#they turned into the branch Amanda Waller runs
little-pondhead · 2 months
Your Ancient History, Written In Wax
Danny knew he should have put better security around the Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep. It wasn’t even Vlad who opened it this time! The fruitloop was too busy doing his actual mayor duties because for some godforsaken reason, the man got re-elected.
No, it wasn’t Vlad. And it wasn’t Fright Knight, either. Nor the Observants. Who opened the Sarcophagus, then? Danny didn’t have time to find out as Pariah Dark promptly tore open a hole in reality and started hunting Danny down.
The battle was longer this time. He didn’t have the Ecto-Skeleton, as that was the first thing Pariah had destroyed. The halfa had grown a lot over the past few years, and learned some new tricks, but apparently sleeping in a magic ghost box meant that Pariah had absorbed a lot of power. The bigger ghost acted like a one-man army!
Amity Park was caught in the middle of the battle, but the residents made sure it went no further than that. Vlad and the Fentons made a barrier around the town to keep the destruction from leaking. Sam, Tucker, and Dani did crowd control while Danny faced the king head-on.
Their battle shook the Zone and pulled them wildly between the mortal plane and the afterlife. Sometimes, residents noticed a blow from Pariah transported them to the age of the dinosaurs, and Phantom’s Wail brought them to an unknown future. Then they were in a desert. Then a blazing forest. Then underwater. It went on like that, but no one dared step foot outside of Amity. They couldn’t risk being left behind.
It took ages to beat him, but eventually, Danny stood above the old ghost king, encasing his symbols of power in ice so they couldn’t be used again. He refused to claim the title for himself. Tired as he was, Danny handed the objects off to Clockwork for safe keeping and started repairing the damage Pariah had done to the town. The tear he’d made was too big to fix, for now, so no one bothered. They just welcomed their new ghostly neighbors with open arms and worked together to restore Amity Park.
Finally, the day came to bring down the barrier. People were gathered around the giant device the Fentons had built to sustain it. Danny had brought Clockwork to Amity, to double check that they had returned to the right time and dimension.
Clockwork assured everyone that they were in the right spot, and only a small amount of time had passed, so the Fentons gave the signal to drop the shield.
Very quickly did they discover that something was wrong. The air smelled different. The noise of the nearby city, Elmerton, was louder and more chaotic. Something was there that wasn’t before, and it put everyone on edge.
Clockwork smiled, made a remark about the town fitting in better than before, and disappearing before Danny could catch him.
Frantic, Danny had a few of his ghost buds stay behind to protect the town while he investigated.
He flew far and wide, steadily growing horrified at the changes the world had undergone. Heroes, villains, rampant crime and alien invasions. The Earth was unrecognizable. There were people moving around the stars like it was second nature and others raising dead gods like the apocalypse was coming. Magic and ectoplasm was everywhere, rather than following the ley lines like they were supposed to.
Danny returned to Amity.
The fight with Pariah had taken them through space and time. Somewhere along the way, they had changed the course of history so badly that this now felt like an alien world.
How was he supposed to fix this?
In the Watchtower, The Flash was wrapping up monitor duty while Impulse buzzed around him, a little more jittery than usual. The boy was talking a mile a minute, when alarms started blaring an alarming green. Flash had never seen this alarm before, and its crackling whine was grating on his ears.
Flash returned to the monitor, frantically clicking around to find the issue, but nothing was popping up. No major disasters, no invasions, no declarations of war. Nothing! What was causing the alarm?
Impulse swore and zipped to a window, pressing his face against it and staring down at Earth. “Fuck! It’s today isn’t it? I forgot!”
“What’s today?” Flash asked. He shot off a text to Batman, asking if it was an error. The big Bat said it wasn’t, and that he would be there soon.
“The arrival of Amity Park. I learned about this in school; the alarm always gives me headaches.”
Flash turned to his grandson, getting his attention. “Bart,” he stressed. “What are you talking about?”
Impulse barely glanced over his shoulder. Now that Flash was facing him, he could see a strong glow coming from Earth. “The first villain, first anti-villain, and the first hero,” he said anxiously. “They all protect the town of the original metas. They’re all here.”
“Here? Now??”
“Yeah? They weren’t before, but they are now. The first hero said there was time stuff involved, which was what inspired me to start practicing time travel in the first place.”
“I’m not following.”
“It’s okay. We should probably go welcome them before they tear apart Illinois, though. The history I remember says that some of them freaked and destroyed a chunk of the Midwest during a fight with each other.”
#dpxdc#pondhead blurbs#liminal amity park#I’ve seen stuff like this in the mhaxdp fandom and I eat it up every time#basically the fight with Pariah caused the town to jump through time a little#and while they THOUGHT they were keeping everything in#shit leaked out and tainted those points in time#so technically#historically and genetically speaking#Amity Park is the origin point for the meta gene and Danny made history as the first hero#because Clockwork is a little shit#everyone embodies a basic ability and it has grown from there#the flash family are direct descendants of Dani (speed force Dani for the win)#Dash is the reason super strength exists#so on and so forth#go buck wild#bart learned about it briefly in history class in the 30th century#practically hero worships them#booster gold knows about them too but in contrast to Bart’s excitement#booster is fucking terrified because there was a period where Amity Park rebelled against the US government#and he’s from that specific time#he learned to fear phantom because he lived during that part while Bart is from farther in the future when those issues got resolved#guess who’s chosen to welcome the town? >:)#if you’re wondering what happened to the GIW#they turned into the branch Amanda Waller runs#Danny is the first hero#Vlad the first villain#and Dani the first anti hero#there’s an arc where Danny is trying to fix things but clockwork won’t let him into the timestream and all the heroes are horrified#because yeah Danny is the OG but if he goes back in time to fix his ‘mistake’ what will happen to them?
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dc-earth53 · 4 years
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0012 - Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
Age: 38
Occupation: Librarian, detective, former adventurer, congresswoman.
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: James Gordon (father), Eileen Gordon (mother), Sarah Essen Gordon (stepmother, deceased), James Gordon Jr. (brother).
Group affiliation: Birds of Prey, Gotham Knights, formerly Suicide Squad, Justice League of America.
Base of operations: Gotham Clock Tower, Gotham City, New Jersey
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 126 lbs.
38 years ago: Barbara Gordon is born to James Gordon and his first wife, Eileen.
22 years ago: Barbara befriends Katarina Armstrong in high school, their friendship ending about a year later when Armstrong trips her on the running track during a race.
20 years ago: The first reports of a “Bat-Man” in Gotham City start coming in, and Barbara becomes obsessed.
18 years ago: Barbara eavesdrops on a conversation between her father and Batman, and her obsession only grows. She soon enrolls in self-defense classes, getting a black belt in a short amount of time.
17 years ago: 
Barbara applies for the Gotham City Police Academy, but is rejected by her father. To spite him, she fashions a feminine version of Batman’s costume to wear to a masquerade ball held by the GCPD. The newly christened “Batgirl” stumbles upon a scheme by Killer Moth, and played a crucial part in defeating the costumed criminal.
Batgirl soon befriends Batman and Robin, having a close working relationship with the latter.
16 years ago: 
Batgirl and Supergirl meet, working together to defeat Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Gordon gets a job at the Gotham City Public Library after graduating from Gotham University with a degree in Library Science.
15 years ago: Barbara meets private investigator Jason Bard, and the two begin dating.
13 years ago: Barbara runs for Congress and is elected, leaving Gotham City and Bard behind for Washington D.C, continuing her adventures as Batgirl during her downtime.
11 years ago: Barbara loses her bid for re-election, returning to Gotham and briefly rekindling her relationship with Bard. She participates in the fight against the Anti-Monitor with the rest of Earth’s heroes.
10 years ago: 
Barbara is shot in the spine by the Joker and paralyzed from the waist down, as part of the lunatic’s campaign to prove that just a single bad day can drive anyone mad.
Though confined to a wheelchair, Barbara is still determined to fight crime in her own way. She develops an advanced computer system and aids Amanda Waller’s Task Force X under the pseudonym of “Oracle.”
8 years ago: 
Oracle founds the Birds of Prey, an all-female team of superheroes including Black Canary and Huntress operating out of Gotham Clock Tower.
Oracle is asked by Batman to join the Justice League of America.
Gordon comes into contact online with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, and the two hit it off, forming a long-distance relationship.
7 years ago: During the aftermath of the cataclysmic earthquake that hit Gotham City, Barbara recruits Cassandra Cain as a field agent, noticing her talents in martial arts, and starts training her to be the new Batgirl.
6 years ago: 
Feeling used by Batman after his manipulation of her during a major gang war in Gotham, Oracle relocates her operations to Metropolis.
Gordon starts treatments with Dr. Pieter Cross to begin curing her paralysis, regaining a small amount of movement in her toes. She also starts using a special harness to walk for short periods of time.
5 years ago:
Oracle joins forces with the rest of Earth’s heroes to bring down Maxwell Lord and the Brother Eye satellite after Lord murders Kord.
Gordon and Armstrong, under the alias of Spy Smasher, come into conflict when Armstrong attempts to take over the Birds of Prey.
4 years ago
Cassandra Cain steps down from the role of Batgirl, passing it to Stephanie Brown, who begins training under Barbara.
2 years ago: A psychopathic James Gordon Jr. returns to Gotham, kidnapping Barbara. She stabs him through the eye, holding him off long enough for Nightwing and her father to come to her aid.
1 year ago: Jason Bard returns, revealing himself to be in league with Hush. Oracle, Batgirl, and the Red Hood team up to defeat him.
Present day: Oracle and the Birds of Prey fight against the Joker after he kidnaps Barbara’s mother, saying he’ll release her if Barbara marries him.
My Nightwing post wasn’t as controversial as I thought it would be, so here goes nothing... 
This is Barbara Gordon. Former Batgirl, current Oracle and Oracle for the foreseeable future. Yes, the Killing Joke still happens in this timeline, no, she doesn’t return to active duty, and yes, she’s roughly fifteen years older than in mainstream continuity. Deal with it.
This Babs takes a lot of inspiration from her pre-Crisis portrayal, which has been all but forgotten about these days. There, she was a fully grown librarian and a Congresswoman for a time (a plot that didn’t really amount to anything there, but certainly would send waves here - remember when Gabrielle Giffords was shot? That’s the impact The Killing Joke would have here, with Babs having only recently lost her bid for re-election). This also means she’s older than in canon, making a relationship with Dick Grayson impractical during her early years but in turn giving her a closer bond with Black Canary, her lesbian lover- I mean... well, just look at how Gail Simone writes them!
Aaaaanywayyyy.... Barbara, like Nightwing, is another one of those Bat-family characters who has branched out to the universe as a whole, truly becoming her own character apart from Batman’s aegis. She’s built her own network of operatives with the Birds of Prey, and serves as the chief information broker for the superhero community at large, being badass even though she can’t be in the field that often.
I also didn’t keep her entirely crippled - with some difficulty and the aid of a special harness, this Babs can traverse short distances on her own two feet, although she doesn’t usually leave the clock tower with it on - it’s a good compromise between leaving her permanently in the chair and having her disability handwaved away by super-science like in the New 52.
And don’t fret, New 52 Batgirl fans - I haven’t forgotten about Burnside or the stylish as hell Batgirl costume Babs wore there. I have plans for all that, just you wait.
Speaking of costumes... she wears comfortable civilian clothes as Oracle, appearing as that weird green translucent head when speaking digitally to those who don’t know her identity. That’s all I’ve got for her.
Next up: Hakwman and Hawkwoman!
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hiredassault · 6 years
Insp::   CAREER. 
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Age 1-5:   Floyd Lawton is born and brought up in a rich family. His father George Lawton is a real estate businessman across the country && his mother Genevieve Pitt belongs to a family of wealthy bankers. Floyd has a brother named Edward Lawton whom he adored more than himself && idolizes him. The family even owns their own railway platform along with a town including the local police station. 
Age 5-7:  Floyd excels in school like Edward (but Ed is better) at both academics and sports. The kid loves the idle sports (the rich kind of sports) tennis, horse riding or skeet shooting. The house butler, Bartholomew, maintains their daily schedules. 
Age 7:  Floyd wins 11 trophies for marksmanship already and the boy is climbing the ladder in shooting sport. As too is Edward. 
Age 8-9: They start receiving abuses from their drunk father on a daily basis, even the elder man abuses their mother. Hatred for George begins.
Age 10: Hunting is another idle sport, they are now being dragged into woods by George to kill animals and he abuses them if failure occurs. After several attempts, Edward and Floyd murders an innocent deer for the first time in their life.
Age 11: The hunting scares Edward but encourages Floyd to walk into darkness. Thoughts of shooting George crosses but they doesn’t do anything. The hunting and abuses continue.
Age 12: Their mother Genevieve masters a plan of eliminating her husband, she brainwashes Edward to shoot the rifle at their father’s chest but Floyd stops him from killing George. Their father soon figures && starts beating Edward and despite all the protests angry little Floyd picks up the rifle and runs outside to climb up the tree. The aim was perfect. The crosshair targets George. Time to eliminate the evil man. He pulls the trigger but the branch breaks due to overloading and bullet misses the evil man. Edward Lawton is spot dead as the bullet finds his head. Floyd is devastated and broken into pieces. He kills his own brother whom he loved most. Genevieve fails too. 
Age 13: The murder of Edward is covered up by George, because they have tremendous influences across the town. Floyd is given a two month break from school && is severely damaged (emotionally) from Edward’s death.
Age 14-17: Normal school life, normal sport activities continue while Floyd promises that he will never miss a shot in his life. 
Age 18-19: The U.S. Marine Corps. initiates an internship program from where Floyd is selected for a month training. Immediate absorb to the Sniper Division happens when the authority recognizes that the boy has broken the record of shooting (over 4000 meters for the under 20s). 
Age 20: Returns to town in order to complete school. Trains under the professional assassin David Cain, who teaches him his marksmanship abilities.   
Age 21-23: Hears about the vigilante named Batman catching robbers and stopping crime. Floyd becomes enthusiastic to become a vigilante and selects a costume (which looks like the old west movies with a zorro mask) && names himself as ‘Dead-Shot ’. Just like Batsignal, he installs Bullseye shaped/Deadshot signal to his town and listens to the police radio to stop criminals. Catching criminals is extremely easy for the man since he uses his revolver to aim and shoot (only to disarm the criminal). But Floyd kills some because he considers of making a permanent solution because what Batman does is temporary && they come back again. Starts working with Commissioner Gordon when Batman is absent.
Age 24: Floyd gets addicted into this job && takes money from mafia rivals to eliminate opponents in their territory. He even sets up criminals where he disarms them to show citizens how successful he is than Batman. Batman has competition now. Realizes Dead-Shot is doing these jobs in exchange of money and killing criminals who could be changed into the path of light since their families depend on their work. Batman does a trick on Dead-Shot’s revolver when he broke into his manor and when they encountered each other Dead-Shot fired a perfect shot. Batman would be dead but the bullet misses him. After years, Dead-Shot misses && it shatters the marksman’s ego. He is taken into prison.
Age 25: His lawyer apparently saves him and Floyd Lawton was out. He thought of changing by marrying Susan. Floyd and Susan has a son then, names the baby after his brother Edward:  Eddie. But unfortunate events led him to prison again. Events like murdering criminals again. His lawyer fails to save him now. 
Age 26: While in prison, an unknown person visits Lawton and introduces himself as Colonel Rick Flag Jr. and offers him freedom in exchange of suicide missions. Lawton accepts promptly. Floyd Lawton is introduced into the Task Force Team A and to their Commander Amanda Waller. A highly upgraded suit with a red scope attached in the electronic mask is given. Meets Count Vertigo, Bronze Tiger and Captain Boomerang. Also other members. Floyd is officially a Government asset.
Age 27-29: Several Missions are finished and still going on. Gets admitted to Belle Reeve Prison along with the Task Force and receives the news that his son Eddie being kidnapped. During debriefing of a mission by Waller, Lawton leaves the room not caring whether she would detonate the neck bomb or not. She did not (perhaps she knew why he was leaving). Tracks down the kidnappers and ultimately reaches Eddie but the five year little kid is found sexually assaulted and murdered. How more can he break down? 
Age 30: Angry Floyd turns rogue. Killing every one who stands in his way or anyone linked with his son’s murder. Nothing can stop him. Dead-Shot is more scarier than Batman now. Every criminal, every thug in dark alleys && even dirty cops were frightened. Is this a revenge? Is this avenging? Dead-Shot is killing and killing and killing to find the murderer. Eventually found the murderer and before even thinking shoots the murderer planting thousands of bullet holes. The murderer is dead but with more self investigation Floyd realizes that it was his mother  Genevieve Pitt who is the master-planner of kidnapping her grandson. Time to kill his own mother. But Floyd’s therapist (assigned by Waller; Mernie Herrs) saves Pitt’s life by informing Floyd that this is what his mother wanted. To be killed by him && frame him---- eventually Floyd shoots but letting his mother suffer from the bullet wound to what she has done to her own grandson. Floyd escapes before cops arrive.
Age 31: Susan commits suicide.
Age 32: Floyd Lawton has nothing to live for. Suicidal tendencies comes into his mind. He even shot himself but finds himself to be alive as the bullet missed his heart. After several resurrections, he decides to stay with the Suicide Squad hoping he would die suddenly. (A peculiar relation is developed between Harley Quinn and him.)
Age 33: Standing at the graveyard thinking about his son Eddie one day, his lawyer appears with documents informing the death of George and Genevieve Lawton && it is Floyd’s responsibility regarding all the fortunes. Inside Lawton manor, as he is reading legal documents he finds a letter from a woman named Michelle Torres (whom he remembers---- from a random strip club 7 or 8 years ago) informing George that he has a granddaughter named Zoe.  Floyd Lawton was a father of an eight year old girl. Without wasting time he meets them and offers the money (fortune) as protection but gets rejected. Soon the war between Mafia gangs in the Triangle (the neighborhood where Zoe and Michelle lived) is stopped by Dead-Shot when Lawton encountered Green Arrow (again). Arrow promises him to look after the Triangle and Lawton decides to make a fake death so that all the fortune goes to his daughter Zoe and she can then able to go to school.
Age 34: Leaves Suicide Squad and joins a covert operative team called Secret Six. With Catman, Bane, Ragdoll, Scandal, Knockout and Banshee they complete several missions.
Age 35-36: The Secret Six continues and Floyd Lawton looks after his daughter time to time in disguise. 
Age 37:   Sets up a private security organization of his own (mostly military contracting) and travels to other countries (usually war torn) where his employees are deployed. Also works as a professional hitman.
Age 38: Unfortunate events against the Justice League and he is again back to prison where Waller once again recruits him making sure there is no charges against him. The End to Secret Six officially. 
Age 39: In and out of Suicide Squad like a yo-yo. Working as hitman when not in Waller’s radar. 
Age 40: (Current age of the character. Roleplay verses depends on plot. This career post is comic based and a small extension of canon.)
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sserpente · 6 years
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A/N: Request from @overneath-misery and anon. Couldn’t forget about our cheeky Captain, now could I?
Words: 1591 Warnings: swearing, implied smut
The ding of your alarm clock ripped you from your peaceful and anticipating thoughts as you hummed cheerful Christmas carols, hanging the last colourful ornaments on your Christmas tree. It took up most of the space in your tiny living room, shining out like an actual star. Candy canes, baubles, stars and sleighs, it all complimented the evergreen branches like sparkling jewellery.
Nodding, you mutely praised yourself for your good work and headed to the kitchen to get those cookies out of the oven. You loved making them, the sweet dough inviting you to nibble on it before finishing the job but even more importantly, they were his favourite.
It was rather complicated to spend relaxed days with Captain Boomerang, knowing he was a wanted criminal on the run. You had hoped that after making your relationship official it would become a little easier but... well, far from it.
Spending Christmas together was, along with your birthday, one of the few special days of the year where he always came home, bringing you rare presents (which he probably stole but hey, you didn’t complain), drinking eggnog with you, ravishing the cookies you baked, ravishing you, preferably under the Christmas tree…
Usually, he showed up on the day before the day of Christmas Eve already, helping you pick a tree and carrying it up to your small apartment. After the whole fucked up Task Force X story and a strict enhancement of the police force in Gotham, however, it had gotten a lot harder for him to hide and escape their clutches, especially since Amanda Waller spared neither trouble nor expense to get what she wanted.
So your neighbour had helped this year, smiling broadly when he took the heavy tree off the roof of your car and gladly ascended the staircase with it. He was a nice guy, your neighbour—charming, sweet... just like his adorable boyfriend.
Boomer would arrive soon, of course he would. Until then, you could finish your preparations.
Resuming your humming, you put the cookies on the table to let them cool down for a while and then took care of putting your presents under the tree. Well, the present. There was only one, a neatly wrapped package for Boomerang containing a pair of shiny new boots—his old ones were falling apart already, besides, the pair you had bought for him included barely visible sheaths for small daggers. He’d love them.
Now all there was left to do was putting sprinkles, chocolate cream and icing on your cookies and you were ready for your cheeky boyfriend to arrive.
You flinched when you woke up, stirring on your cosy couch with a warm blanket draped over your legs. The TV was on, showing some cheesy Christmas movie and sending soft voices of actors and actresses through your living room. When had you fallen asleep? You remembered finishing the cookies, making yourself a cup of tea, sitting down in the living room… oh.
Frowning, you checked your watch. It was almost midnight. The yellow lights of your Christmas tree dimly lit the room when you stood to look around you but no—Boomerang still hadn’t shown up. Where was he? What if he had gotten caught on his way to you? What if any moment now, the police would knock on your door and take you in for questioning? What if you had to spend Christmas behind metal bars and what if something had happened to him?
Worried, you bit your lower lip and reached for your phone on the coffee table, dialling his number. You usually relinquished calling each other, for you could never know when he was in the middle of robbing another bank. This was an exception though. He wouldn’t have forgotten it was Christmas Eve, right? You didn’t want to spend this evening alone, let alone Christmas morning. He was all you had left.
Nothing! Boomerang didn’t pick up the phone but when you checked his WhatsApp, you noticed he had been online only minutes ago. What the fuck?!
He’s safe, though. Calm down. He must be alright. He’ll be here soon.
So you kept waiting, sitting back on the couch and watching whatever movie the TV offered to distract you from your impatience. Around two am in the morning, however, you cursed.
What was he thinking? Had he in fact forgotten? It couldn’t be. The last time you had seen him was three months ago. Three months since you’d last had sex, since you’d last kissed him, since you’d last cuddled with him. He couldn’t just leave you. Not tonight.
You sucked in a swell of air when you heard a soft but dominant knocking on the door. Rushing into the hallway to let him in, you briefly peeked through the spyhole. He looked as handsome and reckless as ever, his dark beard and hair framing the features of his face and complimenting his blue eyes. His clothes were dirty—you would have to wash them for him, since he never managed to properly take care of that on his own and the exhausted expression on him almost had you forget how mad you were.
Sighing bravely, you opened the door.
“Merry Christmas, luv.” He smiled when he entered your apartment and kicked off his boots, only to wrap his arms around you and swirl you through the air before kissing you passionately. Your body instantly reacted to him, your tongue willing fighting his. His hot breath against you and his warm hands on your waist turned you to jelly in his tender grip, his gentle yet dominant touches sending suspicious signals right between your legs, creating an arousing tingling.
Still, you pushed him away from you when you came back to your senses.
“Well, merry Christmas to you too, George.” You only ever called him that when he fucked up. That way, he instantly knew there was something he needed to apologise for—and so it was this time.
“Look, luv, I’m sorry, alright? I was outtah town, I had tah get me arse away from some cops. Almost got me this time, I got lucky.”
“You should have texted me! I’ve been waiting for hours! You know I’d be alone with-without you, you know I—“ Your voice broke along with hot tears worsening your sight.
Boomer immediately pulled you flush against him, resting his chin on top of your head to comfort you. “I know, luv, I know. I’m sorry.”
For a moment, you simply stood there in the dark hallway, hugging each other until you were able to forgive him. He was here, right? You were still angry with him but he was here.
“Do you… do you want some cookies? I made your favourite.” You said, sniffing in the process.
“Yah know the answer to that, luv. The tree looks amazin’, by the way.” Boomer replied, glancing into the living room. “Who helped settin’ it up fah yah? I mean, don’t get me wrong, luv but yah live on the third floor.”
Smirking, you disappeared in the kitchen only to return with a plate full of Christmas cookies. “What, you don’t believe I managed all by myself? Tsk.”
“C’mon, who helped yah?”
“That sweet guy next door?”
The Captain frowned, alarmed by your choice of words. “What sweet guy?”
“Oh you know, the one who lives right down the hallway? I offered him cookies as payment but he said he’d be happy buying me a coffee one day instead.”
You were being mean. You knew Boomer was awfully jealous when it came to you even talking to other men in his absence—it wasn’t like he didn’t trust you but to be fair, he had a quite possessive nature. For all that waiting on your behalf, however, you’d leave him to stew for a while longer. He’d find out in time said sweet neighbour was gay.
“That fuckah don’t know yuh’re mine, huh?” He growled wrathfully, clenching his fists when he did. The cookies you had brought him were forgotten.
“Woah! Boomer, I’m not yours. I’m your girlfriend, not your property. And well, no, of course he doesn’t, you’re a criminal. What was I supposed to do anyway? You didn’t show up! You didn’t even send me a message, I was worried you got hurt or caught or something!”
“Yah know me job is hardly predictable, couldn’t help it.” He grumbled, running his fingers through his beard.
“Well, in any case you should thank him for helping me because otherwise, we’d have no Christmas tree this year. Now eat your bloody cookies so I can go to sleep.”
Boomerang let out an audible sigh. He massaged the bridge of his nose before taking the plate from your hands and setting it on the coffee table. When he sneaked his arms around your middle and pulled you against him, your heart skipped a beat.
“It’s late, I’m sorry. Forget about the cookies, I’d much rather eat you.” He allowed no contradiction when he hoisted you up and threw you over his shoulder, eliciting an excited scream from you. Chuckling darkly, he carried you into the bedroom, greedily unwrapping you like you were his Christmas present. Well, perhaps you were. He did seem tired as well but when he looked you in the eye, softly and lovingly, you realised that the wait had been worth it.
Boomerang had come home—not to your apartment but to you. It was the best gift he could possibly have made you this year.
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Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy is an enemy of Batman. She is depicted as one of the world's most prominent eco-terrorists. She is obsessed with plants, botany, and environmentalism. She uses toxins from plants and her own bloodstream for her criminal activities, which are usually aimed at protecting the natural environment. She creates love potions that ensnare Batman, Superman, and other strong-willed individuals. Fellow villain Harley Quinn is her recurring partner-in-crime and possibly her only human friend.
Pre-Crisis, Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, a promising botanist from Seattle, was seduced by her botany professor Marc LeGrande into assisting him with the theft of an Egyptian artifact containing ancient herbs. Fearing she would implicate him in the theft, he attempts to poison her with the herbs, which are deadly and untraceable. She survives this murder attempt and discovers she has acquired an immunity to all natural toxins and diseases. FBI eventually found out about those events, but they kept her name incorrectly as Lillian Rose.
Poison Ivy.
Post-Crisis: Life in Seattle and Gotham
Following the merging of realities during the cosmic event known as the Crisis on Infinite Earths, her origins were revised. Pamela Isley grows up wealthy with emotionally distant parents. She later studies advanced botanical biochemistry at a university with Alec Holland under Dr. Jason Woodrue. Isley, a timid, shrinking violet, is easily seduced by her professor. Woodrue injects Isley with poisons and toxins as an experiment, causing her transformation. She nearly dies twice as a result of these poisonings, driving her insane. Later Woodrue flees from the authorities, leaving Pamela in the hospital for six months. Enraged at the betrayal, Pamela suffers from violent mood swings, being sweet one moment and like poison the next. When her boyfriend has a car accident after mysteriously suffering from a massive fungal overgrowth, Isley drops out of school and leaves Seattle, eventually settling in Gotham City.
Taking the costumed persona of Poison Ivy, she begins a criminal career and sets out to show her power over men. Her first scheme involved threatening to release her suffocating spores into the air unless the city meets her demands. The Batman, who appears in Gotham that very same year, thwarts her scheme, and she is incarcerated in Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. From this point on, she has a kind of obsession with Batman, he being the only person she could not control. Over the years, she develops plant-like superpowers, the most noticeable being a lethal toxin in her lips; she is able to literally kill with a kiss.
Poison Ivy escaped from Arkham Asylum, again and again, more often seducing her guards in order to make her getaway. She soon became a frequent member of Batman's Rogues Gallery, often committing robberies to fund her cause for the preservation of all plant life. Poison Ivy soon came into conflict with many other heroes in her insane quests, such as Superman and Wonder Woman. She fought the Justice League at least once and joined the Injustice Gang to help oppose them.
Poison Ivy also offered her talents as one of the world's leading experts on plant properties to the Secret Society of Super-Villains, although in recent years she appears to have left the team.
She hated all of humanity in many ways for the damage they had done to the world's flora. She allowed herself to temporarily sideline her mission to join the Suicide Squad. Under the direction of Amanda Waller, she served on several missions.
Ivy later took control of a Central American nation, seducing it's dictator and using him as a puppet tool with which she used to rule the country. Amanda Waller had revived the Suicide Squad and wanted her to rejoin the team. On their next mission to free Count Vertigo from another small dictatorship, Ivy realized she could use Vertigo for her own means and could rule the dictatorship herself.
Poison Ivy later stated that she only started a life of crime to attain sufficient funds to find a location to be alone with her plants, undisturbed by humanity. A few years later, she attempts to leave Gotham forever, escaping Arkham to settle on a desert island in the Caribbean. She transforms the barren wasteland into a second Eden, and is, for the first time in her life, happy. It is soon firebombed, however, when an American-owned corporation tests their weapons systems out on what they think is an abandoned island. Ivy returns to Gotham with a vengeance, punishing those responsible. After being willingly apprehended by Batman, she resolves that she can never leave Gotham, at least not until the world was safe for plants. From then on, she dedicates herself to the impossible mission of "purifying" Gotham.
At one point, Batman travels to Seattle to ascertain information on Pamela Isley's life before she became Poison Ivy. Here, Batman states that both of Pamela's parents are dead. When and why they died has been left undetermined.
While in Arkham, Poison Ivy receives a message through flowers that someone is to help her escape. That night, two women, Holly and Eva, successfully break Ivy out and bring her back to their employer. She is less than happy to discover that it is the Floronic Man, formerly known as Dr. Jason Woodrue, her former college professor that conducted the experiments on her. The only human portion of him remaining is his head, while the rest of his body is plant-based.
After striking a deal with him in the underground tunnels of Gotham, Ivy receives a trunk full of money in return for samples of her DNA. Woodrue intends to combine their DNA to create a "child", all while flooding the streets of Gotham with high-powered marijuana. The purpose of this is to create a world economy run on hemp and to have their offspring control it. Batman intervenes but is overcome by Woodrue's henchwomen, Holly and Eva. However, Ivy turns on Floronic Man and lets Batman go to fight the intoxicated maniac. In the end, Batman decapitates the Floronic Man, and Ivy escapes with her money.
At times, Ivy demonstrates positive, even maternal traits. When Gotham City is destroyed in an earthquake, rather than fight over territory like most of Batman's enemies, she holds dominion over Robinson Park and turns it into a tropical paradise. Sixteen children who are orphaned during the quake come to live with her, as she sympathizes with them, having suffered a traumatic childhood herself. She cares for them like sons and daughters, despite her usual misanthropy.
That winter, Clayface (Basil Karlo) pays Ivy a visit, hoping to form a bargain with her. This would entail her growing fruits and vegetables, having the orphans harvest them, and him selling the produce to the highest bidder. She wants nothing to do with the plan, and she attempts to kill him with a kiss. Clayface overpowers her, however, and imprisons Ivy and the orphans for six months in a chamber under the park's lake. He feeds her salt and keeps her from the sun to weaken her. Eventually, Batman comes and discovers the imprisoned orphans and Ivy. The two agree to work together to take Karlo down. Batman battles Clayface and instructs Robin to blow up the lake bed above, allowing the rushing water to break apart the mud, effectively freeing Ivy. She fights Karlo, ensnaring him in the branches of a tree and fatally kissing him. She then proceeds to sink him down into the ground, where he becomes fertilizer for Ivy's plants. Batman, originally intending to take the orphans away from Ivy, recognizes that staying with her is what is best for them, and they remain in her care until the city is restored. Also, as part of a bargain to keep her freedom, Batman arranges it so that Ivy provides fresh produce to the starving hordes of earthquake survivors. Soon after, Ivy finds Harley Quinn, who had almost been murdered by the Joker, among the debris of the earthquake and nurses her back to health. The two have been best friends and partners-in-crime ever since.
After Gotham City is reopened to the public, the city council wants to evict her from the park and send her back to Arkham Asylum, as they are uncomfortable with the thought of a "psychotic eco-terrorist controlling the equivalent of 30-odd square blocks". They also mistakenly believe that the orphans in Ivy's care are hostages. The Gotham City Police Department threaten to spray the park with R.C. Sixty, a powerful herbicide that most certainly would have killed every living plant in the park, including Ivy, and more than likely do harm to the children. Ivy refuses to leave the park to the city and let them destroy the paradise she had created, so she chooses martyrdom. It is only after Rose, one of the orphans, is accidentally poisoned by Ivy that the hardened eco-terrorist surrenders herself to the authorities in order to save the girl's life. Batman says that, as much as she would hate to admit it, Ivy is still more human than plant.
Later on, she and other Gotham characters are manipulated by the Riddler and Hush. Her task is to hypnotize both Superman and Catwoman; however, she abandons Catwoman to be killed by Killer Croc, and Batman is able to keep Superman busy in a fight long enough for the Man of Steel to break out of the spell. Soon afterward, the Riddler, who is being chased and attacked by Hush, approaches Ivy and seeks her protection. Ivy, who is angered by the manipulation, battles the Riddler physically and psychologically. She comes to physically dominate her opponent, humiliating Riddler and temporarily breaking his spirit.
Poison Ivy comes to believe that her powers are killing the children she had looked after, so she seeks Bruce Wayne's help to reverse her powers and make her a normal human being once more. Soon after, she is convinced by Hush to take another serum to restore her powers and apparently dies in the process. However, when her grave is visited shortly thereafter, it is covered with ivy, creating the impression her death would be short-lived.
Shortly after, Poison Ivy appears briefly in Robinson Park, killing two corrupt cops who killed one of her orphans (although whether this takes place before or after the aforementioned storyline is unknown).
"One Year Later", Ivy is alive and active. Her control over flora has increased, referred to as being on a par with Swamp Thing or Floronic Man. She also appears to have resumed her crusade against the corporate enemies of the environment with a new fanaticism, regarding Batman no longer as a main opponent, but as a 'hindrance'.
After arriving back from a year-long absence, Batman discovers that Ivy has been feeding people including "tiresome lovers", "incompetent henchmen", and those who "returned her smile" to a giant plant which would digest the victims slowly and painfully. She refers to these murders as a "guilty pleasure". In an unprecedented event, her victims' souls merge with the plant, creating a botanical monster called Harvest, who seeks revenge upon Ivy. With the intervention of Batman, however, she is saved. Ivy is left in critical condition, and the whereabouts of Harvest are unknown.
In Countdown 37, the Piper and the Trickster are hiding out in a greenhouse, picking fruits and vegetables from the plants. They run into Ivy, who is talking to her plants (presumably being told that Piper and Trickster hurt them), to which she reacts by tying them up in vines with the intention of killing them. She is then shown to have joined the Injustice League.
In the "Battle For The Cowl" storyline, she is coerced by Black Mask into joining his group of villains that aims to take over Gotham. She and Killer Croc unsuccessfully attempt to murder Damian Wayne. Shortly after, she escapes from Black Mask's control and forms an alliance with Catwoman and Harley Quinn, leading into the ongoing series Gotham City Sirens.
During Hush's ploy to hurt Batman through hurting his loved ones, Hush kidnaps Catwoman and surgically removes her heart. After being saved by Batman, she is operated on by some of the most gifted surgeons in the world, including Doctor Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific. In order to get even with Hush, Selina enlists the help of Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Oracle, Holly Robinson, and Slam Bradley to track down all of Hush's accounts, pilfer them, and leave him penniless. Selina pays Holly, Harley, and Ivy over $30 million each, hoping that they would use the funds to leave Gotham to start fresh somewhere else. However, Harley uses her money to go on a shopping spree, while Ivy gives her money away to organizations in Madagascar and Costa Rica for reforestation.
After rescuing Catwoman from Boneblaster, a new villain trying to make a name for himself, Poison Ivy takes Catwoman back to The Riddler's townhouse. When there, Catwoman sees that Ivy has been keeping the Riddler under mind control so that she and Harley could use his townhouse as a hideout. Here, Catwoman decides that with Gotham City more dangerous than ever with all of the gang wars and a new Batman, a partnership with the other two women would be advantageous. However, Ivy fears that Catwoman has lost her edge and prowess, and consults with Zatanna on the nature of Catwoman's injuries. Zatanna responds that Catwoman has psychological wounds that would need healing. Ivy resolves that she and Harley would provide Catwoman with "positive female reinforcement". The three then agree to become a team. However, Harley and Ivy have one condition: they demand that Catwoman reveal to them the true identity of the original Batman. Boneblaster then suddenly breaks into the apartment and the three of them have to move after they defeat him.
Eventually, Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman ambush the Riddler at his office (with Ivy using her plants to truss and gag his secretary), telling him that they've been framed for the murder of a young nurse. He agrees to help clear their names, and during the discussion, Ivy reveals that she has recently taken up a job at the Gotham division of S.T.A.R. Labs under an assumed name (Dr. Paula Irving). She is eventually kidnapped and placed in a specialized containment unit by a researcher named Alisa Adams, but escapes and turns the table on her captor by binding her with vines. Ivy initially informs Adams that she plans to kill her, but instead decides to let her live after seeing a photograph of Alisa's young daughter. Ivy then threatens the Alisa into keeping her mouth shut about her true identity, telling her that she will change her mind about sparing her life if she reveals the secret to anyone.
Ivy has appeared in the new DC Universe as a member of the Birds of Prey. She is initially distrusted by fellow members Katana and Starling because of her connections to multiple eco-terrorist attacks and murders but gains their trust after retrieving the location of their target's hideout and saving them and Black Canary from an explosion. She appears to be sporting a new black costume covering her body up to her neck that seems to have moss and live plants on it. Her eyes are also different, now being completely black save for her bright green irises. It is revealed in Birds of Prey #5 that Ivy is working with an unnamed businessman in exchange for an unknown substance that glows green.
During the Night of the Owls, Ivy managed to drag the Talon, who had attacked the team, into a refrigerated car where he froze, but Ivy managed to survive, due her plant biology, but she was gravely injured and Black Canary had promised to take Ivy to the Amazon, 'the heart of the green', where she could revitalise and heal if she got seriously injured. But upon arrival, after having their helicopter blown out of the sky, the team were greeted by plant monsters that attacked them and after they were defeated, Ivy takes the team to safety and tells them what those creature really were.
Ivy reveals that these creatures were perennials after she's fully rejuvenated she tells the Birds that the perennials were under her control and they have poisoned Canary and her teammates, they only have six months to live unless they help her seek vengeance on the people responsible for the destruction of the environment. If they refuse to help her then the infection kills them and then it will pass on to the other members of the human race and eventually wipe them out, allowing the Green to flourish.
The Team state that they would rather die than help her to kill innocents, but Ivy points out they don't have any other option. Black Canary says that they may be forced to help her. But in six months, they will find her.
In Dubai, a week later, she assaults the chairman of an oil company. But when the Birds of Prey arrive the chairman expects them to save him only to find Starling holds a gun to his head and pulls the trigger.
Harley called Poison Ivy after leaving Gotham asking if she wanted to have a girls night and they ended up breaking out every single animal in the local animal shelter. Ivy wakes up from the bed she shares with Harley the next morning and gives her a kiss on the cheek, afterward flourishing the apartment with grass and a tree for all of the dogs and cats.
Teams and alliances
Poison Ivy joins Two-Face's gang in the Dark Victory story arc. She tries to flirt with Dent, but he coldly rejects her as he still loves Gilda Dent. Ivy kills Lucia Viti on Dent's orders and is part of the group that escapes from the sewers into the Batcave. She is notably the only member of the group to show any reaction to Solomon Grundy's death on Two-Face's orders. This incarnation of Ivy has hair made of vines as opposed to the usual red hair, which she uses as her main weapon.
Poison Ivy is a member of the original Injustice Gang of the World, which fights the Justice League on several occasions.
She joins the Secret Society of Super Villains for a mission against the Justice League. She later joins Lex Luthor's incarnation of the Society.
She is coerced into being a member of the Suicide Squad. During this time, she uses her abilities to enslave Count Vertigo.
She is friends with the Joker's sidekick Harley Quinn. Unlike most villain team-ups, their partnership seems to be genuinely rooted in friendship, and Ivy sincerely wants to save Harley from her abusive relationship with the Joker. Ivy sympathizes with Harley, as Harley is mistreated by the man she loves, just as Ivy was by Jason Woodrue. She has expressed disdain for the Joker, primarily due to his treatment of Harley.
Most recently Poison Ivy has become a member of the all-female heroic organization known as the Birds of Prey.
Despite having different motivations than the rest of Batman's rogue's gallery, Ivy is not above forming alliances with the other villains if it suits her goals.
Poison Ivy is also in a group involving Harley Quinn and Catwoman called, "Gotham City Sirens". They once tried to kill off Catwoman but ended off failing.
Powers and Abilities
The dangerous experiments placed a deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream that make her touch deadly and allowed her to boost her immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This immunity also includes Joker venom. Some comics have even gone so far as to depict her as more plant than human, breathing CO2 and requiring sunlight to survive.
Ivy is known to be able to seduce men and women alike, often using pheromones to do so; she is even able to use these to control Superman, although she requires kryptonite for them to work.
She specializes in hybrids and can create the most potently powerful toxins in Gotham City. Often these toxins are secreted from her lips and administered via a kiss. They come in a number of varieties, from mind-controlling drugs to instantly fatal narcotics.
In some adaptations, she can control plants with her mind, create them from plant matter of any size, mutate them into plant creatures and monsters that she can control with her mind, and have a psychic and empathic link to them. She can generate mutated plant chemicals and spores from her plants or her body, which can modify plant traits, be used to attack people, and also control the minds of humans. This mind control is sometimes being caused by fungus-like plants being generated by the plant chemicals and spores reacting to organic matter, or the mutated plant matter growing on or inside a victim of her mind control. For example, while in Arkham, she is able to manipulate and animate plants, using roots to form supports for a tunnel she and another inmate named Magpie are digging to escape, and also spawning glowing fungi to entertain Magpie.
Poison Ivy is identified by the Swamp Thing as a being with an elemental mystical component, who he calls the 'May Queen'. Writers have not referred to her in this way in quite some time.
In Batman: The Animated Series, her only physical power is an immunity to poison, and when using a poisoned kiss, she uses lipstick poisoned by toxins extracted from a plant. She admits to having a "hyperactive immune system" which prevents her from having children. In The Batman, she can even exhale mind-controlling spores in the form of a blown kiss.
She is also shown to be a skilled gymnast and hand-to-hand combat. She manages to defeat Batman with hand-to-hand combat at least once through Batman: The Animated Series.
See Also
Poison Ivy/Gallery
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life Death (Volume 1)
In Other Media
Poison Ivy never made any appearances in other media prior to her debut in the fifth episode of Batman: The Animated Series, "Pretty Poison", in 1992. The series popularized the character to the point of being featured as a main villain in the live-action film Batman & Robin in 1997.
Batman & Robin
See: Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman)
The Lego Batman Movie
Poison Ivy makes a few cameo appearances in the film alongside other Batman villains voiced by Riki Lindhome. One notable scene has her attempting to kiss Batman and kill him, but she ends up kissing Penguin's penguin army by mistake, much to her disgust. Her appearance is modeled after the Uma Thurman version of the character.
DC animated universe
In the DC animated universe, Poison Ivy was voiced by Diane Pershing. The character's now-bisexual nature goes unmentioned due to the DCAU being for children. The initial character design for Poison Ivy in Batman: The Animated Series was provided by artist Lynne Naylor, who also helped design nearly all of the other female characters for the show. She drew Ivy to look distinctly different from the rest of the female characters, giving her a softer, cherub-shaped face. Bruce Timm mentioned in his audio commentaries that Ivy was meant to look shorter than the other recurring female villains and that her appearance was meant to evoke the image of a "wood nymph".
Batman: The Animated Series
See: Poison Ivy (DC Animated Universe)
The New Batman Adventures
and beyond
In the second series, she was aesthetically revamped to look more plant-like, her skin turning grayish-white. Ivy also became more humorous and seductive in personality, coinciding with her genuinely friendly relationship with Harley Quinn. Her fanatical mindset regarding the despoiling of plants and the ecosphere was also greatly reduced. She supposedly dies in a shipwreck in the episode "Chemistry". She apparently survives the shipwreck and returns in several spin-off series, including Static Shock, and the Gotham Girls web-toon, in which she held a co-starring role. The character also co-starred in the three-issue comic book miniseries Harley and Ivy and was given her swan song in the critically acclaimed Batman Adventures comic book series, which contains stories about Batman's adventures in Gotham City after a break from the Justice League.
Justice League
In the episode "A Better World", on the Justice League series, Poison Ivy appears only once, in a lobotomized form in an alternate universe. She is a prisoner at Arkham Asylum, and she is also allowed to work as the prison's gardener. Bruce Timm stated that he had turned down pitches for Poison Ivy episodes on Justice League so they could focus on new characters and storylines, only bringing back a minimal number of villains from previous shows.
The Batman
See: Poison Ivy (The Batman)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Poison Ivy, as seen on Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
Poison Ivy is first mentioned in "The Rise Of Blue Beetle".
She later appears in "Chill of the Night!", Ivy appears among other villains in an auction for a supersonic weapon held by arms dealer Joe Chill. When a terrified Chill asks the villains for protection against an enraged Batman, and somewhat admits his role in creating him, Ivy and the others attempt to murder Chill. The villains were foiled by Batman.
She also appears in the unaired episode "The Mask Of Matches Malone".
She has a Cameo in "The Knights Of Tomorrow" in a photo.
She reappears as a cameo in "Joker The Vile And The Villainous".
Young Justice
See: Poison Ivy (Young Justice)
Live Action TV
See: Ivy Pepper (Clare Foley), Ivy Pepper (Maggie Geha) and Ivy Pepper (Peyton List)
Video games
Poison Ivy has appeared in most of the Batman video games over the years. She appeared as a boss in Batman: The Animated Series, The Adventures Of Batman & Robin for the Super N.E.S., The Adventures Of Batman & Robin for the Sega C.D., Batman: Chaos In Gotham City, the video game adaptation of the movie Batman & Robin, Batman Vengeance, and Batman: Dark Tomorrow. In most of these video games, Poison Ivy does not fight Batman directly and usually watches in the background while Batman fights one of her plant monsters. In The Adventures of Batman & Robin for the Sega C.D. and Batman: Vengeance, Diane Pershing reprised her role from Batman: The Animated Series. She also has a cameo appearance in Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu, where she appeared as a hallucination along with the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Mr. Freeze if the Scarecrow manages to gas the player. There was also an unlockable 3D Model of her in the Trophy Room.
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Max Lord: 15 Truths About DC’s Biggest Liar
Hopefully you are reading Josh Williamson’s new “Rebirth” mini series, “Justice League vs. Suicide Squad.” If not, let us be the first to tell you that the insidious Maxwell Lord is back in a major way! This opportunistic businessman turned cold-hearted villain seems to be up to his old antics, but this time he has “the original Suicide Squad” under his control.
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His look in his “New 52” debut appearance, in “OMAC” #2, eschewed his trademark business suit and Checkmate looks, for a very sci-fi, Jack Kirby-influenced redesign. So, his arrival at the end of “Justice League vs. Suicide Squad” #1 in his classic Black King duds seems to infer this may be the pre-New 52 version of Max. Whichever Max it is, we thought it was a good time to give you the lowdown on this powerful mind-controlling baddie, and explain why he’s such a huge creep.
The version of the League that becomes Justice League International is initially brought together by Doctor Fate after the 1987 “Legends” miniseries. Fate believed that there was always need of a Justice League, but it is Maxwell Lord who gets them the United Nations charter, encouraging a more global membership, setting up embassies worldwide and renaming the team to reflect its global reach. Lord quickly goes from liaison to team leader in the first tentative displays of his manipulative powers (even if, at this point, they weren’t “super” in nature).
While Lord’s public persona is that of a business mogul who lacks ethics, he is actually much worse. In “Justice League” #1 (1987), he hires low-level criminals to fake a terrorist attack on the UN to bring the newly formed Justice League closer together. He continues manipulating the JLI for years, even going so far as to start a Justice League Antarctica branch staffed by former Injustice League members and headed up by knucklehead Green Lantern, G’Nort.
The cover of “Justice League International” #12 (1988) by Kevin Maguire famously shows Lord as half human, half robot, and the issue reveals his secret origin. It turns out his machinations to establish the Justice League as a UN sanctioned team were not his own. In a very convoluted bit of continuity, Lord finds an alien techno intelligence while spelunking, which immediately starts influencing his actions. The being was named Kilg%re and like all good computers, it was chiefly concerned with world domination. It was Kilg%re who suggested Lord ingratiate himself with the Justice League.
Further, the more global approach Lord encouraged once he had gained their trust was also just a part of the alien intelligence’s grand scheme. Eventually, Lord broke free of the techno life form when he destroyed the computer that housed it… or so he thought. This weirdness was all taken a step further when Lord gets brain cancer and the long-thought dead Kilg%re pops back up to transfer Lord’s consciousness into an android. This is a somewhat despised part of Max Lord’s history, to say the least.
The 1987, the company-wide “Millennium” crossover that was spearheaded by Steve Englehart told the story of a Guardian of the Universe (aka, Green Lantern’s bosses) and a member of their sister race, a Zamaron, who were visiting Earth to grant a chosen few accelerated evolution. The plan was for this group of 10 men and women to become the new Guardians of the Universe. As is often the case when the Guardians are involved, their own creations came back to bite them in their little blue butts. The Manhunters had infiltrated Earth’s superhero community and were ready to strike when the purpose of the ancient aliens’ visit to Earth was revealed.
Rocket Red #7 of the Justice League International turned out to be one of these overzealous robots, as did Max Lord’s secretary at the time, Mrs. Wootenhoffer. The Manhunter shoots Max four times before his computer (which we don’t know is Kilg%re at this point) neutralizes the threat. He survives the sustained injuries, but he suffered. And at least you can’t say that Max never took one for the team!
To keep it simple, the best way to describe Dreamslayer’s group of super villains, The Extremists, is to say that they are analogues for Marvel’s greatest villains, like Doctor Octopus (Gorgon), Magneto (Doctor Diehard) and Doctor Doom (Lord Havok). Dreamslayer is the DC version of Doctor Strange villain Dormammu. These super-powered terrorists were denizens of an alternate dimension and hailed from a planet called Angor. When Dreamslayer discovered a way to get to Earth, he immediately launched an attack with robotic versions of the Extremists. His actual teammates had died in the nuclear holocaust they had caused on Angor.
While that may seem like a lot of backstory to tell you that Dreamslayer possessed Max Lord at one point, the “why” and “how” would be impossible to explain otherwise. When the fiery-headed troublemaker and his replicate Extremists were thwarted on Earth, Deamslayer’s body was destroyed and his spirit returned to his own dimension. However, from there, he was able to possess Max Lord, who he used to mind control The Flash, who then retrieved the powered-down Extremist robots for him. Circuitous, perhaps, but even Max would have to appreciate the lengths to which Dreamslayer was willing to go to manipulate the situation.
The names Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis should be familiar to any comic reader worth their weight in long boxes. Giffen is the writer/artist behind such cult favorite characters as Lobo, Ambush Bug, L.E.G.I.O.N. and DC new A-lister Jamie Reyes (aka Blue Beetle III). He also wrote the recently adapted “Invasion!” mini series. DeMatteis, meanwhile, is a writer who started with DC in the late ‘70s on pulpy titles like “Weird War Tales” and “House of Mystery.”
Together, the two created the Justice League International, Justice League Europe, Justice League Antarctica and had a critically acclaimed run on “JLI.” They came up with droves of fun new characters to populate their books including Ice, Rocket Red #7, G’Nort, The Extremists, and, of course, Maxwell Lord IV. The upcoming comedy “Powerless” seems like it must be influenced by Giffen and DeMatteis’ work, as both superheroes that have been revealed so far, Crimson Fox and Jack O’Lantern (II), are their creations.
During the “Countdown To Infinite Crisis” (2005) and “Infinite Crisis” (2005) events, Maxwell Lord assumed full control of the spy agency known as Checkmate. While their organizational structure based on Chess (Black King / Queen, White King / Queen) still existed, the balance of power it was supposed to represent was all but gone. Max also took over Batman’s AI satellite, Brother Eye, and secured the OMAC technology under this agency’s banner.
To say Checkmate’s authority was at an all time high under Lord would be an understatement. When The Black Queen, White Queen and White King conspired to kill Lord, he used his powers to control the Black Queen’s Bishop, Jessica Midnight, and had her shoot all three of them on the spot. Max’s reign of terror as The Black King ended when he got on the wrong side of Wonder Woman, but that’s a whole other entry. During the “Brightest Day” event, it was revealed in “Justice League: Generation Lost” that he was secretly back in control of Checkmate.
Max Lord had controlled Brother Eye in the DCnU, similar to how things had played out before “Flashpoint” changed everything. Although, in the New 52 relaunch of “O.M.A.C.” (2011), Brother Eye escaped and sent his O.M.A.C. (a powerful cyborg designed to fight and destroy metahumans) on the offensive against Project Cadmus and Checkmate to maintain their freedom.
In the DCnU, Lord is yet again in control of Checkmate, and Cadmus is under the Checkmate umbrella. So, in response to Brother Eye and O.M.A.C.’s actions, Lord sends in his Checkmate Elite, including Sarge Steel, Maribel and Little Knipper to take the One-Machine Attack Construct down. When they fail, Lord recruits the Cadmus scientist Mokkari to do the job with his Build-A-Friend creations. This attempt is also unsuccessful and finally Checkmate’s sister agency, S.H.A.D.E., is contacted and its top operative Frankenstein manages to stop O.M.A.C. in his tracks. However, it is only when Lord defeats Brother Eye, that he deems the O.M.A.C. as no longer a threat.
Keith Giffen’s epic crossover, “Invasion!” (1989), was about alien races teaming up to stop the threat from Earth; that is to say, humanity. Well, mostly metahumans, but humanity in general, too. The event featured a plethora of DC Comics’ most popular heroes alongside its cult-favorite second stringers. All of the publisher’s top government official characters and their organizations got involved, too, including Amanda Waller with the Suicide Squad, General Eiling with the military and Max Lord with Justice League International.
However, even after the Alien Alliance had taken over Australia, the US president didn’t want to take action. So, he tells Lord that the JLI are to stand down and to contact Waller directly to stop her from doing anything rash. Eventually it’s all hands on deck though. “Invasion!” is the storyline that was just recently adapted for a monumental crossover that included all four of The CW’s DC shows. However, as good as the four nights of television were, it seems like a missed opportunity that the Arrowverse’s Max Lord (played by Peter Facinelli in “Supergirl” Season 1) wasn’t involved.
The alien race The Dominators were the masterminds behind the attack on Earth in “Invasion!” and their ultimate weapon was the Gene Bomb. They had studied human evolution and the emergence of metahumans, and then engineered a device to neutralize metahuman abilities. At the end of the crossover, when the Alien Alliance had come apart and The Dominators had all but lost, they set it off. We see the explosion from many perspectives, as well as what happens to a number of superheroes. What is unexpected is the bomb’s effect on humans with latent metahuman genes.
For some, like Maxwell Lord, it gives them powers. Did the most manipulative man in the DC universe really need the power to control minds? Probably not, but it did make him exponentially more dangerous, and more exciting to see show up in your favorite titles. When Lord collapses shortly after the Gene Bomb is detonated, he is taken to hospital. Though they seem to be sworn enemies, Amanda Waller comes to visit. In a rare moment of emotion, she reveals that she respects Lord and thinks he is (and we quote) “the best” while he is unconscious.
Super powers are a lot more interesting when they have a drawback, or a “tell” even. In Max Lord’s case, he gets a nose bleed any time he utilizes his psionic abilities. It’s kind of an awesome plot device because he can’t lie about if he is using his powers or not. When he is trying to control a powerful being, more than one person or creating psionic hallucinations, he may also experience more substantial bleeding from his eyes, ears and mouth, which adds a creepy, even horrific visual layer to his abilities. He’s also usually pretty happy about “pushing” people’s minds, as he calls it, and is often grinning ear-to-ear while hemorrhaging blood from his various orifices.
Perhaps the most gratuitous version of this physical manifestation of his powers was seen in “Brightest Day,” when he manages to mind wipe the entire planet! Even though he takes all the necessary precautions (basically, just multiple blood transfusions), he almost dies from blood loss.
UNRELATED FUN FACT: Aquaman can also get nosebleeds if he pushes his powers to the extreme. It tends to happen when he tries to command gargantuan sea creatures or whole schools of sea life.
If you are writing an A-list hero’s next arc or a company-wide crossover and need a conniver pulling the strings behind the scenes, Max is a go-to sociopath. So, when this puppet master showed up in “Blackest Night,” it wasn’t too surprising. Being dead at the time, he was back as a Black Lantern, and his only mission was too get revenge on the one who had taken his life. His death is one of the top entries on this list though, so as to not reveal his murderer, let’s just say he is successful in thoroughly tormenting her.
His manipulations and flat-out mind control of superheroes and politicians alike puts him on par with DC’s worst villains, and unlike contemporaries like Amanda Waller and General Eiling, he seems truly unhinged. So, when he came back yet again in “Brightest Day,” and wiped all of humanity’s memories of him away, it wasn’t looking good for metahumans. However, before he could play his endgame, he is granted a White Lantern ring and told by The Entity to “Stop the war before it starts.” This involves Magog, Captain Atom and a future timeline where Lord has won his war against metas — for many, the darkest timeline.
In 2007, Booster Gold got a solo series that spun out of the ambitious “52” event. The ongoing title was written by Geoff Johns and followed Booster as he was recruited by Rip Hunter (who just happens to be his son), to be a “time cop” and stop chronal anomalies. During his first mission, he saves one of his and Rip’s ancestors, therefore avoiding them being wiped from history. He also gets to drop in on pivotal moments for various other major DC heroes and villains.
In an ironic turn of events, he is thrown into World War I Germany and ends up saving an American soldier by the name of Cyrus Lord… who turns out to be the grand-pappy of Max Lord, the man who killed is best friend, Ted Kord. Interestingly, this storyline is very similar to the synopsis for “Legends of Tomorrow” Season 2. Not surprisingly, many fans had guessed Patrick J. Adams was playing Booster when his casting was announced.
The recent “Justice League vs. Suicide Squad” mini series is not the first time these two teams have faced each other down in a crossover. In fact, it’s not even the second or third time. Back in 1988, there was a two-part “Justice League vs. Suicide Squad” story that started in “Justice League International” #13 and concluded in “Suicide Squad” #13″ The plot involved the Squad going on an unauthorized mission to rescue one of their own from a Russian prison. “Unauthorized” meant they didn’t get the okay from Amanda Waller, who has the president call in the JLI to stop the Squad and avoid an international incident.
The only problem was that Max Lord saw this as the prefect opportunity to expose the Suicide Squad to benefit his JLI, stating that “it would help our standing tremendously with the foreign governments that don’t yet fully trust us.” However, things don’t go according to either Waller or Lord’s plans and their stand-off ends in a stalemate. At this point, Max is still in the hospital recovering from being shot in the “Millennium” event.
The most important facts about Maxwell Lord are which major Justice League member he murdered in cold blood, and which of DC’s Big 3 ended up compromising their morals by breaking his neck. But let’s start with Lord’s most famous murder, which broke the hearts of DC fans worldwide. When his former cohort Blue Beetle figures out his nefarious intention to eliminate metahumans in “The O.M.A.C. Project” (2005), he tries to explain himself.
Lord admits his fears about super-powered heroes and villains, and says he had wanted to bring Beetle in on the plan to neutralize this threat for years. In response, Ted clocks him square in the jaw and tries to escape. However, he doesn’t get far before getting jumped by Sasha Bordeaux, followed by a pummelling at the hands of an O.M.A.C. Lord makes him an offer to join Checkmate, but his curt answer of “Rot in hell” prompts Lord to shoot him in the head at point blank range, leaving one of the most lasting images ever in DC comics.
Max Lord is a master manipulator on the level of Lex Luthor and Amanda Waller, with the big difference between them being that he has powers. Because of his abilities and machinations, he was one of the main villains of the “Countdown To Infinite Crisis” and “Infinite Crisis” events. In “The O.M.A.C. Project” (2005), he utilized Brother I (aka Brother Eye) to catalogue the world’s metahuman population, with plans to eventually wipe them out with scores of O.M.A.C.s. Another aspect of this conspiracy involved him using his mind pushing abilities to control Superman to murder his JL colleagues.
While under Lord’s sway, the Man of Steel served Batman and Wonder Woman severe beat downs. However, Diana managed to get Lord in her Lasso of Truth and when asked how to free Superman from his command, Lord simply answered “Kill me.” She then proceeds to snap his neck in her bid to save the world. As the DC Comics Encyclopedia explains it, “Faced with the choice between saving millions of lives and keeping her oath to never kill, Wonder Woman killed Lord.”
What do you think are Max Lord’s most vile features or moments? Let us know in the comments!
The post Max Lord: 15 Truths About DC’s Biggest Liar appeared first on CBR.com.
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