#the heart pirates
thebunnednun · 1 day
Shadows in the Night! Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader (Part 1)
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I did say that I have other husbands just waiting to get published.
P.S. I do not own any of the images or art!!
Song: Nightmare By Set It Off.
Synopsis: While exploring the enigmatic ruins of a lost civilization, Law and his crew inadvertently awaken a hauntingly beautiful spirit. Invisible to everyone but Law, she delights in tormenting him, whispering tantalizingly close and stirring an unsettling desire within him.
Their relationship, fraught with tension and conflict, evolves from enemies to reluctant allies as the spirit reveals a dark truth: they are bound together for all eternity unless he helps her reclaim her physical body hidden within the ruins. Amidst ancient riddles and hidden dangers, the lines between hate and desire blur, creating an intoxicating mix of sexual and romantic tension.
In this gripping tale of supernatural intrigue and forbidden desire, Law’s resolve and sanity are tested. Can he break the curse, or will they remain forever entwined in the shadows of the forgotten ruins, bound by a fate that draws them inexorably closer?
On with the show!!~
______________Chatper 1: Echoes in the Ruins________________
The ruins sprawled before them, a testament to a civilization lost to time. The combined crews of the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates moved cautiously through the ancient corridors, their footsteps echoing off the weathered stone walls.
"Remember," Law's voice echoed through the dimly lit chamber, "we're here to observe and document, not disturb. Any artifacts we find must be handled with care."
As Law issued his solemn reminder with caution in his tone, Robin, ever the archaeologist, was by his side. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she traced her fingers over the intricate carvings and hieroglyphs adorning the walls.
Nami grabbed Zoro with a knowing glint in her eyes and produced a stylish scarf from her bag.
"I think it's best if we stick together," she said, her tone firm but gentle. With a swift motion, she leashed Zoro to her arm with the scarf, earning a bemused look from the swordsman.
Zoro grumbled something under his breath about being treated like a child, but he didn't resist. He knew better than to argue with Nami when she had that look in her eyes. Smiling, she turned to scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger or treasure.
Meanwhile, Usopp couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him like a heavy fog. His eyes darted nervously around the dimly lit corridors, his imagination running wild with every shadowy corner.
"I-I don't like this, guys," he muttered, his voice trembling slightly. "This place gives me the creeps." Franky, ever the protector, placed a reassuring hand on Usopp's shoulder, his mechanical fingers offering a sense of comfort. "Don't worry, Usopp! Super Franky is here to keep you safe," he declared, puffing out his chest proudly.
Chopper stayed close to Robin, marveling at the ancient surroundings with wide eyes. Sensing Chopper's unawarness, Franky positioned himself between Chopper and the darker recesses of the cave, determined to shield the little doctor from any potential threats.
As the group advanced further into the ruins, Brook found himself unintentionally causing a stir. With each step, his bones clacked and rattled against each other, echoing eerily through the corridors.
"Yohoho! My apologies, everyone! It seems I'm a bit... rambunctious today!" he chuckled nervously, trying to play off his unintentional spookiness.
On the Heart Pirates' side, Bepo, ever loyal, stuck close to Law. His large bear-like frame was a comforting presence amidst the ancient ruins. Shachi and Penguin, the inseparable pair, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Their hands were ready at their sides to draw their weapons at a moment's notice.
Luffy, heedless of Law's instructions, bounded forward with the enthusiasm of a child let loose in a candy store. His straw hat bobbed atop his head as he scanned the floor for treasures, his eyes alight with excitement. Spotting a glimmer of light, he reached down and plucked the shiny object from the ground, only to realize it was a peculiarly shaped rock resembling a piece of meat.
"Hey, Law, look what I found!" Luffy exclaimed, his arm cocked back as if to throw the rock.
"Wait, Luffy, I said not to—" Law's warning was cut short as Luffy, with his trademark grin, hurled the rock toward the entrance of the ruins.
The rock sailed through the air with surprising accuracy, its trajectory straight toward the open hatch of the Polar Tang's submarine. Law's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the rock disappear into the darkness with a resounding clang of metal.
“LUFFY!” He and Nami bellowed, a mixture of frustration and exasperation evident in their voices, but it was too late.
As the echoes of Law's frustrated outburst reverberated through the cavernous chambers, Robin stepped forward with a calm demeanor. Her expression was serene despite the chaos around them.
"Luffy, dear," she began, her voice soft but firm, "I understand your excitement, but it's important to respect the rules set by Law. These ruins hold valuable historical significance, and any disturbance could cause irreparable damage."
Luffy's expression softened as he listened to Robin's explanation. His gaze dropped to the ground in sheepish realization.
"Sorry, Robin," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to mess things up."
Robin offered him a reassuring smile and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Luffy. We all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from them."
As the group prepared to depart, Law's sharp instincts kicked in, alerting him to a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Without warning, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and the ancient ruins groaned under the weight of their intrusion.
"Everyone, out— now !" Law shouted in a whisper, his voice cutting through the chaos.
"The combined crews hurried toward the exit with a flurry of movements, their footsteps echoing off the crumbling walls. Dust and debris rained down around them as they emerged into the open air, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.
Once safely outside, Law surveyed the damage with a heavy heart. Despite their best intentions, their presence had inadvertently caused harm to the ancient structure.
"We'll have to call it a day," Law announced, his tone tinged with regret. "It's too risky to continue exploring in this state. We'll regroup and come back tomorrow, but we must be more cautious."
After the crews dispersed to tend to their wounds and reflect on the day's events, they all returned to the safety of their respective ships. A sense of relief washed over them, but there was also an undercurrent of unease. Each member sought solace in their own way, seeking refuge from the day's unsettling events.
Luffy, ever resilient, bounded onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny with a carefree laugh, his mind already occupied with thoughts of their next adventure. He found himself drawn to the galley, where Sanji was busy preparing a hearty meal to lift everyone's spirits after the close call in the ruins. With a wide grin, Luffy plopped down at the table, eagerly anticipating the feast that awaited him.
Zoro, tired from the day's activities, went to his hammock for a long nap. Robin climbed up to the crow's nest, trying to find relaxation among the swaying mast and billowing sails. Meanwhile, Brook, holding a bottle of sake, stared out at the vast expanse of the sea, his thoughts drifting to the mysteries hidden beneath its surface.
At the same time, Usopp sought refuge in his workshop, tinkering with his trusty slingshot as he tried to distract himself from the lingering sense of dread that clung to him like a suffocating fog. The familiar hum of machinery provided some comfort.
Back on the Polar Tang, Franky busied himself with repairs, his mechanical expertise proving invaluable as he worked tirelessly to mend the damage caused by their hasty retreat from the ruins. With each clang of metal against metal, he vowed to ensure that their next expedition would proceed without incident.
Chopper, ever the empathic healer, tended to the wounds (baby scratches) of his fellow crewmates with gentle care. With each bandage applied and hug administered, he silently vowed to protect his friends at any cost.
As the hours passed and the night wore on, Law found himself alone in his study. The soft glow of lamplight cast flickering shadows across the room. With weary eyes, he pored over ancient texts and sketches, his mind consumed by thoughts of the ruins and the secrets they held.
Suddenly, a faint rustling broke the silence, like the whisper of silk against a stone. Law's brow furrowed as he glanced around, but the room appeared empty, save for the eerie dance of shadows that played across the walls.
Before he could react, the figure spoke with a voice tinged with malice and madness. "You shouldn't have come here, Captain," it hissed, its words dripping with venom.
"It's just fatigue," he muttered to himself, attempting to dismiss the unsettling feeling that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. "I need rest."
But as Law settled into his makeshift bed, the feeling of unease only grew stronger, a tangible presence that enveloped him like a suffocating blanket. He tossed and turned, unable to shake the sensation of being watched, his thoughts consumed by visions of shadowy figures lurking in the darkness.
With a resigned sigh, Law rose from his bed and padded silently through the dimly lit corridors of the submarine. The soft glow of lamplight cast eerie shadows on the walls, distorting the familiar surroundings into something altogether unfamiliar.
His footsteps echoed softly against the metal floor as he made his way to the kitchen, the promise of a glass of water the only respite from the oppressive weight of his unease. But as he reached for the fridge, his hand froze mid-air, his senses tingling with the presence of another.
A sudden movement shattered the silence, a figure emerging from the shadows with a deadly weapon in hand. Instinct took over as Law ducked, narrowly avoiding the swing of the frying pan.
The scent of nicotine drifted through the air as Law slowly stood up from the ground. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he caught a glimpse of blond hair.
It was only then that he realized it was Sanji, the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates. Sanji's expression was a mix of surprise and annoyance as he demanded, "What the hell are you doing sneaking around like that?" His cigarette dangled precariously from the corner of his mouth as his eyes widened in realization.
"I thought you were that rubber goof coming to swipe snacks!"
"Sorry to disappoint Blackleg-ya, I didn't mean to startle you," Law replied, his face blank although his heart was still racing from the encounter.
Sanji's expression softened as he recognized his friend's tiredness. "No harm done. Care for a drink?" he offered, gesturing toward a bottle of wine on the counter.
Grateful for the distraction, Law accepted the offer, and the two men sat down to share a quiet moment amidst the creepiness of the night. The comforting warmth of the wine washed away some of Law's apprehension, but the feeling of unease lingered, a constant presence in the back of his mind.
"Well, I’m calling it a night. Don’t let the rats eat everything." With that, Sanji waved before heading through the kitchen door. Alone, Law began to feel his eyelids droop, the weariness of the day weighing heavily on his shoulders.
As Law slumped at the kitchen table, his mind drifted into the hazy realm of sleep. Exhaustion finally claimed him, and his eyelids fluttered shut.
Drifting into a restless sleep, his dreams quickly turned vivid and unsettling. A hauntingly beautiful woman emerged from the shadows, her ethereal form shimmering in the dim light. She wore a flowing gown that seemed to be woven from the very fabric of light, its glowing tendrils whispering secrets as they brushed against her transparent skin.
Her hair fell around her like a silky waterfall, moving as if carried by an unseen breeze. Although her face remained hidden in shadows, her eyes, glowing with an eerie purple light, captivated Law, drawing him deeper into their depths.
She moved with a grace that was both mesmerizing and unnerving, sending a shiver down Law's spine. Her touch was tantalizingly close, the warmth of her breath ghosting over his skin as she leaned in, her fingers just inches away from his face.
The air around them crackled with an electric tension, a mix of fear and forbidden desire that set his senses ablaze.
Laws's heart pounded in his chest as she hovered nearer, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that made it impossible to look away.
Her fingers danced tantalizingly close to his skin, almost grazing his cheek. The sensation was so vivid that it sent a thrilling jolt through his body. The scent of her— an intoxicating blend of wildflowers and something ancient— filled his senses, pulling him deeper into the enchantment.
As she leaned in closer, her lips parting as if to whisper secrets meant only for him, Law felt an overwhelming urge to reach out, to touch her, and discover the truth hidden in her elusive gaze. Yet, just as her fingers were about to brush against his skin, reality crashed back in.
The air grew colder, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end—a silent warning of the lurking danger that surrounded him. Law awoke with a start, the eerie feeling lingering as he instinctively grabbed his glass and hurled it toward the looming shadow.
"B AMM !"
The glass shattered against the floor, sharp shards scattering in all directions with a deafening clatter that reverberated through the silent kitchen. When Law looked up, all that remained was a shattered reflection staring back at him.
"I know I saw you."
An apparition cast in the fractured remnants of his own fear. The air seemed to thicken around him, suffocating in its intensity as the oppressive weight of the unknown bore down upon him with relentless force.
His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a thunderous echo in the confines of his mind. At that moment, as the shadows danced and swirled around him, Law couldn't shake the chilling certainty that he was not alone. Something sinister lurked just beyond the edge of his vision, waiting to ensnare him in its dark embrace.
A ghostly reminder of the woman he had seen.
Part two: Posted now.
As promised, @mororona @mochiclouds @@xxsliverwolfxx and @sosongstrawberry (Don't worry your fic is getting posted soon!)
Lemme know how y'all like it so far!~
To be posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
My DM's and requests are open!
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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anxrroz · 5 months
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(He did win the hawaiian shirt wearing competition)
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serpentfeverart · 5 months
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Well Law, he IS a polar bear, what did you expect.
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blixxkixx · 6 months
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captain-tangrine · 3 months
| Trafalgar law x reader
Fluff . Law is an idiot
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Law felt calm as you sat on the other side of the room doing your own thing, this has been going on for a while now, you just come to his office and read, sketch, work or even sleep.
not a lot of words are spoken simply because there isn't a need for them, but law finds himself in nights like feeling thankful for your presence more that ever.
God forbid he says this out loud but your presence has been calming him lately, making him less tired or irritated, could be the idea that he isn't working alone that makes it less stressful for him but he's fairly sure it's because of you, don't get him wrong he loved his crew more than he'll ever admit but only you had this effect on him.
He watches as you read a book you found in his study, he knows you can feel his gaze because you're not that oblivious and he's not subtle either, he also knows he should get to work but god how much he'd wish you'd initiate something right now, anything could be a hug or simply a nod he just needs you to acknowledge him.
So as someone with no skill in expressing feelings he just clears his throat to get you attention, you look up to him and okay okay he can do this he's a big guy, he has killed people before telling you to sit next to him is no big deal, right? Hell no aborte mission
" Can you pass me that file there " coward
" Sure " you give him the file and he doesn't even know what to do with it, he figures pretending to read it for a bit then putting it aside would work, except that when ipu go back to reading you sit next to his desk, smiling as if you knew what he was thinking, shit shit shit
" You know, captain. You're not that hard to read " he doesn't respond in favour of hiding his blush with the file, just murmuring a ' shut up ' that makes you giggle, okay maybe the captain of the heart pirates has a tine crush, would he act on it? Nope, do you know that ? yep, would you release him from his misery? Maaaybe.
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A finished commission! For @buggyandthebartoclub
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myriadmythology · 5 months
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theheartpiratepenguin · 5 months
I’m Penguin! The human bird!
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bathtub4rats · 9 months
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There is still absolutely nothing happening at work so more doodles cause I’m bored :/
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zoros-fourth-sword · 4 months
Scarlett- Chapter One
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Summary: Portgas D. Scarlett  Ace's older sister, decides to join Trafalgar Law's crew as their navigator after her brother's death. At first, she is distant and consumed with grief over her loss, but as she spends more time with Law and his crew, she begins to find comfort in their shared experiences.
As they journey together through the Grand Line, Law, and Scarlett must face off against dangerous foes and navigate the treacherous waters of the New World. Along the way, they grow closer, and Scarlett begins to see Law in a new light.
But their love is not without its challenges, as Law is still haunted by his past and the events that led him to become a pirate. Scarlett must confront her feelings of guilt and loss over her brother's death if she wants to move forward with Law.
WC: 1.7k
Taglist: ???
WARNINGS: grief, depression, mention of death
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Chapter One: Grumpy Pants
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no, it can't be it's a lie It can't be true I won't believe it he can't be dead He can't. I tightly grip the newspaper in my hands trying to fight back the tears threatening to escape it was like my entire world was crumbling under me it was like I was destined to be alone first I lost my mother then Sabo and now my baby brother Ace it's too much how am I supposed to live on without the people I love I need him I can't leave him we promised to stay alive and Luffy we still got to make him the king of the pirates right
"it can't be" I broke as I sank to the floor
"don't tell me it's true old man" I sob looking up at Rayleigh
"I'm so sorry kid" The old man looked at me unsure what to do
'h h he can't be dead" I cry as my heart falls to my stomach causing me to feel sick it was the most painful feeling I have ever experienced I couldn't breathe I couldn't think all I could do was cry I felt so hopeless I couldn't even protect my baby brother isn't that what an older sibling is supposed to isn't that there role in this life to protect their little sibling and I couldn't even do that
"Luffy what about Luffy" I panic as I quickly get up off the floor causing Ray to reach his arms out in concern
"hey hey kid calm down," Ray said as he grabbed my shoulders stopping my panicked self in front of him
"Ray it hurts" I choke looking at the man in front of me seeing he had a concerned expression on his face
"he can't be dead" I sob as I tightly grip his shirt. Burying my head into his chest letting everything I was holding in out. all the pain, the grief, the anger, all of it stained Ray’s shirt
"I can't live without him Ray I can't do it" I choke as my eyes painfully become puffy from the salty tears stinging my eyes
"I know Scar and I'm so sorry kid but you have to be strong for yourself, and not just that Luffy needs you," Ray said as he began to rub the back of my head trying to calm me down
"It's so hard Ray it's so fucking hard what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to face Luffy after this he needed me and I wasn't there I was so fucking busy with everything else that I couldn't even see that my brothers needed me" I cry as I began to beat my hand on Ray’s chest in frustration
"Scarlett I know you're angry and frustrated but you can't let those feelings control your spirit do you understand me you need to be strong," Ray said as he hugged me tighter
"Listen kid I found out where Luffy is and I'm going to head there in a moment," Ray said as he pulled away from our hug. grabbing my shoulders to gain my full attention
"what do ya say kid how about you see your little brother again," Ray said as he whipped the tears off my red and puffy face
"Yeah'' I choke out nodding my head yes
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"wheres Luffy" I demanded as I hopped out of the water with Ray causing my clothes to stick to my body
"kid calm down," Ray said from behind me trying to stop me from causing a scene
"And who are you," a tall man with tattoos harshly asked crossing his buff arms over his chest
"I'm his sister and you," I say placing one hand on my hip while my face showed I was irritated
"I'm the man who saved his life," the man said giving me a harsh glare
"Oh," I say as I calm down feeling bad about my rude approach
"look I'm sorry it’s just-" Before I could finish my sentence the man cut me off
"It's fine he's in the forest with Jenbei" the man said as he began walking away
Forgetting about the man I quickly ran through the forest desperately searching for my little brother soon I came to a path to see two small dots in the distance the closer I got to them the more I realized it was Luffy and Jenbei
"LUFFY" I scream trying to get the boy's attention not caring about the rocks hitting my ankles from running so fast
"SCAR" Luffy screamed once he realized it was me
"LUFFY' i scream again as we get closer desperately missing one another after being away for such a long time
"SCAR" Luffy screamed jumping into my arms causing me to stumble backwards
“I missed you so much” Luffy mumbled into my shoulder as his body slightly shock due to adrenaline pumping through his veins
“I missed you too Lu,” I say against the top of his head squeezing him tighter afraid if I let him go I would never see him again
“I'm so glad you're okay,” Luffy said as he pulled away from our hug giving me a warm smile
“Of course I am I’m stronger than you think” I weakly chuckle as I rub the top of his head slightly messing up his greasy hair
“I know” Luffy smiled causing my heart to ache. After all the stuff he had been through he was still pushing through it
“Old man Ray is here apparently he needs to see ya,” I say smiling past my pain wanting to be strong for Luffy
“Really then let’s go” Luffy said excitedly as he ran back to the camp sight
“Are you alright Scarlett” Jenbei asked as he came up behind me
“Yeah I’ll just learn to cope with it,” I weakly say giving the Fishman a slight shrug
“Confident as ever I see I wouldn’t expect any less from Ace’s older sister,” the big man laughed as he gave me a light pat on the back
“Thank you Jenbei” I say giving the man a warm smile feeling proud to know that I was considered strong for being Portgas D. Ace’s older sister after all I did teach him a thing or two about not taking shit from no one
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“WHAT WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO” I scream towards Ray once he tells me his plan apparently he and Luffy are going to leave me to go train on some island for 2 years
“calm down scar I already figured that out we just got to talk to him first and lucky for you he’s looking for a navigator,” Ray said as he tried to calm me down
“YOUR TELLING ME YOU HAVENT EVEN ASKED THEM YET” I scream out angrily my face turning red from anger
“It’s fine Scar I have this under control,” Ray said as he pushed his glasses up his face
“Yea if you screw this up I’m going to kill you I don’t wanna be fucking homeless” I snap as I cross my arms over my chest
“Matter of fact I’ll go talk to him right now,” Ray said as he got up from the log he was sitting on
“Wait you're telling me that there here on the island theres nothing but women here,” I say as I fling up from my log
“You meet him earlier you seemed to get along,” Ray chuckled as he continued to walk away
“WAIT YOU MEAN GRUMPY PANTS” I screamed in panic realizing I disrespected my maybe future captain
“I think it’s a great idea by the way Scar,” Luffy said below me as he sat on his log
“Really I mean I haven’t been in a crew besides Ace’s” I mumble as I take my seat on my log next to Luffy my heart slightly breaking from the memory of Ace
“Yeah and Traffy’s a nice guy” Luffy smiled as he took a bite from the meat that Boa Hancock brought to him
“Traffy” I questionably asked with a raised eyebrow 
“Yea his name’s actually Trafalgar Law but I call him Traffy” Luffy said as he continued to eat
“Oh I see it’s kinda cute” I chuckle as I take the meat Luffy was eating out of his hand to take a bite of my own
“Hey get your own” Luffy growled as he tried to get his meat back
“Nope,” I say popping the p trying to avoid his attacks
“Come on Scar give it back” Luffy growled again as he desperately tried to get the meat
“I’ll kick your ass over this meat” I growl smacking Luffy’s hands away
“Is that a challenge” Luffy growled as he pushed his forehead against mine
“Enough you two” Ray said as he came walking back over to us with the man named Law
Before I could say anything Luffy snatched the food from my hand and swallowed the thing hole including the bone
“LUFFY” I yell smacking the boy on the back of the head causing him to let out a whine
“Scar come here for a sec,” Ray said as he called me over towards him and Law
I quickly head over to them giving Luffy one good smack across the head with my haki making sure the boy could feel it
“Ow what the heck” Luffy growled but I just simply ignored him and went on my merry way
“What’s up” I say putting a hand on my hip once I reach the two men seeing that Law had a bored expression plastered on his face
“Listen I don’t take shit lightly if you're going to join my crew you're going to do as I say” Law huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest
“Of course” I agree not really wanting to argue and besides I do need somewhere to stay and I’m also desperate
“Good all I ask is to not mess up my ship and look out for the rest of the crew,” Law said as he looked me up and down
“Of course, I’ll consider them as my own family I’m sure” I weakly say giving the man a small smile feeling a slight sting from the word family
“Welcome to the crew we’ll be leaving in 30” Law said as he walked back to his ship
“Um okay,” I say surprisingly not expecting the man to be so up front about it
“Seems to me you found your home kid” Ray chucked as he placed a hand on my shoulder
“Yea” I nervously chuckled not really looking forward to my new captain I can already tell we are going to be bumping heads
Next Chapter
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I hope this was good I’m so sorry if it wasn’t please comment and let me know 💕❤️
{A/N this is what Scarleet looks like to give everyone an idea}
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thebunnednun · 23 hours
Shadows in the Night! Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader (Part 2)
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P.S. I do not own any of the images or art!!
Song: Miss Jackson By Panic! At the Disco
Synopsis: While exploring the enigmatic ruins of a lost civilization, Law and his crew inadvertently awaken a hauntingly beautiful spirit. Invisible to everyone but Law, she delights in tormenting him, whispering tantalizingly close and stirring an unsettling desire within him.
Their relationship, fraught with tension and conflict, evolves from enemies to reluctant allies as the spirit reveals a dark truth: they are bound together for all eternity unless he helps her reclaim her physical body hidden within the ruins. Amidst ancient riddles and hidden dangers, the lines between hate and desire blur, creating an intoxicating mix of sexual and romantic tension.
In this gripping tale of supernatural intrigue and forbidden desire, Law’s resolve and sanity are tested. Can he break the curse, or will they remain forever entwined in the shadows of the forgotten ruins, bound by a fate that draws them inexorably closer?
On with the show!!~
------------------Chapter 2: Temptation's Touch-----------------------
The following morning, the crew gathered in the mess hall, their concern for Law evident in their expressions. Dark circles under his eyes and the bandaged hand, courtesy of Chopper, spoke volumes about his restless night.
"Law, you barely slept last night," Luffy said, frowning. "And what happened to your hand?"
"It's nothing, Luffy. Just a minor mishap," Law replied, his voice betraying his fatigue.
Chopper, glancing up from his plate, added gently, "Be careful with that hand, Law. You don't want to reopen the wound."
Robin, ever observant, arched an eyebrow inquisitively. "Is everything alright, Law?" she inquired.
"I'm fine, Robin. Just a bit tired, that's all," Law murmured, though his hollow voice suggested otherwise.
Usopp spoke up from across the table. "Actually, Law, I felt like something was off last night too," he admitted, his eyes darting nervously around the room.
Law's gaze flickered to Usopp, a glimmer of relief mingling with the lingering unease. "You did?" he asked quietly.
Usopp nodded solemnly. "Yeah, it was like... like there was something watching us from the shadows."
The crew fell into a contemplative silence, pondering the implications of Usopp's revelation. Could it be that they were not alone in the ruins after all? Nami and Robin exchanged a worried glance, their concern evident in their furrowed brows. 
Nami broke the silence first. "Wait, Law," she interjected, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Shouldn't we consider the possibility that whatever happened last night might happen again? Maybe we should cancel today's expedition and regroup."
Robin nodded in agreement, her expression grave. "She's right, Law. We don't know what we're up against, and it's better to err on the side of caution," she added, her tone measured but firm.
Bepo, ever loyal, spoke up first. "We trust your judgment, Law. But perhaps it would be wise to heed Nami-san and Robin-san's advice." His gaze unwavering as he met Law's eyes. Shachi and Penguin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, boss. We don't want to take any unnecessary risks," Shachi added, his voice tinged with concern.
Law's jaw tightened as he weighed their words, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. On one hand, he was loath to admit defeat, to let fear dictate their actions. But on the other, he couldn't ignore the nagging sense of unease that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.
Finally, after a long moment of contemplation, Law nodded reluctantly, his decision made. "Alright, we'll cancel today's expedition," he conceded, his tone resigned but determined. "But we'll reconvene tomorrow, first thing in the morning."
Add with that, the crew dispersed, their hearts heavy with worry for their captain. Law, determined yet troubled, couldn't shake the feeling that the shadows of the ruins had followed him back to the submarine.
After breakfast, as Law began to walk back to his office, Luffy made his way through the Polar Tang’s narrow corridors, his usual carefree demeanor tempered by concern for his friend. Reaching Law’s study, he knocked gently on the door before poking his head inside.
“Law?” Luffy called softly, stepping into the room. The soft glow of lamplight cast flickering shadows across the walls, and the cluttered desk bore witness to Law's sleepless night.
Law looked up from the ancient text he was examining, his eyes tired but alert. “Luffy,” he acknowledged, his voice a mix of surprise and curiosity. “What brings you here?”
Luffy sauntered over, his straw hat tilted back slightly. “I wanted to check on you,” he said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. “You didn’t look so good this morning, and everyone’s worried about you.”
Law sighed, leaning back in his chair. “I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine. Just a bit tired,” he said, trying to downplay the exhaustion that weighed heavily on him.
Luffy frowned, clearly unconvinced. “You’re not just tired, Law. Something’s bothering you. You can talk to me, you know.”
Law hesitated, the memory of the haunting dream and the shattered glass still fresh in his mind. “It’s… complicated,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Last night, I saw something. Or rather, someone. A spirit, I think. She’s been haunting me since we entered the ruins.”
Luffy’s eyes widened, a mix of curiosity and concern. “A spirit? Like a ghost?”
“Yes,” Law confirmed. “She’s been appearing to me, whispering things, making me feel like I’m losing my mind. And I can’t get a clear look at her face. It’s like she’s always just out of reach.”
Luffy’s frown deepened. “That sounds really creepy, Law. Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
“I didn’t want to alarm anyone,” Law replied, rubbing his temples. “And I thought maybe it was just the stress and lack of sleep. But Usopp mentioned feeling something strange last night too.”
Luffy nodded, his expression thoughtful. “We need to figure this out together. No more keeping things to yourself, okay? We’re a team.”
Law managed a small smile, appreciating Luffy’s unwavering support. “Alright, Luffy. I’ll keep you in the loop from now on.”
Satisfied, Luffy grinned and gave Law a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Good. Now, get some rest. We need you at your best if we’re going to solve this mystery.” Luffy turned to leave before stopping at the door, his brightened with an idea.
“Hey, maybe we should ask Brook about this! He knows all about spirits and stuff. I’ll go find him!” He flashed Law a reassuring grin before running out, his flip-flops slapping harshly against the floor. The sound echoed down the hallway, gradually fading away.
Once alone, Law closed his amber eyes and rubbed his temples, attempting to ease the pounding headache. Just as he began to relax, a soft, mocking voice interrupted the silence.
“So, you’re going to tell everyone about me? How cute!~”
His eyes snapped open, scanning the room, but he saw no one. The same strange feeling washed over him, a cold tingling sensation prickling the back of his neck. “Who’s there?” he demanded, his voice steady but edged with tension.
No response.
Law’s gaze swept across the room, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts, and closed his eyes once more. The soft giggling that followed sent a shiver down his spine. It seemed to come from right in front of him.
Without hesitation, Law activated his powers. A transparent barrier materialized around him, designed to trap the owner of the voice inside. As the barrier solidified, he opened his eyes and was met with the sight of the woman from his dreams.
She floated before him, her form shimmering slightly. Her eyes were a deep, entrancing purple, and her hair flowed like a silken cascade around her face. She wore a white dress that seemed to be made of light, moving as though it had a life of its own. Her features were delicate yet haunting, with an air of otherworldly beauty.
“You’re persistent, aren’t you?” she said, her voice a blend of amusement and admiration. Her gaze locked onto his, a mix of challenge and intrigue dancing in her eyes.
Law held her gaze, his mind racing. “Who are you?” he demanded.
“And what do you want from me?”
She tilted her head slightly, a small, enigmatic smile playing on her lips. “I am someone who has been waiting a very long time for someone like you. You have something I need, and we are bound together until you help me reclaim what was lost.”
Law’s eyes narrowed, suspicion and curiosity warring within him.
“Bound together? How?”
The woman floated closer, the air around her growing colder. “You will find out soon enough. But for now, remember this: we are tied by fate, and only by working together can we both find what we seek.”
As she spoke, Law couldn’t help but feel a pull toward her, a magnetic force that both intrigued and unsettled him. He knew that this encounter would test him in ways he had never imagined.
With a lingering look, the woman began to fade, her form dissolving into the air. “Did you miss me, Law?” she whispered, her voice echoing softly in the now-empty room.
Law stood there, his mind reeling from the encounter. The mystery of the ruins had just become infinitely more complicated. Giggling could be heard behind him and he turned in its direction.
She had reappeared near his bookshelf, and as her fingers ghosted over the spines. "Have you read all of them?" she asked, giving a slight head tilt, her voice gentle and lingering.
Law's initial shock quickly gave way to anger, his voice growing cold and sharp. “Why are you here?” he demanded, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with the spirit.
Law's shock was palpable as the woman smiled at him, her form shimmering slightly as she phased out of the barrier effortlessly. His eyes widened in disbelief, the normally composed and calculating surgeon caught completely off guard.
He had meticulously created the barrier, ensuring that it was impenetrable. Yet, here she was, slipping through it as if it were made of air.
"What... how?" he stammered, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and frustration. His mind raced to understand what he had just witnessed, to find some logical explanation for the impossible sight before him.
The woman, still wearing that enigmatic smile, tilted her head slightly, her eyes glowing with an eerie purple light. "They won’t believe you, ya know?" she said softly, her voice echoing through the chamber like a haunting melody. "No one else can see me."
Her words sent a shiver down Law's spine, the implications sinking in like a cold blade. His crew, his allies—none of them would understand, let alone believe, what he had seen. The realization left him feeling isolated, the weight of the mystery pressing heavily on his shoulders.
He took a step back, his mind working furiously to piece together the puzzle. "Who... what are you?" he demanded, his voice regaining some of its usual authority despite the lingering shock.
The woman only smiled wider, her form beginning to fade into the shadows. "You'll find out soon enough," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But for now, remember: you're not alone, even when you think you are."
Law’s jaw clenched, his frustration mounting. “Oh, so you just want to torment me?”
She giggled, the sound both light and mocking, as she floated closer to the barrier again. “More like your own personal...” She paused, her eyes glinting with mischief as she slowly scanned the room.
“Companion,” she finished, her voice dripping with a mix of seduction and playfulness.
Law's anger simmered beneath the surface, his gaze hardening. His office, a space usually dedicated to logical thought and meticulous research, was now invaded by her presence. Her eyes roamed over the various artifacts and texts scattered around, a blend of curiosity and amusement in her expression.
"Why me?" Law thought, his inner turmoil evident. "What could you possibly want from me?"
She tilted her head, her lips curling into a knowing smile as if she had heard his thoughts. “Because you’re interesting, Law. Strong, intelligent, and... so very, very alone .”
Law’s eyes narrowed, his mind racing. "You’re toying with me," he thought, the realization igniting a fierce determination within him. "I won't let you get to me."
The spirit drifted closer, her presence cold and unsettling. She leaned in, her voice a sultry whisper. “You can’t hide your thoughts from me. I know you’re intrigued, even if you won’t admit it.”
Law’s heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anger and something he couldn’t quite name. He tried to maintain his composure, but her proximity made it difficult. Her presence was invasive, yet oddly compelling.
“You think you can taunt me?” Law spat, his voice steady despite the chaos inside him. “You’re just a ghost. A nuisance.”
Her laughter filled the room, light and melodic, yet laced with a sinister edge. “A nuisance, am I? Or perhaps something more?” She floated around his desk, her fingers trailing over the surface, papers being knocked over.
“I could be anything you need, Law. A guide, a helper... even a lover.”
Law’s breath caught in his throat at her last word, his mind reeling. "Fucking manipulating me," he thought, a mix of anger and fascination swirling within him. "Trying to get under my skin."
She stopped in front of him, her purple eyes locking onto his with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. “You can’t deny the connection between us,” she said softly, her voice almost tender. “We are bound together, and the sooner you accept it, the easier this will be.”
Law took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “What do you want?” he asked again, his voice low but firm.
Her smile widened, a mix of satisfaction and something darker. “I want you to help me with a little something,” she replied, her voice a soft, persuasive whisper. “And in return, I could possibly help you with whatever you seek in those ruins.”
Law's mind raced, the logical part of him battling the growing sense of intrigue. "This is madness," he said, but he couldn't deny the pull he felt toward her, the strange, inexplicable connection.
The spirit leaned in closer, her breath cold against his skin. “So is life. Think about it, Law. Together, we could uncover secrets beyond your wildest dreams.” 
“All you have to do is trust me.”
As she floated back, her form beginning to fade, Law knew he was at a crossroads. The logical part of his mind screamed to resist, but the lure of the unknown, the promise of answers, was too tempting to ignore.
With a final, lingering glance, the spirit disappeared, leaving Law alone in his study, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The mystery of the ruins had just taken a turn he never could have anticipated, and he knew that his journey was far from over.
Law jerked awake, his heart pounding in his chest as he spun around to confront the source of the voice. He hadn't even realized he'd fallen asleep standing. His hand swiped at the air, but there was nothing there except the lingering echo of her laughter.
"Ah, ah, ah,~" the voice teased. "I thought you learned last night, you can’t touch me." Her giggles danced around the room like a mischievous melody.
Law's heart raced as he spun around, trying to catch her.
She appeared behind him, perched on his desk with a smug smile playing on her lips. Now her form was almost solid, her presence both chilling and alluring. As she leaned in, Law could feel the icy caress of her nails trailing up his spine through his jacket, sending volts of electricity through him.
“But I can touch you.~”
He gasped at the sharpness before turning around. 
Finally pinning his glare on her, he saw her smirk. "Hi~" she teased, her voice a seductive purr that would have been cute under different circumstances. She lifted her left hand to allow her fingers to gesture in a small wave.
"What do you fucking want?" Law growled.
She laughed softly, the sound a dangerous symphony. "So tense, Law. I want what we talked about. Help me, and I'll help you with your little ruins."
That stirred something primal within him. 
"I want what we talked about. Help me, and I'll help you with your little ruins."
Law's jaw clenched as he considered her words, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. "And if I refuse?" he demanded, his voice a low growl.
Her smile stretched wider, a sinister curve that sent a chill down his spine. Her lips were a captivating sight, possessing an otherworldly allure.
Their plushness, reminiscent of the soft petals of a rose, formed a perfect pout that seemed almost too exquisite to be real. Bathed in a luscious hue of crimson, they exuded an intoxicating allure, drawing him in with their tantalizing beauty. 
But as her smile widened, revealing the faintest hint of those hidden canines, the illusion shattered, and he was confronted with the unsettling juxtaposition of beauty and menace. 
"Then I'll simply have to linger, won't I? But deep down, you don't want me to depart, do you?" 
Her gaze bore into him, filled with a deceptive light that felt unsettlingly artificial. Doubts crept into his mind—is this reality, or had he already succumbed to madness, leaving only the haunting aftermath of his fractured psyche?
"The big bad captain, always sooo lonely, aren't you?" Her voice was a sultry whisper, dripping with temptation as she leaned in closer, just an arm's length away. "I could fix that," she murmured, her words laced with a promise of something darker, something irresistible.
"Shut up," Law rasped, his voice strained as he struggled to catch his breath. The room seemed to close in around him, the once steady glow of the lights now flickering erratically, casting unsettling shadows that danced across the walls. 
His vision blurred, spots swirling before his eyes like ominous specters taunting him with their presence. Each breath felt like a battle, the air thick and suffocating as he fought to remain conscious, to cling to the fragile thread of reality slipping through his fingers.
Her gown boasted a daringly low-cut neckline, leaving her shoulders and décolletage bare to the eye. The fabric clung to her curves like a second skin, accentuating every graceful contour of her form. As she leaned closer, the tantalizing glimpse of her exposed skin ignited a primal desire within him.
The feral part of his brain, usually dormant and disciplined, stirred to life at the sight. It yearned to seize her, to pin her against the desk and claim her with a ferocious intensity. His lips tingled with the urge to both bite and kiss, to leave his mark upon her skin as a testament to his possession. 
The dichotomy between his civilized facade and the savage instincts clawing at the surface created a tension that pulsed through his veins, urging him to succumb to the raw, untamed passion coursing through him.
“Admit it."
Law's mind was a battlefield of logic and emotion. He couldn't deny the strange pull he felt toward her, the way her presence affected him so profoundly. But he also knew he couldn’t let her win so easily. Both alluring and yet so infuriating.
"Go." he said finally, his voice steely. “I'll find a way to get rid of you."
She floated back, her eyes gleaming with triumph. "Oh, Law, I wouldn't dream of it. So for now, let's just enjoy each other's company."
As she faded into the shadows, Law knew his personal hell was only beginning. Crouched in the middle of the floor, he tried desperately to steady his breathing and calm his racing heart. The spirit had just disappeared, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the chill of her presence still lingering in the air.
With a quick motion, Law dropped the barrier, the protective field dissolving around him. He ran a hand through his hair, the tremor in his fingers betraying the turmoil inside him. His mind raced with questions, the woman's words echoing in his ears.
Suddenly, the door to his study burst open, and Luffy, Brook, and Zoro came rushing in. Luffy's wide eyes scanned the room as he bounded over to Law.
"Law! Who were you talking to?" Luffy asked, his voice filled with curiosity and concern.
Brook's skeletal frame clattered as he moved closer. "Yohoho! You look like you saw a ghost, Law-san!"
Zoro, ever the skeptic, crossed his arms and gave Law a measured look. "What's going on, Law? We heard voices."
Law took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain. "I... I saw her again. The spirit. She was here, talking to me."
Luffy's eyes widened even further. "A spirit? Really? What did she say?"
Law rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on him. "She said that no one else can see her. That we’re bound together unless I help her with something." Brook's bony jaw dropped in surprise. "A spirit bound to you? That sounds like quite the predicament, yohoho!"
Zoro raised an eyebrow. "And you believe her?" Law's gaze hardened. "I don't know what to believe. But she... she felt real. Cold, like ice. And she said she could read my thoughts."
Luffy frowned, his usual cheerfulness dampened by concern. "What do we do, then? Do we still go to the ruins?"
Law shook his head. "Not today. I need to figure this out first. But we can’t ignore it either. There’s something in those ruins that connects to her." Brook nodded, his eyes hollow but understanding. "We’ll help you, Law-san. Spirits can be tricky, but we’ll figure it out together."
Zoro uncrossed his arms, a look of determination crossing his face. "Yeah, we’ve faced weirder things. We’ll handle this." Luffy grinned, his usual optimism returning. "We'll get to the bottom of this, Law. Don’t worry!"
Law felt a small sense of relief at their support. "Thanks, guys. Just... keep an eye out. If you notice anything strange, let me know immediately."
As tension thickened in the air, Luffy's usually carefree demeanor shifted into a concerned frown. He turned to Brook, his brows furrowing. "Brook, do you have any idea what's happening?"
Brook's bony features twisted in uncertainty, his eye sockets widening slightly. "I'm afraid not, Luffy. This is quite beyond my expertise." Zoro stepped forward, his stance determined. "I'll contact Perona. She might have some insight into this."
Law hesitated, a flicker of concern shadowing his features. "I'm not sure, Zoro. Let's hold off on bringing anyone else into this unless it's absolutely necessary." Zoro nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Understood. But if things escalate, we may not have a choice."
Amidst the uncertainty, Bepo and Franky burst into the room, their expressions grim with urgency. "Law, something's sapping the power from the sub," Franky announced, his voice tense. "We'll have to initiate an emergency break using what's left of the power!"
Law's frustration boiled to the surface, his curse sharp with frustration. "Damn it! Alright, let's make it happen."
Luffy, always quick to offer a solution, interjected with optimism. "I can stretch us to safety near the ruins. We'll find a way to make it work!" As Law weighed Luffy's suggestion, his gaze flicked to the sea water coating the sub's exterior. "Luffy, I can't. You'd have to touch the sea water, and that's too risky."
Luffy's brows furrowed in thought before his face lit up with a new idea. "I'll ask Robin! The top of the sub should be dry. Let's go!"
With a newfound sense of purpose, the crew hurried to find Robin, knowing that her abilities might offer a solution to their predicament. As they approached her, Zoro kept a watchful eye on Law, noticing the strain etched on his features.
"Law, you look like you're about to kill over," Zoro remarked, his concern evident. "You should go see Chopper."
Law shook his head, his exhaustion evident in the sag of his shoulders. "I'm fine, Zoro. I just need to—"
Before Law could finish his sentence, Brook interjected with a suggestion of his own. "Why don't you get some rest on our ship, Law? You'll recharge faster if you're with the rest of the crew."
Reluctantly, Law conceded, realizing that his body was reaching its limits. As he made his way to the crew quarters, he caught a glimpse of you, smiling and waving from the dark corner of the navigation room. A sense of comfort washed over him before darkness enveloped his vision, and he succumbed to the embrace of sleep.
Part 1 Here.
Shout out to @mororona for being one of my biggest supports!
Also posted on the ao3 account.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
My DM's and requests are open!
I promise I bite,~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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latinokokonoi · 27 days
ikkaku and the others are so much better than me because i would be like this towards law if i was in the polar tang with him
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Hey i saw your post about wanting to do some law fics and i had an idea how about a law x fem or gn reader that is a excellent sworddswomen and can take out someone even with their sheth still on! ( like kagra from fairy tail the anime) but the catch is that when not fight shes super awkward and shy and flustered with him (because he saved her and she attracted to him and his character)Also could the fic being about their first meeting like asking her to join his crew and after time becoming a thing and going to dressrosa together, it could start with law telling the straw hats how they met
(Sorry i know thats a lot but i’ve had this idea for while now and would really appreciate it you can do it but its too much please let me know i dont want pressure you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
Hi!!! Thank you so much for requesting. I'm super nervous to write about Law, but this is a really nice prompt to use. Plus, I'm so stoked that you referenced Kagura! I love Fairy Tail; that was the first fandom I wrote about when I was younger lol. I'm going to try to incorporate everything you wrote. I hope you enjoy it~
She's Just Shy, ok...- Law x F!Reader
CW: Fluff, canon au, nongraphic action, awkward reader (mood)
In hindsight, Law should have realized he wasn't lucky enough to have a normal person on his crew...but she was special to say the least...not that he would say it.
Law was trying his hardest to not break his mug as he watched you going at it with the Strawhat's swordsman. It was his fault though. He had been too deep into his studies and planning, so after continuously rejecting Zoro for a sparring match, it made sense that he would go after you. You were more of a challenge really. Law flexed that strength of his sword at any hint of danger, but you, oh, you weren't bothered by any threats at all. Few could tell the story of seeing your blade at all. A swordman's that used only her sheath, yeah Zoro would be all over that.
Law nearly jumped out his skin when Luffy appeared hanging upside down from a rail. He grumbled into his mug. "What!"
He only laughed. "Y/n is so cool~ I bet Zoro is happy to have a strong person to fight with." he grinned. Law only grunted. "Hmm, maybe she could join my crew. OI! Zoro! Ask Y/n to-," Luffy groaned after being hit upside his head. "Nami! What was that for?"
The navigator rolled her eyes. "You can't go trying to steal people's crew members. What if someone tried to recruit Zoro?"
Luffy understood her point but still whined. "But she's so strong~ Zoro would like it!"
"She's not a pet!" Law argued back.
Luffy laughed. "Ooo, what about a competition! Y/N, would you join my crew if I beat Toroa at a game?"
You skidded across the floor and smiled at the goofy captain. "Sorry Lu-chan, I can't leave my captain yet." she beamed even as she blocked an attack from Zoro without looking. "I owe him too much." she grinned before turning her attention back to her opponent while Sanji threatened to starve Zoro if he so much as got a cut on your skin.
Luffy pouted. "Boo, I want her..."
"Be nice captain." Robin lightly chided. She turned to the doctor. "I am curious though. How did you two meet, Tra-guy?"
Your ears picked up the question. "Cap-captain, no! Don't tell them!" you nervously stammered and waved your hands.
Zoro raised a brow. "Why not? Couldn't be that bad." he grabbed a towel and tossed it to you. You wiped your face, neck, and bosom. He gulped down some water.
Seeing that your attention was back on him, Law relaxed a little. "It's nothing dramatic." he grumbled. "More embarrassing for me really..." he muttered.
"Huh???" everyone asked. For the doctor to admit that and not hold back was certainly something.
Law reclined back and spread his arms out. "I needed some assistance..."
You were finally able to relax and enjoy the warm weather after spending the morning training. Sitting and meditating was a great way for you to recenter before continuing about your day. You found a nice tree and were wrapping up when a heard some loud commotion nearby.
You opened your eyes to see a group of shady-looking men running away. A few moments later, an anxious looking polar bear was running around searching while tears seemed to be flowing from his eyes. You cocked your head to the side curiously. The polar bear cried out. "Captain is going to kill me!!!"
His uniform seemed to be unique enough from the townspeople, but not quite individualistic. You stood up and stretched. You weren't sure what to do about what you saw and decided to head back to your solitary home in the woods.
You left the busier town and continued walking casually in the woods. You knew this path well seeing as this was your childhood area filled with palm trees and secret waterfalls. You neared the summit of a hill and tensed as you felt an odd, distinct air. You dodged a knife thrown at your head and rested your hand on your sword.
A few of those men from before jumped out of the bushes. "Hehe, seems the rumors were true. What is a woman like you doing with that on your hip?"
"Looks expensive too." another added.
You met their greedy gaze with little interest. So they're robbers. You took a couple steps forward dismissively before they jumped to attack. You quickly reacted and swung your body around to dodge. You shifted on one foot before swinging the other to land in one guy's face. It would have been an easy conflict except more men appeared.
You grumbled before tying up your hair and pulling your sword from your waist.
"You got some moves, missy. But now we really know you don't need that sword. Those work better when they're out of their sheaths." he commented rudely.
You took an offensive stance and dashed to quickly to slice the shocked robbers. It only took a couple slashes or two before each man fell to the ground with serious wounds. You rolled your shoulders before sighing. You just saw them not so long ago, so their stolen goods were probably still on them. You peaked in a couple bushes before pulling out a long sword. It was heavy in your hand. You wondered how hard it would be to find its owner. Oh maybe, that polar bear would know. You continued to admire the blade when you felt the air shift once more. You turned around to see a man bring up a large hammer to swing at you. You tensed to move, but-
An odd light feeling surrounded you for a second before you were in the grasp of a stranger. You looked up confusingly as someone could just hold you with one arm then watched as the man froze. "You're- you're-, you're the Surgeon of Death!" the man only tch-ed at the accusation before rotating his hands and muttered. "Shambles."
You watched in shocked as the various men's body parts were dismembered before shuffling around and mixing with each other. Most of them were still knocked out though and wouldn't realize the uncanny circumstance until they woke up.
The man gently placed you down and you clenched onto the sword while bowing. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I should have totally seen that coming. How embarrassing!" the words blurted from your mouth.
The man's gold eyes looked at you with uncertainty. "Don't mention it..." he paused before reaching his hand out, "my sword, please."
You looked at his hand then clenched tighter on the sword. "Oh, huh, is this your sword?" you laughed awkwardly. "Oh jeez, heh, sorry here-,"
"Captain!!!" a high-pitched voice echoed up the hill before the polar bear from before appeared with tears still flowing.
You brightened! "Oh bear-chan!"
The bear stopped and looked at you. He immediately took a defensive karate pose in front of the man. "Did you take my captain's sword! You- you-, woman! I'll"
"Bepo," the man interjected annoyed. "This woman just defeated these robbers. Show her a little respect." The other immediately dropped his pose before bowing.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Thank you for recovering, Kikuko!"
You scratched your cheek awkwardly and waved your hand. "Ah no problem at all. He saved my life!" you then turned and finally handed back the sword. "Thank you, again." you bowed. You straightened up. "I'm y/n."
The man seemed to relax more with the sword at his side finally. "Trafalgar Law. I'm sorry if we caused you trouble." he looked at his subordinate. "My sword was taken away while he was on watch."
"I'm sorry, Captain."
"Tch, this is why I don't take naps..." Law muttered. "We'll leave now. I don't want to bother you more."
"Wait!" you called out. "I have to repay you! That guy nearly took off your head."
Law shook his head. "If anything, we're even. I saw how you fought; you would have been fine."
Your face warmed at the compliment. "No, I insist!" Law seemed to see your stubbornness despite the flustered appearance.
Law should have known better than to get his hopes up at your seemingly normal appearance. After meeting you a couple times while at your island, you proved to have a formidable reputation that had the Marines constantly trying to recruit you though you continued to reject them. As you two got along, you were amazed by Law and his crew's tales of travels and adventure. You recalled all the commotion that happened when the Worst Generation was at Sabody as well as the Marineford War. You never planned on being a pirate necessarily, but you had your own goals that meant you needed to leave home.
Law didn't know why you were so nervous to speak to him all the time, so he was shocked when you were able to as him to join his crew without a stutter. He wasn't sure what to think. You were strong and smart. And as much as he thought that another mouth to feed would be a bother, he couldn't deny that you would be a good addition. He'd hope that you at least learn to hold a conversation with him without playing with your hands.
"Law!!! You're so mean!" you wailed as you pushed your chest against the back of his head. He immediately blushed and tried to push you off. "I'm so embarrassed!" you clung onto him.
"Oh my god, I don't know why!" Law argued. You continued to fuss and Law shyly babied you in his arms.
The Strawhats were shocked by the softer scene in front of them. "He's surprisingly soft..." Robin noted.
Luffy groaned. "Oh boo, Tra is so lucky. No way she'll join us now." For some reason, he understood now.
*sprinkles in some slight jealousy because we like that here.* Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it @dancingnewcat Please let me know how it is. I'm so happy to finally get a request~
Until next time~
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cardiacass · 8 months
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Getting real sick of your tsundere shtick here man like u just started living for yourself maybe learn to party?
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Look at him struggle.
Anw imagine him just learning to let go of the constant need for control. Like the Strawhats kinda bullied him into that already but it would be so funny seeing it reflected when he’s with the hearts. Bonus headcanon being: all of his crew are older than him (minus Bepo), and are basically waiting for the prime opportunity to mother him.
Law asking Penguin Bepo and Sachi to look after the crew during wano celebrations. Law seeing it as a logical step because he’s still recovering from the battle, he can’t keep an eye out for everyone. Them taking it as an absolute sign of trust because it means Law might actually get drunk and let himself go (in the presence of everyone else) for once.
Jean Bart, once a Captain himself, egging Law on to make a celebratory speech. Like yknow, they really made it this far and everyones alive (especially post-dressrosa-suicide-mission Law). Law not knowing how to express verbal gratitude in any degree and becoming wild eyed and flustered, looking back at Jean Bart for…direction? Assistance? He suddenly looks 16 again.
Ikkaku finally finally challenging her younger brother to a drinking match- Law abiding partly because of guilt (they almost lost him forever) and partly because he really needs some alcohol in his system. She lets him win, and gets rewarded with a rare cheeky smile.
Cilone and Hakugan start a game of poker with the other crews. Law coming in to scold them about “being too chummy with the enemies” but getting roped in anyway. He ends up losing and gives away one of his rare commemorative coins. (Its worth a lot if you find the right collectors! He swears!) Cue sulky drunk Law. Cilone drags him away to grab some water which Law stubbornly rejects in a fit of “Imnotdrunk’nstopbabyingme…” Cilone spikes his next drink with water.
Drunk Law being more affectionate + irresponsible with his powers. Queue Law teleporting alcohol away from crew he thinks are “getting in over their heads”. Uni becomes a victim and tries to manhandle the drink back. After an entanglement of limbs and Uni yelling “you have no right to take that from me! We almost lost you again!” a flustered Law hands him back his drink while mumbling “M sorry…I..” and letting Uni hug him.
Penguin finding them and laughing at an exasperated Law. Penguin joining the hug because when else can he be stupidly affectionate with him? Law squacks in protest but doesn’t move away.
Sachi finding them and going “heyyyyy no fair!!” and trying to join. Law becoming overstimulated and teleporting away. He finds Bepo, of course, and starts pouring his heart out. How he feels undeserving of all this, how he doesn’t know how to repay them, how he wishes he can tell them how much he loves them in kind. Bepo lets him ramble while steadying him with a soft but sturdy hug. He lets Law even out his breathing and tells him “I don’t think love can be traded like money captain, we just love you a lot?”
Law hears echos of Sengoku’s words and starts sniffling into the bears fur. Sachi eventually finds them to get his fair share of celebratory cuddling. In the comfort of his closest crew, Law finally cries.
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defygodbegay · 1 year
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artistsfuneral · 1 year
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