#they’re insane your honor
theghostlyunknown · 4 months
In love with the way the boat boys are obsessed with each other yet refuse to admit it. Joel “changed his skin to etho fanboy shirt once and now eefos obsessed with him obviously” Beans. Etho “watches all of Joel’s hardcore episodes but only on auto play obviously” slab. Insane behavior. Good job guys.
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alloutshirt · 2 years
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little freaks getting high in california or something // louis tomlinson – harry styles
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grntre23 · 1 year
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jwds but it’s historical au, jw’s a nobleman and ds’s like a merchant or advisor or smthng i dunno. anyways i’ve been thinking abt only them for a month straight so here is my contribution. anyways explaining the images- there’s a seal and money on jw’s side to show that he is originally powered by money and legitimacy and power and there’s a bun and a knife on ds’s side because he is someone who lives just to survive after losing yy. the fish bones r a nod to jw not liking fishy stews and how both have skeletons in their closet. also because the bones show how both of them “die” and are reborn over the show. anyways idk if this makes sense but i love them that is all
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eternxlvante · 1 year
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“i love you”
— ❌ boo, lame, predictable, no impact
“one life spent with you, is all that i could wish for”
— ✅ tear breaker, changes lives, romantic, bears their heart and soul, genuine, impactful
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rancidsugar · 4 months
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bittersweet-nothingss · 6 months
“Don’t ever change.”
“You changed me, Dean.”
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Crying myself to sleep. They deserved each other :((
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zeldasadork · 5 months
to me mounders are found family but not in a standard siblings-esque dynamic or anything. particularly early on it’s like they have the unshakable camaraderie of like, college dormmates bonded through their mutual befuddlement of what shared teachers they have, or acquaintances stuck in a elevator together, or shipwreck survivors caught in the same stretch of land.
and it’s happenstantial up until they’re maybe a little too loyal a little too giving for what should ultimately amount to amicable neighbors. it’s happenstantial until they start to notice that they choose eachother over and over again, in their own ways. it’s that they care for eachother and they fight for eachother and they mourn for eachother as a whole and individually. and it’s fascinating.
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kisasan · 18 days
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Thank you so much to @/umbrulla for pointing this out to me! I know about the umbrella meaning for a long time,since it’s used as a trope in a lot of anime/manga,but for some reason it didn’t crossed my mind when reading the lyrics and now my mind is blown,and im literally screaming crying throwing up
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Okay so my genuine thoughts on the final scenes of Totk
So having Link go through the final ‘dungeon’ and wind up exactly where we started the game, with those rocks we ACHED to break bc it was instinct, only to get that satisfaction after EVERYTHING and to see that Zelda’s fate was foretold millennia ago. Turning into a dragon WAS her only choice. And for good reason.
Ganondorf’s fight. WOW. That was genuinely so beautifully done. He ALSO dodges how Link does. To have Ganondorf dodge something, the entire action moving in slow motion, only to then have LINK do the same the next move?? Poetic cinema people. And the champions arriving 🥹 only to then have them all fucking thrown to the side when he takes in his doubles to regain his own strength? Absolutely insane and hands down my favorite boss fight in the entirety of the Zelda series. Yeah. That’s how much I enjoyed it as a player.
Can we also just talk about how concerned everyone got and how they yelled his name when he was taken from the underground??
And THEN the final fight with Ganondorf swallowing a secret stone and becoming a dragon. It brings Zelda’s sacrifice to light. She did it out of selflessness and love. He did it out of selfishness and hatred. GOD do I love characters that juxtapose each other. Zelda is a girl who was given the responsibility of a power she never wanted while Ganondorf is a megalomaniac who sought the destruction of peace because of his own selfish desires. Seeing the difference between them in that final fight as two dragons… it was EVERYTHING.
Zelda’s dragon form was tiny compared to Ganondorf’s dragon form. She protects. He attacks.
It’s so beautiful to see how Zelda, who isn’t mentally awake, first instinct are to save Link. She quickly maneuvers so she can not only juke out Ganondorf, but also then save Link who was flung into the air in the process. Link clutching onto her dragon fur? Or whatever?? And understanding that while the sages are all still underground, he is not alone in the sky. She’s going to be by his side this entire time.
For someone who was alone the majority of the last game… this was so fucking emotional and beautiful to see.
Them lowkey explaining calamity Ganon by also using dragons this game was a really nice consistency touch btw I was digging how focal dragons were to the entire game this time around.
And then the final bit. That SCENE. Rauru and Sonia channeling their power through Link, who was incredibly confused before he realized what they must be doing, and got SO determined. Turning Zelda back and even getting his own hand back in the process??? Insane to see. Zelda was so so loved by Rauru and Sonia despite only spending a short amount of time with them. And that just makes my heart hurt when we consider what actually happened.
And when Link falls unconscious, which is completely logical when you think about the fight he just went through, the altitude he was at, and channeling enough magic that it reversed the effects of an all powerful secret stone???? Yo he went through a LOT!
And he wakes up, already on the alert bc man is freefallin only to then realize that Zelda is back and she’s also falling. And she’ll hit the ground a lot sooner than he would at the rate they’re going.
Link couldn’t reach Zelda in the beginning of this entire thing. But this time? This time he not only reaches her hand, but he pulls her in close, shields her head as best as he can, and prepares them to hit the water. Once they do, he carries her out of the water. Gentle, oh so gently, laying her down and kneels over her as she begins to wake up.
And one of the first thing Zelda does as she wakes up is to take him in and looks him over to see if HE’S hurt. Just like she did in the beginning of the game. And everything click. They won. He defeated Ganondorf and she was granted the impossible by Rauru and Sonia to turn back into a human.
And Zelda IMMEDIATELY rambles on about everything. About how much has happened. How much she has to tell him.
And finally. Finally. She looks at him and smiles so fucking gently that it drives me INSANE with how much she obviously adores him, and says, “I’m home, Link. I’m home.”
Because home is right there. Right by his side. In this Hyrule that they’ve been rebuilding together. The one they lived the past half decade ish together in a house Link bought and traveled across Hyrule no matter what the issue was. In the Hyrule where she is so beloved by everyone.
Zelda is home.
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mysteriousl0ser · 6 months
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button kisses :]
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navnae · 1 year
What if Eddie asks Steve about what happened with the Russians and how it affected him. Steve has never been asked how that experience changed the way he is as a person or how traumatic the whole situation turned out. I think season 5 would’ve been an amazing opening for that conversation and we get to see Steve’s genuine point of view if that day while Eddie even goes into detail about how he felt about the demobats and the upside down in general. Ugh what could’ve been 😞
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roykentschesthair · 7 months
I know we don’t really know how Roy and Jamie reacted to each other when they very first met, but c’mon, Roy is older, slower, losing the one thing that makes him feel useful and good, his knee a constant aching painful reminder that he’ll never be as good as he was.
Jamie comes in, an asshole, too sure, too cocky, and vulnerable as hell, his abandonment issues in full armored display, he comes in, everything Roy used to be and will never be again and sure, Jamie has worshipped Roy since he was a lad, but Roy doesn’t know that. And sure, Roy is a (self) hating mess, but Jamie doesn’t know that.
They collide
Rock and hard place
And they hate each other, except for how they don’t, and it’s the first time in a long time that Roy has the energy to fight, and the first time maybe ever that Jamie pushes someone away who never actually leaves.
And that hatred buries the potential of their connection for a long time. Until it doesn’t anymore, until they recognize that this disruption of patterned behavior is a good thing.
And they heal each other? Their connection stabilizes and strengthens and it’s beautiful?
Roy learns he can be useful, needed, wanted and not break his body to do it?
Jamie learns that he’s allowed to say no, to ask for what he needs, to be vulnerable, because he no longer needs to fear retribution for it?
This is a rambling mess all just to say that platonic or romantic Jamie and Roy are a love story for the ages
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cinnamontoastcroonch · 2 months
doodle for my fellas
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idea below
this was based on an idea discussed in the discord about the reunion between malachi and laurance after the whole 15 year irene dimension debacle, but for those unaware, myself and some others have a hc that being in the irene dimension was physically painful for laurance, as a shadow knight. like very.
i drew him in his sk form, which was kinda just a whim, but maybe it could be explained by saying that he involuntarily turned due to the stress that the dimension inflicted on his body, although him being in his form gave me ANOTHER idea, so you can pick whichever you want to believe.
the other idea: rather than this being the reunion from the return from the irene dimension, maybe it’s from laurance’s return from his silly little 3 year nether side quest (AUGH😞), which would imply that he just hadn’t transformed back yet if he’d just then returned.
also, if that were the case, of course malachi would be glad to see him, but i think he’d also be fucking pissed. and confused. but also understanding because he’s malachi. but yes lots of father/mentor-son feelings. anyways.
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your-mums-nuts · 10 months
Okay but the way Nandor mouthed along with Guillermo when he was reciting the card, but he didn’t make a sound. He cares about Guillermo SO much, he experienced Guillermo’s death today, he just found out the guy who had devastated him by leaving time and time again stayed here despite the danger and he still cannot let Guillermo know he gives a shit about any of it.
This guy is more repressed than Aziraphale.
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ronance4life42 · 5 months
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This is image is so gay. Look at them. See them being gay. At each other. For each other. It fucking radiates. It’s insane. You feel the intense gay vibes coming off of this picture like an overpowering wave. Because it is just that: overpowered. It’s so strong it can be felt from across a screen. From across decades. Time-travelling lesbianism. We love to see it. This why we go crazy. Because it’s crazy. It only takes a single image for it to be so blatantly gay. But on the other hand, it’s not a single image. There are loads more where this came from. And in all of them there is so much gayness, it’s just wild. Wacky. Gay.
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Obi: excuse me, have either of you ever been arrested
Shirayuki: yes
Zen: yeah how could you tell
Obi: I was going to say “because it’s illegal to be that cute” but now I’m curious
Zen: aggravated assault
Shirayuki: felony arson
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