#this is soft
angeart · 9 months
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suengmi · 1 year
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context: gn!reader, bff!hyunjin, bff!chan, lots of silly humour
prompt: fluff/comfort drabble where chan/hyunjin get you off your desk cause you are too stressed for your upcoming regional language exam as its important and you are burnt out as hell
warnings: no warnings needed, kinda proofread, a/n at bottom
wc: .9k
╌╌╌╌  it's the hundredth, or maybe two hundredth page that you've read on this one subject. you had dreaded this, knowing how important this was for your future.
it had been a long month, you weren't behind by any means, just frustrated with the work load you had sitting before you on your desk at home.
the regional language exam.
the one exam you were most worried about, the one that eventually pushed you over the edge.
as you look down at the page you see the words almost dancing, your vision blurring the more your eyes widen to try and make sense. there's a word that stands out to you, but you cant remember what it was. every fibre in your being needs to know this word, wants to know this word. for the life of you, you can't remember.
being interrupted by a groan from your friend, you turn to look behind you. chan, his usual cute expression now replaced by a hard frown as he tries to write something, his tongue sitting on the edge of his lip. hyunjin is beside him, pushing his legs out and stifling a yawn, enjoying the satisfied feeling of a good stretch. how can they be so damn calm? everything was riding from this.
it's when you look back to your page you realise you're about to crack. the words no longer make sense, the symbols scrambling more the harder you look. you can feel it, the tears forming and your mind finally breaking.
hyunjin laughs at something on his face and shows chan, making him chuckle too.
you can't take it any more, every sound was grating in your mind. you'd never been this close to burn out before, maybe you already were.
hyunjin laughs again, scrolling through his phone.
"would you shut up?!"
an awkward silence hits the air, both of your boys looking up at you. they stare at you for a moment, not really sure how to react to your outburst of frustration.
suddenly, you feel awful, you never talk to your friends like that. this wasn't you, this was damn burn out.
"hey, you, uh, you good?" hyunjin says as he tilts his head to the side, his eyes searching your own.
"shit- i'm sorry i'm just..." you trail off, feeling embarrassed with what you did.
chan stands from his chair, using the back of his legs to push it back. as he walks to your side he just holds out his arms, his fingers wriggling for you to bring it in. "come on, get away from that desk."
you eventually melt into his touch, tears spilling over the edge as you cry into his black jumper. chan was always a softy, he didn't always know what to say but he knew when you needed a hug.
hyunjin stands and joins in the hug too, wrapping his long arms around your waist to wriggle you around.
"stop!" you say trying to get out of the gorilla grip both of them have on you.
"no, not until you stop crying." hyunjin laughs, squeezing you tighter.
"oh you want it tighter? is that what they said?" chan says in a mocking fashion, clasping his hands behind you so you can't escape.
"no no!" you squeal out, your mind finally seeming to calm down a bit.
it's not even a second later where both of them raise you up and throw you onto your bed, much to your protest.
"what are we gonna do?" hyunjin asks chan, fingers tapping on the bottom of his chin in thought.
chan hums, copying hyunjin's stance, his brows comically frowning. "i've never seen it this bad doctor, i think they need the good stuff."
"oh, we can't, that's only for dire situations!" hyunjin gasps, shaking his head. "we can't!"
chan takes in a sharp breath, eye wide as he looks at you. "we have to doctor, get it, get it now!"
your giggles fill the room, your mind reeling with the display of theatre in front of you. hyunjin runs out your door, socks sliding along the wooden floors as he skids around the corner.
it doesn't take long for him to run back, a whole tub of ice cream in his hand and three spoons.
"it's not or never doctor." chan says to hyunjin, taking the tub into his hand.
hyunjin covers his eyes, turning to dramatically place a hand on the door frame. "i can't look, you do it!"
chan flops onto the bed, his hands out to you with the ice cream tub on them.
"quickly!" he yells into the bed, voice slightly muffled.
with a laugh you take the ice cream, your hand eagerly opening the fresh tub.
"did they take it?" hyunjin questions, his voice cracking in a fake cry.
"yes doctor, you've saved the day!" chan laughs, sitting on the bed next to you.
hyunjin turns from the door frame, hand on his heart as he sighs. "that was close."
it's right this second that you realise how grateful you are for your friends. you're still worried about what's going to happen, if you're going to pass or not.
when you look up at them both they're still laughing, fighting over who gets the next scoop of ice cream. at least with the two of them there to support you and egg you on, you knew you could do it. this is exactly what you needed.
but hey, if you were gonna fail you'd fail together at least.
a/n: ow my love ): i know it can be so damn stressful, sorry this took longer than i had anticipated, make sure you're drinking water and fuelling your body ♡ you can do this!!! ended up being not drabble sorry lkjdljalsk i didn't know if u wanted both in there but here ya go
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shady-tavern · 11 months
Hello! Hope you have a good weekend ahead! I Just wanted you to know that I have been reading all your stories and I love them all can you write another part for vampire's lullaby?
Hey there and thank you! So far it's quite pleasant and I'm very happy that you've enjoyed my short stories so far! I didn't quite end up writing a full fourth part for Vampire's Lullaby, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!
More under the cut!
Annabelle was getting tired, but she didn't want the evening to end just yet. They didn't get to see each other as often anymore since they had started their rebellion and they had spent the evening catching up with each other.
Annabelle could admit that it sounded quite scary when Charlette talked about fighting the leaders of the night folk packs and groups, on getting challenged almost every night as she protected and won territory, intent on ending this war. Even with her allies helping out a lot it sounded intense.
"You seem tired, my love," Charlette said quietly, reaching out to brush cool fingertips over her cheek. They were sitting on the windowsill together, legs pressed against each other as they talked. 
Annabelle smiled, head leaning against the cool glass. "I don't want you to go yet."
"I've stayed until you slept and longer plenty of times before," Charlette reminded her quietly, hand falling down to take the one Annabelle had resting on her drawn-up knees. "I will stay now, too. We can talk more later, go to bed, my love."
"Only if you come with me," Annabelle found herself saying. Charlette looked briefly surprised then delighted, before she got up and pulled Annabelle to her feet as well.
The bed was just big enough to fit both of them and it took a moment of wriggling and rearranging limbs, before Annabelle came to rest with her head on Charlette's chest. It was different to leaning on a human, there was no heartbeat, no warmth seeping through clothes. Not even an inhale unless Charlette was speaking.
But she enjoyed it nonetheless, her arm resting across Charlette's middle, feeling her strength beneath her, one knee thrown over Charlette's long legs.
A gentle hand ran through her hair, applying just the right kind of pressure to ease away the stress of the day. Annabelle closed her eyes and allowed herself to go limp, pressed against her lover's side.
"Rest well, nothing bad will find us tonight," Charlette said quietly, pressing a kiss to Annabelle's forehead. "If you want, I will wake you before I go."
"Please do," she murmured and a calm, gentle quiet settled over the room. Charlette kept petting her hair and massaging her head down to her neck and shoulders and Annabelle felt like melting into every touch.
"You should come meet my family," she mumbled into Charlette's soft silk blouse. "I know they'll like you."
The vampire made a low humming sound. "How about we start with your hunter brother and go from there?"
Annabelle murmured a wordless agreement, feeling the heavy, relaxing embrace of sleep rise slowly to envelop her. Just as she slipped away, Charlette began to sing a quiet, lovely lullaby.
When Annabelle found herself waking up, it was to Charlette still in bed with her.
"Morning," Annabelle said, her voice croaky with sleep and Charlette smiled down at her, warm and loving.
"You sound cute," she said and Annabelle huffed in amusement, too comfortable to move yet. It was still dark outside and she knew she'd have to get ready for work soon, but for now she just wanted to stay like this a little longer.
Charlette's hand cupped her cheek and she glanced up sleepily, feeling lips press against her forehead. Charlette pressed slow, soft kisses against her temple and cheek and one onto the tip of her nose. When Annabelle smiled, she tipped her head with gentle fingers and pressed a kiss against that smile as well, tasting the shape of it.
They kissed for a long moment, enjoying each other's presence, the gentle touches of their hands and their bodies pressed close together.
"I have to go," Charlette whispered at last, pulling away to brush their noses together. "I can feel the sun rising."
"Come back soon," Annabelle said softly and Charlette hummed in agreement.
"I will. If all goes well, I might even get to see you again tonight." Then she grinned, fanged and vicious. "Once I take over this city, I will make you my Night Queen."
Annabelle couldn't help but grin back, hope and love bright in her chest. They were getting closer and closer to that day. "I look forward to it."
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maivalkov · 23 days
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Chapter 33~
Read on ao3
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chemicaldd · 2 years
sitting by an ending world ;; five x reader
“hell, imagine we could live a normal life.” that question always daunted the seemingly cursed duo. “what do you mean by normal? domestic? you’d want to sit around and do taxes and clean a house?” Five, the boy sitting on the one side of the other responded, a snarky smile on his face. this caused the other to give a light punch to Five’s arm. he laughed and shook his head, “it would… be alright.” the two shared a look. “but you’d be a terrible parent,” Five remarked. “says you!” they responded loudly with a laugh. “you got more daddy issues then me, and that says a lot,” Five responded in laughter. “it would be kinda nice to live in a world like that. we’d adventure the world! then live at a beach house and have the time of our lives and grow old together.” the other said, dramatically leaning against Five, who just shook his head whilst laughing. “you’d prefer that over watching the world end with me?”
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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When Calls The Heart - 9x04
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seven-am · 2 years
I have a gift for tumblr :} ao3 loved it so I thought you also might enjoy it
literally just desert duo fluff
The first time Scar said ‘I love you’ was on 3rd Life. Just after his death. Just after Scar turned Red and Grian refused to leave. He had every chance to be free then, every chance to change how it all ended. Because maybe Scar’s confession would have been at a different time, in a safer place. But the two of them were in the desert, a rough bouquet of flowers clutched in Scar’s hands. It was a request for sanctuary, for continued care, for Grian to not leave him alone like he said he would originally.
Grian made a promise, at the beginning. To keep Scar safe until Grian had lost his first life. And when he did? He didn’t go anywhere. He loved Scar. He didn’t admit it to himself originally, but when the words left Scar’s lips… it was like a breath of fresh air. It was true, he knew it was true.
So Grian smiled. He didn’t say it back though. He didn’t need to because Scar engulfed him tightly in a hug and he leant his head on Scar’s shoulder and smiled. He did love him, he didn’t need words to express that. He loved him.
So maybe they were closer on 3rd Life. Maybe Scott teased them relentlessly because somehow he knew, but Grian teased him back about Jimmy. So maybe things were slightly different to how they could’ve been if none of this had happened. But it did happen. And Grian was so, so glad that it did. That first ‘I love you’ meant so much to him. It meant that his feelings were reciprocated, that it wasn’t wrong and that he could be loved (something he had been told would never happen to him by someone in his past – someone he had never really escaped). It meant that Grian wouldn’t be alone anymore.
Scar said I love you a lot. Scar was very openly affectionate and Grian loved it. He loved being swept into a hug from behind, wrapped tightly in his partner's arms, so safe and warm. Grian loved it. He loved Scar.
But this time, it wasn't the best of situations that had led Scar to the three special words. No, of course it hadn't been. The moon was crashing. The moon was going to crash into the world and they knew that they had to get out. There was never an option to stay on this world, even if they'd wanted to.
Scar built a rocket, truly a masterpiece in Grian's opinion, to take them off server, to somewhere safe. his partner’s arms and knowing that he was safe, so so safe here. He loved it. He loved Scar.
But this time, it hadn’t been the most positive reason for Scar to say I love you. Season 8 was weird. Well that was an overwhelming understatement. Season Eight was weird because everything was going horribly wrong and the moon was going to crash and no one knew what was going to happen to them. They were all very scared.
Scar built them a rocket to get them off world. It was the only way to possibly escape their imminent deaths if they were to stay on the server. It was a beautiful rocket, truly a piece of art, much like the things Scar built anyway (and the man himself, not that Grian would ever tell him that). It would’ve been nice if the reason Scar had built it was for anything other than having to escape somewhere they had called their home for several months. Sure, Grian had left places before, he had escaped places before, he had left for his and others’ safety, but never like this. It had never been an evacuation like this, never a mass fleeing for everyone’s lives. And he had never had so much that he didn’t want to lose. There had been friends before, people he had long since lost contact with, people he regretted losing, but never like this. Never anyone like Scar.
So they loaded themselves up into makeshift space suits that Scar had found in his collection of outfits that he had acquired over lifetimes – they were crash dummy suits but whatever protection they could get from the Void would be welcome, even if it wasn’t official space wear. Somehow, amidst all of the chaos and disaster, Scar had had time to dye all of the suits into each of their representative colours. It was so much of a Scar thing to do that Grian couldn’t help but smile slightly. But his smile had quickly turned sour and sad, twisting itself into a grimace, because who even knew if they would make it out of this.
Grian had been in the Void before, he had been one of Them and he knew what it could do to the unsuspecting Player (he shivered, remembering the pain of the frostbite that came from the Void, which permanently marred both his wings and his conscience). He knew how much this could hurt his friends, could hurt Scar. But they had no other choice, so Grian took the protection he could get and prayed that his friends would make it out of this. (He knew really that this experience, whether or not they went through the Void, would scar everyone on this server – apocalypses typically did that to people).
“I love you, you know?” Scar had said it so quietly that Grian almost didn’t hear it. The others had already gone ahead to load themselves up into the rocket. But Grian did hear it and he turned around to face his – were they husbands? Didn’t they get married on 3rd Life? – partner, his face softening. He didn’t want to cry.
The way Scar said it, it made everything seem so final. As if they were going to die and this would be the end. Grian’s heart shattered a little. Up until that point, he hadn’t really thought about their deaths. Sure they had died on 3rd Life, but they had respawned on Hermitcraft. But if Hermitcraft wasn’t there, where would they go? Players with no respawn just died, permanently. Oh. They were going to die.
But Grian didn’t want to die. So he swept Scar into a hug, and then pulled him along to the rocket. They weren’t going to die here. “I’ll see you in the next season, in the next world. I promise.” It wasn’t quite an ‘I love you’ but it was as close as Grian was able to get. He hoped Scar got the message.
The two did see each other again, in the next season of Hermitcraft. Xisuma had rescued them from the Void after floating there for a few months (at least Grian thinks it was months, Time passed weirdly in the Void). They did see each other again. They didn’t die. And perhaps Grian had swept Scar into a bone crushing hug when he saw him again, but that was between him and Scar (and all the other Hermits that were there for the start of the new season).
Time went by quickly and the two built their bases very close to each other. It had been nice being neighbours in the past two seasons, so Grian had built his boulder next to Scar’s tree. More often than not, Grian would wake up in Scar’s arms, curled up in his bed in the tree. It was more comfortable and a lot warmer than Grian’s boulder or the makeshift little house that he had been staying in. Or at least that’s what he told himself. Itwasn’t that he wanted to spend time with Scar, it wasn’t that he wanted to make sure that he was still alive after the events of 3rd Life, Last Life or the end of Hermitcraft 8, and it definitely wasn’t because he missed him. No, of course not.
Scar didn’t mind either way. He woke up gently every morning, the bright and beaming face of Scar looking down on him from where Grian had been curled in his arms. It was nice. It was great even. He loved Scar, but he still couldn’t quite say it outloud. And of course, with the smile came those three magic words. ‘I love you’.
It was on one of these days, where they were just lounging there, neither could be bothered working on projects and the magic that Grian had used on the Entity and the Rift had taken a lot out of him. So they were just lounging there. It had been a bad pain day for Scar as well. So it was in both of their interests to take the day off. It was nice, peaceful, and domestic. Grian wouldn’t mind doing that every day. “I love you.” No fanfare, nothing big. Just a smile and a hug from his partner. Scar said the words so often, perhaps they should lose their meaning. But they hadn’t yet and Grian relished them every time. He loved it.
It was after the end of Double Life that Grian finally said them. He had been partnered with Scar again, perhaps cruelly, perhaps unfairly. The Universe loved toying with him as it was. So he had tried what he could to have someone else’s company for a bit. Not that he minded Scar’s! But sometimes, Grian didn’t think he deserved Scar. Not here, not on this godforsaken server. The last time they had been a team had gone horribly for Scar.
And perhaps it wasn’t fair on Scar to try so hard to have someone else. It had been cruel on Grian’s part. He did regret it.
But the ‘I love you’ hadn’t come with an apology. That would’ve been unfair. It came after their death, when they were home and Zedaph had checked them over for residual injuries. When they were curled up in Scar’s bed, back in the tree because it was nice there. “I love you.” It was quiet, barely a whisper, but Scar heard it. Grian could feel him smile, even if he said nothing. Because it meant so much. It was a first, the first of many. “I love you too.” Grian smiled and tightened his grip on Scar as he kissed the top of his head. It was nice. Yeah, Grian could get used to this.
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astrxlfinale · 1 month
“This cold heart of mine is yours to warm…” -Mei
In many ways, he could see how it's been a new adventure for her. Entirely unexpected, but utterly welcomed by the both of them. Belobog's rekindled warmth was introducing all sorts of new beginnings, and ever since a decisive day in the arctic tundra did a new bond find itself forged between the both of them. The sort that leads an amiable light to settle within the abodes they frequent.
Right within Goethe's old hotel would he find his breath being stolen away in what she admits.
The manner in which Mei's words pierce the moment, welcoming this new fate, allowing for their privacy to be a welcomed shell where these new instances could blossom in peace. For a moment it simply leaves Caelus speechless, his idle hands flexing, arching, trying to level this blissful sensation that runs within his veins due to what she said. Above that, the manner of trust that she places upon him.
He's come to learn how its just so.. honest. Fashioned in a way that would have grim aspects like deception utterly salivating. It stirred a protective drum within his own chest, echoing in the rhythm of his starry heart as reaches for her, allowing for his hands to smooth along the fabric of her jacket as they skim her shoulders. It was a simple wish to merely marvel who was settled before him, allowing their eyes to lock with the other.
"..If I'm being honest? Sweet as that sounds, with what you showed me, I just can't entirely believe it was merely frost there." Anyone could come to the natural conclusion by touching her. Even now he felt the natural chill her lower body temperature hosts. That certainly didn't deter the kindness in the many moments he has witnessed by Mei's hand. Heart like her's would redefine the very concept of 'cold' if that is the case.
Wasn't it no different than how he's redefining the purpose of the Stellaron?
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"A fire burns your heart too, a kind flame." Caelus steps forth to admit. "..But if it's for anything else?" To slot himself in a way that can mesh seamlessly with her, that can challenge, bringing joy in ways both unknown and entirely welcomed.
He would be proud to situate himself in such a mold.
"That's where I want to be, Mei."
The hands upon her shoulders would carefully grasp along her shoulders, offering a squeeze that opens a vent of reassurance above all else. For an instant he'd get lost in the glacial glory of those eyes, letting the molten warmth of his own golden gaze shamelessly reflect the joy between them. As the distance closes as his mind played those very words on repeat, soon their lips would meet, entirely by his own volition as a tender kiss would grace Mei's lips. The moonlight spilling through the window would be their witness.
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midwxstmilf · 1 year
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happy valentines day, aleksandr. you're my favourite dumbass and one of my favourite people on this planet. thanks for the hours, days, weeks, and literal years of being in each other's lives. i don't think there's anyone else i would want to do this entire married thing with other then you. didn't see us going down this path that we did but i'm happy and grateful that we did. you're absolutely gonna make fun of me because who am i for pda and being soft on main to you. thanks for being the best dad to fox as well. did you know there's almost 800 fanfics about you? that's the weird fact to wrap this up and keep it from getting far too soft. except now i'm over seeing what people insert you into. anyways love you, @memefckboi. 💕🐶
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Mornings with Jonathan Crane Involve (Scarecrow x Reader)
Hot showers together
Southern breakfast in bed
Cuddles before you both fully wake up
Forehead kisses to make you open your eyes
A half hour of reading before you greet the day
Soft words of sweet nothings
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valiisthea · 9 months
Dion is going to find himself swiftly and firmly pulled into a warm hug; his face being squashed against Vincent's chest as they hold him tightly. A few minutes pass before they sigh and give him a finite squeeze- doing their best to translate as much of their love for him into that one action as possible. They won't let him continue the day without knowing he's loved and appreciated. "You looked like you needed it," they murmur as they let him go just to tilt his chin up with a leather-clad hand, sending him a small smile of encouragement before releasing him completely. Vincent is going to kill Sylvestre the next time they see him because this boy in front of them deserves so much better.
Random Dion Love || Always Accepting
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Confusion is his first and most immediate response. As of late, it seems he's been the target of many hugging schemes - a show of affection he's never experienced with anyone beyond Terence before. Part of him almost disbelieves that it's something people do on a normal basis - but the ease with which others seem to pull him into their arms clearly states otherwise.
But, after the initial few seconds, he finds his body relaxing from fight or flight mode. Tense muscles unclench, the semi-frantic rhythm of his heart calms, and he brings his own arms up to hug back almost uncertainly. Almost as though he isn't sure he's allowed to reciprocate, despite the affection clearly being shown him, first.
"I - Thank you." He says after a moment, voice gentle and hardly above a whisper. He hopes, nonetheless, that his gratitude is obvious.
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poor-boy-orpheus · 1 year
I think sometimes it is okay to be sad, even when you are happy
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happer08 · 2 years
so like everyone in the nhl is getting married so like, maybe dancing with ej at someones wedding???
"no buuba my feet hurt so bad" ej was begging at this point, the wedding was winding down and he wanted on more dance, even though he said one more dance two dances ago. "cmon honey please, just one more and then ill take you home for a bath and a foot rub" "ej please can i just sit here till you are ready to go?" "honey i wont be ready to got ill you dance with me one more time" you sighed and looked at the mostly empty dance floor. "just take them off, ill make sure i dont step on your toes. i might even let you stand on my feet" he flashed a toothless grin adding a wink. "youre so weird" you laughed as he kneeled starting to unbuckle your heels setting them to the side. "cmon they are playing our song"
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chimmyxkookies · 2 years
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🔷𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆🔷 🔸𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅 🔸𝟰𝗸 🔸https://archiveofourown.org/works/39499611 ~Jikook/kookmin ~Fairy JK/ Human JM ~Hanahaki Disease ~Hanakanjō ~Fluff ~Happy Ending
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autobotmedic · 2 years
What -core aesthetic are you?
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a field, golden hour, sweet pastry, and a friend to share it all with... yep, that's what peace is to you. you love nature of course, and are especially fond of bugs. you don't necessarily like the taste of honey, but you adore the /vibes/ it gives you. also, if you don't already have tea time regularly, you dream of the day you'll have enough time to properly sit down and enjoy the sweets and the quietness that come with it.
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thurs-days · 2 years
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