#the sacrifice
celine-song · 9 months
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It seems to make me return to the place, poignantly dear to my heart, where my grandfather's house used to be in which I was born 40 years ago right on the dinner table. Each time I try to enter it, something prevents me from doing that. I see this dream again and again. And when I see those walls made of logs and the dark entrance, even in my dream I become aware that I'm only dreaming it. And the overwhelming joy is clouded by anticipation of awakening. At times something happens and I stop dreaming of the house and the pine trees of my childhood around it. Then I get depressed. And I can't wait to see this dream in which I'l be a child again and feel happy again because everything will still be ahead, everything will be possible…
Solaris (1972) / Mirror (1975) / Nostalgia (1983) / The Sacrifice (1986) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
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metaphore--s · 2 months
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The Sacrifice 1986
Andrei Tarkovsky
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dailyworldcinema · 2 years
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The Sacrifice (1986) dir. Andrei Tarkovsky
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katharinehepburngf · 11 months
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Japanese poster designs for films: THE SACRIFICE (1986, dir. Andrei Tarkovsky), WORLD ON A WIRE (1973, dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder), NAKED LUNCH (1991, dir. David Cronenberg), LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD (1961, dir. Alain Resnais), HIROSHIMA MON AMOUR (1959, dir, Alain Resnais), FACES PLACES (2017, dir. Agnès Varda, JR), FANTASTIC PLANET (1971, dir. René Laloux) and LOST LOVERS (1971, dir. Sôichirô Tahara, Kunio Shimizu).
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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Félicien Rops - Les Sataniques: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice), c. 1882.
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Some books by Asian authors to read this may!
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Edit: thank you @linkedsoul for letting me know that I misused the term AAPI in the original post. I’m very sorry about that, and have changed the title to accurately reflect what this list is.
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warframestuff · 2 months
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"Howl all you want, it won't bring him back." "Lua brings you strength, Umbra--" "--But you cannot defy your creator."  "Even I make mistakes. Like you."
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dualdeixis · 2 months
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[Image description: Digital drawings of two original characters in black and white. The Ferrier wears a black, wide-brimmed hat; a shirt with puffy sleeves and an embroidered collar, cuffs, and hem; a vest with geometric patterns; a black, sleeveless overcoat with two lighter stripes near the hem; loose pants; and black sandals. They appear to have short, messy black hair, and their hat casts a shadow over their eyes.
The Sacrifice's clothes are almost entirely white and intricately embroidered. They wear a loose, long-sleeved shirt; a cropped and wide-collared vest which is buttoned together; dimije (voluminous pants which are gathered at the ankle); a cap with coins sewn into the sides; a very long veil which ends in tassels and is pinned to the cap; a necklace of coins; a belt of large metallic roundels; and black shoes. They have long, curly black hair and several moles on their face.
In the first drawing, the Ferrier stands while wringing their hands with an extremely flat expression. The Sacrifice stands behind them and carries a bag, looking off to the side with a small smile.
Next is a comic featuring the two of them, with all of the speech bubbles being cut out from Discord screenshots. There are full descriptions of all of the pages under the cut. End image description.]
first drawing based on this painting of a peasant and nun going to the market by amedeo preziosi; comic based on a convo between me and @wildcatfourteen that reads uncannily like our ocs LOL. happy birthday my friend <33
[Image description: Page one. The Ferrier has a small smirk as they point to an image which reads, "some of y'all would melt down in this situation. ONE HAS GOT TO GO: THE EYE, THE FORMLESS, THE ECSTATIC, THE SUN, THE WOUND, THE EGG." The Sacrifice replies with a carefree smile, "how can you choose ?? are they not all as g_d ordained ??" The next panel shows that the two are sitting on opposite sides of a rowboat, which is stopped at the bank of a river going through a forest. The Sacrifice says, "i mean i guess if youre talking like which motifs i personally like to use in my hymns … i dont do much with the egg so that one" The Ferrier frowns and says, "I don't know if I can forgive u for saying that. Egg… U GET RID OF EGG?" The Sacrifice: "WHICH ONE WOULD U GET RID OF??" The Ferrier: "The ecstatic"
Page two. The Sacrifice stares in astonished silence for a moment, and then says with a cartoony vein popping from their cheek, "I think ur saying that on purpose to piss me off. to get back at me for saying ehg. Why do u hold such hate in your heart" The Ferrier closes their eyes and says nonchalantly, "I'm sorry it's not out of hate." They look off to the side and mutter, "Except u started this with ur egg slander" The Sacrifice glares at them with dismay and says, "THE HATE IN YOUR HEART IS OVERTAKING YOU" The Ferrier glares back, smiling through gritted teeth, and replies, "LOOK IN THR MIRROR"
Page three. The Ferrier pinches the bridge of their nose and says, "I can't believe this is what's causing an argument" The Sacrifice puts their hands on their hips and snaps, "I WASNT EVEN SLANDERING EGGS? IM JUST SAYING PERSONALLY IF YOU FORCED ME? I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST EGGS I EAT THEM ALL THE TIME" The Ferrier: "ITS NOT ABOUT EATINF THEM EVEN THO THEY ARE DELICIOUS AND VERSATILE." They roll their eyes and add, "Sorry for wanting to shatter my shell and be birthed anew" The Sacrifice clasps their hands together with a smile, their eyes hidden by their speech bubble, and says, "see thats the thing for me there is no rebirth only resurrection . its not dying and being birthed anew its about dying and then undying . coming back from death with none of the catharsis of newness just being forced to hold on to the old and what you once were ." The Ferrier pulls their hat down over their eyes and argues, "You say that and yet that is the whole point there is never any real birth of newness but just the illusion of it and the necessity to keep that illusion bc there is no coming back anew but taking whatever dead pieces u have and reconstructing some choppy form of a fresh creature"
Page four. The two sit in silence for a moment. Then the Ferrier says matter-of-factly, "Just like how ecstatic state is fake" The Sacrifice glares at them and says, "how DARE you say ecstatic state is fake ." The background turns black as the Ferrier's eyes go wide, gazing dramatically down at the viewer. They thunder, "ITS TEMPORARY" The Sacrifice, also on a black background, holds their palms up with an ecstatic grin. One of their eyes is teary and a bright halo flashes around their head. They answer, "AS ARE ALL THINGS."
Page five. The Ferrier, looking irritated with a cartoony vein popping from their temple, says, "fine. Fine whatever." They turn away with gritted teeth. "I'm gonna go in my egg shell and not come out EVER !!!!" The Sacrifice smiles with a thumbs up and says, "ok you do that im gonna be out here achieving union with the Beloved 👍" The Ferrier turns as far away from the Sacrifice as they can and crosses their arms. "U go do that. Hmph!" The Sacrifice does the same. "HMPH -_-" A school of black fish swims through the river. A line at the bottom of the panel reads, "THEY STAYED LIKE THIS FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS." End image description.]
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metaphore-s · 10 months
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Le Sacrifice 1986
Andrei Tarkovsky
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chaosroid · 11 months
Warframe really said 'let a piece of someone become a part of you so that it may free you from your self-inflicted prison of trauma' and that's something that is so intimate actually
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andalitean · 5 months
Ax being the one saying this omfg
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Girl.... help
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lgbtqreads · 9 months
Fave Five: Horror with Trans and/or Nonbinary MCs
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala (Genderfluid, YA) The Sacrifice by Rin Chupeco (YA) Hell Followed With Us and The Spirit Bares its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White (YA) Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin  Tell Me I’m Worthless and Brainwyrms by Alison Rumfitt, by Alison Rumfitt Bonus; Coming in 2024: Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin and The Woods All Black by Lee Mandelo Double Bonus: These are all…
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View On WordPress
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cosmonautroger · 10 months
The Sacrifice, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1986
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slaughter-books · 13 days
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Day 22: JOMPBPC: Books And Plants
📚 💙 🌿
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marqkace · 18 days
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nurturing your killers
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Félicien Rops - The Sacrifice, from "Les Sataniques", c. 1882.
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