#vedic astro notes
cosmicpuzzle · 20 hours
10th Lord in 9th House for All Ascendants
10th Lord in 9th House for Aries Rising: Saturn is the 10th lord here, it is also the 11th lord. Here Saturn won't do the usual damage it does in the 9th house, instead it will give good luck and income to the father, good job to the native and foreign travels in connection to work.
10th Lord in 9th House for Taurus Rising: Saturn is the 10th lord and also the 9th lord in 9th house. Here Saturn will give results only based on the native's efforts. A not-so-great position despite Saturn being favorable. I have seen these people to have very limited luck unless Venus, Mercury or Sun joins the Saturn which can boost Saturn's luck.
10th Lord in 9th House for Gemini Rising: Jupiter is the 10th lord and also the 7th lord in 9th house. Jupiter here provides the much-needed luck that Gemini risings badly suffer from. Jupiter here can give abroad journeys easily in connection with work and also boost the native's college education which Gemini's usually get after much delay. The spouse can also travel abroad and prosper as well. If Jupiter joins Mercury or Venus, it's huge luck to these natives. The father and the native can also be religious or a strong believer in God.
10th Lord in 9th House for Cancer Rising: Mars is the 10th lord and also the 5th lord. Mars provides much interest in technical subjects for higher education such as Electronics. The native can study abroad and then work also abroad. Mars aspect on 3rd will bring younger siblings in life. Mars aspect on 12th will bring adventures abroad. Here as Mars is in Pisces sign, the native can be active in spiritual path such as Tai Chi and other energetic practices. There can be danger of water accidents abroad.
10th Lord in 9th House for Leo Rising: Venus is the 10th lord and also the 3rd lord. Venus gives love of teaching as a career as 3rd lord in 9th is good for interacting with students. Venus rules students too. So, the native may be loved by their students. Venus can also make one a massage therapist as Venus is in Aries sign as 10th lord. Here the spouse can be well educated and even the father may be involved in some luxury business.
10th Lord in 9th House for Virgo Rising: Mercury is the 10th lord and also the ascendant lord. This is one of the best positions for Mercury for Virgo rising. Here Mercury can give higher education and also work abroad. The native may also join father's business. The native can earn very well in foreign countries. If Venus is in 10th house, this can be a major exchange giving big success in career.
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chitra111goddess · 2 days
God damn .. vishaka ascendant artists have me on a chockhold 💀 why are they SOOOO- idk what's the word- OUT OF THIS WORLD ?? The intensity and the feeling.. the lyrics .. sheeeesh
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Lana, marina, ethel cain, melanie
Genre : traumatised insane girls 🧎‍♀️‍➡️
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youremyheaven · 2 days
Frequently Asked Questions:
I get some version of these pretty much every day so I thought I'd make an FAQ:
What is my dominant planet/How do I find it?
If you knew enough about astrology and your birth chart, you would know which planet influenced you the most. Most people acutely feel a combination of at least 2-3 planetary influences most strongly. In reality, every single planet and nakshatra in our chart influences us but we probably aren't self-aware enough/knowledgeable about astrology enough to see how it impacts us. Each planet correlates to a different area of your life. Since Sun represents the soul/outer self and Moon represents the mind/emotions, its safe to say these 2 placements impact every area of life but when it comes to relationships/creativity/beauty, you channel your Venus whether you're aware of it or not and same goes for all other planets. Whenever you do something of a creative bent, you tap into your Ketu, your education is affected by your Mercury and Jupiter, so on and so forth.
If you're very new to vedic astrology or if you haven't been able to figure out your dominant planets, just let it be!! This is not a puzzle to be solved, there is no way for you or somebody else to mechanically calculate your "dominant" planet. I don't know you, I don't know what you look like, what your personality is like, so there is absolutely no way for me to tell what influence comes through most acutely.
Also, the concept of "dominance" itself is pretty much a made up one (thanks Claire Nakti) so literally, just chill out!!! Read about your placements, and learn more about astrology instead of trying to claim planets. You're influenced by your whole chart, its that simple. That's it.
2. Which website should I use?
You can use astro seek.com or the Cosmic Insights app or the Jagannatha Hora app. On astro seek, you have to adjust to "whole sign" instead of Placidus though. On the others, that's the default setting, I think.
3. Which ayanamsa should I use?
I stick to Lahiri
4. I have xyz nak/planet/house, am I doomed/ugly/forever alone/unlucky?
Astrology helps us understand our strengths and weaknesses, there is no placement that comes as a death sentence of some sort. I feel like most people don't understand that your birth chart is supposed to make you self-aware of your natural inclinations, tendencies, patterns etc so that you can work with them/make necessary changes etc. Your chart is NOT set in stone. Human behaviour is far too complex to be narrowed down to a birth chart. It shows your INCLINATIONS, which means that if you're self aware, you can make necessary adjustments to work on unhealthy habits/tendencies.
Astrology is not "this is who you are, you suck",, it's a tool for self-growth.
If you have difficult placements, you need to pay more attention to them and work on those areas. Why on earth would you just accept that everything is fcked and its game over for you bc of what the stars said??? Sorry to be rude but that's dumb af?? You were not put on this earth to be miserable until the day you die, EVERYBODY has difficult placements, if you remain ignorant of it/avoid it, you will continue to live in ignorance and suffer from the same things you always have and not know why.
Astrology makes it possible for you to understand yourself and evolve.
5. I'm not Hindu, can I still worship Gods/Goddesses/chant mantras?
Every single religion is made up. God never said only brown people from the Indian subcontinent can worship me. But that said, do your research and actually be invested in it. I feel like some people approach this in a Buzzfeed-y "Which Disney Princess Am I?😍" type of way which is 🤦🏻‍♀️but religion isn't something to be sampled, if ykwim?
You don't have to attain Guru levels of religious insight/expertise either. Most practicing Hindus probably know very little about their religion and truth be told, Hinduism is soooo vast, expansive, varied and eclectic that people practice it in thousands of different ways across the country with their own unique rituals/customs, so everybody who practices the religion makes it their own, in some ways?
Build an altar if you can, dedicate a certain time of the day and space of your room/house to just prayer. By making something sacred, we feel its divinity permeate our lives. Rituals are a major part of every religion because acting with intention helps us feel like our lives have meaning.
Always chant after you've showered, sit facing east, look at a picture of your deity or visualise them and chant quietly. Most people use prayer beads but you can also just count them on your fingers. Its often said that when you chant, others should not be able to hear you. If you use prayer beads, keep them covered in a box after use. You've energetically charged them with your chanting and its not good to leave them exposed because they'll pick up on other vibrations from the surroundings. Do not chant after you've just eaten!!
Picking a deity is all about intuition. If you don't feel called to anybody, just chill out and keep studying their mythology. You can always chant 'Om'.
I used to chant Buddhist mantras like 'Om mani padme hum' and 'nam myoho renge kyo' and they're not directed to any deity so if you're worried about that, you can always chant non-deity mantras as well.
The purpose of chanting mantras is to keep your mind calm and still. Even if you repeat a certain affirmation in English several hundred times, it has the same effect.
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Astro observations 7
💗Ascendent Lord in 1st House , the person will be very self - centered & independent.
💗Ascendent Lord in 2nd House , the primary concern of the individual will be with some group of people with whom he is karmically linked . It matters for him what he has achieved for others , for his close family members.
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💗Saturn aspecting the 1st house makes the person self conscious, introverted , a bit repressive too. And with self learning & self awareness, the maturity of the individual will bloom beautifully.
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💗Consider exaltation as a signpost of the native's past achievements. Unless these planets are given free play for their fructification , their best results will be fully fruitful only then .
💗 Moon in high sthan Bala provides great receptivity , nurturing nature , calmness , creativity, softness , riches , good reputation , a luxurious nature , good education. Thus career can be very fine in counselling, poultry , hospitality etc areas.
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lua-magic · 3 months
Eighth house and your hidden pain.
Whichever your eighth house Lord goes, there you have to face transformations, humiliation, pain and traumas.
Wherever your eighth house Lord goes or which ever planets goes in your four, eighth and twelfth you should be extremely secretive about that planet and should not disclose about it to public as eighth house is of secrets.
Eighth house Lord in first house 🏠
This is little tricky placement, because it makes person extremely secretive about his/her activities.
It could get native involved in extra marital or immoral activities or give person high sexual drive or urges which he/she can't control
Person has deep rooted traumas and pain that he/she can't express .
Person is extremely sensitive and has tendancy to pent up emotions and that makes person emotionally unstable as/she has no idea "how to release emotions in healthy way" that makes person extremely agressive when he expresses his emotions.
He has hidden personalities which he doesn't show to public for example he will be different personality to his family and then he switches his personality for his wife
However, person would be good in research and good in spirituality.
Native should not talk about himself to others he should extremely quiet about his life.
Eighth Lord in second house 🏠.
This combination gives you money, so much so that you can lead a life of dignity, nor less not more, as eighth house has tendancy to flush out things, it cannot hold, that is why eighth house represents your "excretion ".
You will face ups and downs in finances and regarding family.
In some cases family could be the reason of your pain and traumas.
In some cases person often see or sense super natural powers around him.
You should be secretive about your finances and should not disclose to others.
Eight Lord in third house 🏠.
Third house is of mental inclination and attractions.
Your own desires and mental inclination will be cause of your anxiety, stress, and depression.
Eighth Lord in third house is not good for siblings, as they will be constant cause of worry and anxiety for the native.
Third-house is also of house of courage, so eighth Lord damages your courage and you don't like to take initiatives and risks in life.
Third house also represents, subconscious mind hence, native should always work on his subconscious mind and be secretive about his/ her desire.
Eight lord in fourth house 🏡
Eighth house is of transformations and fourth house is of domestic environment.
Person will live like wanderer, and continuously change is place.
This placement give trouble to mother and gives person extreme emotions like depression and anxiety because native like to go in roots and analyse everything in so much details that he loses his emotional control.
It could also make person good counselor and psychiatric
Fourth house is of comfort, hence, person should always work or think outside comfort zone and never try to limit himself or herself.
Person should be quiet about his house and home related matters and should not disclose it in public.
Eighth lord in fifth house 🏡
Fifth house is of children, children could be the cause of stress and anxiety for the native.
Fifth house is also your concious mind, so person will be constantly being under stress or anxiety.
Fifth House is also of learning, so this placement is good for someone who wants to go in occult and Astrology.
Fifth house is of love life, due to love life native could face extream transformations in his/her life
Native should be quiet about his love life, and about his children and should not disclose it in public, especially be quiet about your pregnancy and conceive.
Eighth Lord in sixth house.
Sixth house is of debt and diseases, native could face stress and anxiety due to his diseases and debts in life.
Sixth house is also of daily routine, so native can't maintain his daily routine.
It is also good, because person would fight with his traumas and his eniemies.
Native should be quiet about his social services, charities and about his problems in life, don't announce it on public platforms or even to your family, learn to to do secret charities and be quiet about your struggles.
Eight Lord in seventh house 🏠
This is again tricky placement because it disturbs the martial life of the native and partner could be cause of stress and depression.
However, native could experience major transformations in life after marriage.
Native should marry partner who are into occult and Astrology or are Deep thinker or in research.
Native could also gain inheritance from his partner.
Native should be quiet about his married life and should not disclose much about his partner to public.
Eighth Lord in eighth house 🏡
This could give major transformations in life and also be cause of depression and anxiety, as eight house is of traumas and eighth Lord in his own house will only increase all your traumas and grief in life.
Native experiences deep pain and sadness in his/her life before your life gets better like dark night of the soul and then native transforms for ever
Sometimes you have to die in order to reborn., I am mentioning mental death.
Eighth house is of isolation and detachments, it makes person isolated and detached from every thing, once you are detached and emotionally dry, your life starts getting better.
It kills you emotionally slowly and exposes all your past life traumas and emotions that you have stored inside you to you till you work on it and transform yourself.
It is good for someone who wants to learn astrology and occult.
Person should be quiet about his pain and grief and should not disclose about his sadness and depression in public.
Eighth Lord in ninth house 🏠
Ninth house is of father, religion and teacher, native could experience major transformations in his/her life due to father or teacher. Father could be cause of stress and anxiety and depression.
Person will not be attached to his religion and has difficulty in making long term plans.
Ninth house is also of luck, so her person should not leave anything in "Luck" .
Scorpio has energy death, so person experiences major event in his life, where native hits the rock bottom, and then he/she experiences divine blessings, blessings come only in critical situation.
Native should be silent about everything in his life, and should not disclose his weaknesses especially, to his friends or even family. If you have weak spot then don't let anyone know about it.
Eighth Lord in tenth House 🏠
When eighth Lord goes in tenth House 🏠, it gives you major change or shift in your career and work, you will change your work frequently and won't be satisfied in your work life .
It won't let you settle in work or you won't be able to find work which you enjoy. You experience stress and anxiety due to work continuously..
Native could do well in occult or in Astrology..
Native should learn to do his work in silence, and not to disclose his professional life with anyone.
Eighth Lord in eleventh house 🏡
Eleventh house is house of your friends, so native should be careful about choosing his/her friends as native could experience stress and anxiety due to his friend circle.
He should make only spiritual friends and don't share his personal life with his friends.
Due to his bad friend circle native could get involved in illicit activities, friends could also try to harm or defame the native.
Native should always have healthy boundaries with his/her friends.
Eighth Lord in twelfth house 🏠
Twelfth house is of Intuition, and eighth house is of occult and Astrology, person has some occult powers or sixth sense within him.
Native could be great healer or has connections with spirits or angels that guide him/her
Twelfth house is of bed pleasure, so person could experience problems in bed pleasure and especially sleep related issues.
Twelfth house is of sleep and eighth house is mysticism, so person could experience premonition in dream and can sense events.
Eighth house is also of dead, so native could sense death before or talk to dead people as well.
Person should not disclose his occult powers in public and also about his sexual activities
If person gets into meditation then he/she can unlock his hidden super powers easily.
This placement could also give native sexual traumas, and pain and fear due to sexual activities
Scorpio 🦂 is tail, Opposite to eighth house is Taurus which represents your eyes and mouth, hence Scorpio has energy of being hidden, or which cannot be seen but, could be felt intensely.
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botanicalsword · 13 days
Moon signs ♡ Being in love vs Falling out of love - how would they act like
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>> Moon signs • how they behave >> Moon signs • the qualities of partners they desire
✧ Aries Moon
Being in love - intense connection Aries Moon seek a passionate and intense connection. They want a partner who is energetic, direct, and openly affectionate. They value relationships that make them feel alive and comfortable, embracing the vibrant experiences of life. Falling out of love - Recover quickly Aries Moon is aware of their ability to bounce back quickly. They prioritize taking care of themselves and starting anew rather than getting stuck in repetitive patterns. The greatest harm caused by a broken relationship for them is disappointment and setbacks.
✧ Taurus Moon
Being in love - security Taurus Moon desires a partner who provides a basic security, often expressed through material due to their nature. They seek someone reliable in sensory experiences, financial stability, and other material levels. Their partner doesn't need to overly cater to every detail but should care about Taurus' feelings, understand their needs, and actively participate. Falling out of love - reassures themselves Taurus Moon tends to count their bank accounts and possessions, seeking comfort by buying luxurious items. They constantly reassure themselves and prove that they are still secure because of many valued surroundings.
✧ Gemini Moon
Being in love - Crave a twin While Gemini Moon often displays an easygoing and talkative style, they also repress part of their emotions. They need to find a similar twin-like partner who can be their like-minded person. As long as their partner is happy, Gemini Moon will feel fulfilled. Falling out of love - close connections with others Gemini Moon will tend to create new life plans and enjoys staying close to relatives, friends, or even neighbors. They are unlikely to go back to an ex-partner due to the fear of awkward situations.
✧ Cancer Moon
Being in love - sense of home in a partner A sense of security is of utmost importance to Cancer Moon. They long for someone who is always there for them, creating a sense of home. However, they are sensitive so their desire for security can also lead to challenges, ranging from jealousy to fear. Falling out of love - seeks solace in familiarity Cancer Moon tends to move on quickly, prioritizing their physical living space, financial situation, and other things that provide them security. They may retreat to familiar environments for healing. They firmly believe that their hometown and family are where they can realize their self-worth.
✧ Leo Moon
Being in love - seek partner’s support They appreciate being treated in a special way. They need to feel that they are cherished, with all the attention focused on them, and to receive unconditional support from their partner. Falling out of love - seek validation Leo Moon have to prove their uniqueness to the world. They need stages. They need to feel wanted by others, and they may constantly seek validation to prove their charm.
✧ Virgo Moon
Being in love - responsible without being clingy Virgo Moon are thorough in taking care of their partners. They are responsible and non-intrusive. Compared to those with a Gemini Moon, individuals with a Virgo Moon may experience fluctuations and inconsistency in their emotions. They may not display intense emotions, even though they feel deeply. Falling out of love - control their emotions well They rarely lose their temper and have good self-control. This self-control is part of strategy ebbed when negative emotions arise, allowing them to adapt to new circumstances quickly. But, at times, they may disregard their own feelings while taking care of others.
✧ Libra Moon
Being in love - value harmony Ideally, they desire a harmonious relationship, and they prefer to present a harmonious image, especially in public settings. Falling out of love - restoring relationships Libra Moon individuals believe that everything can be restored to its original state. They have a gentle nature and may reminisce about the past with their partner to rekindle the feelings. They prefer long-term connection. However, expressing their true thoughts to others can be challenging for Libra Moon.
✧ Scorpio Moon
Being in love - appear strong Scorpio Moon are unlikely to reveal their vulnerabilities easily. They tend to display a dominant side and dislike being nagged by their partner, often showcasing a bossy or CEO-like behaviour. Falling out of love - experience a long struggle Scorpio Moon have various ways of ending relationships, and they can be either heavenly or hellish. The key is to truly let go and realize that the relationship has ended. If they recognize that the love cannot be salvaged, they may experience a period of pain, but eventually, they will rise again and prepare themselves for the next relationship. When it comes to shared assets, Scorpio Moon may struggle and take a significant amount of time to settle things.
✧ Sagittarius Moon
Being in love - explore life's possibilities Sagittarius Moon seek a partner who is interesting and allows them to explore the possibilities of life together. Falling out of love - focus on philosophical living and may seek inspiration Sagittarius Moon understand that life continues even after a breakup. They focus on how to philosophically approach life, and some may constantly discover new things or seek spiritual inspiration. While they are open-minded and flexible when embracing the future, once they discover the truth, they can become stubborn. Some Sagittarius Moon may seek solace in religious beliefs after a breakup.
✧ Capricorn Moon
Being in love - responsible and committed Capricorn Moon are responsible and committed in their emotional connection. They often take on many responsibilities, meticulously managing every aspect of their lives. Falling out of love - become workaholics or overly busy Capricorn Moon may become workaholics or obsess over household chores. They secure their lives, and on the other hand, they use busyness to downplay the pain of emotional turmoil. They are determined to keep pushing forward, like determined ostriches burying their heads, believing that as long as they have the ability to strive, they are not failures.
✧ Aquarius Moon
Being in love - prefer predictable and controllable situations Aquarius Moon are not necessarily distant. Similar to Libra Moon, they prefer things to happen in a predictable and controllable manner. Falling out of love - rational They hold a standard of fairness and justice in their hearts. They perceive a breakup as a joint decision made by both side, which can make them appear somewhat detached and rational. They also analyze the reasons for the relationship's challenges, to protect themselves on a deeper emotional level.
✧ Pisces Moon
Being in love - highly sensitive and empathetic Pisces are highly sensitive and empathetic, and they have the rich emotional depth. They tend to understand the others’ feelings, forming an empathetic connection. Empathy is their greatest strength, but it can also make them losing their boundaries. Falling out of love - escape reality They often opt to various means to escape reality. Cutting off contact can be a useful technique, but they know that they will always find a way to maintain a form of connection with that person.
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moonastro · 3 months
Solar Return chart notes ii
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**not my images**
ᯓ★ chart ruler of SR in 3rd house may mean you will have a new (younger) sibling (or cousin).
ᯓ★ pluto in 1st house of SR is the year that i had a transformative overall year. I wouldn't call it an identity crisis but i was questioning who or what i am or what i need to be doing.
ᯓ★ IC ruler in 4th house in SR can make you more family oriented. i had this one year and i had a closer relationship with my household family.
ᯓ★ another indication of studying the occult is having vertex in the 8th house. i had mines in Gemini (mind, studying, writing).
ᯓ★ venus in 4th house in SR can mean you loving your culture and your traditions more.
ᯓ★ the ruler of 5th house in 6th house can be an indication of starting to move your body for fun. i had my ruler of 5th house (hobbies) in the 6th house (physical body, routine) and it was in Aries (fast moving, fast pace). i started dancing more that year as a hobby and for fun.
ᯓ★ 11th house SR in cancer can make your friendships very confusing. For example i had my 11th house in cancer and moon (ruler) in 3rd house (of communication, talking), there was lack of communication which led to confusion.
ᯓ★ vertex in the 8th house of SR can mean earning money/ getting money from other people. i had this in gemini (rules social media, and communication) in 8th house.
ᯓ★ when i had mars (action, messages) in the 9th house (higher learning, education) i had multiple of university offers. Mars was trine Neptune and the courses were art related. very interestinggg.
ᯓ★ ruler of 11th house square mars can bring conflict to your friendship circle.
ᯓ★ the ruler of 2nd house in Aquarius can make your senses change. what i mean by this is that your taste may change or say your sense of smell can become weaker or sharper etc etc.
ᯓ★ in your SR, when the 4th house ruler trines Venus, you may create a beautiful bond with your family members. This can also enhance your love for your heritage.
ᯓ★ Jupiter trine asteroid Aphrodite (1388) can influence self care. i had jupiter in Aries and i was very focused on the head/face and taking care of these areas such as my skin and my oral health. The asteroid was in the 2nd house which rules the face and teeth in medical astrology. very cool.
ᯓ★ when i had moon sextile uranus in my SR i was very chronically online. i had comfort in that area and would almost allow what i saw on the internet control my mood.
ᯓ★ venus trine saturn in your SR can make you become stricter on your appearance. this may cause you to be very aware of how you look and be quite strict about it.
ᯓ★ SR sun in 7th house, expect to be more confident. i had this trine pluto and went out of my comfort zone lots of times even if i felt a bit anxious.
ᯓ★ Mars in cancer in your SR can make you bicker with family members tremendously. i had this placement in a taurus degree (2,14,26) and there were topics related to finances being discussed quite often (mostly the females).
ᯓ★ ketu in 1st house of SR can make you more isolated. not always a bad thing this can just mean that you don't crave spending time with other people and enjoy your own company.
thanks for reading, have a nice day!🤍
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cutiepieloves131 · 1 month
Sidereal Vedic Beauty Indicators Pt.1
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୨🩷୧ Rohini: The most attractive people that I've seen around the world have this placement. Rohini prominent placements in anybody's birth chart are blessed to be very BEAUTIFUL! Rohini folks are born with an enticing and captivating beauty that makes people chase after them. Their best physical features are tantalizing plump lips, round and soft facial features, and medium to big eyes which are extremely hypnotizing and alluring drawing many people in. Remember out of the 26 nakshatras Chandra chose Rohini because of her beauty, charm, and sensuality. Truly a gorgeous nakshatra. 🌸
Rohini Women {Left to Right}: Gene Tierney, Brooke Shields, Marilyn Monroe
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୨🩷୧ Pushya: Pushya has been ranked #1 of the most beautiful nakshatras for women, the folks that have this lucky placement are known to be mesmerizing and good-looking. Pushya individuals facial features are cheek bones that are broad and high and tend to be full, plump lips, round wide set eyes, and a high nose bridge. Their faces are in between softness and structure, they're considered the "beauty blueprint". The most beautiful women in the world have Pushya prominence in their charts. 🪷
Pushya Women {Left to Right}: Halle Berry, Selena Gomez, Monica Belluci
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୨🩷୧ Chitra: Those who have this placement in their birth charts are born to be eye-catching. Chitra people are the epitome of beauty in ancient text, with their adorning apple cheeks, charming smile, and seductive tiger-like eyes they're always serving looks. Most beauty icons, models, and beauty pageant contestants have Chitra placements and are absolutely stunning beauties! Chitra natives shines bright like pearls and gems~ 💎
Chitra Women {Left to Right}: Doja Cat, Adriana Lima, Madison Beer
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୨🩷୧ Revati: It honestly sucks to witness how Revati is underrated when it comes to their beauty, I mean hello do people not see how ravishing Revati individuals are?! They're the bratz doll pretty nakshatra and boy let me tell you, Revati people attractive features consist of soft entrancing features, full lips, and spellbinding eyes. At the same time they're called the "fish pretty" but to me their beauty reminds me of the siren, the tempting and seductive beauty that pulls you in like a song~ 🧜‍♀️
Revati Women {Left to Right}: Salma Hayek, Rihanna, Devon Aoki
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Note: All nakshatras are extremely beautiful but, I've put up certain nakshatras that are the most linked to beauty, and by my research. Every single human, and you that's viewing my post are beautiful inside and out! ✨
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daskolas · 9 months
Moon is a fast moving planet. It moves from one sign to another in approx 2 days 6 hours. Moon is considered as queen in Vedic astrology. Moon shows feminine energy and represents mother.
Moon in 1st house
These individuals are very emotional
Their nature is very changing i.e they can feel anger or sadness or any other type of emotion very quickly.
They can adapt to any situation quickly. Mutable in nature.
These people are also very caring. Some of them can even cry if they see their loved one crying or going through a hard time.
Individuals with moon in 1st house can be little chubby, if not then they are prone to gain a little weight
They are romantic. They often listen to their heart rather than brain.
These are the type of people who will know how to react in what situation.
They also have etiquette. Like the type of people who have tons of table manners and all those things.
Their eyes are very pretty just like moon. However, they have weak eyesight.
They have a lot of influence of their mother on them. Their mother could also have been more dominating at home.
Moon in 2nd house
Their money is always fluctuating. Like some month they are earning a lot but next month, their income isn't as as strong
Their financial gain is also not equal. There will be tons of up and down financially.
Despite having unstable income. People with this placement tend to make a good living for themselves. It does show that individuals will earn a lot of money.
If moon is strong, then they will be attached to their family and will also get a lot of happiness from their family.
Some of them are also very scared of dressing up even though they like to as they think that people around them are judging them.
They spend a lot of money. People with this placement most often tend to fall for retail therapy.
Natives with this placement are interested in helping people. They like to do social work. Their career choice can also be effected by this.
They also very caring and want to fulfill needs of people around them. Depending on rest of the chart, they may or may not show their love and affection for others
They also have very positive view towards life.
They tend to get attached to any non-living thing.
Moon in 3rd house
They never feel satisfied. Their heart is always wishing for more and more.
Individuals with this placement cannot feel relaxed. As their mind is always wandering off. They are always thinking about different topics.
The more they desire to have a relaxed mind and heart, the more stressed they can get.
They are very hardworking. As the moon which denotes heart is in house of hardwork.
They have a lot of mood swings.
They will not have stable relationship with their mother. Their will always be love and hate in their relationship. This is because relation of 4th house is in 12th house from its position.
They will be very attached to their neighborhood and thei younger sibling. They are also prone to reminiscing their primary school life.
They are good writers. As they have a broad imagination.
People with this placement also have easy go attitude.
They want to learn about many things. They have a mind of researcher, always digging deep.
Moon in 4th house
Individuals have emotional attachment towards their mother or hone.
Individuals do not have any control over their heart. They have a hard time having some self control.
They like to stay in their comfort zone only.
They like luxurious items like jewellery or even an expensive phone
They are imaginative. If they have creative placements then they can be good in art. Given their imagination they can create something really good.
They gain security from relationships. If a relationship gets affected somehow then they can feel insecure and think they are not good enough
They are way too much dependent on their relationship with other people and materialistic items.
Person is very calm and patient. They also are very emotional.
It is believed that individuals will have a lot of assets like home, vehicles etc in their life.
You can be prone to people-pleasing.
Moon in 5th house
They will have a very close relationship with their kids. They also are attached to them and love them unconditionally.
They can have a good luck in stock market. They can even be interested in learning about different shares
They are very creative and are very interested in creative things like drawing, singing or dancing.
This placement gives a lot of curiosity. They are interested in learning about different things and expanding their knowledge.
They have a lot of empathy. They can easily put themselves in other person's show.
This is a placement that shows that the person is a great listener. They also give good advices.
Individuals with this placement are very welcoming and care a lot for other people.
These people give way too much and do not receive on that level. You should learn how to not drain yourself.
They will also be able to connect with the opposite sex more. They will also have many romantic relationship.
Their higher education will be successful. As 5th house rules it.
Moon in 6th house
They are very shy people. They also feel very hesitant to ask for things. They are the type of people who will not correct their order when they receive them wrong.
Individual is introvert
They always are thinking about past events like thinking how they could have done something differently.
They also are very indecisive. They are always weighing down different options. And even if they select one then they think about it a lot rather than moving forward with it.
They also have weak immune system. They can fall ill easily.
They will always their enemies on their mind. Which will have effect on their mental health. They will also be thinking about their competitors and enemies.
They can have a strained relationship with their mother or have some kind of childhood problem in any way.
Their mother can work in the service industry like a nurse, caregiver etc.
Individual worries a lot. They are most of the time overthinking about different scenarios which can effect their mental health.
They can have problems with kids like they can be infertile.
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Moon in 7th house
Spouse will be very emotional and romantic
They will have a lot of influence of their mother on them.
They are prone to mood swings.
They will also be good looking. They will also have kind looking eyes.
Individual will know how to talk with people. They will know how to work the crowd.
Individual will know what to say and when to say it. They will be socially intelligent.
Individuals can be good at handling daily issues. Whether it is work related or household related, they can handle tasks easily.
You could pursue a profession related to business, legal field, marketing etc. You will also be able to excel in your career. As this placement is considered lucky
You are loyal to your partner. You will put your whole energy into anything, it doesn't matter if it is work or relationships. (Negative result if the moon is weak)
If the moon is strong then they will be emotionally intelligent, however if it is weak then the result will be the opposite.
Moon in 8th house
People with this placement are incredibly sensitive to the environment
They also are mysterious regarding their studies or they like studying occult subjects. They are deeply interested in topics which you do not read about in daily life.
They also are incredibly good in hiding their feelings. As moon is weak in this house, therefore they are not able to express what they are feeling.
They also are deep thinker. They want to understand why a person reacts in a way they do.
Many people with this placement have high libido
This position also indicates that the person is not good with kids or they are not interested in having them.
They also are interested in researching things. Many people of this placement also tend to he interested in getting PhD.
People with this placement are also not able to handle themselves emotionally. They feel too much inside
Many people with this placement do not talk much. They are very silent and also prefers to stay in a quiet environment
They are very hardworking and will do anything to achieve success.
Moon in 9th house
Individual will be religious. They will also travel to many religious places.
People with this placement put a lot of effort for succeeding which also increases their chances of being popular
They are interested in philosophy a lot. They like to share their experience or hear other's experience.
They will get benefit from their mother
They will have influence of their teacher for their entire life.
They also are more logical. They like to live their life in a certain structure and only work according to it.
As, this placement is neutral so the native will have many up and down in their life.
Many of them also tend to be philanthropists.
They are peace loving individuals who will avoid conflict at any cost. Many of them also have trouble confronting people.
They do really well in their higher studies. And they may also want to travel to another city/country to get a certain degree
Moon in 10th house
This isn't considered good placement as the person will be constantly changing their profession. They will go from one job to another or will change their business fastly
It'll be good for their career, if they can get into a profession through which they can travel.
Their will be tons of up and down in career. It will not be stable
Individual wants to work. They like to put all the efforts in their work
They get satisfied from their work itself. They are also perfectionist
Individual's father is very caring. He will also care a lot about native. Father or their mother in law will have soft nature like nurturing, calm, patient. They don't hurt other people with their words.
Same as their father, people with this placement are also caring and nurturing
They like learning about new things. They want to gain as much as knowledge they can. And may want to become "jack of all trades but master of none."
They also want to present themselves in a certain way. And when they do not they may start feeling anxious or insecure
A person is also able to connect with many influential people in their life which can help them bring closer to their goal
Moon in 11th house
Person will do only those things which they think they will get benefit. They won't learn anything which will not benefit them
They even put efforts in those relationships only which will be fruitful or if they can get something from the person in return
They will have a good relationship with their elder siblings. They will even get benefit from them like they can give them advices or anything.
They can understand easily from where the other person is coming from. They see two sides of the coin. Therefore, they can be good mediator
Individuals are extroverts. They like to socialise with other people a lot. They also know how to network
This is a placement which also works as a wish fulfilling placement. If they really desire something then they can manifest it
They will also feel happy and more content with themselves when they will spend more time in social environment
They will feel like they are good at many things so what exactly to pursue. This can make them feel anxious about their future
People with this placement are also very imaginative and dreamy. They have big dreams for their future
People with this placement are not the most emotionally stable
Moon in 12th house
Person will have trouble sleeping. They also tend to develop insomnia.
They can have trouble in their left eye. Or their eyesight is weak.
They will also have to go through a lot of emotional difficulties. They can face many issues which can make their emotions heightened.
They also have to go through loneliness in their childhood. They tend to be ostracized by their peers or even family members.
They tend to have strained relationship with their mother. There will be some distance between them or they will not get any support from her.
They tend to have a really hard time in earning fame.
They hide their feelings from other people. They don't express themselves much which can lead to emotional outburst.
Many people with this placement tend to have prophetic dreams. They can foresee the future or have really good intuition
They have problems with depression, anxiety, fainting etc.
This position also indicates that the native has weak memory or suffer from some mental problems.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Spouse Predictions Based on Darakaraka
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You can check your darakaraka by identifying the ( Lowest Degree of the Planet )
It indicates the characteristic of the person whom you are going to marry.
If Sun is DK (Lowest Degree),
the partner (husband or wife) may exhibit traits such as confidence, stability, a need for attention, loyalty, reliability, and strong leadership skills. They will hold themselves in high regard.
If Moon is DK (Lowest Degree),
the spouse's (husband or wife) characteristics may include being sensitive and sentimental. They are likely to be adaptable and willing to compromise.
If Mars is DK (Lowest Degree),
the partner (husband or wife) could display qualities like assertiveness, ambition, quick thinking, and a tendency towards arguments. They may have a short temper and be easily irritated.
If Venus is DK (Lowest Degree),
the spouse will possess a gentle, sensual, emotional, and romantic nature. They will be artistic and constantly evolving individuals.
If Jupiter is DK (Lowest Degree),
the spouse will be loyal, optimistic, wise, and spiritually inclined, with a deep sense of wisdom and faith.
If Mercury is DK (Lowest Degree),
the person will have a spouse who is charming, regal, talkative, and friendly towards all, with a fun-loving yet carefree demeanor.
If Saturn is DK (Lowest Degree),
the individual is likely to attract a mature and responsible life partner who is dedicated to the relationship. While they may not be the most romantic, they are extremely loyal to their spouse. These individuals tend to be steadfast in their decisions, may struggle with flexibility, and can come across as reserved or antisocial.
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cleopheanne · 24 days
Random astrology observations (very shallow but fun ig)
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- Mercury conjunct sun in a chart gives very logical/mathematical intelligence you will find that the best student in the classroom always have this conjunction, the closest is the orb, the more pronounced are these qualities.
- Venus in exaltation gives deep thinking abilities and it is perfect for philosophy, think about philosophers like Kant, Plato (allegedly), Karl Marx. Or even scientists like Albert Einstein ( Venus in revati),all influenced our modern world in an unthinkable way.
-Jupiterians remind me of the perfect rennaissance man who is all-rounded excelling in every sphere of intelligence: you will find that they really have a deep love for education: absorbing information and utilizing it in everyday of their lives.
- Ketu people are so funny, the funniest imo like they are kind of lost and dgaf about people so they are really blunt and random it's just very comical
- Mars men are popular or rather notorious: they just have an effect on girls from what I observed: Chitra and Dhanista men most of the time. I know a Chitra sun guy that winks at you everytime you cross eyes with him lol, a dhanista sun and ascendant boy that I know had girls writing their snapchats all over his backpack in high-school also he would get purchased by them like they would form circles around him it was pretty funny to see
- Purva bhadrapada men are SASSY
- Rohini women are really sensitive about their appearance and love when people are jealous of them
- Venusians have a keen eye for aesthetics
- When it comes to writing poetry: Virgo people are simply the best : Uttara phalguni, Hasta and Chitra
- Ketu women are able to see through the illusions of life: especially ketu on the ascendant, their intuition is simply always right
- Having your sun in the 11th house makes you very likable, if it is not afflicted you will have a large circle of friends, be well known in your area.
- A lot of energy in the 12th house add an air of mystery on an individual it can really scare some people off: they can be excluded from their community, can be deemed as scary or weird
- If you want a venusian to like you : be pleasant, smell good, be funny, make them eat well, give out thoughtful gifts. Venus loves sensorial stimulation
- If you want to know what life direction you should be taking, look at your d9 and d60 charts
- Pisces women are in tune with their sexualities: they can loose their virginity at a really young age and are curious about this side of life
- Ashlesha people need to be careful about what they say: they grow up in really harsh environments so they internalize this harshness and sometimes they can really projects on others and hurt with their words for nothing kind of like a snake
Anyways I think that's all I will comeback with more astrology observations on more specific subjects.
Also be mindful, you can not analyze a chart without looking at it completely so these are not to be taken at the letter close, it can always differ depending on the chart: it is simply for entertainment.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Venus ♀️ Position and the age you may find love?
Venus in 1st: 1st house is generally the time you begin something. You may find love when you become independent. You may find love at 22 and at 25 which is the maturation age of Venus.
Venus in 2nd: 2nd house is when you are financially settled. So you may find love around 27-28 when you have had 5 to 6 years of career and considerable savings.
Venus in 3rd: 3rd house is your high school years. So you may find love around 14-18 years of age.
Venus in 4th: 4th house is when you are ready to start a family. This is ideally around 28 to 30.
Venus in 5th: 5th house is when you are really young as a child. So you may find love around 10-15 or when you are a bachelor and having fun i.e. 25 to 28.
Venus in 6th: 6th house is when you have started working. So you may find love around 22-26.
Venus in 7th: 7th house is when you are ready to marry. So you may find love around 27-30.
Venus in 8th: 8th house is when you have had some difficult events in life. So, you may find love even in 30's or early 40's (after you had a divorce or breakup or end of 1st marriage etc).
Venus in 9th: 9th house is your college/university years. So, you may find love around 18-21. 9th house is also masters and Phd. So, you also may find around 24-26 and around PhD 30-32.
Venus in 10th: 10th house is your career. You may find love around 25-32.
Venus in 11th: 11th house is your friends in high school. So, you may find love in late teens like 16-19.
Venus in 12th: 12th house has no specific timelines. I have found ages 12,24 sometimes introduces the spouse. When you travel abroad after your or around 23-24.
An old post but with some modifications for new followers.
For Readings DM
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chitra111goddess · 4 months
(Can apply to any planet placement)
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⚡️Ashwini women always stand out to me with their creativity especially in acting , they rly know to embody the character they're playing to the fullest even irl it may be easier for them to shift thro different identities or alter-egos just for funsies
⚡️There's smtg about purva phalguni women , they're gorgeous but for some reason I noticed they get hate esp from other women like they're called fake or pick-mes or they make up stories hmm
⚡️Purva ashadha women are so inspiring like they're always the ones to be teaching or preaching or saying smtg inspiring/motivational. They're beauties with soul and a mind of their own ! If u know a purva ashadha better take notes 📝
⚡️Magha women love wearing black and something about their looks or style is unconventional/gothy, it suits them
⚡️Uttara-phalguni women are so headstrong bruh and they have this leadership aura about them, they're gonna do what THEY think is right. Like other sun-ruled nakshatras they easily get attention
⚡️Mrigashira women love the push & pull , cat &mouse game, they either attract this dynamic or they create it themselves. There's also smth about Mrigashira and obsession 👀
⚡️Jyestha women embody the wild feminine archetype imo, when evolved theyre truly empowered and have this idgaf energy. people may be threatened by their power or skills. Their voice or the way the speak is commanding and naturally charismatic
⚡️Swati/ardra and their eyes 👁👁 most captivating eyes imo I'm in luv
⚡️Purva bhadrapada women seem to attract or be drawn to men with dark nature or men who carry trauma ? Or they know how to bring that out in a man
⚡️Dhanishta women love dancing and they appear to be friendly or have many acquaintances but very little people they relate to. Popular girlies
⚡️Rohini women feminine energy is undeniable , something about them feels innocent yet erotic. They just give off this juicy fertile vibee lmao💦 unlike jyestha which is more dry (not in a bad way its just different 💀)
⚡️Anuradha women are secretive as hell even if they tell u shit don't think u have them all figured out. there's so much to unpack with them , they're generally intriguing complex characters
⚡️Most bratty nakshatras are mrigashira and chitra lmao
⚡️Revati women are pretty privilege girlies also they're master manipulators 👀 they know how to use their femininity to get what they want
⚡️Pushya women have big MOMMY energy. they seem/look mature. They're either the ones taking care of others or others take care of them
⚡️Uttara bhadrapada women have dualistic nature they're either the sweetest ppl u know or ur worst nightmare depending on who theyre dealing with 💀they're like a mirror projecting and reflecting back ur inner self back at ya (Pisces energy) also don't forget the karmic saturn influence.. u don't wanna mess w them or any other saturn ruled woman
⚡️Viahaka women go through intense ups and downs , starting from their good girl phase then they snap and go wild then they mature/become spiritual
⚡️Chitra women secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy drama , they're either the ones caught up in it or they play the role of the "judge" where they can solve conflicts between others. Somehow they're surrounded by it.
⚡️Don't underestimate krittika women especially when it comes to survival 💀 these women can be dangerous and will stab a bitch if they rly had to (whether its for defending loved ones or them surviving) their symbol is 🔪 after all and taurus/aries gives them that survival instinct
⚡️Ardra women can make great poets/song writers , their creativity and inspiration stems from their own 'tragic' experiences
⚡️Punarvasu women remind me of that quote "home is where the heart is" they always end up coming back to their origins and what they feel in their heart
Lemme know ur thoughts & what I should make next
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youremyheaven · 2 months
A Basic Guide to Vedic Astrology
I think many of you are new to Vedic astrology, so I thought I'd give a little intro to some of the concepts, terminology etc
First and foremost, Vedic astrology dates back to 5000 BC - 10,000BC, which means it only takes into account Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the 2 nodes of the Moon, Rahu & Ketu along with your Ascendant. Outer planets like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto along with asteroids are NOT calculated as most of them were discovered only in the last 2-3 centuries.
A conjunction takes place when two planets are placed in the same nakshatra within 5 degrees of each other. Even if they are placed more than 5 degrees apart, so long as they are in the same nakshatra, they can to some extent be considered as conjunct (the effect will be less potent than an exact conjunction basically) BUT if you have Sun in Ashwini and Venus in Bharani, you DO NOT have Sun conjunct Venus in Aries, that is NOT how it works. Those two nakshatras have entirely different themes, mythologies, purposes, deities, planetary influences and lessons, how on earth can they be considered "conjunct"???
That said, wherever you have a conjunction in your chart will have a major influence on you. It is a very potent energy. Dont ask me if having Saturn conjunct Ketu in Ashwini makes you a Saturnian or a Ketuvian because that's not the point, its that those two planets have a specific relationship with each other in your context and to understand the functioning of one, you must look at the other (along with its placement, aspects etc etc)
There are 12 rashis, corresponding to zodiac signs and each rashi is divided into 2 or more lunar mansions called "nakshatras". If you've wondered why say Arieses all act so different, its because they're either UBPs or Revatis in their Vedic chart, contributing to vastly different personalities.
In Vedic astrology, we have the concept of 7 charakarakas all of which indicate a different purpose:
Atmakaraka aka the soul indicator. it is the planet at the highest degree and represents your soul/being. its your compass and points towards the calling of your soul
2. Amatyakaraka, it typically points to your career/profession and works alongside your atmakaraka. it is the planet at the second highest degree
3. Bhratrukaraka (planet at 3rd highest degree) points to relationships with siblings
4. Matrukaraka ( planet at fourth-highest degree in your chart) signifies your relationship with your mother or maternal figures. It represents the nurturing qualities within you and helps illuminate your connection to your mother or motherly figures in your life.
5. Putrakaraka (planet with the fifth-highest degree in your chart) reveals your approach to parenting and your potential for creativity. It provides insights into your connection with your children and your capacity for artistic expression.
6. Gnatikaraka (the planet with the sixth-highest degree in your chart) indicates obstacles and adversaries in your life. It reflects your ability to overcome challenges and confrontations, making it a valuable guide for navigating life’s hurdles.
7. Darakaraka (the planet at the lowest degree) it is associated with your spouse and romantic relationships. It uncovers the qualities you seek in a partner and offers insights into how you relate to your significant other. Understanding the Darakaraka can provide clarity on your love life and partnerships.
Read about the mythology behind your nakshatras. This helps shed light on its nature.
Look at your nakshatra's yoni consort. Read about what the yoni animal symbolically represents
Similarly, read about your nakshatra's deity, ruling planet, other naks under the same planetary influence etc
There are 4 purusharthas (aka motivations) in vedic astrology according to which nakshatras are classified. understanding the different classifications behind each nak helps us understand its nature better
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similarly naks can also be classified by their ganas which describe the nature of these naks:
Deva = godly, Manushya = humane, Rakshasa = demonic
if you have a rakshasa gana nak, it does not mean you're a demon. it just points towards traits like selfishness, lack of generosity etc AND the person you are is sum of your whole chart, not just the gana of one nak, so don't beat yourself up
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Naks are also classified on the basis of their qualities of which there are 7
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they can also be classified on the basis of caste:
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(all tables, pyramid etc by me so any mistake is mine oopsies)
4. Chart Ruler
The ruling planet of your ascendant sign is your lagna lord. If you're Mrigashira Rising, then your lagna lord is Mercury/Venus (based on whether your nak falls into the Taurus portion or the Gemini portion).
5. Navamsa or D9 chart
Look at your D9 after you've studied your D1 otherwise it'll feel like too much info you don't fully understand. Navamsa is consulted along with your D1/Birth chart. you can think of it as D1 promises certain things and D9 is if/how those things materialise. its like part 1 and part 2 of a story
I can't think of anything else that should be covered🤡but if you have doubts you can ask!!
I hope this was helpful!!
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Astro observations. 💌🌻
🌼 Virgo moons though seem as practical, efficient & perfectionist, but inside they are deeply loving , shy & need emotional closeness & safety . They are so shy that this side of theirs remains hidden. They deeply wish to be of help .
🌼 Taurus risings especially Rohini Risings require luxury , aesthetics , beauty, art to feel emotionally satisfied and thus motivated to grow more in life.
🌼 Leo risings especially Magha risings are mostly unfazed and do not let emotions ride their decision making. They are very stubborn and royal like & they rarely change their ways . Unless there are water placements to balance it out.
🌼 Mutable risings are quite adaptable & mild personalities , they might feel a bit of out of this world. Since their Kendra owners are benign planets and to deal with the outside world, some dark side , badass effects of malefic planets is required to face of the difficult and challenging aspects of life , living & people. Kendra rule those aspects of life . And ownership of malefic planets gives a personality a hard balancing edge too.
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🌼 Capricorn moons have an inner child that really had strict moms , they are sort of the children that learnt the real value of money earlier than others. They are hardworking, stoic and can be sense of support & stability for close ones. Hopefully they can feel more fulfilled too if they allow themselves to feel their emotions in a healthy manner too.
🌼 Age 24 , 28 , 36 , 42 , 48 are one of the most transformative years of life. The personality becomes more mature if it allows itself to learn and grow 🪴.
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lua-magic · 2 months
Aries ♈ and your happiness.
Whichever house your Aries will fall into from there you will get your 'kick'
Aries first house 🏠
You feel happy when you will perform something new or do high intensity excercise.
Aries in second house
You feel happy when you eat something new or be with your family.
Aries in third house
You feel happy when you communicate more and learn some new skills.
Aries in fourth house
You feel happy when you clean your house and decorate it or go on long drive.
Aries in fifth house
You feel happy when you learn some new book or when you spend time with kids
Aries in sixth house
You feel happy when you solve any problem or do some challenging job.
Aries in seventh house
You feel happy when you are with your partner or when you talk on stage.
Aries in eighth house.
You feel happy when you practice some occult, astrology or research on some new topic.
Aries in Ninth house
You feel happy when you go on religious travel, or counsel people.
Aries in tenth house
You feel happy when you get praised for your work or lead people in your work place
Aries in eleventh house
You feel happy when you make new connection or recieve compliments from form your social circle.
Aries in twelfth house
You feel happy when you meditate, or so some charity.
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