#the BOOTS 😍
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Till ❤️ (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 04-03-2012) © Luuk Denekamp
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tierras · 4 months
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sandy liang fall ⋆ winter 2024
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dooneysworld · 5 months
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 4 months
Canon Soda Popinski behavior.😍
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thexoelove · 9 months
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iwanthermidnightz · 5 months
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just gonna leave this here 😍
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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Ronen Rubinstein | promoting 911 Lone Star Season 4 on “Your Morning”
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suspendingtime · 9 months
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Which Simone did I wake up obsessed with today?
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
That moment when your mom and sister belittle you for exclusively watching “kids movies” and continue to make you feel bad because you “don’t act your age”
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theleechyskrunkly · 2 months
Leechy, to make up for your truly mean oices (they are oices now) you owe me fluffy Aurinelle and baby Finn (or regular Finn shenanigans)
I sincerely apologize, my oices get a little quirky at night 😔
And your wish is my command, malady 😍🫰 here you have a quick fic, not proof read, written on the bus ride home:
"You don't truly expect me to take care of... Finn by myself, right professor?" Aurinelle asked as he stared down at the fishbowl in his hands, which contained a tiny creature who was allegedly his classmate, Finn Clearcove. How had Finn ended up in that state? Alchemy incident, according to professor Crewel.
"Well, of course I do, Pup! All professors have gathered and come to the concensus that you are to tend to Clearcove while he is in this state." Stated Crewel matter-of-factly, gesturing to a sleeping baby Finn.
Aurinelle only shook his head. Why him of all people? Why couldn't the staff care for the baby? The were the adults after all. But before he could ask the question, Crewel cut him off. "We have chosen you to care for him because Azul and the twins are away for another one of Vargas' ridiculous camps, as well as because you are one of the most responsible students and also a merperson, so you should be able to care for him better than we humans can."
"What about Professor Da Costa?" Aurinelle pushed, not because he didn't like the idea of taking care of Finn, but because he was terrified at the idea that a single wrong move could end the little thing's life. "He's also a mer, as well as an adult. Wouldn't he be a better option?"
"Need I remind you Da Costa is on break? Run along now, you're free to go out to sea if that makes caring for the Pup easier." Crewel said as his final statement, waving his hand in dismissal and turning on his heel to head for the door, leaving Aurinelle pondering on how to deal with the situation at hand.
"Hah... might as well comply..." he sighed and looked down at Finn's tiny figure, clenching his eyes and taking a deep breath before to prevent himself from giving in to his desire to affectionally crush the merbaby. "I'll do my best to care for you, little Finn." He whispered softly into the bowl, eliciting a small twitch of Finn's developing fins. Aurinelle gave the baby a small smile before heading to the magic mirror room.
"State thy name and where thou wish to be transported." Demanded the Dark Mirror upon Aurinelle's arrival.
"My name is Aurinelle Sireiwen. I wish to be transported to the border of the Coral Sea." Responded Aurinelle, his voice significantly less confident than usual, likely due to the worry bubbling inside him.
What if the teleportation hurts him? I best cast a protective spell. He thought, quickly casting a strong Abyssal protective spell on Finn's still sleeping figure before stepping through the Dark Mirror, which quickly spawned him at the borders of the Coral Sea, away from where he could be found.
Aurinelle was at least 1.5 times bigger in his merform, which made Finn that much smaller in his palm. The change in environment caused Finn to stir from his sleep, letting out a yawn so small that it's cuteness hit Aurinelle like a sack of potatoes. He brought his tail to his face and bit down on it hard to snap him out of whatever aggressive thoughts flooded his mind.
Finn's clicking was what called back Aurinelle's attention as Finn began to shift around on his hand, seemingly uncomfortable. Oh no. He's about to cry.
At least that's what Aurinelle thought, until Finn latched his tiny teeth onto one of Aurinelle's giant fingers, chewing on it intently. Aurinelle giggled quietly, so as not to disturb Finn. Then it dawned on him; he often chewed on things when he was hungry as a child, so perhaps Finn was hungry?
He decided to test out the theory and magicked a baby bottle filled with a combination of shrimp, seaweed and salmon. He gently (agonizingly slowly) removed his finger from Finn's mouth, who gripped onto it possessively, squeaking in protest.
"Easy now, I've got something actually edible for you." Aurinelle whispered softly, holding the teenie tiny bottle between the nails of his thumb and index finger and inching it towards Finn's mouth.
Finn took the bottle and chugged it desperately, as if he'd been starving. Aurinelle gently rubbed a finger to Finn's tiny back to prevent him from choking.
After he was done with his bottle, Finn clicked curiously, expecting a response from his father, but being met with silence instead. After a few more anxious clicks, Finn began to cry, repeatedly asking for his "Da" and continuing his clicks.
"Shh, shh it's ok! Your dad is, uh, occupied." Aurinelled tried to calm Finn down, eventually resorting to singing in order to make him relax. Soft hums resonated through the ocean, laced with the softest of magic to passify little Finn.
Eventually, Finn's cries softened to a stop as he wriggled around in search of a chew toy, which he eventually identified as another one of Aurinelle's fingers. Aurinelle chuckled as he watched Finn drift asleep on his chest. He continued to hum until he himself fell asleep on the sandy ocean floor.
Several hours later, Finn awoke to his tail wrapped around a tail he didn't recognize, and for some reason he was underwater? It took a few seconds for him to realize he was laying on someone and for his eyes to focus in on the merperson he was laying on. Someone oddly familiar.
"... Aurinelle?"
Okay maybe that wasn't as short as I thought it'd be 💀 I got a little too invested 👉👈
Tagging cuz this is technically a fic: @thehollowwriter @xen-blank @distant-velleity @elenauaurs @cyanide-latte
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endlich-allein · 1 year
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Fabulous Till 💖 (Download Festival, UK, 16-06-2013) © Ashley Bird
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iguessricciardo · 2 years
the world cup is not ready for him
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dooneysworld · 2 months
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theharddeck · 3 months
favorites tag ✨
thank you @mxgyver 💛
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favorite time of day | favorite aesthetic | a color that describes you | favorite quote | current obsession (show, movie, book, anything) | favorite texture | favorite outfit or an outfit you wish you had in your closet | any world, universe, or place you see yourself living in | favorite flower
tagging @withahappyrefrain @roosterforme @callsign-fangirl @attapullman @laracrofted @cheekymcgrath and anyone else who likes!
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coconut530 · 10 months
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