#the tortured poets department the anthology
imgonnagetyoubackk · 3 days
if imgonnagetyouback has 1 million fans i’m one of them. if imgonnagetyouback has 100 fans i’m one of them. if imgonnagetyouback has 1 fan i am it. if imgonnagetyouback has 0 fans i am dead
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even if this was the most famous song in the whole world it still won't be talked abt enough
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why we SHOULD hold Taylor accountable for her silence on Palestine.
if you’re a swiftie, you’ve probably seen what is going on. #swiftiesforpalestine is a popular hashtag and movement that has been happening. The point: get Taylor Swift to speak up about Palestine. WHY is this important? WHY are we mad at her for not speaking up? Let me voice my thoughts:
the reason it is a problem Taylor Swift has not spoken up is simple. What is happening in Palestine is a genocide. There is no way Taylor is not aware of what is happening. Innocent people, innocent BABIES are dying every single day. Taylor Swift is one of the most popular celebrities, with arguably the most influence over people, especially in the west. Her speaking up about Palestine? That would cause a land slide of donations, awareness, aid. Don’t try to argue against that. You know it would. One post on her story would boost the donation so much. One word from her lips could help so so so much. please understand the people participating in this movement don’t believe taylor swift can fix this genocide or stop it completely. But she could help a lot; and I’m pretty sure she knows that.
no, it is not Taylor’s job to talk about politics. She is a musician. But she is also a human, who should understand that innocent lives are being lost everyday and staying silent = complicity, especially to someone of her social status. Especially someone who is a role model to so many people.
Is it plain arrogance? Does she just not care? Will we ever know?
Taylor Swift, please speak up. Don’t be complicit to this awful genocide.
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⭒˚.⋆✩ all her fuckin' lives flashed before her eyes ✩⋆.˚⭒
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please do not repost
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the7wivesofrh · 23 hours
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Why are you mad? 😡🖕🏼
When you could be GLAAD??
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three times Taylor presented us the same character in ttpd and we didn’t notice (or maybe you did)
So, what if I told you I found a connection between who’s afraid of little old me, the albatross and Cassandra?
As most of you have been doing, I’ve been listening to ttpd nonstop, but while I was reading some of the lyrics, I found a very interesting connection I wanted to share with you.
In this post, I’m gonna introduce you to the character of “the monster”. But to start this analysis, I decided to construct our protagonist through a short story first:
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“Once upon a time, there was a monster. Well, she wasn’t always a monster. In fact, she was once tame and gentle, living a life that was far removed from the terrifying existence she now endures. But once she started to become something people weren’t ready to embrace, she turned into a threat in the eyes of everyone else. It was the harsh and unforgiving world around her that transformed our protagonist from a harmless creature into a being that others now fear and despise.
That's why society has decided to lock her in a cell. The “monster” is now incapacitated enough, so she can’t defend herself anymore. They stripped her of her power, taking out her defenses and leaving her vulnerable.
“I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"” (taken from "who's afraid of little old me")
After enough time had passed, our protagonist decided to accept the hardest of truths. She was never gonna convince her cagers that she was anything but the dangerous creature they think they’re protecting their people from.
“I was in my tower weaving nightmares Twisting all my smiles into snarls” (taken from "Cassandra")
The monster started calling herself a monster. She has come to accept this identity society has bestowed upon her: she wasn’t born as a monster but was taught to be one. Society's cruelty and rejection have finally forced her to become something she never wanted to be.
“You caged me and then you called me crazy I am what I am 'cause you trained me” (taken from "who's afraid of little old me")
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Yes, her monstrous label stems from society's refusal to accept something about her—something that she now knows was right all along. But even if somehow the truth finds its way out (that it will), the damage has already been done. Her cell had already been filled with snakes countless times.
“So, they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say Do you believe me now?” (taken from "Cassandra")
Our story ends with our monster finally finding a way to haunt those who wronged her and remind them of their cruelty. And she had to do nothing. When the deception died, everyone saw what had always been there.
“Locked me up in towers But I'd visit in your dreams And they tried to warn you about me” (taken from "The albatross")
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Her transformation into a monster was not just a physical or mental change, but a profound shift in how she saw herself and how others saw her. Society created her monstrous persona through their fear and rejection, but in the end, she embraced it as her own.
This character of the monster, therefore, is not inherently evil or malicious. Instead, she is a product of her environment, shaped by the cruelty and misunderstanding of those around her.
The specific vocabulary she uses to describe this character (such as “tame”, “snarl”, “took out her teeth”, “caged”, etc.) is what makes it clear that she’s expecting everyone to picture the idea of a “monster” (or what is considered a monster by the people she’s referencing in these three songs). In a way, she’s trying to convey the feeling of being dehumanized by people’s opinions. Yes, she literally calls herself a monster, but it’s an obvious metaphor for how society strips those who are different of their humanity, reducing them to something less than human, something to be feared and controlled. Taylor is trying to remind us how social pressure and prejudices can transform the innocent into the feared and the gentle into the dangerous. She takes the figure of the monster and makes her stand as a symbol of resilience and survival, a testament to the strength it takes to endure and adapt in a world that seeks to cage and define you.
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hits-differently · 1 month
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yoyokslut · 1 month
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she was like "yeah, i don't give a shit" 😭
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taylorsmidnights14 · 1 month
Behind every angry evil person is an angrier, more evil person
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 month
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rainbowfelions · 23 days
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Paris Night 1 😍
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imgonnagetyoubackk · 9 days
girlhood is a spectrum
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she really took one look at the synthpop stans vs folk girlies discourse and said "fuck it, i'm just gonna give everyone what they want". pathological people pleaser in the best possible way
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aidenelsa · 1 month
and i won't confess that i waited but i let the lamp burn as the men masqueraded i hoped you'd return with your feet on the ground tell me all that you'd learned cause love's never lost when perspective is earned and you said you'd come and get me but you were 25 and the shelf life of those fantasies has expired lost to the lost boys chapter of your life forgive me peter, please know that i tried to hold onto the days when you were mine but the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
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sophiesonlinediary · 1 month
listen i’m so conflicted on taylor as a human right now like i get the tortured poets is about her being her own person, going through a crisis, and making her own mistakes, but i can’t excuse her saying “without all the racists” when she had a boyfriend who was/is openly racist. also the line “all this bitching and moaning” pissed me off still a great song though i totally understand not wanting millions of strangers to prey on your personal life but when you date a man like m*tty healy that is a terrible human with no morals we shouldn’t stand by and be like “oh he’s just a rebound it doesn’t really matter” when the hipocrasy is visible, you date a man who stands against everything you’ve done in your fandom like religion and accepting everyone for who they are no matter sexuality, gender, or race, then she goes off and dates him and expects us not point it out, especially when he’s said terrible things about your friends? and then her only then saying that he was a bad man because he broke her heart. look girl i know you were going through something but i can’t defend you anymore i love your music but i just can’t.
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369winter · 1 month
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taylor swift: the tortured poets department, icons.
like or reblog if you save.
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