#this is canon I was Vox’s hat
rainydaysfw · 3 months
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Words cannot express how much I find radiosilence hilarious, but drawings can
First comic in like 2 years wow
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hellevac · 4 months
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besties who love MONEY
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nyipi · 1 month
WIP preview of the meme animatic that i'm tryna finish soon, just so ur ready how horrifying it could be
.// also anyone know how customizable fizz bots are or what
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applepieshy · 29 days
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I had an idea to redesign vox because I didn't love that a character obsessed with modernization would wear a top hat and bowtie. then after a brief stint into madness where I read my partner's historic costuming textbook I drew.... all this.
(side note: the idea of vox being a trans man who transitioned AFTER death was super compelling and absolutely inspired by @prince-liest so while this is not direct fanart of their series I wanted to give a shoutout anyway!!!)
okay some TRULY unhinged rambling about historic costume below the cut YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
1950s: for this design I very much did not want to go to the typical a-line housewife look, because I feel that is unfitting for vox's character. instead I went for a more business look, but there is still a level of femininity that he would have been expected to perform. i wanted to express his discomfort with that through the pose and expression, though at the time he wouldn't necessarily have a framework for why he hated it
1960s: this one was very fun. i loved the idea of vox beginning to eschew some of the expected feminine presentation, and he no longer wears makeup, jewelry, or hose (though its hard to tell in black & white); however, he's kind of at war with himself in this time period. he's obsessed with seeming perfect and having a respectable image, so he would not go in for the counter-culture movements that were so big in the 60s. he's still kind of riding those coattails though, pushing those boundaries while still not acknowledging his queerness.
1970s: to me, it was very important that the gender hit as he entered the world in color. in my mind the gender euphoria is physically manifested in a wizard of oz situation - he can become who he always has been. anyway, gender aside, I think it was very important to me personally that he wore an ascot. it was for my mental health.
1980s: I wanted the 1980s to be the period where he began to gain some power and notoriety because of the de-regulation of television during this period to allow more ads, mirroring real-world history. I think if the 70s were when vox gained some real confidence, the 80s are when he got an Ego (tm). "business casual" also began to become more acceptable in this time period, and the t-shirt/suit jacket combo was very important for me to include, as to me it epitomizes the commercialism and machismo of the 80s.
1990s: this was actually the decade I was the most nervous to design, and yet I think it turned out the best? the 90s are known for grunge, which I think is NOT vox's style at all. I decided instead to lean hard into the yuppie look, which I know is more associated with the 80s but was definitely still a thing in the 90s. I also allowed a little hip-hop influence in the form of a gold chain from val, which is not something I think vox would ever pick on his own.
2000s: if the 90s were the decade I was worried about and turned out great, the 2000s are the decade I thought I had down SO GOOD and then totally floundered in execution. I still love the bubble-mac inspired head, and I tried to make his clothes as "round" as possible. I also like that this is the time where his saturation got cranked. however, I don't know if I'm in love with the vest and super bright sneakers, because again, looking back on it, he kind of looks like he works at a movie theater or best buy or some shit lol,,,
2010s: I think it's telling that this is by far the closest to his canon design (2014 tumblr lookin ass). I really wanted to pull from that hipster tech bro era, but unfortunately that aesthetic has a veneration for "retro" which again, is not fitting for vox. I still think he would wear the bowtie during this time because, well... he sure does in the show!
2020s: this was fun because I had an excuse to pull from haute couture design rather than street fashion because of the introduction of velvette into his life. I truly do not think velvette would let vox and val walk around in the outfits that they do because it would be an actual embarrassment LMAO. for this, I wanted his decorative "robes" to be evocative of the time he depicted himself as a priest AND of a cape/robe of an emperor. he does think of himself as that bitch, after all.
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kame-writes · 1 month
Some Hazbin Hotel Head Canons I have:
Alastor was both a moonshiner and bootlegger when he was alive. He would have been in his prime during Prohibition, and the hoof prints on his shoes were actually common among bootleggers. They were used to trick police that might try to track them by their footprints.
Those shoes are why he was mistaken by a hunter for a deer. The hunter was tracking the hoof prints.
Mimzys club was a speakeasy, and she was fully aware of Alastor being a serial killer. She used to provide alibis for him when he was alive, which is a reason he covers for and protects her now in their afterlife.
Angel and Husk probably crossed paths in life, but are completely unaware of it. Husk was born and raised in Las Vegas, and the mob was very heavily involved with running most of the casinos. Angel being a mafia son, would have definitely been in Vegas a fair amount before his death.
Sir Pentious used to be seen as a very powerful and dangerous Overlord. Then technology and electronics were introduced, making his steampunk innovation style outdated and people started to see him as a joke. He tried to keep up with the times, but it very bad at it and doesn't understand modern things.
The reason Vox has so many aquatic things and likes sharks, is thematic. The envy ring is aquatic and Vox is a very jealous and possessive person.
Valentino uses his saliva and smoke to make people more pliable and willing to agree with him, this also includes Vox. This is partly how they got together, because Valentino saw Vox as a way to further himself and grow his own power.
Nifftys Soul isn't actually owned by Alastor. She sticks with him because of mutual benefit for the both of them. He's also such a bad boy that she's drawn to being around him and helping him with his schemes.
Husk lost his soul because Alastor made him play an honest game, while Husk was a notorious card shark. The little gold token on Husk's hat is the dealers chip from their game as a reminder.
Husk was not a nice overlord. His redemption is going to rely on him admitting how bad he was in the past and accepting himself as a changed person.
Charlie is the only one who still doesn't realise Alastor is a cannibal. Which is why she was surprised he had a friend in Cannibal Town.
Lucifer knew full well who Alastor was, he was just being an ass. He correctly assumed that implying Alastor was a nobody or not important was the biggest insult he could throw at him.
Angel Dust is always broke. This is partly because before coming to the hotel he was renting an apartment from Valentino with ridiculous rent, and he's still working/paying off his debt.
Before meeting Valentino, Angel was more mafia with his brother. They had a very turbulent relationship, since they weren't very close when they were alive due to Arakniss being more Conservative and serious like their father. They have barely spoken since Angel became a famous porn star, and Angel just assumes that Niss now hates him for being 'an embaressment'.
Part of the reason Angel let Valentino take his soul and lead him to where he is now, is because Val was the only/first person to really encourage Angel's more feminine side and sexuality, and find it attractive. He fell hard for the love bombing, and then had a very rude awakening once Valentino no longer needed to play nice.
Fat nuggets is very special to Angel. He was never allowed pets, and despite him being one of Vals love bombing presents, it reminds him of how happy he was before he learnt the truth about why Val was so loving to him.
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tarvyunderscore · 4 months
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Next redesign, pathetic tv guy
More info about the process below:
Chronic case of interesting character, bad design execution. I LOVE technology based villains, and his personality makes him such a fun antagonist.  But dear God, does he look unrefined. There’s so many cool ideas but they’re all thrown together. 
Anyway, one of my two main complaints is the color scheme, specifically how the colors are used. Personally, I think due to his design having only vibrant colors, it makes him look more tacky than futuristic. So I gave him muted clothing to make the electrical bits more obvious. It also helps him not blend into the cool blue backgrounds that he's normally in.
Next complaint, his clothes are lame. I think the top hat looks silly and I don't understand what the striped shirt is for. It's just design clutter. So I simplified his design and made him more accurate to the time period he was alive. This is also why I made his flat screen chunky, mainly for aesthetic purposes. I kept the wifi signal but made it more subtle on his tie. I also gave him bigger heels, a subtle nod to his ego. He wants to be tall.
Also, I know he's supposed to be the guy trying to imitate Alastor, but that doesn't mean he has to be a carbon copy. Frankly, I think he wants to be BETTER than Alastor. So he's more dressed up than him.
Lastly, my big differentiation from canon. I took the idea that Vox upgrades his body and ran with it. His "TV" body isn't his real one, it's just one he pilots around as his base form is more unstable. I personally think he was electrocuted to death, so this is my way to interpret that. Y'know, visible skeleton, plug shaped tail, yadda yadda. The instability of electricity is also like his temper!!
But yeah, I made him more robotic, that's about it :DDD
DISCLAIMER: I'm not whaling on the of designs out of malice, these are PERSONAL critiques. I like the series and I'm doing this out of a love for character design.
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purple-star-eyes · 4 months
QnA with Viv, Erika and Amir (Wednesday, 31st January 2024)
(1 day before the Season 1 finale)
Who would be the better dad?
>Lucifer cuz his heart is in the right place.
Alastor wanted to get under Luci's skin, which is where the Dad rivalry came from.
Alastor is canonically aro/ace.
Said in a livestream by his voiceactor Amir Talai but Viv didn't deny it.
"It didn't come up in the show yet obviously."
Amir Talai owns an "Oh deer" cup a fan made for him
Concerning Fantheories: A lot of people have gotten a lot of things right.
Viv tries to avoid it, but she's excited to see how exact people get it. Apparently quite a few have figured it out to the T.
When Viv first made the characters she changed a lot of stories around, case and point Vaggie's story changed.
Viv laughed when she saw the HB theory that Wally Wackford is a secret form of Mammon.
>clearly false, fun but not true according to Viv, debunked in real time
Viv's brother works at A24 and loves trolling fans with theories like "Charlie dies in ep.4" (false obviously)
Amir said Alastor has a tail. Viv doesnt confirm or deny it.
Viv: "The tail is not relevant."
-> Might be answered later, since he'd have to be without the coat
Erika likes that Charlie has actual realists around her keeping her grounded.
(Like Angel in ep.4)
Charlie's view is very simplistic on redemption.
The point of the show is to explore that the grey area and redemption are very complicated
(Charlie's arc)
Mimzie is a relieable narator when it comes to Alastor.
But his backstory will come up in future episodes.
There *HAS TO BE* someone that scares Alastor according to Amir.
"We haven't even scratched the surface with Alastor." According to Viv.
Why does Alastor keep Nifty around?
-> Will be explored in the next episodes.
He is very fond of her.
They can connect due to "they both dont care about anything"
How tall is Lucifer-> 5'2 (as per the definitiom of shortking) and Charlie is a foot taller than him. (The hat adds a lot)
The hat is a concious choice of Luci to make up for his height.
"He's not concerned with fashion. Just his height."
The other sins are very big, Viv loves that Luci is the tiniest one of the sins.
Charlie is 6ft
Valentino is 10ft
Angel is 8ft
Alastor is around Charlie's height
Erika's favourite V is Vox due to his voice. She might never love Valentino (he makes her mad).
Amir refused to comment who his favourite V is.
Is there more to the beef between Alastor and Vox?
-> they hate each other, Vox is jealous
Alastor enjoys Vox like a rug (Vox exists and he can walk all over him.)
Pretty simple and nice dynamic but nothing else.
Alastor thinks Vox is "inconsequencial".
Viv thinks Alastor is Chaotic Neutral.
(Tho she's not too familiar with the categories)
Amir says it's hard to say without giving anything away, regarding what his alignment is.
It was hard to record in 2021 due to having to record sessions and duets alone in the booths, according to Amir.
Erika felt a lot of pressure during the first 2 Episodes, because she knows how long people waited for it.
Brandon will help write Eps in Helluva Boss, but works a mile a minute so he will come in and go "Oh I remember this one" :)
Someone dies in Hazbin.
"You can sleep tonight if you think it's Angel Dust"
Both said by Vivzie. So she basically confirmed that Angel will (probably) NOT die.
She did say it was "going to be obvious" who it would be.
Season 2 is in production.
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italianraviolos · 3 months
Why Vivziepop has an obsession for top hats? No hate, I love the design, just have seen lots of hats
I love that vaggie is the toughest of them all, but she dresses so preppy
Adam gives the same vibe of Andrew Tate (my red flag is that I would Adam anyway)
Charlie deserves the world
I'm afraid that huskerdust could become a bromance (I know it's canon, but I'm scared anyway) I hope we will see more of them in the second season
Vox gives the same vibe of a friend of mine
I hate Val, but his VA did an incredible work, to me he sounds really natural
Alastor has a Karen haircut
The girls who fancy Alastor, are the same who fancy Dr. Thredson from AHS
Emily deserves more credit
I don't like Lilith
I like to think the Vs are all in a poly relationship with eachother
Sir Pentious is the coolest dude (would)
I don't know how to feel about Nyfti
The Italian VA is done so amazingly I prefer it to the English version, I love the original, but this time, Italians did the best
If you watch it while high (I'm not suggesting anything and I discourage any sort of consumption) the soft music as a very low soundtrack in every scene is so silly I love it
For the Italians: Val ed Enzo Miccio sono la stessa persona
Rdj and Vox are the same person
It breaks me that Alastor claims he has to go to the tailor meanwhile he always went around with a worn out jacket
Alastor announcing a podcast is like those old TV stars opening their podcast (I can only find Italian examples, so for my people: come il poretcast)
Stolas such a himbo I LOVE HIM (he's so me I can't)
Kid Stolas is soooo lovely, so squishy I wanna hug him
I love that there are a lot of correlations between Carmilla Carmine and Vaggie
Carmilla Carmine is one of those mothers who make videos of themselves with montages of tiger and lions defending their kids
Blitzø smash
I love that both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel have such display of healthy relationships and relationships that grow through time, like vaggie and Charlie, Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, Moxxie and Millie, also the dynamics of Father and daughter
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inkykeiji · 3 months
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just a cute little thought i had based on the fact that the dude is almost always wearing some sort of hat (including in the non-canon voxtagram posts!)
character: vox genre: fluff words: 374
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vox has an impressive, extensive hat collection that he is exceptionally proud of. it’s obvious; easy to guess, based on his ability to produce the perfect hat for any occasion, but not many have actually had the privilege of seeing his collection in the flesh, in the full.
because that’s personal, that’s special, that’s not just for anyone to view.
it takes a while for him to finally show it to you, a second room wedged deep within his walk-in closet with tall, floor-to-ceiling shelves built into the walls, housing his wide array of hats.
it’s immaculately arranged, but you wouldn’t expect any less from vox. they’re categorized by event, he explains to you as he leads you further into the room, one of his hands in yours. and then organized by colour. it’s the most efficient way to display them, i think, because it makes selecting the ideal accessory hassle-free.
and it’s kinda cute, how excited he is about it, how excited he is to share it with you, each and every hat having a story of its own; a purpose, a past, a reason for being in his collection, packaged with sweet little anecdotes and memories—where he got it from, who made it for him, why he needed it, what happened when he wore it. 
throughout it all, you hum and ooh and nod, thumb rubbing rhythmic caresses across sharp knuckles; a silent encouragement. he meets your questions and remarks with enthusiastic responses, words bouncy and crisp, smile stretched from edge to edge, so wide it almost looks painful.
“maybe i’ll let you wear one of ‘em, one day,” he muses near the end of his showcase, placing a white snapback on your head gently, then tilting his head in observation. 
eyes dimming to a tender glow and smile relaxing to something languid, he grips your chin between a forefinger and a thumb, tipping your head one way, then the other, pupils sweeping in time with your motions. 
“cute,” he murmurs to himself as his grasp releases, the tips of his fingers, then edges of his claws, brushing along your jaw. “i’m sure the press would have a damn field day with that.” 
but he’s sure he wouldn’t mind one bit. 
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
Could you talk about the designs Viv makes? I don't see many posts talking about this and I wanted some design tips, I intend to post my own cartoon designs (I just don't know when) and I wanted some tips <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
Hey hey!! Id love to talk about designs!
I actually answered this entire question and then uh…. Tumblr deleted my draft so let me try to redo all this lmao
Vivzie has a problem with bodytypes I’ve noticed. Almost all of her cast is insanely skinny and the only two “plus-size” characters I can think of are Millie and Mimzy. Meanwhile, Angel Dust, Vox, Stolas, & Alastor are a few very skinny characters I can think of off the top of my head.
For the best example, I’m going to be using Vox for now. Here is my Vox design next to his canon appearance
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They don’t look too different right? This is still easily identifiable as Vox because his main characteristics are there; stupid little hat, tv head, thats about it.
My design also keeps elements of his suit with the stripes and shoulder pads, though in my design his body is a bit wider and his shoulders + waist make him look more commanding and intimidating while still maintaining a sense of professionalism. As for his canon design, he definitely looks sketchy, but he doesn’t really give me that commanding sense of popularity or authority that I feel an overlord should have, especially one with such a wide range of influence as Vox. His canon design looks top heavy and a little pathetic in that “he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone” way. Don’t get me wrong, a small waist can do wonders for a design, but when your designs start to look like… this
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I think you might have a problem.
Now, I know I am nowhere near the best character designer in the world, but I have designed my fair share and I think I have enough experience to flatter myself a little.
This is a very simple design choice to make. Body types are probably some of the most intricate and interesting parts of a person in my opinion, and with a lineup like this where everyone looks more or lest the same from the torso down, it’s kind of a dead and sad looking cast, and not in the intended way.
I’m aware my designs are very detailed and wouldn’t be easy to animate with my style, but it’s very easy to draw extra body types with a style fit for TV.
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Gravity Falls is a great example of stylised bodies and also using them to build personality. By looking at these characters you can generally tell what their base personality is probably like right? You can do the same thing to an extent with the Hazbin Cast, but all of their designs get muddled into the other. Can you even tell where half of these people are positioned in this screenshot
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It’s so pink and red im going to start seeing green when I look away. There are so many colours, use them!!!! You can still slap a red overlay over it and make it “look like hell” or whatever, but you’re still gonna have more variety.
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Here’s my body/fur references for Angel and Husk. They are almost entirely opposite to eachother but you can probably get an idea for how they are based on colour and shape. I recommend studying other TV shows and things like anime or movies to see how body types and colours impact character design, but general things I always think of are, like I’ve said, body type, personality, colour, and silhouette. Silhouette is a bit harder to pin since a character can have a very recognizable silhouette and still not be a good design, but honestly to me as long as you can tell which character is which from silhouette you’re good to go on that front.
- Generally just don’t reuse the same colour palette over and over (heres some of my hazbin colours)
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- Give diversity in shapes when you can and when it benefits the design
- Try to show their personality through their clothes and pose
- Don’t be afraid to add little physical or personality details that other people might not notice, a good design should keep you interested in tiny details like that or surprise you later on
- Pay attention to what would and wouldn’t make sense (ex. A character that doesn’t like modern fashion wearing modern fashion)
Im not the best at explaining all of this but I hope you could grasp even just a tiny bit of an idea from this! At the end of the day as long as you’re having fun and not actively harming people with the designs then you should be good to go
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nunalastor · 1 month
My tinfoil hat theory of the nunalastor (the blog) lore is that Cox Chronicles's Lucifer route is canon and leads directly into Serial Roommates, and then Our Boyfriend right after. Lucifer gets jelly and scared of losing Alastor to Heaven, and as a last petty act, Vox uses his brainwashing at their lowest point (after Michael tricks Alastor) to make the hotel act craycray and that leads into Dark Forced Family. We don't have a fluffy post-DFF storyline yet though so I guess the series ends on a depressing note 💀
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utilitycaster · 1 year
The Twins in the Feywild
or, the adaptation is good, actually:
The thing about the Feywild arc in the Legend of Vox Machina is that it's not just a simple condensing of 20-ish hours into perhaps one hour; it's also at a notably different point in the story, and is changed to reflect that.
[as a sidebar: I am not tagging spoilers for Critical Role Campaign 1, as the episodes in question are 5+ years old. This post does have a large number of them, and in general, if you are new to CR and found this via the TLOVM tag, welcome! My blog will have spoilers for the campaign.]
In Campaign 1, after the Sunken Tomb and the encounter with Kamaljiori (who survives in the campaign, incidentally), all of Vox Machina heads towards Westruun. Grog has his (also different from TLOVM, also condensed in a thoughtful way that may be discussed in a separate post) struggles with Craven Edge, and they all encounter the Herd of Storms, deal with them, and kill Umbrasyl. The episode after they have killed the first of the four dragons responsible for the Conclave attacks, Umbrasyl the Hope Devourer, is aptly named Hope; they then go to Vasselheim where Vax formalizes his relationship to the Raven Queen, and then deal with Hotis back in Whitestone. The Deathwalker's Ward's flight power is also activated. Then they go to the Feywild, together (though Pike stays behind again due to Ashley's schedule.) In general, Vax has made peace with his decision, and the party is, for the most part, much more optimistic than they are here.
Here, all four dragons are still at large, Keyleth's spell was interrupted, Vax is still on edge, and the last thing they saw was Pike, impaled on Grog's sword. They are doing far worse.
So, understandably, Vax is in a sour mood the entire trip. This significantly changes his role, as he's less able to offer support for Vex. Keyleth is also more insecure.
The episode in Syngorn in the main campaign, which was also, notably, Critical Role's first ever live show with the tech hiccups and nerves that implies, is actually pretty funny. We do get the twins' encounter with Syldor - more on that later - but a large portion of the episode is dedicated towards stealing hats and trying to find a threshold crest for Garmelie (with Keyleth and Percy eventually outsmarting him on a technicality, in true Fey fashion); and the party accidentally implying and then fully leaning into implication that they are polyamorous and need a room so that they can have an orgy. I've seen indications that Syngorn was much grimmer than that; while the twins were understandably frustrated with it, it was far from a dark episode.
With the caveat that I have not read Kith and Kin, Syldor Vessar is one of the characters in Critical Role canon whom I feel the fandom has the most warped perception. He is a dick, to be clear; but on a scale of living character parents, he is treated with a vitriol the far worse Howaardt Darrington and Thoreau Lionett oddly dodge, and it says something that Tary and Beau never to our knowledge attempt to interact with their fathers again, whereas Vex maintains a distant and at times contentious but minimally cordial relationship with hers. (It's not unique for parents in this show to be given the madonna/whore treatment, as others have noted, and parents who fall most towards the middle of that false dichotomy tend to bear the brunt of it - see the Calloways and the Gentleman - but Syldor's treatment is, to be honest, inexplicable and weird.)
In "Heredity and Hats," Syldor is not warm or pleasant, but he does, in fact, apologize at length for his behavior and accepts that the twins have reason to hate him when he offers his assistance. (1x60, 47:58) He also accepts Percy's correction of Vex's title in full, and indeed, seems pleased by it (1x60, 55:22). He is not a good person, but he is, by the time the twins see him in the Feywild, a penitent one. And, in this episode, Vax is the one who is largely unconcerned with Syldor, with the implication he's already given up on him and doesn't particularly care, whereas Vex is much angrier.
However, that's all very difficult to convey in TLOVM in under ten minutes, when Vex's upcoming showdown with Saundor hinges on her insecurity surrounding how she was perceived in the past and her ongoing struggles with powerlessness. So in that, Syldor is far more dismissive, and Vax, who is still, as mentioned, in a very angry place himself, is, well, angry. It is a different tack! It also is a very smart choice given that in a campaign that lasts hundreds of hours, the rule is show don't tell; and in an animated series that must compress this into a tiny fraction of that time, that rule is lifted. This is not a time for the subtle background of Vex's C1 arc. There is no time for the subtle background of Vex's C1 arc. What matters is that the adaptation is consistent within itself; achieves the general, for lack of a better term, vibes and major plot beats of the original campaign; and can reach an audience unfamiliar with the source material. We can't make Syldor fascinatingly complex and Vax blasé here, so we don't, so that we can understand why Saundor is able to cut so close to the core of Vex before she's able to pull away.
It's different! And, yes, as someone who does like something very long-form and subtle and show-not-tell, I do prefer the original! I also think that within the limitations of an animated show with 6-hour seasons, with the assumption that the Feywild arc starts here (that is, with Vax still where he is emotionally, Umbrasyl alive, and Grog, Scanlan, and Pike absent), trying to otherwise keep things the same would feel artificial and unsatisfying, and fail to serve Vex's story. It is changed to heighten it in a medium that needs heightening because there's no time for breadth, and you can dislike it, but criticizing it for not being identical to the original is a particularly egregious missing of the point.
(It's also worth keeping in mind: have you rewatched this arc recently? Are you even comparing it to the story as it was, or are you comparing it to the story you remember, because, like it or not, Vex's story was always very much about her relationships to Syldor, Vax, and Percy, and her need to be liked; her flaw was that she simultaneously desperately needed people and hated herself for it.)
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This is so deep within the realm of fanon, but if Vox were to ever end up staying at the hotel somehow I could absolutely see Charlie thinking up the genius idea to have Vox take do a social media/screen cleanse as a way to discourage his habit of monitoring everyone everywhere all the time as well as his obsession with appearances, and the literal walking TV man just stares at her like ".... you're...I-Do you have a functioning brain or is it all just cotton candy up in there?"
Charlie then has to tell Alastor to put the axe down as he's standing behind them, she didn't mean a screen cleanse like THAT ok.
It's okay though they find a happy medium by just removing Vox's hat and thus he has no wifi (joking idk if that's how he actually works lol)
Anyway jump cut to Alastor burning all of Vox's tech in a bonfire in front of the hotel while the poor TV man sobs in bi
The idea of Vox's hat giving off a wifi signal is canon to me now, people have joked about him being a living hotspot before but I love that so much
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Entry #7 : Vox and Blackouts, Connection, etc.
A/N / Disclaimer : Fanfic is fanfic, and people are allowed to make things as OOC or just in their own image as possible, so I'm not shitting on that at all. Everyone has the right to make whatever tf they want and explore concepts and stuff.
This is just me vomiting ideas that have been plaguing me for a while.
If I'm proven wrong by the show, then I'll eat my hat and apologise for this one, but for now I'm trying to think about this stuff like - as logically in the frame of what's canon as possible.
It's funny to say that when this is the topic but yeah haha 💀
Ah yes, theorising about the goddamn TV Man again.
Cw: SFW to NSFW/18+ (below cut)
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- So, let's establish some things before I begin to truly dig into this haha.
- Vox is not wireless, and thus does not get effected by things that are not directly connected to him. This is seen with him directly plugging into his set-up before being able to control all the TV's and devices connected to the main-frame.
- This would most likely mean that when the whole system goes down, he isn't affected by it and vice versa if he's not directly plugged into it. So yeah- if he blue screens or glitches out like he does just casually while not plugged in, then the whole city most likely would not blackout.
- An anon asked me about whether he would just go offline if the WiFi was down or if he would be just fine and yeah - he'd be just fine if he wasn't plugged in. If he was, however, then he'd most likely lose reception. He'd probably blackout/shut down.
- For an example: if he's plugged in and it's storming outside and lightning hits the main tower, then he'd probably be pretty injured because his system would be fine. But if he wasn't plugged in he'd be absolutely fine.
- I also could see his face dropping to low resolution and voice doing the blocky-glitchy thing audio over calls does if he's plugged into the system and the reception goes to absolute shit.
- Think 180p quality display and audio Vox lmao.
(Here's the other post as well)
- Having said all that, I also don't think that there wouldn't be any effect at all on surrounding technology if he starts glitching out.
- If he's near things like phones, laptops, lights, etc. Etc. He'd likely effect them, but on a way smaller scale then what most people seem to write about.
I'm gonna start going into directly NSFW below the cut
- So yeah, if you're just casually fucking Vox really hard and he starts glitching or goes to the point of bluescreening while coming, the whole of Pentagram city isn't going to experience a blackout because he's not plugged into the system.
- However
- He would most likely start effecting the direct surrounding technology.
- Think lights blinking on and off or getting brighter and then dimmer to the pace you're screwing him at. Think surrounding devices turning on and off.
- Think light bulbs and phones and clocks in the room - anything electrical or running on batteries - exploding into shattered bulbs, being destroyed, getting fried, etc. When he comes.
- Bro basically starts doing what ghosts/poltergeists start doing to mess with people lmao.
- The trope of him causing whole city-wide blackouts when hes fucked so hard is funny as hell in theory, but going off of canon that wouldn't happen that way.
- And maybe you're saying 'okay - but what if Vox is plugged into the system' That would also not happen.
- Yes, if you did screw him into bluescreening while he's hooked up to everything then yes it would most likely happen.
- but, it goes against literally everything we know about Vox to have that ever happen.
- He is all about appearances and looking perfect 365 days 24/7 to the public.
- I keep seeing these fics where that happens and he's all embarrassed and cute about it, but if that ever happened with what we know about canon Vox he'd be mortified and fucking pissed as all hell around it.
- I feel like if you're in a relationship with Vox, the first thing he'd make abundantly clear is how important his image is to him.
- So if reader was riling him up in his office while he's around all the machines and stuff or actually directly plugged in - he wouldn't be going 'no, stop it' as a kind of bratty thing, he'd be seriously telling you to stop.
- Like, to push him to causing a city-wide blackout by having sex would absolutely in my mind based on all we know about Vox; be violating his boundaries to one of the highest degrees there are.
- His public image is everything, and you would be let know that from day one. Hell, dude would probably jeaprodise/push your relationship to the side if it fucked up his image. Thats how important it is to him. The boundaries around doing something to fuck his image up would be set in stone from the second you enter his life.
- So doing that and causing that to happen wouldn't really be?? Like the cute fanfiction trope it is, he'd be rightfully angry as fuck that that's happened because it's what not to do 101 to not screw up his image.
- The 'blackout' you'd be able to cause and not have him absolutely hating you afterwards would be with your house, hotel room or wherever you're doing the do.
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I'm way too passionate about this, i know, but like I see it so frequently, and it just makes like absolutely no sense to me at all, haha. I liked it the first time i saw it but after actually thinking about it I just find myself raising my brows and cringing each time I see it in fanfics because it just feels inaccurate asf 😭
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Suprised you havent mentioned what Val wears in episode 6(he's maybe wearing the same in ep 8?)
Like those fucking boots and the fact he's wearing a skirt makes me think he does it for easy access.....👀
I think it probably is the same outfit! I'm thinking the whole "moth shaped boob window" little black dress is like, the default one he keeps under his coat? He also has a different hat in that scene (no stripes, heart button)
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Ughhh I just noticed that even though he isn't talking to or looking at her he's still engaging Gasmask Girl in the conversation or she's part of his recruitment because he has his hand on her hip like that 😩❤️ also isn't it SO diva of him that he already has forearms that become black further down but he'll still put on black gloves with this dress. I guess because his black dress shirt has sleeves and this dress doesn't and he just prefers that fashion wise? Idk
I wonder how often he prefers the pants and how often he prefers the dress? True Valentino simps know he's BEEN hoein' in these streets for a while but I'm still a little surprised they made him dressing gnc a canon thing. I wonder if in season 2 we'll ever see Angel in drag or anything since that's something he enjoys?
Just like. UGHHHH I can SEE him being such a catty bully to force Reader to dress/present themself how he wants them to look. OR he'll manipulate your insecurities and try and be your ""friend"" to get closer to you that way, helping teach you how to 'look nicer' (and some of it IS helpful stuff like say makeup or certain styling tips but 8 times outta 10 he's using you like a doll). He's complimenting you and calling you pretty and he DOES mean it but it's partially because in his mind you're already his property and thus he wants his arm candy to be nice n pretty looking their best. You two are showing up to show out at any event Val drags you along to.
Shit happens like Angel gets a text from Valentino to bring him some food "because I'm busy so chop chop babe" and Angel walks in with the grub and Val is just... sitting there, very obviously definitely not busy, and in fact, he's doing your makeup, applying your eyeliner all sing song and playful, "i swear to Lucifer, mami, if you keep tearing up and ruin all the hardwork I just did on your eyes again, Daddy's gonna have to punish yooou~" and he just glances up to Angel with the most disinterested, "oh, hey. You can set that down and go"
Anthony is over here, having a SOUL CRUSHING MORAL CRISIS, because he's wished and hoped for Valentino getting a new favorite toy FOR SO LONG, but now? Angel's deathly afraid that Val's new favorite to play with might be YOU because Valentino's over here suddenly having you spend your whole shift where you're usually serving drinks to the Overlord now instead just, sitting cuddling up to him, or sitting so close to him your sides are touching and he puts his hands on your sides and waist...
Also um. On the subject of Val's dress and episode 8 and all that can we talk about Vox having the strength to be able to dip this man and how Valentino has hands large enough they can fully wrap around Vox's thigh
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Look at these evil WHORES, and the way Val stroked Vox's face, like... UGH I can just see Val making Reader cry and he forces you to look at him, stroking your cheek and cooing about how it's good he got you waterproof makeup this time so that you "can stay nice and pretty and still look so cute while you're whining like a little bitch" like seriously I definitely see Valentino and Velvette as sadistic possessive yandere who would even get off on you crying and all the Vees are seriously the best of the worst 😩❤️
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dragondoodling · 3 months
Vinyl/Vin Au
This is an au where Alastor chooses to join the Vees, and his name is changed to Vinyl, or Vin for short.
*In this au Alastor IS evil and there is no redemption
Vinyl is the closest to Velvet of all the Vees, while still being friends with Vox. Vox and Vinyl still banter fairly frequently. Vin does not get along with Val, although they are willing to lend a hand to each other. All the Vess treat Niffty as their deranged daughter, and as messed up as it is, Husk as their pet. Velvet loves to dress up husk and niffty. Husk and angel dust meet each other much sooner and trauma bond, already being in a relationship when angel joins the hotel. Everything mostly process as canon so far, although Vinyl joins the hotel because Valentino asked him to watch angel and ensure he still comes to work. Alastor is not owned by anyone in this au. I will post character designs eventually, but basically Alastor wears vox’s outfit (minus the WiFi symbols and top hat) in red and black (no white trim like in the show), Husk wears his overlord outfit but with red trim instead of yellow, and Niffty wears the stereotypical maid outfit with red trim.
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