#the lily maid
lepetitdragonvert · 15 days
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Tales from Tennyson told by Nora Chesson
Source : archive.org
Artist : Frances Brundage
The Lily Maid
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gogandmagog · 11 months
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Recently came across an illustrated version of ‘Anne of Green Gables’ at a used book store, and LET ME TELL YOU WHAT, my heart was bursting with the gorgeousness (feels very nuanced, everyone is so perfect, and Gilbert even looks the two-and-a-half-ish years older he is meant to be) of it all. When I checked the back of the book, it bore only more good news… seems that the same publisher also produced an illustrated ‘Anne of Avonlea’ and ‘Anne of the Island,’ so I’ll very simply be hyper-fixated on tracking those down until I’m met with success tbh. 🥺
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saintmichale · 2 years
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The Lily Maid
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maidoftheday · 5 months
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Lily from Houkai Gakuen
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illustratus · 1 month
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Elaine, the Lily Maid of Astolat by Sophie Gengembre Anderson
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ladyinsertnamehere · 2 months
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I finished this and now I don’t know why I was so keen to make it
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A fascinating place with fascinating Cookies! ... But when will we meet the Ruler?
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The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) dir. Michael Curtiz
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the jewelry Athy stole likely belonged to the murdered concubines of the Ruby Palace and not once Athy feels bad about stealing from the dead
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freckled-lili · 1 year
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Ah, yes. These are truly the expressions of a man slowly becoming enraged.
I mean, c'mon Cybird. We know you have actual angry Clavis sprites. Why didn't you just use one of them for the very last frame at least???
(Took these during the His Loyal Maid event back in November 2022, but just ... forgot to share, lol.)
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touhoutunes · 6 months
Title: ネガポジ (Nega-Posi)
Arrangement: kaztora
Vocals: lily-an
Album: ポーカーフェイサー
Circle: Liz Triangle
Original: The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood, Flowering Night
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tavtiers · 4 months
can i get a shipping asesthetic for Tiger Lily x Lampwick featuring their maid of breath and bard of breath classpects ?
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the Maid of Breath: one who actively assists freedom & the Bard of Breath: one who passively destroys freedom
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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sirenjose · 10 months
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Theory: Lily's Maid = Martha = Alice's Colleague?
(Crack theory, not really serious. Just a silly thought)
What if the lady helping Lily (maid?) against Lily’s alcoholic father is Martha (Coordinator)?
Or even, what if: Lily’s maid = Alice’s Colleague = Martha?
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Originally, I wrote this theory out as what if Lily’s mom could be Martha, but I had a few other ideas part way through that made me switch to wondering about the other lady we see in Lily’s trailer.
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Martha’s mother wanted her to be the “perfect wife”, a “house angel”, lady-like
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Everyone in Lily’s household looks well off and nice enough clothing. Considering how well off this family is, and the tasks she had, it’d fit with Martha having “beautiful script” in the past based on her 2nd letter.
And if she is a “maid”, she is helping take care of their house (manor) and having to act lady-like (and respectful and such).
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Martha says in her 3rd deduction that she had to “organize, appoint, teach the maids and arrange all financial expenses wisely” + Margaretha Hari’s profession was stated to be a “teacher”.
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Lily’s family did have maids (that could be “organize[d], appoint[ed], and [taught]”.
We know Lily’s father was “unappreciated and unloved”, but he did have enough wealth to give Lily a “carefree childhood”, just not as much wealth and some others, so having to be “wise” with it to an extent makes sense (Lily was said to have been “pampered” by her family, so he was just more free with it for her, before the accident).
He’d have to use some of his wealth to start his “Barriere Family Sports Show”. And we know he had financial issues after Simon’s accident.
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Martha had good horsemanship skills + joined the cavalry
Lily’s father started his “Barriere Family Sports Show” at the Kreiburg Racecourse, with Simon being a jockey. Not to mention Lily’s parents and Simon were said to be passionate about sports, most notably horse racing.
Theory: Maybe Martha wished she could’ve been a jockey too but wasn’t allowed to due to the expectations placed on her.
Henry was Martha’s fiancé, but her primary interest in him was because he was a pilot
Based on Martha’s appearance and stated age (whether or not its completely true is unknown), as well as Henry only being Martha’s “fiancé”, it doesn’t fit as well if Martha was Lily’s mom and married with 2 kids. But a maid, in comparison, could fit.
Theory: Maybe to parallel Martha’s 7th deduction (Martha liked Henry mainly because he was a pilot), Martha was in love with Simon (or at least pretended to be) due to him being a jockey (and this was her way of getting closer to what she actually wanted to be). Maybe he at least talked to her about it (being a jockey).
Theory: if Martha did care about Simon at all (or at least as part of her act), maybe that’s why she’d stay and help Lily when her father becomes violent and alcoholic? As we know Lily frequently visits Simon to cheer him up.
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Martha still unable to become an actual pilot
Theory: Martha still not an actual jockey
Theory: What if Martha did somehow get a job helping at the racecourse? At least the day the Barriere Family Sports Show opened? It just wasn’t as a jockey. If Lily’s father organized it, it’s possible Martha could ask him to have some part in it, just not the job she wants.
Theory: Martha’s 10th deduction mentions a “worker with their head in the clouds”. Maybe if she did get a job, but not the one she wanted, she did have her “head in the clouds” that day. And maybe somehow because of that, either the accident was able to happen, or she was unable to help Simon?
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Henry gets into an accident
Simon’s accident during the sports show
Theory: Henry is never explicitly stated to have died due to his accident. Simon didn’t die due to his either, he was just very seriously injured.
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Martha wants to end a particular “business” and guarantee her own safety. She is also aware of the DeRoss family tragedy at Oletus Manor and mentions not wanting to “trouble that gentleman”
Theory: Maybe the business she wants to “end”/leave is her working for the Barriere family, especially after Lily’s father becomes an alcoholic and dies, with Lily and Simon dealing with financial issues. Maybe that “gentleman” is either Lily’s father or Lily’s grandfather aka Count Barriere. Count Barriere and Dennis DeRoss apparently knew each other to some degree, so that could be how Martha might be aware of the DeRoss tragedy.
She’d also know Baron DeRoss due to Lily’s Lending Certificate, as Lily is now who Baron DeRoss owes money to (due to debt from purchasing Oletus Manor most likely).
Maybe for some reason Martha needs to get away from Count Barriere (maybe she found something out or did something?). Considering how powerful Count Barriere is implied to be, that could explain why she needs a whole new identity and her safety guaranteed.
Maybe she’s talking to Baron DeRoss pretending to want to get away when actually she wants to help Lily ensure she gets Baron DeRoss to pay his debt?
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Martha’s 4th Letter?
In this letter, Martha appears to be a “Captain” (if Michiko’s 4th letter, she’s referenced as an “Officer”), on a mission, and potentially tied to intelligence gathering (and spying, based on the morse code, fake names, various train tickets, the bit with the tobacco being poured out purposefully to replace with a chemical smell). As a “maid” (compared to having to marry to Lily’s father, which would require much more time and much less freedom), she easily could’ve gotten the job with a fake name and everything, potentially for the purpose of her intelligence gathering or whatever her mission is, which maybe could be why she needed to get close to people like Lily and her family (including Simon and/or Lily’s father).
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“Or is she just like that alcoholic of a woman?”
Lily’s father was an alcoholic. Maybe he drank dovlin, so maybe Martha could’ve met or at least learned about Demi that way (and maybe this could be why she refers to Demi that way? After her experience with Lily’s father?)
Server (Maid Martha) vs Maid Martha…?
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End Note: It could be that Alice’s colleague is someone else, that the maid in Lily’s trailer is no one important, or even that Lily’s mom could be the colleague and just that the colleague isn’t also Martha. I’m also aware that Martha’s deduction could all be entirely fake/lies. As I said, this is just a silly thought that I’m unsure could be true at all but felt like sharing anyways just for fun.
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maidoftheday · 5 months
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Today's Maid of the Day: Lily from Yuusha, Yamemasu
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lilystargazerwhite · 7 months
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My cirno day drawing 2021 vs 2023
I did the 2023 one last minute ha…
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blleackki · 9 months
Jeanne d'Arc
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