#the cw flash
robinsleeping · 4 months
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Space ~ B.A.
A/n: LOVE touching on the way Iris and Barry create their relationship by high key sabotaging every other possibility bc they feel inevitable... great shit.
Request: “Barry x male reader, reader and Barry been having issues so reader goes to stay with Kara for awhile.” By anon
Word Count: 2,000+
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"So... are we going to talk about that?"
Y/n's jaw worked as he mulled over Kara's question. He couldn't expect her not to ask questions after all of that. She was a good friend, she worried. And Y/n didn't want to spend this entire trip running from his feelings. It would only make things worse.
On the other hand he really didn't want to talk about it.
But that may have been him trying to run from his feelings. Like usual. How well did that ever go?
He looked at her, taking in her barely contained curiosity and anxiety. The last time she had run into Barry and his boyfriend the two were newly in love after ages of pining and beating around the bush. They were full of relief at being able to hold hands and use pet names, and got borderline ridiculous if they ever kissed. Kara had joked they were the goal; the base line. Someone would look at her that way someday.
Now the two men were cold and distant, and when they'd gotten Kara the help she needed and Barry went to go back to his own world Y/n had asked to stay? In an entirely different universe where Barry Allen didn't even know who Y/n L/n was. Had never even heard of him. They were complete strangers in this world.
Sighing, Y/n leaned against the desk behind him and Kara tried not to grin as she realized he was about to talk about his feelings. Y/n never did such things no matter how many times she prodded and begged - but this was not a situation that called for smiling or teasing. She listened instead as Y/n began, "Barry and I have been having problems."
Kara raised an eyebrow. She was hesitant to push such a delicate string of luck but it seemed Y/n was about to stop and he really hadn't said much yet. "Problems?"
Once he started he couldn't stop. "First it was the newspaper with Iris' byline. I mean, he's been in love with her for near his entire life and everything was screaming that she would choose him back eventually. Eddie died, Patty and Linda didn't work out for several reasons - mostly because he couldn't open up to them. But that's not-" He closed his eyes, realizing he was going off on a tangent. "The point is," he began again slowly. "Barry and Iris are like, soulmates? Or something? And it started with the newspaper but then there was Earth 2, and the fact that they always know each other everywhere we go - even if vaguely. Like they're drawn to each other. Inevitable. There are worlds where I don't know Barry Allen and he doesn't know me, but they always have each other."
Slowly, Kara asked, "You're jealous of Iris?"
Y/n scoffed. "I'm not just mindlessly jealous. It wouldn't bother me so much if the name on the by line of the newspaper had changed. If it said Iris West instead, or Iris soemthing-else. But it doesn't. It still Iris West-Allen. And I feel like... a filler." His shoulders sagged and his face twisted with agony. "It doesn't help that he started to drop our plans to hang out with her. And I realized that actually he always prioritizes her. Our plans never overlap, like he's desperate not to have to choose, and then they do and he chooses her. And it's fine, she's family, but I thought I was too. I thought we'd at least be equally as important. And then Savitar comes and he goes after Iris - still. Iris and Barry weren't together, but his life falls apart if she dies. Like-" He blinked tears out of his eyes. "Like she's his whole world. Cisco can't save him, or Caitlyn."
"Or you," Kara realized, her face crumbling as it fully settled in.
The man shrugged. "Or me. And I tried bringing it up to him but he refuses to acknowledge it and scrambles to avoid the topic and I feel like he knows he's in love with her but doesn't want to admit it. I feel like I really am filler and he knows it, that his very atoms are waiting for her and it's just this unspoken inevitability. I'm only here for now and that's it and I'm not supposed to address it, I'm not supposed to see it, but I do and that really sets him on edge. Or- something does at least. I don't know! He won't talk to me!"
Immediately Kara pulled Y/n into a hug. Y/n let her, curling into her comforting warmth and knowing he could fully collapse and she would be fine. "Would it help if I helped you work through what other options there are? Discussions are hard to have if you have one out come stuck in your head, and then often turn into arguments that accomplish nothing."
Chuckling, Y/n wiped his face. "You're so smart Kara." And he meant it so genuinely she couldn't even joke that he was full of it. He seemed relieved to be able to talk about it, talk through it. She believed that truly was the case. "Please," he sighed. "Please tell me there are other options than what I think there are."
Kara hummed, tightening the hug for a split second before leaning away so they could meet eye to eye as they spoke. This was a conversation where he needed to know she was being absolutely truthful and genuine. "Well, first of all he could have the exact same fears as you. He could truly and deeply be in love with you and be scared that it'll all be for nothing. Fate and knowing your future - it';s a terrifying thought. Especially when no matter what you do, it never changes."
Y/n nodded. That was a perfectly logical option. "Anything else?"
She was ready for the question. "His life has been really difficult. He's constantly losing people, and being a superhero is extremely hard on a person. It's demanding and draining and leaves no room for even a single mistake. You're gambling with the life of every single person. Their happiness and stability. It's not a reason to treat anyone badly but I could understand if his work life and super hero life being so complicated and dangerous doesn't leave a deep desire for a normal, more straight forward life. Maybe he got it in his head that things with you were supposed to be easy and now... they're not. And he's too burnt out or anxious to address it."
Oh. Very quickly Y/n was calming down. Hearing all the other alternatives were very grounding and loosened the pit of doom in his stomach. "Anything else?"
Nodding, Kara continued. "He may not be taking your emotions seriously and either isn't realizing how your emotions are affecting you, or thinks they're some kind of accusation. He may even not understand that when you bring this up its concerning how you feel about it and not necessarily about him or anything he's doing at all. It's a pile up of things that all point your brain in one direction, and the way that makes you feel may be irrational or very rational, but either way he isn't the person who chooses Iris. And he may be one day, or he may not, but if he thinks you're accusing him of some sort of cheating when he couldn't imagine ever doing something to you?" She shrugged. "Like getting mad at someone for doing something in a dream. And it still means something to you but he isn't clocking that - all he can see is you blaming him for something he didn't do."
Y/n actually had the audacity to smile. "We would argue over me feeling insecure and it making him feel like I hate him. Or doubt him." He rolled his eyes but there was a little fondness there and Kara felt hope surge through her. Not all was lost yet. "We would end up arguing like we are over both of us just being insecure and not communicating it int he way we need to." He sighed, long and laboriously.
Kara just decided to skip to another option. "Or he's being an asshole and he does know it upsets you but he just doesn't want to acknowledge it or take it seriously."
They looked at each other for a second before slipping into soft, breathy laughter. It was weak and quiet but Kara wrote it down as a win. The idea that Barry would be so harsh and cruel truly was laughable. Maybe another Barry, another universe, but not this one.
After a second Y/n deflated again. Not as broken down but definitely exhausted. "What do I do if he won't talk to me? I can't just not know."
"Tell him that." When Y/n seemed doubtful, kara shook her head. "I'm serious. Say it even before you start the conversation. No warning, no chance to shoot you down or change the subject. Lay down the law. If you need this, you need this. It doesn't matter what he's feeling about the situation - you need to talk about this. This is a need for you; a deal breaker. If you break up you break up. He doesn't deserve you if he can't get over himself for an hour to talk to you and give you something you actively need."
Y/n melted in relief, eyes wet. "You're an amazing friend Kara."
The compliment, bursting with appreciation that could not be put into words, made Kara grin. "You deserve a good friend. Come on - we can take a few days before you have to go back."
So they did. A little less a month passed before Y/n went back. neither of them had meant for it to go on quite so long but Y/n's powers that were so often utilized by Barry were perfect for the threat Kara was facing and beating the bad guy was the last step. They had to go through so much before they could do that. It kept them. 
When he did go home, there was something different about him. He got to see more and experience more. He realized how much pressure he was putting on Barry and codependent he'd become. he seemed finally completely at peace with whatever happened - whether or not they broke up, he knew he'd make it through - but was also ready and willing to fight for it.
If only Barry would fight too.
In the end Kara had been right. Her very first guess had hit the nail on the head, and it had all come undone the second Y/n set a hard boundary. He needed this and Barry delivered. Their relationship was important enough to the speedster to put aside fear or pride and face it. They had a long talk about the whole situation and how out of control they both felt. How that scared Barry even more because he didn't want such a future. Because he wasn't allowed to be out of control like he was now or people died. Y/n clarified his feelings not being a reflection on Barry as a person and the kind of person or partner he was, and that seemed to help too. They decided at the end of it all that no matter what happened they loved each other and nothing could get in the way of that. That even if Iris and Barry did end up together, it wouldn't be the Barry that was now.
That Barry was Y/n's.
For the first time neither of them felt the need to check to see if Iris' surname had changed on the byline. It was Cisco instead who came crashing into the room, eyes wide with worry. He pulled up the article and pointed out the byline.
Iris West.
No Allen attached.
The article was the same, with a missing Barry, but the byline was different.
Barry and Y/n looked at each other, eyes opened for the first time. It was almost a slap in the face to realize that Iris and Barry ended up together in this world only if they thought they did. That the anxiety of the felt inevitable could destroy all of their relationships, and that the second they decided it didn't - it didn't.It was beautiful in a way. And suddenly they both felt that they could do so much more... 
And they did. Together.
Male Readers: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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adriellej · 1 month
The way
Warnings: None really. 
Pairings: Team Flash, Harry x Reader.
Word count: 1.6K+
A/N: I made something cute again! I’m apparently all in for the cute stuff lately. I was looking on Pinterest to get some ideas and I fell over this. I just knew it had to be Cisco’s line, didn’t imagine it to turn into a whole Harry situation, but it kinda did!
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GIF and Prompt isn't mine. Found on google and found on Pinterest.
You had always been an active outdoorsy person. You always played every sport you could find. You’d take long walks with your family, and when you got old enough you went hiking on your own. You had traveled quite a lot, all over the world really. 
Lately, it had been some slow days for team Flash, metas were on the down-low, no big current villain to haunt down. So you had convinced the team to come hiking with you. You knew an amazing place just outside of Central City. It was beautiful at sunset, but it was also a bit of a hike to get on top of the small mountain. 
It wasn’t everyone who was as excited for it as you were, and a few, or one specific, had been quite reluctant to go. It’s no point, makes no sense to waste our time doing this. Our time is better spent developing our tech than this, you recalled in your memory. Others had been excited and joyful. Oh yes! This would be awesome, it’s going to be so much fun! You had laughed at how excited Barry was to go. 
You looked around at your friends, they were like family to you and you were so excited to be spending this time with them. Barry was running in the front with Ralph right on his heels. They had made it into a competition; who could reach the top first? Caitlin and Iris were walking beside you and right behind you were Harry and Cisco, who were of course bickering about something.
“You know, this wasn’t a bad idea Y/N,” Caitlin mused beside you, all you could do was smile and say thank you. You dwelled in the moment, making mental pictures of it, because you knew you would have to go back to the real world at some point. Suddenly you heard a yelp.
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it.” Cisco dramatically exclaimed. “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.” You and Harry said in unison causing the two girls beside you to laugh. “You two have a fun way of being quite alike,” Iris ushered. “Have you made up your mind?” Caitlin continued Iris’ thinking. You smiled and shook your head. “Come on, you must know if you want to or not!” Iris said a little louder than you wanted her to. 
“Iris, shhh!” You half panicked when Harry glanced at you with an amused look. “I don’t need him to know anything,” you spoke lowly. “At least not until I tell him on my own,” you continued as you looked at your girlfriends. A big smile spread on both of their lips. “Oh yes! You’re going to be so cute,” Iris shrieked. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself Iris. It would have to include that he likes me too, ya know.” You tried to not get your own hopes up. 
You had had a crush on the Earth 2 Harrison Wells for quite some time by now. Iris had asked you one day what it was about him that made your heart flutter. At that moment you had said everything, but it had started a thought process over what it was about him. 
You could conclude on your own that it was the way his dimples came out when he smiled at you. It was the way he looked at you, that made your knees go soft. It was the way it didn’t matter to you if you understood what he said or not, you just loved to listen to him talk about something he was passionate about. It was the way that he tried to explain it to you, with no annoyance or anything. It was the way it felt when your fingers grazed each other when handing stuff to one another. It was the small hugs at the end of the really long days, that no one saw. It was something only you two had and moments only you shared. 
It was how he always put a smile on your lips when you thought of him. The way he made fun with you, told jokes, and laughed with you. He’s the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. 
You glimpsed back at him. His baseball cap tugged down on top of his glasses, his black t-shirt showing his very nice muscled arms, and his sweater wrapped around his waist because it became too hot to wear. Oh yeah, and then he’s just flipping hot and sexy, you thought to yourself. 
“Iris come on, you need to see the view from up here!” Barry yelled down to his wife. A big smile spread across her face. “Race you to the top?” Cisco chimed in right beside you. They all shared a look and ran off, leaving you behind with Harry. 
“Hey,” He said as he joined you and adjusted his speed to fit yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you said as you nudged his shoulder with yours and a smile you couldn’t hide. “Is it as bad as you thought it would be?” You slowly started to converse with him. He breathed in and held it for a second before letting it go in a small laugh. 
“Well no, not with you by my side at least,” He smiled as he glanced down at you. His icy blue orbs were filled with enjoyment and warmth. Maybe Iris and Caitlin weren’t wrong when they said he had a thing for you too. 
You reached the top with the others just in time for the sunset creating the most beautiful purple, pink, and orange lights across the sky. 
“Wow, this is absolutely stunning,” Caitlin pointed out to the rest of the group. “How long have you kept this gem to yourself?” She continued looking back at you. 
“Well, not for as long as you would think. I found it a few months ago, just haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet,” you stated. 
Everyone fell silent for a while. Barry and Iris were sitting with their legs hanging off the little cliff, and Ralph, Cisco, and Caitlin were joking about something further away. Yourself, you were leaning on a big stone that was stood by a tree. Enjoying the moment. Savoring it as much as you possibly could. Harry came up to lean against the tree beside you. 
“Ya know, I was afraid something would happen and ruin this moment. I was expecting a meta alarm to finally go off and take this moment away from us, but it didn’t.” You looked into the horizon, with a dreaming look on your face. 
“I think we needed this more than we thought,” Harry caught your attention and you turned to look at him, his hand resting on your shoulder. His features were soft as he spoke. “With Savitar, with the metas, with the Earth X’ers. Having this moment with our family is worth more than anything,” Harry was a quite soft and warm person behind the hard glares, the grumpiness, and the insults. 
“Harry, with a risk of ruining this moment, can I ask you two questions?” You turned completely towards him with a soft smile on your lips. 
“Sure, though I would bet to say it would equal in three questions, taking the one you just did ask,” He joked and huffed a small laugh. “See, already ahead of you, that was one of the two questions!” You exclaimed poking out your tongue at him. “I know you too well,” You continued and he laughed. His laugh was like music to your ears, you would give anything to listen to it all day. 
“Go on,” he pushed. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, looking straight into his captivating ones. 
“How do you feel about me?” You spoke lowly scared to say it out too loud. 
“How do I feel about you?” He looked puzzled at you. You looked down on the ground before you spoke again. 
“I like you, Harry. I like you a lot, and I have for a while now. I just haven’t had the guts to ask, because I’m afraid I might ruin what we have. We have an amazing friendship, and you are by far one of my best friends, and I would hate for it-” you ranted on before you were cut short by Harry.
“Y/N, stop blabbering and look at me,” His hand went to take yours and you looked more at your hands than at him. He crouched down into your view forcing you to look at him, and you followed as he stood up straight again. “I have a hard time going through my day if I don’t see you. It’s like my day isn’t good before I’ve seen your smile. You're the one who brings some light into my life while Jesse isn’t here. I wouldn’t want our friendship to be jeopardized in the slightest bit.” He continued to talk, and you could feel your face fall a little bit at the last part he was saying. “Stop overthinking it, Y/N. I’m trying to say that I like you a lot too, it’s just not coming across the way I want it to,” He laughed nervously as his hand went to scratch the back of his neck.
You looked up at him, removing the last part of space between you as you stepped up to kiss him. His hands found their way to cup your face and yours snaked around his neck. 
“FINALLY!” Cisco and Ralph yelled out. You laughed against his lips before he started pecking your lips several times in a row. His hands snaked around your waist instead and deepened the kiss. “Okay you two, we get it, you’re in love, now get a room!” Cisco yelled out again. 
“Shut up Cisco!” You yelled out in unison again.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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notrandtumblin · 6 months
I won’t lie I did drop off of these shows at some point but please let me know if it’s worth going back
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basilisk06 · 3 months
First The Legends of Tomorrow was cancelled with a cliffhanger nearly two years ago.
Then Inside Job got cancelled by Netflix over a year ago.
The Owl House. Cut short nearly 11 months ago by Disney for not ‘fitting the brand’.
Then CW’s The Flash was cut short nearly 10 months ago.
Two months ago, The Ghost and Molly McGee was cancelled as well.
Now RWBY is cancelled (more so rooster teeth is shutting down)
Why do all the good shows all go?
It’s also not to ignore that all these shows had some form of LGBTQ representation.
Goodbye Rooster Teeth
Thanks for the memories
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just started watching the cw flash for the hurt comfort content and two things:
1. the show does not disappoint there is so much h/c
2. Barry is asexual sorry but I don't make the rules he is ace and there is nothing any of you can do about it now
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multinanichi · 3 months
Happy Birthday to my favorite sister duo. Happy Birthday Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost. 🥺
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centralcityfandom · 1 year
February 8 is the beginning of the end for these 2 and I’m gonna have the hardest time saying goodbye 😢
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Maybe I’m being dramatic but west-Allen raised me
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transvibe · 10 months
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And I Feel Guilty, But I Can’t Feel Ashamed
Prowl Through Empty Fields Great Cain
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dumdumdugs · 8 months
The Grant Gustin Flash would absolutely wipe the floor with Ezra Miller’s Flash. No I will not take criticism but I will take your offers of debate.
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jltoyphotography · 1 year
The Flash (2014-2023)
The Arrowverse 6/9
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Slide 1: Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm), Nora West-Allen (XS), Jay Garrick (The Flash), Frost, Ralph Dibny (Elastic Man), Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen (The Flash), Iris West-Allen, & Joe West
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Slide 2: Bart Allen (Impulse), Wally West (Kid Flash), The Flash, Jay, XS, & Jesse Quick
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Slide 3: Allegra Garcia, Gypsy, Martin Stein, Deon Owens, Eddie Thawne, Chester P. Runk, Cecile Horton, & Julian Albert
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Slide 4: Wells the Grey, Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells, Wells 2.0, Nash Wells, Harry Wells, Harrison Wells (Reverse Flash), HR Wells, & Sherloque Wells
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Slide 5: Ramsey Rosso (Bloodwork), Clifford DeVoe (The Thinker), Eva McCulloch (Mirror Master), Orlin Dwyer (Cicada), Godspeed, Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash), Hunter Zolomon (Zoom), & Savitar
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
Don't wanna be a Negative Nancy, but wow, the writing in the Flash is something.
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adriellej · 2 months
I'm Yours
Warnings: None really, maybe a little implied grown-up time ;P Besides that, it’s just fluffy fluff.
Pairing: Harry Wells x Reader
Word count: 1.2K+
A/N: So this is my first posting in what, 4 years? Has it really been that long? Not only that, I also decided to do it with a fandom I have not written for before. I fell into a Flash hole about a few months ago, and I have taken a particular liking to Earth 2 Harry Wells. So consider this as me hopefully coming back, and hopefully having made something cute for y’all. All mistakes are my own!
It's based on I'm Yours by Jason Mraz - was hearing it one day in my car and thought it would be cute! Also I don't own the GIF's, one I found on google and one here <3
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You were walking through the cortex, thinking about how you were going to steal the projector Cisco was hiding in STAR labs. A big smile spread on your face as you skipped down the hall. Cisco rarely let anyone borrow it, not even you, his best friend. He loved how you were both movie dorks, but he protected it with his life if he had to. Hence you were now sneaking in to steal it for the marathon weekend you were having with yourself.
You turned towards his workshop, his little lab, or not so much his own anymore. There was a certain Earth 2 scientist that had occupied it. Now wasn’t any different than usual. Harry was sitting in the lab tinkering away at some sort of tech in front of him. You weren’t the engineer or the smart one as your best friend, so you never understood what he and Harry worked on together. Or what they were always bickering about. 
You leaned yourself on the doorframe into the lab as you studied him for a bit. His long fingers worked away, tweezing some cords together as he tried applying power to it again. Harry only earned some sputtering from the tech and groaned out in frustration. 
“Goddamit how hard can it be?!” He yelled out while tossing the screwdriver across the room. You huffed out a small laugh as you shook your head as the older man in front of you acted like a child who didn’t get his way. You had always liked Harry, you were pretty sure the entire team knew, except for him. The way his outside was so hard, when in fact you knew that Harry’s heart was big and cared a lot for all of you here. He would never say it, but you knew. You two had many small moments together where you turned his frown upside down like only Jesse could. It was one of your assets for the team. Keep Harry from throwing everything around and make him a little bit more easy-going. 
“Ya know, maybe you just need a break,” You said while walking into the room, haven gotten a great idea, if you had to say so yourself. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked while turning towards you for a brief moment, only to return his attention to the project in front of him; “Also no, I don’t need to take a break,” he grumbled as he started to tinker away again. 
Meanwhile, you had found your phone, this was also one of the things Cisco loved about you, as you found a song to play. “To answer your question, I came to steal Cisco’s projector, but now I think I have a better idea of how to spend my time,” you mused as you closed in on Harry you put your phone down beside him, and pushed play. 
You slowly turned Harry in his chair, he looked at you like he could kill you, but all you could do was smile as you started singing. 
“Well you done, done me in; you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted,” you reached your hands down to Harry’s arms to pull him to stand. “Y/N, I’m not doing this. I’m busy, and you of all people should know I need to get this done,” His voice laced with annoyance and reluctance as you sang. “Well, I don’t care,” You answered while the music shortly played on its own. You forced him to stand, keeping both of your hands in his, as you slowly started to move the both of you. 
“Before the cool done run out, I’ll be giving it my bestest, nothing’s going to stop me, but divine intervention, I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some,” You continued as you slowly got Harry to move with you. A big smile played across your lips, your eyes twinkling in the light of the lab. You were looking into Harry’s beautiful blue eyes behind the glasses, and you swore you could see a little glimpse of enjoyment. 
“See, it’s not so bad, now is it?” You joked with him earning a small groan from him, but a small smile curved at his lips. He pulled you into him, earning a small squeal from you, as you properly began to dance together. 
“Well, open up your mind and see like me. Open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love, love, love, love” Your voice continued to ring out as Harry spun you around. “Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we’re just one big family, and it’s our god-forsaken right to be loved, love, love, love, loved,” 
You were having the best time as you were laughing and singing. Having Harry be invested in your idea, actually dancing with you, and not only that, he was smiling. Your heart felt so full. You knew he would be the death of you, with his gorgeous smile and handsome looks. 
“I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards just to see it clearer,” You got caught off guard when you heard Harry’s hoarse voice singing along to the song while you were still swaying to the song together. You had heard it so many times around him, that the genius apparently had learned the lyrics. 
“I guess what I be saying is there ain’t no better reason to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. It’s what we aim to do, our name is our virtue. But I won’t hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait - I’m yours,” You sang together as the song came to an end you stayed close to each other. 
You looked into Harry’s mesmerizing eyes, your eyes must shimmer from all the love you felt towards him. You had your hands at his shoulders and his was around your waist. You had laughed and smiled so much during your dancing that your cheeks hurt, but you couldn’t remove the smile on your lips. Looking at Harry with a rare but equally just as big of a smile as yours, as you were breathing a little heavy after all the dancing and singing. 
You thought to yourself how perfect he looked standing there. You could feel yourself getting flustered as you felt his breath on your lips. Before you could stop yourself you leaned up toward his lips. At first, he didn’t respond to it, but it didn’t take him long before his lips moved with yours. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, earning a little moan from him. His tongue ran across your lip and you gladly let him enter. His hands on your hips pulled you even closer to him. 
As the kiss deepened and became more passionate, his hands moved down to cup your ass and without any words needing to be spoken, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to his desk and set you down on it, while his hands came to cup your face instead. You pulled apart for both of you to catch your breath, foreheads leaning on each other. 
“Wow,” Was all you could muster to say, as you smiled while biting your lower lip. He gave a small chuckle from the depth of his throat. “Wow, yourself,” he gave you the biggest smile and a wink. “Maybe that break isn’t such a bad idea,” He said hoisting you up to him again, a squeal and laugh escaping your lips. 
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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youaresomethingfierce · 10 months
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Crisis on Infinite Earths Grant Gustin as The Flash Sketch Card by Nathan Birr
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basilisk06 · 1 month
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It’s time
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