#the Paycheck Fairness Act
ivygorgon · 2 months
Women deserve equal pay! Pass S. 728, the Paycheck Fairness Act now!
393 so far! Help us get to 500 signers!
Women—especially women of color—are the backbone of our nation’s economy. But they are consistently underpaid and their work is undervalued. Action on equal pay is sorely needed to address these inequities, but Republican Senators have blocked vital legislation, S. 728, the Paycheck Fairness Act, that would achieve critical progress. The median annual earnings for women working full time, year-round in 2022 was $52,360, or just 84 cents for each dollar earned by men, with much wider gaps for most women of color compared with white, non-Hispanic men. All women—regardless of the number of hours worked during the year—typically made $41,320, or 78 cents for each dollar earned by all men. Discrimination is one of the factors contributing to this gap, leading to thousands of dollars in lost wages for women over the course of their careers. That’s why we need the Paycheck Fairness Act. The Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen existing equal pay protections, prohibit retaliation against workers who discuss their pay or challenge pay discrimination, limit employers’ reliance on salary history, and much more. These robust measures would bring us one step closer to equal pay. Women and families cannot afford to wait for equal pay. We need to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act now.
▶ Created on April 3 by Jess Craven · 393 signers in the past 7 days
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churipu · 5 months
hii ive been obsessed with your work lately and I hope ur doing well! make sure not to overwork yourself!! Anyways can u make a nanami headcanon where s/o comes home late because she’s working overtime but forgets to tell him?
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featuring. nanami kento x reader
warnings. none
note. haiii nonniee, thank you so much for appreciating my works. it means so much to me <33 i'm sorry this one took so long and i hope you like it, mwah mwah
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i feel like in the relationship, nanami tries to talk you to quit your job before — but you felt like it was kind of unfair if he had to use his money to support you, so you always managed to decline that. even if the male was a bit disappointed at your decision, he didn't want to force you, so he lets you be.
you didn't have a cursed energy; a non-sorcerer. unlike him, you had a simple job of making coffees, alias a barista. the income was not too much, but still enough for the both of you (although nanami always ends up paying for your stuff because he insists).
the job wasn't too tiring, however today was a bit different — the store had gotten a rush hour in the afternoon, not that you were complaining about it as you signed up for the job anyways. and a co-worker had asked you to cover their shift because they had an family emergency.
really, you didn't mind covering for them at all. you were getting an extra for that and it counts — just it meant that you were going to be the closing shift for today, and everyone knows closing up meant it would be a lot of work; especially with the washing, cleaning up, mopping the floors, the coffee machines, everything.
you ended up closing the shop late at night, rushing to your shared apartment with nanami. opening the door in exhaustion, calling out a tired, "i'm home."
"y/n?" nanami appears from the corner, rushing towards you and then cupping your face.
in confusion you blinked at him, wondering what the hell was happening and why was he acting like this?
"you never texted or answered my calls, i was worried," he mumbles out, and it finally dawned upon you that during your shift — it was too busy that you hadn't managed to get to your phone at all. and it was on silent too.
"i'm sorry, baby. i had to cover up for my co-worker's shift, it was my mistake for not telling you," you smiled at him, planting a kiss on his lips.
nanami shook his head, "it's alright, please inform me next time," he kissed your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug, "how was work?"
"you won't believe how busy it is today, surprising. but it was fun, and i'm getting extra paycheck for covering my co-worker's shift!" you marveled out happily, and he gazes down at you fondly, kissing the crown of your head.
"i'm glad then," he mumbles out to you, "if i tell you to stop—"
"still a no from me," you kicked your shoes off and walked towards the living room, sparing him a cheeky smile, "i like working, plus, it's not fair that you have to waste your money for my livings too."
nanami heaves out a sigh, "my money is your money."
but he didn't push on, what mattered is that you enjoy working. nanami will undoubtedly still pay for your things, telling you that you should just save your paychecks incase he goes broke (which will never happen).
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monicahar · 1 year
scaramouche is a weird boyfriend.
gn! reader, fluff, reader's a bit oblivious and stupid here with tsun tsun kuni. this is heavily inspired by ch. 81 of horimiya but idk what i wrote...im really thinking of a part 2 in his pov of what HE thinks of you this time.
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you liked to think your understood the oh-so mighty balladeer better than most people.
with the big n' bad harbinger image that he's carrying around, it's unfathomably impossible to fully get to know him. it's one of the many advantages you like to use—using your reputation as his famed partner for life to get out of missions and errands you dislike.
it takes quite a toll on your paycheck, but who cares when your boyfriend is rich as hell? though you probably have to risk your entire existence when asking for something from him that's a tad bit expensive—but eh, everything has to come with a price, as they say.
but basically, moral of the story; you know your boyfriend pretty well. easy to piss off, really handsome, all bark and no bite (when it solely comes to you. it obviously isn't the same for your unfortunate fellow co-workers.) also unbelievably wealthy, and most importantly—loves you very very much. (he'd sooner slit his throat and dive off a cliff than to outwardly admit it though! he's just that shy! silly him 😜)
yet even though you've memorized and jotted down every aspect of his personality, there are still times you don't get your boyfriend.
though you liked to brag about knowing how he works, you truthfully don't understand enough of his mind's inner workings to be able to comprehend when he does something that throws all your confidence of knowing him out the window.
relatively enough, a good example of this statement is happening before your very eyes right now.
“stop moving, will you?”
hmm, for someone you often associated with a feral cat when it comes to physical contact and affection, he's being rather clingy at the moment. you aren't sure of what to do with your hands, pathetically enough. you fear he might cut off your limbs should you reciprocate...whatever he's doing right now.
unmoving upon the weight nestled in the crook of your neck, you struggle to formulate proper words and thoughts as your hands are awkwardly flailing in the air, not sure if this once in a blue moon display of affection he's giving is a way to non-verbally relay that he wants attention or whatnot...
usually when he wants attention, he'd just pick one of the idiotic things you did today and berate you for it. though it's a weird way of asking for cuddles, you still both end up in each other's arms by the end of the day.
he's not even hugging you or anything, arms hanging by his side as he leans his head on your shoulder, face buried in your neck with his hairtips gently tickle your skin.
unsure of what to do, you just, stand there.
the silence is loud for you, but you're not sure if the same goes for him. the ticking of the clock is a telltale sign that it's been a few minutes or so with him burying his face into your neck like a chick huddling for warmth and protection under its mother's wings, and unfortunately, as nice as it feels for him to initiate contact by himself, your shoulder is horribly getting sore.
before you could even say his full nickname, his head suddenly shoots up, a blank expression painted on his fair face as he stares at the way your eyes blink confusedly.
“i have work to do.” he mutters to himself dazedly, skillfully ignoring the way you tilt your head as if asking him to explain what the hell is up before turning on his heel and making a beeline back to his office, the chime bells of his seemingly mocking you from his lack of provided excuses.
what the...
rolling your shoulders to ease the pain and pressure it gradually collected while supporting the weight of his head, you could only stare down the halls in bewilderment as you're attempting to process what happened just now.
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another example of an interspecies act he did also just happened recently.
barging into his office is an almost daily occurrence, proudly walking in with your chin held up high while preparing yourself to rant about your entire day to your busy harbinger boyfriend.
cutely dismissing the fact he always calls you a massive headache for talking his ear out while he's working, you still yap on and on about your uneventful day to him, whether it'd be about some boring lunch with some birds, or an almost death experience to the hands of a mitachurl.
he never openly reacts to your daily shenanigans, only a few eye twitches or deep sighs when you say something particularly disappointing or unamusing which, on the positive side, means he's listening! full and well!
you were prepared for a flurry of insults to be hauled your way the moment you utter that you disgracefully and inconveniently tripped on your way to delivering documents to the doctor, falling face first right at the second harbinger's feet.
you always noticed he seemed a lot more bitter than usual when you mention any of the harbingers, so you kinda expected him to just full blow yell at you when you account this little funny story today of what happened with the doctor.
your eyes nearly fell out of its sockets when he didn't call you stupid or dumb, or an idiot, or whatever demeaning word he has to call you, and instead finally looked up from his desk to frown at you, finally speaking up since the last hour of your nonstop talking.
“did he do anything to you?”
...you've talked about almost dying to a damned humongous chicken on one of your expeditions to sumeru, and this is the topic that catches his immediate worry first and foremost?
it was just a silly prank you pulled out of boredom, wanting to see a reaction from one of the most powerful harbingers! nothing even happened! the doctor just dismissed you with a maniacal laugh, albeit a bit creepy, but he still helped you up!
“he what?”
the lamp on his desk flickers, the electricity around the room becoming more apparent by the second.
were you not supposed to interact with il dottore...?
“forget i said anything...”
gently setting down his quill, he folds his fingers underneath his chin to look at you whilst feigning a rather unsettling smile, an obvious ploy. “oh, no, no. continue.” he nudges in a sing-song tone.
ugh, he's only somehow paying attention to your rant when it's about different people! but doesn't even budge an inch when you say that you've beaten an oni before in a ramen contest. do you know how much of a great feat that is?! he was absolutely destroyed! a product of your successful gluttonous self! that silly yokai never stood a chance!
he glowers at you from his desk. “it's a he as well?”
you knew you had to change the subject fast if the amount of anger seeping from his small being was anything to tell by. “uhh, there was a pink haired lady with us too! she kept flirting with me though, so she didn't really participate in the contest. a huge bummer really, i wanted more opponents!”
—a beat of silence, before the lamp flickers shortly once more.
“she what?”
uhhhh, why is he still angry?
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yet another strange phenomenon ensued when he quietly approached you with his chime bells following closely during your training on one sunny day, silently watching you from the sidelines as you fire arrows consecutively at the target multiple feet ahead before you.
rendering all your focus on the target before you, you pull back the string with a certain amount of force and stability—dismissing his presence in the meantime whilst you zero in on the sole red dot in your vision.
whatever has got him burning his stare at your side profile can wait on hold.
huffing to yourself in satisfactory when the arrow's tip diligently digs into the painted wood right at the center of your target, you finally face your scrumptious little gremlin of a lover, unable to stomach the tenacious silence any longer.
“what's up—”
“do you hate me?”
good grief. not a good morning, nor a hello, nor some type of greeting he usually accompanies with a venomous insult—but a single question whereas he questions your loyalty and devotion to him as your romantic partner.
you tolerating his entire intolerable existence is already enough of a telltale sign that you like him a smidge lot more than he thinks, right?
you bite down the rude thought in your mouth as you strain a smile towards his direction, confusion still apparent on why he's suddenly asked your opinion of him.
“did you hit your head today, by any chance?” ignoring the glare you're recieving upon the small comment you uttered, you put your bow down on a nearby surface as you worriedly step up to meet his gaze properly. “why are you asking such a question?”
him being a mouthful is something you don't entirely mind no matter how many people berate you for not finding him annoying in any aspect, but him being so unnervingly silent like this is just plain scary.
you think you're about to melt into a puddle with how intense he gazes at you with his beautiful indigo pools, threatening to consume you whole as he openly ponders about your words.
“so you love me? since you seem to find discomfort in my question?”
“yes...?” you immediately retort as you raise a brow. what's up with him today? he always prided in himself about the love you continuously offer without hesitation, so why is he like this all of a sudden?
“i love you a lot. a heck ton.” you blurt out nothing but truth, “i badly wanna kiss you right now, but i know you don't like it in public so i'm keeping down low.”
he finally peels his gaze off of your face to look at the ground, before flickering up to you once again with an unsure frown, eyeing you weirdly on your shameless confession.
“...okay. that's good.” he replies as his face contorts into a more neutral expression, his voice unnaturally soft and airy. you barely hear him mutter something else under his breath before he swivels around and leaves the training grounds—stunning you greatly on what just transpired.
you always knew he was uh...a bit emotionally detached and all that, but having to question the affection you hold just for him? isn't the fact that you're willing to lick under anyone's boot just to simply talk to him not enough confirmation?
not knowing what to do in this situation, you simply just watch as he slowly escapes your line of sight, observant eyes not missing the slight bounce in his steps.
he's happy, it seems. you giggle to your self at the adorable sight. perhaps you should chase after him and kiss him silly.
from what you've heard, other people's lovers would normally be a lot more nicer and considerate when it comes to their significant others, but that obviously isn't the case with your unique partner.
needless to say, he is a really strange boyfriend. too puzzling for your pretty little brain to fully wrap around yet an enigma you truly couldn't get enough of—fortunately or unfortunately? whatever.
scaramouche is a walking and living contradiction—inconceivably difficult to predict.
he hogs all the blankets at night when you sleep together yet gets mad at you when you catch a cold the next morning,
thinks your cooking is an abominable atrocity yet still consumes them religiously like he currently isn't getting food poisoning,
always makes it his priority to call you 'unsightly' or whatever, only to lightly bonk your head when you actually agree and sulk to yourself about it,
often voices his protest against your kisses and huggie wuggies as you've called them, yet doesn't fight back when you forcibly wrap your arms around him after finally getting enough of his stubbornness,
intensely glares at every person that comes within a two feet radius of your 'personal space', and if you bother to ask him what's wrong—he'd direct his glaring at you as well for some reason,
he refuses to lend you his precious hat every single time when you ask to borrow it, yet shoves it unceremoniously against your face to hide his burning visage from your sight after a particularly flirtatious comment you slipped in,
never verbally returns your 'i love you's during the day, yet he constantly whispers it to you like a mantra when he thinks you're asleep. (does he not want you to know he loves you or something...? anyway let's just pretend not to hear him for his sake.)
scaramouche is a weird boyfriend indeed, but he's yours and yours only. a constant in your life that you'd never give up for the world.
no matter how you look at it, the list seems endless—ceaselessly an infinite of contradictions and complexity carried on his person. he truly lives up to his eccentric title, a strange person indeed...
—but despite him being his grumpy self 24/7, you still find him entertaining and all the more endearing.
whichever person threatened to take him away from you would have to face your gluttonous wrath.
(he looks at you weirdly when you proudly exclaim you'd eat even the gods should they ever lay a hand on him.)
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atm i am hungry and i want borgir :( this starved stomach of mine might've slightly influenced how i portrayed reader
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bamsara · 2 years
20: "How long did you think that you could hide that?"
Sun Centric | Wordcount: 1,338 | AO3 Version
I pulled another Solar Lunacy bullet draft out for this prompt, so this is more of a SL crumb than it is a stand-alone drabble. Expect to see this scene again in SL, but maybe written better (and a different beginning and ending, some details more fitting, ect)
To be fair, you had done an excellent job hiding the limp you had so far.
It happened this morning. Routine schedule with a list of tasks and chores that required a cleaning cart's assistance to lug around all the tools and trash, except you got your wheel caught in the small gap at the entrance of the elevator, and your attempt to free it consisted of you pulling and pushing and praying to whatever was out there to dislodge the damn thing while profusly apologizing to the Pizzaplex goers behind you waiting impatiently for use of the elevator while you struggle.
Eventually, you get it dislodged. Yay! Unfortunatly, you twist your ankle when it pops out and you have to do some sort of ninja type of move to prevent from accidently being rolled over on. Only, you were a terrible acrobat, and now your ankle was throbbing and you didn't even have ibeprofen to help with it.
So! Power through it. You'll ice it when you get home. These paychecks won't earn themselves.
You don't allow yourself to limp because you don't want to get any stares or complaints from the families roaming the pizzaplex, or have any of the animatronics send you a concerned look (which makes you act particularly casual when Freddy comes around to say hi. The last thing you want to do is have the busy bear worry about you.) which means you're gritting your teeth and blowing air through your nose, but faking it until you make it seems to work.
That is, until you arrive at the daycare.
You bring a cart full of diapers, wipes and other important items for stock, the heavy lifting the last chore for the day but the one you were dreading the most. Sun greets you at the door, and behind him is a chorus of small voices that yell out greetings to you as soon as you walk in.
Friendly bunch, they are. You're glad the Daycare Attendant has his hands busy with the kids, so if you needed to lean on the desk for a moment, you probably wouldn't look suspisious. Rolling the cart in, you wave to the gaggle of children that sitting on the floor, gathered for story time probably, before wheeling the cart towards the shelves-
Metal hands come around your shoulders, stopping you in place. "My, my! You've brought us so many presents!"
You crane your head back. Sun's smile beams down at you, and you smile back. "Yeah! Hope you like diapers."
"I sure do! Keeps all the messy bits easy for quick cleaning." He jests, and as if on cue a couple of children give a very cute 'eewwwwww' in the background as you snort. Sun's head rotates completely, in full-jester mode. "Oh, you'll be joining us for story time, won't you? Won't you?"
You wave him off, forcing your face to remain plain and chipper despite the pain that was swelling up your leg at the moment. "Sorry, no can do. I gotta get these boxes sorted first-"
"Oh, but I think you can, and you will!" Suddenly, the hands on your shoulders are gripping a little bit tighter. You are all but guided (more like half-dragged) to where the gaggle of children are sitting in a circle and plopped in the middle. "In fact, you should take over! I've been telling the same fairy tales, all princesses and monsters and bears and rabbits-" Sun pats you on the back, non-chalant. "Why don't you tell a story, something new? I'm sure you have it in you friend."
As nice as it was to be sitting down on the mat where there wasn't a weight constant on your ankle, the several pairs of wide anticipating eyes of children was a little unerving. "Uh-"
"Good!" Sun reels back, hands on his hips. In one swift motion, his legs swivel around to start walking towards the cart and boxes, while his head and torso stay facing you and the children. "I'll take care of these gifts! Better this way, I have a very particular way of organizing things you know."
He leaves you there, and now you're stuck entertaining children until he's finished.
...Honestly? Not the worst thing he's done, and there's a sense of reflief since you're not standing anymore, so you'll play right into the game.
You tell the children stories about the horrors of what happens if you don't brush your teeth enough, of a boy that ate so many greens he became the strongest being in the world, of a dog that learned how to play basketball, of aliens that crashed into hawaii and made friends and a family there. Anything you can pull off the topc of your head, really, and lucky enough for you; they were eating the stories out of the palm of your hand.
Sun is quicker than you would have been putting away the boxes, and is at the ready for checkout when some of the first parents arrive to pick up their children. You continue to tell the stories even as your audience dwindles, answering questions when they raise their hands and resisting the urge to laugh when a little boy with glasses too big asks you if Santa Clause was an alien.
Sun finishes the stocking rather quickly, and instead retaking his spot, sits cross legged and joins the circle of children easgly waiting to hear your story. He even goes as far as to lightly clap when you're finished with one, the other children joining in just to mimick him. It's actaully really cute.
The last boy is checked out by his parents. You wave from your spot on the floor mat, not moving because you don't feel like it and uncaring if you looked a little silly to the mother. Sighing, you let relief out of your lungs as Sun closes and locks the Daycare doors behind them.
Sun literally cartwheels back to you, spinning on one heel before plopping down right in front of you. His height makes him tower over you even as you're both sitting down, and you're currently thinking about an excuse to say or mustering up the strength to stand on that leg again.
Sun leans forwards, head resting in his hands and smiling widly. "Looks like you've become quite the favorite around here!"
You return the smile, and move to get up. "Yeah, yeah. Just promote me at this rate and I can take your job all the time-"
A hand clasps around your knee and you wince. The preassure is genlte, not huritng, but heavy enough it forces you back down to the ground where you sit and stare at the Daycare Attendant's grip on your leg, and his thoughtful face as he hums. "And how long did you think you could hide that?"
A tug from your leg to free yourself, his grip doesn't budge. You almost pout. "...hide what?"
Fingers lessen around your pants leg, trail lower down to your ankle and hook underneath the fabric, pushing it up. There's a definate swollenness to your ankle now, more so than the last time you checked. Sun tuts at the sight of it. "This, friend."
Aw rats, you've been caught. "It's fine, I'm not a wuss."
"We never said you were!" Sun gasps, offended. A pause. "Well, I never said you were. Still a terrible idea, though."
Your shrug is half-hearted. "So? I can't exactly slack off, here. I'm already in hot water with managment and bills don't pay themselves."
"You are very lucky I was programmed with much patience!" Sun sounds like a mixture of frusteration, exasperation, and affection. It's a comforting tone of voice, so it doesn't alarm you right away until the animatronic's hands are reaching forwards, hooking underneath your knees and against your lower back before you can protest. "Onwards, to the first aid corner!"
"...Does this mean you've gotten a doctor's license yet?"
"I am not legally required to answer that question!"
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heavyhitterheaux · 8 months
Teenage Woes Part 3
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Synopsis: You and Jack finally decide on a fair punishment for the triplets, and they get a rude awakening when they are forced out of their comfort zone.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Read Part 1 and Part 2 first
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It had been a week since Jack had gotten his privileges back and he wasted absolutely no time once you had told him. At this point, the triplets were still walking on eggshells around you and in order not to do anything to piss you off, if they had a question they wouldn't ask you unless absolutely necessary.
Jack had convinced you to take a bath and had run the water for you along with lighting a few of your favorite candles and adding your favorite bath bombs. Within five minutes, he was climbing into the tub behind you, and you were surprised that it had taken him that long.
Your head was laying on his chest and the two of you were in a comfortable silence when you broke it by poking his cheek and starting to play with his beard.
"Yes, baby?"
"I've thought long and hard about this and if we agree on this, we can move forward with a proper punishment for them."
"I had been thinking too, but you go first." Jack said while kissing the tip of your nose and you smiled.
"They're going to public school and we are no longer paying for them to go to a private school. That comes with privileges and having the right attitude and being respectful."
"At least for a semester, you agree?"
You slowly nodded your head yes.
"No one is allowed to use their cell phone or drive unless we let them. Axel and Ivy need to get part time jobs and Ivy asked me if babysitting Nova counts even though she's 12. I expected her to ask about Cash and Cam seeing that they're only 6."
"No she didn't ask that…" Jack said while stifling a laugh and looking at you in disbelief and all you did was nod.
"And I have another suggestion." Jack started to say and you nodded for him to go on.
"They give us a percentage of their paycheck every two weeks and we tell them it goes towards bills, but we actually put it in another savings account for them and they can't even touch that one until they're 30."
"Hmm, I like that idea. I can open a new account tomorrow."
"One way or another they are going to learn to respect us and I think that this will be the wake up call that they need."
"I think one of the things that sticks out and pisses me off the most is Axel smoking. Knowing that he had to be intubated multiple times when he was born and has a heart murmur. He's lucky that we even let him play soccer. And has asthma. Like is he trying to put himself in the hospital because I'm convinced that he is. I get that I experimented, well we both did, however we didn't do anything that stupid."
"And remember the time we found weed and he tried to blame it on Urban?" Jack added and all you did was shake your head.
"I swear, I don't recognize my kids anymore. At least the other three act like they have some sense."
"When should we tell them?"
"Well school starts back up next week so I can call tomorrow and get them enrolled and can you be in charge of making sure they find jobs?"
"Of course baby, and they can't work for us either. Because I know Ivy will ask."
"They are in for a rude awakening. We'll tell them tomorrow and if someone disobeys our rules, a disciplinary school is next. Never thought I would say that out loud but here we are."
"I hope we don't get to that point, but if we do, so be it."
"I just checked on all of them and Autumn snuck out again. She's not in her room and I watched the security cameras."
"Hmm, she can have her fun now but come tomorrow she's going to be in for it. I don't even have the energy to yell or argue with them anymore. It's the fact that I'm calm and I admit that's probably the scariest thing that I could be."
"Oh, trust me, I know."
All you did was eye him as he leaned down to kiss you.
"I love you."
"And I love you even when you get on my nerves."
"Was that last part really necessary?" Jack asked as he sucked his teeth, but all you did was laugh.
"Of course it was. Wouldn't be me if I didn't say it."
Jack simply rolled his eyes as he began to kiss down your neck and you knew where this was going.
"You aren't tired yet?" You asked and he immediately shook his head no.
"I've missed out on an entire month and I need to make up for lost time so spread your legs and let me work."
The next morning, you got up early and fixed breakfast for everyone for the first time in about a month and a half. Jack woke up about thirty minutes after you and came down to help you. All you could basically put him in charge of was drinks, but you were still grateful to have his company.
Meanwhile upstairs, the triplets had congregated in Axel's room and they were confused since they heard both of you downstairs and knew that something had to be up.
"She's actually cooking…" Ivy whispered, not actually believing it herself.
"Well maybe she forgives us?" Axel suggested but the girls shook their heads no.
"That's way too easy. She couldn't have and she didn’t even say anything about it either."
"Uncle Urby said she holds grudges like no other and the last thing we want to do is be in the line of fire when she gets pissed off."
"But we're her kids. She can't stay mad at us forever."
"Autumn, you've done enough shit for her to be mad at you for the rest of your life." Axel said and she immediately rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, okay. Don't say anything when you cough up a lung knowing that you smoke and have asthma." She quickly fired back as Ivy simply sighed.
Jack suddenly knocked on Axel's door and peeked his head in startling them.
"You three get your brothers and sister and come eat."
"Dad! What is mom up to?" Axel asked and all Jack did was laugh to himself.
"You three will find out soon enough, come on."
The three of them exchanged nervous looks as Jack walked away and went back downstairs.
"Welp, we're all going to die. So it was nice knowing you two." Ivy said before walking out Axel's room to get Nova while Axel went to get his brothers.
Once downstairs, everyone had fixed their plate and was eating at the table when you and Jack were simply eyeing each other making the triplets even more nervous. Ivy quickly caught on with you two exchanging looks and finally asked.
“Um, why are you two looking at each other like that?”
“Babe, you want to tell them?” Jack asked while looking at you as you were sipping on your tea.
“Well, if you insist. Ivy, Axel, Autumn, the oldest of my children who I carried for 33 weeks and had to be resuscitated twice once they cut you out of me even though Autumn claimed that it wasn't a big deal and you all still continue to disrespect me, me and your father have something to tell all of you.”
“Wait…. YOU DIED?” Axel exclaimed since you had actually never told them.
“Not once, but twice. Stay on topic, Axel. And you almost did too, but that's not what this conversation is about." Jack quickly cut in while the girls were looking at you with concern.
“But you never told us that!” Ivy exclaimed and Autumn looked to be upset.
"We need to unpack that because…. WHAT?"
“Another story for another day when the three of you are actually back in my good graces again.”
Nova, Cash, and Cam stopped eating to try and listen in on what was going on with their siblings as they nervously looked on.
“Come next week, the three of you will be going to public school since me and your father are not going to pay for you three to go to private school that has top tier educators and continue to disrespect us so that’s a thing of the past, Ivy and Axel, you two need to get jobs and all three of you will decide which bill you want to contribute to in the house since Autumn already has one. You are not allowed to have your cell phone unless we say so and you can only drive to and from work. If one of you steps a toe out of line, you don’t want to know what is going to come after that because you definitely won’t like it. I do not expect any failing grades either.”
There was only silence for a matter of seconds before you quickly heard their protests.
“As long as you live in this house you will abide by our rules and respect them and we aren’t going back on this punishment so you three will have to deal with it.” Jack told them as Ivy simply had her mouth hanging wide open, but her face quickly turned to a look of anger as she looked at Autumn.
“This is all your fault! You told her that we were cut out and not pushed out and looked what happened!” Ivy said while rolling her eyes.
“How is this all my fault? I didn’t tell you to cuss out your teacher!”
“No, but you had to go and be a bitch and be disrespectful to our mother who would do anything for us and you’ve acted out ever since Nova was born because you were jealous that you weren’t the baby anymore!”
“We were only four when she was born!”
“And you still act as if you’re four years old! You almost let Nova fall down the steps ON PURPOSE when she was little and she would have seriously gotten hurt if I didn’t catch her in time!  You’ve always been the one to get in trouble and now we’re in trouble right along with you! And always beg daddy to bail you out when you know that you’re in the wrong. You’re so selfish!”
“How am I selfish? I have covered for you plenty of times when you snuck out with Damien!”
“YOU TWO, SHUT IT RIGHT NOW! And we do NOT call each other names, Ivy!” You yelled and the two of them instantly went quiet.
“Ivy, when did you sneak out?” Jack asked while looking at her and all she did was stare back at him while picking off her fingernail polish.
“Don’t lie because we have security cameras.” He continued as Autumn was smirking.
“Autumn wipe that smirk off your face. It looks like we now have to make an executive decision. Babe? They do their junior year and entire senior year in public school.”
“Now, wait a second! I was going to be dance captain this year!”
“Autumn, shut your mouth because I’m not waiting for a damn thing and it looks like they’ll have to choose someone else. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes and Ax, you’ve been mighty quiet but let me tell you if we as much catch you smoking or even smell weed on you knowing that you have asthma, you don’t want to know what’s going to happen. The last thing we ever want is you having an asthma attack and getting a call from the hospital because your inhaler didn’t work. We have gotten enough calls from the hospital concerning you to last more than four lifetimes. When you were born you literally couldn’t even breathe on your own.”
“And no boyfriends or girlfriends so NO dating. Open your mouth to talk back to either of us and we’ll ship you off to military school at this very moment. Your choice, so choose wisely. Now enjoy your breakfast while I make a few calls. Jack, the only thing that they can look on their phones for are jobs today. Once they fill out at least five applications, they have to give it back to you. Do you agree?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
“We love the three of you very much, but you’ve left us no choice and have brought this on yourselves. I hope this serves as a good lesson to you and maybe just maybe if you three actually stick to being on your best behavior, you’ll slowly start to earn your privileges back.”
“Mommy?” You heard Cash ask and you quickly turned to him.
“Yes, my baby?”
“Can I have more orange juice?”
“Of course you can and Nova and Autumn come in the living room.”
“Am I in trouble?” Nova asked terrified as you poured juice for Cash and you shook your head no. She hated getting in trouble and would always cry when she was younger if she was caught doing something that she wasn’t supposed to do.  
“No, just need you for a second.”
The three of you walked into the living room and you gestured for them to sit down.
“Autumn, I am tired of this imaginary competition between you and Nova and it needs to stop at this very moment.”
“No, and do not pretend to not know what I’m talking about because Ivy is right. We prepped you as much as we could but I didn’t even know I was pregnant with her because I would have liked to have done a better job. You are now 16 years old and she is 12 and looks up to her big sisters and wants to be like you and Ivy. We love all of you EQUALLY and no one has gotten special treatment at any time. So, do a better job of being a sister to her. I don’t have mine anymore and I wish that I did so the two of you better learn to get along. When me and your dad are not here anymore, all you’re going to have is each other. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” She quietly said while looking down at her feet.
“Nova, do you understand?”
“The two of you can go finish eating.”
“Mom, what ever happened to your sister?” Nova quietly asked as she got up from the couch and Autumn went back into the kitchen.
“It’s not important and it’s a story for another day.”
The triplets were three weeks into the school year when all three of them came through the front door and you could tell that Ivy had been crying. Jack was the first one to notice and asked her what was wrong.
“Ivy? What’s going on?”
“Me and your mother went to public school and we turned out just fine. You’ll be okay.” Jack replied while shrugging and looking at her, when she was quiet, he spoke again.
“I hope you weren’t expecting sympathy from me because if you were, you need to look elsewhere.”
Just then you came down the steps and saw how upset she was and asked what had happened.
“What’s going on?”
“She’s fine. Ivy, go get ready for work and you’ll do your homework once you get back.”
“I AM NOT FINE! Mommy can I PLEASE go back to private school? Public school is scary and the food doesn’t taste good and they don’t have Fiji water in the cafeteria and the drama club sucks, and….”
You held up your hand to cut her off and all she did was sigh.
“Give it a chance, bubs. You’re only three weeks in and I have the utmost faith in you.” You said while pinching her cheek and all she did was sigh.
“You two aren’t changing your minds any time soon, are you?” Axel quietly asked while looking at how frustrated his sister was.
“Nope.” Both of you said at the same time and you went to lay in Jack’s lap as you grabbed his phone from him to order food since you had been busy all day and didn’t really have time to sit down. 
“If I finish my homework before dinner, can I play on my phone for an hour?" Autumn quietly asked and the two of you simply turned around to look at her. 
"Never mind. Can I watch Netflix then?"
"Hmm, what do you think?" Jack asked while looking down at you.
"It's Wednesday. No."
"Anddd there's your answer Autumn. You can read a book instead." Jack said as he looked towards her and all she did was nod her head accepting that as an answer before going upstairs while you scrolled through Jack’s phone.
"You know Nova asked me what happened to my sister a few weeks ago."
"Are you going to tell them?" Jack asked as you handed him his phone for him to add what he wanted to the cart.
"It's not all that important. It's not affecting their lives."
"But it's affecting yours. Not as much as before but it still is."
All you did was shrug.
"No matter how much time has passed and how much she wants to talk to me, I am never giving her the time of day or him for that matter. They knew what they were doing all along for it to come back and kick them in the ass later. She literally will never be in my good graces again. She had more kids other than me so she can focus on them. She literally did drugs while pregnant with me and I was born to addicted to a whole bunch of shit so she can go fuck herself. Anyway, did you add what you wanted? I want a milkshake too."
"I added it. It should be here in an hour."
"Okay. I just want them to understand that when we're not here anymore, all they're going to have is each other and they need to start treating each other better. Especially Autumn and Nova. Nova just kind of brushes it off, but I know it still bothers her. While Autumn can just be downright mean sometimes to her. And the thing is that she had her little jealous phase and I thought she grew out of it, but within the last few months she's doing it again."
"I think because of you telling them that, that they'll come around and be better about it. When I see those two, I get flashbacks of me and Clay and I do not want that happening again. And Autumn has got the message loud and clear now. We aren't putting up with her shit anymore."
"And it won't. In the end, I know that they'll be okay and it will just take a little while for them to get there."
"Now, are you sure we can't make another one?" Jack asked you and you looked up at him like he was crazy.
"Another WHAT?!"
"Um, never mind. I'll ask you later."
"If you are talking about me bringing another person into this world, the answer is no."
"We have 3 boys and 3 girls. We are done. My uterus is done. My vagina is done."
"I'll ask you again next week."
All you did was look up to Jack to see him smirking and trying not to laugh and you couldn’t help but to laugh yourself.
"I cannot stand you."
All he did was lean down to kiss you and you continued to laugh as he placed kisses all over your face.
"It's just because you're a damn good mother. Just to watch the way you love and care for them is amazing and I knew from the beginning it was going to be like that, despite what was going on between us."
"Those first two years were hard. Between me wanting to separate from you, postpartum depression, thinking that we were going to have to bury one child, but we're still here."
"We are and thriving despite what may be happening around us."
"I'm so thankful you were able to realize something was wrong with me when that happened." You quietly said as you thought back on it.
"I know you like the back of my hand and inside and out… literally. I know when something is wrong with my baby. But seriously, that scared the absolute shit out of me. Second to their actual birth."
"I can't describe it, but it was a weird feeling. Like an out of body experience you could say."
"And that's why you were nervous to have Nova, scared that it was going to happen again."
"And thankfully it didn't."
"I don't know what I would have done without you and I know I tell you this all the time, but I seriously do not take for granted every single moment I get to have with you. Even if we're having a good day or not. I literally cannot put into words how much I love you."
"The good always outweighs the bad and I love you more than life."
"We can get through anything as long as we have each other."
The triplets were at the top of the steps as they overheard you and Jack talking and if they didn't just feel bad before, they felt even worse now. 
They didn't say anything to each other as Ivy went downstairs to ask the both of you for her keys so that she could drive to work.
"Um, can I have my keys please?"
Since you were laying on Jack’s lap, he simply got up, but picked you up along with him with you letting out a yelp and went to get them out of the safe.
"Jackman, you can put me down now." You said as you laughed. He placed you on your feet before handing Ivy her keys.
"Go to work and then come home. No detours because we will find out." Jack told her and she simply nodded before grabbing both of you and pulling you into a hug, startling you both.
"Um, bubs, are you okay?" You quietly asked while hugging her back.
"Yes, I just love you both a whole lot. I have the best parents in the world."
"Oh. Well we love you too." Jack said while looking down at you confused and all you did was shrug.
"I'll see you both when I get back." Was all that she said before she walked out the door and all you and Jack did was look at each other.
"What just happened?" Jack quietly asked while looking at you, but you were at a loss for words.
"I'm not really sure, but I'm not mad at it."
It was now nearing the end of the semester and the triplets had been on their best behavior and following all of the rules that you and Jack had set in place for them.
The both of you knew that their report cards would be sent home today and were hoping for good results.
You were currently in your room looking over possible dresses that Julissa sent over for an upcoming event and you had told her that by the end of the day, you would decide which one you wanted.
Your door was open as Autumn poked her head in and knocked.
"I don't even remember the last time you called me that. Is something wrong?" You said while looking at her in the doorway and she quickly shook her head no.
"Then what's going on? And are you just going to stand in the doorway or come in?" You asked her and she quickly came in to sit next to you and simply stared at you.
"I got my report card." She said while handing it to you.
You took it from her and looked it over seeing that she had gotten all A's and B's.
"This is good, bubs. I'm proud of you." You said while looking back up at her and all she did was start to cry.
"Autumn? What's wrong?" You asked while putting her report card on your dresser and hugging her as she cried into your chest.
"I'm such a horrible daughter and sister. My siblings probably hate me."
"What?! No you aren't! And no one in this house hates you!"
"You and daddy have given me so many chances that I really shouldn't have gotten. And Nova does hate me! I've been nothing but mean to her since she was born!"
"Okay, Autumn, you need to breathe. Like I said no one hates you. Nova is just in her own little world, and has a very big heart. You’re her sister that she looks up to and all she wants is for the two of you to get along. I know that she'll forgive you and she wants the two of you to be close."
"And you went through so much to give birth to us and I'm sorry that I ever said that it wasn't a big deal. You died. Twice. And went through postpartum depression and you were going to separate from daddy and…."
"Pause. How did you know that last part?"
"We overheard the two of you talking." She quietly said while looking up at you.
All you did was sigh.
"Autumn Danielle, all six of you are our greatest joy and I wouldn’t change a thing because that's how we got to this point. You've been doing a lot better and all we want is for all of you to be successful, respectful, and responsible, knowing that you can lose everything in a blink of an eye. Just continue to do better, okay?"
"Okay." She said while sniffling and hugging you tighter.
"I love you and I'm sorry if I don't say it enough or don't act like it." Autumn added while playing with her bracelet that you and Jack had bought her for her birthday.
"I love you too and that is never going to change. We are always going to be here for you no matter what."
Just then Axel peeked into the room to see the two of you and made his way in also having his report card in hand.
"She's occupied! Get your own!" You heard Autumn yell and all you did was laugh.
"What the? She is MY OWN. She was my mother before she was yours! I'm two minutes ahead of you!"
"And I also made it in here before you so you can leave. We were having a moment."
"Autumn, be nice! Ax, let me see the report card."
Once again, you saw all A's and B's.
"I expected nothing less, very proud of you."
"And I haven't smoked and I got your favorite muffins. They're downstairs."
"Oh, I would have known if you smoked anyway. I look at the number of puffs you have left on your inhaler. When you were using it more, you kept saying you needed another one."
"Bubs, I have 24 years on you. I wasn't born yesterday." You said while smirking at him.
"Autumn, move over." Ax said and she scooted over to make more room for him. 
"Mom? Can we have tacos later?"
"Text your dad the ingredients that I need."
About two hours later, Jack walked in to see three of his oldest children surrounding you on the bed with all of you knocked out sleeping and all he could do was smile.
All he did was snap a quick picture to show you later. 
Hearing his footsteps, you fluttered your eyes open to see your husband smiling at you.
"What?" You asked while smiling back at him and all he did was hand you his phone to look at the picture he took.
"No matter how old they get, they're always going to need us."
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How does Yves react to jealousy? Wether it is him being jealous or his s/o being jealous…. Cause I mean Yves must have his share fair of admirers
tw: cheating mentions
Part 1/2
It depends on how the relationship between the two of you is defined. He knows he has no right to feel jealous if the two of you haven't officially met or you still see him as an acquaintance. Yves won't stop you from dating others, as long as you're not doing that while in a romantic relationship with him. Because that means you would be breaking the boundaries and promises established, there are close to none if you haven't consented to be his partner.
He knows you more than enough to predict if you want him as your husband or a lifelong platonic companion. There are vastly different rules for either role:
If it's the former, polygamy is a no-go. He will lay his needs on the table on the very first day and the first thing on the list is that he is strictly monogamous, asking him to open up the relationship or for a threesome in the future will hurt him badly and is akin to cheating. Obviously, excessive physical contact with anyone else is considered infidelity, though he allows you to receive hugs and kisses from friends and family members that he trusts, and his trust is not easy to earn. No emotional cheating, he does not want you to have such an intimate connection with anyone else. Yves will express his disapproval if he catches you watching porn or gawking at attractive people on the internet, but he can fix that by making it subconsciously 'boring' for you.
He has no problem with you obsessing over fictional characters, Yves knows that they're not real and he sees them as mere toys for you to play with. He has major issues if you try to turn him into one of your fictitious crushes or your obsession has gotten so severe that it affects your life.
Whereas if you wish to remain friends, or something more special but within the realm of familial, Yves would not interfere if you're involved with someone else. Well, he wouldn't 'interfere' to a certain degree; he wouldn't beg you to leave them for him, he wouldn't try to tarnish their reputation in front of you, he wouldn't even cause a scene at your wedding no matter how much he wanted to shoot your spouse dead. Yves would just watch with an unreadable expression, elegantly crossing his legs and resting his palms on his lap. He would still do something behind the scenes if he thinks you're taking him for granted.
Before even dating your current partner, Yves will ensure that he is the person who is closest to you. He will be the one you would call if things go rough and the first one to know of any major changes in your life, good or bad. You would call him for advice on anything, from something as small as changing the wipers on your car to legal advice. Yves will be your safe space and no one can replace him, ever. Not your parents, your siblings, and definitely not your romantic partner.
You're most likely roommates with him, given the economy now. Living in a jarringly rich neighborhood with him. You feel out of place sometimes, because you're probably a university student struggling to get by or a salary worker living paycheck to paycheck. Yves is kind enough to offer you to stay at his place indefinitely with rent that you can afford.
Perhaps you have your own place, or you live with your parents instead. Or frustratingly, you live at your partner's.
Regardless of your sheltering situation, Yves will more likely act like a monster in law. Arriving uninvited, side-eyeing your spouse for not taking good care of you, every compliment about them is backhanded, bringing in meaningful gifts (i.e., flowers, groceries, freshly baked bread, dinner, food that you have been craving) to outshine your partner's goodwill of the day, subtle jabs that greatly bother your significant other but you don't see a problem with.
You would find yourself defending Yves despite his actions degrading your beloved's self-esteem.
The more serious the relationship, the colder he will be towards them. He will not be aggressively antagonistic, but there is an undeniable air around him that feels like spikes down your partner's throat. He is apathetic to temporary flings and one-night stands, though. Unless he knows they can cause grievous harm to you or carry a disease, Yves will work behind the scenes to eradicate them.
Your partner is afraid of him, and rightfully so. Yves warned him once that he would ruin everything they had if you ever got hurt, either due to direct abuse or negligence on their part. The way he delivered it sent a chill down their spine that they will never forget.
Hurting you includes breaking your heart; so your partner can't leave you without Yves skinning them alive. They can't change their behavior to forcefully make you leave them. God have mercy on them if they ever decide to cheat. Yet, they're subjected to constant terror from this man whom you call your friend if they stay. They're caught between a rock and a hard place. If they're just a regular person, they would have gone clinically insane and Yves takes this chance to wean you off them.
Thankfully though, most of them would be scared off by Yves during the dating phase or your standards became so high that you won't bother losing sleep over another person.
There is an interesting outcome if you happen to be with another Yandere. Again, it depends on their personality.
If they're one of those careless fools who keep you captive, kill your loved ones, and only care about their needs, not your happiness; they're dying of "natural causes" as soon as possible.
Those who are Yves wannabes that stalk you and steal your underwear irks him. He appreciates that they share somewhat similar flavors of love for you, but they are pathetic. They think they know you, but they're not even close to scratching the surface. It's laughable as they try to threaten him behind your back, all Yves would do is stare through them. Ten times out of ten, they would back down out of fear, because they could feel the eldritch horrors writhing under his calm facade.
Pathetic, so pathetic. Yves knows a thousand guaranteed ways he could make them disappear by lunch without any lasting consequence, yet his cheap imitation doesn't even know where Yves is at any given time. They can't even tell that Yves is standing next to them at the bus stop, he just puts his hair in a different hairdo and tries a new makeup look. How are they going to protect you if they're this stupid?
He wouldn't off them immediately though, as long as they're relatively harmless and you're happy, he will let them be.
If it's a rich one with non-negligible influential powers, Yves would keep a closer eye on the both of you. They're certainly a lot more dangerous than the first two, but nowhere near as bad as him. It annoys him that your spouse took up a sizable chunk of his library, but it was necessary to find all their weak points and predict the trend of their behavior. They might have an inkling of who Yves is, but he is still an enigma, the information they have on him is either insufficient or false. They're just as blind as everyone else and Yves always have the upper hand.
They generally wouldn't back down threatening him, though. They think they have their finger wrapped around the world just because of their wealth and connections. Yves was young once, he knows how arrogance flows through the blood of the youth. And so did prideful ignorance.
He would let them think they're winning, their immense big boy/big girl powers are sending Yves running with his tail tucked between his legs. Then, when they least expect it, Yves will scare the crap out of them through various methods. Leaving clear-cut evidence that the entirety of their party is actually working for him, having career and life-ending pieces of information, or simply bypassing all his security and meeting them in their so-called surveillance room.
They would find that all their firearms were unloaded and emergency protocols non-functional. Even the ones that no one else but your spouse knows. Yves knows how to fight, he scoffs at their setup for being so primitive. He would even be offended that your spouse couldn't get your information right.
He would dish out the most ego-wrecking insults while gracefully blocking and dodging their attacks, pointing out their incompetence at gathering data.
Yves would let your spouse exhaust themselves to unconsciousness, deriding them for their terrible physique. Then, he would leave, putting everything together back to normal. He left no trace of him ever being there as if your spouse hallucinated the entire encounter. But they definitely didn't.
He successfully sent a message that he wasn't to be underestimated. They have no idea who they're up against and he will be diplomatic only if they stay in their lane, take good care of you, and make you happy.
However, meeting someone exactly like him, though;
It would be ugly at first. Both Yves and his clone will act a bit more erratic than usual, it can go unnoticed by the untrained eye, but between these two giants? It's war. It's their first time meeting each other's match and their first time losing control over the situation.
They would revert to their default answer to anything threatening their ability to puppet reality: elimination. But both of them are too strong to defeat, so they're stuck in this twisted tango.
Yves couldn't find anything on this person. Even if he did, he knew that the information was a decoy to throw him off his trail, are they even a person? Likewise for your (soon-to-be) spouse, who the hell is Yves? Why has their expertise failed them now? How can it be possible that both of them have the same magnitude of verified information on you, yet neither of them knew about each other until you introduced them?
They both can't believe that they misled each other, making your spouse waste precious data space on your close friend that was entirely fabricated, Yves filling up your spouse's section of the library with a random person whom you never even met.
It's a Mexican Standoff between the two. Upon their "first" meeting with you, all they did was glare daggers at each other while they also suspiciously eyed their drink 'prepared' by you. In the end, neither one had their drink go remotely near their lips.
Until they simultaneously had the idea to lovingly send you off somewhere, maybe asking you to help your partner check on the pie that has been baking in the oven downstairs, fetching Yves a fresh cup of tea, leaving the two intelligence-gathering behemoths alone. Yves's lower eyelid would twitch once when he witnessed them placing an appreciative kiss on your forehead.
They don't mince their words. Telling exactly what they thought of each other, they're not kind thoughts. Once that is out of the way, they acknowledge that they're each other's formidable opponents.
They discuss some more and come to the conclusion that they can't take each other down without somehow unintentionally hurting you in the process. Yves's and your partner's tense shoulders would relax a bit when they realize that their ultimate goal is your joy in living. Trying to eradicate each other is not an efficient or smart use of their resources and your happiness is mutually exclusive to the disappearance of either figure.
Hence, the most logically sound decision was made. It was to work together. Every second spent having to interact in your best interest was agony to either side. However, they cannot deny the immense respect they have for each other despite needing to take some sort of sedative prior to meeting, to prevent accidental strangulations out of fury.
You would be in the dark about what goes on out of your sights. However, you would notice how Yves and your partner are stuck to you even more now. Yves's unannounced presence would be much more prevalent and your partner seems to be clingier than before.
Other than that, life would go on. You have two very scary dogs following you around. You are the world's safest person.
[Part 2]
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thatgoblin · 5 months
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Summary: When John goes on a cattle run, you and Simon get some time to get closer.
Warnings: Past sexual harassment, smooches, cuddles.
“What is she doing?” I mumbled, watching the movie on the TV. “How is that even comfortable to stand like that in heels?”
“I don’t think it is comfortable, Sweetheart,” Simon said, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl in my lap. “It probably feels like she’s walking on glass. The woman deserves an Oscar for acting through the pain.”
Simon was the only one home with me for a week and a half. John had to haul some cattle across the damn country with a friend, only known as Soap from what I had gathered, of theirs to make sure they got the best prices from a buyer in Texas. I hated that he’d be gone for so long, but I also knew that it meant we’d get a big paycheck and would keep bills at bay another month or two longer. That was something no one really talked about with ranches and farms. There were so many bills ranging from utilities to taxes that you’d think we were making bank with the herefords that we sold. If anything it just barely got us by. 
But that was the other thing about owning and working a ranch or a farm. You didn’t do it for the money, you did it because it was what you loved. It was because we loved the life we were living that the money didn’t matter so long as we could make our bills on time. It didn’t leave much room for big vacations or big toys that some, much larger, ranchers had. We didn’t need those though. We were happy spending our evenings together in front of the TV after a long day of working while laying with each other. 
It had been nearly three weeks since I’d arrived and I had settled even more. There was no more hiding emotions or ducking affection. I talked out my feelings and even gave my own touches of affection. In getting more comfortable with the two Alphas, I began to let down my guard more and more. To the point that we even walked around in towels. Only towels.
I wasn’t ready to take that next step of plain ol’ nudity, but I did enjoy watching John in his towel that skirted above his knees. He was strong and hairy, his arms and legs covered in dark sandy hair that didn’t do a thing to hide the very solid muscles that let him easily carry Simon around as much as he liked. My favorite part was his belly. It wasn’t flat or chiseled, but a healthy bit of roundness to it while having soft hair trail down to his groin. He looked breathtaking with his freckles from being out in the sun so much, as well as  a few scars kissing over his belly and back. On warmer nights like that night, before fall was really taking hold, they’d both sit on the sofa with no shirt on while I was in short shorts and a tank top.
And Simon. That man was much larger than his clothes made him look. Covered in tattoos, not just his arms, he was nearly completely covered from his ankles to his neck His arms and legs were just as thick as John’s were, giving them equal power to pick me up to throw me on their shoulders. I always complained and swatted at them, but I actually didn’t mind. Not that I’d tell either of them that. While emotions were more readily displayed, I was not ready to actually work with my attraction to them. They were handsome Alphas and I was lucky they were just as sweet and caring, but I had never had a romantic partner, let alone kissed anyone. 
Until I figured out how to actually go about flirting, I was not going to pursue anything else. 
“Do lines like those really work?” I asked, staring at the TV with a frown as an actor gave an actress some cheesy pick up line that she giggled at. 
“They might get a laugh at least,” Simon said. “But they don’t really work. I’m sure you’ve heard your fair share of bullshit lines growing up from the Alphas and Betas.”
“I guess,” I said, not really remembering any lines like in the TV show. Usually it had been along the lines of the kids making fun of me for being an Omega, but I would then beat the snot out of them. When I got older, the teasing turned sexual and there wasn’t much courting happening till after high school. Even then, most of the time the Alphas and Betas that tried would just come up to me to say they thought I would be a good Omega for their pack and that we should mate. There wasn’t a lot of romance like the TV shows. 
“What’s the worst line you’d ever gotten when someone tried to court you?” Simon asked, turning from the TV to look at me. He shifted in his seat fully to face me, propping his face up on his fist with his elbow on the back of the couch.
“Uh. . . Probably the one I got from Matt Keller in my freshman year of college,” I said. “He basically just told me he wanted to see my stomach swell with his babies.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Simon groaned, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I broke his nose,” I said with a smirk. 
“Good. He deserved worse, but at least you gave him a taste of it,” Simon said with a nod. “Was there any courting that you thought maybe someone could actually be a decent person?”
“Not really. It was a small town and I was the only Omega. Not a lot of people really cared how I felt or what I wanted, so I just ignored just about every person who tried to “court” me because it wasn’t really courting. It was just a proposition to be a mate or the Omega of a pack, which neither interested me and I made sure everyone knew it. Not that it stopped them from continually trying,” I said with a shrug. “I didn’t get to go to house parties or prom or sleepovers because I wasn’t allowed to. Partially because my parents didn’t want me to come home knocked up and partially because none of the other parents wanted me around. I always caused trouble by getting in fights, even if it was to defend myself. They didn’t see it as being a proper Omega.”
“So, no magical kiss with a prom date under the stars while necking in the front seat of your El Camino?” Simon asked with a raised brow.
“That’s strangely specific, but no. I did not. I stayed at home and worked on school. It was all I had really and I didn’t want to give anyone a reason to take it away,” I said. “I wanted to work on my dad’s cattle ranch. I wanted to run it, so I didn’t really make time for finding actually good romance or friendships really. . . That’s kinda sad, isn’t it?”
“Naw,” Simon said with a chuckle. “Things have changed. Despite your experience in the small town sphere, Omegas have more freedom of open choices in the bigger cities around the world. You would be able to go to college without Matt Keller giving you that horrific pick up line. Which means, no awkward flirting and courting that is.” 
“Oh yeah?” I asked, setting the bowl of mostly corn kernels on the floor before moving to put a foot in his lap and letting him do the same with me. Well, my foot was in his lap, half his leg was in mine. The man was long. “No cheesy one-liners from you or John about how you can make my night wild?” I asked with a giggle as I began to rub his foot while he rubbed mine. 
“Sweetheart, you’ve seen our wild nights,” Simon said with a smirk. “The most wild we get is changing our sleep spots.”
“Then am I really missing out on anything?” I asked. “I mean, we kinda skipped the whole courting process. Save for being bonded and legally married, there’s not a lot of reason to use those one liners.” 
“Would you really want them anyways?” He asked.
“Not really,” I said after a moment of thought. “I’d rather have this honestly. It’s easier and feels like a more solid foundation than just courting a few weeks then bonding. At least this way, I actually get to know you and John and you get to know me. We’re not strangers just forced together because of our sex organs. . . Even if it did kind of start out that way.”
“Do you like what we have going on?” Simon asked, his fingers working my arch. “This whole situation of us together without the sex organs part?”
“I do. I mean, it helps that I don’t have heats, but I figured before this you and John. . . You know, ‘took care of each other’ for that stuff,” I said, looking down at Simon’s foot as my cheeks heated up a bit. 
“Now what do you mean by that?” Simon asked, snickering as he tickled the sole of my foot a moment. I nearly kicked him in the face as I gasped and glared. 
“Do NOT do that, Simon Riley,” I snapped, jerking my foot back hard. “You know I’m ticklish as hell on my feet! And you know what I mean.”
“I’m going to need you to explain this one to me,” Simon said, giving me a devilish smirk, letting me settle my leg before going back to rubbing my foot. For as serious as he could be sometimes, Simon was a bit of a teaser that would always get me when I wasn’t expecting it.
“You’re seriously making me do this?” I asked with a huff as he wiggled his foot in my hand. “Fine. I assumed before I moved in that you and John. . . Did stuff. . .”
“Like?” Simon asked, egging me on. 
“Like sex, okay?” I grunted, rolling my eyes. “I figured you two had sex with each other before this.”
“Was that so hard?” He asked with a grin. “And yes, for the record we did. Still do when you’re busy with something and we’re alone.”
“What!?” I cried. “How!?”
“Well, when one Alpha and another Alpha love each other VERY much-”
“Oh shut up, I know how sex works,” I said, slapping his calf playfully. “I meant how are you having sex and I’m not noticing?”
“You are surprisingly good at focusing on chores and don’t seem to question us spending a lot of time in the barn with the horses,” Simon said with a chuckle. 
I sat there in stunned silence as Simon grinned at me. It took a moment for me to soak in the realization of how dopey I felt that I had missed that giant indicator. It all added up and I was none the wiser till Simon had to spell it out for me. 
“In case you’re wondering, we made sure that we could work around you till you were ready or if you’d ever be ready,” Simon said, his fingers digging into the ball of my foot to get my attention. 
“Ready? For what?” I asked, suddenly finding myself lost and flustered. 
“You really don’t know how to flirt or have a conversation about this stuff, do you?” He asked as I kept staring at him with a slight frown. 
“About sex? Absolutely not, I was lucky I learned anything from sex ed in school. . . and that’s not what you’re talking about,” I said, groaning as Simon laughed at me finally catching up. “Look, I’m not on the up and up about sex and romance, give me a break.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll be nice,” Simon said with a hum. “But as I was saying, we were working around you. We didn’t want to force anything or make you uncomfortable. That didn’t mean we were going to go celibate though.”
“Understandable, if not reminding me how oblivious I can be sometimes,” I said with a nod. 
“No problem,” Simon said with a hum. “But now I’m curious, have you ever had sex or fooled around before?” He asked.
“Absolutely not,” I said with a snort. “I never understood the appeal of it the way it was shown to me. Rough and claiming, just doing it because of the excuse that it was a base instinct for everyone. I mean, I never wanted to be with someone like that. Someone that only wanted the knot and didn’t care about much else in sex. I’ve read more sex positive books about Omegas and figuring out what worked for them, but I just. . . I didn’t feel safe to experiment with anyone, let alone kiss anyone.”
“Well, if it helps, I know two Alphas who would happily volunteer to help you experiment,” Simon said, raising a brow and smirking. Oh no. Oh fuck no. That was a face of his that I could not look at without blushing because it was plain as day that he was getting ready to get cheeky with John or me. 
“I’m sure you do,” I said, clearing my throat to look away towards the TV. My hands idly kept working his foot, but Simon’s hands were being evil. They slowly slid up my calf and began pulling me towards him. I was determined to ignore him though, sitting up straight and rigid as he managed to pull me halfway into his lap after pulling his own foot away. “Can I help you, sir? I’m trying to watch TV,” I said, as he settled me with my back to his chest, keeping my gaze forward and not on Simon. 
“I just want to give my friend a hug,” he said, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close to his bare chest. The skin to skin contact felt nice and before I realized it, I was turning my head to scent his chest as I purred. “Have you really never been kissed before?” 
“I mean, by relatives,” I said.
“I meant romantically,” Simon sighed softly, looking down and nosing at my hair. 
“Yeah,” I said, looking up at him. “Never been kissed. Most I’ve done is with you and John by sleeping in the same bed and holding hands.”
“Would you like to be kissed?” He asked. I had to think about that. It was everywhere on TV, in schools with young couples, people on dates, but I didn’t know if I wanted it. 
“What’s it like? Romantically?” I asked, moving to sit in his lap side saddle so I could see him.
“It’s like you’re closer than a hug,” he said, his thumb stroking my arm as he took a moment to think of his words. “It feels nice. It’s as if you’re connecting to the person on a deeper level. It’s hard to describe really.”
“Closer than a hug, but not as close as sex,” I said, trying to help. 
“Basically. It’s something you have to experience for yourself. I know that some of my favorite memories of me and John are us kissing. Just kissing. Nothing leading up to anything, just us curled up together like this and kissing. One time we were in line for a concert in the rain and we did our best to wait it out, but the bar closed it off because they were at capacity,” Simon said, looking at the TV as he remembered the details of that night. He had a smile on his face, a fondness of the story he was telling coming through. “We were mad because we had been in line for so long and were on a short leave between our military work, but after a minute it didn’t matter because the place was quickly shut down for being over crowded. Even if we had made it in, we would have still been kicked out. 
So, we cut our losses and ran back to the truck. We were both soaking wet and it had to be nearly freezing. After we get into the truck and I turn it on, our heavy breathing fogs up the windows so we have to wait for the heat to kick in. John said something about it being a sign, but I just blew it off. He was more cautious back then. We were. . . Hell, I think we were 23 or so when this happened. I asked him what kind of sign it was. He said it was a sign that we were supposed to be together. Apparently concerts getting canceled and freezing rain meant long love signs,” Simon chuckled.
“We got the truck going, we defrosted, so we headed out. We were probably about 10 minutes from home when the truck slid into a ditch. I was going maybe 20 miles an hour, but the curve of the road had us sliding so slowly that we just sat there holding on as we came to a stop. John said it was another sign, I said he was being stupid, but as we were about to pull back out a lorry truck came sliding past us, barely missing the truck then kept going. John and I sat there for nearly half an hour till the rain had stopped and a salt truck drove by. I managed to get us back on the road and made it home safely.”
“Where’s the kiss?” I asked, frowning. I had been waiting for that part specifically. Was it a rain drenched kiss or maybe one by the fireplace where they laid together to warm up? I was invested and needed to know. “You were telling a story about you and John kissing.”
“Was I?” Simon asked, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“You’re a horrible man,” I huffed, rolling my eyes at him. He laughed, shaking his head at me before continuing the story.
“We got home, walked inside, looked at each other for a moment before we held each other close. It was our first real date and our first real brush with death off the battlefield,” Simon said after a few beats of silence. I knew they were retired military, it wasn’t hard to figure that out after seeing dog tags and the gear they had with them. But I never asked about their time in the service or pushed about it. I thought that if they wanted to talk about it, they would. “We kissed each other when we laid in bed, holding on to one another like we might drift away. There had been kisses before, but that one. . . That was our first kiss as a couple. We were together for the first time officially and weren’t hiding it.”
“That’s really sweet,” I said, smiling at him. “It was a relief for you both, then. The kiss, that is. After everything, you could still kiss one another.”
“I guess you’re right,” Simon said, that fondness back in his face. “I kiss him good morning and goodnight every day, but those small moments are my favorite.” 
“I want that,” I said, looking forward as I rested my head on his chest. “Small moments of connection with someone. I want that.”
“That’s something that John and I can offer you, if you want it from us,” Simon said, nuzzling the top of my head. “We want to give you that. We want to be that for you.” 
It was another door to step through, a choice to make on where I wanted this relationship to go. I wanted it. I wanted them. 
Looking up, I nosed at Simon’s cheek as I moved to straddle his lap. We went slow, his arms holding me as I shook a little. Scared and excited as we just shared the same space. 
“I’ve gotcha, Sweetheart,” Simon said softly before he pressed his lips to mine. 
COD Masterlist
Welcome Home Masterlist
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @0alk0msan @xaestheticalien
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honoviadakai · 6 months
How team Urameshi takes care of a sick person! 🤒
(I’ve been pulling my brains out all day and running a high fever. Instead of you know…seeking medical help outside of a corner store pharmacy…imma let my creative juices flow!)
Cw: mentions of vomiting, flu symptoms, lack of common sense(it’ll make sense when you reach it)
First off
Why was this the first guy you went to for medical care???
Like he’s not the worst but…
There are better options!
Also, depending on who you are, he might make it worse by accident
Ok so if your a friend, like one of the guys or just someone he’s chill with, just go find an actual doctor
He’s gonna do the bare minimum
But not entirely because he’s lazy
It’s mostly cuz…how the fuck is he supposed to help Jin’s fever when there’s a mini hurricane happening in the room???
Like he can barely take care of a human
How’s he supposed to take care of his demon friends when they’re all different species!?
The best thing he’s gonna do is refer them to Genkai or Kurama
That being said, he does makes an amazing chicken noodle soup!
Everyone gets one big bowl of the stuff when he finds out someone’s sick
Seriously that shit should be labeled as a miracle cure or something
Now if you’re family/a s/o there is a drastic difference
He’s gonna be attentive
But he’s still not gonna know what to do beyond getting antibiotics and soup
So he’s gonna get Kurama, Genkai AND a doctor at the same time
He has faith his friends won’t die from a cold
His family and lover though???
He’s gonna internally panic and do what he can to help you recover
It’s a funny dichotomy tbh xD
It does not matter who you are to him
You could be a friend, a lover, a family member, a classmate, a coworker, a complete fucking stranger even! Mans ain’t leaving you hanging. Period.
He’s getting all the medicine he can from the pharmacy
He’s making you nice warm soup
If you need to go to the doctor, he’s making the appointment, taking you to the appointment and even attending the appointment with you!
The ONLY difference in who gets what from him is his lover & occasionally his sister get sleepy sick cuddles
His lover is also getting forehead kisses if they ask for it
Yeah, there’s a possibility that he’s gonna get sick later
But he doesn’t care!
You need his help! Repercussions be damned! 😤
This has the funniest dichotomy between friends and lovers 😂
If you’re a friend, he gonna do one of two things
If its just a mild cold, he’ll prescribe some herbal tea he made
You’ll be 100% by tomorrow 👍
If it’s bad like a high fever, he’ll come to your house and be the best doctor you’ve ever had
Like he’s literally a home doctor without the paycheck
Pure professionalism
He comes in, assesses the issues and quickly does everything he can to cure the illness as fast as possible
You’ll be 100% by tomorrow 👍
Now let’s say your family or a lover
He’s at your beck and call 📞 🔔
You want tea? It’s already steeping
You want back rubs? He’s got a rose scented lotion to help ease your aching muscles
You want sleepy cuddles while the meds kick in? Scoot over, he’s cuddling you for the rest of the evening!
He’s low key spoiling you
To be fair…you feel icky, you deserve it!
So just let it happen
You’ll be 100% by tomorrow 👍
…but juuuuust in case…stay in bed till you’re 1000% better 😌
Was no one else available???
Is the doctor’s office closed or something???
What chain of events led you to go to Hiei of all people for medical help???????
Like even if you’re his lover…why did you come to him for help on curing the flu????
He doesn’t know what that is!!
Like…if I had to summarize what he’s like when you’re sick….
It’s this
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This is the closest to “helpful” he’s gonna be
Especially if you’re his friend/ally
He’s just…not gonna do much…
He’ll maybe go grab Kurama…maybe…
He might just honestly tell him in passing you’re sick and that’s it…
If you’re family or a lover, he’s at least more nice to you
Like he’s actually gonna check up on you
He doesn’t know the first thing about tending to the ill so he’s definitely gonna grab Kurama and basically demand he heals you
He’s not gonna let you out of his sight till he knows you’re 1000% better
He might not be in the same room as you the whole time though
Honestly he might be watching you from a tree a good 5 miles from your house…but he’s still making sure you’re ok
He honestly feels useless so him essentially protecting you is his way of feeling like he’s actually being helpful
Not sure what he’s protecting you from exactly when the virus is already in your body but just let him have it, it’s how he shows he cares
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Parent headcanons - Sara, Ei and Lisa
Characters: Kujou Sara // Raiden Ei // Lisa Minci
Genre: Fluff
Note: I felt like writing some fluff, as I tend to neglect it a lot. So I made a randomizer with characters from the game, and spun it. I tagged it as 'male reader', but can be easily read as GN reader.
Here's my attempt at some fluffy headcanons :p
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//Kujou Sara\\
First of all, congratulations for convincing her to have children in the first place.
Sara never got to experience any warm, parental love, and as such has trouble offering it. She has the instincts, sure, but her affections come out as awkward most of the time.
Looks to you for support when your child has any emotional issues.
Sara, being raised in a very conservative and tradition-focused society, has a solid view on how a family should look like. She most likely would like to have a son and a daughter.
May try to push her son towards a military career, and her daughter to the shrine, as tradition says. If they don't want such a future, she will try to get you involved. Please, explain to her that there are other ways in life than what society says! She will step down a fair bit if you support your children.
Will most likely try to pursue the traditional role of a mother while on parental leave, but will soon understand it's just not for her. She is a busy woman, used to constant action and the military routine. Sara hopes you are alright with providing the quality time and the emotional support she can't.
Doesn't mean she won't try to show her love, obviously.
Her motherly love shows mostly through acts of service.
If there is anything she can help with, she will do it. Even if her duties call, Sara will make sure to put them on second priority, or just hand them over to her subordinates.
That is aside from academic help. Sara recieved an education, but is not very eager to sit through it again. So help the bird-lady, alright?
Gifts are the second language of love, as her sizable paycheck allows it. Expansive clothing, rare foods, books and high quality toys, as well as others. They are not always on-point, but her children will surely appreciate the gesture.
Is the strict, somewhat scary mom. You'll most likely take on the role of the lenient, fun parent to balance it.
Bullies? What bullies? If anyone will be stupid enough to raise their hand on her son or daughter, their parents will go through absolute hell until they come on their knees to her, begging for forgiveness.
If her children will inherit her Tengu blood, she will help them tend to their wings and teach them how to fly.
She is loyal to the Shogun, but after enough time will rethink her priorities.
Now that she has a family, a real one, to return to, she will rethink the whole 'leading the charge' thing as well. Commanding from the back seat is not for her, so she will take to staying on the sidelines instead.
That said, her zeal will increase. She is now not only fighting for the safety of her ideals and the Shogun, but also her own family.
Overall, a 6/10 mother. She is not very good at this, but she tries her best.
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// Raiden Ei \\
Ei would only have a child with someone similar to her - a god. She has lost so many people in the past, and she just couldn't afford to see her partner wither away, and outlive her children (I assume demigods live shorter).
If Ei were to meet her love before the Archon war, she would be a completely different person nowadays. With someone to help her cope, the isolation and Vision Hunt Decree would just not have happened. But, for this scenario, let's assume you met her after the Inazuma story quests.
She will take her time starting a family. Raiden Ei has a lot of issues to work through, but the healing process will be faster if you will be there by her side.
Ever since her childhood, between all the fighting and bloodshed, she entertained the thought of having children at first, but the image of her own family grew more and more distant the more she fought. Soon, it was completely forgotten. It was you who reawakened the desire in her.
Ei was split between wanting to have one child to devote her love and affection to, and having multiple. She came to the conclusion that one son or daughter would be lonely by themselves, so two children will be her dream.
Her role may make her out as very busy, but personally I think that's not the case at all. With the Tri-commission to do all the work, Ei only needs to approve existing ideas and solutions, and propose new ones every now and then. That leaves her with lots of free time.
Wanting to devote full attention to her little ones, she will ask you to take over most of her duties. She will still take part in the most important discussions, but will avoid exhausting herself. You, being the loving and understanding partner, will gladly help her.
To say your heirs would be spoiled would be like saying nothing. Being the children of the leaders of a powerful nation certainly has lots of perks.
Ei will not hesitate to indulge her children in luxuries and expansive entertainments, like food or toys. You may want to keep an eye on her though - she will forget that her children have actual bodies to keep clean of cavities.
Gift giving, physical affection, quality time - Ei will try to give everything she has in store.
She will often get confused at modern things, looking up to you for guidance. She will learn eventually, but it's all still quite new to her.
Auntie Miko will make frequent visits, if only to tease her friend and play with the youth. A friendship will form between them, and Miko will get into all sorts of predicaments with them when they grow up.
The Plane of Euthymia will become brighter and more lively when she takes her children there.
When it comes to roles, Ei will be the helpful and loving type, who can annihilate her enemies one second and wash her child's hair the next.
The roles of fun and serious will be split between you two.
When it comes to jobs for her heirs, Ei will do her best to not let them experience the same things she did - which means keeping them as far away as possible from the military and politics.
If anyone dares to pick on her joys, they will be gone in a flash, leaving only a black stain on the ground to remember them by.
In summary, 8/10. Tries hard, and gets the results. Gives her little ones all the attention and love she can muster.
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// Lisa Minci \\
It was a hard decision for her to make.
Since becoming aware of her incoming mortality, she wanted nothing more than to live her life to the fullest. That includes trying out new things, drinking tea, dating and having a family.
But, on the other hand, when she will die, she will leave you alone with your kid.
Lisa ultimately decided to take the risk, but agreed to have only one child with you in mind.
Has no preference over their sex.
Her comfy job at the library puts no stress on neither her mind nor her body, so the pregnancy will go without issue. Her maternity leave will be relatively short, and she will often visit the headquarters to escape from her little ones and get some actual sleep do her duties, of course.
Lisa is going to cherish every moment she is granted with you and her children.
Quality time is her absolute favorite, mixed with constant words of affirmation.
Lots of walks, lots of picnics, game nights, cooking together or any other imaginable activity (appropriate for the kids' age that is) are frequent.
Insistent on eating every meal together.
Will hog most of the time and attention of her kids.
Will spoil them to the limit, leaving you to take the hit and be the serious one.
Lisa would still be very helpful, especially in academic troubles.
The mage would take a lot of pictures, and hang them on every accessible surface. Every memory worthy of immortalizing must be made such. Not for her, but for you and the kid to remember.
She has no delusions that she will live long enough to see her joys go to work - she would like to, no doubt, but it's a foolish hope. That said, her heir's role in the world is up to them to choose.
Will insist on sleeping together, sandwiching the kid in between you. It's the best position to be in, being able to hold the people that made her the happiest woman in Teyvat as she drifts off to sleep. That is where she would like to pass away.
Will offer words of wisdom and book recommendations when the kid grows up enough to understand her.
As painful as that will be, she will try her best to hide any symptoms of dying. Lisa just... doesn't want to see you or them distressed over her state.
Will make life difficult for any bullies that might surface, maybe going as far as to dish out the punishment with her Electro vision herself.
A stellar mother. 10/10. Cherish her while she lasts.
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Thanks for reading!
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The GOP jokes just write themselves.
Not only have Republicans consistently voted no on raising the minimum wage and are against mandatory overtime wages, since 2020, Republicans have voted against all these measures to help workers and families:
Railroad Workers Paid Sick Leave
Capping the exorbitant price of insulin (which would help working families dependent on the medicine)
Paycheck Fairness Act
Added Health benefits for veterans exposed to Burn Pit toxins
Covid relief funding (an effort to make tests, vaccines, etc more easily available to working Americans)
Extending Child Tax Credit payments
Stopping gas price gouging
In addition, Republicans introduced a bill that would stop Medicare from negotiating for lower drug prices. And Republican Attorney Generals from several states brought a lawsuit which halted Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness plan, another measure to help working families.
What DID Republicans vote for? A $847 billion military budget which was actually $45b more than Biden had requested.
And another thing, why did the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed by Trump, make tax cuts permanent for corporations but temporary for individuals?
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ourladyofoldgotham · 8 months
right person (wrong time)
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cillian murphy x male reader
NSFW 18+, minors dni
lovers to strangers to lovers, angst to fluff, smut
requested by @joy-dwaekki
3.5k words
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It's been thirty years since you last saw Cillian Murphy. When you reconnect at a film premiere, it brings up more than you expected.
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It’s been decades. A life lived, oceans crossed. 
You see him across the room and it’s like none of them ever existed.
In an instant, you’re swept back across time and oceans to land right back in that Cork apartment watching him leave. 
The thing was that it was never supposed to end like this. Or at all. The two of you had plans together - plans that spanned the rest of your lives. He was going to be a rockstar. You were going to be an actor. In the back of your head, you thought you would be young forever. You’d always considered yourself a hopeless romantic, always given over to spinning tall tales about your future, but this was different. You thought it was different. 
The two of you met at 19. You see him up on stage, the lights behind him like a halo, and suddenly you’re the only person in the crowded audience when his blue eyes meet yours. It was a whirlwind. He’d never been with another man before, and neither had you, but you learned together. You can see it clear as day still - a dimmed room, bouncing between your shitty apartment and his. His hands on your body, wide blue eyes and a flush creeping up along his freckled chest.
You should have seen it start to go downhill by August, ten months in. He turns down the record deal- five whole albums. He gives you a million excuses - his brother’s still in school, it’s not enough money for the rights. You know better. You see the way he pulls his hands back from you in front of everyone else. He can’t commit to you - to music, to the lives you built together - because it means losing everything else. If you didn’t love him so much you’d hate him for it. As it is, you aren’t sure. 
That September, he went back to school. Law. You call him a sellout, joking around, but there’s something hollow behind his eyes. He won’t meet your gaze when he holds you anymore. You don’t even remember what the fight was about, now, but you know it was inevitable. It’s colder than your fights usually are - there’s no passion, only your anger and helplessness against a blank stone wall. You yell that if he doesn’t want to be with you, he should just go. 
You watch him slam the door behind him as he goes. You hadn’t seen him since - until now. 
That December, you’d set off for America. There was nothing left for you at home. In the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, you’d built a life of your own. You met a girl in a bar, then divorced her. You bought a house, even if the roof leaked during the occasional rainstorm. You got a few parts and then found your true love in writing, working as a film critic. You weren’t a big name, but you paid the bills and had a little extra. All through it all, you’d remembered him. You saw the little tidbits in the papers as he became a rising star- first in little theater productions, and then indie movies, and then bonafide blockbusters. You’d always managed to skirt around reviewing him, although it got harder when he started rising internationally. It had killed you to not review The Wind That Shakes The Barley - you hadn’t been back to Cork in ten years, but it would always have a piece of your heart - and you’re sure you missed out on a good few paychecks refusing to review Peaky Blinders at peak virality. Still, you could never bring yourself to do it. It wouldn’t be fair, you reasoned, to judge the acting of a scorned ex-lover. Nevermind that you could have never hated him. Whether your heart skipped a beat when you saw him due to anger or love, you were biased. Of course, your game of keep-away couldn’t last forever. 
Oppenheimer was a cinematic groundbreaker. Nolan had brought practical effect film biopics back to the international spotlight like never before. It was a true masterwork, one that got the world talking. Of course, that meant that it was unavoidable for you. You were invited to the LA premiere, which meant not only poring over trailers and historical biographies but looking into the backstories of the main cast. You had a little experience with a couple other major members - you’d brushed with them at other premieres you’d worked - but you’d avoided everything Cillian you possibly could for years. Now, you had to dive headfirst into all of it. The first thing you learned about him was that he had a wife. Her name had been Yvonne - he’d met her at a show in ‘96, he said. It was just a couple months after the two of you had split up. You recognized her name vaguely. She’d been an artist, the mother of his two teenage sons. She seemed kind - just the kind of girl you’d have expected him to fall for. You wondered if he had ever told her about you. The second thing you learned was that had, in his case, was past-tense. She’d passed on a couple years back. He’d never talked about it in interviews much. He wasn’t one for publicity. 
It was a bog-standard premiere as far as these things went. Red carpet, flashing cameras. You weren’t a star and you didn’t intend to be one, so you laid low. It was a good movie, you got a couple decent soundbites. The afterparty was one of the nicer ones you’d been to- quiet and contemplative in a dim hotel ballroom. You hear the delicate shatter of glass on hardwood behind you suddenly, and when you turn to look, his eyes are fixed on you. Haunted. You could never decide whether you were hoping he’d have forgotten you or whether it would have broken your heart if he had. It’s clear he hasn’t forgotten you, but you can’t tell whether he wants to remember. The moment slips away soon - he brushes it off to his castmates as a slip of the hand, nothing serious really, just a moment of clumsiness. 
You have your answer. You turn back to the circle you’re chatting with, down the rest of your champagne, and don’t meet his gaze the rest of the night. 
It’s not until you’re leaving at the end of the night that you feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn and there he is. He looks as handsome as he did the day he left, the boyish charm turning to something more distinguished. Tired, and thin, and gone greyer than you, but he’s still your Cillian from all those years ago. Something in your heart that’s been waiting for a long, long time starts to melt. 
“Hi - I just wanted to say hello. You look sort of familiar, I thought I might know you.”
He’s tense, poised under a mask of perfect civility. You respond in kind. 
“You might - I lived in Cork for a while. You’re from Ireland, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I grew up near Cork. I think I might have run into you back when I was doing music.”
“I think you might have. A good couple of times, actually.”
The night is cool for a Los Angeles summer. The streetlights shine gold down into the dim night. The question hangs in the air for a moment before you ask it. 
“What do you remember?”
He pauses, the air still and heavy. 
“I remember the north train we used to take on the weekends to the cities. I remember you wanted to be an actor. I remember you were my -” He pauses, taking a deep breath. “I remember you were my best friend.”
“Yeah. Your best friend.”
You turn away, your jaw clenched and start to walk away. 
“I think I should head home. It’s late. It was nice catching up.”
You get to the bottom of the stairs before he speaks again. 
“I never forgot, you know. I never forgot any of it. I couldn’t. I tried.”
He follows you down the stairs, leaving the milieu of the party behind. The two of you are standing on the sidewalk. The street is the quietest you’ve ever heard this city be.
“When I saw you tonight, it was like seeing a ghost. I had no idea you’d be here. But I knew you were in the city. I tried to find you. I… I needed to see you again.”
“Why now?”
He takes a deep breath. You didn’t notice until now how tense he is. How frail he’s become. How quickly your youths have passed you by.
“I married a girl I met the month after I left. Her name was Yvonne. I told her everything. I loved her too much not to. She’s…” 
He’s hesitant to say it. You see him twist his wedding band, still on his finger. 
“She passed away. A couple years ago. She said I should find you. She thought… She thought I would need you when she was gone. I threw myself into my work, but she was right. When they told me I was going to LA for the premiere, it felt like a sign. I don’t think I ever stopped needing you.”
He reaches his hand to the halfway point between the two of you. Your hands remain at your sides. 
“I always waited for you, you know that? I never loved anyone else. I met a girl in a bar twenty years ago that I could have loved for the rest of my life, and I broke her heart. You know why? Because of you. I can’t do it like this, Cillian. You know that. I can’t replace her. Maybe… maybe we need to leave the past where it is.”
You didn’t notice until now that there were tears rising to your eyes. You hate the feeling of it, willing yourself to stay stoic. Not now. You can’t cry now. 
“I know you don’t mean it. If you really do - if you’ve really moved on, if you forget who we were back then, if you never want to see me again - I’ll go. I’ll go back to the party and I’ll go back to Ireland and we can pretend it never existed at all. But I don’t think you mean it.”
He grabs your hand. It still fits yours exactly. 
“I’m not in the city for long. All I’m asking you for is one night.”
“And why should I give it to you? It’s been thirty years. Who says you know me at all now?”
You can’t meet his gaze. You know the second you look into his eyes again you’re done for. You never could say no to those blue eyes. 
"I don't. But I want to. Please. Just give me one chance. We're old men now. What else is there left for us?" 
You pull your hand out of his and you watch his face fall. 
"I'm calling us an uber. You can stay at my house. Just for the night."
He nods, solemn. He puts his hands in his pockets, and the two of you stand there and wait until the headlights come around the corner, looking for all the world like strangers. 
The ride home is quiet. You don't speak again until you're unlocking the door for him to come into your house. 
"It’s not much. LA prices and all. But it's home." 
"No, no, I like it. It's nice. Cozy." 
"Always the flatterer. Sit down. I'll make you a drink." 
He looks out of place sitting there on the dingy sofa in his perfect suit. You pour two glasses of whiskey and bring them over to the living room, sitting down next to him. 
"So. How have you been?" 
It's awkward. What do you say to the man you loved? How do you talk about the decades you spent without him?
"I've been… keeping busy. Work and all. Peaky Blinders is wrapping up, but Oppenheimer was pretty intense during filming. I didn't go home much. The house has felt too empty since… well, you know. I felt terrible for doing it, though. My sons - they're staying with my brother right now. I know they need their father, but…" 
He trails off, slumping slightly in his chair. 
"But I can't be the father they need right now." 
He downs the glass of whiskey and sets it back down on the table.
"What about you, though? How's Hollywood?"
"It’s.. It's fine. You get used to it after a while."
"The good or the bad?"
The two of you sit there quietly for a while. It's Cillian who breaks the silence first. 
"Do you remember that apartment you had back in the day? The one with that one window that never shut right in the wintertime?" 
"Yeah, the one with no wall decor or bedframe. Real bachelor pad. I loved that place. Having to move out after we ended things was sort of my last straw in terms of staying in Ireland."
"It was a comfortable bed for just being a terrible mattress though. Where did you find that thing, the dumpster?"
"Of course not, I had more dignity than that. It was on the curb." 
He laughs. His laugh hasn't changed a bit. 
"I have a real mattress now, though. My back's getting too old to keep on roughing it." 
"With a bedframe? From a store? Hollywood has given you expensive tastes, I see."
“Yeah, living it up over here with my bed from a store. Might as well be on a yacht with blackjack and hookers, right?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ve got a deck of cards around somewhere.”
“And the hookers?”
You raise your eyebrows at him.
“Well…. I was a pretty hot commodity back in my heyday..”
He grins at you over the rim of his glass.
“A hot commodity, huh?”
“Seemed to work well enough for you.”
You grin back. 
“God, you’re impossible.”
You lean over, and before you know it, your face is just inches from his, your hand on his chest. His pupils are blown wide, his hand on the small of your back. 
He closes the gap between you. He tastes like cheap whiskey and expensive champagne and water when you’ve been lost in the desert. You’ve never wanted anyone more. His hand caresses your cheek softly, holding you as you pull away, and it’s tender and nostalgic in a way that makes your heart feel like it’s about to shatter into a thousand pieces. 
You tangle one of your hands through his hair and lean down over him. When you slide one hand under his shirt, his breath goes shaky. You kiss along his jawline and down his neck, and he throws his head back, biting his lip. 
You trace your fingers along the bulge in his pants - he whimpers, already rock-hard under your hand. 
“Nobody’s touched you like this in a long time, have they?”
He shakes his head.
“It’s been… god, it’s been years. Couldn’t remember how good it felt, couldn’t even get myself off. Wasn’t enough.”
There’s a desperation in his voice, a silent pleading. You want to give him the world. You’ll settle for giving him what he needs instead. 
“Come on. We’re going to the bedroom.”
You take his hand and pull him up, guiding him to your room. He sits down on the edge of your bed, and you move to stand between his legs, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. 
“Let me take care of you, Cill. Just for tonight.”
You toss his shirt on the floor somewhere behind you and push him back to lie on the bed, leaning over him. He pulls you in for a kiss as you strip him down. 
“What do you want?”
“Fuck me. Please. I need you inside me.”
He’s beautiful like this, the flush high on his cheekbones creeping down his chest, his eyes wide and his hair messy. Gorgeous, even. It’s enough to drive a man crazy. 
“Turn over. Hands and knees.”
He scrambles to obey you, leaning on his elbows with his head resting in his hands. He’s almost impossibly hard, dripping precum onto the sheets. You grab the bottle of lube out of the bedside table and warm it in your hands, stroking his cock before you slip the first slick finger inside him. 
He tenses, and you slow down. You hear him take a deep, slow breath. 
“Do you need me to stop?”
“No, no, it’s alright, it’s just… it’s been a long time.”
You wait to move again until you feel him relax around you, and when you curl your finger into his prostate he groans. You take your time opening him up, watching how he shakes under your touch, listening to his pretty sounds filling the room. 
“God, stop teasing and just fuck me already!”
It’s sudden, startling in a way that almost makes you laugh. 
“I’m not teasing, I’m getting you ready. It’s half the fun.”
“Well, I’m ready enough. Please. I need you inside me.”
You pause for a moment, movements stilling. 
“I just… I don’t want to hurt you.”
The words hang in the air. Both of you know that you’re talking about more than just this.
“You won’t. I trust you.”
You pull your fingers out of him to unzip your pants and pull your underwear down, and he whimpers for a moment before you put him on his back and lean over him, pushing his thighs up.
You slick yourself up and enter him slowly. He’s hot and tight around you. The two of you had only ever gotten this far a handful of times back then, but it still felt just as incredible as it had the very first time. 
You wait until he’s adjusted to you fully before you really start to thrust into him. One of your hands holds his, propping you up beside his head. The other runs all over his body as you kiss him, one of his hands tangled in your hair. He kisses you like you’re air and he’s a drowning man. It’s better than all the times you ever dreamed of him. When you dreamt of him, you never let yourself imagine that he would love you back.  
“Fuck - Cill, I’m - fuck, I’m close.”
“Me too.”
He pulls back, his hand resting on your cheek and his thumb rubbing across your lips softly. 
“You’ve been so sweet to me…”
He looks at you like you hung the moon just for him. Like the two of you, here, now, are the only two people on Earth. It’s as dark as it ever gets out here, but you can still see the tenderness in his eyes in the dim glow of the streetlights and the ever-awake city through your window. Something tugging at your heartstrings tells you you’d be able to see it in complete darkness. 
You turn your head to give his palm a kiss and something in his expression melts.
Your forehead leans against his as your movements slow to a deep grind against his sweet spot, and before long he’s moaning as he cums over his stomach. You follow suit soon after, pulling out and stroking yourself overtop of him until your release is coating his chest. 
The two of you lay there for a while, basking in the afterglow. 
“My back’s going to be killing me tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“Oh, absolutely. At least you weren’t bent in half like a contortionist half the time.”
“Hey, I didn’t hear you complaining.”
He laughs, soft and quiet. 
“Do you want me to get you some water? I’m going to go get a washcloth or something to get you cleaned off.”
“Please. Water would be very nice.”
You kiss him on the forehead before dragging yourself out of bed to get a warm washcloth and a glass of water. 
You’re back before long. Cillian grins as you walk back into the bedroom, turning on the lamp on the bedside table. 
“Missed you.”
“I was gone for two minutes.”
There’s a melancholy in his eyes, one that you try not to think too hard about as you wipe the cum off his stomach and toss the washcloth in the laundry basket to deal with later.
You climb back into bed with him as he takes a sip of water. The two of you don’t speak. You don’t need to. Before long, he turns the lamp back off, and the two of you fall asleep holding each other in the soft summer night.
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we heart old man sex also sorry this took like SO long lol
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ghostherlig · 8 months
johnnshi swap au drabble
this is just a small concept piece, but i've been thinking about it a LOT- something short and sweet just to help make some space in my brain - enjoy &lt;3
Kenshi Takahashi was a household name.
A popular and well off actor, always starring in the newest thrillers, his tattooed skin and mysterious eyes and albatross hair making him the perfect candidate for serial killer casting.
He had the dark and intimidating look down, and Johnny was surprised to find that some of it wasn't acting.
Kenshi was just like that. Somewhat of a brooding figure, yet his words always took on more a teasing tone, a mischievous tongue hidden behind pearly white teeth like poison.
Johnathan Carlton was a professional. He'd been doing this for years, had the list of contracts to prove it, but this was a case that The Cage had never faced.
It made it interesting and exciting and so much more fun.
He was nestled into a quieter corner of the bar, the after party for this premiere lasting far longer than he had expected. He had been eyeing Takahashi all night, watched him wander from table to table, stool to stool, watched him dance his way through crowds and charm a few casting directors.
He was in his element.
Johnny wasn't one to dance around his paycheck, but something about Kenshi Takahashi made him want to.
It was unnerving.
"Enjoying the after party?" Kenshi's smile was cocky, his posture easy going and relaxed. To be fair, he was one of the biggest actors in the building, so the attention probably had him swaying more than his drinks.
"Very much, Mr. Takahashi," Johnny replied, eyeing the man over his sunglasses. He brought his glass to his lips, swirling the large sphere of ice in his drink before he let it sit on the counter top.
"That's good to hear, Mr.?" Kenshi's smile widened, and Johnny tilted his head back, the lenses saving him from the gleam of his teeth.
"Cage." Johnny smirked, simple and to the point. He watched Kenshi tilt his head, curious.
"You're an interesting character, Mr. Cage." Kenshi spoke over the music, the bass duller in the small corner Johnny had resided in.
"How so?" He asked, swirling his drink again, and Kenshi leaned in closer, an inked up hand pausing Johnny's movement. He felt the other slide over his waist, stopping just above where he had a blade concealed.
"You've been watching me," Kenshi purred, his tone as easygoing as when he had walked over, "All night." He tacked on, and Johnny chuckled, something breathy and sweet.
"So I have." He answered, turning so he was facing the man currently caging him against the bar, "Does it bother you?" Johnny poked, and Kenshi's smile turned into a smarmy smirk, his eyes giving away his intentions clear as day.
"Not at all, sweetheart," Johnny let the actor's hand wander, felt it stop over his collarbone, Kenshi's eyes dark with want. "Why don't you come home with me?"
Johnny wanted to laugh.
It seemed suspicious, almost. Kenshi was yakuza, could know all about Johnny and his jobs, could be luring him away from this busy place to kill him somewhere else.
But, it also gave Johnny the chance to get his paycheck earlier and easier than he had expected.
"You got gin back at your place, Takahashi?" Johnny teased, his arms wrapping easily around Kenshi's neck.
"The expensive kind, Cage." Kenshi's smile returned, and Johnny couldn't believe it had been so easy.
"Then take me home, Kendoll."
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soberscientistlife · 3 months
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Yes we do. All women need to fight for the Paycheck Fairness Act
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tiny-merkitty · 27 days
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caretaker/dad jonathan crane hcs 𓅨₊˚⊹
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under the cut !
okay to preface, batman begins is set in the mid-2000s therefore these hcs are set in the mid-2000s
whether or not that's important is irrelevant it's for the vibes. its 2005 ok
needless to say Jonathan Crane is on the less outwardly affectionate side,
sterile is a bad word. vapid is a worse one
he definitely tries to ease up around you, initially giving the usual one-off remarks and eyerolls whenever anything went slightly array——
once he realized that was probably not the nicest thing in the world, he tended to keep his tone less flat. sort of.
definitely a learning experience, after awhile you both have to realize that despite him looking like he's trying to set you on fire with his mind, he is genuinely being nice most of the time. or at least neutral.
he takes a big priority in ensuring you're doing well though, while his attachment doesn't show through words or facial expressions he tries to come up through gifts and small acts.
whether it be making you every meal or washing your clothes or doing your hair, his presence is almost always joined by careful hands and a quiet voice,
he did have to teach himself to keep things you actually liked in his office though—
Jonathan learned quickly that sugar free gum and altoids are not an appropriate snack for a kid cooped up in the psychiatric asylum he's busy working at.
he's not clueless with kids though, in all fairness he read about fifty different blog posts. he also got marketed a multitude of sippy cups and blankets and maybe a piece of furniture but that's unrelated
he can come off as a little crass as previously mentioned, he'll word things carefully and speak gently but if he says bedtime at 8pm he means bedtime at 8pm and no later.
maybe a little later if you ask him to make you hot chocolate but 8:30 at the latest.
maybe 8:45
his parenting methods are on the strange and unusual side, given that he himself is on the strange and unusual side—
having nightmares? don't worry, Dr. Crane will make vague threats at the imaginary monsters and claim he can create things five times worse. sleep tight ??
breakfast!! this pancake is shaped like. a rorschach test
don't ask him about work he will keep that as far away as possible from you,
the extent of the last question he got was 'I work with sick people.' and then he continued drinking whatever mixture of too-much-espresso and soy milk was in his mug.
it's not that he doesn't trust you, per say, but he doesn't want you meddling with things that will more than likely harm you.
definitely huge on alot. alot of self care stuff .
have you seen his face there's no way he's not pouring at least a quarter of his paycheck into skincare
this extends to you of course, extremely overly fancy bathtimes with matcha bubble bath and overpriced baby lotion,
candles that are up high enough to not!!! be a fire hazard. little lavender sprays for your pillow,
he'll even do those vaguely scary looking animal themed sheet face masks with you
he's not a sad beige mom. leave him alone he's just pretentious
his favorite activities with you involve staying indoors,
usually crumpled under a pile of blankets with store bought cookies and whatever movie you picked out to watch,
blu ray. obviously. do you take him for someone who does not own a blu ray player (he didn't until last week)
he likes things that are intellectually stimulating for you as well, whether that be numbered blocks or simple puzzles,
he's always around to tell you that you did a good job, or to help if you're stuck on something,
very involved overall -- he doesn't do great with playing pretend but he'll wear colorful band-aids and sit on the floor if you want to play doctor,
Jonathan's life before was somewhat methodical outside of his other ....... escapades
you're a welcome addition and if anything he enjoys having someone to look after.
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differentclasss · 9 months
Can u do a jackson rippner smut for fem sub reader where like, they work together and she is assigned on a mission with himmm
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The Professional - Jackson Rippner x Reader
C/W: guns, typical assassin stuff, smut, rough blow job, vaginal sex, canon typical violence, and Jackson Rippner is a dick lol.
A/N: Thank you for the request! Also the song, "The Professional" by Pulp inspired this fic. I hope this is good! Also, I started working on a Neil Lewis request, hopefully, it will be easier to write less dark topics for a change!! 
˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° ˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .˚ · • . ° .˚
You were just the informant. Just a measly informant who honestly, really would rather not work for a group like this. To be honest, you didn’t even like what you did. It just gave you enough money to enjoy the modern comforts of life. All those things you wanted for so long now were yours after living from paycheck to paycheck before. It was dirty money, you knew that of course, but if it kept you housed and equipped with nice clothes, fine jewelry, and the nicest home decor, you could withstand a little grime on your hands. It wasn’t like it was you who killed or terrorized, you just made sure they had all the information to do so. It was sleazy and even a little vain, sure, but you never owned such nice clothes and jewelry.
You didn’t have that before, in fact, you were the first person in your family to ever achieve this sort of success. Your family, the bleeding heart folks they are, had all lived comfortably but never extraordinarily. You had suspected the same, to live that safe typical life. That changed when you got a job at a firm of some sort as a private investigator. Or, what you thought was a private investigator, you weren’t stupid, you pieced it together that this job was investigating people who had to be “taken care of” or whatever mob movie-esque way of saying it was. After some time the firm was more open about their true colors regarding their work. You told yourself that you were in too deep to stop now, too far gone to stop yourself from continuing. (And the money. Jesus the money! They do say that money is the root of all evil, don’t they?) You weren’t even sure if you believed in hell but you were sure that doing this work was your ticket there. 
Still, you did it. You worked around the clock to gather as much information on a client as possible, even knowing exactly what time they left their house every morning on average. You weren’t one of Charlie’s Angels, no, not by far, but you did have a knack for finding information on people. It gave you some comfort knowing that you had plausible deniability, if one day this whole firm was busted, you already knew you could cry and say you had no idea. You were just doing what you were told. To be fair, you did anything Jackson Rippner, the manager of the firm, said. There was just something about his cocky charm that got to you, like how it got to everyone else he interacted with. 
There were a few words to describe Jackson Rippner, he was a charming douchebag, among other ones. Granted, you were hardly at the receiving end of any of his lectures or reprimanding but you saw it happen enough to know that you never wanted to be the one who was. You figured that if you kept doing what you were doing you would be okay. Most of your interactions with him were seemingly pleasant or at the very least, cordial. He was a looming presence when you were sitting up in your office, piling through everything a client had done. He seemed to micromanage, always looking over your shoulder and telling you to make sure you remembered to look into so and so as well. It could be bearable on some days and other days, you had a ringing in your ear by the time you had left your office. Sometimes his “pointers” just seemed condescending. Not wanting to be a bother though, you always nodded along and acted like whatever he had told you to do was something you hadn’t already planned on doing. It also was apparent to you that you did want to make him proud, for some reason. You had an idea of what his real work was, but still, you wanted to get his approval.
Jackson had made note of your unwavering subservience, granted he had picked up on it before you were even aware of it. Reading people was something he had a great strength in, he could see your weaknesses from the moment you walked into this job, full of naivety. He had no issue whatsoever using this to his advantage, he knew you wouldn’t say no. On a rather plain morning, he had come into your office, and you expected the same sort of run-down as usual. You expected a stack of papers and a few names as a week’s worth of work but he had a different idea of how you would be working that week.
“Good morning,” Jackson said as he stepped into your office. “I have a proposition for you.” He could be blunt, never leaving too much for interpretation. 
“Uh huh…”You said with a lifted brow. “What is it?”
“Nothing you can’t manage, I’m sure…” He replied, slinking over to your desk and taking a look at what you decorated it with, which wasn’t much more than a few cups of pens and pencils. Keeping pictures of your family here just seemed like a bad idea. “It’s simple, you won’t even need to do anything for the most part. You’ll just be accompanying me on a mission, it is as easy as it sounds.”
How vague.
“Oh…” You said and nervously glanced over at him. “Uh… Why? Don’t we have someone you want me to look into? I do better with paper honestly.”
“Come on,” He said with a little grin. “It would be good for you to get out of this stuffy office and get some real experience in this field. You don’t want to be a paper pusher forever, right?”
“I guess, but I’m pretty comfortable right here.” You stammered for a reason to reject this offer. “I probably won’t be very helpful. Like I said, I do better with paper.” You added, hoping he would get that you weren’t interested. At that point, it would just seem too involved. 
“Don’t tell me no,” Jackson said, putting on his best charming smile. “Your work here is greatly appreciated, it’s only fair we give you a chance to learn how things are done outside the office.”
Suddenly it really felt like you couldn’t tell him no. He has a way about him to make plans seem like they were your idea all along. Or maybe that was just your budding attraction towards him speaking. You didn’t like to admit it but you did see him as more than just your cocky higher-up. Either way, you swallowed your spit and sighed.
“What would I be doing?” You asked after some initial hesitation.
“It’s simple, you should be able to keep up.” He said with a layer of condensation. “You’ll come with me to a gala, one of our clients really can’t stand the man throwing the party. You’ll be a buffer of sorts, if we just play the part of a wealthy couple going there together it’ll be less likely we draw any suspicion. Power in numbers as they say.”
“And then what? Are we going to look into the guy and try to find information on him?” You asked cautiously.
“The next part isn’t something you should concern yourself with.” He explained. “All you need to do is come with me dressed in some pearls.” He added with a small grin.
You let out a tired sigh, already feeling bad. It just seemed much worse to go out with Jackson and play into this whole mission. It was wrong, you knew that, but when he mentioned a bonus, you felt inclined to say yes and swallow that diminished sense of conscience you had remaining.
In the days prior to the party, you had a few errands to run to ensure you would blend in and most importantly, not piss off Jackson. You knew he held a certain standard for these types of missions and because of this, you put effort into achieving these silent standards he placed over you. As a way to prepare, you learned what the demographic was going to be, bought a new and much too expensive dress, and watched Sex and the City. The whole party was a very WASP-y upper-class event, you figured the TV show would be a good way to base your mannerisms for the event.
The night of the party you could safely say that it was the best you had looked in a long time. Your dress fits in all the right places without being over the top. You knew you looked the part, you just had to be as inconspicuous as possible. Jackson, being as thorough as he normally is, already had fake identities for the two of you. A husband and wife who were thought to be wealthy investors. You tried not to think too hard about it but you thought the choice was odd. 
The party was just as you assumed, very white collar and white pearls. You and Jackson made it your goal to just blend in. Dressed in your incognito you both made it through the party with fake stories of your identity rehearsed and studied. He stayed as charming as always, making witty comments to other guests and being polite. You mostly stayed quiet, afraid to say the wrong things and get odd glances and whispers thrown your way. To anyone else, you and Jackson looked like the prototype of some rich couple, his hand on your waist with you smiling and nodding to every word that left his mouth. 
As the night aged, Jackson excused himself and left you with a woman who wore a lipstick shade too bright that drew attention to her large teeth. Not having him guiding you through conversations made you feel a little anxious, you had to rely wholly on your judgment and try to not reveal anything about yourself if it wasn’t necessary. The woman with the large teeth didn’t notice your apprehension to conversation, instead, she rattled on about some trip to Aspen she had gone on with her husband and children a year or so ago. Or maybe it was a trip to Lake Tahoe. You weren’t keeping up with the conversation as much as you got more nervous the longer Jackson was gone. It was a strange sense of abandonment. You eventually excused yourself, asking for directions to the bathroom and then disregarding them to find Jackson elsewhere. 
The house the party was in was nothing short of a mansion. As you walked through the quiet upstairs you took note of every detail of wealth. Paintings from famous artists, pristine floors, and how the whole upstairs seemed to be a labyrinth of fine living. Even the fucking trim on the walls seemed to be custom-made. You could only survey the state of the house for so long as you walked through the halls, searching for your escort. Each time you passed a room with its door closed, you pressed your ear to it for a moment, waiting to hear something. The last door at the end of the hall was your last bet, you pressed your ear to it and did hear something. It sounded like a struggle.
Two people, or how it sounded, were scraping against each other, their movements were erratic till you heard a loud thud followed by Jackson's voice. He was threatening someone, his words full of cruelty. The other voice, a man, had managed out some pleading words before there was a muffled sound, you thought it could’ve been a gunshot, but it was indiscernible. Then there was silence. A silence that made you sick. As you listened with your ear pressed to the door, it was opened by Jackson and he pushed you inside quickly.
“Goddamnit.” He hissed at you as he pulled you in by the wrists and slammed the door behind you. He stood directly in front of you. “I almost blew your brains out!” 
He looked like he was about to lose his temper. You were too distracted by the blood coming from the man who he had presumably just shot and by the gun in his hand. The man, who you thought was the man this whole mission was for, was undoubtedly dead. An expertly shot bullet wound between his eyes gave you a feeling that this was obviously not Jackson’s first time. You always thought you would’ve screamed in a moment like this, instead, you just stayed wide-eyed and white in the face. Jackson paid no mind to the man he had just murdered, he was all but focused on you. 
“Well come on,” He sighed. “We gotta go.” 
You were too frazzled by what you had seen to not comply. Jackson led you back downstairs to the now thawing-out party by the wrist and made your way to the foyer, sending anyone who noticed you two quick smiles and waves. The driver was already there in the valet, Jackson practically shoved you into the back seat and followed after you. Your entire body felt tense, all of this was too much. Quickly you realized this wasn’t the life for you. You didn’t cry though, you didn’t do anything besides look in front of you and take shallow breaths. The driver was silent as Jackson made a call, murmuring how it was done and there were no complications. He ended the call and looked at you curiously.
“You look like you just saw a ghost.” He noted. 
“I’ve felt better.” You mumbled. He let your words sink in and then patted you on the shoulder.’
“Sounds like you need a drink,” Jackson replied with his boyish grin that you were beginning to see too often. “Let's stop at my place for a nightcap.” 
You didn’t have the time to accept or reject his offer as he told the driver that there would only be one stop. As upset as you were, you were doing better than you ever would’ve expected. There were no tears or refusal, you accepted everything so quickly. The car drove swiftly and the sky from the window looked black as midnight approached. The moon was covered by lazy clouds that clung to it, streetlights taking its place as a light source instead. 
By the time you had pulled in front of his place, a quaint little cabin far from anyone, you had fully accepted what you had taken part in. You still had the tightly tied knot in your stomach but it was no use trying to argue with your conscience-laden mind. Once you were in his home, you sat down on one of the barstools at his kitchen’s island and watched as he made you some vodka-based drink. He was right, you did need a drink. Desperately. 
“I have to say,” Jackson chimed as he poured some mixer into your glasses. “The dress was very fitting for the event. You played the rich socialite part well.” You muttered a thanks and as he sat the drink in front of you, he looked at you with a raised eyebrow, like he was trying to figure you out. “What’s wrong?”
“You killed a man.” You whispered hesitantly. 
“That’s what this whole deer in the headlights look you have is about?” He asked, amused, took a sip of his drink, and then cleared his throat. “Listen, it was nothing personal. It’s about being a professional. You should know that.”
“It just seems wrong.” You replied not looking him in the eyes which caused him to sigh a bit annoyed. 
“You need to lighten up.” He told you with no hint of joking either. “Now, just take a drink.” And you did as he said, like most things. 
You drank in silence, not a single word coming from either of you till the glasses had nothing but a few ice cubes in them. The air around was tense, and as much as you accepted the whole ordeal, this sense of guilt and dread hung over your head. Jackson picked up on it and walked towards you, standing in front of you as you sat on the edge of the bar stool. 
“You don’t need to feel bad.” He told you. “You didn’t even do anything, you’re just the witness.”
“I think I would be considered an accessory after the fact.” You added grimly. 
“You know,” He said as he rested one elbow on the counter. “You’re much too talented with this work to be so tense. You had a special knack for this sort of thing, something I find highly admirable.”
“I don’t think I’m right for this sort of work.”
“Don’t say that.” He shook his head and then put a less-than-comforting hand on your shoulder. “You have it in yourself to do great things, trust me. Especially if we work together as well as we did tonight. You just did whatever I said. I like that about you.”
You blushed. Goddamnit, but you blushed. 
“I just… It’s hard for me to wrap my head around what you do and how you don’t feel bad about it.” You sighed and turned your head to the side, looking at the wooded view outside his home.
“There’s no use in being over-emotional.” He told you with that sly grin. “Just be a professional about this and you’ll be fine.” 
You didn’t think you were over-emotional, especially for what you had just witnessed. Depending on your persuasion, it would’ve been more than okay for you to act totally hysterical but with Jackson's hand on your shoulder you found yourself more susceptible to his words. As artificial as you were sure they were. There was something calming about him though, even for what he did. You just felt like he was right, like everything was going to be okay. Just like he said.
“There’s nothing to worry about.” He said calmly, slightly massaging your shoulder. “I just need you to keep being good, alright? You did so well.”
You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed by how red your face must’ve been. He just looked amused with how this whole thing was turning out. You were sure he knew about that attraction you had for him that you tried to keep so hidden. It was honestly hard for you to feel bad for that man who he had shot. After all, you didn’t do it, and plus, he was just some rich asshole. As you had your inner monologue, Jackson’s hand moved from your shoulder and to your cheek, bringing your eyes up to his. You bit the inside of your cheek and expected him to reject you, now that it was obvious you had some misguided feelings of attraction towards him. You expected him to toy with you, perhaps say some kind words, and then ship you out in a cab all alone. 
“You looked beautiful tonight,” He said quietly. “If that’s all consolation.”
“Thank you.” You whispered. If he was just going to toy with you, you would put this night out of your mind, you decided. You would never think of it again, instead, you already figured you would chalk it up to adrenaline and a mixed drink. His fingertips lightly grazed your cheek, eventually falling to the corner of your mouth. 
“You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” He cooed with a hint of smugness. “You tell me you don’t like what you’re doing for me but yet you do it.”
“I just needed money…” You started to say but he cut you off abruptly.
“I bet you would suck my cock if I asked.”
The way he said it made you stop speaking and just look at him. You couldn’t talk, you must’ve lost the ability to speak right around when you lost your rational thinking. The words held heavy in the air, you could only think about doing what he told you. After a moment, you stopped thinking about any repercussions and just asked.
“Do you want me to?” You asked hesitantly. 
If he says no, you could excuse yourself to the bathroom and then fling yourself out of the window. You thought that would be the only sensible thing to do.
“I knew it.” Jackson chuckled and then his finger traced your bottom lip. There was no motion except his finger for a moment. He looked at you with a shit-eating grin, just for anticipation. “I’m waiting.”
“Right,” You said and nervously lowered yourself to your knees. “Right…” You added quietly. 
With nervous hands fumbling with his belt, you had gotten him free from his confines and pulled down his boxers. He was much bigger than you would’ve thought, you had seen his bulge in the dress pants he normally wore but that was nothing but an understatement to how he was underneath. You wet your lips before you parted your lips to take him. You took as much as you could with your mouth and used your hands on what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Without any warning, Jackson grabbed a handful of your hair and pushed you all the way down, his cock hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag in surprise. 
“Fuck,” He groaned above you. “You look so pretty like this. So pretty with my cock shoved down your throat.”
You had never deep-throated someone before, yes you had given men blow jobs, but you were always under the assumption that the whole point of a man having his cock stuffed in your mouth was because it was attractive to see a woman working fully for their pleasure and have stimulation without the same feeling of a pussy. This wasn’t the case though, Jackson kept his dick deep in your throat, holding it there as he looked at you with your reddening cheeks and tears threatening to spill. You couldn’t assume this was as good as a usual blow job, it seemed psychological more than anything. Jackson, it seemed, just wanted to see how submissive you were for him. Seeing just how long he could keep you still with your mouth around his dick. 
You breathed through your nose as he kept his grip firm on your hair. His breathing was still for a moment before he pulled you off and then shuttered. With his grip still harsh, he pulled you back to his cock, forcing your mouth open with it and guiding your head up and down him. A bit of drool escaped from the corners of your mouth and left a trail down to your chin. He grunted at the look of you and eventually pulled you off completely and coughed as you caught your breath. 
“Get up.” He told you as he lifted you by the bicep, forcing you to your feet. 
You were still recovering from your rough blow job when he bent you over the counter, ass up, and fondled your waist and hips, feeling your body through the dress you wore. Your entire head was spinning, mostly from how fast this was all going and how once you were sure that any sort of contact from Jackson was going to be reserved for your late-night fantasies. It was humiliating how you were so willing for everything he put you through. Without a warning, he lifted your dress and bunched it around your waist, and then brought his hand to toy with your cunt through your underwear. 
“Lace?” He mused as he touched you. “You were just hoping this would happen, huh? If I had known how much of a slut you were for me I would’ve bent you over a desk at work already.”
“I’m not a slut.” You defended meekly as you desperately pushed your pelvis a bit closer to where you wanted him to touch.
“No?” He chuckled. “You’re no fucking Madonna, that's for sure.” 
Your witty response was caught in the back of your throat as you felt him push your panties to the side and work a finger into your cunt. You bit your lip enough for it to bleed if you had sunk your teeth down long enough. He watched as you tried to stay composed as he fucked you with his fingers, collecting your slick with curled fingers. Every pump of his fingers was driving you insane. 
“Please,” You moaned. “Please fuck me.” 
“Needy little thing.” He whispered, “Be patient for me, alright?”
You nodded, letting him continue to pump his fingers in and out of your now-soaked pussy. You could’ve cried when he finally paid attention to your swollen clit. After a few circles around your clit, you came and he looked at you with a mocking grin. Like a Cheshire cat. 
“You really get worked up for me, don’t you?” He teased and then leaned over you to speak directly into your ear, giving you goosebumps with each word as you came off of your orgasm. “You’re gonna come on my cock too. I’m gonna fuck you till you’re sore.”
Your stomach flipped with anticipation, rutting your ass against his crotch. How he quickly turned you into this moaning whore was beyond you. All you could do was try not to moan from the simplest of movements. Like when he stripped your panties off and held your hips in place with his rough hands. When the head of his cock was between your folds you could’ve melted on the spot. As he pushed into you, a wanton moan escaped your lips much to his pleasure. His fingernails dug into your hips as he pushed his cock fully into you. With a bit of strain, he found a rhythm as he fucked you. His grunts of approval could’ve made you come alone, but you held off. 
With his body weight pushed against you, keeping you secured to the edge of the counter, you had very limited movements. Jackson wanted it like that, he wanted you fully enraptured and to only feel him. Eventually, his movements had gotten quicker, less focused on making this enjoyable for you and more focused on his own pleasure. His hips rammed into you, and you cried out in somewhat pain and somewhat pleasure. A string of curses and cries escaped your lips and yet he kept his increasingly faster speed on you. 
“So fucking tight.” He choked out. “I should just hire you as my own personal whore, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Just fucking me as a job?” 
“Fuck,” You cried out, tears now pooling down your cheeks in a sloppy manner. “Jackson, I’m gonna come.” You warned and then he brought his hand to your clit, quickly bringing his middle and ring finger to it in almost over-stimulating circles. 
“Wanna feel you come on my cock, wanna see you come for me.” 
His filthy words were just what you needed to come. You cried out in ecstasy, your moans just as filthy as his as he orgasmed after you. His come seeped out of your pussy after he pulled out and let you both catch his breath. You slowly rose from the counter, straightening your back out after being put in that position. With a nervous look, you glanced at Jackson who looked very pleased with himself. 
“I should really take you out on missions more often.” He told you and you suddenly felt that it was all worth it, in a fucked up way. 
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
So, that Birthday Girl fic...could we get a follow-up called Birthday Boy about Reader exploring Eddie's kinks on his birthday? Love you to the moon and back xoxoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Here you go, my friend! It's my first time writing sub!Eddie so I hope I did some justice to this request. I love you toooo!
In the same universe as Birthday Girl
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up), oral f receiving, sub!eddie, Dom!reader, I think that’s it?
Words: 3.9k
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Eddie never liked to make a big deal out of his birthday, even though he loved to make a whole special day for yours. It didn’t seem fair, so when Eddie told you he didn’t really want anything for his birthday, you just raised an eyebrow at him. You know growing up his family didn’t have a lot of money, meaning celebrating his birthday never came with a big hoopla. But now that you’re older and have both of your paychecks contributing to the comfortable living situation you have in your apartment, it’s time he let you spoil him. 
Obviously, you knew his favorite cake was Funfetti and you had all the ingredients ready to make it. Eddie still wouldn’t budge on giving you any gift ideas, though. So, you’ll have to improvise. Shopping at the mall doesn’t really help you at all. The last store to explore is Spencer’s, and you didn’t have a whole lot of hope you’d find something in there for him either. And you’re right, you don’t – but you do get a spark of inspiration when you see a pair of furry handcuffs hanging on a display wrack. The ones that Eddie used as a belt buckle in high school are in your apartment somewhere, probably Eddie’s dresser. Those could come in handy.
Eddie’s not shy, that’s for sure. So you had definitely noticed when he became more subdued whenever the subject of sex came up lately. At first you could just write it off as him having a bad day at work. But when it happens a second and third time, you know there was something to it. You two were still having sex. A lot of it, actually, and it was really good. But he seemed to clam up whenever it was talked about. 
One night as he went to tug your sleep shorts off, you stopped him and asked if he wanted to talk about anything. He looked confused, wondering why this popped into your head while he was trying to undress you. You told him that you noticed how he had been acting and that you wanted to help him. The fact that he seemed embarrassed baffled you. Eddie? Embarrassed? You’d never even heard those two words in the same sentence before. 
Finally, though, Eddie opened up and told you what had been on his mind. Sometimes when the two of you brought out the kinkier aspects while you were having sex, Eddie was good at dominating you. Telling you what to do, making you beg, things like that. And he loved doing that, he assured you, but he said that he thought he’d like to try a role reversal and see how it felt for you to be the dominating one. 
The fact that Eddie had become quiet over a kink he wanted to explore floored you. This man has never been shy about telling you anything before. But it seemed like this was part of the role he wanted to play in bed. The quiet, timid one who is told what to do and when to do it. And the more you thought about it, the more you liked the idea of it. So, seeing those furry handcuffs at Spencer’s reminded you that you had a whole other gift you could give Eddie for his birthday. You were still determined to find a physical gift, though. 
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When Eddie comes home from work, you’re ready for him. He walks in the front door of your apartment and rolls out his neck. Teaching guitar brought him immense joy, but having to look down at his student’s fingers on the strings can take a toll on his neck after a long week. 
“Babe?” Eddie calls into the apartment. He shrugs his leather jacket off and hangs it on the peg near the door. “You home?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows at your tone. It wasn’t you calling out to let him know where you were, it was a demand. He kicks his boots off and heads down the hall. When he pokes his head into your room, he doesn’t see you at first. Then he glimpses you near the closet and steps inside.
“Hey, baby,” he says, but stops short when he sees what you’re wearing. The cropped Corroded Coffin tee is something he’s seen you wearing many times before but seeing you in only that and a black thong has his brain malfunctioning. “Happy birthday to me indeed.”
Determined not to get flustered lest it take away from the domineering effect, you jut your hip out to the side, trying to stave off the heat you feel rising to your cheeks, and hold up your index finger that has Eddie’s handcuffs dangling from it. 
Your boyfriend shoots you a smirk and steps forward to take them from you, assuming you’ll be the one confined by them. But with a quick twist of your wrist, you have one of the cuffs securely around Eddie’s wrist.
“Uh, what?” Eddie asks.
“I think you should be the one getting cuffed tonight, birthday boy.” You grab the bottom of his black Dio t-shirt and lift it over his head, assisting him in getting the clanging cuffs untangled from the material as well. When your eyes flicker down to his pants, Eddie takes the hint and rides himself of his jeans and boxers as well. “Bed. Now.”
The immediate change of demeanor in Eddie would be subtle to anyone else, but you notice all the little details that add up to this submissive version of your boyfriend. His chin has tucked in, shoulders slightly hunched, making himself seem smaller as he peers at you from underneath his thick eyelashes. But he still doesn’t move. You take a step closer and yank him forward by the waistband of his jeans. “I said now.”
Eddie turns from you to get on the bed, sitting on the foot of it and looking at you with his wide doe eyes. 
“Good boy. Now lay back.” He does as he’s told, and you can’t help but smirk. “Get your ass up there so I can hook the cuffs through the headboard.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You wrinkle your nose at the term. It reminds you too much of work. 
“I don’t think I like that name, baby.” Eddie obediently raises his arms above his head, and you straddle his hips to secure the cuffs through the wooden slats of the headboard, then lock his other wrist in the metal. “Any other names you might wanna call me?”
Eddie's shy expression and the fact that he looks everywhere but your face tells you that there is.
“Come on, sweetie. Tell me.” When he stays quiet, you lean down and grab a hold of his chin, forcing him to look you in the eye. “I won’t ask again.”
“My goddess,” Eddie squeaks out and the words go straight between your legs. 
“Yes,” you say, eyes going wide as you momentarily slip out of the character, admiring the name. How much you’d enjoy being called that. Eddie’s goddess. It’s clear he’s pleased that you like the name as well, his hips wiggling underneath where you’re sitting on top of him. 
Leaning down, you press soft kisses along Eddie’s neck. He lets out a content hum and lets his eyes slip closed. You sink your teeth into his skin, causing him to yelp and open his eyes.
“Keep your eyes on me,” you warn him. 
“Y-Yes, my goddess,” Eddie says, the black of his eyes swallowing the brown whole. 
“Good boy,” you praise, pressing a soft kiss over the bite mark you just left. Climbing off his body, you keep the kisses going lower and lower. You flick your eyes up to make sure Eddie’s still watching you, and he is like the good boy you want him to be. But you notice his teeth digging into his bottom lip. With a frown, you reach up and ease his poor bitten lip free.
“Wanna hear all your pretty noises, birthday boy.”
As if only waiting for your permission, small whines and whimpers start to fall from Eddie as you continue the soft kisses down his body. When you trace your tongue down his happy trail, Eddie’s hips buck. 
“I’m sorry,” he’s quick to say. The wide, imploring eyes he’s looking down at you with almost makes you break character and assure him it’s okay. But that’s not what he wants. 
“If it happens again, I’m going to stop,” you warn him. 
“Yes, my goddess.”
Throwing him another warning look, you pepper light pecks down his shaft, starting to enjoy the feeling of being in charge like this. The sound of the handcuffs rattling against the wooden slats in the headboard has you glancing up to see tears flooding Eddie’s eyes, which has your heart plummeting. He knows you and is able to read your face immediately, so before you can even open your mouth, he speaks.
“Green. Green light,” he assures you.
Taking a breath to calm yourself, you nod, and go back to giving feather light touches to Eddie’s cock. The moment your tongue darts out to lick at the dot of precum beading at the head, his hips snap up again, forcing you to pull your mouth away entirely.
“What did I tell you?” you ask.
“That-That if it happens again, you’ll stop,” he answers sheepishly. 
“That’s right, baby.” You sigh and sit back on your heels. “Gonna put you to work now.”
“Work?” he asks, voice wobbling. When thinking of what you could do to make Eddie’s birthday surprise even more special, you recalled one thing that your boyfriend always tried to talk you into doing. It’s not that you didn’t want to, it just made you feel a little self-conscious. 
“Mhmm,” you hum as you crawl up his body. “Now you’re just going to have to lay there while you bring me pleasure.”
Eddie’s brow crinkles as he thinks, but when he realizes what you mean, his face lights up. Quickly, he tries to tamper down the joy on his face to stay more in his role.
“You’re going to sit on my face, my goddess?”
“I am. And you’re going to make me cum, right?”
“Yes,” he says, nodding his head emphatically. “I promise, I’ll make you feel so good.”
All you do is raise an eyebrow at him before you strip yourself of your thong and situate yourself, which takes a little maneuvering with his arms secured above his head. Thighs holding your core right above his mouth, you feel the flutter of nerves in your stomach. Your loving boyfriend, as attuned to you as ever, can sense your trepidation.
“Please?” Eddie whimpers. The pure want in his voice has you lowering yourself onto his mouth, his hot tongue instantly gliding between your folds. You grip the headboard for stability, a gasp leaving your lips as Eddie’s sinfully skilled mouth works against your pussy. Knuckles turning white from holding the wood so tightly, you drop your head back and let out a string of moans mixed in with Eddie’s name. 
“Fuck, your mouth is perfect,” you say. He hums against you as he flicks his tongue over your clit, and the vibrations send a tantalizing shiver through your body. Eddie’s tongue pulls away and you hear him try to say something against your heat. It makes you giggle, and you raise yourself up.
“Come again?” You smirk at your own double entendre. 
“Want you to ride my face, my goddess. Use me.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You lower yourself back to Eddie’s mouth and start to rock your hips forward. When your clit brushes against his nose, sparks flood your vision.
“God, you’re going to make me cum, baby,” you say as you keep rutting against his face. Eddie hums encouragingly beneath you, tongue lapping at your dripping core. “Ah, shit. I’m coming.”
Eddie helps you ride out your orgasm, moaning and licking as your hips finally come to a halt. With panting breaths, you pull yourself off of your boyfriend’s mouth and collapse down next to him. A smile is sewn onto your face as you close your eyes and try to catch your breath. When you turn your head and search for that warm brown gaze that you’re so fond of, you’re greeted by the sight of Eddie’s mouth and chin glistening from your release. 
“My goddess, you taste so good.”
Unable to help yourself, you push yourself up on an elbow and lean in to press your mouth against his. The taste of yourself invades your senses as you snake your tongue into his mouth.
“Mm, you’re right,” you hum against his lips. “Now, since you refused to listen to me before, you don’t get my mouth. But lucky for you, I want that big cock inside of me so bad.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see said cock twitch in anticipation. The poor thing has been neglected tonight. You were only touching it briefly before Eddie broke your rule, you were sitting on Eddie’s mouth, nowhere near his dick, and Eddie can’t even touch it himself because he’s cuffed to the bed. 
Pushing yourself up, you eye his red, aching dick as it stands proud and tall.
“Your cock is so pretty, Eddie,” you tell him, making it twitch again. A self-satisfied smirk comes to your face as you move yourself down the bed and straddle Eddie’s abdomen, just close enough where his cock brushes up against your back, but not hard enough to provide him with any relief. Looking down at his face, it’s flushed red and pinched into a pout. Softly, you rub a hand up and down his chest. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Say what, my goddess?” Eddie asks, voice cracking over the question.
“That your cock is pretty.”
His face turns even redder and he turns to try and bury his head in his arm. A sharp pinch to his nipple has him turning back to you with a small yelp. 
“Look at me. And tell me your cock is pretty.”
“My c-cock is pretty,” Eddie lets out in a breathy moan. His eyes don’t leave yours. 
“My cock is pretty.”
“Yes, it is,” you say, a smile curling on your lips. “It’s so pretty and it deserves some attention, don’t you think?”
“Yes.” Eddie nods his head, tongue darting out to lick over his lips. 
You push yourself back so you’re hovering over his cock, but not touching it at all.
“Tell me, baby,” you purr. “Who makes you feel good?”
“Y-You do, my goddess.” 
His reward is you slowly sinking yourself down on his throbbing cock. 
Eddie whines, going to bite his lip, but he remembers that you want to hear him, so he just lets the sounds of pleasure flow freely from his mouth. Once you’re fully seated on him, his cock stretching you out in the most delicious way, you brace your hands on his chest and begin to lift your hips. By the way Eddie’s fists are clenched against the headboard and the way his cock is twitching against your walls, you know he’s not going to last long. Might as well have some fun with it, you figure.
“You like it? Feels good?” you ask.
“S’so good,” Eddie says. 
“Tell me how it feels, my birthday boy.”
No sound comes from Eddie’s mouth, even though it’s hanging open and his glossy brown eyes are trained on you. He must sense you’re about to scold him, because he starts sputtering out sounds before he can finally manage words.
“Feels so tight,” Eddie moans. “You’re so damn tight, my goddess. So warm. So wet.” 
His words have you rocking your hips a little faster, clit rubbing against the patch of coarse dark curls at the bottom of Eddie’s happy trail. 
“Tell me again,” you say, eyes slipping closed. “Who makes you feel like this?”
“You,” Eddie says through a whimper. “Only you. You’re the only one who can make me feel this good.”
“That’s right,” you say, grinding your hips down harder against Eddie’s. “You’re all mine. You belong to me.” 
“I’m yours,” Eddie agrees, eyes slipping closed in pleasure. “All yours.”
“No other pussy can do this. Make you almost cry,” you say, on the verge of taunting. 
“Don’t want any other pussy,” Eddie says, his curls bouncing as he shakes his head on the pillow. “Just this perfect pussy. Your perfect pussy, my goddess.” 
When Eddie opens his eyes, you can see the fucked out expression on his face. He’s so close, you can feel it. 
“Look at me while you come, baby,” you say. Obediently, his eyes lock on yours, and the way his abdominal muscles tighten up under your hands lets you know he’s about to come. Desperate the chase your release at the same time as him, you speed up your hips, the friction against your clit sending you spiraling.
“I’m gonna come too, baby,” you tell him. “Come with me. Like a good boy, yeah?”
“Uh huh,” Eddie moans out, nodding as he keeps his eyes locked on yours. 
“Okay, sweetheart,” you say, the beginnings of your orgasm crashing over you. “Let go.”
It’s all Eddie needs to hear as his hips stutter up into yours, his warm seed coating your spasming walls. Your bodies keep moving against one another as you ride out the storm. Once you start to feel overstimulated, you still your hips and drop down to Eddie’s chest, both of you panting as you try and catch your breath. 
“Holy shit, babe,” Eddie says once he’s able to. “That was so fucking hot.”
“Yeah?” you look up at him through your eyelashes. “You liked it? I mean, it was only my first time doing it. So, you can tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and I can do better.”
Instinctively, Eddie goes to cup your face in his hands, but he’s still cuffed to the bedpost. 
“Can you let me go?” Eddie asks with a laugh.
“Hmm, what if I lost the key?” you ask with a smirk. The pair of you wince in unison as you pull yourself off of Eddie, both of you sticky from your combined releases 
“Then I guess you’ll just have to feed me and bathe me. Doesn’t sound so bad, actually,” Eddie says with a shrug.
You giggle and pull the key out of the top drawer of your nightstand. 
“You gotta let me rub your arms, baby,” you say as you unlock the first cuff. Eddie lets out a grateful sigh as he slowly lowers his arm down. 
“I’ll never say no to one of your massages,” he says. His other arm falls free from the cuff, and he lets out a small groan as he brings that arm down as well. 
Putting the cuffs and key back in their proper drawer, you then turn to your dresser and snatch up your bottle of lotion.
“Ooh, is that the one that smells like chocolate?” he asks.
“Hot cocoa, yes, sir,” you say as you pop open the lid. Eddie scoots back so he’s settled against the headboard as you squeeze a dime sized amount of lotion into your palm. 
Eddie’s whole body seems to relax as you work the sweet-smelling lotion over his skin, using your fingers to dig into the sore muscles, trying to stimulate more blood flow there. The moans that leave his lips aren’t sexual, but you can feel a stirring between your legs, nonetheless. 
Once that arm is nice and loosened up, you crawl over to Eddie’s other side and have the same treatment to that arm. Eddie’s eyes are closed, and his head is relaxing back against the wall. 
“Sleepy, baby?” you ask.
“Not really,” he answers. “You’re just relaxing me.”
“Too relaxed for cake?”
His eyes shoot open at that, turning his head to look you in the eye. “Um, never.” It makes you giggle, and you toss the bottle of lotion onto your dresser. 
“Let’s have some of that Funfetti then, baby,” you say, pushing yourself off the bed.
“Just one thing first,” Eddie says as he gets up as well.
“And what’s that?” you ask.
There’s that mischievous glint in his eye again; the one that drives you absolutely wild.
“As much as I love seeing you wearing Corroded Coffin clothes, I like seeing what’s underneath it even more.” He tugs on the bottom of your crop top, and you take the hint to shuck it off. Eddie’s eyes drop immediately to your chest, and it sounds off a round of butterflies in your stomach. 
“Now I’m ready for cake,” he says. 
He follows you out into the kitchen and watches as you get the cake out of the refrigerator, arranging the multicolored candles on top. You’re careful when lighting them not only because you don’t want your hair to get in the way, but you’re also naked and any wax or fire would hurt like hell. 
“Get over here, you,” you say, opening your arms for your boyfriend. He happily slides into your hold, and he rests his head on yours as you sing Happy Birthday to him. He squeezes his eyes closed as he thinks of a wish. Seemingly satisfied with what he’s come up with, Eddie leans in and blows all the candles out in one breath. 
“Happy birthday, baby,” you say, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Thank you, my goddess.”
You giggle at the nickname, your cheeks getting hot.
“Let me give you your present.” 
Eddie’s eyes watch your ass the whole time as you walk over to the hall closet. You put the present down on the table next to the cake, and Eddie tilts his head as he inspects the package. It’s about the same dimensions as a pizza box and he honestly wouldn’t blame you if that’s what you bought him for his birthday since he gave you literally no ideas. 
His thick fingers tear into the red wrapping paper, discarding it to the other side of your small kitchen table. Well, it’s a box but not a pizza box. Just plain and white, giving no indication about what’s inside. Curiosity no longer willing to be patient, Eddie lifts the lid and ruffles through the few layers of tissue paper. His fingertips grace the material inside and he instantly knows what it is, without even having seen it. 
A grin grows on his face as Eddie picks up the article of clothing in his hands, bringing it out of the box and holding it up in front of him. The black leather jacket shines, the gleaming silver buttons catching the light in the kitchen and bouncing it off appliances. 
“Do you like it? I know you already have your favorite one, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have two!”
Eddie sets the jacket down on the table, making sure to keep it away from the cake and its messiness. He places a hand on each side of your face and pulls your lips to his. 
“I love it. Thank you so, so much, baby.”
“You should try it on,” you tell him.
He picks it back up, inspecting the red lining as he sticks one hand in a sleeve.
“Won’t it look kind of weird that it’s the only thing I’m wearing?” Eddie asks as he slides the other arm through. 
“Oh, baby,” you say, taking a step back to admire your beautiful boyfriend clad in only a new leather jacket. “That just makes it even better.” 
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