#this is just spawn!a timeline tho
vagueiish · 5 months
think i finally figured out the vanity ship name for asta/oli: blood, sweat, and tears
blood is obvi. sweat because oli is a gd workhorse and doesn't know how to take a break. and tears because they're both v sad boys in their own fun ways!
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ghostatas · 8 months
Inspired by @rotomo10281 and FA'S radio hc...
This is basically Canon for me. Just is. I love it so much, and have very much been having thoughts. I even did a lil doodle when I was testing some new brushes :D , I'm just waffling about ideas under the cut
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Do you think Fit scripts his radio speeches, or does he just go with the flow? Both, perhaps?
Sometimes, he'll find these huge builds and spends DAYS uncovering their stories. He'll document things roughly, I am also a prosthetic camera eye truther (screenshots) so he takes lots of pictures and evidence. He'll then hole himself up somewhere with his tiny obsidian cabin, gather all his noted and make a full timeline for whatever he found/wants to document. Then when he's done, he'll turn on the radio and start talking, adding his own thoughts here and there.
Sometimes, he'll be walking, in a relatively safe space hundreds of thousands of blocks away from spawn, or maybe closer, and just talk into like a hand held mic (I don't know how radios work) and just say whatever comes to mind. Maybe he sees a fight happening a while away and just starts commentating it (whilst staying hidden ofc).
Does he ask questions? Just wondering to himself what the world outside 2b2t looks like, what the people out there do in their everyday lives. Also the most random bullshit, like. I feel like he talks conspiracy theories when he's bored. Maybe some philosophy, but hes always so unserious about them because he lives in 2b2t! No ones got morals there!
I don't think he'll talk emotions on there, man's so repressed he doesn't realise he has them, but i feel like sometimes there'll just be some outburst of emotion you can hear. He gets quieter, or louder at times and you can tell he's agitated. But normally his voice is very level and nice to listen to :D. It's convenient tho because he doesn't want to talk to himself like a crazy person but likes talking out loud -it's grounding and it's basically socialising right????- so he just speaks into the radio because it feels more normal.
Uhhhhh, he's also not the only one on 2b2t with a radio! Some people occasionally find a working one, or can piece one together and they listen in on his stories! It's not often they'll be able to, they're busy tryna survive or cause chaos, but they also enjoy his broadcasts (mostly). It's why he's so popular and well known. The older people appreciate and respect his work a lot, it makes them nostalgic and gives them joy, and many of them go to him (either in person or by some other method) with their discoveries so he can document them! It's mainly the newer, more unruly people who hear his name and be like Yeah! I'm gonna kill this guy cuz he's popular! But he's generally appreciated by the community a lot ^^ (I like this last part a lot)
Uhh that's all for now but it's such a cool idea I love it very much @rotomo10281 and Fit Anon you are very lovely please continue posting it gives much joy :D
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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berensteinsmonster · 3 months
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imma be honest im not the biggest fan of chubb munch becuz of how hes treated in the games and also how hes designed. so heres a redesign where he's just a regular fat adolescent boy and not a literal roadblock.
i have always been a fan of mrs. munch tho ily fat old women sm omg big fan <3333333
mr. munch is also NOT gonna be included in the munch family becuz idc and i dont trust him to be near children so mrs. munch divorced him pre middle-school era of my riddle school story timeline and is now single and taking care of her grandson Charles "Chubb" Munch all by herself yay
i imagine chubbs to just this really friendly guy who likes to make you laugh and just has really slow metabolism. Him and Joe being friends is mainly spawned from thinking abt how they'd be outcasts in this american school and they decided to stick together to be stronger.
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
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officialdaydreamer00 · 6 months
okay wait this is an official ask for a crossover oneshot: imagine this shit— idia just fucking spawns into camp half-blood (the olympians series timeline, probably before luke dips out but i'll leave that up to you) and is just stuck there. i need to see this; on hands and knees begging. i'm already imagining idia just being completely terrified like "where TF am i?!" 😭💀
hjsldsdkshsk omg 😭 idk how to write the oneshot so ya gonna get imagines instead :'D
*cracks hands*
gonna set the time to after manhattan's battle, normal day in camp half-blood, campers bustling around and all
,,,,, and then an idia falls down from the sky
i could just imagine my guy just,,,, dies right there in the middle of the camp lmao, while the rest of the campers went ?????
why?? how?? the hades??? is there a guy here?? pale as fuck??? hair is blue flame?? science?? witchcraft??
they'd be so confused help them 😭
everything about him stumps annabeth and the rest of athena's children
eventually idia wakes up and would be bombarded with questions → overwhelmed and passes tf out part 2
chiron has to talk to him bc social anxiety
i reckon idia knows ancient greek bc,,,,, it just fits idk, so they have a talk and idia finds out he ain't in twisted wonderland anymore
cue panicked overthinking™
timeskip to when our guy somewhat calms down, he followed chiron to the unclaimed's cabin
still a bit hesitant bc he KNOWS for sure people will look at him weird
imagine if people finds out his connections to hades and the underworld (not this one but still)
they question the gods and the reality they live in :D
idia meeting THE god of the dead himself would be interesting 👀
hades is rather chill in the books so i guess it'd go well :D they'd exchange ways to manage the underworld probably, hades with the og underworld and idia with STYX
THEM WATCHING DISNEY HERCULES 😭 the group slandering the movie while idia sitting there like o-o
will they connect movie hades with idia though 🤔 annabeth probably would see the similarities and ask him about it
them when they hear disney hades is worshipped in twisted wonderland :D shocking, honestly
hephaestus cabin would be interested in his gadgets tho, probably would pester him about it (poitely ofc)
he would avoid aphrodite, ares and apollo cabins with every fiber of his being, i just know it
also, idia and nico 👀 interesting pair ngl
i wanna imagine idia chilling with hades's child in the underworld, idia teaching him all about video games and nico (albeit reluctantly) teaching him mythomagic 🥺
ouh and then when hazel's found they could do that too!!
honestly idia in pjo could go either right or wrong in so many ways, and i'm down with traumatising the heck out of him lol
tags🏷️ @dove-da-birb @taruruchi @azulashengrottospiano @identity-theft-101 @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @thehollowwriter @twistwonderlanddevotee @edith-is-a-cat
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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solargeist · 5 months
How would lmanbur react if he found out pog blew up lmanberg
he found out as soon as they met ! It was one of the reasons they did not like each other at all in the beginning.
Lman and Pog had met at the crater. Pog had "spawned" at the bottom, while Lman had been walking back. Both slipping through reality so from their point of view, it was there one second, gone the next !
They fought, briefly, because Pog immediately recognized Lman, but Lman had no idea who she was, he just saw someone responsible for the giant hole where his commune used to be.
Lman was more concerned abt his family than figuring out the weird alternative dimension stuff tho, deal with that later.
Lman probably had the hardest time adjusting to the timeline honestly, poor guy, lost everything on an odd Thursday’s evening and now has three weirdos following him around
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
weird questions so feel free to skip over but how old is dbubs as a player? how long has he been around? has he always been a part of the forest or did something happen? how did pathos and dbubs meet?
this honestly was just meant to be one when i opened the ask box but it turned into a million sorry <3
i would also be very interested to know how long reoccurring characters have been around, you piqued my interest with pathos being one of the oldest players
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JK JK hmmmm yknow i think dbubs is pretty close to patho’s age? maybe a few years difference? i def envision him as one of the ‘early players.’ he didn’t spawn in the crimson jungle, but as he explored out into hels it started to call to him. he thought the biome was beautiful and decided to build there, but the jungle slowly overtook him. he and patho didn’t meet until after this already happened and dbubs had been living in the jungle for a while- patho wandered across the jungle by chance one day and dbubs almost killed him on sight but decided against it. patho found him intriguing and stuck around for a little bit before starting his cycle of coming-and-going.
i feel like atlas was def around for a few decades before he found tango (who was still a teen at the time), so even tho he’s stopped aging he’d be chronologically in his late thirties or forties at this point? alisker is sorta in the same generation as him, while bx is a bit younger. clear and scáil are in between this group and pathbubs- not the earliest players but still up there.
i’m sorry i never give y’all concrete timeframes hafajdahsg it’s just that hels is such an old world i don’t wanna put a real number on it? cuz then it’d put a number on how long the universe has existed (in my fictional interpretation of minecraft ofc) and that just feels weird. esp bc age doesn’t really mean much to players after they reach adulthood, so they barely keep track of time either (aha, a flimsy explanation to excuse my own reluctance to create a coherent timeline…)
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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umbraastaff · 10 months
the main post was getting long but i wanted to highlight a couple of cool responses on my taz balance game posts pointing out stuff i forgot or didn't realize:
op forgot the new davenport glitch where if you manage to clip him into the voidfish tank he gets innoculated earlier and skips #right to the story and song cutscene
Wait, I haven't played (or really thought of) TAZ: Balance in years, and I never really got into the speedrunning scene. But do all the speedruns run in the optional chronological timeline order? I get that starting with hundred year journey lets you play around with the early faerun stats that Barry, Lucretia and Lup (or really the Umbrastaff) get, but considering the long gameplay loop I'd have thought that runners would just settle for the basic stats for those three and exploit the hell out of the tres horny boi's immunity to corruption buff to free lup and then speedrun the rest of the relics, at least for any%. Is running hyj first actually worth it despite the fact that the planar order is randomised? Or do runners use a specific seed when running that category? Also, shame to see that Merle and John's Parleys isn't as present in the current meta. That cutscene where John monologues about his doctrine and Merle rejects him is just *mwah* incredible. Although I guess it's understandable considering how long those dialogues are.
lol speaking of the spa scene i found a pretty funny glitch there the other day #i was messing around with menu storage clipping the other day and found out if you clip merle out of bounds during the first song#his properties get all weird #so although he loses his arm to the crystal cosmetically #it just. doesn’t register? so when it comes time for him to get the soul wood arm he just straight up cannot get it #idk it’s mostly a visual glitch#doesn’t really effect game play that much it just means he’s got half an arm for the rest of your run #but rlly why are you in the crystal kingdom if you’re running another other than 100% #where was i going w this #OH YEAH #but this weird not!arm gets SUPER FUCKED UP in cutscenes #like the spa scene!#basically#like once every two seconds it’ll spawn the soul wood arm in its pot plant#without despawning the previous iteration? #and bc the cutscene’s in-engine you basically soft-lock yourself bc you can’t start the scene without overloading the game #just kind of a stupid fun thing tho #mb it can become a category #arm% or whatever#(this is all in crystal kingdom btw sorry forgot to mention)
oh shit really??? #listen. i love magnus but all his level 1 shit is so sloooowww #i wanna rush in!! how can i rush in if i cant land a hit half the time!! #(<- i say as if mangus still isn't the most overpowered character in the game anyway) #(esp in a lotta the alpha releases. i get why they had to nerf him down but it's really funny to see a very low level magnus #fucking up absolutely Everyone he comes across) #u used to be able to do the raven roost's arc in like. 3 months max #just bc of how overpowered they originally had him sldkfsdf
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 13/4
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I think he's behind that door. The platform bears his symbol, and it's his final chance to show up in-game.
The best theory I have is that Bilious Slick is the god of Sgrub, and he only appears to a party of Players who have truly proven themselves. Given that Sgrub's endgame involves the creation of a universe, his role probably relates to this in some way.
Maybe he's the one who grants the Players the 'seed' - or whatever else is mechanically required to alchemize a universe.
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The thought has occurred to me, too! I've been skimming some old posts while writing asks, and a couple of things have stood out to me.
We still don't know who the pen pal is. I'm still convinced he has something to do with Grandpa Harley, and my best guess is that he's someone who contains Grandpa as an alchemical component.
The session monitor in Skaianet's lab has a new meaning now. Every single one of those sessions could spawn a universe. And it's been implied that every planet with intelligent life will eventually spawn Sburb sessions. If you do the maths, it's clear that each universe should spawn billions of sessions. Just how many 'children' does each universe produce?
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Ooh, yes, let's think about the implications of all this on my 'sonas!
If we assume that the kidsona was on comic-canon Earth, then she's in the universe created by the Zodiac trolls. The universe that she and the trollsona could create could be a completely new one!
...that is, if they create a universe at all. There's nothing saying you have to use that grist on a universe, and they might have other plans...
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I was actually thinking about Tinkers when I made that post!
I read Worm a couple of years ago. In retrospect, it would also have made pretty good liveblogging material, although probably not quite as good as Homestuck. There's some great stuff in Worm, but a lot of what I really like about it doesn't show up until close to the end.
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I initially assumed that the Psychic Double Reacharound was a contingency plan that she'd prepared earlier, since she couldn't possibly have come up with something so elaborate in the heat of the moment, while bleeding out on the ground.
But then I remembered she came up with the Sollux/Mind Honey plan seemingly on the spot, and now I'm not so sure. God damn, Vriska.
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This is genuinely super flattering. I hope the inconsistency isn't too much of an issue - and, yes, I note the irony of saying this immediately after a four-month hiatus!
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If was clear from early on that things in Homestuck weren't always what they seemed. Hell, sometimes they're not even what we're shown.
We have to assume some of what we're being told is true, or else we wouldn't have a story - but we always have to remember who's telling the story.
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[Lol I love this fic. lots of **GIANT** spoilers tho, just because of the nature of the fic. For example, big ones starting at 16, 55 and 57 - C]
Recommended, and does apparently contain spoilers - but this is one I'm particularly looking forward to.
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It's kind of a funny question, isn't it?
From Davesprite's perspective, he did change the future - his future. John died, but he 'changed things' - and now John's alive, even though he was dead 'before'.
But if you zoom out a little, you can see that this change was predetermined by the Alpha Timeline, which always depended on these events. Davesprite changed the first-order future - but the meta-future was always set in stone.
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The Medium's timeline is so weird, isn't it? Its retroactive existence is difficult to puzzle out.
I don't think you could see the history of your Land by travelling back before you entered. All physical evidence of that history is there, but it's generated in a single instance when you Enter, and can't be accessed. It's analogous to read-only-memory.
After all, John, Rose and Dave are in the past with respect to LOJADE, but they're never going to see its 'history' - and Jade's Entry isn't going to insert it into the Medium retroactively. It won't have been 'there all along' when John was flying around earlier on his jetpack - it'll only ever have been there from Jade's Entry onwards.
As for getting into Earth's past, I think Karkat had it right, when he described the kids' original universe as 'a set of points to choose from'. You can't get into Earth's past by time-travelling around the Medium, but that doesn't really matter, since you can open portals into any point in its history, as long as you have the gear.
They're fascinating questions, aren't they?
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Pre-Exile, she was the Tradition Wrangler - a Prospitian lawyer who struggled to interpret the Medium's archaic laws!
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DD is a man of action, and I'm sure he approves of any Player who acts decisively themselves.
Plus, I'm sure he can emphasize with Aradia's situation. After all, it sucks to be bossed around by someone whose motivations make no goddamn sense half the time.
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Common Terezi W.
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True - she didn't need to hold her there for long. The laser pointer thing is a better analogy, blinding her almost instantly. I don't think it's any less fucked-up - it's more like a different flavor of fucked-up.
That's a pretty impressive robotics feat for Equius, actually. I wonder what Aradiabot is actually made of?
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Tracing the source of alchemy gear is one of my favorite Homestuck 'minigames'.
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Hivebent's art is fantastic! I really see why the comic blew up around this time. It's really coming into its own, stylistically. Of particular note is the art of Make Her Pay, and the art accompanying Aradia's final monologue. I can't wait to see more!
Gamzee is just too high to be rendered in a less symbolic manner.
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Sollux is broken, and probably another mutant. The Sgrub trolls don't seem surprised by his level of power - but considering their circle includes other absurd espers like Aradia and Vriska, they probably aren't the best people to ask about what's normal.
Damn, I wish we could have seen more of Alternia. I know some of the spin-offs dig into this, but I hope we get more in canon, too.
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Terezi's dream self is blind, because that's the version of herself she identifies most with. There's very little doubt in my mind that your dream self would reflect your self-perception in other ways, too. Skaia is clearly an ally - thank you, king.
You could imagine a Player whose dream self changes after they realize - or conversely, a Player whose dream self cracked their eggy loking thign. I'd be surprised if there weren't many fanfictions where this is a plot point - and depending on how things shake out in the comic itself, I'm not ruling it out.
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In asking about magic, Kanaya really does start to sound like the young child that she is. It's easy to forget, but heartbreaking when you remember.
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A few people have talked about this, so I added all of my 'immediate reaction' posts to the liveblog tag! I think it got them all - other than LOLCAT, which I missed and will add now - but if there are others, let me know!
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I guess Matespritship isn't explicitly described in terms of romantic love. It's described as a close analogue of human romance, which is 'rooted in strongly positive emotions'. I've been assuming, based on that, that Red Romance is effectively interchangeable with the human concept of romantic love - but I suppose that's not necessarily the case.
I do think you're hitting on a very good point, here, too, which is that the quadrant system itself is described as something that trolls need. I think the 'need' for these categories is enforced, artificially, for the benefit of the Empire. It wouldn't be the first institution to pull something like this.
Either way, it'll be interesting to see how the troll/human ships end up shaking out. It's going to be a challenge to merge their respective relationship frameworks. The best solution, of course, is for them to experience their own relationships without any cultural baggage, but I don't think I'm just speaking for myself when I say that that's easier said than done!
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audriandae · 7 months
*ahem* have you heard about the life smp mafia 2: electric boogaloo lately?
let me share
it started off as a silly little mafia game. as you do. 23 players and a handful of watchers, plus our lovely admin Hydro. it was going to be just like the first one, little bit of roleplay, a lot of confusion, silly little mafia game. right? wrong.
now you see, it went sort of like this. (everything is paraphrased btw this a summary)
The players (Bdubs, BigB, Cleo, Cub, Etho, False, Gem, Grian, Impulse, Jimmy, Joel, Katherine, Lizzie, Martyn, Pearl, Pix, Ren, Sausage, Scar, Scott, Shubble, Skizz, and Tango) entered the Rift. (normal timeline, the Hermitcrafters were meant to go into Empires. they ended up in a different world. Skizz made it in through a nether portal in one of his survival worlds.) On the other side of the portal was a world familiar to some, unknown to others. The ruins of Third Life. At night.
Night 0 We arrive! in the land known as the Ruins of Third Life most people have come through the rift that crossed hermits over to empires the empires folks also entered the portal tho- there's a handful of people who've been in third life, and a handful who've never seen it before twenty three players some people remember it all some people remember nothing at all memories are a'jumbled but the majority of players remember where they came from. empires or hermitcraft. no one seems to remember both the night is silent. peaceful. relaxing
Day 1 … alliances are formed, marriages occur No one dies No one is voted out No one has any reason to vote anyone out Until the very next day …
Day 2: Dawn … MythicalSausage was doomed to fall by ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ リᔑ∷∷ᔑℸ ̣ ╎⍊ᒷ … . . . … > MythicalSausage was aligned with the Town … . . . … The players gathered at spawn The sun was just beginning to rise in the east On a perfectly clear day, lightning struck down from the sky … SolidarityGaming was struck by lightning … Next to the crater where Jimmy once stood, Scott grasped at his chest He fell to his knees … Smajor1995 died of heartbreak … . . . … > SolidarityGaming was aligned with the Town > Smajor1995 was aligned with the Town … . . . … The players dispersed, making graves for the fallen They grieved They tried to figure out who could’ve killed these three players houses were built, alliances strengthened ...  something was found out important information was spread around … > Grian voted for Ren > Scar voted for Ren … those who went to learn straight from the source got a special crystal those who didnt just had to trust the words of the others … > Lizzie voted for Ren > Cleo voted for Ren > Pix voted for Ren > Shelby voted for Ren > False voted for Ren > Pearl voted for Ren > Martyn voted for Ren  > Gem voted for Ren  > Tango voted for Ren … A majority was reached. …
Day 2: Dusk … Ren stood at spawn, surrounded by other players He warned them of the others who would harm them . “You’re not safe after this. They’re still out there, the Hands.” . When given the chance, he tried to defend himself, lies spilling from sharpened teeth . “I’m just helping you." . “Ren… did you kill Sausage?” “HE WANTED TO GO HOME” “He was home” “you’re all being eaten alive by this server! The only way off is death!” … "I’M SAVING YOU ALL, CAN’T YOU SEE??!" "If death is our saving grace… do me a favour, Ren, and save yourself." … Renthedog was slain by GeminiTay … . . . … Renthedog was aligned with the Hands … [19 players remaining] …
Day 3: Dawn … The dawn is glowing a bright amber. … Ethoslab was struck by falling stalactite … InTheLittleWood didn't want to live in the same world as ᓭ𝙹∷∷| ╎ ↸𝙹リℸ ̣  ᔑᓵℸ ̣ ⚍ᔑꖎꖎ|| ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑𝙹 ╎ℸ ̣  ╎ᓭ … Dogwarts burnt down … . . . > Ethoslab was aligned with the Town > InTheLittleWood was aligned with the Town . . . … a search went out for the bodies of the fallen both were found in the ruins of Dogwarts neither of them touched by the flames … those with the crystals got a new message … Another hand had been found … > Tango voted Joel > False voted Joel > Pearl voted Joel > Scar voted Joel > Lizzie voted Joel … A game was built.  Specifically, rebuilt A new model of Dare to Flare stood at spawn The walls were glass The entrance was from the top The lava was the same … Lizzie spoke to Joel, confronting him with the truth she knew He didn’t deny the statement Her vote against him had sealed his fate … “You didn't ask me.” “Asking would make it real.” … Joel said his goodbyes to Lizzie  … “It's the Red Winter, Lizzie. The Red King fell, the Red Winter is upon us. I wanted to make it to the spring.” … > Shelby voted Joel > Katherine voted Joel > Grian voted Joel > Cleo voted Joel … A majority was reached. …
Day 3: Dusk … They walked arm in arm to spawn A crowd had already gathered there  Something twitched in Joel when he saw the looming structure of Dare to Flare He’d lost his first life in 3rd Life to the game that was meant to be in the swamp He was marching himself to his execution – his last death– to the very same game …  Joel said his goodbyes He asked that Lizzie would be taken care of He also asked that his dog Geraldine would be taken care of … the watchers are of the belief that Geraldine cannot be hurt. they would smite anyone who tried. Lizzie on the other hand… well, that’s a story for another time … “The Red King's going to rise again, and none of you know it, but- You do not stand a chance.” … “Rest assured, people don’t respawn in this world. I won't, Sausage won't, Jimmy– Jimmy won't. But the Red King fell, and he will rise again.” … Joel climbed down the ladder into the death chamber Lizzie knelt on the glass ceiling, hand reaching out for him Joel didn't move It must've hurt … Smallishbeans swam in lava … ╎ ⊣⚍ᒷᓭᓭ ∴ᒷ'ꖎꖎ リᒷ⍊ᒷ∷ ᒲᔑꖌᒷ ╎ℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭ!¡∷╎リ⊣ (It is not for you) … . . . > Smallishbeans was aligned with the Hands . . . … [16 players remaining] …
will update with days 4-6 later on!
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neojayink · 3 months
Splatoon Neo’s hero story updates:
Light spoilers for DLC SIDE ORDER below. (Speaking of the general story)
Brief story time of bts hero shenanigans.
I’ve recently finalized a few facets of how I’d want the story to play out for sneo. The story has been under a few revisions over the years but in the last six months I think I’ve landed on something quite cool. Took my time thinking of ideas for my story so that Splatoon 3 could run its course and so that I wouldn’t have any overlap with cannon to the point I’m telling their story twice. And after finishing the dlc I’m now going back to the drawing board on some details.
Not sure if I’ve ever specified how the world of sneo compares to the cannon world but the universe of sneo (the neoverse I like to call it nowadays) is like an alternate timeline in a new dimension. So both sneo and cannon exist at the same times. Even tho sneo is slightly more futuristic, time works differently in the neoverse and the entire first story takes place and ends just moments before Octo expansion and beyond as of right now. This may all be kind of complicated to drop so suddenly but I do plan to explain all the cool bits when I get to covering the story. This worlds version of alterna logs are called “think pieces,” small cards that hold the knowledge of everything that happens around the neoverse.
I’d like to take this opportunity to go over a few of Splatoon neo’s scrapped storylines. Starting off with the one most closest to the current Splatoon cannon story.
1: “Homecoming”
“In this version of sneo story 1 the hero will come across databanks that detail the specifics of the universe they reside in. A world created by a long gone scientist that hoped to store souls inside a super computer called the “LOTUS” so that one day when the earth heals itself after the incoming devastation humans can return with a fresh slate to try life again without destroying the planet. The Lotus will be tasked with monitoring the planet for the next spiritually awakened intelligent life form to rise and humanity will live on again.
Someone in the real world (cannon) finds out about this device and hacks their way into it to use the power contained for their own nefarious acts. They promise a group of Octolings a better life and a do-over if they fight for his cause. The Octolings were easily on board as their leader was power hungry and would do anything to claim more turf. Little did they know that they would be an army fighting against their own best interests. At the end the Octoling army would be helping destroy their original world to make space for the return of humanity. This entity would use this group of Octolings to start trouble that leads to another global extinction of intelligent life. This biomass would then be modified by the Lotus and edited to reassemble human dna from scratch. “
This iteration of the story looks similar to alterna when it comes to humanities last ditch effort to survive. This story had too much back and forth between realities so the newer story will be much more simple and contained. Think of the lotus as a super computer that can simulate realities. It’s also based on fusing nature and technology. The lotus is so powerful that it can spawn constructs from within itself to the outside world if it has all the necessary matter. The greater villain would’ve used this technology to create an octoling anomaly that would go on to destroy the earth and collect back human dna from inklings / Octolings. Another similarly to tartar using agent 3 as a host body to go about their plans. There was also a huge focus on dna and GMO. Genetically modified Octolings would be a threat of Octolings that turn themselves into “super soldiers” for their cost. (Kinda like how color pallets work in side order)
A digital world and humans returning. It hit both marks but this inspired me for the better to create something more focused and not trying to explain “what should come next for a Splatoon 3.” Honestly shocked how I could’ve guessed the cannon story but back then I tried to make my story more of a “Splatoon 3” before Splatoon 3 existed. But overall I’m just glad to see the devs explore ideas I’ve once wished for. Really like a dream come true and s3 has my second favorite story mode of them all after Octo ex. (Close ties between all 5 don’t judge)
2: “Out of order”
“The neoverse inkopolis was overrun by chaos so bad that there had to be crack downs on turf wars. An octoling army gladly took the job of enforcing rules and curfews to please city officials. They were hypocritical and broke the same rules they enforced but higher ups didn’t seem to care. The hero fellow neighborhood watch gear up to figure out what’s going on in this city. They end up finding back to back scars of corporate greed. The city is so nice and clean because all of its trash goes underground into less fortunate habitats.
The hero finds out that the leader of the octoling army was bribing higher ups so that they could slowly take over the city without force. This octoling leader was universally feared and didn’t need to use brain washing to get their way. But they needed saving too. As fearsome as she is, she wasn’t immune from fearsome control themself.”
This version of the story played into fear vs respect heavily. We’d see the villain scare the city into submission while she figures out how she will save it from the entity that is above her. She’s like a trojan horse to the world and she hides in the deep sea, away from civilization in case she fails her mission and is turned into a weapon of destruction. As harsh as she may seem, she’s only following orders to keep whatever peace there is left to be had.
A lot of aspects of this version will return. Took me months to create a backstory of the new villain but she will probably get a post just like this one explaining all her scrapped stories and evolution. I really can’t wait to introduce her.
To not bore yall too much we will end things here for now. Now that splat 3 is pretty much complete with story for now I’m feeling a lot more confident telling the story I’m crafting now. Can’t lie, telling the same story as the cannon was a big fear of mine so I just stalled until things came out.
Splatoon neo is still alive. Unfortunately nowadays I find myself just sketching away and making complete works a lot less as you can tell. Hope this was a cool update for dlc time. As the storyline gets confirmed for sure I will try to make more text posts about it even if there’s no drawing to come with. I do plan on covering hero mode with a lot of drawings and possible 3d work if the artblock gods will let me. Could even be a comic covering it all.
Also decided to share this last thing. Splatoon neo will have more than one story once the first once is finished. It will probably take over the name “cross contamination” from that one sketch and be a direct sequel. It’s only been thought of for about a month so far so it’s still to early to spill details but heres some concepts of the new species I will introduce called “exolings” for now and a mystery inkling who shows up. They’re very “alien”-like in nature.
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azucar-skull · 2 months
it's weird bc I didn't manage to finish it in one day/night like I normally do with 30-40 fic chapters... BUT IGNORING THAT
AZUCAR YOU SPAWNED SO MANY THOUGHTS AND. I DIDNT EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT SHELLDON WAS SAYING AT THE END BUT OH 👏 MY 👏 FUCK 👏 YEAH. 👏 I'm gonna be honest I tried getting a shelldon shimeji thing on my phone but THEY DO NOT HAS. AUGH...
anyways I am STILL CAVKLING AT TINY SHELLDON IN THE WORLD-TRAVEL CHAPTERRR!!! I'm just imagining this tiny chibi him skittering around like mad with this CD on his head that's like THRICE his size- with like that audio where it's the- scat man guy?? with the thud at the end- and AUGHH..... also it's in elliwoods' art style if that's anything
and as always I have screenshots!✨️ almost none of these are cropped tho so fair warning
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still wishing shelldon could actually hear me/see me waving at him-
I am so glad you loved GEM!
If it was in my ability, I would make Shelldon one of the desktop character thingies that hangs around on your screen. But idk how to game code or anything so...tis a dream.
But yes he is a skrunkly little guy running around and I love him.
Oke lemme see these screenshots.
"Man the past is harsh" << Yeah that's my little parallel timeline twist. =)
"HOLY FUCK." << Lowkey inspired by The Neon Void. I wanted to capture that sort of playing around with text format but I am so unexperienced with that sort of stuff so this is all you get. Fjdjdjd
*The kids getting in trouble with Mother Carol* << Look at em being goobers. This scene was so fun to write.
*4th wall breaks/Me being Aztec* << Slowly but surely my Aztec identity is slipping into my stories as I learn to be more comfortable. It started with Hueso in MLTS who I wanted to be Aztec but got scared so I didn't, instead I wrote the Patecatl Herb. Then in GEM, there's this scene. And in FCAU, our main boy will be Aztec.
*Group chat* << my boy is a father, I'm so proud /j
Seriously though, I love getting comments/asks about this. I am so glad you enjoyed GEM and impressed that you read it so fast like wow. 👍 And I hope to see you some more! =)
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lilypixels · 10 months
hiii! 🥺💖 list 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 🖤
So this ask is making rounds again I see~ I’m not sure I have anymore facts atm for sims (at least that aren’t spoilers)….so what if I share some random story lore instead?? Most of it will remain unknown so I’m just looking for excuse to share soz
Story takes place about 100 years after what is simply dubbed The Demon War which was when demons sought control of “Earth” and all kinds of supernatural beings came out of shadows and essentially all of humankind had worst nightmares confirmed real
Because of this war, many religions lost believers as no one of celestial realm origin particularly cared to get involved cause this ain’t about them ok
Witches used to be broken up into bunch of separate and smaller clans but war brought them all together and made subsequent changes you will see
There are still some “magic” hate groups around and many humans haven’t yet adjusted to this new world where they can walk outside and see all manner of supernatural beings, from dragons in the sky to vampires in the club (tho obviously younger gens more adjusted than older)
This world is truly like a parallel universe and is like if world war 1 was spawned by demons ?? So you could say events of story are happening in same year we currently live in; it’s mostly this way cause it’s easiest for my brain to grasp and relate timelines with
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I wanna rant about my opinions on certain characters and aphmaus own character (mainly the cast of the "smp") this may be garbled since im just going off whats on my mind rn
SMP and OG series talk
Now Im not the biggest fan of mystreet, but im not a hater, i think its og first three seasons are fine (third seasons plot was straight ass through) but after season 4 and all the multiverse and mcd and mystreet worlds are in the same timeline thing, kinda made things werid
(especially with season 4 oh my god wtf was that)
But now that i see how those characters are used now.....for fucking cocomau content...
...I can't really give mystreet shit cause its cast was sent right into kid sensory video hell or just hell since a lot of characters didn't end up in the cocomau smp unless it was highschool themed videos (RIP katelyn and travis, forever in highschool puragatory dimension)
But those who were spared from the waste bin were cursed with a experience worse than death
Character Regression and Character Assassination
The entire cast of the aphmau smp (and one video returning characters too) all have their worst traits put to eleven or are at their most basic traits of the trope of their character where they are competely soul-less or lose past development in their character as a whole
(or your pierce, and you get a competely different personality from the og series you were from)
Now the reason why everyone is like this is of course (kids channel now) and (everyones supposed to be in a server and are irl ppl now)
But...when i said characters have their worst traits put up to eleven, is for one reason
Its so aphmau and aarons actions look better in comparisson, since shes the all perfect main character that does no wrong and is so nice to everyone and...aaron is basically the mvp of the smp, best fighter, builder, and "hottest guy" on the server and is the mysterous loner or some shit.
(Fact I hate these two so fucking much)
littary aphmau is the most overdramatic marysue bitch ive ever seen when it comes to reasons why she has the right to go apeshit on her friends and i could bring up several videos, i really could, its not hard
noteablely, the many times she has decided to just kill her best friends or ruin her friends lives out of petty reasons and childish reasons none the less, and god this girl just loves getting pissy when someone does the exact thing she did to another, since only she can steal others stuff or blow up their house, or be overpowered to a point where shes just cheating.
But oh my god, jessica you know how to make me hate all the rest of your bitches too!
(besides noi, kim and pierce, they are perfect to me, noi is on thin ice tho)
KC, Zane, Ein and Aaron are on my list of bitches I wouldnt hesitate to fucking kill on sight if i saw their color coded asses spawn into a ACTUAL minecraft server. (ill get to that color coding thing too btw)
The Asshole and The Clown
Now fuck where do i begin with these four, like all of them over the past three to four years has become the most annoying and aggrevating characters
But, just so I don't pull someones nerve with the true "fan" favorites, Aaron, the jerrysue of the smp and basically her perfect half cause hes jusr her but as a man, he's a jackass that is never called out for his asshole behavior like every other male character is, hes always put as being smarter, better, stronger, and more attractive than any of the other guys too, basically being the best alpha male ever to exist....but not really, not even a single bit
I swear this is the worst verison of aaron ive ever seen in my life, the biggest try hard ive ever seen, all the girls wanna date him, always gloating when theres someone around he believes hes better than, and god he is not nice to others who arent good at building like him. Honestly, MAN ISNT NICE AT ALL!! like only time he is nice is of course to the purple stain that is his irl wife, like the times this guy was just violent for no reason, insulting or just aggrevated around anyone was just making me feel like...
aaron do you even like any of these people??, cause ive seen every way he talks to all of the cast and he sounds like he wants them all gone and dead so he can just be all cutesy and shy around aphmau, like dude if you think all of them are annoying, dont live near by them?????
(Now, ive mentioned both the channel mascot couple of the smp, but heres the thing, when i said the other characters make these two look like angels, i mean it)
Now we are actually really digging, and we didnt even need to go far, we've already struct gold!...but theres not much...
Ein, the worst villian and most pathetic man to ever live.
What a time, season 4 of mystreet! and we got the biggest clown with the biggest alpha complex to ever exist! and the evolution of a creep in werewolves as a whole....it was fucking werid
Anyway, now smp ein is a true irl villian, hes no longer just a anime incel, hes a fucking sexist gamer incel also!
Now, Ein really isnt too interesting (wow what a surprise) really hes one of the characters who has been put to his most basic traits making him extra annoying, extra obessed with power and, of course still be madly in love with aphmau but if it wasnt known, aphmau changed alittle bit of eins lore, making him no longer related to her (only in the smp cannon tho💀) which is a good thing! but its only a change that was made for horrible reasons, being that she still needs him to be aarons rival and as i said before, be aphmaus possible second "choice", which is...normal for aphmau honestly....
(Aphmau can't have a single man on this server just not be into her, even if the guy clearly has a love interest thats not her)
Strangely though she really likes to romantically pair Ein with everyone, even men, so at least we know she still has that problem with her ocs...
Hes like her little lab rat and i hate her so so much, but fuck its hard to feel bad for him since this women will than have this man be the worlds second most grossiest sexist incel you could ever come across
wait did I say second--
Zane ro'meave and his several counts of "GET A JOB, STAY AWAY FROM HER"
(mystreet zane is fine, mcd zane is the perfect kinda villain for what mcd was, and smp zane is hell on earth, the end)--
Zane in the aphmau smp is kinda...a jumpscare in a half since you never know when hes gonna switch, cause...he has the biggest habit of either, being the biggest smartass in the room or the scariest "my lady" ass incel you could ever fucking dream apon, just every bit of his charm from mystreet that made you kinda push aside the slight every now and than werid behavior he had, its just GONE
absolutely vanished! and yknow what
I hate zane, i hate him more than i hate anyone in this damn cast, im the biggest zane hater you will ever meet, and the reason for it is cause this verison of zane is the dark universe of if zane never grew from the FIRST season of mystreet, never got humbled or anything, and also if he still acted like a hormone filled highschooler whenever any women even looked his fucking way.
Hes a creep, hes a incel, hes still sexist and overprotective of his only female friend, but now even wants to date her just to have more control over who she can't and can speak to (code for, no guy friends allowed/no aaron, bo womp) and if he isnt doing that, hes drooling and creepily mumbling to himself about the pink cat girl he has a massive crush on.
Honestly worst part of it is that he acts like this outta nowhere, and even worse, recently theres been this obession with him NEEDING KC's diary, wanting to know every single little thing about her so he knows how to woe her and even see if she likes him, which is just...
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(and hes not even punished for it, like maybe kc telling him that hes creepy or smth, nothing, just nothing, proubly cause recently they have been competely implied to be dating now)
but, its not like miss kc is perfect, oh boy, kc is...
The two sided bitch and her jealously and spite of her "perfect" best friend + shipping
Oh KC, when i first started watching all this cocomau trash, you were boring as hell, just a cute cat girl who likes to bake and be pretty, and just another yes man for that purple cunt, but ever since you started being a cunt yourself, you have only been a pain to watch and listen to, you have only made me hate you and your little lap dog of a boyfriend even more honey
So KC, our resident cute cat girl isnt really all that cute of recent, she slowly becoming more spiteful, having anger issues, being more whiney, bratty, jealous, and unloyal to her partner, creating the most toxic couple in the entire smp verse
(but this was something that was gonna happen at some point, aarmau has to stay as the perfect ship, couple goals yknow, so zane x kc has be anti-aarmau, toxic behavior all around)
Now KC is a unloyal and horrible partner for a few reasons, shes a massive hypocrite and sadly abusive.
1. She gets mad at Zane for even speaking to other girls, or even seemingly flirting with them, specifically any of the marry, date, kill videos with both of them in it can be a big example of this behavior.
But than when we look the other way to her, she gets to playfully talk, compliment and flirt with any guy she wants, and gets all angry when shes stopped from doing it, also she only does this with aaron btw, since shes jealous of aphmau having "the hottest, coolest, and sweetest guy in the server" for a boyfriend.
(aaron is littary none of those things and just pointing out more to how aaron is a jerrysue)
2. KC IS SO FUCKING VIOLENT WITH ZANE OH MY GOD, i guess aphmau still thinks when a women hits or beats up her male partner, its her being in the right or it being super duper funny and wacky!
(this entire short is an example of that)
But I will say though, it isnt just KC, their a toxic couple cause their both terrible partners, zane is equally just as hypocritical and unloyal, but hes a lot more oppessive and even more jealous prone,
(kim is usually a victim of being between the two but fr fr, kim genuinely hates zanes, aphmau just keeps making more drama for no reason and really wants ppl to also ship kim x zane, which....when it comes to everyones opinion of mystreet kim and ghost existing and everything with season 4....it is never gonna fucking happen you dumb purple cunt)
My Inner Demons-Character regression and personality switches (a short one)
Now that we are off those characters, lets end this off with our favorite little daemos!
Noi and Pierce!
Now, im a advid lover of my inner demons, its the last of aphmaus good content before the purge and its sadly the best of her writing, but the fact that she put them in the smp is a red flag, and i instantly noticed things...
...Pierce is a silly himbo goofball now that has a brain the size of a pea, and who loves sheep
Noi is the most basic sweet little good boy, does no wrong little guy, baking cooking and eating pizza
(now im not mad about this, since i got to know the smp verisons of them before their og selfelves)
but fuck i prefur when noi had depth and was genuinely mean and kinda rude on purpose.
im mixed with pierce tho cause i like both verisons of him, i think both verisons of him are neat, his va has good range, respect that
The End
Well thats all i gotta say, ratto out and about
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robotspacealien · 2 years
Sketchy sketchy :]
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an idea that was spawned from this, put it here under the cut tho because it's just 12 rough-rough thumbnails that might not go anywhere but I wanna share anyway
Context: tail end of the Pitfighter Au timeline. They threw some ancient artifacts into the Well, Optimus doesn't die because I make the rules, and Megatron is briefly reunited with loved ones
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yogurthoopsart · 2 years
Splatoon TOH Crossover Timeline/Concept
This is mainly for my own reference and ill be drawing art/designs for it later but I wanted to get everything outlined in one place. If you've been seeing my instagram you'll have seen some sketches already, but here's the IN DEPTH timeline and concept.
Philip's BS:
Humans are Octolings, and Witches are Inklings. The Boiling Isles is on the Surface, while the human realm is in the kettles.
Great Turf War ends. Octarians retreat underground and keep the militaristic lifestyle. They constantly fight against the Squidbeak Splatoon but fail.
Philip and Caleb are the only surviving members of their squad, and stuck together when reassigned. Their new squad was frontlines, and SUPER anti-inkling. Caleb played along to fit in, but Philip was heavily indoctrinated.
Caleb gets the chance to escape to the surface with the help of Evelyn the inkling, one of the members of the Squidbeak splatoon.
Philip goes after him under the impression that he was taken by force. Finds out otherwise. Kills him. You know the drill.
Ok this is getting long. Putting the rest under the cut
The Clawthornes are weapons specialists and bomb inventors. Evelyn hits Philip with a Fucked Up Bomb that has some sort of slime ooze, resulting in the "curse".
Philip lies low, steals his brother's corpse, and starts foraging for Octarian tech that makes its way up to the surface. He uses Octarian cloning tech (that exists in canon, thankfully) to clone Caleb. Grimwalkers are a go.
Philip finds the collector!!! (Idk how time travel is gonna work here so we're going to skim past that) But the collector is an advanced AI created by humans. It teaches Philip about technology, and Philip promises to connect it to the grid, "freeing" it.
The draining spell is a Giant Ink Canon (like in octo expansion). He's gonna use the blended Dna sludge ink (which he gets from "petrifications" of "wild witches") to wipe out all life on the surface.
Philip is now Belos. He cuts his round ears to blend in, and starts preaching about "Main Purity". Basically no one should have more than one main for the good of team balance. Each main has a color associated with it probably? Covens are called Clans, and each clan focuses on one weapon type.
He becomes Emperor. He edits inkling society into something more militaristic, resembling Octarian society. Think like... if everyone only cared about Ranked Mode. It sucks.
Clan Association Intermission (literally just went by vibes for this one):
Bard: Brushes
Construction: Rollers
Beast Keeping: Shooters
Potions: Blasters
Plants: Splatlings
Illusion: Dualies
Healing: Chargers
Oracle: Brellas
Abomination: Sloshers
Emperor's Clan: All
Idk about splatanas and trishots yet lmao
Eda is an inkling who is incredibly cracked at every weapon. She's SKILLED. She's a blaster main. She destroys. the only thing is that she goofs off too much. Squidpartying in ranked, painting amongus and hearts with the brushes, etc.
Lilith is good (squiffer main in my heart, Bella secondary), but not as good. She wants to join the Emperor's Clan with Eda, where inklings can use every weapon, but only one of them can make it. She finds a sample of Feathery ooze and infects Eda with it.
The "curse" turns Eda into a bird monster if she runs out of ink.
Eda finds a kettle to the surface. This is the portal.
Relationship with Raine is the same, not much changes. Raine is a brush main tho. Imagine Raine using a killer wail in place of the whistle during the Covens Vs Wilds game.
Eda finds King!!! King is a salmonid Chum, but is actually a King Salmonid Spawn. We'll get to that later.
Eda starts selling octarian tech she finds when she goes through the kettle! Her "potion" business is a bomb business. She also probably illegally mods her weapons a-la grizzco, making her the most powerful Inkling on the surface.
Season 1 - Luz time babyyyyy:
Luz is a young octoling obsessed with AZURA, and inkling idol group from the surface. Has only ever used an octoshot. She doesnt fit into the military-like society of the octarians, and is sent to boot camp by Camila.
Camila is an adult octoling, part of the Med Division. She also used to be obsessed with the surface too, along with Manny. Similar vibes to canon.
Luz is lured through the kettle by Owlbert, who im debating between him being a smallfry a-la lil' buddy situation or a sentient auto bomb. Haven't figured that out yet.
We're at the Owl House boys.
Hooty is a zapfish btw. If you care.
THE HEXSQUAD. Willow is originally in the "slosher" track (abominations) but moves to the Splatling track (plants) and She Will Kill You. Hydra Main in my heart.
on that note for the Teenage Abomination episode I can imagine Luz helping Willow mod tf out of a explosher for her project, or she hides inside some sort of weapon to sneak into class somehow.
Gus the dualie main. He kicks ass and does flips. Head of the Octarian Appreciation Society.
Amity mains sloshers in my heart, probably also dabbles in the really hardcore shooters like splattershot pro or 52. gal. The Blights are super expensive/professional weapons specialists/inventors.
Oh my god the Covention Amity vs Luz witches duel. 1v1 final destination. Luz doesn't have a weapon.
Stuff in season 1 pretty much goes by like canon. Luz wants to main all the weapons but with her own modifications (octarian tech stuff). Idk how the whole "Luz is a human and can't do magic" thing translates here, but im guessing it's kind of like... her ink doesn't calibrate easily with the inkling weapons, maybe?
King is obsessed with Salmonids instead of demons. The Intruder is him trying to teach Luz about "his kind", ie the salmonid bosses. This is also going into season 2 territory, but his section of Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty's door is them trying to figure out which boss salmonid he is (which he isn't one. He's a KING salmonid).
OH the petrification ceremony is Eda about to get Blended like in onto expansion.
And Luz's witch's wool cloak is modeled after agent 3's cloak in onto expansion. It's ink resistant.
The Belos vs Luz fight is just Luz w her octoshot trying to keep up with an X Ranker. She gets a lucky shot with an ink mine though.
Season 2
Belos has the damaged kettle. Lilith and Eda are both infected by the feathery ooze. Luz starts learning about More Weapon Types and Mods (glyph combos).
PHILIP'S DIARY. It's a video diary. I'm imagining its projected from a squee-G.
HUNTER is an octoling. His Golden Guard main is the octobrush (the golden guard staff).
Ok I JUST remembered purblethinkin did an octoling hunter design and also gave him an octobrush and this is EXACTLY what I was thinking. The kelp. The Golden octoling goggles. Yes.
Im starting to like the whole "Sentient Autobomb being Palismen" thing. Robot Flapjack. Either that or Lil Buddy flapjack.
VEE!!! There's two options for Vee. She's either a sanitized inkling or a fuzzy inkling.
The fuzzy inkling thing would fit better with her whole "technically im not supposed to exist" speech, since mammals are extinct, but Sanitization fits better with Belos's plan to wipe out all life with his sanitized ooze canon. Idk yet, could go either way.
The entirety of Yesterday's Lie is instead of Luz appearing in reflections, she appears in the loads of electronic screens underground. The beta portal they make is a communication device to connect underground.
Jacob Hopkins is an inkling conspiracy theorist lmao.
Stuff is p much the same as canon.
Oof. Hollow Mind. uhhh. It probably takes place in Belos's secret lab instead of his mind. the teleportation spell/walkie talkie is a super jump beacon.
The Titan Trappers are grizzco-like. King Trappers. They dress like salmonid chum/cohocks/smaller versions of cohozunas.
KING'S TIDE. King's salmonid powers are golden egg adjacent, which im going to say he has the ability to mess with technology. This allows him to "free" the collector and connect him to the grid.
Titan Blood is replaced with Golden Eggs in general btw.
Belos's curse turns him into a mud/ooze/sanitized ink creature.
OH the Sigils. idk about them. They're not really necessary since the canon is gonna kill Everything regardless of if they're in a clan or not. They're probably just licenses.
When the collector is free, he takes over all electronics on the surface and sets it up for THE MOST FUN SPLATFEST EVER.
Belos gets splatted (lol) like normal. Except it's probably by one of those octarian machines that the collector can take control of. You know the octobot king and the giant fists it has? Bam.
The Hexsquad ends up underground with Camila and Vee.
Season 3!!!!
Luz goes to school, which is just Octoling training. She's depressed like normal.
I kind of like to think that the underground isn't Intense Military like it used to be in Philip's time. It's generally pretty chill with some militaristic aspects bc they don't have a lot of electrical power.
The two new kids ("give me books about crusty old women") are octarians who LOVE Luz bc they heard about the mods she used to put on the basic-grade octoshots
The gang tries to get a working portal to the surface but it aint workin.
The gang finds the rebus to a hidden golden salmonid egg that can power a kettle to the surface.
Halloween is probably an octarian version of a splatfest/celebration. The Haunted Hayride is mild anti-inkling propaganda warning octolings about the dangers of the surface, using the Whittebane Squad as an example.
Hunter gets possessed like normal. I really want to include the brainwash glasses in this somehow but idk how to do it realistically so thats just on the back burner.
Aaaaand that's it so far! Feel free to suggest stuff. I think I got a general idea of everything though, except the palismen, sigils, and Vee's whole deal.
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heloflor · 2 years
My headcanons for a Sam and Max timeline after seeing every entry of the franchise :
- Order in which the events take place, from oldest to most recent : Most of the comics, with “The Adventurers” being the oldest events – Hit the Road – This time it’s Virtual – “The Big Sleep” Comic – The Telltale trilogy + Poker Night – “Night of the Gilded Heron-Shark” Comic – “Beast From the Cereal Aisle” Comic – The Cartoon – “The Damned Don’t Dance” Comic (the Christmas one with the duo having a house and inviting both their families)
- From a chronological standpoint :
The comics take place in the spawn of almost a decade (more like 8 years of so)
Hit the Road happens around 1-2 years after the last comic (and takes place in the spawn of one day)
“This time it’s Virtual” takes place a few months after “Hit the Road” (like 7-8 months later) and its events take one day
“The Big Sleep” happens 3 years after the vr game, and the Telltale games one year after “The Big Sleep” (so there’s 4 years between vr and Telltale)
There’s a 3 months gap maximum between the ending the “The Devil’s Playhouse” and the Poker Night games
Both Poker Night games happen around the same time (only a few weeks apart maximum)
The Mack Salmon and Cereal Aisle comics take place very close to the cartoon. You could also imagine the comics taking place during the cartoon, in-between two episodes (the second comic at least). The Christmas comic tho might take place a few years after the cartoon, since the way they celebrate Christmas is different from what we see in the cartoon and feels more logical to happen afterwards since the duo have a house
There’s a time gap of around 9 years between the Poker Night games and the cartoon
Not sure how long it would take for the events of the cartoon to take place. In a way, I kinda see it as a “timeless/happily ever after” sort of thing where it doesn’t really matter how long it lasts, since “there’s nothing afterwards” so to speak (the vibe of the last episode especially doesn’t help with this feeling)
- From a “time period” standpoint (note that this part is very much flawed and yes I know there’s no way Granny Ruth would be alive and kicking in the cartoon with this timeline, especially considering that Sameth, her theorized-to-be dad here, died in 1901, meaning she was born maximum in 1902. But tbh her being in such good shape in canon can also be questioned) :
The comics happen from the mid-to-late 80s to the mid 90s, with Sam and Max going from being in their mid-to-late-20s to their mid-30s
“Hit the Road” and “This time it’s Virtual” take place in the late 90s, with Sam and Max in their mid-to-late-30s
Telltale takes place in the early 2000s, with Sam and Max in their late-30s/early-40s
The Cartoon takes place in the early 2010s, with Sam and Max in their late-40s/early-50s
- Sam and Max’s relationship status : Start off as friends for most of the comics, start dating in the last few – get engaged before “Hit the Road” and are still fiancés in “This time it’s Virtual” – Get married during the gap between the vr game and “The Big Sleep” – are a married couple for Telltale and the Cartoon + the last few comics
Now obviously this is a very flawed timeline overall and not everything perfectly fits together, but then again IIRC Purcell once said he didn’t care about continuity and just puts the duo in situations he finds funny (I think it’s from an interview on the official Sam and Max site ?). So doing a perfect timeline is pretty much impossible anyways.
A few more details under the cut, most notably an explanation of the comics’ order + an explanation of the choice to have the Cartoon as last and the vr game before Telltale (long post ahead).
- The order of the comics (note that I am only including the comics from the “Surfin’ the Highway” compilation, the comic “The big Sleep” and the unfinished “Max gets shot” comic, which I assume to end with Max being brought back somehow) :
The Adventurers are the first events due to Sam and Max not feeling as close as they do in other comics + that one Atlantis comic with Sam saying “I never dated within my gender” (or something along those lines). And while those comics are mostly AUs, you could still imagine that at some point in their career, they went onto crazy adventures that were pretty similar to those. Them being the first adventures could also work with the idea of them being younger, in their “prime”, or at a time when they enjoyed the adventure and the violence that came with it more than the detective work.
A few comics like the unnamed Wester and Pirate ones would also happen around the time of The Adventurers. Same for “Fair Wind to Java”. Basically every comic that involves the duo travelling outside of New-York/a town-like environment.
“Kids Take Over” could be their last adventure before they focus more on detective work in New York itself, since in that comic they were apparently resting after a big event, which feels more related to crazy events from The Adventurers (yes I know every adventure they have is crazy, but you still get my point).
Btw the events of all those comics would take the most time. Like, taking the idea of the comics happening in the span of 8 years, all those events would take a good 5-6 years out of them.
All of the few “oneshot” comics (“Our Bewildering Universe”, “Terror on the Tanbark”, “Pondering of the Ages”, “Skeptical Investigators”, the unnamed animals TV show comics, the unnamed “the duo dies and temporarily goes to heaven” comic, etc) could take place sometime after those previous stories
The unfinished comic with Max getting shot is next on the list and is the moment Sam realizes his feelings for Max, leading the duo to start dating once Max is brought back (yes “Sam realizes how much Max means to him after seeing him get shot” is 100% taken from that one post theorizing that the comics, cartoon and games take place in a different universe/timeline and how each have a different version of their relationship. While not following the theory, I’m shamelessly taking the idea of what this death led Sam to realize about himself)
The remaining early comics (“Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple”, “Night of the Cringing Wildebeest”, “On the Road” trilogy, “Bad Day on the Moon”) all take place afterwards and during the 2-3 remaining years, with Sam and Max being boyfriends. This is due to them being closer in those comics, especially regarding Sam being extra touchy towards Max
While “Bad Day on the Moon” also happens in the cartoon, the fact that it keeps getting referenced in each entry of the franchise leads me to believe that, if only one version of those events happened, it would be the comic version (basically the cartoon version is “non-canon” to this timeline)
As said previously, “The Big Sleep” takes place a year before the Telltale games due to the comic apparently being made in relation to those games (you can kinda see it form the way Max is drawn, looking a lot more like his 3D model)
“Night of the Gilded Heron-Shark”, “Beast From the Cereal Aisle”, “The Damned don’t Dance” and an unnamed Halloween comic all take place around the time of the cartoon.
“Beast From the Cereal Aisle” is due to the shop being from the cartoon on top of Max having some powers with his ability to talk to the dead. Plus you can see Max help a kid at the end of the comic, showing the baby fever he displays in Telltale and the cartoon.
The Christmas and Halloween comics are due to the duo living in a house. Special mention to the Christmas one for having them celebrate the holidays with their families together, giving off one of the biggest “married couple” moments of the franchise.
“Night of the Gilded Heron-Shark” is due to having Mack Salmond and the Rubber Pants Commandos, which we only see again in the cartoon. Although, this comic also has Flint Paper mentioned at the beginning despite him being absent from the cartoon, but I’m choosing to disregard it. Thing is, keeping the theory of the cartoon being last, it’s weird for Mack Salmond to take his first revenge in this comic and then wait years only to do a second and third one barely a few months apart. There’s also the question of the Rubber Pants Commando ageing, but I can see them being different babies in the cartoon. So yeah, overall, I’m choosing to disregard the Flint “cameo” to make Mack Salmond feel more consistent.
- Why the Cartoon is in last : This is a pretty popular theory from what I’ve seen so you won’t learn anything new here. Basically, it’s due to how drastically different things are in the cartoon compared to the rest.
The office feels like a completely new building, from the spinning Max outside to the basement of Solitude to even small things like Max missing his desk. Also the episode “Big Trouble at the Earth’s Core” starts with them inspecting something that’s been at the back of their fridge “since we moved in” which makes it sound like they haven’t been in their office or house for that long (I’d say house since it’s something they found behind a fridge)
Flint Paper, a staple of the franchise, is missing in this entry and isn’t even mentioned once, which really gives off that vibe of “they moved to a different building”
The Geek is a character that never shows up or is even mentioned in other entries. And since she’s young, you can imagine she was either unborn or a younger child during the rest of the franchise, instead of growing up and just never having any contact with the duo if you imagine the cartoon taking place earlier
The Telltale characters being missing could again be due to them moving (obviously the true reason is that they didn’t exist back then, but since Flint did and doesn’t show up here, the excuse works)
Sam and Max feel more mature and “mellowed out”, making them feel older thus making the cartoon look like it takes place later. You especially get Sam who’s really good with kids compared to his Telltale version, and Max being a lot more emotional/open to his emotions as if previous events led him to open up
“That Darn Gator” and “The Glazed McGuffin Affair” show Sam and Max living in a house (the gator episode especially), while every other entry imply that they live in some kind of apartment adjacent to their office (or in the office itself). Them living in a house feels like a “step up”, making it seem like it happened after the rest
Likewise, while the nature of their relationship is often debated, most people tend to agree that Sam and Max are a canon couple in the cartoon, so it’s yet another “step up”
The Statue of Liberty having her head back makes sense given how it’s such an important monument, so of course it would be fixed. It especially works with the idea of the cartoon taking place almost a decade after Telltale
Some moments are better/angstier if you imagine them taking place after Telltale, like Max freaking out about the wooden puppet in “It’s Dangly Deever Time”, and especially Sam losing his shit in “Max’s Big Day” when thinking Max’s brain was tampered with
The “break-up” as they literally call it that we see in the last episode could take place around the time of the comics or even between the comics and “Hit the Road”. Notice how, in this scene, they seemingly live in the office instead of their house, they celebrate Christmas in NY instead of Ruth’s place, and we don’t get to see the giant spinning Max outside. Plus the whole episode is about counting past events
While the cartoon very obviously takes place in the 90s, we know that Sam and Max aren’t the biggest when it comes to technology, so it works for them to live a life in the 2010s without using cellphones, computers or internet despite those existing. Heck the vr game confirms this
- Why have “This time it’s Virtual” before Telltale :
The dynamic between Sam and Max is more akin to how they act in the Comics and “Hit the Road” (basically they have a more platonic vibe, while the Cartoon and Telltale have a much more romantic vibe to them, tho “Hit the Road” definitely feels in-between platonic and romantic especially in regards to a few dialogues related to the tunnel of love)
From what I’ve seen, most references are related to the comics or “Hit the Road”. Then again I didn’t play it myself and the youtube playthroughs don’t have all the dialogues or get stuck in that situation of “making a specific action moves the dialogue along before the previous one was over” (which is an issue the game seems to heavily suffer from). So I might have missed some obvious references
One of the cartoon references is them having Glazed McGuffins in their office, which could be read as “this food has existed for years and they’ve always been fond of it” so it works
Likewise, the use of some Telltale music, most notably the one from Jurgen’s party, could be seen as “this song already existed before the events of S2”. That being said Jurgen is apparently all about trends but then again the “emo gothic” style he went with in S2 could have a preference for older music (you can tell I’m trying to bullshit my way through here)
One Telltale reference is apparently a mention of a giant devil Max attacking the city 11 years ago. I’m going to be an asshole here and go “well we’ve seen Max as a devil a handful of times in Purcell’s art, like in Poker Night 1 with the Poker table, so who’s to say that devil Max = Cthulhu Max ?” Same for the lines about Max being possessed “again” or becoming a giant “again”, Telltale is probably not the first and only time
There’s also a reference with Max saying that the dead versions from the escape room are here due to events related to cloning and time travel. That one is actually something that can’t be rebutted since it directly implies that the events of the Telltale trilogy happened. But I’m still choosing to disregard it because fuck it, I want this game to take place before Telltale and it’s not like I’m trying to make a perfectly flawless timeline anyways since that’s an impossible task ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That being said, if you really want an excuse as to why invalidate this reference, there’s the fact that this reference implies it’s possible for Max to clone himself, which kinda defeats the whole point of the 305 ending and why it’s such a tragic ending
Another reference is Bosco’s, which is a place we see in both “Hit the Road” and Telltale, and the placement of the shop is the same in all three versions. Though, while the version we see here is very much based on the Telltale version, I’m again going to turn a blind eye to it. Heck, given how the street is kinda cheap according to 302, you could always imagine that Bosco moved away at some point in hopes to find a better place but then struggled to make money so he came back. Note that I have this theory due to how at first I thought Bosco’s was a bit further away down the street in Telltale compared to the other two versions, meaning the idea of him leaving and coming back renting a different building worked. Buuut in reality Bosco’s right next to Sam and Max’s place in Telltale so that doesn’t work as well. Still a theory I could go with tho
On that note, Bosco’s is the only building from Telltale that we see (again from what I’ve seen, I could be wrong). As a result, and despite the Telltale inspiration for how its outside looks, it feels more like a “Hit the Road” reference. Although “Hit the Road” does have some beta version of Stinky’s Dinner in the background as well that we don’t get to see here
Obviously the game is said to take place in 2021 but in case you haven’t noticed yet I decided to completely disregard the time period each entry was made in for the sake of my timeline so that’s no concern here X)
I like to headcanon that the office was either partly or completely destroyed after “The Devil’s Playhouse” leading to Sam and Max moving to the office we see in the cartoon. With that in mind, it doesn’t make sense for the vr office to be the same as the Telltale one if “Virtual” takes place after Telltale.
Likewise, Sam and Max are known to collect stuff from each mission and their Telltale office is littered with trinkets. The office in “This time it’s Virtual” is completely devoid of those items, as if taking place before Telltale (regarding the cartoon, them changing offices explains why the stuff isn’t here anymore, plus they have a house now to store things)
Regarding Sam dating around quite a lot in this game, I tend to headcanon both Sam and Max as polyamorous and in an open relationship with hierarchical polyamory (the headcanon comes from noticing how much of a flirt Telltale Max is, and more specifically the fact that he seems to be in love with Sam, Flint Paper and Hugh Bliss all at the same time; also the “Mr.S” dialogue with Flint in 301 fits perfectly with the open relationship headcanon). So with them being engaged in my headcanons, you could imagine that either A. Sam is getting nervous about settling down and Max is fine with him dating around despite the wedding coming or B. They’re currently having a break for one reason or another and Sam is dealing with it by seeing other people (notice how every single dialogue about Sam’s love life is brought up by Max, as if it bothered him).
Tbh I don’t really like either option due to both feeling like a pretty unhealthy way to navigate an open relationship. And that’s coming from someone who do like the idea of them struggling with their polyamory due to some jealousy they can’t quite get rid of (Max looking bothered in this game and Sam being jealous of Max’s crush on Hugh Bliss), but also the fact that a polycule would be best suited for them (taking the headcanon of them both liking Flint, there's no jealousy here) but the people they’re into are either not both their types (especially if you imagine Sam bringing women home) or those people wouldn’t fall in love or wish to fall in love with both. But despite liking this idea, what I’m describing here for “Virtual” feels too shitty of a thing to do, including Max not speaking up about his feelings.
(Regarding the jealousy, note that I don’t view Sam and Max as “too close” or even codependent. Sam was shown to be able to go on without Max, he’s just very unhappy which makes sense given he loves Max. As for Max, he’s hinted to be depressive and Sam may or may not be his only support system, so of course he would shut down without him. That can also explain why alternate!Max in S3 was able to go on, since in Telltale they have a few friends who saw what happened + Sam’s family likely showed up after hearing Sam died, so Max had people to support him. Then again I’m aroace so take what I say about relationships with a grain of salt)
In regards to that last point : Honestly, were it not for the huge “Hit the Road” references, I would have placed the vr game right after the comics in my timeline, before “Hit the Road”. Seriously the only reason why I headcanon them as engaged in “Virtual” is due to their romantic connotation in “Hit the Road” making me view them as an engaged couple in that game. So if “Virtual” takes place afterwards, then they need to be a couple in it
(“Virtual” in general is a bit of a black sheep in my eyes. Like, just the idea of Sam and Max recruiting someone and training them feels very off coming from them, not helped by that one interview Purcell did about the cartoon in which he says he wanted the Geek to have as little presence as possible because the heart of the show was the main duo. Also the fact that the writers are being cowards about Sam and Max being so explicitly queer in past entries annoys me a lot, especially since most people who never knew the franchise before will likely assume Sam is straight instead of bi/pan/omni with how the game only mentions women’s names when talking about his dates. As for Max, while you have the corndog joke hinting at his attraction for men, I’ve seen a bunch of gameplays of the office on youtube and most people miss that line by talking over it or not paying attention…)
- About the longevity chosen for some entries + time in-between :
First of all, note that I’m trying to make a timeline that includes most of the time-periods they had adventures in (late 80s, all of the 90s, early 2000s) hence why some parts might drag for a while, especially in regards to their relationship
“The Adventurers” take so many years due to them traveling all around the world
The fact that the gap between the comics and “Hit the Road”, then between that game and “Virtual” are rather short is due to the duo’s personalities being rather close in those three entries, though they feel a bit “softer” in “Virtual” (tbh they don’t get to do much in that game so it’s a bit hard to get a full reading of them, but it’s worth noticing they use weapons a lot and Max tries to blow us up when we first show up at the office)
It does feel like they take a long time before getting married considering they’ve known each other their whole lives, but between them being a gay couple (same-sex marriage being illegal in the 90s) and not having that much money, the idea of them dating for several years and having a long engagement does kinda works, since they have a lot to figure out
There’s a larger gap between “Virtual” and Telltale due to the personalities changing a bit and the street being different. Plus they’re not all lovey-dovey in Telltale so it works better with the thought of them being married for a few years instead of newlyweds, unlike “Hit the Road” in which the dialogues related to the tunnel of love + the 8-ball one sell the idea of them being fiancés (and them being mushier in the cartoon works with them getting older and settling down)
The gap between “The Big Sleep” and Telltale is due to the feeling that they need some time to settle down back home after this comic, on top of Sam still having brain damage from what happened to him and needing time to recover
The reason why so little time is put between Telltale and Poker night is due to my headcanon that alternate!Max has psychic powers but also has the brain tumor. And after a few months messing around with his powers, Mama Bosco reminds him that his life is on the line, so Max gets operated to remove the tumor, making him lose the ability to use his powers without an external/summoning source (if anybody’s curious you can send me an ask and I’ll explain how I view his psychic powers in better detail). And since Max has his powers in Poker Night, it needs to happen rather soon after the trilogy. Plus, Max in Poker Night 2 is only here because Sam is worried about the “chosen one” situations, the Gift being one of those situations
The almost-decade long gap between Telltale and the cartoon is mostly due to how different the cartoon is compared to this game, both in setting and characters, including Sam and Max being more mature and open emotionally. I feel like the transition works better if you imagine a long time has passed. Plus they feel in their 50s in the cartoon and I need an excuse for them to go from early 40s in Telltale to early 50s here
- A word about their relationship : I’m going with the headcanon/theory that the two got engaged, had an official ceremony but Sam got shot while waiting at the altar. And after the injury was healed, they decided to have a second more private wedding and afterwards decided to keep their relationship on the low in fear of what their enemies would try, hence why they keep insisting in Telltale that they’re just friends.
And regarding the two ceremonies, the first one used the costumes from “Hit the Road” which are pretty formal, while for the second wedding, which we see in the cartoon, they went with something more comfortable and practical, hence Sam’s dress seemingly not having several layers (unlike Max’s dress) and Max not wearing pants.
As for who knows about their relationship (outside of their respective families), Flint Paper would be the only one to be explicitly told since he knew the duo before the failed ceremony (and was likely Sam’s best man in said first ceremony). For other characters, either they would deduce it at some point (Geek, Bosco according to the Machinima shorts, Sybil in S1, Superball given he works with Max, Hugh Bliss after realizing Max had a thing for him which might be why Sam hated him, Skun-ka’pe after having readings of Max’s brain in 303 + Max possibly letting it slip accidentally, Papierwaite after seeing how Sam acted during the week leading up to 305, Mama Bosco eventually) or they wouldn’t realize it/don’t care enough about the duo to figure it out (most other villains, Harry Moleman, pretty much every character from “Hit the Road” etc)
Little fun fact : at first I pictured them getting married in Canada “because it’s legal here”. But after thinking more about trans headcanons, especially the idea of Max being transmasc and how it could work (I absolutely adore the idea of both being trans but for Sam there’s one little thing about dog anatomy that makes me want to make him cis), I ended up going with “Max completely forgot to change his gender on his ID so technically speaking a marriage between them would be considered as straight”. That being said, having Max’s gender be changed afterwards would be a mess, and tbh I kinda like the idea of him eventually making himself a fake ID because the law wasn’t going to allow him to change his gender and remain married.
And if you’re asking about him legally changing his name : since humans can’t tell the gender of most domestic animals right after birth, I like to imagine it’s the same for the animals themselves. As a result, both Sam and Max have a “man” and “woman” names that the adults in their lives would use interchangeably for the first few months of their lives (in my headcanon, Samuel/Samantha for Sam and Maxwell/Madeline for Max. Yeah I’m not the most original person when it comes to names…). And for legal documents, it works the same as someone having a second or even third name. It’s a name written on their ID that they just never use, tho I could see Max requesting for his “man” name to come first when having to renew it at some point (possibly as a teen depending how it works in the US)
Note that some animals could have a more gender-neutral name, either as a “boy/girl” name or their parents wanted the kid to have a third name. Also, a trans and/or NB animal can very well choose to have another name that has nothing to do with their birth names.
EDIT : Turns out I have more shit to say about this timeline
- The order of the entries can explain the slight shift in personality the duo has. In the comics and “Hit the Road”, they’re young so act more recklessly, endangering whoever’s on their way without a care in the world. In Telltale they’re middle aged so they’re starting to calm down, using their words instead to be douchebags. And in the Cartoon they’re older and wiser/calmer.
Don’t get me wrong, in all versions the duo loves random violence and are very much dangerous, but there’s definitely a slight difference in how each version approaches those character traits.
This could also explain Sam starting to get insecure about his weight in “Virtual” and especially in Telltale, as he’s nearing his 40s and is starting to feel old, on top of weight starting to get harder to drop. But by the time of the Cartoon he grew more secure of his looks, hence why he doesn’t hold back on food.
- By the logic of this timeline, Sam and Max were born in the early 60s, most likely between 1961 and 1965. And I think those dates might fit with the Telltale continuity ? (in 301 Sam is said to be “pushing 40 in dog years” and in 204 we learn the 60s was 40 years ago)
- The Machinima shorts take place during the events of Telltale, though not all of them might take place during S1. For example, the one with Max using telekinesis to levitate a cup could take place during the year between S2 and S3 (again, I have some headcanons about Max’s psychic powers in relation to this). Same for all the presidential ones that could happen throughout the first two seasons.
- Given that the adventuring ending of “Devil’s Playhouse” is seemingly the canon ending based on Poker Night 2, here’s a few theories as to what might’ve happened to the time-travelling elevator between Telltale and the Cartoon :
1. They lost it while back at their time-period to rest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After all, it only takes someone getting inside it or hitting it a bit too hard for the elevator to leave its current position. And we know Sam and Max aren’t the most cautious people.
2. They fucked up time very badly so they decided to retire using it. Could also explain why they talk about being cautious in “A Glitch in Time”, tho they barely respect what they’re saying in this episode.
3. The Mariachi found them and took the elevator back.
4. They went through many adventures, possibly to the same scope as the ones they lived back in the “Adventurers” comics (it does fit with them being in their 40s, basically having a mid-life crisis and wanting to feel young again), before eventually deciding to settle down in their original time-period and let go of those adventures. Basically that whole “they went on crazy adventures before deciding to stay in town solving crimes” from when I was describing the comics, but happening a second time 20 years later.
5. They don’t actually go that often through time, and in the few years between Telltale and the Cartoon spent most missions in their own time period. As a result, they still have the elevator lying around somewhere in the basement of Solitude. Or they did go through many adventures but somehow hadn’t fucked up to the point of having to give up the elevator so they still have it. I’d be more inclined to go with that theory out of the five due to the Cartoon episode “The Tell Tale Tail” which takes place in the past, so you could imagine they used the elevator to go there.
Another thing that’s worth pointing out, tho I’m not the biggest fan of the idea, is that the Cartoon very much takes place in the 90s. So one could imagine that they traveled back to this time-period and either lost the elevator or decided to settle down here. This could also explain why nobody they know from Telltale is around, including Flint Paper if you imagine the duo trying to make sure not to walk onto their past selves. That last part could also be why they only met the Geek at that point in time.
But again, I’m not a big fan of this idea and would rather go with them having “old” technology because they don’t want to bother adapting to new tech, as we see in “Virtual”.
- Last minute addition : So I can’t help but headcanon Sam and Max as being born in 1963 for some reason and one thing led to another so here’s my timeline with actual precise years :
1981 : Sam and Max become adults, with Sam going to college and both trying to find a detective job (could also be the time when Max was a sex worker) ; end up getting hired by the Commissioner in 1987
1987 – 1992 : the Adventurers comics
End of 1992 – 1995 : the rest of the comics, with Sam and Max starting to date in 1993 ; the breakup flashback we see in the last episode of the cartoon is set during winter 1993
1996 : Hit the Road ; got engaged a few months before this game
1997 : This Time it’s Virtual ; also the year they get married
(basically they get engaged early-96, Hit the Road is mid-96, Virtual is 7-8 months later so early-97, and the marriage is mid-97)
2000 : The Big Sleep comic
2001 – 2002 : Save the World (in 106, the page of their calendar is on February, so the game takes place accross two years)
2003 : Beyond Time and Space (they keep saying it’s been a year and their calendar in 201 is on February again, so this checks out, even though the date of 201 is weird af what with the whole Christmas thing)
2004 : The Devil’s Playhouse (Sybil is 13 months pregnant, so it’s been minimum a year)
2013 : The events of the Cartoon start
Btw something I keep forgetting to do so I’m mostly writing this in case I lose the dates and have to refer to this post for it : Sam and Max get one year older in 204 due to them being stuck in the past and having to re-live S1.
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