Astro observations 7
💗Ascendent Lord in 1st House , the person will be very self - centered & independent.
💗Ascendent Lord in 2nd House , the primary concern of the individual will be with some group of people with whom he is karmically linked . It matters for him what he has achieved for others , for his close family members.
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💗Saturn aspecting the 1st house makes the person self conscious, introverted , a bit repressive too. And with self learning & self awareness, the maturity of the individual will bloom beautifully.
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💗Consider exaltation as a signpost of the native's past achievements. Unless these planets are given free play for their fructification , their best results will be fully fruitful only then .
💗 Moon in high sthan Bala provides great receptivity , nurturing nature , calmness , creativity, softness , riches , good reputation , a luxurious nature , good education. Thus career can be very fine in counselling, poultry , hospitality etc areas.
DM to book reading 🌸
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zee-rambles · 1 year
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Hard work.
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Guys! Don’t give up on Rise! Watch it! Tell people about it! Make videos/social media posts about it. It will only die, if we give up on it! Even after Mutant Mayhem, don’t let the ship sink!
Save Rise of the TMNT
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chronicroderick · 15 days
Real life therapy is wack what the fuck do you mean I have to actually confront my deep seeded issues and work on getting BETTER? No thanks. Where's my psychosexual hallucinations? The manipulation? The cannibalistic metaphors?
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asking-jude · 8 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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kiindr · 1 year
you're enough, even if sometimes you don't feel that way.
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waterlikequotes · 2 years
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source: @/JunoCounseling
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defleftist · 11 months
Therapy, and especially psychiatry, are bourgeoisie institutions. You should quit your job, bestie.
I’m not denying the bourgeois roots of both therapy and psychiatry, however your statement is shortsighted. Myself and many other therapists (I won’t speak for psychiatrists as I am not one) put a lot of effort into decolonizing and deconstructing the more oppressive and harmful roots of our field. I work in a rural community clinic with folks primarily on Medicaid and Medicare who otherwise would not have access to mental healthcare. The waitlist for our clinic is in the hundreds. There’s a huge need for help, and I plan to be a part of giving it. My theoretical orientation includes both feminist and leftist therapy and I work hard to provide the care I would want myself as a queer, leftist woman. If therapy feels too bourgeois for you still, that’s okay. You can either search for a new therapist who fits your needs better or not go at all. I feel secure and fulfilled in the help I provide to others, bestie.
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partasah · 8 months
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end-of-update-blog · 11 days
About Crypto's age problem
You may think that I have come to write another complaint on a blog that I should have stopped updating. But I have nowhere else to be…so I apologize. I'm currently not sure whether to leave Apex Fandom or not. Because I just can't get over about Crypto's age. (For those of you who don't know about the Crypto age issue, Crypto initially came into the game as a 31 year old and has developed relationships with various characters. However, about a year ago, his age was changed to 24. The reason for this was probably to make him more suitable to couple with a female character that the game creators wanted to canonize). Also, the reason why the Crypto age issue is now coming back to haunt me is because the character who was the initial cause of the inconsistency in Crypto's age (Mystic, Caustic's mother) has recently reappeared in the game.
But I still like Pathfinder. He is what got me started in this game. But when I thought about charging for the Pathfinder skins that are now available in the in-game store, the thought came to me, "I don't want to pay for this company that can't take care of their character settings. I knew that if this thought came to me, I was done for.
My favorite is Pathfinder, but also Crypto, because I saw this trailer when I was just starting to research the game and I genuinely wanted to support him very much. If I had known from the beginning that Crypto could change his age to get close to certain women, I would not have liked him that much. Besides, I would have stopped spending nearly $130 on the now-defunct Apex mobile for matching skins for Crypto and Pathfinder.
But Pathfinder is my reason for living, so I'm having trouble letting go of my obsession right now. I can't concentrate on my work at all when I feel like I don't have a reason to live. I don't think there are many Apex fans who are convinced about the Crypto age's change. If anyone is struggling with a similar issue to mine, or has in the past, I would like to know how to believe in FANON and not CANON, or how to believe in the ideas you want to believe in even if you don't agree with CANON, if you like. I'm sure there are many people who are still struggling or have left Apex for the same reasons...
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boigrsmashorpass · 28 days
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Interaction of planets and chakras
To balance the energies of planets within do the yoga postures related to the specific chakras 3 times atleast everyday for 21 days atleast.
🌞 Sun - Sahasrara Chakra ( For this , just chant Om )
🌝 Moon - Ajna Chakra
☘️Mercury - Vishuddhi Chakra
💗Venus - Anahat Chakra
❤️Mars- Manipura Chakra
🌻Jupiter - Swadishthan Chakra
💠Saturn- Mooladhara Chakra
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zee-rambles · 8 months
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“Talk about a nightmare.”
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beatheprincess · 4 days
Girl Help :
I wanna tell my mom that I'm interested in counseling, but idk when to tell her ૮꒰ྀི ◞ ⸝⸝⸝ ◟ ꒱ྀི১ she already has to go thru the on and off therapy sessions w my brother so in her mind she prob be like "not you too" given that I've needed counseling for years now💀 but this year in itself has taken me thru a world wind esp w my father issues and I really need to talk to someone. Friends n family can only do sm :[ and not many ppl will understand and I really think this might help me, when should I tell her? I did already bug her yesterday abt spending girl time together , I dont wanna stress her out or make her feel any kind of way- it's so complex. I dont wanna impulsively say it neither, I want this to be personal n not labeled as "crazy"
Moots help🥺 : @ripleymcskater @sugarcandydoll
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asking-jude · 6 months
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Do you want free mental help? What about remote, pay-what-you-want counselling? Visit askingjude.org.
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kiindr · 2 months
you don't have to have a clinical mental disorder in order to go to therapy. you can go to therapy even if:
you are having issues with your interpersonal relationships
you find it hard to regulate your emotions.
you are struggling with balancing different aspects of your life.
you are experiencing a stressful period.
you want to gain more insight into your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
you want to build skills like time management, assertiveness, emotional management, goal setting, etc.
you feel lost.
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seidigardensystem · 1 year
Your Words Matter
Dear Therapists,
I had just logged into a Zoom session for my Diagnosing Pathology class and my cohort was in deep discussion with one particular student as we all waited for our professor. This student in particular was already working in some sort of clinical setting, not yet giving therapy, but a new client profile had come across her desk with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. She didn’t know much about the diagnosis herself, but she was concerned because her boss said, “Whoa, good luck with that one. Borderlines are very difficult to work with.”
Difficult. It’s not the first time I’ve heard that word. Every time I hear a professional utter the word, “difficult” when referencing a client it stings. Is that how you really see us? As patients/clients that are stuck in a downward spiral whose struggles are too much for you to handle? Don’t you believe in what you do and that there is hope for us?
My heart breaks for whoever this person is that has borderline personality disorder because the cards have been stacked against them before they’ve even gotten started. One of my school assignments required me to write about working with a difficult population and this was my response:
“If we get the idea that a particular diagnosis or population is difficult to work with it feels like we are setting ourselves up for failure. Maybe we will treat them differently or have lower expectations or refuse to work with them because we have a negative perception.”
In 2022, I attended the Healing Together conference hosted by An Infinite Mind in Orlando, Florida. I was sitting in a session where I could hear and learn about lived experiences with dissociation and an excerpt from a book was read aloud as an example of how some clinicians view dissociative identity disorder. The presenter who read the excerpt was sad, the audience was sad, and I felt infuriated. The gist of the excerpt talked about how a clinician should be wary because clients with dissociative identity disorder are difficult to work with and that they bring unsolvable problems to therapy.
Unsolvable problems? Listen, if a client’s problem was easy to solve, they wouldn’t need therapy! Of course we are bringing our unsolvable problems to you. We believe in your ability to help us. We were trusting you enough to share our struggles. When we hear you call us difficult, challenging, resistant, and a myriad of other words, you break our trust and confidence.
My ask of you is that you reframe your perspective of difficult clients. My therapist always says that behavior is communication, so when you find a client’s behavior particularly difficult, ask yourself, “What is my client trying to tell me?” “What does my client need right now?” Seek out peer consultation or supervision without passing judgment on how difficult a client is for you.
I’ve always carried around my own judgment about myself as a client in therapy. I used to tell my therapist, “Thank you for putting up with me” and her response was, “There’s nothing to put up with.” When I had the opportunity to watch her present at a conference once, I went up to her just before it started to tell her she’d do a great job. She just smiled and said, “Everything I’m presenting today, I learned from you.” I thought about that for a long time. Not once, in our years of therapy had she ever shown any indication of frustration, feeling challenged, or felt I was difficult. She simply adapted her interventions as needed.
The NICABM posted back on June 11, 2022 on their Facebook page a quote from Pat Ogden, PhD; “When we call clients resistant or difficult, it’s because our interventions are not working and we feel incompetent.” As clients, we don’t think you’re incompetent. We think there’s something wrong with us and we believe you when we hear you say we’re difficult. So, please, choose carefully. Your words matter.
A DID Client
NICABM. (2022, June 11). What may at first seem like opposition or resistance can often signal a client’s deepest struggles. [Status Update]. [Image attached]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/NICABM/photos/10159170676011314
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