#the third one god damn
stannisbaratheon · 10 months
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Hilts of various European SMALLSWORDS, c. 18th century. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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barbieboyy2k · 8 months
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dailykugisaki · 5 months
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Day ninety-one
Everyday I am low-key thinking about Nobara in the official light novel.
Doodled sumn from it.
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megatraven · 1 month
we get it! okay!!!! you hate biden!!!!!! but when trump wins because you won't fucking vote for the only other viable option and makes things infinitely worse, that blood will be on YOUR hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck off!!
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
Something something something angst about the mantle of hero identities getting passed around to new people, the duty of other heroes to accept this because it’s important that civilians keep feeling safe, villains being the only ones to truly get to mourn the original heroes and choosing to step out of their villain identities because they liked fighting the person not the hero, etc etc etc
#listen I love sidekicks and titles being passed down and stuff like that#but there’s always an inherent angst to me in like. the loss of identity?#because yeah at some point they just get acknowledged as superhero titles#but at the beginning of all that was a person making a costume and band intrinsic to *them*#*name not band#I doubt anyone starts off being a hero with the thought that they’d pass down their hero stuff to someone else#then eventually there’s a third generation wearing their costume and stuff#because it’s important that their work continues and the whole symbolically the hero continues on in sone form and villainy doesn’t win#but do they even know about all the personal stuff that went into it from the first person who started that mantle#one thing I always think about is like (and I know this is sidekicks but stay with me here) the robin thing from b*tman#now I can’t remember if this was someone’s hc or if it was in one of the runs or whatever#but it goes that: robin comes from a nickname dick’s parents gave him#because they were the fl*ing gr*twins with their little birdie robin#*gr*ysons not twins god damn it#and again I can’t remember if that’s an actual thing#but imagine if it was#and there’s all those robins after him wearing his suit or some variation of it#calling themselves the hero name he gave himself to honor his parents as he tries to find their killer#no other way to think about for me it’s just. loss of identity#anyways#no fandom#heroes#supervillains#superheroes and supervillains in general
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whoslaurapalmer · 5 months
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laura (1944) / laura by vera caspary -- waldo and laura meet
bonus deleted scene from the movie script, with a third interpretation of their meeting --
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thewhizzyhead · 5 months
so I just finished my first run through of Stray Gods aka that visual novel musical based on Greek mythos and,,,you know how there are visual novels that don't have romance as the MAIN point but yet still have romance routes in them? Like you get the MAIN gist of the game with or without those romance routes - like, those romance routes are simply side dishes that add more to enjoy with the main course? Yea it seems to be like that with most of the romance routes here in Stray Gods and I'm not saying that as a bad thing at all BUT MY GOD FREDDIE'S ROUTE ISN'T LIKE THAT AT ALL LIKE IT ACTUALLY IS THE MOST PERSONALLY AND EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED ROUTE FOR ME BY THE THIRD ACT THAT IT KIND OF CHANGES THE MAIN COURSE ENTIRELY AND I MEAN THAT IN A VERY GOOD WAY-
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Undertale yellow flowey embroidery
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This took about 40 hours, give or take a few
#I can tell you one thing#Embroidering while having arthritis is really not a piece of cake. When you hand cramps just by holding it at an angle.#At least I can be grateful for my empty schedule#Makes embroidering till the sun rises back up so much easier#Insomnia also helps with this task#I was listening to the ost while working on it and… Live reaction#Occupied turf is so good actually !? Why wasn’t it shown more often !? IT’S FIRE !?#I forgot I only did a pacifist so I got so confused when neutral Flowey came out…#A mother’s love ? Should’ve called this “I’m gonna fuck you up”#The number of time I got my ass handed back to me in this fight is not even funny#The first time is great. The second I only discern my favorites and the sudden change in style. By the third loop I can’t recognize shit#my brain is melting and my eyes are on fire…#Advantages on doing it during daytime. Eyes hurt less. Good stupid tv to listen to in the background Disadvantages. People#Advantages on doing it at night. Alone. Personally work better at night#Disadvantages. No good TV. Time goes by slower…? I don’t know maybe I’m just loosing it with those freaking petals#For reference one petal took me about 3 and a half hours. So yeah… I thought it would never end… Took out almost all my yellow.#When the line tangles itself in the back and you realize only close to the end of it that half went missing#So you have to go backward to entangle it and loose 30 mins because damn it#Cats are not helpful in any of those scenarios#Why do I feel the need to make the back perfect when nobody else but me will know#This is the last time I do one so big without thinking it through#Note to self. Don’t do it standing up when the cats are awake. She just destroyed my stomach#I think i’m losing it#Back after a few weeks#God this white thread is doing my head in… I’m willing to bet my leg half the time I spent on the face was me untangling it.#I’m almost done. It’s finally over. Dark brown took exactly 4 h and 13 mins#undertale#undertale yellow#embroidery#I’m thinking of doing Boris the wolf next. Because I just found the perfect rendition to put on my wall
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neraiutsuze · 4 months
boy i love it when a battle comes together in a narratively perfect way
sixth or seventh try at the cazador battle. for once instead of opening with a call lightning, he decides to open with a blight and insta-kill my bard, who normally starts by dimension-dooring to free astarion. this means that things get perilously close to popping off ascension-wise before jaheira and shadowheart can get her back up and a Daylight off. this kind of sets the tone for the battle, which goes Badly for almost the whole time. it hits the point where both my bard and shadowheart are just spamming Mass Cure Wounds and Mass Healing Word to keep people on their feet.
however. eventually astarion gets in perfect postion to break out the scroll of disintegrate right at cazador. who fails the save. and finally takes a proper hit to his ridiculous HP pool. he then pitches a fit and runs right at astarion to try and fuck him up, but the healing from the ladies keeps him on his feet - and then cazador was in perfect 'astarion has a scroll of Sunbeam' range. he did also hit ryse with it because i didn't realise she was in range. it's fine. she gets it. she's cast fireball on herself to get enemies before now. that put him on his last legs.
and then astarion'd taken a potion of speed before, so he had another attack - and he was wearing the risky ring, so he had sneak attack from the advantage.
get fucked, cazador.
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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André, Raul, and Gabrjel 
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
I was trying to listen to some dramatic music to get my head in the game of coming up with interesting ways for Roxy, the Minis and Barney (Foxy's bird) to take down all the other animatronics, and I forgot my fatal flaw of finding horses incredibly dramatic.
I will not add animatronic horses to this. I will not. The temptation is there, but I won't do it. They would be out of place. I say as typing the words immediately hits me with a way to make them make sense. I won't do it. Not because I can't, but because I have enough modes of transport to work with already. None of you are allowed to let me keep doing this.
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ren-144p · 5 months
Hi! Silent admirer of your RE stuff (it's been so long since I've played these games, but you've been re-inspiring me!) - so I'm curious about "Madrid, 1996" for the WIP asks? 👀
ohh god— going for the only one legitimately named and simultaneously the one most unpolished bdhdjsjkl
as of right now, “Madrid, 1996” is a series of snippets intertwined with meta about itself and records of my convos with @bennidraws (which is what started it all!!), written somewhat as a branch of my luis study project. set entirely pre-games, it follows the story of Luis and Carlos who meet, by chance, at an Umbrella conference, and in two weeks develop a particularly deep relationship. Carlos falls in love with an older man freshly out of a personality crisis, Luis falls for a repressed boy who's just discovering himself for the first time, and both of them turn each other's world upside down. contains dog imagery, yearning, cigarettes, and—on many occasions—Carlos' dog tags clinking against Luis' cross
it's rough and unpolished and not even fully planned out, branching within itself into multiple endings. but i've been chipping away at it when i'm not working on anything else and i feel like eventually something will come out of it. too much love has been put into those conversations for the fic to amount to nothing ❤️
“They ever give you a break, soldier boy?”
Carlos turned towards the voice, surprised to see anyone out of the building at this hour, especially in such a downpour. It belonged to the same man he had seen earlier, except the well-cut suit was nowhere to be found, now replaced by an intricately decorated leather jacket and a pair of well-worn jeans. He held a single cigarette between his teeth and a lighter in one hand, looking at him with curiosity through the hair falling into his eyes; and chuckled, clearly having noticed Carlos' persistent gaze on him.
“You look like a rabbit in headlights,” he teased, weaving the lighter between skilled fingers. It lit up with a quiet click a moment later, and Carlos took a while to admire the way the flame illuminated the man's face when he leaned into the light.
"No breaks.” He watched how his thin lips curled around a puff of smoke. “The shifts are short though.”
The stranger hummed, as if amused by the answer, and leaned back comfortably against the wall before extending a pack of cigarettes towards Carlos.
“Care for a smoke?”
“You should come find me later, soldier boy. When your shift is done,” the man said, throwing the butt of his cigarette on the ground. “Room 102. On the fourth floor,” he added with a wink, turning back, but Carlos' hand wrapped around his wrist before he could go.
“Who am I asking for?”
The stranger smirked, leaning in so close their noses almost touched.
“Name's Luis,” he said, a teasing note in his voice. “And who am I waiting for?”
and, as a bonus, a bit of the relevant note i made for this part (and for what's supposed to follow)
something about the terrifying act of inviting a stranger to your room, something about that stranger being a soldier; something about being invited to a hotel room by a man older than you, and something about the confidence with which he does it.
the way every night spent with a stranger might've been your last; the way he didn't know if he was gonna wake up the next morning, and then he did—and then they both did.
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blissfulstatic · 6 months
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i started all of these games at wildly different times, took varying levels of breaks partway through each of them, and then finished all of their achievements in the same two days
i don't know what to do with myself now
#buenos dias short people#tunic was like. i played to maybe halfway. took a months long break#when i picked it back up i didnt remember what i was doing so i started a new file and played like a third#months long break. but this time i resumed the second file and played through to the end#the game is very cryptic but starting over gave me a handle on the mechanics and what was important#outer wilds took like four tries even though i knew it would be good i just wasnt hooked#the game is about knowledge even more than tunic like knowledge is the whole deal and it comes slowly at first#but when it hit it really hit. god damn#please play outer wilds#spyro? um. it was good#i don't know that i took any big breaks from it? there were some but a couple weeks at most#spyro levels are not particularly complex. or content rich. and i really felt that 60 hours#playing the whole trilogy all back to back can really burn you out#its a collectathon you're bound to spend a good while just wandering around to find that one last thing you missed#and i didn't know i could left stick for sparx to point out the nearest gems until like halfway through 2 so that was a time waster#im not saying it wasn't a good game but spyros moveset is like. glide fire charge and you do this for three games#until they throw in random nonspyro playable characters in 3 and they all control really bad and weird. but its still mostly spyro#i could have taken big breaks between each game and it would've been better probably but its a collection im gonna roll to the next one
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
any predictions for gaiden or iw you wanna release into the universe
haruka's going to come back and- just like how ichi's going to see his mom- haruka's dragging her dad's ass back to the orphanage to spend the rest of his days with his family
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stephen-bass · 2 years
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I was recently entranced by the idea of EOX line stickers
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Griffin Rock is only getting info on a bit of the drama and the Island team is just absolutely prepared for the Autobots' newest loredrops like it's a biweekly new episode of a soap on cable
Like. In Bumblebee's complaining he avoids trying to mention the blatant Megop at all but Dani just ~knows~ by her and Blades (... and eventually Kade and Heatwave as Kade gets back into his shipping phase and Heatwave's secretly relieved at figuring out what's happening outside Griffin Rock) taking notes. These notes aren't nearly as meticulous and well organized as Fowler's files, are taken on the sly on pieces of scrap paper and this one cracked datapad, and are mostly assumptions based on little bits of information. It'd be interesting to see how much they guessed right and how much they guessed gloriously wrong but omg what an idea that was
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