#is this whump?
fern-writes-whump · 10 months
so obviously drinking blood from someone's neck is incredibly homoerotic, it's a classic for a reason
but someone drinking from your wrist? getting to look at them as they sink their teeth in your skin?? being able to watch as their eyes flutter close and they barely hold back their instincts to devour you whole??? Being just as enthralled by that sight as they are by your taste???? hello?????
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(Almost) Every injured Sebastian
TW: Canon blood / violence
Started saving every bloodied up panel of him from the two arcs i remember him being severely hurt in because I am a disturbed individual
OH, but there WILL be more! Starting this post as a thread !!
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artbunkat · 2 months
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I'm so SO normal about Nikola Orsinov, I like her the normal amount.
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winterspiderpurrs · 9 months
I just want Peter to be in sensory overload. To the point of TEARS.
The team doesn't know what to do. They get upset that Peter is upset. Who gets more upset cause now everyone is yelling and it hurts so bad.....
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Prompt #148
Cw: captivity and dehumanization
“Happy anniversary my love,” the god said, shoving the thief to their knees with little more than a light tap in the center of their spine.
With their hands bound, their balance tipped them too far forward and they landed roughly on their shoulder, a hiss of pain escaping past their gag.
“A mortal?” the other god gasped. “How incredibly thoughtful!”
“It entered my temple in attempts to steal my offerings. I took it as an offering in itself. After all, no mortal would actually believe they could steal from a deity, would they?”
The god’s eyes flashed in the thief’s direction and they shrank against the floor.
It was supposed to be easy! Temples didn’t have guards, so it should have been in and out with no opposition. The gods weren’t supposed to be real!
“[Prelate]!” the second god chimed crisply, summoning a previously unseen servant from the shadows and to their side. “You know what to do. Give it whatever it is mortals need to stay alive.”
This is a little convoluted but that’s ok. Kinda deciding whether this other god has a mortals collection or if they are preparing to eat the thief’s soul. I also imagine this prelate as either a demigod or a minor god or just some other mortal who got intimately mixed up with deities a long time ago and now can’t live normally. In any case, I want them to fall in love with the thief 😅
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sage-thetravler · 6 months
idk what this is called but I just thought of something
so imagine it: Aleksander is in the tree still, hand imprinted on the wood outside, hand inside pressed into it. He doesn’t know how long it’s been- all he knows it’s been awhile. He feels a presence on the other side, Nikolai’s Beast. Why would nikolai be there? He feels the beast press its hand to the spot outside, and then it dissolves, merging back with the power Aleksander has. He doesn’t know how, but he knows. Nikolai is dead. The beast would only return if he was dead. And for some reason- that hurts more than being stuck there.
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lesbianwriter · 1 year
Hello there! I hope you are doing well!
If you feel up to it, would you mind fulfilling my slightly odd request for a powerful monster (you can pick what kind if you want) discovering the inexperienced but very determined monster hunter that has been hunting her for a while has become a member of her kind herself?
I hope you have a nice day! And don't forget to take care of yourself!
The night was calm. Crickets were chirping. Owls were hooting. Fireflies had begin to float through the air, flickering in the dark like stars. There was no obnoxious stomping through the forest or tripping on branches. It was unusual.
Villain strained her ears, trying to figure out if Hero had become better at sneaking around or if she hadn’t shown up at all.
But there was nothing.
No rustle of stomped leaves…nothing.
Crossing her arms, Villain paced around her lair, kicking at a pebble as she walked. “She can’t just…leave me.” The pebble skidded across the ground and ricocheted on the wall after an especially fierce kick. “I’ve been so good to her! I mean, I haven’t eaten her yet! I let her try to kill me. So why would she abandon me now?!”
Villain, a powerful demon, could have easily killed Hero long ago, but she didn’t because she liked the game. It was the most anybody had ever interacted with her in a long time. Creatures avoided her; they could sense the power emanating from her and would scatter when she got near. But Hero didn’t. Hero was reckless—a hunter with little to no experience or survival skills—but she didn’t ever run away.
And now she was leaving.
Villain contemplated the idea of her going out to look for Hero. Hunting her down herself.
That would show Hero something about commitment!
Sighing, Villain stopped pacing and looked out the entrance to her lair. It wasn’t like Hero to run away from things. She was stupid—so foolish and audacious, even more so than most hunters—and it was uncharacteristic of her to do so.
It was possible she was late.
Humans had hundreds of mundane problems that hindered them…perhaps Hero was being hampered by one of those myriad of things.
She pouted, staring at the entrance, listening for any sound of Hero, and finally she decided to go out herself and look.
Hero’s hands trembled.
It couldn’t be real.
She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. It was cold. Her stomach growled like a beast, and she wanted more than anything to rip something apart and devour it, but there was nothing near. It was her, the cold, and the forest.
Leaving would mean that she would kill a human. Or, she would run into the other hunters. They’d see what she became and they would laugh at her. Before they killed her, they would taunt her for being so stupid.
Stupid Hero. Weak, stupid Hero.
Sobs wracked her body as she curled into herself.
She couldn’t be a demon!
Her whole life she was raised to be a hunter! Her parents were hunters, and their parents were hunters, and so on and so forth for generations. And she was the disappointment. The scion that couldn’t take up the mantle on her shoulders; the scion that muddled up the bloodline. The one that ruined a proud, noble lineage.
It made her blood boil, it made her want to kill something, but if anybody knew what she had turned into…it was truly over.
“There you are—why are you all the way out…”
Hero kept her head down and kept crying.
It was Villain’s voice. Villain had a pretty voice, a pretty smile, and a pretty face—she was deceptively gorgeous and alluring like all evil and dangerous things in nature.
“Hero, it’s okay.”
“It’s not!” Hero wailed miserably. “I can’t be a demon! I’m supposed to kill demons. I’m—I’m supposed to kill you!” Her breathing trembled. When she tried to wipe her eyes, she only cried harder, gasping for air.
Villain crouched down in front of her. “The horns haven’t grown in yet…” She reached out, touching a hand to Hero’s face. “I can help you, darling. Breathe. Match mine.”
Carefully, as if Hero would shatter into pieces, she pulled the trembling hunter into her body and wrapped her arms around her.
Hero didn’t understand how Villain was so calm. Each breath was long and deep, winding like a river, and her bones didn’t rattle with sobs or shake with fear. Hero didn’t understand why Villain was helping.
She sniffled into the demon’s shoulder and took a shaky breath, trying to match it to the other’s. “I—I—“ she hiccuped. “I don’t wanna be a demon.”
“It’s not so bad.” Villain soothed.
“Why are you helping?”
“I would’ve liked someone to help me.”
Hero blinked through her teary eyes. “I’ve tried to kill you. Still—it doesn’t…”
“I was abandoned when I was turned. I can’t let that happen to you, too. I like you.” Villain held on a little tighter, her embrace a little warmer. “The next part of going to hurt, so I need you to hold onto me, okay?”
Hero whimpered and nodded.
The past week of my life has been very…😬
I’ve gotten behind on asks and haven’t been very active in general this week, but I really do love and appreciate all the support I’ve been getting recently because it’s unreal and so amazing. Thank you to all those that left an ask and those who enjoy my content :)
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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When Calls The Heart - 9x04
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uvanuva · 4 months
I just wanna share this amazing moment that happened today
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I searched but couldn't find where this one drawing task is from, there's a bunch of those on pinterest but no artist linked :(
I love this kind of things where we can complete with creative stuff, so cooll
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always-anywhere · 1 year
okay so imagine with me right?
villain x civilian type beat, there's a large attack in a major area of the City, either caused by the same villain, a team of villains, or whatever. the civilian gets caught in the crosshairs and is badly injured, the villain does not have the resources to help civilian on their own.
the villain is like, cradling civilians body, but as the paramedics or heroes arrive on the scene, they are too scared to approach the villain, who clearly needs help for civilian. no one dares move any closer.
the villian can beg for mercy, pleading for them to help civilian.
they can whirl around and yell because "why arent you fucking doing anything, help them!"
or whateva y'know
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bebx · 8 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
i love this character so much......i hope they get seriously injured and almost die
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viaalterego · 8 months
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feeling called out today
credit: _ADWills
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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My blog has become infested with angst goblins, and they must be fed with some hypothetical scenarios!🙏💚
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candaru · 8 months
no no. you don't get it. the reason I injure my blorbos until they can't walk is because that's the only way they'll ever let someone else carry them. the reason I curse them to be sick and feverish is so that they'll finally open up about their emotions while delirious. the reason I force them to overexert themselves to the point of exhaustion is so that when they pass out they can finally rest.
I'm doing this for their own good.
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