#this is probably bad
shineon3 · 2 months
silly little ficlet about Daniel being an eldritch creature because I can't get that out of my brain
Ours. Ours. Ours.
Daniel grins, waving as he walks by Max, the familiar thrum in his whole being not easy to ignore per se, but 10 years-ish of dealing with it made it easier to tame, to smooth out into something appropriate and friendly, so unlike the want, the need animating his limbs, making him want to reach out, wrap around the blonde and never let go.
He's had a long, long time to think and overthink, to acquaint himself with all his instincts, to put a leash on them when walking around the paddock, during interviews, meetings and team briefings, especially the more violent ones. It definitely wasn't easy at first, he still struggled with it sometimes, he was a predator after all, born to kill and terrify, but humans were fascinating, fragile and yet so determined, and he had wanted to experience living among them. It came with the necessity to hide his most dangerous side, but it was worth it.
Daniel smiles, as he bumps once again into Max, enjoying the younger's laugh as his eyes crinkled and his cheeks flushing adorably, making the beast in him try to claw its way out, trying to claim the blonde for themselves. It was definitely worth it, if he got to see Max, got to be around him, even if it didn't totally appease the monster, instead making it yearn and want.
And when he wraps his arms around Max, pulling him into a full bodied hug in the privacy of the younger's driver's room, praising him for his latest win, if oily black tentacles wrap around the blonde as well, then Daniel just sighs, tucking him closer in his arms, letting beast get away with it.
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holidayhearrt · 11 months
The crunch of gravel beneath your feet and the smell of the forest around you. A blank spot on the wall, a picture removed from a collection. Buried in paperwork; you can't find the time for much else. Driving for hours with no end in sight. My head against a tiled shower wall. Listening to sad songs, red lights illuminating your room. You always said I looked best in green. Dancing in your kitchen to an old record. Trying to perfect every moment instead of appreciate it. Drinking the best cup of coffee you've ever had. A vintage bookstore; a leather-bound poetry book about love. A promise to never speak again.
... inspired by the line "Tiny Dots on an Endless Timeline" (La Dispute).
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queerdiazbuckleys · 1 year
Roy/Jaime prompt: Jamie is acting strange, completely pale and withdrawn from everyone, even Dani and Sam. He’s playing well, but he shies away from everyone. He gets scared whenever his phone pings with a message. Ted is worried and even Beard is concerned. Roy decides he’s gonna get to the bottom of it but Jamie evades him at every turn until finally Roy had enough and demands answers. When Jamie finally shows him whats on his phone, it's so terrifying EVERYONE goes into protective beast mode
So basically what happened is that Jamie's dad definitely got his phone number again even though Jamie had taken Sharon's advice after the events at Wembley and blocked him as fast as he could. When he got the first message, he just ignored it. He was sure after everything he'd never have to worry James Tartt again. Of course the second they're going to be playing City again, James did actually remember he had a son. Not that Jamie is claiming that anymore either. He does just fine on his own, and with Roy. That's a thing that's going well, too.
Roy finally breaks Jamie down and he has to tell Roy about the messages. Plural. The latest one is almost a threat. James is going to show up whether Jamie gets him in at not. Jamie isn't even sure what that fucking means. Neither is Roy, Jamie's sure he can't know what that means but he's just too fucking freaked out about the idea that he might have to see his dad again that he just lets Roy be angry until he calms down enough to wrap his arms around Jamie. That always helps.
When it's time to go to Manchester, Jamie doesn't say a word the entire bus ride. He knows he needs to get his shit together because they can't lose as horribly as they did the last time. They have to win this game, so he's putting all of his focus on just pushing everything down. He's sitting next to Sam because early on he made Roy promise that he wouldn't be on top of him when he was with the team. It's really made everything between them better, to be honest.
They do share a room at the hotel though. Jamie isn't fucking stupid. It's just, when they get to the hotel to check in the team files in and Jamie hears him before he sees him. James Tartt is having a massive rant at the desk. Jamie finds Roy and goes to stand behind him, like he thinks that means he won't be seen - like it'll hide the fact that the entire fucking Richmond team is standing there and no one is fucking saying anything. Jamie can feel Roy's entire body stiffen up and a fucking growl comes out of him. Jamie doesn't want him to attack because that means that he won't be standing in front of Jamie like a fucking shield. Jamie needs that right now.
It turns out to be okay because Ted and Beard go over together. James looks like he's going to throw a fit or some fists and then Ted says something Jamie can't hear to the hotel manager who's come out because of the commotion. It almost seems anti-climactic. A security person takes James out and he rants, spots Jamie, and starts screaming, but Jamie pretends not to hear him, and Roy reaches for his wrist protectively.
Jamie isn't sure how he's going to sleep tonight or play tomorrow but he'll find away. He knows he'll find a way.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 9 months
Ok but like the first few Ivan vids… ngl…. Sometimes I miss him…
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stormyboi7 · 2 years
a little batman thingy i’ve been thinking about for a while now. maybe it’s already implied in canon, maybe not, i don’t really care. just sorta a thing that’s been stuck in my brain for a while now that i wanted to get out.
had jason todd survived, i believe he would’ve grown to become the best possible successor for batman.
he’s often characterized as the “edgy” robin for various reasons, while he had his issues, all in all, jason was a good kid. he didn’t just die from an explosion, he died saving his mother— a woman who betrayed his trust, and lied to him, and abandoned him.
the dark, edgy robin would have no reason to save someone like that. let her die, save yourself. it’s what she probably deserves, after all.
but jason tried. he did everything he could to save his mother, even after everything she did to him, because jason is good.
yes, he has that darkness within him, and that anger, but so does bruce. they’re both children of gotham, who both struggle with the darkness within themselves, but overall, they’re good people. had jason lived, i imagine he would’ve learned to channel that darkness, and rise above it like bruce has. i imagine he would’ve happily succeeded bruce as batman, and maybe, could’ve been a better batman.
but jason died.
he came back, of course, but he came back traumatized, and broken, consumed by his inner darkness. he’s lightened up over the years— no matter how dark, he’s still good at heart— but i doubt he’d ever want to take the batman mantle now. not after everything he’s been through.
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societal-menace · 2 years
im gonna try writing a oneshot for the first time in like 8 months because i dont have the motivation to draw 💀
[ sonadow, sfw but possibly triggering]
tw: implied self harm, scars
Familiarity returned to Sonic's senses as he raised his head from his couch, his eyes squinted and straining, but still open. It was nighttime; no light peaked in through the curtains, and the house appeared to be completely dark- aside from the faint stairway light between the kitchen and living spaces.
Upon further inspection, Sonic found that he had not falled asleep on the couch alone, but snuggled into the chest of none other than his boyfriend, Shadow the Hedgehog. Sonic smiled fondly, looking down and admiring every inch of the hedgehog's image. His soft, fluffy chest, strong shoulders, long, beautiful spines, intense and defined expression. Some would say they looked edgy and hard to approach, scary even. Sonic thought they looked perfect. As he continued to run his eyes across his boyfriend, memories would come to Sonic of the times they had spent together. The hedgehog began to feel nostalgic, cuddled up to his loving boyfriend like this, and allowed himself space out and enjoy the experience. The hedgehog gently ran his paw through the other's fur, in motions that were slow and light in order to not disturb shadow's sleep.
Shadow's fur was surprisingly soft for a hedgehog of their appearance and personality; however, Sonic was used to seeing Shadow as more than they let on. When they were acting like themselves, Shadow actually cared a lot for the people around them, and was very loyal and gentle. And they happened to love physical touch.
Sonic decided to run his fingers through the fur on his lover's chest one more time, with a more heavy touch this time, feeling the texture of Shadow's body. Before long, however, he found the long, deep scars hidden on Shadow's chest. They ran across the bottom of their pecs and scattered throughout their ribcage area. They were long and still slightly indented, but past the point of scabbing, more like slashes below their fur. Memories flooded Sonic's mind again, these ones not so pleasant. He remembered how and when Shadow gave themself these scars, and how Sonic wasn't able to save them from themself, despite how hard he tried to protect them.
Tears began to flow down Sonic's cheeks as he felt helpless in Shadow's sleeping arms. " I'm sorry, Shadow..." he whispered between silent sobs. Sonic readjusted himself to where his lips could reach the other's chest, placing ghost kisses along the length of their scars. " I'm so sorry... "
" Sonic?"
The blue hedgehog looked up to find his boyfriend fully awake, deep scarlet eyes glistening in the dark. He paused for a moment, lifting his head up from the Shadow's chest.
" My love, what's wrong? " Shadow asked in a worried yet soothing voice. They brought their hand to wipe their boyfriend's tears, allowing him to nuzzle into their hand.
"I just... "
Sonic darted his eyes away from Shadow's, then focused back down to the scars.
" I just wish I could've protected you... I'm- "
A small gasp esacped from Sonic as his boyfriend sat up to embrace the blue hedgehog in his lap, arms wrapped tighly around his torso. Shadow burried their face deep into Sonic's neck, placing a kiss on his shoulder.
" You did, sonic. You fixed me before I could become a greater evil. "
They leaned back, still holding Sonic in their arms but now allowing him to be the one cuddled up to Shadow. The black and red hedgehog ran their fingers along Sonic's spines, staring deep into his glossy emerald eyes.
" You saved me."
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i've been trying to draw people more often while practicing with watercolor too
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ladtheove · 2 years
The Sacrifice - Chapter 1 - Ladtheove - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
So... Remember those Jason slave/Damian master drawings I did a few years back?
This is it, with magic.
I'm so frustrated with life at the moment I needed to shape something horribly dark to blow off steam.
Sorry not sorry.
It happens....
Also Damian is a dark sorcerer and Jason a fire revenant...
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inkskinned · 14 days
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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Me when I haven't eaten anything except some chips all day. >.>
It's fineee I'm not even hungry
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baldiislife113 · 5 days
Probably bad boss idea
A really strong boss that's really difficult to beat. Typical "I really love fighting" type. When you beat the boss, they just lie there for a second. Then, melancholic yet hopeful music starts swelling. The boss slowly stands back up, grabs their weapon, and gets into their fighting stance. The music crescendos as it reaches it's climax. The second phase of the boss starts, but instead of a desperation phase or a stronger second phase, the boss is noticeably weaker and slower. As you fight them, the music slowly starts to lose the hopefulness, as the boss gets slower and weaker and they constantly lose heath. They are no longer fighting to stop you. They are no longer fighting for the joy of fighting. They are no longer fighting to kill you. They are fighting to prove to themselves that they still can. They are fighting because they don't want to acknowledge that they're hurt, that they've already lost, that they're going to die. They're fighting out of ignorance. Eventually, they're health bar drops to 15%, then 10%, then 5%. They stop, and drop their weapon. The music slowly starts to fade out, now fully melancholic. They have acknowledged that they're dying. They've acknowledged that you've won. They collapse, their body now lying there, motionless.
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Female characters who are the sole voice of reason <<<<<<< Female characters who think of themselves as the sole voice of reason but who are actually just as insane as those around them
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neewtmas · 3 months
I need to re-read percy jackson lmao
I actually... never read it🙈🙈🙈
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madamemachikonew · 2 months
"Go to hell" is basic. "Hope your favourite anime movie sequel gets cancelled after seven years in production AND getting an animated teaser." is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying. It's happened.
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zoethebitch · 2 months
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it's really cool how you can dedicate 20 years of your life to serving the US state dept and get murdered by a cop in one of their colonies and your government won't even mention that to avoid making the colony look bad
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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birds of a feather
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