that needs your help.
The needs of community around you, of the society at large, would create a hidden, subconscious calling force to motivate you going into this direction.
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2. Agate group
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I see an image of water waves, something moving gracefully.
Immediately, I would think of dancing or something that would require practised movements.
At the core, this is a creative career, a career that brings beauty into the world.
It could involve some acting, could be in theatre, some kind of performance.
You would submerge your ego and your identity, then project out a fantasy, an image to the audiences.
So, there is a need to take precautions to protect your boundaries and your subconscious barrier in this job.
This job requires you to think deeply, to do extensive research to reach an understanding of the meaning of the subject.
And then putting in dedication to practice and perfect your craft every day, consistently.
This career would also move with the trends in society.
Some hidden obstacles or hostile energy would be present. So always keep yourself grounded.
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3. Lapis lazuli group
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Movements are also prominent in this group, but unlike Agate group with graceful movements,
this group seems to have lots of actions, moving around.
Something that requires force, strictness, and precision.
It could be law enforcement or health care, doctor and surgeon. Or, related to trading field.
Or something political and public. Where you need to capture a crowd with beautiful words.
You would need to speak and move around a lot. Some foreign travel would be there.
If you are a writer or a reporter, the subjects that you write would be quite practical, documentaries about current issues.
Honest or even harsh words would be needed.
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4. Citrine group
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There is something about uncovering, breaking something, and then mending it.
It could be physical, it could be mental, and it could be spiritual.
But the overall theme is to show the ugly truth then make something beautiful out of it.
The careers come to mind would be beautician, surgeon, relationship counsellor, reiki healer, massage therapist, something to do with shadow work, analyst.
You would need to use your hands and verbal skill to help your subjects uncover and release hidden fears or traumas to help unburden them.
Or creating something beautiful out of broken junks. To give life again.
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